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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1870)
H A.TU 11 DA 1 , OCTOHEll 1, Two AGA!ST Ose. A young man Progressing. e rode out as far as ! mcd Isom, a teamster, returning from s tlie Santiam river on last Sabbath, to see ' j Portland loudt-d with goods for one of our 1 how the railroad was progressing. The NEW TO-DAY. Subscribers finding an 3C after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that number, anil they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms S:i per annum, in advance; nix months. $2 : three month.", $1. LOCAL AFFAIRS Alts.y.w Pukcinct. Through the politeness of Card. N. . Humphrey, Assistant Marshal, we are furnished with the following facts with regard to Albany precinct : There are in the precinct a total of 445 dwellings ; 435 families ; 1,- W. II. KUHX CO., NEW TO-DAY. 10. mprrjitilo firing TIttir:1?iv vrinnr inat. 1 lrilrr n fri the S.-intinit. is in a riiucll w j -fcJ J o ------ - which sat two men. One of the men ac- j substantial piers have beeu constructed, costed Isorn, orderinsr htm to give the a large number of piles driven, aud every road. Isom refused, telling the men that j thing was, so far as we could judge, in they by rights should give the road as '; readiness for the frame work, which, we i they had no load. They threatened ; were lrilurmeU, is ail ready at the torn to "put a head'' on Isom if he did not I party's shops, and will be forwarded from corunlv with their wishes, and as he still 'Salem by teams. A larjre number of the refused, one of them proceeded to carry j railroaders are encamped a short distance j ANVILS) VICESj BELLOWS) out the threat. Isom succeeded in sending on th:s side or the river, where they j TT Tlnnmers f ! Hammers. Hammers, Sledges, Sledges, i Sledges, Sledges, I Saws, Haws, Saws, '; S.-iu-s. Saffs. Saws, Having just received a Large and well selected Stink of HARD WARE, seen a ! FAUMEIVS & MECHANIC'S TOOLS I CONSISTING OF his man to "crass," and had him pretty i have already done some hundreds well choked, when the second man came j yards of grading, &.c. We were informed 076 white males 1,018 white females ' forward and planted a blow on the upper j that hands were to be massed between 3 colored males ; 1 colored female; 00 ! lip of Isom, which brought the claret, j this point and the Santiam as rapidly as foreign born females; 35 foreign born i and induced Isom to loose his hold of the j possible, and in the expressive language females; 2 blind persous ; 2 deaf and i first an d "go" for the si-cond man, which j of Den. Holladay, the road was to be dumb, and 1 insane. Total population of i he did tu good style, until the teams, thus j "popped through to Albany in no time.' the precinct, two thousand and tiinty- left alone, concluded to move on. 1 he four. The population of the county wil' I first man broke for his team, followed not be so large as was anticipated at the ' immediately alter by his comrade, on the outset of the census probably uot over I double .juick ; both got into the empty nine thousand, making Linn county the j wairoii, and left in a hurry. Mr. Iscm third in point of population, instead of j Silvs he did not have time to "polish" his the second, as we stated recently. As J ,nan as he intended. It was late, and BUSINESS TILL HUSHING AT THE NEW JEWELRY STORE o I . TITUS, HI NEW TO-DAY. Albany, Oregon. Terriblk Acciuknt. On Tuesday last Mr. W. Tally, an old resident of this city, while out hunting, accidentally shot himself in the left hand, breaking the bones and terribly lasceratinir the j palm of the hand. The third fiugor and Snritiirs. SonnffS. Snrinirs. soon as the Marshal shall have completed ' Jr. I, being a new comer Lis returns, we shall endeavor to give all ! wh0 the two men were. facts and figures of interest. I could not tell i j the metacarpal butie were removed from AIJE.NT FOR THK CELITBn ATED i American & Swiss Gold & Silver latches I Of every description. Direct Importer of the ery best j SWISS MADE WA.TC1IES, Cients and Ladies SIzrs. THE FIXKST SELECTION OF JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS) Of all Kinds constantly on hand. - O . I BKI'AIRINO OF j WATCHES, SPECTACLES f- JEWELRY San Fair Receipts. A. X. Arnold, Esq., Treasurer, favors us with following re port of the receipts of the Linn County Fair, held at their grounds near this city last week: tate ices, SI ,:; ;!7 ; en tries, $-Zjt) ; licences, S3i'J 7- to tal receipts, 5 1 ,0'JS 21. 