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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1872)
DRY GOODS DRUGS, KTC. DRUGS, ETC. JOB PRINTING. THE ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWI R AM HAM 1 11 B S S E S, Utcst Mid inort Desirable Styles of Printing Material, U undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels Bui why particnlariw, when it U gon crally acknowledged tlmt we are ON IT &' -J. tLiV il''' Mi W Don it comes under Cue he'd of Fflitlnf 1 convince yourself of the truth of the nbove statement, yon have only to call (or sent n hand Ac companied ly three sfaiiiiw to pay return postage) Avheu we will astonish you with the capacity of the Keo office for doing i. Colored or Plait f work, and flie rc- ! mark-able ele gance exhib ited by the Boss In Corraling tlie stamps for tin same wlien tinlsliert. When you hav "bl" In our line, call. A hint to (he sufficient Is wise m n blind kick' horse, or words to tlmt eftM. 5vi . iijtois. MEW STORE, SEW GOODS ! The undersigned will soon open An Entire New Stock or DRY iOOTS, Faint Goods, OLOlfHIITG, HOOTS, KHOEH, HATH, ETC., KIT. 4 NT) REQUEST A CAM. TO EXAMINE i their stork, lsifore purchasing else when1, assuring purchasers A Savin of fifty Per Cent In their price. We have facilities for presenting the most complete swrtmcnt of (jomwever otri-re:t in this market, nt reduced rules; Hnd haye adopted as our motto, --yuiVA tal anil mull pri'J." Call and See for Yourself. KLINE A CO., In nr. Tate' Brick, Albany, Or.' Sept. !, 71-3V4 NEW STOCK ! JUST OPENED. GEORGE TFRRELL HAS NOW OPENED OCT. AT STORK recently oeeupled ly A. Cowan A ( o., I on First street, Albany,!! new nnd well se i leeted stock of ; DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GENTS' CLOTHING, tic-nts- and Roys' Hutu, BOOTH AND NHOEH, Wood Ware, Crockery Ware, G-rooeries, Which he 1ms purchased in San Francisco, ! for coin, ami which lie will sell AT THE LOWEST PRICES, I FOR CASH OR PRODI CE. All who want the BENT HOODS AT LOWEST PBIt'E, Should give hiiu a call. CEOHUE Tl RRELL, First Street, Albany. Albany. Sept. t, IK71. M8W1NU MaCHINKS. rilJC CMT.KMJtATKD Buck Eye Sewing Machine. Price MS ; without table, 3A Five 3BCi.nc1-re3. OLD IN OREGON For the Year 1871 ! No Family can Afford to be Without One. The uimw of the lil t KEYE stands without n rival on this coast. Iluudri'ds ) wlio now use them pronounce them to lie : nnrsinalled for family use. EVERY' MACHINE WARRANTED. i The BIICKKYB makes the liOck-atltcb. which will not ravel. Tho v arc simple and i durable, and have less machinery than any other machine, therefore are leas liable to I get out of order, AGENTS WALTER, To sell the BITKRYE, the lat and only low-prtcod niaehlne t liat has any merit. Machines shinned to any nnrtuf theioast upon roeeipt of price. For further partknlara enquire or ail- j l,rW" Jl. PEARSON A bp., (ien. Agents for l'lielflc Coast. GRO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, .SuocoMor to I. W. Waketleld), Parriab'a -New Building-, Firt street. ALBANY, OREGON. Denier in DKl'GSAXDMEDICINKS. CHEMICALS, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, and of the iH'st llu!itV. Physicians prescriptions carefully com pounded. Albany, Oct. Ij, IstiWItf ISTOVKS, KTC. W. II. R'FARLAXH & CO., Oppnsltr the hotel, Albany, Oregon, SUCCESSORS TO 0, P. TOMPKINS A CO. STOVES, RANGES, Force nnd fiift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, HOISE I I RNIMIIMi HAIIDWABE, Till, Copper und Slice! Iron Ware. LABUE.VT KT04H IX THK VALLEY. Loweit Prices Every Time. Bepalrlnir Properly Bone. 40,2 1'iUJlT TREKS. Fruit Trees, Grape Vine, Ac. rpilK INDERSKiNED INVITES TUB 1 attention of the public to hi large and complete stock of APPLE, PEAR, PLUM. CHERRY and other TREES. Also. OR APE VI ES ls-st In the State; Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Plants. Cur rants. OoosebeiTH , strawberries, Rose, Dahlias and Bulla which will be sold a low ns flrst-ehis stock can lie afforded. Nov;MJy4 J. A. MILLARD. I.iltEslI FRl'ITS, jxiicbes,.gmiics, apple, ? pears, etc., by Svt DiltOIS. SOAP KANE'S CONDENSED, THOM as' Cold