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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1871)
VOL. 3. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1871. NO. 43. rCBMSHED KTBRT SATURDAY IT COLL. VAIVCIEVE. Jrnca on coaxes or ferrt asb fiest-sts. TERMS IX ADVANCE One Yr. ......., Six Months-........ Single Copies.......... ..... Three Dollars ......... ..........Two Dollar ..Ten Cents ... ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Square cf ten lines or less, first insertion, $2 ( each subsequent insertion, tl. . Larger advertisements inserted on tbe most iberal terms. JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of colored Inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pre pared to exoeuto all kind ot printing in a better Manner and 6fv per -ewW cheaper ever be fore offered in this city. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Agents for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorised to re ceire and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., fur the Recistkr : HIRAM SMITH. Esq -. Harrishurg. Judeo S. II. CLAUli UTON. Lebanon. PETER HUME, Esq... ....Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esq. K. E. WHEELER. Ei Scin. T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq - alcra. O. TOMPKINS. Esq. Ilarrisburg. L. P. FISHER, Esq "Frisco. BUSINESS CARD; JOHN CONNER, BANKIN G AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALIM XV, OREGON. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO cheek at sight. ...... Interest allowed on time deposits in com. Exchange on Portland. San Francisco and New Yoik for sale at lowest rates. C..l!ections made and promptly remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbelt, Henry Faihug, W. F. Ladd. Banking; hours from 8 A. Jt. to 4 r. H. "TS- Albany, February 1, IS7l.22v3 C. MEALEY DEALER IX Jt MANUFACTURER OF IT TT 3XT X "a? XT H E2 S and - - CABINET WARE ! I3elclingf, Etc., Corner First anl Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OU EG OS. . J. QUIA'A Tiioxi.wo, & TTORNEV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW fX. OrriR No. II! Firt .-tr-ct. between Mor rUua and Alder. tipoastte ti.e Occidental lioul. Portland, Oregon. Wi)l practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the Stat--, and in the District aud Cir cuit Court of the United State, giving special at tention t-J the collection of del. ts in all paits !" Oregon, and to ,.iita:iiin i diark ir;cs in riptey, which, since the last amendment to tiie law, may be obtained tr im all d -Ms eontr;i-t-:d prior to January 1st, 1 .':. without regard o the per centime which the etts may liually pay. November ISTO-lL'voy , COOK K ELS AY. JOsKI'B SIAXXoN. KELS.W & HAXNON. Attorneys and CouoM-lKirs at Law, '(Partner for hiun county.) OFFICE In Post Offi e Rii'.ld'ng, (up stir. Albany, Linn county. Ore o". 0 f.o L. STF.UGKfilElER, JIERC'KA.W TAIIsOU, albamy, ol;;os. just received, a lai'. '.ie an day ell selected stock of French io'nis. consisting ot" Cas'iraiTes, Delivers and I icdtios. and all manner of Fancy 0-o.!s of the Lest ttUiiUty. ;sr-Suits in.i 1 to or ier. 4y " I- STRUCK VEIER A CO. ja? PAnxicCLan attrhtios paib to CROCKS CP ALX. KINDS i ' in his line ! Octo'.er IS'.S S 1f GEO. F. SETTLEIVS1ER, 13 T J TJ O CS- I S rJ? - (Successor to D. . Wakefield,) Parrisu's New ISuIlding-, IJrst Street, ALBANY, OREGON. GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS MADE TO ORDER on short notice, cud Uh ueatuess aud dia paleh. sT-AU Eiuds of Repairing TJone. Albany, June 11. 1870 -50 I. S. SICE, -2. i., PH.SlClAfi AKD SURGZON, Albany, ------ Oregroa, OTFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN April '70.-32 DEALER IN CliEKCICALS, PAINTS. GILS, GLASS, ETC. 1 .Jf ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK IIERE ! 'JL'JULJa SAI' FUAI CISCO STORE! COK.fBR FIRST AND FEBUV STREETS, A Lit A X Y ......... ... ...;........ OK EGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment ol STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE ! I will have for sale the celebrated Xlgrr ond nools. cook btove, and other leading styles. Also, manufacture all kinds of Tin, Copper and SUeet-Iron Ware, in the best style, at lowest rates, FOR CASH, or" COUNTRY PHODUCE. Always on hand a full supply of The Purest Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. A well selected stock of Groceries and Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will s.U all jrood a in my hottsj. for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper tnau ever before o3t:rcd in this market. i-tu All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warruuted, ut niy Stove aud Tin Store. i JULIUS GIIADWOIIL. Nor. 14 11 . -i--- BUILDERS, ATTENTION S1SII, BLID AID L'ttOK fa c t o n y s. B. At.Tnoi ek. x. vuicht. . j. r, backexsto. AETIIOtSE & CO., I.TOS STRKET, (OS THE EIVEB EAXK), ALI1AW, : v : OREGON. K EEP OX HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and ar.' prepared to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY DRUG STORE. A. CAHOTHCnS. : - R. SALTMAngH. A. CAROTXIERS fit CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTKlilARIES, (Foster's Cluck, First stri ALU A XV, : : s z ORTEfiOJf, II- DEALERS IX Doors, Order, and ; hand and receiving. CONSTANTLY t lare ttock of Crroccries aad Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware. Tobaco. Cigars, Con fectionery. Yankee Notions. & Ac, Wholesale and Retail, opposite It. C. 11.11 A S n drag tore, Albany, Oregon. jnIO'70 tr. j. niLTABirEi- i. iJKcews. Kiltabilcl & Co., KEALESS IN UROCECTES AND PRO TWoBi, Wiod and Willow War ;, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pics, Notions, etc. P.rst strict, adjoining the B tk, Albany, Oregon. til All articles warranted pure aud of the best inn!ity. Physiciars Prescriptions carefully compounded Albanv. Oct. 17. lSfiS-nrf 3,1 VERA", FELD & SALE S T A II LE'S! ALBANY, OR EC ON. 3!OMG031EUY& BARTGES, fW.h Crown. Panel, Barnl. nud Section Mold of all WINDOW AND DGGR FRAMES ! p-loorlns,-;.- a.nd all other fcinsisoi" t : , . Ruildius: 3Iatcrial ! Brugs, Chemicals, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. DYE STXTFFS, , GLASS,'X- aeG8f French and American Calogites, . HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, COXFECTIOSERY. Pure Wines & .Liquors, for medicinal purposes.? - Fine Tobacco and Cigars. Physii ia-i's Prescription and Family Recipes com pounded with care. December SI, 1310 IT. V Dist-riplive LI-t CITY -PROPERTY FOR SALE STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. ' CITY OF ALBANY": ' Lot ?,, lilwti H Good bou?e. L.-ts 3 an 1 4. " 2 unimproved. Lots 1, 2. 7. 8, " 1!) Good bouse and stable Lots 5 and fi, " - Good bousi. Lots 5 and B. 10 " Lots 1, 2 and 3, 6 bouse and two stables. 9 Lots " 10 ; j ...-' Plenty of excellent fruit a desirable bomcsteadj NEW TO-DAY. MRS. VANVACTOR, DEALER IX MTLLIXERT AND FAXCT Goods, Lebanon, Oregon, has just received au elegant invoice of stock and goods to which she invites tbe attention of the ladies of Lebanon and vicinity. ESU Prod ace will be taken In exchange for 8""l. , . E. VANVACTOR. May 13, 1871-363 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B1 D. TBTUS, DeaL-r in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STC. jJESJ" Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Ac., attended to. All work warranted. 31 v 3 ' J. A BARGAIN OFFERED! A Slendid J)ru Dusduess for Sale.. WISHING TO RETIRE FROM ACTIVE busiue s, owing to protracted ill-health, tbe undersigned offers bis large and flourishing DRUG ESTABLISHMENT in this city for sale ut a low figure for CASII. Apply soon, if you want a bargiiin, to GEO. F. SKTTLEMEIR, . Albany, Oregon. EZ Daily Orcgonian copy one month and soud bill to this offi. e.