Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1899)
HILLSBORO ARGUS, JUNE 15, 1899. l s : ; A wnkk with thr I kih i k : : vzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ILL About thu Pmn i JtXXJS.XXXXJLXXlUtXSLR Was drowned In the nwift Pa (tig River. ACCURATE ACCOUNT OP HIS DEATH. Wm popular member of the Company and had been at Santiago. The preaa dispatch which announc ed the death of Jacob lioyd slate d that hi ailment waa smallpox. The Manila American on April 23 givee the etory of hie death and the real cause, ai luttJkva: "The swift-running Pasig, which laat Thursday claimed another vie tim fur it own, id the iierson of Bergean. Jacob lloyd, of Dilley, Wahingtoti Co , Oregon, a mem ber of the Fourth Infaytry, and a hero of Hantiago, gave up hi body late Friday afternoon. It wa re covered by native 500 yard below the Bridge of Snain. "Hergeant Uovd wa flrt duty wrgrant of Co. II., and it waa hi m'niid term of enlistment in the Fourth infantry. lie waa a popu lar iifiiiW of hi company, ami hi Mi l h'li death ha cant a gloom over lit" whole company, who not only respected him a a non com i:;iiioiwl officer, but who idolizml bin. for hi goodness of heart. Yet cold in deaih today in I'uro ceme tery he sleeps, hi name will oft be mentioned, and hi memory kept green. The follinving story of hi id demie wa told by one of hi coio:!olon who wa in the fatal mm'w which brought about hi d-mh: .M -1 f, with a companion and the sergeant, nere in tho Ill-fated Ixiit, out on the river enjoying our--lvii laelThuraday afternoon when the boat capsized above the mispen. inn bridge. We all three clung to the bout, when tho sergeant, who wa an excellent swimmer, mild, Well, I'm wet anyhow, o ashore I'll gV and attempted to swim to the bank. We drifted with tho fat riinuinir rivr and ware piekul up lliw tb Bridge of Spain. We then went looking for our sergeant, but he did not return, and wu knew that he nevt i teiuliail shore. We Nitrched for hi Iny but without vnil. and ytMcrday we identified him cold in Vnth, end alteiideal hi funeral, hi bixly U-iog buiiwl in I'aco cemetery." Si-rgeant lloyd a father and broth er live at Dillev and une vr, Mr. i(t Cave, liven in thin city. OREGON VOLUNTEER WEDS At the midi-nro of the bride moth er, Mr. Minnie Humphrey, Mount Tabor, June 7, Mix Lotta Humph rey, and Mr. John Ituchanau, of Ciiruellu, Or., were married by the U v. Dr. Kliot. The liNppy bride was the recipient of many coetly pri-nenl. Aftei receiving tlie con gratulations of their numerous friend and pnrtaking of an elegant upiier, the happy pair took theov- Hand train for California, where thf v will snd ome time in trav eling through that unny land of Miiihine and flower Oregonian. The grnoiu i a well known hop grower redding near Conu'liue and one of ihe first to mlist for ser ric. in the 1'hilippine and return- bt-fore hi raiment only because of the death of his father. The Ar gun extei'd hearty congratulations to the hn ppy couple. Bliorin w 1). itratUorti was up town thi evening, j nut before ix o'clock, shaking hand with hi many friend. Thoroughbred Poland-China Hoar for sale. W. F, Hehorlcin, Lenox, Or. K"v M J. Uallantyne will preach at Corui-liu on Friday June Kith Mi 8 p. in. ' Ho to K. J. Barber, Second Street, for a neat shave or hair out. Satis faction guaranteed. Fine bath room in connection. Mis Albert of Portland, who ha been viciting her friend the Misses Schulmerich returned home Monday. . Quite a number of Ilillaboro In dian War Veterans took yesterday morning' train for Portland, where they held their annual meeting. A good record out of 34 Betting of 15 egg each, Black Minorca, told b) It. H. Greer in two month, each setting averaged thirteen chicks! Bob i still selling settings of 15 for 50 cents per setting. Two of Hillsboro's prominent ed ucators, John Willis and Albert Latham took a spin on their tread mills to Corvallis Saturday. II. Wehrung & Soiib are now buying wooU;, Fanners having wool to sell will do well to get to gether and let the Arm handle their clips. Highest market price. Lieut. E. J. Bryan wa in town again the first of the week. The Lieut, has a position a head book keeper in the U. S. National Bank of Portland. lie still has some trouble recovering from the effect of his campaign inthe Philippines. See R. E. Bryan A Son's display unouitooiiient on another page. 