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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1871)
NEW TO-DAY. ALBANY FOUNDRY . .AND MACHINE SHOP A. F. COEKKV, Prop., AlBAr, OHECO, Manufacturer of ' FLOUR and SAW MILL WOOD WORKING Agricultural Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings jt& Particular attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. 41 v "TwAHiTISD, INFORMATION OF MR. JAMES MILLER, by occupation a machinist and engineer, a u,an about 40 year old, dark P""' 8 iucbe in bight; formerly of Philadelphia, I'-, but bas been abocnt some or y car . and when wt karJf.mrtix or twelve months , was at Albany, Linn eoun y, Oregon. Any in formation of him or hi wh.reab.wl will bethank fully received by bis wife. Mr. Anna Miller, Ino. 18 Maiden street, Philadelphia, Pa. . May 2.1d, lS71-4w4.e - - ITIURDIR MX ALBANY Has never yet been known, and no threatening of it at present. DEATH Is a thing which sometime must befall every son nd daughter of the human family, aud yet. .i., III; Of yonr life, if disease lays his Tile hands upon you, there i Siill "a balm in Gilead" by which you may be restored to perfect health, and pro long your days to a miraculous extent. By ealHog on I.. C. HILL Jfc S with a prescription where yoo can have it com pounded by one experienced in that particular line. Also, constantly on hand a good assort ment of fresh Drags, Patent Medicines, Chemi cals. Paiuts. Oils, Dye-stuffs, Trasses, Ac, Ac. Agents for the celebrated Ink Weed Itemed y. or Oregon Rheumatic Cure ; Dr. D. Jayne A Hons' medicines, dc, c. Speure' Positive and Negative Powders kept in stuck. We are also -Agents for the Home Shuttle Sewing Machine, one of the most useful picees of household furni ture extant. Call and examine. K. C. HILL A SOJT. Albany, June 10 b. 1S71 40 Millinery ani Fancy Goods! MRS. M. A. BRIDGEFARMER, (.-T,:CCE."S0RTO AIRS. Ul'SXIWAV) HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM BELOW an elegant invoice of new MxLLINElir AND FANCY GOODS, such as Fasliion&blc HATS, JJOXXETS, VKI.VETS. itlUUOXS. TUlilillXGS, ETC., .to which she invites the attention of the ladies ot Albany and vie nity. Her goods will oe found as cheap, if not cheap er, than ever before offered in tbis market, aud .their qualitv cannot fail to give satisfaction. Albany, April 8. 1S71 3m31 - THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON, JhECCGXIZED EVERYWHERE AS A First Class Farm Wagon. No other Wagon has a Home repot ptiou ""' to "Bain's" wake, and it is the only wagon that has been fercf and knorn to stand tbis climate. In a word it is made of the &er materials, and is the best finislird wagon that comes to this market We have different styles of Hounds and Reach, Patent do. (so called) included. BLAIX, TOCXG CO. June 10. 1871-49 -iiaa 40 ajueojoq w 1 'snoof Saiqsttun? rna0 jouaiiloeB nj pue 'sJj ') It osV "saJidua.op po spots, ;a to OSIHXOaa'oa puio9joaii:tioie Y aux aKVH &.o JiixKvxsxoa saaa 2m. - astf-orx-xoxn. - - 11TJ WILL PAY FOR GOOD H UTTER 32 to 2i cents a pound, and 30 eeots per dosen for KtStiS. in trade. Persons thatcoure to Albany will make money by calling at the Cash Store of R. CHE DLE A CO. to make their pur chases, as they are selling good very eheap now. June 24-42 : R. CI1EADLE A CO. 200,000 i POUNDS OF WOOL! For which we will pay the DIGHEST CASH PRICE ! Wool owners will do well to call m na hefnm selling, 55"; Liberal cash advances made on wool. I34m3j p. c. HARPER A CO. THE GREAT , BLOOD PURIFIER. I An Infallible blood rmiFlcn. possess. ing rare toxic and xcssvaxE properties a certain cure for aBEiairisa. com, HEtniuciA, and all kindred Diseases. It completely restore the system when im paired by disease, revives the action of the atiBiccvs) mm SESITU OBCA.1S, radi cally cures BCstOFULA. iilt aaEl'a, and all cblttive mm cctasteoim Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in dvssebsi.. ebvsipclas. Tumors, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is rraELT vegetable, being made from an herb found indigenous in CaUhnia, It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, as a BLOOD ri:al. FIEB mm BEXeVATOa. . For Sal by all Druggists. BEOIKGTOR. HOSTETTER CO. ...j . AGENTS, . 