-ea-tf 27 : ; To1;oo GREATER INDUCEMENTS! Now offered to tbe trade thin ever before, as we eil for . . Cash or Trade ! In hand, and having dispense I with long credits can sell 13 per cent cheaper Than any bouse giviug 12 month's time, or any kind ol a credit syttein, can oC'er to the trade.. Come along with your Cash or Produee, and see what you cau do at the OAfll STOKE of K. CUEADLE & CO. N. B. Cash paid for all the EGGS offered. A Great Hargain. PROPRIETOIIS. JE ARE PREPARED TO ttie puoue a uu neat turnouts FURXISU in the way t. a. niTcnEr.L. i. s. noi-pn. A. SSITH- Mitchell, Zolph & Smith," ' VTTORNEY3 ajd'cOUXSELLORS at LAW. Solicitors in Cbnncery and Proctors io Ad n.iralty. Offiee over tbe old Poet Ofliee, Front trees. Portland, Oregon. I JAKES A. WARNER, Civil Engineer & Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improve 1 Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended t. Residence on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tale's residence, Albany Oregon. nl 6ra rowBLL. i russ. Powell & Flinn, 1 T33RNEYA COUNSELLORS AT LAW XjL-a'' Solicit rs iu Chancery, (L. FUnn, Notary Public,) Albany. Oregin. Collections and conveyances promply attended to. I OEO. W. GRAY, TJ. D li;70lTi- SOLICIT THE PAT- ? w Mnre of all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH aud FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera tion. Nitrous Oxide administered for tbe pain. less extraction, of teeth, when desired. Charges MWieratte..... - w.--;--' -r: . Office in Parrisa A Co. 's brink bloek. Reai enee, first house south of Congregational Church fronting on Conrt House Mneir. ';,' Albany, Oregon, Jaly 2, 1S70-43 WA.1VTED. A B TJ S II ELS 07 OAT3. for IvfnVlLf J which the highest market price will be paid, in CAsH, at tbe store f . H. 8. DU BOISE. , Al", Batter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity for which the highest market prica will be paid ii cash. Call and see me.' Albany, Aug. 20. 1870.5ft 020.00 A DAY I TO HALE AND FEMALE AGENTS TO introduce tbe celebrated $25 OO SiitTTLE SEWOG ,tTcTI At tlTK fiW nrxt-r, . .' -- niMjE.&. ana ts - tbe only lensed bnttl sewing maebine In . fit,. .,ttd r.. 1... M a . ' tlc sl6ratod Wilson feed, and are acknowledged .11 tn ha the best n,..!.!.. t ui . . feary ewr. m the market. Outfit free. Ad- rts, -Hi-xttt rWS, (. Agt., ytv$tQ Alny, Orsgon Stylish Buggies & Carriages UT a s -t S t o Ols.!: On the most reasonable terms. Our livery ia all new and of th latest styles, and we bH take pride in giving oar patrons as neat aud reliable an outfit as can be obtained in tbe State, -t . - ';-"- Horses boarded at reaaocable rates, by the week or month. . .. . Hacks and Carriages furnished for parties, Ac. A sharj of pnldie patron aire is Bdii-ited. MONTGOMERY A BARTGES. Albany, DecemW 17, 1870-15 TUB KEW ENGLAND MUTUAL - LIFE insaranee Company of Boston is the only company on this coast. grrr:ed by tbe CSassachnsctts Non-Foricitnre Law. This eompanv was incorporated A. D. 135. an. I ha. accumulated assets of ver f St O.HOO 00. Tbe following lai8ed policies Lpve been paid on this coast uoder this law : t-.-. 1 Over due at time No. of poHcy. of death. Amt. inrnred. i 1"0J t montbs. aI 4 months. : : lO.r.Ott 3fd " 3 months. l.OtMl 2!'ln 10 .lavs. : :-V 2,otK) " 315359 11 months cv - ' 6,000 Had tbo above policio been in any other com pany, they would have been torfeib d. i nu above facts speak for themselves.' and to bj wise aud prudent tutthr cuument is unnec essary. . KVEUSON & MIDDLEMISS, GENERAL AGENTS. : : SAN FRANCISCO. L. . FlT. NN, " Local Acct, t t Albany, Orcg-on. . F. t-roary 25. l;i-25y ri'RiLG. - TURXlftU 7S . zn o ' w M I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KIX1 OF TUBNINU t , , I ke p on band and make to rder RAWHIDE-UOTTOMED CXZAIRS, , AS " ' Splnniaff Wheels. 