'Jhus it will be seen that the receipts were ST'.'o 75 less than the Fair of 1M50, the receipts on that occasion being -?2,702. Had the enemies nf the Association w. irked as energetically for the success of the Fair as they did for its defeat, we would have had the largest and uios" successful Fair last week ever held in. Linn county. Personal. Jake Xorcrtws, Esq., looking as natuial as life, is at present making our city a visit, aeeompauied by his estimable wife. He reports Ochoco, his home, all right. The friends of Johnny Irvine will be pleased to learn that he is- slowly recov. eriii j: from his severe illness from ty phoid fever. the hand by Dr. Tate, and it is thought the balance of the hand may be saved, although in a mutilated state. Mr. Tally was carrying his gun in the right hand, muzzle in front, in pursuit of a pheasant, parting the brush with the left hand, thus bringing it on a line vfith the muz zle ot the gun, when in some unaccount able manner the piece exploded, sending the whole load of shot through the leit hand. Jefferson A T Francisco o Prices. Mrs. Jvl. Leach, l.eacli ar.a : pAUIXl! Fkat While at Mr. Adams, intend starting for the j on a:j( Sabbath, a young lady of that pros- a few days, for the benefit of i pcious village performed the feat of walk- I'lanes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, C'ors-C'ut and ITS ill Saws, Together with a large assortment of IltONAND STKEL Xails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, itprm Springs. Springs, Spriugs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &.C., &c. Alio, a well Selected Stock of Wagon Tim.Lci spokks. mns. p.ent iiims. ; SHAFT?. POLES. IIICKOKY AXLE?. KTC, ! 1 We claim to kec nil All ff which we are now ofl'crin to the uldic ! , . , x- at low ratc. As we umke the bnaincss a spec- F I II T Ql A LI T 1 ially. we can and will keep a better :i?floitment at j , anJ at j,riCOi, that defv competition, hiwer prices than any house in this city. : i Iteceivi'ig anl opening a large and splendid . assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. . Which we offer at reduced rates. V. It. KUIIX ,i CO. In the Monteith Fire proof lirick, First-st. ; -March 12.-70-27 I'.very Article Sold and all Repairing Done, Warranted. ti O O D i I A. COWAN. A. W. STAXABB. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS F I ItST STREET AI.1SAXV. I ing from shore to shore of the Santiam Maiikets. At present our m irket is rather unsettled, with prices tending up ward. The pro.-pect uf a war between Russia and Turkey has created great ex citement in breadstuff in the markets of the E ist. nn 1 should th j war proceed, .mo tless ete rate" the price of wheat here m iferial If our farmers Panes in health. Dr. E. 11. Geary vent to Portland du- , river, on the narrow plai.ks laid on top of j ring the week, to examine, as one of the ; il0 piers aud false-work of the new budge ! three Commissioners appointed lor that j for tlie beneiit of the workmen:' Nothing j purpose, the second twenty mile section, j daunted by the rushing, seething waters uow completed, of the O. & C. Ilailroad. 