629 and 631 Market Street, San Francisco. NEW ! TO-DAY; - lUOTiSLTlU. STITZBL fc UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, GENERAL AGENTS. ranolx office. . . aLlbany, Orecrsn, - J. C. MCNDENHALIh - Agent, GENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. Established July, 1868. An office where general information concerning the resource of Oregon can be obtained free of charge. ' Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. , We hare for sale a large amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Fannin r lands, of every des cription, located in Linn and other counties in this State. - . ) To the citliens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estnte : We take tbis method of eallinir your attention to our place of busi ness. Ilaving determined to open a Branch Of fice in yonr city, we can offer ou a medium for obtaining purchaser- one that is appreemtd by buyer, aa it saves them much time and l.ibor in searching for what thev want. Our principal Agency, at Portland. Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the offi-e so well furnished for Riv ing information upon Real Estate, that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties having business in our line. I . ' You incur no expense in placing yonr property on sale with us unless a sale is made. Office on First street, opposite Post-OlBce. ' JOHN C. MEXDEN1IALL, Agent. Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1870. 29tf. STITZEL A VPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. C. MEXDESII ALL, Ageut, Office First st opposite Post Office. Albany, Ogn. HAVE for sale in the citv of Albany, a desira ble Homestead, Lots 1, 2. 7 and 8, corner Third. Fourth end Elsworth streets, one f th best localities in the city. A good one and tbalf story bouse, witb all other conveniences, j.pply to J. C. MENKEN 11 ALL, Agent, Albany, Oregon A. Cow AS. ! A. W. STASAPin. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET ...... ALBANY. W f (T if f f f ff-fW LATEST EVIDENCE 1 i CURE THAT ( OK. I ! j USE TlIE REST REMEDY I I Every dv brings strong proof of the great value ui mis t Dr. P. Mcretlith, Dentut. office No. 132 West j Sixth street, states as follows : j CixnssATi. October I, 1S69. I Messrs. J. N. HARRIS A CO. Gents : About j one year ago I took a cold which Settled on my lungs. A violent cough was the consequence. ! whib increased with severity. I expectorated Itirge quantities of phlcLa and matter. During the last winter I became so much reduced that I w-s confined to my led. The disease was atteud cd witb cold chill.' and nivht-weats. A diarrhoea set in. Mv friends thought I was in the last t stages of consumption, and ceuld not possibly get I well. I was recommended to try Allen's LungBalsam The formula was given to me, which induced me to give it a trial, and I will only add that my I cough is entirely enreii. auu 1 am now able to at tend to my business as usual. Yours respectfullv, . P. MEUED111L" Ail afflicted with Cough or any Throat or Lung trouble should one Allen's Lnng Balsam without delay. J. N. HARRIS A CO., Sole Proprietors, Cincinnati, Ohio. CAUTKKV. Do not he deceived yon who want a good med icine, and desire "Alemm Lung Bnlmam." Do not allow unprincipled dealers to sell yon a prepara tion called Allen's Pectoral Balsam see that you get ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, and you will have the best Cough remedy offered to the public and ono that will give you satisfaction. ' i FOR SALE BY REDINQT0N, HOSTETTER & CO., 52W A 431 Maraet-st.. San Francisco, Cal., Awanta for California aai Pacific States. nov5 ' JpB-Suld by all Druggists.-??. 9-70 They offer a large and we!" "lece;l ,tock of STAPLli DRY HOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices Otitsli or Produce I In addition to a very large stock, covering everything in the line of Cottons, we have a complete assert men t of FANCY DRESS GOODS! ' - ! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHING aili FURNISHING GOODS ! n.ATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. NEW TO-DAY. . 3H01S 0VIH1O13 AV3 V TtlRS J. A. REED, 3VCX 3Li 3Ls XZi3' 3S3 3El.'3tr 2 BLEACHING AND PRESSING ORDER. DONE TO At -- ..r 7.