333 Shop near the "Maenolia Mill." r . JOHN M. METZLER Albany. Nnr. 8. ISfiK-I NSW STTLS PfCTVRES. '-"'THE "REMBRANDTI 1 the most popular stylo of Photograph sow van sua soe, . mads, Jan 14-18 J. WINTEB, Aloany, Oregon. Lts 6 and Lot 1, Lot 8. Lots 2 and 3, Lots i Lot 7, , Lot 4, ' Lots 3 anl 4, Lots Lo's Lits 3 and 4, Lot 4, 14- 14- -Good Louse. " s " and stable. 44 . 10:t- " ; yt . , u lr, " ' ' , ' f0 uniuiprovo cltaap. 5 desirable lots. 118 !mx Iioiifc. Are prepared to do MILL WORK t furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzajr Shakers, Suction Fans. Driving Pulleys, of anv kiod, at our I-cti,rv on I.von street, (on the river bank), next lie'.o Jlarkhatn'tr warehouse. ALTIIOUSR & CO. Albany, February 0, 1.S63-- 4 I ( 71 aires eood tinil;erO"l land, on? mile from i. Al-:ny i .Dentisn mist;-'. -w,i:', r,.A. Ten Homestead Lot, 6 acr'S each, I mile north or Albany Ferry, at each. For particulars apply to J. C. MENDEXI1A1L, Heal Instate Agent, Office in Parrlsh Bruk, Albany, Oregon. 40 THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOU. BKIGOS, if STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of tbe best pattern- -AT-So Tin, Sheet frota and CoppOP "VV ,3TO 2 and tbe usual tssortinent. or Furnishing Goods ti be obtaiued iu a . a?I3ST STOBL23 ! . - Jiepitfr venf?itH pmwptlij executed, T- on fettmnttttljte lermm vs 'Short reckonings make long friends." Front street i....Albany. Next door to Mansfield Jk Co. , de5'08-I f A Stitch U'ix-o! Fire ! in Time Saves Nine ! " TJ3STX03XT Fire ani Marine Insurance Company ! WSotm 416 nod 413, CulUornia atr :et, San Fraacisco, - - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, lit Gold Coin. $T5O,O00. Deposit lit Oreg-mi, 950,000. Ltontwt Prnmptti antf Kqnitithl .Adjusted And l'aid " Gold Voin. TniS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by waking a ileposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage b Fire, and also atrainst Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms.' CUAS. OUSTAVE TOCCIIAUD, Pre. D. HAVEN, See'y. . Albany. 1 871-1 S J. C. MENBENHALL. A0ont for Albany ALBA K IT.;: HOOK STORE. ESTABLISHED IN l85o. J3, XXi-lXX-.IVI. EALIB IN EVERY VARIETY OF D Miscellaneous Books, School Books. Clunk Rooks, Stationery, 4c, Book imported to erder at short notice-' Albany, Oregon, December 3, ,1878. "- .v . XV. II. KCIIA' Sc CO., Uaviug just received a Largo and well selected Stock of II A 11 1) WARE. . s t en AS .,- FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS coxaiHTixo or ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, 1 1 .tin '.tiers, Hammer?, Sledges, Sledges. Saws, Saws, Sawn. , . Planes, Planes, Pluues, CorK-Cut and mill aw, Together with a large assortment of IRON STEELi Nails, Nails, Nail, .... i - Sprinps, Pprintrs, Sprmp, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, Ac, &c. 4,- Also, a well Selected Sto'k of "Wagon Tiiri'fcr, spokes, nuns, best mvrs; SUA Fit. POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of wideb wo arc now offering t the public nt low rates. As we make tha bus'ness a spec ialty, wc om and will kuep a better assortment at lower prices than uny houfe iu this city. rpire I Lake" is uttered forsale at $10,000 in coin $4,000 in band, aud tUu remainder iu six tqaal annual payuieut.s with interest from date. The tract is iu good flmpe, being nearly a square, con taining about CC0 acres of rich soil j and is diver sified with forests vast, fair law us, lordly oaks, and willows sitting by the -lake, the woodbind and pruirie s. al emoting as to make it one of the most attractive p!acc& in the State. It is situated on the west side of the Willamette river, within half a milj of Albany, vbicb is known cs being in tbe heart of the Lest agricultural portion of Oregon. Tbe loc.