Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1899)
HILLSBORO ARGUS, JUNE i6, 1899. : : : Til'seaa Foa Th PKorts : : THE ARGUS tattered at the Post-olhcs at Hillaboro, Oreiron, a oiid clasa mail matter. LUCIUS 4. LONG, BDITO. County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY Xi Arjw NUty Conpuy . ftabacrlptmn: One Dollar per "num. 8I x Month. 60 eta; 1 lirce onthr, 3S rtv "Opposed to Gold Mono metallism. Be 'Hicvci in the Bimetallic Standard. Dear Money means Debased Property, iand Profitless American Product,. Or ''Consequent loss is onr Creditors' Gain. Has no ase for Marcus A. Banna WHY 'DOST HK CRUSH THKMt afford to loat their time; Hill the Argus M right; The Argus merely quoted Brad ford's attending pay4 about the ar ticle in the Urtgoataa ueut from Forest Tha attending ohvsician asked tht corrcctioa to be niade, the attend ing physician know and still tht Ar gus is right; Craig's fourth indictment ia . -1 , : ik.i .LuU iiMuifiiinNl" filf MR. tained and ia a great deal like Craig's n.n inadvertance in talking about hit tuaguicceut circulation; the Hillsboro bjind boys did show the Argus man their uniforms, but some 01 tnetu nan 10 oc sent back to Craig's tailor to be re-fitted, or something of that nature; the Argus again was right, lue Kecoruer aim as sessor snoum, nave copies oi mc kwui laws, whether the law allows them or not. Both theae officers will sgree with the Argusi Both the atichalecs' estates go to the same heirs and the Argu gave the figures of both estaleaiu round numbers; the heirs will lose nothing: Craig has strained himself on this point. The pro hate docket savs the account in the Thing estate was approved, sud the wid ow will ret her money; so the Argus said The'Pilley teachers' meeting was writ ten no from the program furnished snd the unavoidable absence of a man who assured the Argus he would be there did . . .. . wl.A not stop tne wueeisoi me uuhxhc, started them in a loot s neau. a. i A great national party -4tnd that (".party iA power! Ths great state of Ohio, and one of its distinguished eons a national president! Trusts in existence, and doing business, ' and no move toward abolition, or even restriction! McKinley con- trols the machinery to abolish the trusts and he make? no move. The combinations are evidently to him very satisfactory friends. And yet, with the republican managers in power the managers have stolen i 'the nartv awav from the honest ... T r -. v republican .rank and file) and ev idencing an undying affection for trusts, the Ohio Hannaites come for ward with an anti-trust platform: Treason, b'gosh! If the Ohio republicans, as man aged by Mr. Hanna, are so eager to crush the trusts, why do they not telegraph the president to start the attorney-general to working on iuinature cyclnn?? The next thing we know Mr. Hanna will be instruc ting some state convention to cry out against imperialism. Really ,it"is to be wondered wheth erornot there are any thinking citizens who believe the pretensions of the Ohio platform. - ..