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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1872)
-I ILTlllft ALBANY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 39, 1872. VOLUME V. NO. 18. BM PASMOJ. TO IXIVE. ..rwn The word was hissed from lips like steel at white heat. as colorless and yet as burning, ami the black eyes alwve them flashed out from beneath long, silken, and intensely' midnight lashes, such deadly glances as conk only be rivaled by the serpent when surrounded and rolled for the spring that would fling Its venonied fangs deeply toward trie tormentor's heart. The expression was commonplace enough. Is daily used by thousands, but never uttered when all of mali ciousness an enmity to death was more concentrated within its letters. Attd it came, too, from the lips of a woman, girl, rather, and a most beau tiful one when free from passion, when not entirely absorbed and given over to rage. With more than the usual bight. Pauline Mossart had Inherited very much, also, of her father's pliysieal strength, though, covered by the softer aud untaxed tissues of womanhood, t here was nothing of the exterior show of muscle. A Creole, lu tin- strictest and purest sense of tlie word, she had lost nothing of the Are of the race in tlie transmission of blood nothing ot i he sensuous ripeness of either flesh or color, that tlasiteti suddenly ami witn titfid brilliaucv through the soft skin. touclied with olive, only just sulticient to relieve it from sallow paleness. Her lialr just missed being of the most raven blackness. Had there not tieen just a faint tinge of blue, such as i, - - ,, - tTA. 1 1 .. !. otteu lingers even in me ripe ueiry, a would Have Deen so. Her eyes match h! tlie slightly-waving hair, her teeth were white auu regular, neautiriu, out more than ordinal lv pointed and sharp. 'I'Ikj mouth was small and tlie Hps rimson, but trie upper one arched de fiantly. The uoe was straight, with nostrils large ami transparent, as seen in horses of the purest blood and greatest speed. Her hands and feet were small, but tlie limb and arras. though tapering greatly, soon grew large and indicated tlie strength she possessed when arroused to act .on. A more intense, self-willed, passionate and determined girl could scarcely be found one that very few would dare to cross. Hut now she had met lier match, for the time at least Held by either wrist by a man much more powerful than herself, she could only vent tier indignation by the oft repented words tlie most vile and expressive one she had yet learned, whatever might oine in ttie future. They bad been lovers perhaps were so even In that mad hour to a certain extent thai Is, the fire that had caus ed the blood to flow impetuously through their veins had not yet had time to entirely cool, though the re sult would be ashes. Yes, lovers had Pauline Mossart ami Pblilp Bansome lieen, though as utterly opposed by i ih t ore as the Arctic and tropics. Not that he was wanting in depths of feel ing but lie was of Northern birth, aud the hot kisses of the sun hud never maddened his brain or heart. Ills love woukl be as ilrm as his native granite hills, while hers was volcanic in both Its convention aud expression. For months all had beeuys sunshine aud flowers between them he giving to her something nt his firmness and self-command sjie imparting some thing of her warmth, and both gaining by tlie interchange. Hut tlie wild rtorra had hurst suddenly and fearfully, and witli a hell of jealousy convulsing her nature Pauline raved like one in sane, and had even attempted to re venge what she supposed to be a break ing of his vows of fealty to her with a tiny dagger she was accustomed to wear as a charma little, but a dan gerous weapon. Astonish!, unguarded for such a movement. Philip Ransome had re ceived a slight wound. Dt with the first Issue of blood lie had seized her slender wrists ami instantly robbed the tigress of power to inflict fun her harm,' HQlfiRs t SSI0ftT Thus they stood; lie controlling himself, as was Ms wont, and firmly, though gently a possible, compelling her to Inactivity, Sit a she fluffed B the very Hps with passion, boiling over with battled rage, ami Impiously eu- lea wiring to relieve her overcrowded heart by hissing out the hutofnl word. "Pan'," lie said, as soou a he could sufficiently compose her by tlie torce of his stronger will to listen, even though it ndgiit 1 flttdry. WW I tbe name of Heaven does this mean ?" "How tlare you art -oVIl y" There appeared to be uo other word that would suffice, and batwMslanJ ,n unftAp-y somewnat dangerous situatiou, lie stall yourself, at least Vnfflciently to me a coherent answer, if you pleaseTand explain, If you can, the true Import of this scene. came to visit you. as I have long been in the habit of doing, and you accuse me of something I cannot fancy what and you spring upon me like an uncaged tigress. Nay, more have drawn blood." She glanced down at his wrist, saw the crimson stain there, started, smiled jubilantly, and hissed out from between lips wild with all-absorbing passion : "I thank heaven for It, but wish it had come from your heart." "Will you not explain f " "How dare yon ask such a question, aud of me P Look within at your own black