-! ; Plata and Fancy Sewing. A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF the latest Millinery now on hand, with new additions every aioutb. St re on corner Broad albia and Second streets, Albany, Or. 32v3 Established in 1852. ARMES & DALLAM, Importers, Jobbers and ' , MANDFACTORIRS OP Vood & VIIlow Ware. Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Chains, Brashes, Baskets, Twines, Cordage, Matches, Stationerv, Paper Bags, Clothes Wringers, Feather Duxtcrs. Fishing Tackle. Ten Pins and Bails. Etc., and -" . Uenaral house runrjisHiKQ goods. Direct Importers of Baskets from leading Ger man and French Manufacturers. AOBKTS FOB TBS SAI.S OF S. F. Pareassion Match Company's Matches, American Net and Twin Company' Twine, Boston Flax Mills' Twines, . . J. C. Conroy A Company's Fishing Tackle, ' Hollingsworth A Whitney's Paper Bags. Sherman's Imnntved Cbthea Wringers, C. E. Sruwold A Company's Feather Dusters. Jr. McLaughlin's Brashes. j Oaa stock u the largest en tie Paeilte Coast, anh out facil.tie for Uianufae taring and imtrort iBS snabla as o seil at lowest market price. Sesd for cat!eg0. . . ' . .. rjm8 SITSaenuiaeatw-St., ga Praae's. THE NEW FOOD. 1 l8 jr nr- ' OU, l'l is -AT Sr ' t r ' -J .--1 m. t-" Tct a few cents yci can tray of your Grcscr c? Truggist a package cf SSA 1I0S3 FASINE made from pure Irish Hoss or Carrageen, "vyhicli "will make -irtcen qua.rt3 cf Elnc Kange, and alike qnanti'y cf Puddings "Tztard3, Creams, Charlotte Ilnsse, e. It is t!:e cheapest, Iiealthiest cjid most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, ' and has no equal aa a light, and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious C hange ! ! titi: :iinAT woiir.ti's toxic. Pla ntation Bitters. Tlii j TonderfuI vegetable re Kforative is tlie slieet-auclior of the fecUJc and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it lias - no equal anion? stomachics.- As n remedy for the ncnouj weakness to wUicbvromen are especially uib Icctf it is Kuneraedinar every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate, or frigid, It acts aa it KpcciHc in every species of iisojur wbic2i undermines the ;.o ti:r rnssth and breaks down tJ; r;m:;l spirits.- For sale by U t.-fl-7'lats - , .- Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper &. tinen Blinds, &c, &c. Especial attentim is directed to oui rtock of IRON AND STEEL AXD !E,ERAL HARDWARE! Which is the largest aud most complete this side of Portland. Yon are inrited to call auJ examine our good, and prices. j The highest market price in eah paid fur Wool, Bacon and Lard ! by i A. COWAN A CO. Oct. 3rt, IS69-8 ' . J. C. MKNDKNHALL, IV o t a i- y X ublio, Real Eacats aid Znsmraace Ageat, ALBANY, ::::::: OREUON. RENTS COLLECTED. AND TAXES PAID fur non-reidents and other, making out real evtate papers, etc. Office ParrUh hrick, upstairs. 36-'70 I do not wif h to inform yon, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, bas discovered a remedy that cures Consumption, when the lung are nearly half consumed, in short, will euro all diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make men live forever, and leave death to play for want of work, and is designed to make our sublunary sphere a blissful Paradise, to which Heaven it self shall be but a side show. Yon have heard enough of that kind of humbnggery. ISut when I tcil yon that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy trill pitsilifclg care the worst caes of Catarrh in the Head, I only assert that which thousand can testify to. I will pay $600 Reward for a case that I cannot cure. A pamphlet giving symp toms and other information sent free to any ad dress. This remedy is SOLD BY MOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of sixty cents, or four packages for two dol lars. Beware of counterfeit and worlhlen imita tion. See that my private f-tamp, which is a positive guarantee of Genuineness, is npon the outside wrapper. Remember that tbis private Stamp, isued by the United States Government expressly for stamping my medicines, has my portrait, name and address, and the words "V. &. Certificate of Genuineness," engraved npon it, and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers and others representing themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living that has the knowledge and right to manufacture the