80me forty feet beneath her feet, and the The cars are now making regular trips to j fact that several gentlemen who had tried Salem. i the experiment, but were compelled to Messrs. F. S. Powell and A . I Hen- , jt JUWn, being overcome by dizziness, diickson, with their iamihes, during the unt ..COOI1 ;t" back to the startii.g point, present week, moved from Linn into she bravely "walked the plank," without Polk county two good men, ;:nd we are j tjle p;lst :lpparent trepidation, and climb- 55 IHsrriplive T.Lt CITi" J'JiOI'Fin'V FOPiSALE! STITZEL & UPTON, Heal Estate Dealers, Albany, Og-n. They offer a large and weT -,teeted istoek of ! STAPLE DRY CJOODS ! ) At ' Extraordinary Low Prices Osxsli i Iiotlnc;o I should, y any possibility, be able to soil their wheat for -51 per bushel this fail, it will sorely discommode them, puz zling some of them am.i.iugly to know what to d i with such '-gobs" of cash. We would suggest, in the eveut of such n calamity, that a sale investment, would ho to buy "some"' railroad, or visit tlie State Fair week after next in either cise th'.-y w ul.l have strength euough to carry all they had left. rry to lose them from this' corr munity. Sociaui.e. -V Sociable was to have been held at tli-j residence ol Mr. J. A. Winter on Tuesday night lar-t, but was postponed on account of a church meeting on that evening. It will trans pire on Wednesday evening next, and a ircueral invitation is extended. I'KAD. A note from S:dem, date d Om.l'iEli. We are under obligations ti Mr. IjijeMn, of Milwaukie, for a large cherrv tree. !' the J!aek I'epubiiean variety. We shall undertake to rai.-e our nvu cherries hereafter. Ql. S- Since vrititg the ahove. somobo ly has levanted with our shrub." and we are therefore reluctant v i-Miipelie l to deler going into the cherry buiuess until ne can get an other Sej t. "29th, informs us of. the death of Us--v. Win. lloyal, on that date, in the T.V.h year of his .age. Funeral services tratisptreu on t! 30th- sterd; 1' lant. Mkx axu Tkams Wanteu. Mr. II. Th'.etaenT Superintendent of the Oregon & Califoinia Ilailroad, this morning a-3-vertises for ,"00 men and K'O teams to work on the road. Here is a chance for all idle men and bo- to get work. Ap ply immediately. ed down the long ladder on the Albany side of the river. There's nerve for you. j , We'll bet our stamps on that maiden's pluck. Georgia State Fair. A note from Atlanta, Georgia, -dated Sept. 0, 1S70, infones us that the Georgia State Agri- ; cultural Society will hold its sixteenth annual Fair in 'Oglethorpu Park, two ; miles from the cit- of Atlanta, commenc ing October 10th (present month), and will continue from ten to fifteen days. The Association oilers ?2.".000 in pre miums, and iu addition, the citizens of Atlanta offer 62,'0:.) for the fastest trot ting horse, and S;VJ0 for the uext best i open to the world. 15y resolution, unan imously passed, the Society cordially cx- tends an invitation to their fellow citizens of the North. Eist and West to meet , with ihtir brethren of the South, cx- l.ots 1 , : CITY OK AI.HAXY : 7 ami S, lilot k 10 good house. te. Lots ?, and 4, I.t o. 4 Lots in 4 I...t.s in Lots T, and f. in T...t J..'t ." and 0, in 20 ' 21 ' 1 0 hou?e and harn. 44 ' 1 IS no improvements. Iu addition to a very lare etoek. (covering everything in the line of Cottons, wc have a complete assortment itf FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Roys and sjeii's i pt fiTiiTuri ami rTTDUTiiiwfi annus 1 UhUllllliu uuu i u xtii luiiiii u. uuuuu II AT?, CAPS, RiJOT?, SHOT -od house. ritli a No. Rents for 2i f.-et on First strc. t. in Pdock .". 1 Frame Stere-hnu.-i two stories. $2o a metith. Lots 2 and ti in Muek t:, with ;riod Honse and Barn. Price, soo. L-.ts 1. 