soul." "f see no accusation there. Paul." "Never call me that uame again." "After this Interview is flnislied I promise never to do so. if you wish. Now I must learn, if I can, the motive you had for acting as you have, it, in deed, one can be round." She looked at him steadily from mi ller her long, curled lashes, bit her lips, as if to strangle the words formed noon them, drew deep respirations, aud at length said, In a more sulxlued totie and in a tar less passionate man ner : "Mary Irving?" "Well, what of her?" "You were with her last evening, sir." "I admit it. Go on." "You remained late." "Yes." "You kissed her when yon parted." "No. Lips of mine have never touched those of womankind, save your own since I plighted my vows to you." "It Is raise as" "Hush ! Will you listen to me ?" "Unhand me. It Is unbecoming in a gentleman to thus restrain a lady." Even after she has "las was about to say, "attempted hi lire," but did uot. "Pshaw! This toy?" and she tore the miniature dagger from the chain by which it was suspended, threw It down and trampled It savagelv under her feet Then she looked him square ly in tne eyes, wttti tier own still show ing the baleful tires of the most relentless jealousy, and continued: "You dare not tell me that this girl this thing-did not kiss you ?" "I did not say that, but I did that I did not kiss her." "A miserable pretext ! By heaven ! she shall learn what it Is to come be tween me and the one I loved." "She has not attempted anything of tne kind to my knowledge. "But you were with her tor hours, and when you separated her arms were flung about your neck aud your lips met." "In the latter particular you are wrong, though I frankly admit that she did attempt to kiss me, ami so far succeeded as to touch my cheek. ' "Ami you permitted It, sir?" "Where I could not prevent I was forced to momentarily submit." "And was that not lover" "Is there uo such thing as gratitude. Pauir "Tlmt name again?" "It is one I have loved, and mv grief is sore that the charm should tuns miieiy tie tinmen. Aiir that want of self-restraint and mission should be permitted to turn Icono clast." You liave not answered mv ques tion." she replied hi still more sub dued tones, aud site noticed the deep and settled sorrow upon his tace. Was that not love?" "Ami I ask. in ranlv. if there cannot lie such a tiling in fervent gratitude i But are you culm enough to listen to the explanation you seem to demand?" l es, yes site gasped, controlling herself with a mighty effort. 1 will he brief a Is possible coti- sisteiit with the nature of the case and in justice to myself. The girl who has so causelessly raised your ire (as evert you will be forced to admit when I have finished) was my playmate in childhood, the daughter of a very dear menu or my parents. AM a, 'very dew Mend' of yours:" she interrupted, in a tone of stinging scorn. Well", "he answered, after a mo ment given to reflection. "I see up reason to' 'deny that. Yes; a dear friend of my own. She is a good and nobl girl, and I wish to heaveti there were more like her In this World, But please listen to me without Interrup tion. I have known for a long time that her widowed mother and herself have been l serious trouble on account of a Inward sou and brother, ami would have proffered assistance had not silent, Paul, and listen. Last night matters reached the crisis. I Impell ed to be passing tbe baiise, trtts called In, succeeded in quieting tneir rears. and at once took tfje proper measures to save young Irving from tlie conse queuces of btt'.rblly am almost crime That. Paul. Is tlie entire story "All?" gasped the gui who had every moment grown more pole, had become almost gliastlyt "but you per mitted her to kiss yomW "As I have Intimated, I had no volition in the matter. But I have in another's." "Another?" she re taking the place of pa- with tear as she read ttie rate she most or lu the steady flashings of h ft hat in the name can you mean?" "Simply this, and even after what has happened, I spare you as much as Is possible simply that from this mo ment our engagement Is at once and forever broken. "You cannot mean It Phil Phil ip !" aud the iron sink deeply Into her soul. "Heven knows," and the nervous twitching of nerves and misty eyes at tested the deep truth of Ins Words: "Heaven knows I regret the matter as much as you can, but there Is no other alternative. I liave loved you as few women have ever been loved ever will be: but after tlie fleree and terri ble exhibition ot passion I have wit nessed I would not dare to trust my future in your hands. My Hie might better be wrecked suddenly as it will be than to linger it out in a living, continuous hell. Farewell. Paul ! may Heaven bless you f May you be as happy as I dreamed, but alas ! but a few hours since. I should be with you for my bride !" Site had sank into a chair and cow. ered at his first Word, had vainly at tempted to fortify herself by pride, but it was no avail. The resolution was as tierce as the Are had been, aud long before he had forfeited her head had sunk, and her race wits covered by her burning hands. And when tlie last wonls wen spoken, when tbe feet, pressed her clinched hands to ber temples to somewhat still their throb Mugs, stood for an instant