Water Itlrachin:;. and other kinds. Sold by WHEELER, llv4 nt Sliedd. UARDWHJtE, X E V? FIRM! W. H. Kl HX ft CO. Have Just received a large and well select ed mock of HARDWARE, Such as Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, 1HNRISTIN or ANVILS. VICES, HEI. j hiws, liaiumers, BlellKe saws, planes, cross cut and mill saws; together with a large ASeiO HTM HINT OF IKON AMI NTEEL, Nails, springs, axles, thtmblc-skcin, bolla, etc., etc., e(e. A well arleeted stork of "Wagon Timber, SPOKES, III Its, Bent rim, aluifl, poles, hlukory axles cle i All of wbluh are now offered to tiro pub lic nt low rates. As we make the business a specialty, we am and will keen a better assortment, at lower prices, than any house in this city. Also receiving and opening, a large and splendid assortment or WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we ofltrat reduced rates. W. II. KI'IIN A CO., Montelth tlrc-pnxif brick, rirat street. March It, lu-ii NOW IS THE TIME! XOXK TOO TOOK TO BUY IT The Cheapest Live Newspaper on the Pacific Coast ! THE Attafiy Register An Elicni-Page Weekly Newspaper, COVTAININU FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS of matter, written and selected to meet film wants and taste of all varieties of people. Tlic RKfllflTER Is printed on new and elegant type", contains a earefully written digest of the news of the week, liotli local and general ; is plain and outspoken on all matters of political Importance, while its columns contain a fair share of literary and miscellane- (HIS rending, etc., etc., making it the , most attractive paper in Oregon, The REOISTKR Is offered to MH scrlbeM, from now until the close of I the volume. FI'LL SEVEX MONTHS ! For the extremely low price of ) 1OI.LAU HlfTl-V Whicli puts It within (lie reach of all. Will not the friends of the Reoistf.r make a vigorous effort to put into the hands of till their ncighliors, as at. the i price it is tla? eheaH'sl newsHiper pitb- lishtsl on the Pacific waist ? DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES. NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS ! M. MILT. REACH Is now opening a Selected Stock or General Merchandise, Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Olotning! GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Crockery and Glaai Ware, BOOTS AXB SHOES, PAINTS AND (KL, ETC., ETC., AND IS OFFERING THE (UHlllS TO the publicat prleescorrespondhig wit li the time. All kinds of lnerchnnlnblc produce taken In exchange for goods. Come one, come all, and examine prices, at the old stand, formerly occupied fiy D. Beach A Snn,oppnit Foster's hrlck.souili side First street, Allatny, Oregon. 31v3 0 GROCERIES AND rROVISHINS. lu full X upplv,Just reeelveil by 3v ihthois. FIRE i FIRE! FIKE! "A BUtek In Tiaar Have Nine." UNION Fire and Marina Insurance Company, N os. 4 it; and IIS Cnlllomia St., RAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Stockholder IntllvMually MaHle. Cash capital. In gold coin, Deposit in Oregon, - . ITMI.000 00 . .10,000 00 IVeaaea prontntly and equitably ad Juated, and PAID IN GOLD COIN. TUIIS COMPANY HAVING COMPLIED with the law s of Oregon, by making a deposit of flftv thousand dollars, is now pre(Miii'd toetTect Insnrnni-e against loss or damage by lire, and also rcninst marine and inland navigation risks, on terms. (II ST AVE TO! (1IAIID, President. Chas. 1). Havkn, Hecraar, in. M ENDENH ALL . A rent . Alban v. 1 Allwny, Wl-W Murder In Albany HASNHVER YETDEEN KNOWN, ANl no threatening of it at present. Death Is a thing which sometime must befall cwrvson and danjhterof the hnman fam ily ; 'ami yet, At the Mid-day, if your life, if disease lays his vile hand uin von, there Is still "a lialm in Glletid," bv which you may li restored to perfect hiiilt h, and prolong your days to a miracu lous extent . HOW ? Ily calling on R. C. HILL 4c SON, With a prescription, where yon ran hare It compounded by one experienced In that part ieiilur line. Alan, constantly on hand j a good assort ment of fresh drugs, patent i medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, dye st nils, trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrated I nk Weed Kcmcdy, S ( r, Ori'goti Rhcilmatlc Cure ; Dr. I). Jayne I A Sons' medicines, ote. , SpiMice's Positive and Negative Powder Kept in stock. Also agents ior ine Home Shuttle Ncwlnff Machine, One of the most useful plews of household furniture extant. Cull and examine. It. C. HILL A SON. Albany, June in, " W0v3 ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. t CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Mainifar lures Steam Engines, ' Flour and Saw Mill Machin ery, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IRO AMI BBANH 'ANTIKUM. Particular attention paid tnri'iniringall kinds of luaehinery. 41v3 NIUSEIIV. SETTLEM IRE'S NT'RSERV, ! Six Mile Noutn of Albany, Una '., NEAR THE RAILROAD. rSODK IT THE ATTENTION OF ALL person desiring to purchase fruit tnsj to call and examine my stock, which Is I comnoscd of Hie largest and Iwst selection I in the State, consisting of apples, Kiirs, I cherries, plums, prunes, grapes, hlackbcr ries, currants and roses. Also, black and i white walnut. English walnut, hickory, ! peean, rettlrad, honey locust, hackberry, i and a number of other varieties of trees , and plant too numerous to mention, all of wmcn are oncrcn at low rail's. HENRY W. SKTTLEMIKE. Dec. 17. lmti-lS DRl tiS and MEDinNES, PAINTS and Oils, o lass and Putty, sold by Wheel er, at Ml KI D. llv I Wool. SHAWLS, long and wiuarc, t.lnld i VT and striia'd, for sale by WHEELER. ! at Shedd. llv KIL1.-HKAD PAPER. ALL SIZES, JIST reeei v e.l Hnd for sale at this oltlee, low for cash. rpaji WARE, lil.AW WARE, CIKK'KE 1 ery, ljitnps, Ac, c, sold by Wheeler, ut SHEDD. Uvt BLANK DEEDS, MOHTA(iEB, ETC., on hand - latest styles and for ale low. at thisofheu. PORTLAND I10TKL. METROPOLIS HOTEL. Corner Front and Salmon Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. This new and elegant hotel, with Kcw Furniture ThrouKhout, I now OFF.K TO THE PVBUt'. Bath im for the aeeeniniadatlen f Unnla. FREE COACH TO THE HOWE. Cone and See Fa. J. B. tiPBESUEB, Propr. Oct.7,"l-Svt OYSTERS AND SARDINES, NITS AND Candies, und other knick-knacks, sold by Wheeler, at siiKDD llv I MIES! I VEGETABLES, In full supply, by 1 3v4 DVBOIS. BATHS, ETC. ALRANV HATH HOUSE. rpH I NDERSKiNED WOULD R I sHTtl'ullv Inform tliecllla'nsof.Mlauiy ami vlclnltv'tlmt bo has taken charge of this establishment, and by keeping clean r(Mnis and paving strict attention to host ile expects to suit all those who may fa vor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-claws Hair BreaalnK Haloona, He expects to give entire satisfaction to nil, children's and ladies' hair nuUly cut and shampooed. 8cpLJya JOSEPH WEBBER. fgr Suliscribers finding an X after their name are Informed that tlmlranwserlptkw expln with that number, and they are In vited to renew It, Tcnna-tatmranniim, In advance: six months.'; .three month, ''tar Legal tenders received at par from iibscril'rs In the Eastern Stateti The Bar-Keepera tUmrg. UT S. A. IIOTT. A few years ago I was stopping for a time in a village lu the central por tion of New Vtirk State, and (liiriittf my stay a series of meetings were started under tlie siipci-vlslon of KKV-r .lacoti K nn pp. tlie linptlst Revivalist. After a period tl Interest iKHjarue very marked and sprcntl into all por tions of tiro town. Business tor some days was entirely stopped, to give the IK'ople tlie better opportunity to "seek tlieir gouls' salvation." Prayer meet ings were Instituted in various parts of the town ; and finally ft noon prayer meeting wa lagun In tiro bar-room of the principal hotel. Tin- hotel keeper not only made 'no objection, Ian even encouraged and assisted those who at tended nud carried on tiro meeting. One of tlie results of tlie prayer meeting was tlie delivery of a Temper ance sermon, by Kltler Knapp, in which he related various incidents which had NtssI under his own ob aervatlona. tending to illustrate bis subject; and among others gave tlas following iiarRition : 'A rtmiseller rose one night in my congregation and said : I have sold liipior for many years. I have been tlie cause of much ruin and degradn tion, of great sorrow and misery. Only