Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1895)
krifr ARGUS TiniltKDAV net 17 isnr, Undo "Nutty" UiehiirilMon ami ifn di'imrtt'd UVdiii'siluy of liift ivi-i'k to Kin-mi a few 1I11V8 itt Lime Well, W ah., wliilo their Iioiimi is ' i jjj cotiipl.Wl, -DiHtrict Attorney Itarret paint! Monday morning from AHtoria Iwre lie linn l.iul a sit'iie of 4 wt't'kn Uending Circuit court, lie U-ft own for St. llulmiR tliu Httmo eve ning to optMi court in Unit county. It. Wcliruntf it Sonaliavu sonm irguiim for you. Cull lit their li!e of bUHhuuH aiul sco for vour- If. V. Holmes Iirh opened a tailor- I'HtaliliHlyiinnt in the Imilding il recently occupied by 8. Kosen- LiiHt Saturday afternoon a now Amber wan tuktm into the firm of I jtrvihi-Laidlaw Co. Horn, Oct. I il, 18'.).-), to Mr. and Mrs. Wins. K. I yuiulmian, a Hon. C. E. is noticed Imvn 11 mure ilitriiWtml p'i rrbifffl. nd clean are guing the round. Scliulnmricli k Son have got a lice line of dolliing which they m sell at very low prices. Dr. W. I). Wood, while split up; wood at hitt resident! on First reet, .Monday morning, had the iiHiortune to cut liitf thumb in a ery mwere nianner. Dr. Linklater reswd the ineniher, and now Wood Jl aildjio,iyore curelcsH hi'. v If you want school shoes that Hill wear well, yet them ill Sehul .Jierieh it S011V. Miss Louisa Tucker, of IlilU 0, Oregon, is making 1111 extend- isit with relatives in Knlama. tluing a l:irre nil' painting of nth part of town and 11 stc- f the river, which when omu l's, will be very line. tCitliima lletin. Kven (Jliiuigo tobacco 15 cents Haines & liaileys. W. V. I'artlow, a Grand Jun- tiollicer of the i. 0. 0. W., is in city from North Yamhill, on a sit with Inenils and relative. K. will make a strong effort at 11 session of tln (.rand Junele, to luce the W's to nllilinto under e charter Willi the S. I'. O. h .. 10 are very desirous of coiisuin ling such 11 union. 'Secure your rubber grrnda bile ;"S are unbroken Kino line of icintosbes for hidieyand jri'iul'- 11 at lirviin Laid law Co. Cash ore. MurriiiTfl licensi-s have" since folier loth, been granted to the '""jug purlies: T. A. Ilooden- and Winnie Matteson, 17; t Younger. ;), mid Susannah 2; T. M. Kelso. 2.'?, and Inniv 10. Ciiletiiiiu, 17; Win, Imke m il Knnia Koerner, Clnis. line. 28, a' .1 (i. Delia Chirk, 25; M. Iliait niid M. C. Anderson. i-L. L. VAdtconib liasa fine new on bis ilt-livery wagon for pio- lion of conlenis during the rainy son. r -Messrs. Ti. L. I'errine, W. II. ins and Marion Ogden spent the it of the week up the country in 'st of China pheasants, bringing k in round numbers, oil. The Mr. and Mih! Wni. (!lark, of Ij'ortllind, spent Sunday lust in the oily, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mahton MhIoiih. Mr. Clark is run ning a creamery in Portland, and is tloing a nice business. The many friends of Mrs. Clark will rcmemlcr her as Miss Millie Daldra, who whs raised to womanhood in this city. (io to II. W'ehrungiV Sons and price their goods before buying else where. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. lteames spent Sunday in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Tongue, re turning Monday morning. The Misses Mary and Itertba Tongue took Monday evening's passenger for Cortland t' return them a visit. II. Wchruiig A Sons have Home choice Oregon timothy seed for salt:. Win. Kinney and wife visited Portland Monday of this week. O. K. Spencer will give you the best haircut ami smoothest shave to bo bud in the city. Pi p. ulur prices. A bridge-building outfit, sup plied with wheel scrapers and all the implements necessary I'd" filling and el., belonging to T. C. John- sou, passed through the city M daw enroutc to new voik Has Struck Washington County's Fair Domain. DOMINIES KEAl'IXG A IUG HARVEST Four Weddings Reported and More to be Solemnized Contract! for Bridges Let, Ufso h county. At lirst many thought 11. was the vanguard of the l'ortland Ilillsboro motor line construction i.l:t:t. For sale A full-blooded Hoi-sit-in bull, 3 years old. Inquire of or address DanT Itaker, Greenville, Oregon. According to the recent cen , us report of County Assessor (i. II. Wilcox, this county has M); ablebodieil men between the ageof 18 and 4"), subject to draft for mili tary duly should occasion require. This will average about one for ev ery ten of population. There are over 4000 legal voters in Wat Ling- ton" county, (ioto V. W. Williams' City Bakery for your bread, cakes, past ry, confectionery, etc. Finest in Washington county. John II. Williams, who wiih recently arrested lor whipping one of his minor children, has been dis charged on motion of the district attorney. The defendant has hith erto had no court experience and the iirrest was doubtless prompted by family differences, which are al ways belter kept out of court. Haines & Bailey sell Kven Change tobacco 15 cents per lb. The old school Predestinarian Baptist church of Jbmis Christ, called 'Now. Hope," has changed its place of meetings from Gules Creek to Dilley, Washington coun ty. Meetings at the new place will commence rmturiiny in lore the vim Sunday in November at 1;!!0 p. in. Three Marriages. Married, October 10th, at the county court house of county of Washington, in Hillsboro, Oregon, Mr. T. A. Ilooilcnpyl and Miss Winnie Mattewm, His Honor. I J ntlge Cornelius, officiating. Bride ami groom are prominent young people from the Wapiilo district. Married, October Utb, at the residence of lluv. John Unit, in Washington county, Oregon, Mr. Christ Younger and Mrs. Susan nah Dapp, Rev. Graf officiating. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11- S. Chirk, of Forest Grove, was last for the ; Sunday, the scene of h very pretty 1 v.,.-,.r .1...... 1.1 n .i... . mi 111 iinjrp t.LIIIll, 417, IJU1IJIJCI Ul (lavs attendance, 07 1 ; number of days absence, 52; number of tiroes tardy, 11; number of boys enrol led, 23; number of girls enrolled, 20; to tal number enrolled, 4'; average daily attendance, 5.'. Those neith er tardy nor absent during the month were: Ethel Edgar, Boy Watson, Btrtba Bradford, Del bert Fowles, Elsie Willis, Lucia Leighow. Elbe and Rosa Adams, Amel and Matilda Luck, Orpha Peters and Ralph Uglow. Following are the visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Willis, and Misses Lucy Mill er, Addie Uglow, Mamie Murphy, and Theresa Reiling. (i. V. Tamiksie, Teacher. wedding. . I he high contracting parties weie Mr. O. line, one of Forest Grove's bright young business men, and Miss (1. Bella Chirk, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Rev. Clapp, of the Congregational church, officiated. The wedding ceremonies were at tended by a large number i f friends and relatives. The happy couple have many friends in this county who wish them a long and happy lite 'J'liey will at once commence leu keeping in the Grove. This wiM.iing is of considerable interest toii Hiples of Pythinnism, as thp Gr-niu ih Chancellor Commander of I violins Lodge, No. 8!, and the l.aoo'v- liruie is Most Excelle n t A Hillsboro Wedding. Last Sunday, at the residence of Mrs. Juli.i A. Coleman, Mr. T. M. Kelso and Miss Adclmay Coleman were united in marriage, Rev. W. E. Smith officiating. The wedding was a quiet one. but relatives and a few invited friends biting present The groom is a well-known figure in this 8ect:on, having resided here for several years, r t one time bav ing been employed by J. C. Hare as foreman. lie has considerable literary ability, and is the author of an excellent and meritorious po em on the story of Damon and Pythias. The members of Phoenix Lodge K. of P., to which be is an active devotee, congratulate the young people on their new life. The bride is well and favorably known in the county having been reared from early childhood in the vicini ty of Hillsboro. now rank hieb he correct kind. as sportsmen U repub I Inoeriitie, ller of pot J-Bargains all the week in ( ro es at Bryan Laidlnw Co. Cash re. The lower end of Second street, ' Ag to the depot will be laid f-s 8 feet in length, making a Thimble roadway. ho great state of Oregon has republican papers, nearly and i ery near that f populist organs. II. II. Greer makes 11 sjaWalty as and coffees. . Hon. C. P. Yates, state'' Ropro- 1 1 lntivo for this county was in the yesterday and incidentally was Her at