'Closing out sale. The Oriigonian of Wednesday ha the following to ray of Dr. J. P. Tain insi, of thi city, relative to the Oregon Medical iSoci ty Con vention: "The afternoon esiou oh'Iiih1 with a jiape. prepured and read by Dr. Jr. Tamiewe.of Hi I In boro, upon the uiucli alisuiiHscd and perplexing subject, "Quackery 1 1 Cause, Dingnuei, 1'rngnnnia and T) cat men t." Dr. Tamieaia develop ed quite a vein of humor in hand ling hi luhjcct, which brought out spirited discussion by Dr. A. J. Uity and Cuuthorn, of thi city, and Dr. O. II, lleekninn, of Astoria The discussion wa closed by Dr. Tamieie. The conclusion wa to the effect that the bent way to rid society of the "quack" was to nnacl law to kill the "knave' in him, and to bring him up from child hood with better education" II. Wehrung A Hon' stock of ladies' and gentlemen' fine hoe i comlete. A few line of ladie', gentlemen' and children' oboe are going at greatly reduced price. Phoenix Lodge No. 31, Knight of PythittK, ha elected the follow ing named a officer for the eon ing term, cominenciug next mouth: IC. B. Tongue, chancellor coinmaud er; II. T. lbigley, vice chaicellor; A. J. Henderson, prelate; (ieo. H. Hugley, ke;ier of record and seal; L. W, House, muster of work; (ieo. W. Hchulmerii'h, inaxter of finance, Dr. W. D. Wood, master of exdice (tier; II. T. Latheui, master el arms; A. 0, Wold, inside guard; L. M. Hoyt, iiiitHide guard. Are you going to build a good borne? If ao, do you wont Ihe lief t lumber you can get for your mm- ey? If so, command see uh and our slock, or drop u a card. Mount aindale Lbr. Co., Mountuindule Or. Chits. K. Kuuyon, official court reporter for this judicial district, wa married at Oregon City, Tues day, June 13. to Mis Florence A. Itislmp, o Santa Kosa California, Judge T. A. McBride preforming the ceremony. Mr. Kunynii ia well known Here, having been court re porter for many year. New line of muslin plaids, dimi ties, dolled swif, percales, tissue careaux, organdies, cliambruy, pique, scotch tephyr ginghams, Mouaseline De Soio etc., at II. We hrung & Sons'. 0. (J. Barlow one of Washington county' prosperous citizens lefi Monday for Idaho, where lie will stiend the summer bunting, fUliinL and prosecling. He will he uo ouinpanied by T.J. Poteet, (ieo. Po- teet, James ruteet and a young man from Portland. All steel 5 tooth cultivator looe hoe sweps, lever expander, and lever guage wheel, for 15, at Schul merich A Son'. A lively game of bauball was played at Cornelius Sunday, be tween a Washington county nine and a nine from North Yumhill. The score wn 15 to 2 in our boys' favor. A return game will be play ed at North Yamhill next Sunday. Plaid anil check ribbons uud dress trimming, all of tbt lulrxl de signs, at II. Wehrung A S um'. Saturday evening, July 1, tbt Bethany boy will give another of their popular dance. The boys always please their guests nud objectionable character nre not permitted to be there. The Beth any orchestra will furnish music. Admission, 50 cents, including supper. Kyes examined free at iloyl's, and glasse a cheap us the cheap est. The children of (he Congregation al Sunday school held their annual Children's Day exercises Sundnv evening. About eight dollars were realized. This money goes to main tain and establish Sunday tchooli in remote places. Samuel Knnis, who recently fin ished a successful term of Milmol at Job' school house, ha taken em ployment in a sawmill south of Cornelius, for a oh an go. , W. II. McEldowney, the l.add & Reed Broadmead superintendent, Amity, was in tho city nm Sun day, the guest of relatives He came down overland and says crops are looking very well considering the late spring. Sam Moons' fine span of horses were badly cut up by a road scrap er last week when working on the road near Centerville. Dr Bowser reports the injuries as healing well. The Native Soor have adopted a very pretty piece of headwear a hat something semi-military and semi-civilian, ll is really a very