2 and " iu l.l k 0 lai-e dwelling and two stal.U-s. Lots. 5 and 0 in Id.iek 1.10 good limrse. rriie. $7i)". Ten Homestead Lots, It aere5 eaeh. J mile north of Ai'oiny. at $12i each. For particulars apI'W to J. C! JIENDEMIAI.I., Agent, jmil 1-40 Alloiny, Oregon. THE EYES ! THE EARS ! Carpet. Wall-Paper. Paper &. Linen ! Blinds, &c, &.C j Kii'ciiil aitn;i n i? lircctel ti out ?tuck of 1 HON AND STEEL ! - AND j ! -i:I.52 - I. HAKDWAKE! Whii h is the larreft and most complete this tide of Portland. You are invited to call and examine our K'ol and prices. i Toe highest mark, t price iu ea.h puid for j Wool, Hncoit mad Lard ! A. COWAN A CO. Oct. s. isoa s A S'p-,-i;ss the Scwlnir Circio at ; . ! Got id Ikka. A move in tlie right j chaugo friendly greetings, exhibit stock, c mean the meeting ot j j- , atteuiDt now bein-' made agricultural imnlements and other arti- Dr. Griffin's on , . - .,.,tr..i ? w :.. i.. ., .i ,f ut'nmMiay. J lie attendance was me ; - , , ,.,. t i.- J 1 the city upon which to move the ."I. r.. largest of theseason, and was made doubly , .,, . J ', Church buna ing. pieasant by the whole souled and kindly ! : ; , . r.i ii . it- i t t. 1 AceoMMODATINO. That nice spring greetinu's of the Doctor and his Iuily. It , " i " . i . M , . i wa"on attached to the ccrocery establish- is seluom that loiks are permitted to par- j "i-J-1 c J ,.t. r i 1 1 , ineut of Mr. X. 8. Dui'ois, is proving a take ol such excellent viands as were , r o great convenience to our citizens. Oro- furiii.-lieil to guests at the supper table on ; Wcduosdav cv'-nini;. the material interests of all sections. ! This iuvitation, so cordially extended, ' comes just in the niek o' time, and will lie An cordially received by our ' Our railroad will then be finished to a point between Salem and the Santiam, j A. r.i:oTin:ns. It. S A1.TM A US II. Dr. T. I,. OLDG, OCUtlST AND AURI T, ALBANY, : : : OREGON. ttoldca. old Opthalmic l)oetor, S. C. A. CAROTZZERS & CO. DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, AM) P K ALI'RS I N iiakhiui:i:u and tcio. He learn; from the Assistant Marshal for this coun- ty, Caft. N. 15. Humphrey, that the population of Harristuro; isj three hun- ceries aud provisions purchased there are r delivered at any point iu the city, free of cnaiire. Meats. For choice cuts of meats. ! either mutton, pork, veal, or beef, go to dred and fifty, all told. This is something ! less than we were led to expect from old J residents. .Scio, too, the famed city of! the "Folks," falls behind slightly, her ; population being two hundred and ten. Heal Kstaik Sai.k. The north half of the donation land claim of Davis Lay ton, deceased, will ly? offered at public auctiou, at the Court House door in this city, to-day. Those desiring to Secure valuable real estate will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. " ( The Mill Race. The mill race of Messrs. Ucach & Monteith is progressing finely, and but a few yards more of dirt and rock arc left to be removed. The turbine wheels have arrived, and one of them is already in it3 place. In a week or ten days more the race will be com pleted. It will then undoubtedly be the finest race in the State. The lumber used in its construction cost over one thousand dollars. Pleasant. The meeting rf the Con gregational Sewing Society, held at Judge Cranor's, on Thursday afternoon, was a very pleasant occasion ; in fact it couldn't well be otherwise, under the superintendence of Mrs. Loncolu and Miss Lizzie Ingles. Of course the church realized a neat little sum. the Franklin Market, in charge of that excelsior butcher aud liberal hearted gentleman, Mr. A. Z. Sears. ! Cider, and Tuinus. At Messrs. Ilil- -tab'.del & Co.'s you can get a good article PA I N T S, DYE-STUFFS, OILS PATENT MEDICINES, far as East Portland by rail, thus avoid- j J"' feels confident of BivinS entire Fatis , , J ' faction to those who may place themselves iiniltr pnifnnilrv Tikllfif KnniK l it ing a long and weary journey by stage ! j his care. jllHUnitr), lOlltl UOOUN, lYl. After reaching the terminus of the U. tV ' ' 1 C. It. 11 , our folks can then choose their i O'rn mode of travel, or walk the balance ; of the w;i3'. Ou this 'day out" doubtless I a large number of our citizens will attend, I and we bespeak for them, two weeks "or j so iu advance, the kindest attentions of pi enu DDAUM nnrCU