as one transfixed, and then with a wild shout of horror foil heavily to tbe floor. Two years passed and the gossip that followed that terrible episode in the life ot Philip Ransome bad become almost forgotten. He had kept his own counsel as tar as it was possible to do; had seared the wound by the power of a strong will, .and if It rank led at times no one was the wiser, save that they might have judgetlfrom his coki ami reserved manner, tie never seeking tlie society of women. In tact avoiding them, until It became almost rudeness. He had simply spoken the truth when he said his life woukl be wrecked aud the heart that beat against tlie rocks of disappointment was often sore, and the Hps that never uttered the name he had loved most of all others became as iron to all terms of endearment for others. Yes, his lite was wrecked totally,' hopelesssly wrecked. But of her who had been tlie cause when slie had permitted the simoon of jealousy to sweep over Iter soul and destroy every flower of love brightly blossoming there ? No one. save those with Whom she had lived, knew of her departure. She loft! vanished like a shallow a sud denlyas totally ; ami wlien the great heart of Philip linnic somewhat recovered from tin effects of tlie stun ning blow, ami Ih- became alarmed for Tear She should liave destroyed liersclt. , and when he made inquiries, lie was ' utterly battled. No trace couW ibe ) found of the star that had so suddenly been blotted from the sky ot lite, and J lie was forced to lie content with the Information that die was still living , and well. iSsSiMn-" i That was all very little. It was true, but all, and when he communed with himself during the dsrk boms he grew to feel blame for having dealt too harshly with the beautiful flower that had been horn aud nurtured to woman hood beneath tropical skies and tropi cal sum null! her Jwnt became as pa ion mid her blood lis (fame. Still the world knew nothing of this never 'wctfDd firms' lis ftps Mil In death. If lie curried a skeleton with' hi his breast no, one. should ha the Hethre himself" Into bti. ness as he had never done before, and Increased in wealth and hi fame, and mothers made bold to whisper to htm that he should marry, aud the girls tricked themselves out, aiMLtwt their most seductive glances upon him. But It iltfrMI Mil iWlaMl IHn the sweet story of the aloe, bad blos somed mice and djetLand it appeared aslfnolhlng col stir, tie dead oeated. ajmeaaed oWSBlven ashes into warmth, not to say tire, again. Another year and changes in busi ness called Philip Ransome from home to Cuba. Gladly be availed himself of the summons. He needed rest. Deeded change, needed something to arouse his mind from constant brooding over "what might have been," It was at a time when tbe fleree population wero In arms against each other when tlie reins ot government were being snatched from hand to hand, and human life was a thousand fold more uncertain than was gener ally the case when mad passions were permitted to run riot, and the ruler of to-day was the fugitive of to morrowwhen guerrilla warfare was the rule and systematic strife tlie ex ception when tne innocent and the guilty were alike indiscriminately shot down, and trees that at nightfall were barren were hung thickly in the morn ing with human fruit But Philip Ransome gave little heed to these tilings. He was no par ty to the feuds, took no interest in and kept himself entirely aloof from them kept a closed mouth and depended upon his proud title of an American citizen for protection. Yet he linger ed longer than was absolutely neces sary. Tbe gay society, the soft air, the almost absolute freedom from care, had many charms tor him, and he un derstood, for the first time in lite life, the true meaning of the term, "dooe far NfeMie." And If tlie truth bad been told, the beauty of the women the sweet lan guage that (eseeiallv when used In song) appears to "melt in the mouth," tlie lustrous eyes the hair of waving ebon, and the graceful, well-developed forms had very strong attractions for him, whose heart appeared to have been chilled Into stone when In his colder, native clime. In fact, they brought vividly bade to htm her who hailoeeu alike as an angel from heaven and a demon from its antipodes, and his mind so changed that lie woukl liave been little surpris ed if she ltad started up before him at any moment in all ber superb beau ty and all her Incarnation of tlie mas rer passioni iovc mua mho But the time came when tie must tear himself away from the surround ings that had operated strangely upon his character unnerved him to a cer tain degree, and made him unbend from his customary stermies. Busi ness would no longer permit bis re maining, even had not tlie danger lie could uo longer Ignore warned him to depart, The authorities had grown powerless, the strong arm of tlie law was weakened : midnight murderers stalked boldly abroad, and men were shot down upon their own door steps. More than once he had receiv ed warnings that it was very unsafe to remain, and at last lie determined to tear himself away. He would sail on the morrow would take his (proba blv' last walk atnld scenes lie had learned to love so well that they woukl never be forgotten. It was an almost