Gen nine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I never travel to sell this medicine. R. V. PIERCE. M. D. 21m3 : 133 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y. . cc7 v. ; The standard remedy for Coughs, Influenza. Sort Throat, Whooping Couyh, Croup, JLimr Complaint, Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lf, and every affection ot the Throat, Lung and Chest, Including CONSUMPTION. - - Wlatar's Balaam does sot itj ap a Cough, bat loosens it, eleansee the lungs, and allays irri tation, thus remering the eemem of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. BvrrK Prepared by getb. W. Fowl A Son, Boston. , Sold by RedingtoB, Hostatter 4 Co,, 8 an Francisco, and by dealers generally,. -' ly70. 4 o 9 0 H Ca5 O CO (A H O M H 0 mi p3 0 s 0 0 Q o (4 0 0 A a 31 0 0 0 (0 fi. CS ' la' y "S a m tS ' tm w S it e C m tm . . m i s in e m mm tm 3 H H a ml 5-o - H 5 8- to o 55 11 P3 O -9 " ALBANY "ADVERT1SEMKNTS. tm O mm 3 c to to SB 2 & o - O W a PS ;0 s - e - lL P C5 g y. ? o C Ct, H EH 2 - te S u fi B H E-i Pi ES fa s S a is. e & i IS s e 3 a it m e t a" ce u 53 5 o r pa CO o H t-t cc 5 00 o eu o o co mm m fa fi ... e - m -. a. a ' s t I 9 fa I o a u s H S a f I .5 'ft'? 0; -g .l fi , e THE EYES ! THE EARS ! To the People of - Lin Comfy WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY SAY that we have opened an office in Albany, for the exclusive sale of - . t-.-V SEWING MACHINES, and would respectfully invite all those war ting a first-class machine to call at our office and exam ine the different kinds of machines now on exhi bition. If you want a Bnckeye machine, if yon want a Florence machine, if yon want a Wheeler A Will-on machine, if you want a Singer machine, if you want an American machine, or if yon want to exchange machines, or if yon want yonr ma chine put ia good running erder, call aud see us. We are always ready and willing to tbo our machines. We will do our best to give satisfac tion. Oil and Needles kept constantly on band fur sale. Old machines taken in exchange for new otiea." We wish to employ good, reliable agents to sell tbe Buckeye Sewing Machine, the best selling, the simplest and most durable shuttle machine on this coast. Liberal inducements offered. For particulars address, , MINER A PEARSON. Eight Reasons why the Bnckeye Sew ing Machine) ia Superior te all Others) i 1. It is the simplest shuttle machine made. 2. It has lcs-s wearing p:irtv 3. It has no saiall springs and compound cranks. 4. It is better adapted lo a large range of work without change. 6. It bas less pieces of machinery. 6. It is less liable to break needles than any other machine. 7. Tbe Shuttle will wear longer than tbe shuttle in any other machine. 8. That it has the best Feeding device, which will never wear out, gut out of order, break nee dles, feed unevenly, slip on .starched goods, or pucker the seam, so that one part of tbe fabric will come out shorter than the other, which all other feeds are liable to do. It makes every stitch of an equal length. It is etronger than other feed.. We can take a strong piece of cloth and put ono end iu our machine" and tlio other end in any other machine, and guarantee that our machine will take the cloth from tiiei'ther, in coo sequence of the superior strength of the feed. It is the only feed strong enough to feed thick sole-leather, sewing on shoe soles. No soaping tbe cloth or any other aid is required. It bas no complicated machinery, and therefore is not liable to get out of order. It has a beauti ful movement, making nearly two thousand stitches per mionte. The BUCKEYE SEWING MACHINE makes the lock stitch, the same as tbe Howe, Wilson, Siuger and FI rence alike on both side. We otfur a premium of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS fur aay raacbiue on this eoast that wilt make a stronger or more elastic than the BUCK EYE. For fu'l nunirnlnra address. MINIiK fc PtiAHfON, ' Ubbebal Aobsts, Dr. T. CaOIIEI, ootrusr Aits ArraxsT, ALBANY, t s : . OREGON. ; T1R GOLDEN 18 A SON OF THE f If noted aid Opthalmie Doctor, 8. C. G olden, Dr. GOLDEN has had experience in treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are suMeet. and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may plaee themselves under his ear. -Albany, April 18, l8S9-31y Otoe Siunuri SATURDAi, JULY 8. 