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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1871)
satuiu a y, octobkk 21 , 1 n . lT. N. Oftirtnl Paper for ttrrson. In digging a cellar in Portland, recently, the bodies of three infant were exhumed. Picard has been appointed French minister to Italy in place of fount de Chosqui, removed. Portland has already forwarded 10.000 to th.e Chicago sufferers, and hopes to scud much more. A new issue of greenbacks 1 as lieen ordered, to replace those de stroyed by tlie tire in Chicago. At least 3.000 persons are report ed as having perished in the recent st im- ai d floods of v. hii-a. Representative workingmeu of England have issued an ahlress de manding a separation of Ch.urch and Mate. flrtOifiBMWi Ttip Iwon Tnujtht. The late disaster in Chicago has developed the plcnsii g fact, that while, our people are leaving no stone unturned in their untiring ef forts to accumulate wealth and intlu ence, they have not lurt those nobler and more exalted traits of character, growing out of Christian bene volet ce and sympathy. The munificent sums being so promptly raised and pent to the sui'ferii g, lire scourged in!! aY.ta..tsof t hat devoted e'ty, from every quarter of the i.'nion, indicate that the great na tional heart .bleeils in sympathy with the suffering, the poor, the distressed. The greed for gain, the strife for honors, the struggle after jositin ai.d influence characterize u as a ?ple ; and though much of sordid selfishness is exhibited, and m cl aritablei :ess shown in the treat ment of comjielitors in the race, yet th.e avenues ofsympathy leading to the great American heart are still open to the flow of it christianizing Ah Kan, a Chinaman, was bund murdered, with head cut nearly from his body, in a Chinese restau rant, San Francisco, last Monday. Boss Tweed and his Tammany strikers controlled the. action and nominations in the recent New York Democratic Mate Convention. Many Americans in Europe are leaving for home, on -account of the ' hicago calamity, ('en. Lurnside was to Kill la t Tuesday. C old-bearing ipiartz was brought into alt Lake on the 38th, from Lrigham Caiyon, which assayed 81.000 to tie ton. Charles Myers was shot by Chris tian (iiindhoin, in a lager beer sa loon kept by the latter, on Kearny street, lau Francisco, last Wednes day evening. . - English ad vices from Odessa state that bOO buildings in the town of l'agostoo have lieen burned bv in cendiary tires, supposed to lie the work of the fanatical oppression of the Jews. W. G. English, the wealthiest man of Indianajioli, wvrth at least $1,000,000, opened his' heart and subscribed the sum of one dollar, and that in cash, for the sufferers by the great lire in Chicago. Fas. him around. "While the Radicals are demor alized, the democratic party pre sents an unbroken front." 'this is the language of the Iloseburg PlaiinUaler. Is it sarcasm? or does it proceed from an innocent be- fai that the Democratic party is sweeping all before it? Portland Oresonion. We think the Plaindealcr means that, while the "front" is unbroken, the "rear" is in a bad fix. Isaac, the colored bootblack in Portland, near the ferry landing, gave ten dollars towards the Chi cago fund. In proportion to his ability, the Oregonian ranks Isaac among the champion givers of that city. He deserves an iixrease of patroiiage. At a great 1 lermblican "meeting held at Madrid, Spain, on the 36tb, resolutions were adopted declaring that the party would offer untiring opposition to every form of govern ment for Spain which was not purely Republican. Some of the speakers were emphatic in their opposition to the present Government. On the night of the 16th, at Warsaw, Kentucky, a party of ev-enty-five men established pickets and attacked the county jail, for the ptfrpose of taking out Obijah Grid ley, confined for killing a man a few days ago. The raob was una ble to get into the cell, and shot him through the grates and killed him. His wife and infant child were in the cell at the time. On the. night of the 17th, at Zanesville, Ohio, Charles Durbin, a lawyer, shot himself through the head at the bed-side of his sick wife, after being told by the physi cian she could not recover. - His wife died in a few minutes afterward. r Washington, (,ct 6th, 1871. oonouks-s vy. i.obyists. liut two months remain before this liody meets. 