the office of this great renowned religious publication, ns at bis solicitation that Sen- Mitchell personally visited the Iriint section to familiarize self with the true situation of iettlers. , The Brown Brothers have sold engine which went through the for 150, f iV , 11. V enrung arm wiie visu pJl'ortland Wednesday, making ftrin overland. N '-limair 111 InllM 111 RliniStO RlOt. fmr v .i..... ... Vl(es afi'l 110,1,8 bought and 00m 13, Morgan lilock. vster supper at the Grange Tiinmlflueveiiine. October 22. f'-e'r the auspices of the Ladies of tjKvar.gelital church. Supper d at 6:00. Price, W cents. I iVainrs & Bailey sell fa rolled oats... .$1.00 ,No. 1 rice ...... 1.00 ,g of American Granulated .sugar sack best flour plug "Even Change" to aoo,.. . . . . . ....1...! ckles and Lion Coffees 2 ackages , . .' "; Six. Star, Spear Head and Horseshoe tobacco d all other goods as low as the t. Do you pay more? If so, ? bpys' and girls' school . at lowest cixy prices ft WW 1 1 i . 1 1 I III 1 Mil 1.00 .60 .15 .45 .40 regg s tstioe; tore, When you want crockery, glass ware 11 ml lamps, go to Grtar's. W. V. Wiley visited Portland Tuesday, by team, John Jackson, w ho represented the (ileiicoe K. of P. at Salem, returning with him. Robert Inibrie Sr. is so far re covered that he is again f rt'ii uetit ly seen in the city. For every $1.00 cash purchase of school supplies at The Delta drug store you will receive one sheet ot popular music, selected from a large assortment, A brother of E. It. Fuller lias arrived and will make hi-i future home in ibis city. He will take a position with the (ilencue Flouring Mills. When you v)yit Groceries go to Bob Greer's and 'the rest follow. The administratrix of the Ed ward Constable estate has cited Mr. iintl Mrs. Aaron Maloiie to appear in open court next Monday, lo give an accounting of the property, if any, in their possession and belong ing to said estate. You can learn of a bargain in real estate by inquiring at this office. One of the best farms in the county will be sold at a sacrifice, ' Station Agent Glaze, of Forest Grove, was in the city Tuesday ac companied by his wifp. A large delegation of Masons were at Beaverton Tuesday in at tendance at the funeral rites ol J. DeLetts of that city. Miss JtiStrellii JUnerieK is in the city from Scholls spending a few days with friends. The post office store keeps con stantly 011 sale a line of standard periodicals, magazines and month lys. Anything not on sale will be ordered for you . Inquire of J. M. Brown. Jabez Wilkes recently returned from a trip to the Tillamook coun try. He reports that section devel oping to a great dairy country. 0, C. Zook, who had the mis fortune to seven ly injure his ankle some weeks ago, was so far recov ered as to be 011 the streets the first of the week. . We still give good prices for vvlisat in exchange for goods. Come and get our figures. Schuhnericli & Son.. , '-Sativrday afternoon, a herd of 117 cattle was driven through the city from Yamhill sounty enroute to tbe Portland markets. Warren Merchant, of North, Vanihill, wiis the owner and, drover., ; Rubbers in all 'styles of toes at Gregg's Shoe Store, Forest Grve. Mpv liruie is most Chief of Delpha Temple, Uuthbone Sisters, both Forest Grove Pythian lodges. - Will be Examined Saturday. Saturday last an officer arrived here with Jack Geddis, who is charged with larceny by bailee, of a horse, saddle and bridle from the Wiley it Dennis stables, of this city. Nearly a month ago young Geddis, ho has a claim in Neha lem country, hired the horse to go to bin place, stating he would return in a week's time, or therea bouts. Tin; days slipped by until the week ixtended into several, when some alarm was manifested as to the gentleman's intent. No trace was bad of where Geddis was until Thursday last, when he re paired to St. Helens to marry one of Columbia c unity's fair daughters, which by the Grace of God and the statuteof the gram! old state of Ore gon, he did. Friday he was arrested, culling short his honey moon. His examination will be held Saturday, before Justice Knight, and Mr. Ged dis will doubtless go free, as it is stated that