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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1872)
1 A Thrilling Story. ten teaks wrrn the s a v aoes ok the -ilti MMj nid u., ji.- onii FAB WEST THE KXI'EUESOE OE j,., a, w m.;,vJ (O iHfU tache. st ilicrljrhtof tlie nose. '-That's another mark tliey gave me Tilth ItnAha-.vk on tint iim-ion. Wcll.JrS Mnaioufrtai7bort. tliey eiirrfd me tin-in up to in-.- muiiiitiuim. Thrv il.inee-l arouiai irto,. 8u& autt plaVed on Hie looiinhis iii-nrly all wn Biy r8 ' xvni CUT. IK Mills. TIIErAJK'EStaN H-K- IIOW 10! WAS v AITBliKD AM Nti U IV - At.rEl llf KJS.U. RELEASE sua maxta touub wn. imtai.ra-- ring tnrotigli mv imw. (W. .Tolm ITobm a Union' Hwr rw tlnriiwmy ton rfciir cafli Aiul i,.i;,i flohrnr nf ,n,.ri inn! tivtly v ItWt aim foinll no lii-lii. for a Ioiil' threat- ;.i,ipnl it. ImfUtey liiiu.iiipsl touaiipl;iiut of her fiitlai-'s now fan-, nr to what yo-it may ittu it. to tattoo in;-. 1 c 'i vtci! so trotljrly that they j w.i made warrior,' ami N'ortlierii MeatitS, is thewestofa well- j w' ont with them on alt tln-ir war im Known publisher in this eitv. lie ar- j ugtnwuUiiisixIittousucroiii ga riwl in the MetnMioiis a lew davs ago , mxtm Kuai-r, and several fiiiies in; direct froai fort S-ihrwk-k. lie lias probably mitt'ered jrreater liarl!ili-i front arid lias gAtttcd a greater knowl PthjMl the plain and frontier Indians tliaa any oilier whito man living in this country. Hi thrilling adveohwei and haiid-to-haia conflicts, with the Ap-iolies dnrliisrihe paSl quarter of a century and captivity of ten year among tin- I'oaianehes, would alt'orvl plendid in atari a! for a first-class ro mance. The exploits of this Individ ual utterly overshadows the deeds ofthe renowned Kit Carson, with whom he was intimately ae luainted, and com pletely Mirpase8 the doings of '-.Buffi! BU1":ukI -t.'aliforiiltt.oo."1iose came near lodnj; mv life while flirht hut the Apaches aud 1'awuces. All torn, toy body lajars .s.-veiiiecik. hullet and arrow JTOHuds." lU-inovin lits boots) tlie Caiitain exhibited to the ni iwrter five buck-shot indentures" !u tiie right leg, and three or four gun shot and arrow wound; in his left Innh. ' remained with the red-skins two years heore 1 was vioade a warrior. AlKinf six months after this event, while liming alone In the mountains of Lower SoJa. I heard the break bigjif a twig not far from where I was standing. Fox-lied my rifle, thinking it uiterlit lie a cinnamon bear. I did not bear the sound a-pUii, but Instead ninx in iNtniwvtinu whh Indian flrfit. saw a Ha Pawnee warrior who stood log luwheeu before the public in various j partly concealed In a dump of cliapa twriodteal during the past seven years, ral aliom 200 yard distant, Welook- lWutl v a Tim' representative en- j ed at each other fully live juinnte.s iovi (1 aiuriioi;r"--.convjjr-atioii with the , without drawing a bead: suddenly he grim o.'il veteran, and learned from his , raised Ml gnu ami fired at nW Withont owullps omeiirtlcnlftriioaucvent-fcikliigflUM. I jumped to flic right ful career. and escaped, still keeping my eye on The Captain was found at the oftloe I the Pawnee ; he dodged around, hut I of a stenographer who was lawlly enr- soon bim lin e It square in the head ployed in taking notes to he used in J and scalped him. When Hearing the onueetlou witha forthcoming history lalgesj got two ash poles mid ?(iu-k of hi- life. He Invited the reporter to ! the ends of each into tla- ears or the Iks seated, awl landed him a pipe of j scalp it's the style of the ( 'oinaiiehe-s mil me natteiu with a stem alniut four ; to take ears and all and iiiarcJied into women did not need two servants, and tberumoii illsmlssed the faithful old 0BJ3ihy, who Irnl hieu Manriee's st:' auiLh luge ill the time of trouble. lite M slmuM ie!u -he said, hut 'ii tun; in 5 lie went amy at !a-r. and Unuriee kej.t cut of her furious relatives," way until evening. Then -lie went down Into the draw ine mom M see bhll nlmie. ami lir