CPAD , , ULHUIl) iinuil II) Ull kkll j UUHH i STORE OfEX IAY AXO XK1IIT. au J tliOSC who Vrish to attcu J Can 0 as i the various l:srn-es to which the tv ami enr are : O O O 1 Tiiat Piioto-rapli Best, A It E I Our' Goods are FRESH and "WTa,rra,ntociIxre PRESCKII'TIOXS COMPOUNDED. our large-nearteu irienus in ueorgia. jjui : i of cider and, in fact, almost anything 1 jesting aside, the Georgia Fairs have al- i LET MOROONj anJ ecP ORANGEi else you may want in the crrocery and ways been occasions of the greatest iuter- j . J J w i .J ' Those that take w httc, or nearly so, arc provision line. ; est throughout the entire South, and the ; Spkciai. Police. In view of -the fact disPlay of bloodea stock alone, at the ' Purple, Blue, Crimson, Pink, &C. I 1 CUIU1U" J. Ull. Mill IUUIU HiaiJ l.H'-'.'V that our city was bleesdea with qtntc a 'A M H 0 H o B s 0 0 H w r. 0 0 w I a 0 H 0 o (3 0 (4 0 0 91- c3 10 0 0 p H u '2 m . u S S u a m a o XX to it. CnkADtE, Froht-8t., Albny,Ogn. 120JIy-t.. Pan Frn'- ciMco, Ciiforni. : ... e a s if c o H O v 9 H tm B.r Cheadle fe Co.y TrVholc-tfal'o aod' Retail 6dal'e-a Va1 Groceries and Meneral Merchandise ASK-r ' . . j - .' '., ; ! FOUWAftDlXi k COMMISSION MARK GOODS' :: Car of JL. 3m Albany, OregOrt ; 6f O- San Francisco, Galv I.itjcrar' advances made on consignments C5 W3 o Pi w NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. I ISTESB UOKM A General ( oinmissioii Business IX- , - for tlie urpope of selling' All Kind of I'rodtic' -.- that may be conslgneil to me to ftill. LAMAR C1H3ADL.E', Will receive and attend to all orders on ine to l' tilled in San FrancUco. oct9-5tf - CHEA-BtE GOODS RECEIVED BV Every Steamer which will be m14 tiT CASH i- TRADE. s. p. a o i) 0 u M s O 0 WHEAT WANTED AT- iy Cents per ISuwhcf in trade, or on Book aceonnt For all that may be oflfererf oct9 5 It. CHEADM?, 3 is bo B rv, m o O o o 0 m O g a o Q u p. o u IU ! Incorporated 1835. o c Q c 5C l-ovt Strrct. three ilnryrn beUnr C'onnorV. - Albany. feb 12'70-2."! Oreg-on. Si S ft number of roughs from Portland last week, our City Marshal, for the better protection of eitizen, employed three night policemen. Wheat Rkceipxs For the week ending Sept. 2'Jth : JIagnolia Mills, 5, 843.11 bushels; Albany City Mills, for the two weeks ending Sept. 29th, 0,500 bushels. Cf.rtian am Slbe. At the store of Messrs. DIain, Young & Co. you will find a splendid lot of new goods, consisting of everything you can think of, and which can bo purchased at lower rates than ever. Pept. IS, T,9-2 .1. A. WIXTKR. leisure to mrke the trip. AfZKXTS AVA3TTKI. NOW HEADY: The most Wonderful Dook of the Nineteenth Century ! Lkgai. A number of valuable blocks and lots, belonging to the Gordon estate, j and situated iu llacklenian's addition to ; the city of Albany, will be sold at auction A Curious Dook for Curious People, ou Saturday, the 20th day of this month. See advertisement. Mr. Joseph Nixon has been appointed administrator of the estate of James Nix on, deceased, to whom all claims against the estate should be presented for adjustment. STITZEL & UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, A S I (1 E N R 11 A J, A G E N T S. And a Good Dook for every one ! Ii,Ai: IIOUK TALK rand M E DIC A L C O M M O N S E N S E, by k. n. footk, r. I). List of Puemiums. If we can get through with our rush of work so that we can do it, we shall print the list of premiums awarded at the lato Linn County Fair in our next issue. If this be not possible, then in the following is sue that of the 15th. Yes! If you want to buy goods, of the best quality, too, at prime cost, you tbouB, drop into .Tno. :onner'p. Accident. On Wednesday, while on the way to this city, the team of Mr. Nathan Bond became frightened nod ran away, precipitating Mr. JJond and lady to the ground, causing them to receive severe and painful injuries. A More Yet. Since our last notice, Mrs. Duniway has received another lot of choice fall