becoming thing and the boys look very gay in them. A. A. Walker, of Seghers, has been spending a week or so at the old home between Cedar Mill and Beaverton, He left Walker Jr. to care for the farm. Chris. P. Yates, editor of the Sher idan Sun, and formerly the Snge of Manning, was in the city Saturday Inst, calling on his many friends. P. H. Baughman'a mother and Bister arrived last week from Iowa. They intend staying a month or two before returning. Mrs. Dennis Dulleaof this city, is reported to be very ill, suffering with a paralytic stroke. Curtis Birdsell of Portland, is visiting relatives in thin cily this week. Win . Nelson, of We it Union, awarded two contracts. HIKDISi; ON THE BR I HOES AM) FILLS ACTIVE. State Heard of Imwlgratieo denied ao appropriation. The Commissioners' Court finished up lite June term Thursday evening. Beside the matter published last week, other business was: The Biettee bridge and fill was let by contract to Win Nelson for $187. The bid were: J W (loodin 30000 J O Klinmiari 276 75 T 0 Johnson 34000 M SDailey 32100 Win Nelson 18700 John Heialer 2W14 The Alexander bridge and fill was awarded to Win Nelson for 'J3. The bills were: (ieo Paisley A A J Ford J U Klineman Win Nelson M S Dailey 123 00 100 00 93 00 240 00 Five dollar per uith ordered lo Jonathan Swift, county aid. Ordered that road 'o 180, in dist 28 Is- surveyed. Ordered that one-fifth will be re mitted on amount taxes due on mortgage '.ax, N W Port sub R H Co. Ordered tlmt location of road No ;72, petitic ii of Conrad Essigetals, be denied as pr rejKirt of viewers, ami the bnlmen therein shall pay all expense of viewing surveying Tim court denied Ihe application of the State llotird of Immigration for no iiirnii.ition to influence einijj'aMon t 'be nmthweet. Snpeivis r W J Butner allowed 1000 leet of lumber uud 1 worth of spikes. Martin ll.nien wn allowed ll rebate, acct poll tax. Claims allowed J A Imlirie clerk lcp and etc i54 45 Geo Ireland painting c urlhuuse. . 6 oo K I Kurnlli deputy aksenaor 51 50 Gro II Wilox deputy suctsor. ... 63 75 C A Cave I attestor 8: 50 sad U $ 83 no U X llnrritie,ion deputy aiesor. . 47 50 Cil Jntk Jr recorder dep etc.... I850 Cl owilrr workt powder etc riMil district 67 S:; two per cent off for cloth 6655 Redmond & SappiiiKton 1 rii, . . 4 00 Tinrdville Llir to Itir K Wood sup 13 31; lt,r C W Allen Sup 31 68 New (1 C saw a..d shingle mill lt-r I)Ut 49 YA Sihuliiirriih nails and re- I airs DUt 37 C Walter bl.cWmiiilliiny for road districts W H Holleiibeck lbr dist 17 A B Todd freight on grader H V Cornelius road scraper Hillslioro Water Co May service Josephine Case assisting teachers' 44 95 30 6 co 75 3 40 6 00 37500 15 60 examination 1800 II V. Coleman assisting teachers' examination 1950 Mays Hros suplies lan Doner ... 3 yj Schulmcrich & Son suplies Tupiier 4 00 Dr A t Savior pres medicine Mrs Smith. j jo C K Uradley 10 paupers 1 mo 97 50 fencing 1 so 99 00 Hatchet May proceedings 500 Hillsboro Publishing co stationary courthouse n 00 Irwin Hudson Co stationers supl 1865 Clans and l'riuihomine lllk war rants 24 50; blank summons and citation 4 50; stock inspect ors certificates etc 104 3000 I. C Walker dep assessor 4000 II A Hull sal fees etc May 76 35 AM Collins May jauitor 30; hinges ai;d ptjj 4 ao 34 10 A B Cady treasurer and pontage 51 00 A H Ciidy provision Mrs Smith. . 4 00 Delia drug store medicines pau pers and prisoners ,, ., 1390 O H lieeves, sup Morgan j 45 Argus, May proceedings etc 6 bi- cyc'.e fund I , 700 C 'r'stens llios lb dist 33 51 95 J T Young, pitwiler etc road dist 7600 Koe ituxiuu, allowed od burial Case D.oiit'l Case 3000 Ernest Hvcrilt, med utteiidauce. . 12 50 v. ii uung, mr mst as., (too L A Kood, siil sla. etc 59 45 A S Hatch, lutwr etc dist 10. . . . a 6 rliiiriiiacy, med Mr liurris a to John Northrop inenls prisoners. . 