roa.1 Bd tiloria Omilllltlv tlll-IM'll 111) ; III Mr a li'Ifer etmt In dim in t'lirram Bit at this Hi-a, and'siK-nttlieir ; fi-oiii the dviiur Imiai ol'h. rdear idhiiu lings m !!. ma. i-xpresdiur tlie v. i-h tliat he would i ce soon hesMii to crow thin! m irrv tin-little oidIi-ih ilaiiL'htpi-. And ! under tlii s new dispensation toMiiiuuv's delight I'llneoAlalboiinie i put lii-'arm aroiiml her and nddisl : 'Audi love yon. my child; will; you be my wife?" And s " she m nil i! (Ii- Prina-and ' went to live In his ea-tle. DBUGS. ETC. f.r! hi length, wiueli lie iigiiteilanijui- dulgixl In a few whiffs as a starter. That ji;e," said be. "I captured from Aigalanune, a Montezuma Chief, thir teeii years ago, and 1 would not part with it fa-a tliousand dollars." While smoking, the it-orter surveyed the I r-mau : he is fully six feet in hi igbt, sparely built. Is as straight as . urrow, has small, black, piercing ( ye, long and coarse hair, as black as a coil, a swarthy countenance covered with -ears, and ii complexion in gener al that has "been so fanned by exposure to the win and windtliat it resembles strotigly that of an Indian, lie wore a -nit of buck-kin. fautastically rrangi d, but his person was devoid of jewelry, which is such a characteristic Weaku'eV of jjontier men. On a bu- tvau at tne ngltt restea a taige wmte sombrero, wlnle in oik- comer of tlie r ' m, near the stenographer desk, v.vtv scalps and tomahawks and other relic ofthe forest, ami of sanguinary conflicts with the savages. As lie had i er was sold for eight yards of enrtaiu I wen a eiptive such a great length of cilico and a pcapid of coiuuioii Missouri time among tlie Indians, it seemed a tobacco. After being rausooied, tlie matter of surprise to the reporter that Captain'sought the home of his youth; he could convene so flueutly in his j but li ef his relatives liad removed, inothertougne. He explained this by : and, heartbroken, lie retraced his steps stating that lie kid as a companion In j and made his way into Mexico, where i aptivlty an Americaii, and had fi e- he joined Plackia La Vega hi his war camp. Five mtunies later seven hundred warriors, headed by Old Wolf, whom tiie United Slate? soldiers and Mexi cans well know to their sorrow, sur rounded me. and such shakluz Of I bands) luiggiug I ueverexiierWiiced before. The cfiief the next moruinc gave ine his third daughter as a brider By our marriage I nave seven chil j dren." "Where are they now ?" ina : ried thejreiKimr. "Oh, they'ra ruu i niug wild on the JKains." replied tlie j Unptoin, laughingly. He said that iu , the Fall pf ls-17, alter numerous lights with tlie United States soldiers, during which be tried to escape, (rather dubi ous,, the Comahches concluded to sell him and another w hite prisoner named lin ker. Thus after ton years of eap I tlvlty, lie was taken to Fort Itent. and was sold to Go". Sumner, of tlie Sixth : Cavalry. The Captaiu was ransomed for six yards of red Uaiinei, one jxauid ! of tobacco, and a striugof beads. Kirk- ,u;nt inten-ouse witn trapiiers ami herdsmen whom he had assisted hi cap turing. ly this mode he liad managed to retain his English perfectly. Ills knowledge of dates was also surprising when it is taken into consideration that ne v, i- cameo on nv ine .oniaiH-iie when but twenty years of SSc. and pre- Mexic ins, he agai'u vlonj to tliit event had hot little tchool- ! with Old Woll am against the Church Party. At tlie con clusion he made his way to Chihuahua, and was einnloved bv Gov. Anzlestres to tight the Ajpacbes at tlie rate of $50 ler scalp. W itli thirty Mexicans, dur ing six months, they raised ninety scalps. Jjccoming disgusted with tlie l.l-l III- iwimne, 1 tlie Coinandies. iae. He continued tiirhtine with tliem two or tliree years ngaiu-t otlier tribes, and wheii the French invadeil Mexico he repaired to chihuahua awl was made a Lieutenant in tlie Liberal finny bv Denito Juarez, and imrtici- : ; pa ted in the kittles of Ixm Hembra He was Iwri in a small