he says his horse went lame, so much so that had he at tempted U have brought him home, he could not have been present at the stipulated time to have become the husband of the now Mrs. Ged dis. The defendant has always borne an excellent reputation for honesty. At one time he worked for Hon. T. II. Tongue of this place. A LONG LIST OF DILLS Liquidated by the County Beard for the October Term. 1 JUSTICE ASD CONSTABLE CLAIMS Undergo Rigid Scrutiny and a few are Audited for a Starter, The following bills were allowed: ASSESSING AND COLLECTING. George II Wilcox 75.00 SALARIES J W Saj.pinton, Treasurer 50.00 K I. McCormick, self and dep... 175.00 H I' Ford do 275.00 R U Goodin do 250.00 It P Cornelius 175.00 SCHOOL SCPKKINTENDENT AND ASS'TS. A Craig School Sup't . Edith L Reams The Carlton Opera Company. Last night the Carlton Company, under the management of Jed Carl ton, closed a 3-nights' engagement at the opera house. Monday even ing they presented "Destiny," Tues- luy evening. "Ole Olson," and last niglirhrre-orrr Titrt&Ji -"Hiyel jvirne. inai tne Uariton com pany is a good one goes without saying, and all who heard them lire loud in their praises, Messrs. Kay and Carlton are both finely adapted to their parts, and in coin edv all agree that Mr. Carlton leads all who have visited this section. These gentlemen had good support, and if they come this way again I hey will bo assured of receiving good bouses. Stanley J. Ross. Jack Ellis, Leon Henry, and J. W. Peters drew to themselves much ad miration while the Misses Florence Earl, Emma Morris and Ada Slier man showed themselves mistresses of the art. 47-85 6.00 COUNTY COURT. I) B Reasoner 16.00 Thus O Todd 13.80 BRIDGES AND ROADS. W A Goodin 45 40 Meek & Goodin 150.00 Carstens Bros 24.17 W K Beard 50.00 W II Lyda 27.26 J L Cummings 18.00 W beelye 56.61 6.00 14.00 12.90 5-6o 32-65 4-5 2.50 3-35 Wiley & Dennis . Heasten & Savage . . . Andrews Lbr Co ... . C W Hendricks M M Watts T G Todd D B Reasoner A C Arch bold C. H. & J. ACCOUNT. B P Cornelius. A C Archbold. 10.00 300 FUEL, LIGHTS AND JANITOR. Hillsboro L & W Co 20.00 Thos H Tongue 120.00 K Cave. : , H H Fenton Bridge Contracts Let. Contracts for the building of bridges for the county of Washing ton, were let by the Commissioners court, October .term, 11s follows: Sinclair bridge and fill, Meek & Goodin. ir'oT; liall bridge and fill, Meek & Goodin, $22. SO; Hallet bridge, T. C. Johnson, $824.50 Wilkes bridge, T. C. Johnson, $89. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. S. T. Bowser, Hillshoro's erinary surgeon, accoiiipiiniei Mr. Davis, of Phinnyt Davis business in Portland SaiiliJav M. M. P.ridges, of the Climax M.lling Co., made a bosii ess trip to Portland the last of the week vet I bv did Inst. his wile, seed, 95 IC.OO 14.00 THE BUFFET CAR ROUTE j nana Shortest and Quickest Line BETWEEN PACIFIC COAST POINTS . . . ... ST. PAUL, AND THE EAST. Crosses both the Cascades and the Itneky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, alTonllng pns scngers tlieoiMirtioiity of viewing tbe Grandest Scenery in America. Two trains daily from Portland; one atll a. ni , via Seattle, and 0110 at 8:45 p. in., via O. K. & N.aml Spokane. Kims superb equipment, consisting of dining cars, liutl'et library cars, palace and upholstered touristls' Rltwpine cars. The bullet cars are mar vels of elegance and comfort, containing bath room, Earlier simp, easy chairs, etc. Twin steamships "Northwest" and "Northland" leave Dulutli every Mom'ay and Kriday lor the "boo," Mackinac Island, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo in coin i ctiort with the Great Northern Railway. Have your tickets read via NuKT HEUN t-'l J-.AM-filllP COMPANY and enjoy 11 delightful ride free from the heat and dust. j..r tick ets and general information call on or address R. C. STEVENS, G. V. P. A. 12 Front St., Seattle, Wash. A. B. C. DKNNISTON.C. P. A T. A. 122 Third St, Portland, Orp ion Purest Drugs and Chemicals. Patent Mediciies. Proprietary Artie Its. The Hillsboro Pharmacy Select Stock of Stationery. Particular Attention Paid to Physicians' Prescriptions aul Family Kccipes. WILEY & DENNIS, CilTV LIVERY STATU.K Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is WHERE VOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMSV GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, 1 NSASG A SB IX2UKST8. WD Wood FA Bailey.,.. PRISONl'.l.S AN1 PAUPERS A Bailey W Bowlby Maria Aim I' A W Saxtou R Cave H P Ford Wehruug & oons J Northrop A C Archboid Rosa Frost AOlsen STATIONERY Glass and Prudhomuie Irwin-Hoilson Co W E Brock E L McCormick J W Sappington Hillsboro Pub Co The Argus II P Ford..., Hatchet R B Goodin B V Cornelius r.YTE CASES 5.00 5.00 1. 