-itiou is healthful. It bas a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two story frame barn with thudding 00 feet suuare : a lare aud handsome new bouse two-ttories Ligh, thoroughly. pair,t-d itisidc and out. the larj;e cup boards and book ascs being fixtures, tind the bouse having under its whole length a good dry cellar. In addition t. ibce therj is a neat wcli houtc, a wood-it use and ail tilbor teetssary out houses. There is a meadow, larger pai-ture, or t hard., garden, Ac7 It is iie tibia- of be ing divided into four ftrtu.-. all of them having good soil, fuel aud roil timber, and three of tiiutn having stock-wstcr. For particulars address J. C. Mendcnball, Esq., Albany, or the uiiderwizn .t I'ortlnnd. J. gi IHOK.MOX. Feb. 11th, 1S71 21v3. Att iruey ot Law. PIKEANDMAIllNE IKSinA.E COHPAXY, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Total Assets...... (Gold) 8I.77T SCG.C3 Y AUTHORITY OF A SPECIAL ACT OF the Legislature of Kentucky, of March 13th lo , tbe Trustee of the Public Library of Ken tucky will give a Grand Gift $1,000,000 Concert ! AT LOUISVILLE, KY On Twdny, October 31, 1871, Ui.der the direction of the best ilusiol Talent that can be procured.. Tickets of Admission. $10enc1i,CarTcncj. Each Ticket will have attached to it four cou pon of the denomination of S3 Ml each. The holder of an entire ticket will be entitled to ad mission to tbe Concert, and to the whole amount of the gift awarded to it by lot. The bolder of each coupon will be entitled to admission to tha coneertand to oae-tbmrta of too ataonntof uch gift a may be awarded to it. Tn provide funds for this Grand Concert, and for the benefit of tbe Public Library of Kentucky, H O. OHO Ticket will bo sold at $10 each, cur rency. .. ,. Tlie Cittzons Bunk of Keu tuck r : is Treasurer and Depcsitory. ' .- . ' ' Ammeaiaiely atti-r tbe Concert tbe snm of . . $550,000 in Currency Will be di.-tribnted bv lots to the holders of Tickets iu the following GIFTS: ONE GftAXD GIFT OF."......, One Gift of One Gift of. One Gift or , One Gilt of ......,. One Gift of .4....... One Gift of; One Gi l of. ;'..... . One Gift of. ,, One Gift of.... ...... ...... One Girt ofw... - One Gift of.... One Gift of.. , . One Gift of......... ....... Oue Gift of. One Gift of...: ... One Gift of. ........ One Gift of ................. One Gift of...... One Gift of...... ...... ... Oiietlilt of...... .i One Grand Gilt of.,. ... Ten Gift- ot f 1.000 each . . Fifteen Gifts or $000 each..... Kigbieen Gifts of SSOit each Tweuty Gifts of $700 each Twenty-five Gift o G0J each..... Thirty Gifts of $500 each Forty Gifts of 4t0 each . ... Forty-fire Gilts of &-.00 each.,... FiftV Gifts of 2110 cneh 448 Gill of 100 each ..flOO.000 .. . 25,000 ,. 20,0C0 .. 10.000 . 18,000 .. ll.tOO .. lfi.OilO ..- la.oi 0 .. 14.MK) .. 1:.10J . I2.O11O .. 11 0-10 .. 10.000 .. a.tmo . 8.100 7.0 .. c,ooo .. r . 5.000 .. i 4.000 .. 8.000 - 2.0 0 .. 60," 00 . 10 000 13.500 . lMi-0 - lt.OOO 15,000 .. 15.100 .. IfiOOJ ... '. I.I..M1O 10.000 .. 44.eoti Rcccivi g and opening a largo and splendid assor inent f WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which wc oCer at reduced rates. W. II. KUHN A CO. In the Mnnteitli Fire-proof Drtct, First-st. March 12.-70-27 II. C. CLLMEST, 3E -A. I 2ST T EI LL KINDS OF PAIXTIXG. GRAINING V and pap-r-hangiog. ' Wnlla colored and wiiitencd. Orders promptly attc-nded to. t-h. p -ver Adams' Wagon Factory. Sl3 SETTLEM1RES KIRSERY, Six miles South of Albany, jLiuu Co. Near' the X2.a.ilioacI. TS O L I C I T THE ATTENTION OF ALL tiers. ins dcMring to purchase Fruit Trees to call and exumine my stock, which la composed of the largest aud best selection in ttie btate, ton sist:ng of Apples, Pears. Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Graoes, Black Derries, Currants and Rose. ' ' AlSO, ' Black and White Walnut, English Wal nut, Hickory, Pcr-aii, lledbud, Hooey Locust, LI iickberry, ' and a numlier of other varieties of tree and plants too numerous to mention, nil of wHiidt are offered at low rat. . UK X RY W. S ETTLE JlIRE. December 17. 