frontier vil lage on the Big Blue Kiver. in tlie northern portion of Jackson county, iu the State of Missouri, in tlie year is2D, I nt' does not remember tlie mouth. When but a mere lad lie gained a great reputation animig the lianly back-, Mazatalau. Zipick, Santiago, Esipiau woodsmen and trappers of that section i tito. Siera Aleger and various others, a ; a wonderful sliot, as L-e liad Ikh;ii j down to Queretaro, wlien Maximiliau known t-i bringdown a deer at foot surrendered. At the close of tlie war huiKlred vards. At eigiitecn lie was a j be again visited bis Indian home, and, sttcoesiftd ti-apiK-r, and knew every elk growing tinxl of tliat siecies of exist p.itii and otter jiond for miles through I enee. determined to live in tlie future tlie w ilderness. His shrewdness at- i among civilized in-oiile. Ills talth, tracted the attetition of Bent, the great Sr. LouU far trader, who secured his services when nineteen. It is to this incident that his subieipieut misfor tnnei and ten years' captivity ami auf- ferlnzs anions the COmauciiea may W however, in Imniauity lias been terri bly shaken since lie lias been in Goth am, as he lost 150 in greenbacks at a place of public amusement a few eveu ings since, lie lias clinuged his mind consklerabiy. lie siieaks tlneritly the tttributed. Sliortly after entering the dialects of seven different tribesCas- tilliau ami halt Montezuma, the lan guage of Northern and New Mexico and Sonora. lie is probably the only white man tliat can aid the historian in translating them. 1 JMIEHIXI.A. Iir ESTIIEK SEKLE KENNETH. j AVhy her papa liad married Mrs. i Granville, Maurice Laev never could ervh-es of the fur company, as the Captain related, he and a companion, James E-ittlesHT French Canadian, w ere sent to the Cimerone Springs, near the head waters of tlie Arkansas river. At that date the wlwle country was was almost a iHiwling wilderness, v. ith but few settlers scattered here and tin-re. and w,is swarming with hostile Apaches, Pawnees, and the scourge of Northern Mexico, the Mood-thirsty ( 'jiiianche. On tlie 17th of September. 1 -i". as their luck liad been had. Bat- j tell. She was not even an old country ; -1 ivved to Hobbs to start further j woman, she wits a -harp, driving, si tilth, where game wasfflpposed to lx- sour Yankee, so Maurice said, in aliuiuBace : tlie latter aojuicsced. : The Laev's were Irish., Maurice Lmriiig tlie evening ofthe first days' . herself had been bom iu Dublin, hut trip Hobbs trailed a buffalo. His cap-) coming to America when only a year lure is given in ids own vernacular. old. aiid being well educated both hy rutting spurs to my mare," said tlie , the instruction of her father and by i ,;,!aiii. -I soon overhauled the var-; private teachers, site was Irish onlydiy mint, which proved to ben cow, which j pareniage and tlie cliaractiT ot her i killed, iiatt ies soon joined ine, and j blooming lieauty. At seventeen alio after we cut off all of tlie meat we was very pretty," with loose brown hair wanted we built a fire and bunked in curling about' her white neck, star f..rthe night. The lollowlug morn- Inigbt eve, a wild rose glow upon her ing, while preparing onrgrob, a war dieeks a'ud a most charming, hhjhhred P'UTV "i iweiiivoiiiaucneoraves, witn , air eight or ten Pawnee seahis and a Her mamma liad died when plie drove of stolen iiouies appeared on tlie , was.llfteen, and from tliat time Man scene. The leader of the band ad-1 rice, who had domestic tastes, became vanecd toward me with ontstretcbed j housekeeper at Ogletlwrpe- For two bauds, and growlexl out "Howf I'ymra there was mncli comfort, and answered him In a friendly way, still then, to Maurice's unspeakable dl. keeping an eye on my sliooring-irous. ! may, her fatlier married Mrs. Gran All of a sudden one ofthe most de- villi-a. woman whom she liad never nioniae veil lluit ever ereetid a mor- ' lieard of. tal'seaa was given, and before wej Mrs. Granville arrived with her two could move the whole pack of