'Use Capitol build ing las been 'put in order. Both Chambers 'preset t a neat and tasty ap ea mi ce. Some changes have been made throughout t he building, such as widening the passages, etc. As the time draws near for the open ing of this body, th.e bustle and hum of bu-si i. ess throughout the De partments is quite apparent. Al 'rcady a number of, familiar faces are to be seen on our streets, and around the different unices. The Capitol mover, the inevitable office-seeker, a: -d the lobyist,are putting in their appearance. The first named is the most uowelcome to our citizens ; the second is a pest and a souico of great annoyance to the government officials; the tast is worse than all the rest combined. Thev are not only a, but a running sore upon the body politic. He or she, influe. ees. Such calamities as have j as the case may be, is 'despised bv lately lie el Chicago, and swept J the honest portion of our country over the Northern part of Wiseon- men, more than any living thing that sin, as well as other sect ions of our j creeps on "God's given cart! ." i hey country, are most terrible visita tions ujku the parties immediately concerned. They are greatly to be are generally of tl at class of crea tures who make their living by their wus ni uispise iiouesi lauor. -oi dreaded and deplored. The loss ; trickery is too low for them to re-! and snrforii.g they create is most j resort to, to accomplish their purJ lieart-re.:ln g. J ut without them j H)se. Women of . bad repute are the ci.ani.cls of public sympathy , Verv often brought into reouisitio and beoeVolence would cea.-e to ilow. ; by them to wry out their selfish I he heart o: the nation would grow j OK1's- 'j.1-' eaj.ifcd buildingdurj ,.o?i ... t . i i i ti uigtl.e her"sivts of Congress is cr jwd callous a!,.tl colli. chirln.ess would , , , , . . , i . . I , ! el tl ce IaikN and their tooH close thj. avenues to every kind- j wli0 at times 1 legislation toil ly, humal iing emotion. An infidel j great extent. Women with prii ceL reckle'nessj ig.K.ring the claims of ly attires, ai d ctly jewels, are a Higher1 Power, atul a common h;:- m,tl.vt t!' m'tK-reants to ! , , , , .. : pave the r wav to stucess. It is afi manitvaj.d tlesttnv, won d freeze;,,. i, ;i i c" i .i i untei..a';le :lact, that there exists the publac heart into an iceberg of j to-dav in our midst, a well or'an- selhshi.css. Calamities and misfbi--tunes come to us as individuals to remind us of our origin, responsibil ity and destiny. They teach us our mortality and would have us pre pare for a chai ge. National calam ities inculcate a like lesson of frailty Ized band of these unprincipled men, ! who make it their business to baf- ter and :-l! Government positions, .t vin a nn-s: e; gcrsiup ti a consu late; they are so' !old as to even offer thenf li.-r ale on our streets. Tl e administration has Ikvu, and is i doii g all in its power to check tins ,...:i i .. i . ... i.J i ,-!' .... . . . ; one n.tis iiu i us i.oi Miccceuei and re,nsd,;hty. i he nation that ; t() y !lt extent. '1 he Civil ogets(;,d f halljensh, is the lesson j Crv:c Commission was instituted that conies thundering down throiigli fl-r this purjx4. bat the lobyht aj- the corridors of t.ast a"-es from j lHar be -ual t ti e emergei.t Iabyh-ii, and Xinevali, and Jeru salem, and is intended to liei.d the public knee in humble dependence and trust in that Higher Power for every mercy. I'nder thesec rcumstai.ces the Com mission concluded to take a recess. Feforc the adjournment, these gen tlemen eomprisii g the same, failing to comprehend the nature of their dut:es, addressed through their pres ident to the Attorney General, ask- 1. r li-n-k t.. .toii rk fl'.A. iu..itii.i: From San i-rauctsc-.ews dated j -flis ..fllcLnl wm to be as much the 18th, we read that the vote of j .rpkxel as the Commission, aLd the city was very light, some 9,000 j makes an evasive answer, and the less than at the September . r tale j "yist lias a clear tield to ojrate ,.t,.;..,. iu :, j: : .1 . in. l am a "raid the v alone should election. i lie indications are that , , , , , , , j not be censured ; othciK more puw- the Taxpayers' and Kepublican j (.rinl j.rolibly wii .k at the evil, ticket will have a handsome ma- General Jackon is said to have 're jorit'. ! marked once upon a time, "every j man has hisjrice; wme ask more The Illinois House of Kepresent- ! than t! ers. Gut they are all for atives passed the Canal l ien I. aw, ! sale." The words will suit the pres- refunding to Chicago the three mil- ! e; t !'une wiwiout uamagmg t;.e re- lion dollars paid by t'-at city for deepening the Illinois and Michigan Canal, with the provision that the mark. It is no uncommon thing to same be used for rebuilding the bridges and public edifices. The nine Hartford, Cont.ect'cut, insurance Companies have