-" civil service nonsense. ity of us who are not really interested realite and it ia rivht here where much Bagley, deputy district attorney, says the of the local work of the O. B. C. has Argus' statement was right about the been so quietly snd systematically done f orest urove s sewing mituure gcui wun never a wora sam aooui 11 out it nd hi dismissal. The two HUlsDoro has been thankful v received in Homes Isds were taken 'before the recorder where the bread winner is, under a trop- snd reprimanded. The marshal was tne jCal sun , doing service for our Bag snd to- motor, day masing ntstorv tor our state ana The" fake report sent about M.lki John-1 iirinuiDif the name of Oiegou to the son's illness was given for what it was front. When these brave men are land- worth and the Argus stated no corrobor- ed on their native soil the public will stion could be secured sltho' an attempt probably hear once more from the Ore ma made. The Anrus never reported VOn Etnerrencv Corps, after which we Melkl lohnson's death. The Hstcnet aincerelv promise our fiiends tfl that as lies wheu it says so, but the Hatchet isn't aB organisation we will retire from active to blame neither is Thompson. Mister service an d give up the field to more pop- Craig is the guilty cuckoo. ular work but we will still defend the And now, where is this youthful "et Cross ana us Humanitarian pnn- tuft hunter getting off? AtDilley? And now. to the Argus, let me espec Or at Gales spur? Probably, in WW tender our flunks for space at all . . times and for lavorable mention of our the long run, at me station wnere worK; for printing, and for valuable .11 r i,,l Ttnl fin.I isn't sistsnce in many ways. " - Mas. R E. Bbvas. Pres to blame tor tins nine musnruoni he iust happened, and Messrs. Dead Letters. Thompson and Thornbura who are both excellent citizens, will WLirraX . with the "unreliable' Argus man, claimed: the "sympathizer of Jeff Davis. Much has been feaid about the beau tiful system of civil service, nd volumes have been written about the jierady of. the republican ad ministration in perverting the es tabrished customs of that scientific life tenure of government "pap , To be vulgar and ctndid, the Ar us thinks civil service is arrant nonsense. Ths Argus believes thai .a civil service which applies to sub ordinate must apply equally well to principals. Civil service is always the conjuring word with those who are "in," and the terror of those who are the 'outs." The Argus be Aieves that all service which is gov ernmental should be performed by those whose votes are in consonance with the administration in control If an administration is to gover ithen, let it govern, and let it be re sponsible tor all its short comings. if it place irresponsibles in respons ible positions. But the Argus equally positive that we should either have civil service or admin istration service, and not an ad mixture which is neither. T ne one emack of governing intellect (lis . played by the present incumbency ! is its desire to govern, and gover in every channel of administration Closing Out Sale ! R. Eo Bryan k Son Retiring from Business! Our Entire Stock of General Merch andise Regardless of Cost Commencing, Monday, June 12th We will place our stock of General Merchandise, consisting of Dry Cnxxla, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, etc, on the market at Closing Out I'riues, as we are Retiring from Business. We desire to realise cash on onr Goods at the earliest pos sible date. Come early and secure a share of these Immense Hiiruins before the stock is uruaen. rmunro ior caie. R. E. BRYAN & SON. Summer Suits Tna Wt, aamUi. -mUn HRQBS, tha ais ifcHuMat. Mtadtng hM - that's tha maraasna BassMS K., N. C. kraaa. Haf's5trfa MkMy at selsss thai tsaiMaa Utf hh, aaffl savlag. SnaaaUatactlaa. Slala as Mktahrsaaleaatj'lM. Vaa, Duch PaaU Sm. Aah Sat this aaaka. splendid time is promised. Straw berry supper. Admission, 50 cents Speaking of lumber, eio, for equality and workmanship, Bloyd it Sigler claim to lend Washington county. They are in the finest body of rir, cedar and maple in tins section, and if you want a first class article, place vour order with Bloyd & Sigler, riiillips, Or. Sam Walker and family have moved to Hiili-boro Irom tirays Uiver. They lutve a large contract of wood to get out and are now at work north of to-.rn. To cure piles, strike at the root that's the way. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sulve strikes at the r ut it removes the cause, quickly snd (r manently. Don't squander timo ami money trying to reinovu the effects. IWta Drug Store. H. Lcvine, Celina Morris. RED CROSS REVIEW. All letters not cslld for by Tune 17 1899, will be sent to the desd letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. H. Schulmbrich, P.M. SUMMONS. In the Clrontt Court of the Sltofv)ngii Tor N aslilKgion txiuiuy. Wiltmr F.Cogsavll. ruinllil.) va Emma K. Cogswell, DcfeiuliuU.) To Kmma K. Coirawoll, dtftnilnnt b1mv iiaiiiHt! In the nainouf the State of Orwtoti you 1 are hereby notitUwl hi apMnr and auawi'r I thecoiiutii)t hvretii tlliit against you, in the above emUM mill ami court, 011 or twrura lint Villi ilav of Julv IWl. and In caae you shall fHll sii to iipponr and nn-1 swer, llie iiiunuii wuiaiiiy 111 tun muri fur the rxliil'liimamlvl in hla rnniplnliit. ! wit: Kur a ihvree of Hie iiiiirt ctiwilv- Inir the IhiiiiIk of nialrliminv Iwlwwn llir pUintitr ana iliifeniUnt, mi Ilia ground of I Oewrtioii of tin plulMlll I'V ihiioniiaiu. ThU otiiniim ia wnrrd upon von li PutilK-nUon f,.r six sumwalvu wM'ka bv nl.r r ilm Hon. ' Arllmr U ? raxor. 1 1 ... I liatrl,L lllllv niwlelhls mh day of Juno lM and fr putliliri for the 1st time on ths lAth day ui June i.w. HKU.AIUI.I.KSIMIS, Altorueys fur I'lalntilf U'tgaaraaUW. 7 1 -J II. WKIIIU NliandS(iS, IULU1H0,0KW0X. i Notice of Final Settlement, t'niim Block Mull) HI. Dr. V. A. Kails) trorl'tor. Real Estate Transfers. Clara L Ketty and husband to Caroline Koherstein 1 a in sec 35 1 1 s r'4 w . . . Hillsboro. Or., June 5. To the Editor: In submitting our final report if von will kindly allow me space in your valuable paper 1 will make a tew statements which msy interest some of the readers of the Argus. The Oregon Emergency corps sna Kea Cross met Thursday p. m.,Juoe I, m an- .! 111 . t i nif Vnrt tuilraiiiiniititi'.. tions were read after which came the Ignatius R Hg:ui to Wm election of officers, resulting in electing Brown 1WJ a sec 11 12 nr Mrs. R. B. Bryan, Pres., and Mrs. 5 ll:S-r:iy Elsie Schulmerich and hus Areas. x u 1 1 inn . v. iii"'i 1 - .. ,. u .hnd the tcicta for the vear to have W AUdie Xisves, 11 o been J 202.93; disbursements, Ji5, lesv- ine a balance of 117.9a in the treasury Those in charge of the monument enter tainment reported the receipts to have been $17.20 less expense bill of 70 cents (or lights, telephone, etc., leaving $16.40 for the county monument fund. Before the meeting adjourned, a vote of thanks was tendered tne Hilisuoro lira nit e lor the use of their hall snd s committee ap I 1U t 2 n r o w pointed to report the same st the next Jno p joley to Clara J Will- T"U" " ." : -k" iams 9 a sec 19 t 2 r 1 w . ed us in thU effort: The Rev. E. P. V V WI 10 Juin V ogl C 1- C.I V.iil,' la hrrvliv elvpn that the undnr aiifiuid. ndinllilairatorofthetvitutliorJidin V VIHTFRnir AN ORDKn av THK MuColikoy, ilteaaeil, haa liknt hla Hiial so il Count v Court of Mull ouli Poui, count oa m ll sdiniulHtralor In lh miunty . t..... 1.. !. ........ r 11.. ..r oourtorthuSlniao(Orioii for i'rah Ann l.uthor. dtaed. 1 will, on I wunly tlmt ths said county cmirl i..i. 11 ikui - m 1. . ... , 1 has ftxwl outlay the KHli day olJuly court hoiias door In HUUtbo.o, Wsahlug I ';, ' ; "' "W court tun Cotinlv, Oregon, ll at public auo I st llltlsboro. ronnty ami avaso aforoanltl, 1 1.. .;...ii..t.i7ui 1 ...r.k i ,y ..1 .1.. I at the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111. of aultl ilny ..II. UIIUIIIUIW -V W, ..IV I W ,1, IHV . . . - . 1 . nwH and Ihe s K t.f lh 11 w ol 'sen Si, I " '"' P for. heurlnic ohjwl- t I s r k w of the Wit. Mor. i hms losuld ttnul account. II any there l The Hillsboro Pharmacy Tho Leading Drug House r' Where I)nit, Mntloiniis. Palnla. (itU.Hin.nijfa, llrulir aiul all UriiKulsl's Husdrlts miy Ih prtH'iireu m ni iitai niiur mii'it'-'i"i vni.-... Brown's sub div of Fair view ad to II born Anton Pantmeier to Win Mc Quillan 3 a sec 19 1 Is r 2 w JfVe Thos H Tongue and wf to Leo Schwander 1WJ a sec Huehes for his most excellent snd in tensely interesting address on the Red Cross both national and international; to Hon. W. N. Barrett for kindlv words, spoken in our interest; to the orchestra or s number ot cuoice selections, anu to all who so willingly responded when called upon to assist us, especially the musical numbers, whicn were unusually well rendered and thoroughly appreciat ed. Also to Mr. Webrung for use of chairs, and !to the drayman, Mr. Beau champ, for hauling same. To all these onr thanks are due. Of the cash expenditures for the year, $30 was sent Chaplain Gilbert, st Msnils; $so to Portland headquarters; $20 to the Red Cross hospitsl at Manila; $10 to the State Red Cross for national work; and $15 to the State Monument fund. Other expenditures were for hospital supplies which were forwarded, and for carrying on the work. In addition to this the Washington couuty boys were sll remem bered with Christmas boxes. With one exception we have responded to every call during the year. Our efforts to raise funds have been successful in every instance notwithstanding tne seeming opposition and the many discouraging things we bsve met, and we can only at and wf40asec9l2sr lw H T Buxton toTniftet-s Bux ton cemetery uss'n. 3 a ceo 5 t 2 11 r 0 w II G Davies and wf to L H Brown 45 a Milliard and Van Schuvver tract .. Wash c toCnrrie McCube It 12 Blk 12 in w P.i t Hts James McCormick by ii'lmr to Len Schwander 1GU a lOt 2 n r 3 w ?rettm Kichardron andufto Herbert Hubliert i a Dilley Kinil Steiglederto Arie A Ver- Btee; the 11 w J of the s w f of sec 32 in 1 2 s r 2 w . . . . Ernest HnWslroh and wf to W H Purlin and wf 1G0 a in sec 13 t 2 n r 5 w 1200 300 10 100 1 GOO 1500 1 1500 1 8-50 30 MAHY It. KASIK, Kxwntrix of the estate of Maruli Ann l.ulher, dettl. II. U, Nk'holiia, Alloruey 713 Oregon ian Willi , Portland. and the tlnal iuitWuicntofantd iwtale. llaled ut IlilMvorn thia Jutif H, MHI. Ilt.'MPHRKY V A KNON AdiiiinlHlrulor of tin) twUtu uf John M cCoil k 0 ,1 1 wrmtutl. Iik a ll.inl Administrator's Notict.. Notice of Final Settlement Notit-a ut hrrrhv Kivunllial tlio umlfrlgii Notice is hereby ri veil that tht umleniKU haa btien apptdiitrd Administrator of Hie i-Htaln of I'mrit k Korrater, County Court of the mate W nxhniirtoncouiity. All pentona .I"'" .." ' " , .". ..V"r': S ' such exe.lrix of said exlttle ris vs w iimi i-iiM'tii loHiin ia vsav :.f nJL..X .1 ' leslameiit of J1ttib Tmoh-ol, tlcwiwl, LInaTiVlil""e,l ' County nrt for Wh. rflT r! ;Co.,statforor.eon her Anal arcoiiut a- offli-e of V. I. Haiti. IIUIalMim. Onicii, within H inn from the date of tliia notice. llntetl lliif "t la day of Inns, lWI. MAKUAKKT KOHMTKK .Vtliniiuilriitor of the iwtaie of i'utrick KorrsUir, deccorotl Administrator's Notice. Nutli-e ia hereby given lliat I thcundemtK ned haa been apointed a'lmiiiit.