1910 W I) nrniltord, slitl unit dep etc. 30a 50 rtiiiimiicy panning iiinienal etc CHandJ 145 I Q A Young, com sal, June.... 800 X O XoiUI coin &al, June 1080 NEW INSURANCE CONTRACT. The improved form of policy con tract as gotten out by the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, is prolably the most liberal and at the same time the most plain and definite ever issued. It is au tomatically nonforfeitable and has extended insurance, yearly cash values and loans all stated in the policy. Handsome options of set tlement are available at end of the distribution period in case the in sured survives. Send exact date of birth and fi gures will be preuared or sample policy furnished. Wm. 8. Pond, State Manager, Oregonian Bldg , Portland, Or. Ed. Note. The above is the company that paid the claim under policy carried by rercy Oliver. Justice W. D. Smith visited in Tuesday. Wm. Pointer, one of buMiAdtime townsmen, was in the city itur day evening and Sunday. Ground bone for chickens, 2 cte per pound, at Greer b. Grant Hughes, the Forest Grove hardware merchant, was in the city Tuesday. While we growl about the hop louse which seeketh to devour the beer blossoms; while we curse the wheat aphis which ia the half-brother of shortage; and while we growl at a few extra drop of aopia, let u atop and consider. In Oregon we always have a crop and there i al way enough to eat and to feed the parasites of society; we have an Hebrew enator and Ilebre are the smartest financiers in the world; we never have a Columbia river flood; we never have the chinch bug and w can endure the gold and silver bugs; m let us be content with Washington county, content to pity the cyclonic east where a man must sleep on the trap door of a cyclone cellar let u le content and praise Ood from whom all bless ings flow. The well known eyetdght special ist, Dr. Lowe, i again in town. If you value your eye call on him at once and have him test your eyes for glasses. He will tie at the Tual atin hotel till Saturday night. Kmil Itockstroh, the 12-year old son of C. Hockstroh. of Blooming, while throwing a ball to a school mate this morning, broke bis right arm between the shoulder and el bow. He did not full; neither did he strike his arm against any ob ject the bone simply broke while in the act of throwing. The little lad wa brought down to Dr. F. A. Baileywho set the injured mem ber. Last year Kmil suffered a dislocation of the elbow joint of his left arm and the whole arm is somewhat stiff. He liears his mis fortune with the forbearance of a veteran. The bone breaking in this peculiar manner n due to the lack of certain mineral properties, and such cases are very rare. Remember Dr. Lowe is a gradu ate of three of the best collegia in the U. 8. He does not take chanc es in lilting glasses to your eyes and won't let you take any. See him at once. "Her watch wouldn't go." I peeped into her watch when she said ' the old thing wouldn't go." After a busty glance I didn't won-' der, and my diagnosis was ''indiges tion." Pasted sgainst the inner: side of the case were: A portrait of her first love and a lock of his hair; soma dead forget-me-nots; a newspaper clipping, announcing her recent engagement, and a four paf clover, iietweeu the inner cover and the works were two pictures; a re ceipt for cold cream, and a lock of her lust love's hair. And Mill the obstinate thing refused to gc. How is your w atch running a little kIowT A little fast? Is it nut of repair If so, lake it to Huyt and have it fixed right. Mairied: At " Blooming, Or., I hurlav. June 8, 189'J, Kev. Paul niTiciiiting. Mr. John Schmidt and Miss Carrie Otto. 1 lie happy couple tok the tiain for Portland for trip, after which they took up their residence near Laurel. Mrs. Lillian Fleming, of Em erald, Pierce countv, Wis., is in the city, Ihegueat of her brother, L A. Long. Mrs. hlemmg is on a trip for her health and will vUit Califor nia and North Carolina before re turning home. Mrs. Fleming is a niece of Kenyon Crandall, one of our pioneers of 1852. (J. W. Bacon, well known here and at the Grove, and now a Tilla mook livervman.' was in the city Saturday last. Examine the McCormick Hinder and Mower in the Finney Bldg , on Main bt. liest in the world, for sale by S. G. Hughes, Forest Grove. Louis Jose, who several years ago traded for the Emerick prop erty just south of Cornelius, has made the old place blossom like a rose. He will son build a new engim shed and granary and pro vide room enough to cover his