between seven and eight millions of fire in surance in Chicago. They have paid t.l y-n'n million dollar- losses since organization. j see in Washington paiiers, under the heads of "Personals" j or "Wants" such little feelers as the .ollowii g: "I will give to ai.y person $100, who will procure me a position.' as clerk or inesreuger in one of the Government Departments. Address,, etc." j It leaked out a iew days ago, that the position of Consul to Perman buco was sold for &500. It is to be i i.. i t ' . . i , , nopeo wneu congress meeis, mat it will put a stop to this evil, and rid M- J 1 ,,-' . ' our community of tlie presence of The Manhattan Com- ; tjie lobyists; but if such positions ar.-i to be-pi ddled about tor "filthy pany has resjlved to suspend bust ness. Its losses are a million and a quarter. It is not expected the as sured will lo-e anything, as it has a large surplus Itesidss its capital. The Chicago limes made its ap pearance on a single sheet' last Wednesday morning. It opposes the passage by, the Legislature of any stay law, as the ruin of what is left of Chicago would be the re sult. ! i - - A! United States mail carrying party were attacked on the 9th. be tween Tucson and Camp Critten donj Arizona, by Indians, within four; miles of the post. Having good animals, they escaped. Virginia is returning to her early civilization, and erecting whipping posts all over the State. Sacramento contributed $.20,000 for the Chicago relief fund. lucre," "why not put up at auc tion all positions under the govern ment, not only clerkships and consu- lates, but seats in the Senate j and S House of Representatives? The rev-' cmie derived from such a source, would lie a benefit to the govern ment, instead of going to defray the expenses of debauchery and vice." TlIK TUEAS V RY. J . f The Secretary of this department has returned from his recent visit to Ohio, and is suffering from a severe cold. He was at the department but a short time yesterday. j The Public Debt (the regular monthly statement), has been issued by order of the Secretary, and shows that during the past month it has decreased $13,458,620 51. The to tal debt up to date is 2,368,202, 619 93. There is to-day 90,544, 897 87 iu coin in the vaults of the Treasury, and $16,993,782 19, in currency, making the total amount of cash in vaults $107,538,680 06. Our debt bearing interest in coin amounts to $1,874,568,000, The SeeKefcary ' has ordered the Assistant TveWuver in New Vorlr to buv eifldifi Million dollars worth of bond, hiiinsf the present month, two miiifoni dblkrrs worth on each Wed no-day" ; and writhe same days during the monlR, tofefl tro mill ion dollars wort ?i-vf gold, SIlfitKI.LAS HOI'S, Renewed activity is displayed in the Post Offlee and other ileyjart ments, closing up theuua-rter.-.' wtii k, anu clearing ineir ues-sss n.r Jon gress. 31 r. Laws, wlio has the name of the "watch dog. of the TreasT.ry," is expected soon, and will keei a Cv.rps of clerlts in each department busymakii.g ont his es timates fLr the ilitiereiit appvopria tioi s. I 'cports have to be made to Con gress iVom all of the departments, and everybody is getting" ready lor the work. With the retur.i of the I resident is cxjiected the vjgular anny ooilice-seekers, wlso wish t be on hand to jK.uuce on any unfor tunate member f the Senate who may be called here on business, TOM. t1- oullifni Or:KOii orrciniiIeMt. . Oakland,- Oct. 3d, 1871. Mi:. Knnon: Oakland, in the midst of the Cmpqua hills, is at present in "'a. prosjierous conditio'.!. The hotel-keeX?rs and merchants arc doing a good business. Contractors on the railroad are working with their forces near this place, and ere long the snort of the great iron hor.-e. will h; heard approaching. Money and men are smeeptible of removing-mountains, and' making the rough places smooth. We hear some men complaining in I.ane county, who have given donations to Mr. Iloliaday, leeaue of sta tions being made lutvveen their re spective towns. If they are partial to their own interests, Mr. II. will le to his, and the jieople to theirs. We need more enterprise and com jiction in our country. Here in Cmjtfjua the resources ara i ot full v develotied, thouirh we l ave a con stant iutlux of 'enterprising jieople, j who will ?.ll to our country s wealth (with tiie exception of the Mongolian, who will be' as well off in China iu a few years). Mr. Calhoun's predictions are lieing vc riiied relative to this Pacific coast. Towns and cities are being built all along its shores, and there will soon lie more and greater facili ties fbr trai.sHrtation, and