-ator of tint ptttnte of John V. Mlchulec. deesaseii, by the County court of the Hate of Oregon fur Waahiugton county, ami have duly qualified nitauch adiniiilairator. All ptr Mum having rlaiina ni?;ilnt aaid estate, are herehy not i lied tnjirment the aame to me with proper vouchers, at the law ot- sut-h rxn ulrlx ol saitl exinie ami mat dntenf 11 "11 1 Mtttlrmiuit hna hmi tlxtx Monthly, Jmif 111, IsiM. bynuitl court, at In A, M and a for the lime of hcnrinir ol olijDCtiotm to iiiil reiNirt. 1 MAItUVUtTHA TBACHSKI. Kxt'cutrix Fact is, that many ih iiIh do i"l kimw wl.ere our nnineratue fr(,mit'ii n ,m1 uniim and we had good reasons fur altit- iog it. I,et us explain: , .. . ., .. is the 4lh letter of the iwk Atphaliet and in shaped I rtHiiir e. three sit t it. u. mi" : jint rusuy the . - 0 )pUS! estalili-hed in IIill-Uri, tin llirej furneird letter is" Hiiiiiht-nnl l'lease remi'itibf r i:t onr iinnie is, ntul nluays u ill he, too. the sure sitfn of hiltf t tjuslity nn low est price. We will b nlwnys pleased u lime yu call at tmr (t l0PC! FOR THE FINEST DRUGGIST'S -LINE. IN WASHINGTON GOUNTY. 1000 Superintendent H. A. Ball states' that the Teachers' Annual Institute! will he held the last week in Aug-' ust. The tdace of meeting will be tribute our success to a kind snd gener- either nt Hillsboro or Forest Urove. ous public, snd to our many faithful -ir. un .., ,..(,. 1 friends who have been ever ready to say -r" " rHlrr.... IllCCtlllg. SUMMONS. In theClrenit Cmirtof the Btiils ofOrtiroii for luthlngtim county. Kiiiina M trkit, l'lnlntiir.) vs Kobt. V. Murks. Defendant. 1 To Rnliert Marks, tlteaald diTuntlanl: In the name of the Slate of Oreiron, you art, hnrxhv iiiilihnd that the I'lalntilf nuie- ln Km tlliwl rfiiiinlut ill ttfraililit vnll III uLuui tHumn, in i the atMive entitled cause anil you sru nt-rf (ton. within six months from tho dute i bv renuiretl to Hiiwar ami answer said hereof. . . complaint on or before Ihe lam day if tht iiaion ni niuauoro, ui., uiia m ui , .iIlie ,rrwrturd liv tha enter or liuullca Muy. 18W. .IL. Hon hereof, to-wlt: 011 or before the III h ,,. . a-."-V''H'' ... I day ff July, l-li!; you are fliither notltiwl Administrator of the SHlate of John W. th,t )f vou fuU t) ,vfm l auawer lh Mchalec, deceased. I coniplii'liit or plead theroto llie plalntill L..i -ju-ju -m jmi ... u ijiiuj. 11 1111 will onulv tusnlil etiurt lortho rctlet pray 1 etl fur In the comnlaint. that ia to sav. lor Cftf 2s 4 Wuh'1 J a deree (llwtolvliiK forever the lionda 11 1 . eslatina between dttloudanl t and plaintilt' herein, ami for sut'li other 1 ana runner rnuei aa 10 in court- inuv I reeni prot-r; thndale of the lint ptililica 'lion of this aituinmua, la Thunulay ths 1 1st dav of June. Wa. and tilt lnl publica tion herrof ia I hiiritlay the lath duy of I Julv. lMSh unid aiimmoni mIiiiII he imlilUh- ed on I Itiimttir 01 eacn weea lor me per iod of lx M-ei'lts between auid dates; T his aumniiiiis Is puiiliHliml hy order of Hon. T. A. Mrliriilo, Jtiuge or Hum i.ouri, mads st Chuniliers. Iiatnl -r.ih iluv of ' nv. IHIM. THAYKIt.Kl'. lUV.NKK .v St!. I NAIItl-, Altorueys lor l'liilntlfl. Speed! Size! Breeding! LOVELACE! Three Year old iteeord, 8:20; Three Year Old Trial, Mi . WILL MAKE THE SEAhOX UK 18M AT THK FA I H(i HO USPS, 11ILI.SII0K0, Washington Coauty, Oregon, apou the Following terms: Season, tb I'livlleifeof Ketnrti, $20; lusurauce, .15. IS I.OVKLACli is a dark Imy, with 'kfl liiml foot, white, ovur teen bunds high, and will weigh upwards of 1,2(10 pimnds. six- J. Northrop, Proprietor. Newly Furnished J T l J 500 ; ; ana iveno vaieu. ! A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. ... CRAIG'S WAIL RENEWED. '"The Hatchet popinjay, in his last 'nssue, rint8 a puerile an I pulicene "jolilot of toinmyrot about the unre liability of the Argus. This little tiiioconipoop Craig is both serious ' ittnd cheerful in his lying ami is ev jdently imbued with the idea that lie, Tim Thompson and our genial l)r. Bolus of the Grove are the holy trinity. Craig's lies are generally eveilitl. The Argus man occaeional ily makes a mistake - ho does not? .'There never wus hut one character who was perfect, lie didn't run a newspiper, and he wascruciited be- ' . .is ... tween two tiueves. ins name was 'Christ; not Long; not Craig. itut the Argus is willing to ad mit that Craig is a reliable little 'Cttss." He it wag who was l jtltuut Washington county one night iin'fl896 by a Mr. Markham, under 4he -direction of Sheriff Bradford, ktiid-ras forced to pick up traitorous matter sent out against the cundi dated on his own ticket. Craig is iheitruthful little cuss who tried to hrow'tfown his own friends. Of course he has never lied. Neither did Ananias. And now to resume: The Argus did not lie about Ott's ground of desertion; the county news in ithe Argus is set in Hillsboro, printed in ITillaboro, and paid for ia Hillsboro; the i stcbefsls not and il the truth 1s told, Kb ttatchet still owes two young ladies ijs work at the Crovc sud they can ill some good word for our work, and whose loyalty to the volunteers has been shown by the liberal manner in which they bave responded. When the war with bpain broke out, There is time for all things. The time to take DeWitt's Little Knrly Risers is when you am suffering in the absence of the Red Cross on this from constipation, biliousness, sick . i.7.oT ih. i- Pn..-,J headache, indigestion or other stoin- to existence the Oregon emergency , ,. ' . , . Corps, for the purpose of helping to equip ach or liver troubles. I hey never snd provide the Oregon men with such gripe Delta Drug Store. things as are not usually numbeied smong a soldier's belongings, and also Pustmaster Schulmerich visited to provide for the welfare ot all United Portland Monday, leaving the of- siaies somiers wno migm come witnin R, ,,,.- .,, nRiaUnl. our borders. Following is the Preamble to the Ore gon Emergency Corps by-laws: "The Oregon Emergency Corps re alizing that its aims and objects sre far reaching, will remain a permanent or ganization, to assist in giving sid to the wives and childien of our brave soldiers, many of whom will need care and sup port while their loved ones are absent." Art. 1 1. Con. The object of this corps is to assist and co-operate with the state and military organizations iu sdvsncing the comfort and welfare of the Oregon volunteers. " When the work of outfitting the men was done, and the Oregon regiment h-td gone to the front, it was found that the only way to reach them with anything more than a letter with the sanction of the government, was through the Red Cross. Immediately correspondence with the national committee at Washing ton was begun which resulted in their sending a representative