171. Subscriber finding an X after tbeir name will understand that their subscription expires wt& taa number, and taey are Invited to renew tneir subscription. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six months, 93 ) three months, $1. LOClL affairs Tna Focktb. Owing totbe fact that there was no general celebration of the day in this city, the 4th was a remarkably quiet day, everybody that could get away, going to other points to cele brate. ' ::--y : AtSodavillea merry party of plcnleers, from Brownsville, Lebanon, and other places, passed a pleasant day probably getting more real enjoy ment for tbeir money than tbe same number at any other place. ' - At Seio, almost at the last hour, It was deter mined to celebrate; and celebrate they did ia good style. John Ostrander, Esq., delivered a splendid oration, appropriate and well-timed. In tbe even ing, after a fair display of fireworks, tbe young people passed several ' hours, in tripping the "light fantastic toe" -and all went "merry as a marriage bell. ; Tie celebration at Corvallis was largely atten ded in fact a much larger crowd than we ex pected to see and tbe citixens of Corvallis had made tbe fullest preparation to receive aud en tertain all who came. Sylvester Simpson, Esq., delivered tbe oration, a d it was pronounced by competent judges who beard it, asoneof the finest efforts ever made in Oregon. A free dinner was spread uncKr tbe shading branches of huge firs. ad all invited to partake ia welcome. - Toasts were offered, and short, spicy siceches made by Rer. Mr. Kesbitt, Judge KeUay, and others, all tending to make up an interesting and rational days' enjoyment. Tbe celebration at Corvallis was a success. 34v3 Albany, Or. H1RS. S. A. JO II. AS, MILLINER AND DRESS-MAKER, FIRST STREET, ALBANY. OREGON. BLANK Deeds, Mortgages, etc., on band latest stales, and for sale low, at this efiea Bridal and mourning: Bonnets and Hats Tnado to Older. Dress-malting' Bone in the Very Latest atyie. Also, tbe only agent for the SINGER SEW ING MACHINE. The Ladies are requested to rail and examine the SINUKK, which is tbe only complete machine tn use. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. Albany, April 8, 1871-31v3 For (he Harvest of 1871 ! PUTS THRESHERS! UAIXES' HEADERS ! LATEST IMPROVED MOWERS ! . And all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines - On band and for sale. Also, THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON. BLAIX, YOCNG A CO., April 29, '71-34 Albany, Ogn. The Highest Price Paid Per WOOl., IIACO & LARD, at BLAIN, YOUNG A CO'S. April 29-34v3m3 3STo-v77" Store 2 3S3'6'H7' GrOOCiS ! J. M. BEACH Is now opening a Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Constating of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CrPpccrics, Hardware, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. IIoot & Shoes, Paints c Oils, & C, &.C.J . Which he is offering to the public at prices cor responding with tbe times. All kinds of Merchantable Produce taken in exchange for floods. Come one, come all, and examine prices. At the old stand formerly occupied by D. Beach A Son, opposite Foster's Brick, south side Firs street, Albany, Oregon. 31 v3 Sheep Wash. E TAKE PLEASURE IN DIRECTING tbe attention of the public to tbe "Glycerine Dip," - which is unquestionably the ma( Efficacious Sheep Weh now in use. It is non-poisonous, dues not discolor the wool, deadly to all parasites infesting tbe skin of Sheep and other animals, and warranted , free from arsenic, mercury, mineral, and other poisons. An infallible Cure f r the Scab, perfectly harm less to sheep, and greatly improves tbe wool. It is also free iroia any of those caustic properties found in many other compound, which render tbe wool dry and harsh, and are detrimental, not only to it growth and weight, but also to its marketable value. .' .-.. ' It can be used with perfect safety at any season of the year, aud has been found in practice, in valuable for tbe following purpose : 1st. For curing eeab, killing actri, ticks, aad other parasites which infest the skia of sheep. 2d. l or strengthening and adding lnsir to the wool. . 