milinery, among which arc some of the loveliest hats imaginable. Ladies will please remember this fact. Regular Service. Preaching at the M. E. Church every Sunday hereafter. The community is invited. Friday of last week is pronounced the j big day of the Linn County Fair. SfNUAY. What a pleasant day is .Sunday to the weary man, who necessari ly catches but briet glimpses ot home during the toiling week, who is off in the morning while the little eyes are closed in slumber, not back again at night till they are again sealed in sleep ! What would he know of the very children for whom he toils were it rot for the blessed breathing respite of Sunday ? What hon est woi kingman's child will ever forget this day, when clean and neat it is his privilege to climb papa's knee, and haug about hia neck, and tell him all the news which goes to make up his narrow little world. Narrow, did we say? Wc recall the word, for it wideus out into tho bound less ocean of eternity. Sunday for the workiugmen's children ! So would we have it a day hallowed by sweet, pure homo influences, when the little band, quiet, complete, shall rest from labor, and love shall write it down blessed day of all the seven. If you v. :uit to know the effects of Sexual Star vation ; Prostitution Contiucnce on the one hand and Vie- ou the other; If you waut to know how to have Healthy Ba bies ; how to keep them healthy ; how to grow up healthy, and die only of old ago ; If you want to know all about Common Sonse Remedies ; Kluctriiity ; Animal Magnetism : and who boliere in it ; If you want to know all about diseases peculiar to women ; to girlhood ; to the maidon ; to the wife and mother, read" Private Wordsto Women." If you want to know hints to the child less ; how to overcome barrenness ; how to become a mother ; If you want to know all about diseased peculiar to men : their nature and treatment ; impoteucy; seminal weakness, fcc.; If you want to know all about the sexual organs; cause of their disgraee ; their influence on devcl opmout ; on women and civilization ; Ifyoitwantto know all about marriage; its history, polygamy and monogamy; polyandry aud free love ; If you want to know the philosophy of elope ments ; adaptation in marriage ; philosophy of ehild marking ; how to perfect marriage ; And a thousand things never published before, read this wonderful book. SOLD ONLY BV SUBSCRIPTION. Send for circular and terms to A. I- BANCROFT A CO.. Central agents weft of the Kocky pIounamf. I 33 x-3 la. o ffi oo, ! Albany, Oreg-on, J. C. MEM)BMUM -. - Ajent. G1 EXEKAL LAND AGENCY FOR OltEGOX. V Established July, 1S08. An office whero j general information concerning the resources of ' Oregon can be olttained free of charge. Loans negotiated on fir.-t Mortgage. Iteal Es i tafe and Collateral Securities. We have for sale a largo amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of every des cription, located in I.iun find other counties in this tate. To "the citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estate : li e tako this method of calling your attention to our place of busi ness. Having determined to opeu a Branch Of fice in your city, we can offer you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves t-hem much time and labor in searching for what they want. Our principal Agcnoy, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and tbo office so well furnished forgiv ing information upon Real Estate, that it affords the mot complete facilities for all parties having business in our line. E You incur no expense in placing your property on sale with us unless a sale is made. Office on First street, opposite Post-Officc. JOHN C. MEXUFJTHAU, Agent. Albany, Ogn., .March 2.1, 1870. 