yesterday a man bought liquor nt my bar. went out and started for home. He had gone hut a short way when lie fell anuf broke his leg. He was taken up and brought into my sitting-room. Ills leg was found to be so badly broken, that amputation la-came necessary. The surgeon was brought and very soon the operation was performed. As I looked nt tlie limit, nfter it was removed, I thought .: That is my work. "I have done mischief among every class. One day a few years since, a young man came Into tlie bar-room and demanded brandy. I knew him. He was from one of tlie most respect ed families in the town. He was .1 graduate of .1 college, a man of ability, of wealth, of refinement and of great promise. He demanded liquor. 1 felt that I ought not to let him have it: hut I wanted his money so I poured it ont. Soon he returned and asked fnt another glass of brandy. Again I felt I ought not to let him have it, yet again for his money I poured it out to him. Soon the third time lie returned, and demanded the third glass of bran dy, and though I felt again compunc tions of conscience I supplied him with the damning stuff and lie retired. "Soon after, having occasion to go out of my bar-room, as I went toward tlie tarn, i saw my customer leaning against a post. As I approached him. he shuddered and appeared frightened, and at the same time cried out: 'Don't hurt ine. don't hurt inel' 1 told him I wouldn't persuaded him to go into the hotel, took him up to a spare room in the second story and put him to lied. "I thought no more about him. Tiro next morning a friend of hi tame in and made inquiries concerning hint. Something within me, I ean"jt tell wtat it was, made me reply he Is dead.' I then told him of the occur rence of tlie previous day, at lias same time leading the way up stairs. Wo advanced to tlie room and entered. We turned down Hie clothing of tbe lied, and there lay what was left of its once noble young man, cold, stark, dead I "I shrtnk away, for It seemed as though I was his murderer. But I did not cease selling rum. for I coukl not give up the idea of making mon ey. Oh.' if some strong band bad been Interposed, If some strong law had said thou shaft not do it,' 1 might irortaps have been saved, but now I shall go down to my grave feeling, in my soul that I am a murderer.'" Such were the words of a rnmselicr in that revival meeting of Kkler Knap. and I thought when I beard him tell it could we desire, and if we did, could we have a stronger argu ment In favor of prohibition? We Would protect tlie man who drinks, by telling him he shall not have it ; bttt hero is 11 man who sells, and I doubt not there are thousands of others, who would la; protected from the sin of selling and from the perpetration of crime arising out of tlie act, by a law whicli shall prohibit him from contin uing In bis traffic. "But," Optimist nsks. "why does lie not stop selling!"' For tlie same reason, that vou do not stop your bus iness he wishes to make money. "But is he. to make money at tlie ex pense of his soul I"' "By no means, but so long as humanity is tiro poor weak humanity 1 is now, just so long will money be the "root of all evil" to It, and just so king will men barter their eternal happiness to gain it, and the question fur us to consider, is whether or not we are free from guilt and arc not inperiling our soul wlien we let them do it? If a man stand by and let his brother mini kill his nt-igh'-bor, lie is held equally gnlltv of the murder, and so shall you ami I optim ist, If we stand by onr hrotlwrs, tjnd allow them to murder other of oar fel low brings, be held guilty ? Will tbe crime entirely rest upon tlie rum-seller, or shall we And that we in littiug tlie skirts of our garment ami in rnov Ing afar off that, we might let hu ' alone, nevertheless spotted tbem with t tlie convicting and condemning blood? Hon. John Rich, a leading Indiauita lawyer, is dead. Ml ED DM. A. Wheeler, dealer in general merchandise. A large stock of all kinds now in store and for sale at low rates. All kinds of produce bought at highest market rates. Cash paid for Wheat, Oats, I'ovk, Butter. Kggs. Ac , nj;i