3d. For dipping Lambs even while socking ewes, as tbey cannot be injured by the malarial. 4th. Far dipping Rams at any time of the year Without danger of producing the exooriattea which mostly follows tbe ase of other dips, espe cially in the autumn season. - 5th. For the eore of mange in horses and dogs. Slh. For tbe destruction of lies aad vermin jA cattle. Full directions for use accompany each package. . It baa been ased la California with the most satisfactory results, in verification of which we beg to refer to numerous certificates front well known gentlemen. Wool growers should not fail to try this inval uable preparation, which we have every confi dence in recommending on its own merits. ' For sale by Messrs. CHRISTY WISE, Sea Francisco, California, "or ' v " . BEACH M0NTETTH, . Jane 17, 1871-41 Albany, Oregon. ' Real Estatb Trass For tbe week ending July 6, 1871 : A. C. Layton to T. L. GolJen; considera tion. $60. L. Fleisrhner to B. R. Holt ; consideration, $150. - ., A . T. S. Summers tjr Id. A. Johnson ; considera tion, $25. T. S. Summers to I. M. Butler ; consideration, $25. . U. B. Splawn to Wn. Matlock ; consideration, $900. R. Harwell to Win. Simmons ; consideration, $5. v A. Savage to Wm. Simmons ; consideration, $37 50. A. Savage to R. C. Finlcy k Co. ; considera tion $201 2-. J. Teal to B. Goldsmith; consideration, $1. Frank &hedd to Lawrence lliggius ; considera tion, $1. Frank Shedd to 0. A C. R. R. Co ; considera tion. SI. Julius Gradwhol to T. L. Gulden ; considera tion. $225. 11. Davidson to John Cogswell ; consideration, $35 Thus. Davidson to Joba Cogswell ; considera tion, sio. E. N. White to R. II. Liseot : consideration. $ 1,000, Ebcnser Hays to Silas Kecney : consideration. $250. John Layton to Allen Parker: consideration. $a,500. L. Iliggins to A. L. Grubb; consideration, $100. Elizabeth Osborn to II. S. Bishop ; considera tion, $125. MaryJ. Kees to John Carue ; consideration, $68U. G. F. Bi eker to David Carnes : consideration, $I,r!tl0. Total transactions for the week, $10,916 75. ).'ist4JCs. !. i iii';. we were iadOseX to . . ' t , the Raarsrxa by the pa' i X" .it . T topat aavaaserd reof a..' w t f - - the editorial erauaint. C-U ,1 v a Ml or third time we hava hemr4 C Vje mZlXr tZ tie Xeoister, through threaU of eiulmoa. had ..Item eomiMdVad to retract. This Is beooslcj KoaU' noos. We specially reaasat the next iad;Hda who thrratens to do as bodily harm any where else bat in our preeov-to grant sjs a personal Inter' view, that we nay know how a fallow lasis wia i i terror of personal eat tlgation. Having saentsd a bottle of camphor, we await &e first saUer Pbksosai. Mr. WUbar .Oraell of tSe Port- land BmrM, dropped ia on as Wednesday. WU bar is tbe same handsome,'' libera!, ratal ess and . happy print w knew in the years that have passed.' --Jf:- 'i-r-" ' 'iV-"n -.. Messrs. Joba Irvme, Will Powers, Mr. Hogni,- . and their families, left, oat" dusty; streets behind on Wednesday, heading for the eoast, to beabseat two or t!m e weeks. ... h' f- "i: : v -, . Mrs. William Col well, accompanied by ber aged- mother, Mrs. Sylvester, arrived .d&wa from the Dalles on Tuesday. ' , --; . Mr. F, P. Caveness and family leave nj next woek for East Portland, where Mr. C. hat pur' chased a home. Sorry to part with old fries d, but wish tbem tbe fullest enjoyment ia thai new home. . . .. Dave Froman and wife and ethers go to Fish Lake for game and blackberries, next wek." . ; Grocbkies. Mr. A. C. Layton ha purchased' the interest of Mr. Geo.-Yonag In tbe grocery ei- " tablisbmeet on corner of First and Broadalbin " streets, snd will hereafter ran tbe Institution bint-' sulf. Gas. is square on his., aad intend keeping ' for sale everything required by our people, whWh he will dispose of, at wholesale or retail, on the ' most reasonable terms. Now don't take oar word for it, but go snd see bis stock, snd bay whatever' yoo may require, so tbat yon may judge fur your- -self, ' ' 8 iDA . Speaking of soda, we observe ttat Messrs. A. Carotbcrs A Co. 