who established the Red Cross in Oregon, California and Washington. But as the Red Cross does not do local work it wss thought best for us to retain the name of Oregon Emerg ency Corps (a name which for some un accountable reason seems to be rather objectionable to some of ourgood people) so that we uiigl t continue our local work along with the national, hence our pres ent name, O. E C and R. C. It is a well known fact that s laree number of men who composed the Na tional ouant were men who worked tor salaries and many h id not much else than their daily earnings from which to support their tsimJies. It is also well known that when the Call couie very few showed the white feather. The giving vp of these positions snd going to the fiont for the cav of an enlisted man t) esns a great deal more tlun the major ize Mien's J:irie and Ktta Scliul- merirh This was his first full day awiiv from the nflice sim e October, 18'Jli it very commendable record. What is Kodol Dyspepsia cure? It is the newly discovered remedy, the most effective pieparatiou ever devised for aiding the digestion and assimilation of IikmI, and restoring th deranged digestive organs to a nattirnl condition. It isa discov ery surpaseiiig anything yet known to the medical profession. The Delta Drug Htorc. The Vine Maple Cumn.Wooduien of the Woild. Cedar Mill, will give a lance in their new hall on Saturday evening of June 17. The Bethany orclir-ntra hits been engaged Mini a OR&N Administrator's Notice, lime Schedule .. . . From Portland Find mail leaven at S p m for Halt l.nke, Denver, Ft. Worth. Omahs, Kanniin City. 8 1. UmU, Chicago and Kant, arrive 0:-iop in Rpokane Flyer leaves 2:19 p m for Walls Widhi, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Puluth, Milwuukee, Chicago and Kast, arrives M:.Kam Notlre Is hereby irlven that I the under signed linve lieen appointed Hiliuinistrutor oi ine eftiHir 01 ijoiiii ,ti ii;iiin, hv tha ciiimtv court uf the Hlate of Or iron for Wiiithiiiiiton county, and have dnlv anulltlnd ita anch ndmihlHlrnlor. Al 1 neinniiH havlnu cliilinn Biz-iliol Mild entute. - are tiereny retiiKwieu w prwenv im tmiw lo ine with run proper voiiener". av un law utiles of W. N. Barrolt, in Hlllslmro, Oregon, within six months from the date hirtnr Dated al IltlUUiro. Or., this 2.'ith dny ofMiie, lieu. a v II 1 1 li U. . 41.. lia-i, Adininlstruttir of the estate of John Mlehulec, deed. lips silin or San Franciaco , sailing every Columbia Kiver leave S p in except Sunday, Hatnrduy 10 p m for Aatoria and way lundinfis, arrive 4 p m except Sunday Willamette river leave 6 a m excopt Sunday for Oregon City, Now berg, Halem and way landings, arrtvo 4:30 p in except Hunday Willamette nnd Yamhill river leave 7 a ui Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Oregon City, Dayton and way landing, arrive 3:30 p in Monday. Wednesdsy and Kriduy Willamette rlvor leave 6am Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday for Corvallls and way landings, arrive 1:30 p m Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Hnako river leave Rlparla dully for I.ewiston: returning leave Lewlston daily except Sunday. Address W. H. HULBURT, I Delta Drag Store, Sire, Egotist ini , and sireot Iti-oetn J:o6 i, il.rCmiriurriir, r. US', snd 9 others in r.y. Pull brother to S.iin, a :ao i, sire of 57 in o, und Hlectrite j:j8 ft, sire of .14 in the r.ya. I'irttdaiil Cretxm.daui ol I.OVKIiAl K, 1:10, Iftirsry I.. 3iS,ll.