00 8.25 10.00 265.20 55 6439 11.80 10.00 3-70 5-oo 5.00 36-50 37.S5 25-05 350 50 1590 10.00 5-05 6.25 6.00 405 Bethany Bnnd Concert. The bntliany Comet Band will give an open air concert at the band btand in Hillsboro, on Satur day evening, Oistober 26lh, com mencing at 7:30 p. m. . PltOUUAM-l'AItr FIUST. March "The Scorclwr" Maston Kc.hottische "l)e dray" Motualf Selection "Forgot Mo Not".... A Macbeth Quickstep ''New Kra" .. .11 1 Brothers Graiul 1'utpoiirri -"O Fair Dove 0 Fond Dove" iSehlepegrell Oalop "ChessK'V" H V Brothers Waltz-" Down on (he Farm" ,T T Williams March-"Watch on the Rhine" J N Ohmlsey INTKIiM ISSlOX-PAItT SECOND. Clarionet Solo "Nero" Hipley WulU-"NiKht Waltzes" J S Knight Serenade" Vesta" l'ettee Waltz "Hummer Showers" . . K V Keller March "Quick March out of Sight" J S McCosh Comic "Syinphunny, Not". C W Dalby Concert Waltz "Auf Weidersehn" Kdin II Bailev Commissioners' Proceedings. County clerk ordered to assign tax certificates on property of U. B. tl. Marquam upon payment of tax. T. G. Todd was ordered to exam ine bridge on Scoggina oieek and report next term. E. X. Harding appointed justice of the peace for Vnpato district vice II. S. Hudson, resigned. A. E. duly appointed justice of the peace for neaverton district. B. P. Cornelius ordered to look into condition of Hubel bridge. AH county warrants over 7 years old, and advertised according to law, declared and ordered canceled, amounting in all to about $75. School Report. Following is the report of ilie School District, No. 41, for the month beginning September ltftli and ending October 11th: Num- itceoinpaniid by For tiniotliv and clover etc J. V. (ioodin, of (ilencue. Mis. Brooks, of Portland, spent the first of the week in this cily, the guest of Mrs. Frank Wiiliams. Mr. Brooks is connected witli the Port land house of Olds & King, in which establishment Mrs. Brooks will be remembered to .have been employed in capacity of saleslady for a num ber ol years. II. Wehrung & Sous' stock of boots and shoes can not bo beaten in this county for price and quality. -Dr. J. P. Tamiesie reports a son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McEldowney, Tuesday, Oct. 15. Sam's Hillsboro friends tire watch ing his advent to the city. Go to Bob Greer's mt your timothy, clover and tare seed. Winter stock ofllamilton Brown boots anH shoes now coming on at Bryan LaidlW Cash Co. Store. e buy cheap, sell a Tieap and rest Sundays. See' our newy Standard patterns and new prices. Three disciples of Pythiauism and one Uuthbone Sister, ail of this county, have embarked on the sea of matrimony within the last week. There is now some talk of the K. of P. and liathbone Sisters' lodges of Forest Grove consolidat ing the chairs. Just received, fresh from the factory, the fittest Line of umbrellas ever shipped toNins market. If it rains come injjflt don't come any way. Our prices will surprise you. Bryan Laidjaw Co. Senator J. H. Mitchell, who has been amongst the settlers in the noted quadrant section, was given a reception at Forest Grove Monday evening. The exercises vere held at college auditorium, where the senator made an extem pore address to ids many admirers. Mayor S. Hughes presided with his usual good humor and cheer. H. Wehrung & Sons' prices on clothing and dry goods are O. K. No trouble to show goods. A forest fire of no mean dimen sions is reported in the Cornell road mountains. Considerable wood is being burned and other property menaced. Special sale in Ladies' fine dong. button, in square or picadilly toe, only $1.75, former price $2.25, at Gregg,s Shoe