1S70.15 CITY MARIiET, FIRST STREET, ALTJAKY, OREGON, . j, X,, HA1II118. .. . - . . HAIOHV. J. Is. HARRIS & CO., TIROPRIETOKK. We shall endeavor to 1 alwuya keep on band a full supply of all Kinds of ISea'ts! all of which will be of the very best Quality. The highest market price paid lor Ueeves, Hogs and Sheen. - Third door west of Ferry, on south side of First usees. . J. L. UARtUa H Albany, Pse. IS, 1370-1$ J. HUNT. President. Wu. ALVORD. Vice President. J. RALSTON, Secretary. DA1RD, Marino Secretary. JC33 The lending Fire aud Marine Insaranee Company on ibis coast. 5r$.0.ti(!O deposited in Oregon. SK'O Losses Promptly and Equitably adjusted and paid in Gol 1 Coin. LADD & TILTON, Gen. Agents for Orrgan and WatJiinjlon Territory. JOIIX COA1VI2I1, Agent, ALBANY, OREGON. i March 4, '7l-2fy IS 1IERKRY GIVEN'. THAT I HAVE opened a -. sLivery nml Feed Stable ! in the town of LkDANON, where I will be con stantly on hand to'attcud to tbo wants of the people. I will run a hack from Albany to Lebanon and Soda Springs, on Saturday of each week. All busiis entrueted to tuy care will bo promptly attended to. W B. DONACA. Lebanon, Sept. 10, 1S70 Iv3in3 : ' r Potatoes ! Potatoes ! Zff BUSHELS POTATOES JUST RE-OVrl-F eeived and ia store, tor stile at $ I 25 per busbtl, by ' N. S. DUBOIS. March II, I87l-27lf Patronize Home. Manufactures ! BROOMS V."t Prices X HAVING GONE LARGELY INTO the manufacture of ALL GRADES OF BROOMS) lam prepared to furnish the Oregon public with a good i broom as can be obtained on the coast, at Portland prices. Crders solicited. Address all orders to BLA1N. YOUNG tit CO., Gereral Agents, Albany. Ororon. - W. D, RELDING. ' Albany, December 3, 1S70-13? AI.I5AAY 15 ATII llOUSC. mnK UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- 1 fully inform the citizens of Albany and v. eioitv that be bas taken charge of this establish meat, aud, by keeping clean rooms and paying triet attintic ."to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore earried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing" Saloons, he expeo's to give entire satisfaction to all. - US- Children and Ladies' hair neatly cnt and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. r evT0y2 v; v y' Notice J I THE PTJBHO ARE HEREBY "WARNED not to trust my son, Jseob P Martin, minor, a r will not be responsible for any debt of his contracting from aad after this date. SELVIA MARTIN. HarrisImTg. Or,, May 19. 1871-38, . , ; 721 Pr'ues in all..... .............. .S550,00 .After paying tuetxp-nses of tho enterprise and making tbe distntHii-iim of the ems, the ba ante of the proceeds arising fmm tbe ale of tickets will bo appropriated to ' the e-tablisji-mcnt of a Free Licrary in Louisville, to be c.illed tbo PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. By tuo provisions i f the charter this Library is I forever free to the gratuitous use and enjoyment of every eiliic . end it is the purpose of the trus tees to raire a fund sufficient to secure a suitable building, to place in it t ooks enough to form the nucleus of a uuigt.itii eut library, and to so endow i s to euabltf it to buy tbe cor rent publications as thev come oat, and t t be slf-sutainiug. The -unci rt jit dborlVjtiou wilt take placa uodtr ll.e iiumediate supervision of the trustees named in the act of incorporation, who are as follows: TRUSTEES. Thos. E. Eramlette, late Governor of Ky. : II. Wat;er.on. Editor Courier Journitl ? W.N. Halde man, President Courier Journal Co. ; Ben Casse day. of the Daily Commercial ; George P. Doern, Proprietor Auieiger; H. M. McCarly, of the daiiy Ledger ! J. S. Cain. Clerk Jtft'crsoa Court t'omtnon Pleas; M. W. Clusky, Author Political Text Book ; R. T. Durrcif . of the Louisville bar. 1 be trusted will be aasistwl by the following well-known and eminent citizens of Kentucky, wbu have consented to lie present at tbo concert. un:l to superintend tbe drawing and distribution of gifts : .."