hen- ! daughters, Madge and Gloria, dashing -hounds were upon us two iioor devils. ! girls of twenty and twenty-five. Th They killed poor Battles before my j reason which Mr. I acy assigned to i-ves, Kalped film, took off his inocca- ' Maurice for taking a wife was that she sins, secured his line and ammunition, was growing sta Oevond tier vears: and then made for ine. But tlie Chief tliat Mrs. Granville was a good house- someiKiw took a taiicy to me anu uraw- Keeper, ana tne companionsmp or tiie i d off the pack oner iney nao aunow i two gins would oe an advantage. finished me and liad the knife to my. Maurice was petite and gentle, and scalp. "Look here," so saying the! Gloria andMadga looked on her as ( aptain parted the thick black hah- on nothing but a child, whom It was not the side of his lasad ami a long w hite j worth their while to notice, and as for scar was revealed. "That's the com- their mother, die made a feint of as ineudH' place, " lie resumed, "and .In sinning the rousekeeping took charge two Da.inutei"tluie jonger I expect tliey of tlie keys for A week hut left the would Iwve raised my tOMiot, for eer- Imrden of (te mrrwlth Maurice. In tain. Do you see this r' Here he point- j deed, she made matters much larder ed to a deep scar jnst above Ms mus-j for her, saying that a family of four oceanic cnroiiic, and coiilined hi;n to she fras makinsr the tauter lire one morning, when Gloria and Mfhlge iae into the ailjaetnt library, aui iiedly la'king. "O, the lion -i' h beautiful ami tlie ptrtmds are lovely, "saii I Madge, "aud Mallmui ne, the ovvner. i-as hind-oine as aCi-ry prince." -And how old is this l'tiine M-il- bmui.e ?"" asked Gloria, -About thirty; ju-t the right age for a man. The nOIMeftylS Ixen shut up fw about three years while the iua Ii i hu.-becii abroad, hut now he has retunied. and , is going to give this tirty as a sort of hous.-wifrnrii And they do tog tliat he lias auuotnieed his iiiteiitlou of marrying now and settling down, so ho is ou the lookout fora wife, puilulily."" "The invitations retpiojit (tb guests to appear In fancy drjwP' j "Ve.s; won't that be Lcautii'iil? 1 shall go ;u a .sultana." , . -And I as a Oeoifalraj'' Shliuices young heart beat hard agaiii-t la-r calico dress. A fancy dress party u'as her delight ; shcJiad a pas. siau for custuuie, SIk- knew the inaii- slon wbeiv the naitc was to ! iriven. a clarb)Kiiliice, called -The Asnens;" and tlie ow ner was a dark, haml-onie Knglisluiiau, whom she had occasion, ally seen in ojnveisatiou with Prince MalbouriM, tlie title w hich her step sisters liad given him, suited htm well. Tbore was something regal in his ap-lieaj-aiice. Her heart came chokingly up into her as she thought that IJcinco Mallhiurne and everybody elsf scwuiil to have forgotten her existence. Tlie next evening Madge and Gloria speut two hours in dressing for the lull, ilaurice v,as evi called up to arrange tne su.tana s enou tresses, and w hen the work was ooiii;leted sue stole aayaj sviih a li-w taiturai tears. Siio.was crying most heartily ut the kitcl4'it tire, when the door oieued and iu came a little bent woman in a cloak. 'J, igood old Cathy," slic cried, "how giad I am iots-e you!" It w as the old servant who had ser ved the family iu her mother's time. And what Is my child crying by the kitvlien lire tori-" asked Cathy, "i want logo to the natty to-ukbt. and I've no invitation and no dies-," said Maurice wiping her eyes. "What for do you want-an invita tion, w hen your mother was the gen tlemnu's life-long friend asked Ca thy. 