Store, For. est Grove. Pioneer HarnessM,ASIi Dealer in Horse and Mule Jewelry. Repairing and Carriage Trimming a Specialty. ... All Goods Sold to Compete with Portland Prices HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. I. E 15 ERST, Prop Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Market : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hogs Cash Paid for Poultry. A A Morrill J B Wiley R. C Goodwin John Heisler John Westiiigliouse W G Cole : aura Westiiigliouse . . . Wm Pointer W N Barrett Win !:pencer Grace McMillian Eva Barngrower Geo C Day Joseph Daniels Viola fcrink Louis Lungdrone Wilda C Furceson Wilheluia Lursman John Winters Philip linker F C Varaer H H Eyman Albert Voss MJ Gardner W M Davis h K Adams E P Wells A A Phillips J W Hartrampf J I Knight W W Annans John Wilcox Ella Patton Mrs James Lee Joseph Patten. ........ W D BradlorU Elizabeth Lee James Booth Mary ruxon H W Scott Mary P.ooth L Shogren T K Cornelius Harry Hall Jtosa Loo J E Young E U ltajtoy John Winters A 8 Vaughn .1 N Heed M K Chase C Kosmr L Winter J C Carter 11 L Smock Harry Uoland....- II I) Leo Wm Calkins A Vost J C Her J H HuflhiKtim Muud Uiillington F A Olds Or Hickard Wm Shultz S J Earhiu t 1) O Olds John Chapmun J (I (iustin Wm Smith H () Hayes Sadie (ollett MISCELLANEOUS J B Matthews Post GAR indigent 27.90 5 50 11.00 11.00 4.70 11.00 3.9 11.00 1.70 10.00 37-70 2.10 2.10 23.40 .310 310 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.90 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 .8.00 9.60 2.10 4.50 2.10 55-30 22.10 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 1.70 4.90 4-30 1.70 2.70 4.30 4.!H 2.10 4.M U.HO 111.05 lft.0 1.20 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.20 4.00 1.70 2.M 1.60 4.20 1.70 5.30 1.50 1.SI0 1.80 1.50 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.40 1.20 1.(10 IM MAIN STREET, HILLSBORO, OREGON. Very I! RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From .Three to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Offices: Booms 706-707 , Marquam minding, PORTLAND, OREGON. CHOICE LANDS. . FOR SALE! Any one desiring to purchase a Farm or Town Property will do well to . . READ - THIS - LIST. Here are Bonie hoice Properties Which are Offered Cheap :-: Cheap For particulars enquire at this office. No 1 io ncrps, adjoining city limits, HUiowulk within nno block of property. Hi twre.s cleared, linest quality of bottom land, 4 acres bench, tine site for building purposes, some timber on same. Will .sell in a bmly for &KHI0 part down, bal ance on time to suit purchaser. Or will subdivide so as to uive part cleared bot tom und part bench, in plats from 2 to 5 acres, at 5123 per acre. Hero is a chance for a good neat little liome which can be made self sustaining Investigate before some one gets it. On the market for a short time only. No 2 10 acres, half cleared, 1 lu re ben vtmlum. rest slashed and sown to grass, ni) buildings, goes forjfijj per acre. With in two miles of llillsuoro. Terms, jjUOO down, balance in S years at 10 per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is a part, at same price per acre, including 15 wires of beaverdam and swail cleared. J Xo 3 128 aerea, highway running through center of place, SO acres in culti vation; 2 iuu-ps in orchard, apples, pears and plums; 6 room house; log barn, good well of water; iiO acresof lieuverdaui, easy to put in cultivation; ulaee well watered by springs and creek; 100 acres under lence; 1J miles from post olliee, daily mail; 1 mile from Bchool house and nix miles north of Hillsboro. Goes cheap for t'ush. ' Mo 4 A good eornerloton Main and Third streets. 75x170, with Rood building thei-oon.suilableforany kind of business, Hiid in excellent repair, will go at a bar gain for rash. Part payment and balanoe on long tinio with security. No s u acres; half cleared,balance in grass, Good house of four rooms; good burn ud outbuildings. Fine orchard of 50 trees and various other small fruits. 150 chickens. 50 ducks, l -horse wagon, a sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifer 1 horse and farm implements. Every thing goes for $650, cash in haud. w -