..:.-. SUPERVISORS : Hon. II. J. Sti'es, Judge Jefferson Court of Common Pleas; Hon. T. B. Cochran, Chancellor Louisville Chancery Conrt ; Hon. II. W. Bru e. Jude Jctlerson Circuit Court ; Hon. J. O. Bax ter, Mayor of Louisville ; lion. B. J. Webb, Sen ator horn Kcutm-ky ; Col. G. C Wharton, U S. Distiict Attorney : Col Phil. Lee, Proserutitig Attorney Ninth Judicial District; Gen. J. T. Hoylo, President N. 11. A K. R. R. ; lr. T. S. I tell. Prof. Med. University, Louisville; Jilson P. Johnson, Proprietor Gait House; Hon. J. Proctor Knott, late Member Congress j Andrew Graham, Tobacco and Cotton Broker. . The holders of tickets to which gifts are award ed will be paid on presentation at tbe ;fliee in Louisville, Ky. Tickets will be for rale at the office in Louisville on the First of Jnly, X871. A liberal discount will bo allowed when 100, 5f0, or 1000 tickets are purchased in slot. All ordi rs accompanied by remittances will be promptly attended to and the tickets returned by mail, registered or by express, as ordered. The undersigned, late principal Dublin ss Man ager of the very successful Mercantile Library Gift Concert or San Franeiaeo, having been appointed Ascnt of the above enterprise, bas to say that everything wid be done I" make this an entire success, and buyers of tickets will find their in-" terests as well guarded as if they wits personally present and superiutcmlcd tbo eutire aflair. CHARLES R. PETERS, Gait House. Louisville, Kentucky. A communication, directed to - thai s officers of tbe Stat Agricultural Socictj, requesting theno ;-;to . jnite the Xlon ;f Horace Greeley, editor of the New York , Tribune, to deliver the nnur ddresji,::-, before the Society this fall, has been published. The officers of the Society could notxloa better thing than to heed . this request it will be paying invest. , r ment ; and if it be true that the exebeq uer of the Society is depleted, here Is a . . most feasible tlan for filling it to OTer-J flowing. Let tbe people of Oregon "nn- "( derstand that Mr, Ureeley is to deliver an address for theif benefil'. on th oce.j sion of thennnual Fair, andthere'U'tWvl-.;; ' ly bo room enough witbio the ' present enclosure, large as it is,' to Tiold th people they will flock front the ntter--' most ends of the State j and notonlyfroni this State, but from all portions; of the coast. A better "card" to secure full m house could not be selected. If the officers are tbe far-secin, enterprising gentle- meti we arc led to believe, this ' augges- f ion will receive their immediate atten- tiou. Tho fact that CoL Taggart "ha ' been invited to deliver an address befora the Society, and the probability ' that he -will accept, is no reason why Mr. .Gree Ly, should not be invited alsqUwuidI make the Fair doubly iotercsting. .A , suggested by Maj. Franeisvene migh:j deliver the opening and the . other the closing address. If, however, the-of fleets of the State AgvicolturaP SocieTr' fail to do their duty in this' matter h.ipe the officers of the Linn County Agricultural Association ; ?.,vrijl' waUx -in and secure the prize,; securing such-an, attendance as they caunot-obtain inany, other way, and showing they have ,th, tierve" aud -nand" to runa Fair. Boys, ' revolve" : this matter for a moment, and. then. "go for it." It a abig feature, an d it- will scour. . , ; ; , . . . . ft ACADEHY OF MCSIC, . OMAHA, : i NEBRASKA, , T-ULXXe OO, 1871. '; TICKETS. TWO DOLLARS EACH ; COUP ONS, ONK DOLLAR EACH., f 'GIFTS TO BE AWARDED t I Cash Gift . .. ... .....,.$20,0f0 1 Cash G ift 1 Cash Gift........................ 1 Cash Gi t. 1 Cash Gift.... ....m... 1 Cash G ill 1 Cash Gift... 1 Cash G irtM. 1 Cash iiift ..... 1 Cash Gilt. . . 1 CahGirt 1 Cash Gift. ....... u. 1 Cash Gift." ............ ......... 1 Cash Gift.. .......... . ... 1 Cash Gift....;....