'The devil lly away wid that stepmotlier's o' yers, Unit has given out word that yer dead, likely ! An' as lor the dress, "there's a chist o' old country cloUie's iu the garritt gowns o' silk and satin, tliat Was worn by royal ladies iu Ireland? They belong ed to your mother. Aw ay wid ye. an" suit yourself ton lit among them." Hope brightened the girls eves. Away she Hew, and iu less than half an hour rutm-ued to'theN Uteheu so trail -formed that her old friend hardly knew her. Her curls were- tied up with a silken snood ; wide, embroid ered sleeves fell from her snowy arms; her figure was clad in a w hit)' silken x ttiooat, over w hich wastr.tilingopen robe of green satin with an ermine border. A ruby necklace was clasped about lier suflwy throat, and Iter beau tiful face was radiant with delight. At the party nobody knew her, but everytiodywas delighted with her. Her stepsisters, ho tf-ever, sb.- gave a wide birth. Especially when" Prince Malbouriie came ami asked her to dance, for their eyes. were fixed greed ily upon his every movement, lie was puzzled to kow who Maurice w as, his four years' absence luul so changed many people that he bad encountered many refused identities during tlie evening. But lie was sure tliat liers was the loveliest lace he liad seen since his return to America. Maurice laid heaixl the clock strike twelve, ami taking alarm for fear her sisters nad gone, and should hnd w house locked against her. -lie fled from The A-spens end sped homeward. She laid barely time to strip off her nunlnt costume and return it to the Old eliest. before Gloria called in no gentle tones ami commanded her to comb ont her hair. One w as sulky, white the other scolded because Prince Malbouriie bad (slid them so little attention. But tlie next day tjiere was a great flutter among the ill-humored doves. They iio.longer peeked each otlier, but went lovingly down to tne dress-room. Prince Malbouriie bad culled. He was most eha'-iiiing, regretted that Mr. Laef was- too ill to receive visitors, honed tliat Mrs. Laev was well ami that the young ladies enjoyed tlie pre vious evening, and finally produced a little satin slipper, which he said he had found upon tlie floor of the balk room after the guests liad departed. He wished to know if it. belonged to Miss Madge. Madge could not liave ot twoof her toes hi it, and Gloria's feet were larger than her sister's. Hut tlie name Lcy was embroidered among the dlkeu roses ofthe shoe. "Are there any otlier Lacys in the neighboriiood f Let me ask Maurice, " said Madge, and not seeing lier moth- .tr-d fr.iu-ik iju, -lll.ul l.i. ...I.... .-1... - The l.oui-ville Utlgm, gives tin- ftti lo wing specimen of a Kentucky con versation : "Hello, dar. what you ax fordal old blind mule, Ik-v?" "Well. I chimin: guess I inont take thirty live dollars.'" -I'll give you live!" 'Well, yon may have "im; I won't stand on thirty dollars in a mule trade." Ai HijhiotKibly dressed young Ja ily passcrf'sotne gentleman, the other day, one oftliem ntlsisl his hat. n'here Mpon another, struck hy tlie line an peareuce of the lady, made some In quiries chutiiPitiie her. and was an- swcii d thus": -She makes a pretty I ornament in her lutliers lion-e, hut otherwise i- of none." WhHe recently engaged i" splitting wood Jone.s stnu-l; a EIHe blow, caus ing the stick : to fly up. It struck him on the jaw, and Rtincktd out a front tooth. "Ay'sahl Hill, niis-tbig hhn soon after, --you've had a ttenhuoper atlon performed, I see." -Yes." re plkd the snuerer, -axd-ilental." Why is the earth like a black board Y " BcciiHK the children of men multiply upon the face of it. MtLLLSHlii, fHm& MAKING "They Who Have Nothing: for S.-.le arc Tarthckt from Market " ! A. CAR0THER3 k CO., AVUO KNOW THIS TO HE TRUE, Arc now koci'in?, nml also d nstmitly re ceiving atlt!tlitiii to, The Largest Stock of Goods USUAL TO TZrCIR TBADS M1LLIKERT. DRESS MAKING. U.AiJi t-' AJK1I 5 -iiSI.IMlK.Vfs FURNISHING HOUSE I rpnu rSDKltStGXKP has dpknkd a 1 new Block ot luUunery kooiIs. iriin- inhuca, Itulles ami chlMrenSi fnnuiihin troaus, of all kinds, of tirv' latest nml most fiishioiuitile si le-, wlik-h stle offers to the lading of Ai'mhv and surroondinx country t the lowest ratua. 1 the Dress IrlaUnjr Department I guarantee entire SntUfeellon. t'harges lilieral. ABOVE PORTLAND And AT Sl'Il PRICES That Purchasers Shall be Satisfied. 5J:CIAiriKS : lol'.ili.