'a drag store has become tbo most popular plaee of resort in the city, since the -erection of tbeir splendid Arctic Soda Fountain. They not only supply oar people with tbe Invig oratiog, cooling drink, but Salem venders send tbeir f otains here to bo filled. Other point bare appTel, and will doubtless be accommoda- -ted. - -i .. - . - - Two excellent force pomps bare been pat In ea ' First street daring the week, one in front af the telegraph office below Ferry, and tbe other la " front of W. H. KaVa A Co.'s, above Ferry street. At present tbey answer aa admirable purpose ia keeping down tbe dust on First street, daring tbe heated term. ' .." Accidents. Mr. Speidel and Miss Circle were enjoying a baggy ride on the 4th. On com iug into Second street from the stage road, where the road makes a sharp curve, tbe vehicle was up set and the occupant thrown to the ground. The parties were not much hurt, but yon should " have seen tbe buggy ! It will take some money to re pair damages. : Mr. Ferguson, of Jefferson, and another lady whose name we did not learn, received severe in juries through the upsetting of a back by a care- l.-BS driver, on tbe lh at Salem. The back runs between tbe railroad depot and the city, and this is tbe second time within tbe last few days be bas upset bis vehicle to the cost of those taking pass age with him. ; Mrs. Ferguson fell on the point of her parasol which penetrated ber clothing on ibe leftside, tearing her clothing and Iascerating tbe flesh in a terr'.ble manner across tho breast. Since writting tbe above, we learn that Miss Hcroy and Mis Hanon, both of this city, were in tbe bark at tbe time of its upsetting, both receiv ing injuries. Mis licroy baring an arm dislocated. It is said tbat this elegant driver upsets hi back every day or two, and it might be as well for oar people wben they go to Sal. m to be "careless" about getting into bis back. E. L. Bristow, Grand Master of tbe Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. of Oregon, installed the officers elect of Albany Lodge No. 4 at the lodge room on Wednesday evening. " As tbe installation was a public one, quite a number cf ladies graced tbe occasion with their presence. After the installa tion eerenuniie, which were performed in a most impressive manner by the Grand Master, ably seconded by Mr. Willard, of San Franci-co, and Messrs. Thompson, Backensto and Sears, of tbis city, all present enjoyed a good, old-fashioned, sociable, in which mirth and fun ruled supreme. Several of the ladies expresaed themselves as in favor of installations every week. To the lady who so kindly furnished those sweet smelling and tastily arranged bouquets for tbe Lodge room on the occasion, the officers and members return their bearty thanks. . ; RoaaRD. It isaa old saying that misfortunes never come singly, and it would seem to be specially true in tbe case of oar friend Mr. Henry Merrill. A few days since, white rafting logs to this city he met witb an accident tbat csmo near depriving him. of one of bis feet,' snd while yet unable to walk without the aid of erntcbes, during a temporary absence of tbe family, bis residence was entered, and nearly everything of value in tbe way of wearing apparel, bed clothes, etc., taken away. A new suit of clothes which be had just purchased, and a new dress and other articles belonging to bis wife, werj among . tbe articles stolen. Henry supposes the stealing was done by Indians. . -- -" : ' :-" . ' - " ; ' Is st At.lB n. The following named gentlemen were iu, tailed as officers of Albany Lodge No. 4 I.O.O.F., by Grand Master E, L. Bristow. on Wednesday evening: L. Cfaeadle, N. G. ; F. Graf, V. G. Coll. Van Cleve, R. 8. R. C. Clark, Trees. Tbe folowing officers were ' ap pointed by the Noble and Vice Grand : R. Salt marsh, Warden ; Fred. Feebler. 0. G. ; D. r M. Thomson, Conductor ; A. Z. Bears. I. G. ; Wm. ColwelL R.S. of N. G. j G. W. Yonng. L. 8. of N. G.; R. S. of V. O. ; A. Kasartee, L. S. of V. G. A. W. Sweeney, Chaplain. " Ts TiiixTixn BaorBBBS Gave an enter tainment to a select audieaoe at ParrUh Hall on .Saturday night. The Brothers have met with great success since their arrival in Oregon. Ibetr school hi Portland has been thronged with schol ars, and the falsest satisfaction given to patroaa. It Is the latent ion soon to establish schools ia dif ferent portion of tbe Willamette rall.y, thus ex tending their usefulness. Icb Cbbab. There te a spWedtd ehaaee fb a lrst-elass artist ia ice cream te snake bis forte n ia tbis eity by opeaiag a sabma