thresher, lie will also put up a windmill on the plaice. The other dav while little Her bert Moore was using a knife to cut a string, he seriously cut the pupil of h'.H right eye, the point of the bladi tusking an incision across the pu pil. Dr. Dinkluter dressed the in jured member and the little chap is getting along as well as could be expected. Much of the liquid of the eve was lost and it is doubtful if sight can be restored. All told, perhaps three or four hundred Washington county peo pie visited the Ringling circus at Portland Monday and Tuesday. All who have spoken of their trip state that it was the finest thing of its kind on earth. The ladies of Hillsboro feel high ly gratified over the support given them by the public lust Saturday evening at the band benefit in the court yard. They netted about 125 clear and extend thanks for the fa vors received. The band was out in its new uniform ar.d discoursed music until a late hour. Tim W. Thompson, a prominent Gaston farmer who is interested in the newspaper business, through the commercial diplomacy of Mr. Craig, was in the city Monday. Sheriff Bradford has so far recov ered that he has made frequent ex cursions into the yard and has had a short drive. His improvement is of the substantial order and his many friends will be glad to see him around town. Since July 1, 1898. Washington oonntv has paid $3,513.19. interest on warrants. Next year this item will he very much lighter. rp.'HJ At Cumt to County of four per cent. RANKER j. W. SHITE GIVES FIGURES Says be will advance money to pay eff six per cent warrant Banker J. W. 8hnte, of 8hute & Foote, say he will give the county monty to refund all outstanding six per cent warrants, he in return, for each dollar advanced, to have warrants drawing four per cent is sued him. This proposition, how ever, is contingent upon the com missioner giving Mr. Shute a like option on the future business of the county for a certain length of time. County Treasurer Cady states there are in round numbers, war rants endorsed and drawing six percent, something like 124,694.09, thi including the last 5.000 war rant issued last fall. Mr. Shute' proposition certainly is a favor ably one and should receive hearty consideration. A Million Feet Of yellow fir lumber cut from the bert body of timber standing out of doors. Dry and manufactured in the Ih-M. possible manner. Inspec tion and comparison with other lumber solicited. Price right, and prompt delivery of all bills. Mountaindale Lbr. Co., Mountaindale, Or. KNEW DR. EPLEY. Miss Etta Lee, the niece of Treas urer A. B. Cady, and Mr. Lillian Fleming, now in this city, were both acquainted with Dr. Epley, who had both his legs broken in the cyclone at New Richmond, Wis., the other day. Miss Lee was once a pupil of Dr. Epley, when he was teaching at Randolph, Wis. A Cumberland paper recently had the following notice of Dr. Epley, ind it has been handed the Argus by Miss lee: "Dr. Epley, of New Richmond, is u public benefactor. He hascom pleud the finest piece of engineer ing in the world, viz, the convert ing of water power into electricity. conveying it eight mile and re converting it into power for use of the city of New Richmond with a loss of only 6 per cent. The Scien tific American and Electrical World say that Dr. Epley has ov ercome difficulties in electrical en gineering that have never before been overcome, and he has thus paved the way to the practical use of small water power? all over the world. Dr. hpley it was who first conceived the idea of putting in water works and electric lights for New Richmond and he followed up the work with a persistence that knew no such thing as failure. He is now furnishing power to run the water-works, electric light plant, all the mills, elevators and factories in New Richmond at less than one- nail what steam or horse power would cost, and he achieved a tri umph that hs attracted the atten tion of the world and which will some day'.inake a millionaire of him He has done a service to the public that entitles him to everlasting gratitude and his name should be p'aced beside those of the greal in renloisand leaders of thought in the electrical