moonless aud star less night lie stood upon the steps of his hotel, lingered before starting up on his walk, and even as he did so a shot was fired. He saw tlie blaze dis tinctly, wondered what it could mean, who could be the victim, when lie was still more startled by a woman's scream, aud rushing dowu the steps was just in time to catch in his arms the falling form of one dressed as a nun. "Great heavens.'" he exclaimed, giving no heed to the fact that be might be in danger, "are you wound ed much hurt!"' "Yes. yes ; may tlie saints" And without 'ever being able to finish the final word the head sank heavily upon his shoulder, and tlie form became limp in his arms. That, was sufllcleiit to awaken tlie tender heart of Philip Kausome. That a woman was wounded, perhaps, no inatterwho or what she might lie, was a golden key to his heart ; and lifting her in nis strong anus ne carried awr tllixt her to hi own room, Ns own bed. summoned away the deen hood and shrouding vail, gated for a mo ment upon tlie bloodless tace, and then sank back with a groan of anguish. Pauline Mossart ami he laid met again, but under terrible ctrcmustau ee. Ami how the words thrilled tism him when lie was told that she might tile that the chances were greatly against Hfo. All the trials of hUfor. rner life were as nothing to this. But after a time site was stifllciently easy to be told of his presence to see who it was that stole like a ahuttow to her hetlside. gentb'. took bar thin, white nana atw i toqttijr pre it to hi Hp. mum WIHIHI-CH laid her upon assistance, tore "Now and ever, Paul." "Once I madly attempted to injure, you-now 1 have, tbe Holy Virgin be praised, saved your life." "Impossible!" "It is true. Lying here, the gates of the other world unlatched and ready to swing open for tbe passage of mv poor soul, my Hp can utter no raise hood. I have long known of your presence here, have endeavored to watch over you night and day. I saw tbe cowardly assassin taking aim at you as you stood with your noble form In full view, rushed between, and heaven be praised, have saved you." "Bv giving uy your own lite ! hor ror !" "No, dear Philip ; It to as It should be. Living I would never have told you tills dying I may. I have never ceased to love yon never shall. Do what I might I could not tear your dear Image from mv heart, and I shall carry it with me to heaven, for, though never on earth, there you shall Indeed be my husband." "OGod!" She had tainted In his arms ; he be lieved her dead. But it was not so. She lived lives, and with a passion brought into subjection by trial and penance, abetter wife cannot be found. But still she wears a broken toy dag ger as a charm a charm against cause less jealousy, and a warning never to be disregarded. IIIMMVI, What's the difference between a man cutting the en:' off his nose, and boy who nas just learned a task? One lessens his knows, aud the other knows his lesson. A local, describtnga recent accident. says that "the ball entered tlie groin of tbe victim, and passed thence Into ins ftoiow region. rue precise local ity of this region is not stated. A Democratic editor says : "We are living at this moment under absolute despotism." He married the wrong woman. A rower savs : "We have adonted the eight-hour system In this ornce. We commence work at eight o'clock In the morning, and close at eight lti the evening. A Connecticut boy swallowed three marbles and four millets recent ly, and, being somewhat of a bony structure, is now utilised by the neigh bors, who borrow him a a rattle-box to amuse their babes and sucklings." A resident of Kalamazoo Writes to a school board" in Ohio, that be will take a school, as he has "tought 2 terms school ami 1 attended 1 college 4 yrs at detrolt, miclilgaii, and am vi yrs avage." I alius wear buckskin mits." ob served an aged denizen of "Short, Woods," as lie was trying on a, pair in a store, vestertlav. "Thov Is as comfortable like a emiv to the hand, and save botheriu' with a haiidker chl'f." A Jealous cotempomry says that the clfv editor of the .'acksotivHIe (III. JixuHut has frozen his ears a foot deep. tint that, as tney nave only ueen am putated at the second joint, lie h is an abundance left for the requirements of Ids position. A gentleman to .w hom a lost racket book was restored by a little boy. was so overcome by tlie honestv of the youth that lie forgot to reward htm. Scene In, a Hartford hake-simp-Boy presents a torn dollar bill. Lit tle girl, who Is acting chief clerk : "My tatlierls very perpendicular about wklngtom bills." A milk dealer who, on opening a can of milk, found a large bullfrog swimming about, sent w'urdto the for mer who supplied him. that he thought his milk strainer was entirely loo coarse. In Ifew Hampshire, the following is posted on a fence : "Nottts Know kow is ailoutl In these medders,cny men or women letten than; kow run the rode, wot gits biter my meddera atore seed shall have hto tall cut orf by me; OlsMliah Rogers." A new PsTrfleld man who failed to . get a thirty cent pineapple for a quar ter of a dollar, wanted to know -whether we are breathing the (wre air of freedom or being strangled with thki Kith! Kmmi th .,r ii,.ntaii ii,,JmtiJm" The storekeeier aki tb(.,were the id...,..! JLA n