for the sale of the cooling etaff. JuM.aa Uahtalned within twelve Drath or a Fobhbb Citiish- A former well' known citizen of this city, Mr. G. B, Howard'' died on Sunday last at Eugene City, of apoplexy. Messrs. Howard A Montgomery. were engaged ia tbe hotel business in Eugene City. Deceased was ' taken ill on Saturday, died in less than twenty. ' four hours thereafter, and was buried on Monday. -We believe be leaves a wife, bat bo children. "Sbccbb tub Shadow." The finished artist and gentleman, Mr. A. B. Paxton, heslocated for a tew weeks in Brownsville, affording ber citism an opportunity to secure lor tnemseivs, qseir heir and assignees, "true copies" of therasctyes finished pictures, at the samo price forsrly paid for inferior photos. If yea desire first S'ttSJ work, apply to Mr. Paxton soon. Coxplimbsts. We acknowledge the reteipt of ' some excellent wedding cake from Mr. sad Mrs." Baum. tbe happy couple so recently mstried la' Portland. We hope tbat tbeir boseymscn ury last through life, and that the kindest bjessings r a benign Providence may be TOacbssfed tbess while passing through tbis rale ef tears. ' ; Cinccs Jeal A Co.'s circus was billed for an exhibition in tuiserty en last evening, from the reputation that precedes it we are inclined to the belief that all who attended got tbe worth of their money. Cobbcctio. Rev. Mr. Sweeney holds divine service at tbe Court House, instead of tbe College as we inadvertently stated last week. It ts the intention of Mr. Sweeney to oecupy tbe Court II us every second and fourth Sabbath In eash month hereafter. Cnxnar Festival. A pleasant party of friend and neighbors gathered at Mr. Ja. Finlaysoa'a on Friday. We acknowledge an invitation, and are exremely sorry tbat tbe tread-mill te which we are tied debarred a tbe pleasure of it aeceptanoe. Pabasbab. A steamer loaded with big bags passed down the river Friday U. S. surreylug party. ...... ... ., ... :A Butter is quoted at 20o, eggs ditto. Buyers are ofTering $1 for wheat, witb nary a taker..'- i .'. . - 1 One of Lew Ketchum'a boys fell from a wages on Thursday. Was hot slightly braised. - Cartwright A Co. will soon commence the man ufacture of soap, their new machinery being ia shajte. -i : ' v r ;.-f" i-v,.Yi , The P. T. Co.'s steamers still ecnlitu to ran as far as Harrisburg. Cherries have pretty nearly all disappeared j raspberries, ripe aad luscious, are coming ia freely and blackberries are very plentiful and very sonr. ' - . Bill Reed, Miner, and several other choice pir it, are arranging for a risit to Fish Lake next week. . , ...... Some of our farmers wear long faces jnst now, aad are pre :i. ting a partial failur of crops onles we have raia soon. ' The lata sown grain will doubtless prove a failure unless we are visited by showers du'ing tbe month. ; Blackberries are plentiful at fifty cents ' per gallon, V ; ., . i "-i We have omitted to mention heretofore that Mesr. Hiltabidel A Co. bare purchased an ale. gant delivery wagon and horse, and have been for some time deliverir g goud purchased at their store free of charge to customers. ; It is a great convrnicnee. ; ' . . - Oats are worth from 62 to 88 cents per barbel ia this market, and scarce t that. - 1 1 " ! li 1- ZS The Saleuiites had a big thing oq the 4th, Judjrsj Buise delivered the oration. An i uiutcnse number of people were gath ered there, and it has been estimated that not less than $25,000 trui patio. cirt eolation among the bnsines men of Salem, Chatlcs Douglas who killed exDele-f gale E. D. Hulbrook at, Idaho Citj some) time sinco, has been tried and acqnittod- Treasnrer Spinner ; finds bis ; health, much iinprored in Kurope. Lie bad a surgical operatioa for eurrature of the spine performed on his signature by a Paris phyaioian, and ia already able to standalone. - . -.'.i... - t riPtk m t.u .L- X?-J i r . w. wairaat uw wiw ceuenu UPT ernment by ex -Collectors, ' S30,Sv3 U. from appointees by Lincoln j 11,81337; fiom appointees by ' Johnson : t24,5;?l. from Grant's. ' . . 1 George Yoodru3, the -oldest tniztt; and driver of trouinj borses in tin wc:!"V waaktllei at Costoo by a lococc'.: : June 28th, as be was crossing tLe t. near tb Beacon Coarse. . " The Salt LakeVa were tav a - vl time on the 4th, tfce Govert t . I