world." Two fine Cotswold bucks for sale John O'Meara, Reedvilie, Or. Marriage license has been grant ed Mr. Henry Jones and Mrs. Dim pie Older, both of Beaverton. Miss Annette Elliott, of this city, will on the 20th inst., graduate in the Latin course of the Portland High School. Mis. Lottie A. Smith visited Portland Monday and Tuesday of this week. Dr. Lowe uses all of the up-to-date instruments in fitting glasses. C. E. Kindt and wife, were in the city Sunday, guest of Mr. an 1 Mrs. R. Waggeuer, of the Tualatin. One of J. H. Donaldson's cows suffered a broken leg by the train last evening. She was so badly injured that killing was the lust result. Swetlands chocolate peanuts at Gates'. Win. Tupper when last heard from was wielding the sheep shears on the John Day river in Grant county, Or. Fine confections, fruits and nuts at Gates'. W. H. Wehrung made a hurried trip to Seattle this week. Mrs. Wehrung and daughter visited in Portland. Strayed or Btolen: 1 roan cow, with calf; 3 years old, brand, "L" on right hip; 1 red cow, white spots, 6 years old, a milker, branded "l! on right hip; 1 light red cow, con siderable white, 3 yrs. old, stub horns, a milker, brand "B" with invisible letter connected. Anyone knowing their whereabouts will please notify C .11. Large, Hillsboro, Or., or this office. Mr. Lavica Ellinger Bailey, wife or Ualvin liailey, of Blooming, died Thursday morning at 3:00 0 clock, from dropgy. She wa born July 31, 1836, in Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, and in 1854 wa married to Calvin Bailey, who ur vive her. In company with her husband and family, she came lo Oregon in 1884, and settled south ofCorneliut. Eleven children were born to the union, eight of whom live: Mrs. O. E. Johnson, South Tualatin; Mr. Henry Wilson, For est Grove; Lawrence Bailey, Cor nelius; D. H. Bailey, Blooming; Mr. E. C. Schul merich, South Tu alatin; Mr. II. O. Pearon, San Francisco; Mr. Harry Baker, Cor nelius and Mis I .aura Bailey, Blooming. The remain will be buried in Corneliu cemetery to morrow. Schulmerich & Son will sell you a 3 i three inch tire wagon com plete for 180.00. All part fully warranted. They purchase from th factory and sell from 5 to 15 dollars cheaper than other dealer Sydney Luce, in a letter dated May 11, says that all the Washing ton county boy would doubtless leave with their regiment. He had some notion of staying to hunt gold, but gave it up and would go home if he had to walk over piles of gold to get on the boat. He also thought of including a live monkey in hi collection of curio that he intend ed to bring home, but the mischiev ous brute spilled a bottle of iodine on its forehead and forepaw. which took the hide off, and didn t add anything to its personal appear ance. Dr. Lowe, the optician will have hi office in Mrs. Sloan's hotel in Forest Grove next week. He is up-to-date. The Forest Grove Time ha printed the Veteran re-union post ers and they are all right. Tho. H. Tongue is to be. the orator of the day and Dr. A. Stand lee will be the president of the day, July 4th. Cor nelius 1 to have a big time for four days, and the common council has already sent a petition to Paeue for good weather, authorizing the weather director to draw on the city in any sum consonant with the weather furnished and Cor nelius always has the cash to liq uidate. The stock of groceries at Wo hrungs' is complete. Highest market price paid for produce. Prof. M. C. Case ha recently re ceived a letter from Daniel Case. his uncle, who was visiting here a few months ago, stating that he may dispose of his property in Michigan and emigrate to the Pa cific coast to spend his declining years. Schulmerich & Son's for gloves See their job lots, 50 and 75 cents per pair. The patrons of the Farmington school held a very successful and enjoyable basket sociable at the school house Saturday evening. Twenty four baskets netted $20 and the proceeds will go for library or a flag. Mrs. Grimes, the teach er, had drilled the pupils bo that a splendid program was given. Scott Cornelius, one of Astoria's successful business men, and an old time Washington county boy, was in the city this week. He re