then the interior tort ion of our country will herald the glad day when she can send her cereals to feed the tamper ed few who will hold the surplus at exorbitant prices from their sub jects. ci;i noso. Iii:rir.niCAN Gains. The recent town elections in Connecticut indi cate a general demoralization or general apathy among the Pemo crats. Kven the Democratic strong holds of Xew Haven and II art ford have been carried by the Uepubli cansby majorities really astonishing. In Xew Haven they have carried six of the eight wards, and the city government will Ik? strongly He publican. It is Tammany that has thus discouraged the Connecticut Democracy. SiNfivi. w: PRiioooiTY. The St. Charles (Mo.) Ac? it-. says there is a girl in that county, only four years of age, who is as fully developed in every way as: a full-grown woman. The indications of womanlixx)d com menced when she. was only fifteen months old. r! his is one of the most singular cases that has ever come lK?tore the medical world, and it is attracting considerable atten tion from scientific men. J. W. Sf IJrovrne, founder of the Cincinnati Commercial, who shot and killed hs daughter's seducer, at Memphis; Tenu., not -.long ago, has beeu placed under $6,000 bail, and will, it is said, be aojuitted when tried before the courts. It is estimated that three and a half millions of currency were shipped to Chicago last Monday and Tuesday. 1 11 Revenue officers made a raid on illicit distillers in Brooklyn, Oct. 17, and seized five hundred barrels of whisky,' thirteen stills, and two large rectifying establisliments. James Clark was found drowned in the bay, at Long Bridge, Sau Francisco, last Wednesday. Foul play is susp'cioned. Aaron Johnson, Mormon bishop of Springville, was indicted Oct. 18, at Salt Lake, as accessory to a mur der four yeans ago. A grateful rain fill in Chicago last h aturday, laymg the dust which filled the air from the streets and burned district to the great discom fort of every body, Heoorts of at- tempted incendiarism in the West Division kept up a lever of excite neit. Arrests were being made. A disjfateh of the 14th, says : The eighty dead bodies lying in the Morgue, the two long columns ot names of missing in thi morn ing's papers, the churches and school houses crowded with hah clothed Womeii and children, are terrible reminders Of the great alamity whose whole horror no words can describe, 'ihe bod:esiii the Morgue were mostly found on the nortii tide, and it is certain they were only a small portion of the number caught in the flames and consumed. .The coroner held an in iiuest on sixty-tour oi the bodies in th Morgue, only two of which were recognizable, one of these, was li. J, L himi.n, banker, and the other man was named iiiehard OTirien. the vault at the Custom House was opened to-day. At contained one million gold . and two million in greenljacks. i he gold was melted into an almost solid mass and iu the shape of bullion, ihe greenbacks were entirely consumed, i hey be longed to tne Government and no loss is incurred. Secretary 1 ioutwell received a dis patch fi.m Chicago, stating that the safes in the .Depository had been opei.ed and about 85,000 in muti lated currency, in a small safe, was ibund in good cond t on. 'ihe rest of the currency and books and pa pers were completely destroyed. All of the Coin was incited. While the conflagration was rag- iug so terribly at C hicago on b un- j day night, the 8th, the little city of I eshtego, Wisconsin, numbering two thousand souls, was reached by the tire in that State, and one-third of the people were suffocated, or roasted alive in attempting to reach a place of sa'ety. Thousands of men are at work in Chicago, clearing away the rub bish, recovering safesr and putting up temporary buildings. Wonder ful activity prevails. All the pa pers a re publisl ;ed except the Times. A furious gale prevailed in Chi cago last S'afur day night. Fire brands were blown about in every direction, creating as much excite ment and alami among those resid ing near the late fire, as during the conflagration. Xothiug more seri ous resulted, other than the blow ing down of skeleton walls. About 2,000 roughs from New York arrived at Chicago on the 11th, the object being plunder. Troops are co tmnally on guard. All saloons are kept closed by the authorities. The sum total of the obligations of Kasteru insurance companies in Chicago, as" far as they have been ascertaiied now, is $35,000,000, against reported assets of $75,000, 000. An approximate estimate of total losses is about 200,000,000. The area burned over is over 2,000 