-ti HritUHll:Jo l, (ioldlsu :J7. Brillanline Jiau K, Clmntilly trial juy K, Klondike, trial. IMS. Duchess, trisl 1:23, Grand dam of Chanty, 1:15, by Crince ps. Second dam, Crape I.isdc, duiu of King Kcne, Ir , 1:17. snd Iktlsarine. trrr. by Ceo. Wilkes. iulrd ilmn, the dum 01 i union, ):, irlnll Jt liOVRLAt'K as a t wo year okl trotted in two rare, nbtnining s two yesr oM record of As s three yesr old he wss cauiiiKueil in sevrml statea, trotted 111 13 races, obtained urst, second or third money in 17 races, took a reconl of J no iu s thirti best i I December. Worked publicly a full mile st Cleveland In l: U. His breedit g is uiistirpasiteil. Ilis d un, bit graiiil dam, the dn'ii and grand lain of bis sire, and the dam of bis grand sire, sre sll iu the un-nt brood mare list. Sprite, thr diini of his sire, hud five co'ts bv lUixlioneer, nnd alt are in the list three of Ibeui having st diikrrnt pcniiilri hendrd the lint of winning sires al their ace. Wsterwitch, grsnd ilsui of his sire, has six in the :w lint, und hat over 100 iltendntiu in the 2:30 list. Mares from a distance will receive good care and pasturage at f 1.50 per month. V number ol stuiidiird bred nisres sud gelilings, fit for the rood or rsctne. for sale .:1k ap. Tor further particulars inquire of E. 11. TONOUU, Manager, Hillsboro, Oregon. (7 1 V InMn ini 1 Gen. Pass. Agent 1 Pi v rniin Dyspepsia Curo. Digests what you eat. Itartlficially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. Itisthelatestdlscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation nasi annrnaeh it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, inaigestion, tieariuuru, 1 Siatuience, ouur Diuiuaiui jlibukb, 81ckHeadache,Qastralgla,Cramps,and til other results orimperiectaigesuos, Prepared by F C DsWIUACo.. Cbeaa Hillsboro Ungon Prince Almo F. P. Morgan & Oo., Real Estate Agents. :Shute & Foote, Backers Transact uOonerul Ranking Dusincss If you want to sell your property, list it with us. others on commission. We buy, sell and exchange for J. W, SHUTE n, v mi u 1 rj . We want a few more good Improved farms to handle; we have Buyers We have some choice Residence property iu Hillsboro and Portland to trsde lor farms and pay the difference in money. We write deeds, mortgages, furnish ab stracts and investigate titles. We also foreclose mortgages and do a eencrsl land business. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call on or write F. P. Morgan & Co., Hillsboro, Ore. 1 Jas. H. Sewell, Owner Sired byl'ullock. J. A. Johnson, Manager .....Manaoot" VX,1 "M"ck . dam, queen.- ,y Ui.U.inairoi He....d d.o.. u. i... n....i. .Cuhlor ""'X"i 'mrnuam, runs, hy Mir CharlnHi liinrlli dan. a . K., W 7. . . v Soil sight Excbunire and TsleiEranhic Transfera and issues Letter of Credit available throughout the United Btutes. Draw Hills of Exuhanfre nn London, Liverpool, Dulilln, Paris, Berlin, Frank- lort-on-mo- nin.MUM.Khoiin and all prin input uiiiea 01 uurnpe. Collootlons made on all accessible points Hanking hours from 9 a 111 to 8 p in Ilillslmro, Oregon, The Per heron Stallion Prince Aliini b a dupplo Kmy 1 1 llltlHIPI draft and IS0H us lol Ireland's. Meyers', Cedar Mill Howell's irm. f day, S to 4 p m, Forest Juhiison.s place, near Dillnv night. J nllits st rJJil 1 y fSHtll1r,l,ly "lnhtB and Sunday" st 1 are to prevent, hid ma icHponmlils for annlil 111. u.,i "'. ... i " ni and dv. HaTTi P. '"..".'i' J11" "W!""" "I Thursday lr.ts st J H ;; 'rtJ. t .. . ' .'"."2""" f "P ' "Btoirs. 11 UUhoru. Hslur .... n 1 ' """ "-Hnimiiy nisnis ami H111 J A I toil i 1 TKKM8 TK DOLLARS FOIt INHUHANCK