turned home Thursday. Mr. Cor nelius came up to attend the bed side of the Colonel, his father, who is very low. Deputy Sheriff C. E. Deichman states that about 700 bicycle taxes have so far been collected, if the tags were here there would be per haps one or two hundred more pay ments. Bicycle paths are being built everywhere, the tax work be ing eeconded by a large amou it of donation work. Co. H. of the Oregon Volunteers must have tried their fighting qual itics before they left for home, as the casually renort tor June 3 says that Ezra Kirtz, of Greenville, was wounded slightly on the wrist, and Charles Doughty on the hand. It is reported that the Cornelius city council has ordered a 20x30 flag, which they hope to fling to the breeze by the time the Veteran As sociation meets, which will be July 1. 1 and d. Mrs. Pittenger, and son Wm, were Portland passengers Saturday evening, enroute for Hood Kner. J. J. Morgan who went to Daw son City two years ago, is expected home in July. John owns two claims in Klondike and intends go ing back 111 the spring after his visit. L. A. Whitcomb, of Portland, spet.t bunday in Hillsboro the guest of E. L. Abbott and other relatives. Hon. T. H. Tongue yesterday ad dressed the Indian War Veterans at Portland. Dr. S. T. Linklater attended the meeting of the State Medical Socie ty this week, at Portland. Wm, Connell, of this city, while in Portland the first of the week, was severe'y kicked by a horse. He is getting along nicely. John Salzgeber, of West Union, and who is raising hops on the Ira brie ranch, has fine prospeots this year. In fact, all yards are doing nicely. Root Beef at parties solicited.. Gates'. Btioycle THE AKGUS : JUNE, 1899. : Son I Mmi I Tii.k V.I Tim j Vx ,2i,3lh"i nij7 19 j 20 I 21 j 22 28 j24 2(5 1 "27 j 2H j 29 30 PKOKKKHfOim, F. A. BAILEY, M. D. rtijMelan, MnramMi and Accoache Office 111 Hilltlx ro Pharmacy. Resi dence ioutli-wet corner Baseline and Second. All calls promptly attended, day or uiilit. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofltc al lt idouce East of Court House JAMES PHILLIPE TAMIES1E, M. D.t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. Of fice and Residence south side of Main, near Odd Fellows' Building. Hillsboro. THOS H TOKOUI. I TOMCOX. MOT1BV THOS. H. ft E. B. TOJItiUE, Attorney s-A t-Law. Rooms 3. 4 & 5, Morgan Blk, Hillsboro. H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Deputy District Attorney ior Washing ton County, Office upstairs over Delta Drug Store. JOHN M. WALL, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with S. B. Huston, Union Block HILLSBORO. - OREOON. E. R. GREGORY, L. L. B. TTORNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Hillsboro, - - Oregon. Corwia & Wooster Bl.ick, Cpatf'i-. SMITH ft BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW Notarial Work and Conveytuicing. Rooms 8 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro. Or DR. J. ADKINS, Fifteen years Experience in Hillsboro. DENTIST" Firstclass services; Charge reasonable. Office, Union Blk, over Pharmacy. HILLriBottO. OKEMOX,. DR. C B. BROWN, DENTIST 818 Deknm Building. Portland, Oregoau Will be in Hillsboro every fourth Mon day in each month. MISCELLANEOUS. E. L. M'GORMICK, Dealer in Bicycles CYCLE SUNDRIES IN STOCK Monarchs, $25 to $75, Imperials, $30 to $75. Sterlings, $50 lo $75. Morgan-Bailey Block, Main St, Hillsboro, - - Oregon ar stens Bros.. MANUFACTURERS Of Rutf 4 Dfcssei Lumber Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc HILLSBORO - ORBGON. UNDERTAKING PAKIiOH. J O. Iiamkln has opened an under lie tug parlor on the corner of M aln and Third Street, and ia prepared to furnish on immediate demand, An CASKETS AND COmY8 at the lowest posaible piioes. W 111 take charge of fanerahi. Tl fluest line of undertaking snppllm In the county. Give him a call. HILLS nORO. ORKUON, Woodman, attention: Import ant meeting next Tuesday evening, Assessment No 108 is now due and payable to T. S. Weatherred. clerk. Chas. Hansen, of WilsonviliV, Clackamas county, was visiting Bethany the first of the week, and waa trying to make arrangements with the Bethany hand to play a Wilsonville on the Fourth. 0