-s;. Alwuyson linnd.ladlas'nnd cldldrens' ready liuidc muter clolliiiijf, cloaks, aaeka, ata-Qiia, etc. Dnwi Trimmings. .til extensive vb-rii.-iy el' silk. Pathi, otton anil woolen dress trtuunlRffS, alM u.vs in store. lonliifijr. Ilonev-i-oinli.oSti-fielinn and waterproof ctolh, o:' the liest qtinlilies, I-'r, Ete, Ladles' and cliildii n's com plete sets of fnrs nml swandowin of iutest styles. Oilirnons. Latest lumd, at tow figures. 1 les voasluutly on WlHrellnnMtua. -I.lnlns and findings ot nil grades ami qualities, a full assortment. JACONKfS; Jtrsi.ixs. EMBUOIDKRiES, i i'l.M'MI I.1M.X, Mil AMI AI.C OTH Kit VAltlf.'l'lKS OF UI.OVKS, HUSK, KTC. riiiinntlon lietmr to srive fatisfae- tvle and onnlity of work and My it linn in prices, I ask a (bare of pnlilic pntroiiHge can anion) Oppcsite A. Carothera fit Co., First s!reo Al'mnv, Oregon. MRXIiKNHaXL GOI1IJSY. I!IS. ('. r, MkMJMHAT.L. Mltti. HABAJ4 O. (MiDI.LV. ' l-ir Sgent f ir Mrs. larpeater' Cfle DIlATFJ) PRES4 MoOFI,. Nov. 4.71-'Jvt PATKNT GATE, ETC. Sclf-Opcniug and Self-Closing GATE . FATEXTKD BV JOBS WCKASOX, June t, Wfi7. 'I-HK (i.VTE IH 80 rilXSTIUXTEDTIiat I when tlie vebicla nppitni-hes it tlie win els on one aide )iss over a lever wlik-li h cniiiHH-tnl to tlie irate lihute by a rod, tlms opcnlna Hie pUe l-i'oni yon mid fast eniiiK It opon. After golnif tlimnjtli, tlio eftrrtnge pnses over a shuiliir lever, also ounneeteq wilh the gate hm-ste, canning the gnto,in its rotation, to ahut behind you and fasten. No Getting Out of Your Vehicle ! No liaising of Latches Nor Pulling of String, er'a frown ulie called ALitince,wbowaa weeping the stairs. Maurice blushed and trembled, but tlie moment Prince .Malbouriie saw the face he tpnutp toward Iter. "My dear little Maurice! My old friend 'a daughter I" he cried. "Uoes he know anything about the slioe?" snapixxl Gloria. "Yes, ' said Maurice. "I lost it last nlg-llt. hut I did not know ir until after fgot home, and tlien I thought i niu-i nunc vunie on iu ine nam," '1'he three women looltnl like three thunder clouds iust readv to burst, and appall everybody with hail awl light ning, but Prince JIalboumc took no notice: lie kent fiut bold of Maori,. - little hand until he pronjlsed to let hhn Tisit ber ujion the comhigevening. He had somethiiia of imnortanr St say to her. Except the "rit)tions"nf your tenni. often called It is TUB "LAZY MAN'S GATE,'' Aud a "Dead Open and Shut." This gate Is simple ui.itsooiifitruction, both of Iron and wood work, and not likely to get out of order, a neat, cheap gate is desired, it may be made light, wit Ii three ero1 bars ot wood and one-fourth inch wire, neatly .cuKed at the top, the lower end hid In the bottom Imr, which Is the style of n factory mado gnte. The gates are now In practical use In several of the count lesnroiuiu Mil r nuielsco, and plenty of testlnionlnals can lie given. TH0MA8 J. SAFFORD, Having pureliased the Right for Linn Co., On-pon, Has now on band, mid will manufacture the above descrl'iediflito. Wherever ii hu Uvn used it has recelvcil the highest en comiums, in the large number of oertifl cates from prominent lanuors in all parta test'lfy countTy' "ow 10 Wy nB1 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, Of All DMcripttona, On hand and manufactured to etdm. niaeksmlthiof and Repalrlaf Done to order at moat reasonable rate. Hhop foot of rcrtjr street, opposite Bench, Montelth k Co. flouring ibIUs. THOMAS 3. 8AFF0BD. Albany, Oct. 48, 187Wlvl Beaidea a Large Stock of DRUGS, CIIGUICALg, PATENT MEDICINES, Pnfiits.Dvc Stuffssand Oils, The; keep Yankee Notions, Oonfeotionory Finest Tobaceo & Cigars WOSTENBOLM'S COT LEE Y, Sl'lVES, PERFUMERT, All kiada), TOILET SjAl3, AND Everything USUALLY OBTAINED IN A STRICTLY First Class DRUB ESTABLISHMENT. KO ARTICLE SOLD Bat what ia Guaranteed To Be JUST AS REPRESENTED, TULximt Too Oood. Arctic Soda! At CAROTHKM CO. I. C, Harper e"- i . 9 0 Pi Pi N2 6srf '- ii i m d Mi? o tn & " CO CO CO CO C i" rs -j P 5 '6 I rj 0 g H jsrvj w'S5 g y a n m m M w ES U K 5 H C t&f C s 9