-,.... ....... 1 Cash Gift......... ............ 15 Cash Gifts, $500 each...... 10 Cash Gifts, $250 each..... 20 Cash Gifts, $100 each.. bO Cash Gifts, $j0 each 100 Cash Girts, $:0 each... .. 100 Cash GitU,S2i each . lO 'O Cash Gifts, (IU each. 100Q Cash Gilts, $jeaeh.. 16,000 10,000 6.000 8.(00 2.010 1,1 Oil 1.0 10 1,010 1 .000 1.01 0 1.000 1,000 1.000 LOCO 1.000 7,600 2,Si0 2.000 2.5U0 3.000 2,50ft 10.000 5,000 Run Over by Cattle. One jight last week several bands of cattle arrived, " at Mr. John Cluypool's, on the mountain, waou road, some sixty miles' from this, city. The cattle, some five hundred head, were driven into a Targe corral, and 'left for the i-ight." During tbe night a mon strous panther made his way into the" corral, and it is supposed, seized a calV The bellowing of tho frightened calf and the presence of" the panther demoralized, the cattle, and a stampede ensued, j Tha terrified drovers, ; awakened from deep sleep by thc.tenifie bellowing of the stampeding cattle, leit their warm blank;, ets iu a hurry, seeking safety inflight! One of them, Mr. Benj. Stratton, 'of Washington courty, was so unfortunate as to get among the cattle, who knocked him down and run over him," braising ' and Lsce rating - his body, v tearing ;.hia cluthes, and leaving hitu in a. bad, plight for traveling. Our townsman, Jo. Gray, was found, after the ; excitement had somewhat subsided, some distance from, the corral on a log, not having the least idea how he got there or what 7 was j the matter. John says he never 'was so bad scared in his life. The" cattle "scat, tcred through th,o mountains in " every direction, and when Mr. Claypool lefta large number" of them were still1 "absent . and unaccounted for." ' ' ,'T1 Bon Voyage. The irrepressible and jolmious vender of leather and" leather finding, Mrt J. Bow, of the firm of Dow & Crane, First street, Albany, Oregon, jumped a board the cowcatcher on wciijL tisMilsv. nntl lorantAtl - Till. TVirtTatiH an 25 X O O , O O O ' , . - it "v , . t VAtirii Tnr ' It iufiri I In tvuta rA ' 1am ,1. CwIF'T J?J STIVAL T ne w stock of boots, shoes, etc., and etijey 2310 Gifts, amounting to..,....,. ......$1QO,000 Which will be distributed by the Mctvai. Aid Association- - . JHO-Thi enterprise will be conducted in a pre cisely similar maunor to thstof the late Grand Gi t Concert of tbo MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, of San Franeiaeo, which gave ach Univer'at SoflVacfioa. Good, responsible agents wabtsd. . 1 Liberal oommission allowed. For full partleu ars address " - LYF0KD CO., Omaha, Nobraska, OB, CsMweU filoek. : Business liaaaawrs, ' a "few" life. And mav pleasant breeaes waft him on his journey, and may he r. turn to -us soon again, his seTen-beaiga countenance wreathed in beautboussmilds. So-long, Johnathan. . . s; t . Two American ladies, with- slsle man companion, recently made'the tlap from tho Sea nf Okbotsh across, Siexia to St. Petersburg in sledges, i dkancs of seven thousand miles "" r-r : ' --' -itioy-.-:-. Love is indclatiable ;-it never wear. ; tea. Lnve is inexhaustible ; ' Ht-'tlooms and bads again ; - and the more, itja&f. fused, the more it abounds. . y i txt Twenty.six thousand children aravsbw learning niuxio in the Boston pfio . schools. Fifteen thousand of 1 Wry, are sn far advanced -as tt be competent to tko part in a musical feativa).-.,wI w 1 1 : 1 " fft ..' " The Missouri Democrat asks (,C lild anybody have believed, halt a Uoen j .'ra ago, that the time would 'vri'-'i..i in this country when leading Ja tio papers would insist that Mr. Je' loq Davis, President of the - Confucrat States, was a man of no po!'4ical,.ons. iueDCr' : '- -j. . ' 1 1 W, t 1 1 1 1 1 n ' .J In Rock Island, on that l:i v-st'ri, owpor by the name f ' i rr" t about a. foot of Iifligoti issi- vi (g, . aiderable cheee, uad drai.'i ov r . oalf ; keg of lager beer. ; Ca y,Vl SZSL "a. "