acres. The number of buildings burned is r.ot below 20,000. This Is from a dispatch of the 12th. The third lire started at Twenty second street, Iwtween Wabash ave nue and State street, nearly a mile south of the second great fire, It was started by incendiaries, who were caught in the act. Two of them"were shot at the moment, and four others Were hung immediately. The fire extended toward the north until it reached the other burnt dis tricts, destroying everything on the South Side between Wabash avenue and State street, embracing twelve full blocks of splendid private resi dences. FOREIGN KKLIKF FOR CHICAGO. The Lord Mayor of London, Eng land, issued an appeal last week fbr subscriptions to the Chicago relief fund. Six finns in Birmingham, at a meeting presided over by the Mayor, gave 120 on the spot. At a meeting presided over by Minister Schenck, at Sangham Hotel, ten thousand pounds sterling was raised for their relief, and a committee ap pointed to increase the subscrip tions. At Vienna, October 12th the leading merchants and hankers opened a subscription for their re lief. An effort was also being made in Fraukfbrt. The Common Council met Guild Ilall, Oct; 13th,' nd; agreed' that 10,000 guineas be sent- imme diately to America to the credit of the Mayor of Chicago. Private in dividuals handed him 7,000 pounds sterling, $1,000 each was sub scribed by Paring",' Morgan, Roths---r.n:m i - t:n:-T-. c. c omiv.o, j..iunii uiiijk;j xi vu., alio CJ. T. Western, fbr the Chicago suf ferers. The Liverpool Chamber or4 Commerce yotsti $5Gt TIi Amer-' Jean Chamber contributed $15,000r October 14th, A mass meeting is to be held to secure further aid- The Municipal Council of Tor5" rnento, Canada, instructed Layer tit telegraph to the Mayor of Chicago to draw on for $20,000 in irold. At Newcastle, England, 10,00ft , pounds were subscribed on the night of the 14th. WThile thii was trans piring iu England, the citizens of tlie L mted States in Paris, France on the same evening', prewdied over ry Minister Washburn, subscribed' 200,000 francs. The Empress of Germany, in gratitude for the American feeling for Germany hr the last war, sends 1,000 t hale re, Cn the evening of the lGth, in London. 23,000 were subscribed; at rradfbrd, 2,000; at Dublin, 1,200 ; at Wolverhamption and Glasgow, 1,000 each. $23,000r and a large quantity of clothing wa--subcribed and donated at Manches ter, England, on the same evening. One thousand five hundred blauk etss and a number tents were for warded from Quebec, Canada, on f ie 16th. Also 6,000 was contri buted at St. Johns, N. B. At a meeting at Liverpool, Eng land, on the 16th, 3,500 sterling; was subscribed on the spot. - A meeting was also being held at Shef field. PiioeNix Insurance: Co. The general agent of this Company writes to its agent in this city, L T?m... it i . ,i i mm, iLis.j., icai ine company is fully able to meet the losses by the Chicago fire and go on with the business with its capital unimpaired. The Hartford Companies have 18, 000,000 insured in Chicago, all 6f wliich will be met. The Phoanix loses least of all, only 6700,000, which is being promptly paid up. The Liverpool and London CottW pauieslose 4,500,000. All ther (Jlevelaud Companies are broken and all the Chicago t -ompanies are of course. 'J he San Francisco Companies, some of them, lose their :, entire assets. - The following diplomatic appoint ments have been made in England: Sir Andrew Buchanan, Minister to Vienna; Lord Lcfcus, Minister to 't, Petersburg; Odo Russell, Min sUr to Berlin. Destructive fires have been rag--ing in Deer Creek and Harrison Creek valleys, Nebraska. Several houses, hay, etc., destroyed. $50,000 is the. estimated loss. The assessed valuation of prop- erty in Chicago was $270,000,000. She was the fourth city in the Uni ted States in point of wealth. Security. Insurance Company, of. New York, has suspended buftinefs. The losses exceed a million and a . half. '. ; '. The amount of. United Hlatfe currency now outstanding is 367 r-699,652. A number of young girls have started a paper at Brinton, Peon. They do their own type-setting.'" . Thirty thousand horses were eateii at Metz during the siege of that city. ..' W. M. Tweed is reported to have lost $4,000,000 recently, by bad speculations in the West. There were eighty-nine newspa per establishments destroyed iu Chicago. . '. : Cholera has again made its ap pearance in Constantinople, Sixty persons died in two days. -Concord, Mass., claims the moth cucumber, weighing, cavea pounds. - . , . Juarea has been re-elected Presi dent of the Mexican Congress. '