29tf. STITZEL A UPTON. REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. C. MEN DUN HA IX, Agent, Office First at opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. HAVE for sale in the city of Albany, a desira ble Homestead, Lots 1, 2, 7 aud 8, corner Third, Fourth aud Elsnor'.h Mreots, ouo -f th best localities in the city. A good oue and thalf story bouse, with all other conveniences, ijnply to J. C. MLTIENHALL, Agent, Albany, Oregon eg ft - o 1 X -? H c Ui 3 n u 32 O t i Q O S3 CO es H O a mm b 0 a e u fa a 3 s n u o t a TUB OLDEST PURELY LIFE INSURANCE CO. IX THE UNITED STATES Governed by the Massachusetts Lapse - Law. Xo person, after carefully examining this Law, will forego the advantage of insuring iu this Com pany. . " 1 New England Mutual Life Insurance Company or BOSTON. It was chartered in I83&, and its enviable his tory, during twenty-six years' -active operation has thoroughly established Its reliability. It Record Stands as Follows : Cash assets, January, lf70.. $9,00(1,000 00 Cash Dividend, 18f.6 673,000 00 Cash Dividend of 1867 &20.573 ii Cash Dividend, 188.... 786,107 K Cash Dividend. 1809 480,.t89 Total surplus dividend.................. 4,000,000 Do Total Losses paid.... 4,300,000 ir By the Acts of Massachusetts, incorporated into the (icncral Statutes of 1864, a policy of life insu rance for the benefit of a Married l'nin or omjt ptrton or pernoni rpecifietl, goes to them independ ently of the Debts and Liabilities of the party who effects the Policy. Dividends of this Company arc paid Annually to the Assured, in Cash. The NEW ENGLAND is the only Massachu setts Company doing business on the Pacifin Coast, and therefore the only Company governed by the equitable Massachusetts Lapse Law. Administrator's Sale of Real Instate. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX TIIAT. IX Xl pursuance of an order of the County Court of Linn county, Stato of Oregon, made on the second day of August, 1870, in the matter of the estate of Isaiah Mercier, deceased, the undersign ed, Administrator of the estate, will sell, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, U. B. gold coin, in different parcels, on Saturday, the 8th day of October, 1870, between the hours 8f 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, in Linn county, Ore gon, the following described real property, "to-wit: Lot No. & ia block Xo. 10, and lot No. 'i in block No. 18, in the city of Albany, Liira county, State of Oregon, ae known and described upon the town plat of said city of Albany, now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Linn county. Tebms ok Sai.k One-half in gold coin, down; the residue in gold coin, on credit of six months with ten per cent, per annam, secured by note and mortgage on the premises sold. . JJatea, August z. 187U. P. M. PEXXINOTOX, ept. 17, 170-4 ? Administrator. Examples showing- ta Workings of this Law PLAX ORDIXARY LIFE. For example; A party ensuring at the age of thirty-five, Premiums all Carh, One Annual Premium will continue polky in force 2 years and 3 days. Example: Premiums all Cash Age, 35 j Plait, Ten-Year Endowment, payable itt the age of 45. One Annual Premium will continue policy ia force as a lcrm i-oiicy, years. If yon wish to mako it absolutely certain that not a dollar of the money you invest will ever ! forfeited Invarc ia the New England. If you wiph to get your dividends with the second annual payment, and annually increasing on the contribution plan, that is to get just what' is yours no more and no less, and Just wheu it is due Insure in the Xew England., , NO STOCKHOLDERS IN THIS CO. Its business in Linn county in the last year and a half, exceeds tbat of all other Companies combined. EVERSON & MIDPLEMISS, GENERAL AGENTS, : : SAN IRAXCISCO. S. M. HOLSECEDGE, 102 Front-st-., Portland, Agent for Oregon and 49 Washington Territory. JAMES ELKINS, Agent for Alhany, Ogn. a hiu;ai. A BARGAIN CAN BE HAD I TH. JX. Stock and Business, of the Drug Bt?n i Brownsville, Oregon. The undersigned, wishing to change bii business, will eispo" ef his sloe Apply by letter or at the stonof HUMI. ' Aug. 2M070 4-5O1 ' Hre-nsvHle. Og"-