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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
THE SUNT) AT OREG ONI AX, PORTLAND, JULY 23, 1920 18 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. The following is a list of old-established stores that can be bought at in voice: GROCERY. Close In. east side, averaging over 170 per day; rent 30; living rooms; invoice 2.r.o0 to $30(10. CONFECTIONERY. West side, averaging $75 cash per 4ay; rent $40; Invoice over $3000. GROCERT. Choice west side location, averaging ?100 per day; rent, with six modern Ivlng rooms, $50; lease; Invoice $4000 r over. GROCERY. Live east side corner, doing $125 cash per day; invoice approximately $2700. CONFECTIONERY. Bakery and large fountain, etc.: on prominent comer, southeast business .-enter; $350t to $4000. GROCERY. Tamhlll market district, doing $200 Cash per day: Invoice $5500 to $6000. GROCERY. Hawthorne district; rent $15, with llv tr. k rooms. CONFECTIONERY. Modern confectionery and grocery, op Mriutt i.rrn achoot: rent t-ft for store and modern five-room flat; Invoice $1500 to $1700. GARAGE. On Columbia highway 'storing 70 ears, Amnll Mhnn Mulnment. StOCk. HCCeSO- rles and tires, approximately $7000. or will exchange for improved lariu. f 1 L'UT h'.H I i S. Large, splendidly equipped cafeteria on best business street In city, averag ing $150 to $200 per day; approxi mately $8000. Dairy lunch and cafeteria In heart oi business and shopping district; $3000 will handle. . FOR QUICK ACTION AND BQTJARJBi DEAUXG, BEE BICKAHD W. UAal, with J. BRUCE GODDAB.D. 502 Couch Bldg. 3200 Grocery and confectionery and soft drinks, close to school, B nice living rooms, receipts average $00; will Invoice. No. 7. 800 Cigar stand, heart city, rent $25; must sell on account of sickness. No. 15. 1050 Confectionery, soft drinks and . lunch, rent $15. living rooms. fine location, average daily re ceipts $30. No. 17. See Harper. J. A. W1CKMAN CO 264 btark St. BAJtGAIN HUNTERS. aS-reem rooming house on Wash. t.: brick bldg., always full: $21oO. 22-room rooming house, bean ol west Bide, all h. k.; rent $00. for $19j. 18-room rooming house on corner; dandy home, large yard, always lull. 1il-room rooming house. "Whit? Temple. an corner, clean and neat: $70-. 10 rooms, heart of west aide, clean ar:arV4only a few of our buys Come and see our list. We furnish throe-fourths money to buy with and pay most for your chattel mortgages, IVters of Course, 15 N. 5th si. FOR SALE BY OWNER. One of the best family groceries on the east side, cheap rent and lease; -will take about $5500 to handle; will discount stock and fixtures; have run this store for 10 years and made good money; doing a cash ana crean duw ness of about $00,000 per year. If in terested, write AG 606, Oregonlan, $760 BtJT3 practically new, complete mul- .rnnViintT' nutfiL motor-driven, self feed. .it'nutiirA ri vina. 2 tvDesetting machines. all kinds of type and accessories. This 13 a r-al bargain, Call alter aj. -a- -i. Main boo 7. A POTTNTRY STORE. In a growing district. Groceries, hard- va ihnt.4 f nrniKhlnir sroods. etc.: maw' sioo dav and can be in creased ; on account of ill health will sacrifice and give clear bill of sale for You can't do better if you want a country store. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. . . niKTRnirnnR'S PROPOSITION for one of highest grade MOTOR TRUCK lines lor state or uregon ana pri ui ington. Established three years here; 4ph. u si siu-nori nil nvpr territory with SUb- dealers already established. Small stock in hand Wilt helo finance at start. lon't answer unless you mean business. HP S3S, Oregonlan. t have a wholesale distributing agency for 3 states, need some mony to help me hanule It; profits last year were X44.000: must have $10,000 cash. This i-ronositlon will stand rigid Investigation; rafrnrixc ariven and reauired. In ans wering give phone number If possible. , AB 433. Oregonlan. FACTORY representative of well known storage battery desires to meet No. 1 man financially able to install service station for Portland or any city In Ore sron: also good commission salesmen wanted. Monday only. J. W. Pickard. Morris t it a m.i s H v. 1 1 fnod-nroducinc olant re quires more money for expansion. Will either take in good man on partnershio ttaaifl. or will sell outright, as we have insufficient capital to handle ourselves. ThtK ia a good, genuine opportunity. V 279. Oregonlan. i'tMiil im VESTMENT, clear orofit $600 month, all cash business, 0 years with present owner; confectionery, soda fountain, light lunch; on busiest East i , bide corner, rent $45. Some buy. A. J. Det'OKEST & CO.. 820 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. WELL established automobile business for I it in in one oi urecon s nvest towns. carrying agency for three well-known cars; good opportunity for right man; requires about iu,uuu. v., ukko- nian. FIRST-CLASS, up-to-date meat market for sale : best location, public market. doing splendid business; am leaving state and must sell ; will make terms. Good house aud reasonable rent. Phone East 4K7L RESTAURANTS. Seats 6S. rent $75; price $1800; well equipped, doing good business; tar- ain: a so one tnat seats ju: rent , well located, priced to sell, $1003. Call 16.1 H West Park st. O. F. Anderson. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants fur- riture stocUs. also clMhing and shoes. Merchants who have such merchandise and willing to sell at reasonable prices can write to Feldsteln Furniture Co., 174 1st, Portland. Or. liY OWNER Garace 100x100. one of the best locations on the west side, business wei-1 established; now storing i0 cars; repair shop fully equipped and lots of re pair work; 4 years' lease; $2550 will nan- tile. Hroaaway tiUB. GROCERY Doing $3000 a month, $22 rent; established 5 years; fixtures $400;. invoice stock about $20OO. A. J. DeFOiiEST & CO.. 820 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. I HAVE gravel hauling job in Idaho, one year's work , must buy 3 a -ton truck with dump body; yardage basis; 16 hours per day; give pnone it possioie. aao. Oregonian. TV AN TED Capital to join me in good farm operation. I thoroughly under stand farming In all its branches. C t4l, Oregonian. " A PARTNER WANTED. for a pleasure resort and hot springs; can make large profits; $l0oo required. secured. Koom 4(i ueKuin omg. FOR SALE by owner, grocery store, build ing, stock and fixtures, 3 large living rooms; rare opportunity. L 27S, Orego- rt ian. OLIJ ESTABLISHED millinery store in thriving town near Portland for sale cheap; selling account health. H b80. Oregonian. HAVE opening for energetic man in an electrical machine shop; profits are large and money fully secured. Call room 4ol I '-kum bldg. FOU SALE Grocery and feed store doing $45O0 cash business a month ; one mile south of Oregon City. Call 434J, Oregon city. feTOCK OF HARDWARE; doing good business; it wiil invoice about $4500; will sell for $10O0 or 10 per cent less than present invoice price. B 570, Oregonian. GK.NEKAL stocK, about $4500, turned every 30 days; rent $17.50, with living quarters; will stand investigation. Writ e lock box 82, Vgneta. Or. " FOR SALE. " Half or all of good skating rink, rea sonable, hardwood floor, about 300 pairs skates. Owner. 3S1 6ih st. SHOE repair shop, equipned with ma chinery, in southern Oregon town. For terms apply Breyman Leather Co.. 2d and Oak. IF YOU want to sell or buy business ot any kind see me for best prices and terms. Morris, with Interstate Land Co.. 2IM Stark st. Main 54-'9. BEA IT Y SHOP for sale, will eacnrice on account of health: good opportunity for right buyer. Investigate. AO 318, Ore gonlan. ',-.o GROCERY, confectionery and light lunch; living quarters; fine location: m. r.r mnn and wife. A bargain. M ust leave at once. BC 829. Oregonlan. tL'ANT a man to take charge of a sawmill, sbont 80 M. capacity: must be able to rouce the goods: small Investment re paired. 282. Oregonian, MtHNBS orrORTl'MTl ES. GOOD CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS. Located in a good live community in building with good living quarters in rear. There is also a barber chair and two pool tables in connection, with other business. The business pays between $40 and $50 per day. Household goods and full equipment for only $10i(. Owner has a two-year lease on building at a low rental. This is a money-maker for the right party and must be seen to bo appreciated. THOMPSON. SWAN A LER, 3d and Main Sts.. Vancouver. Wash. GARAGE for Eaie, only garage in small town with big possibilities: located In south central Washington, on S. P. & S. Fy. and gateway to one of the best ap ple and fruit-growing districts In the state: North Bank (Evergreen) high way located past our door: this is cer tainly an opportunity. We have the agency for a popular light car that is a fast seller. For further particulars ad dress Sanford & Price garage, Bingen. Wash. WIDE-AWAKE man wanted with $0000 cash to invest in best money-making proposition; desired to put In cash and services as a promoter of a $200,000 moving picture studio here that will house 6 Los Angeles and eastern com panies. This concern is already establ ished In good condition. Your salary . and commissions should repay you in lfss than thirty days if you are a live' promoter. Give phone number and refer ence. Box T 907. Oregonlan. PAYING RESTAURANT FOR 6ALB A fine paying restaurant In a splendid small town near Portland, equipped as lunch counter and restaurant, and trade well established. Will stand closest in vestigation. Owner sick in bed and cannot attend to It, and hired help can not run It satisfactorily. This is a big snap for a live, wide awake man. About $800 required to handle. AV 170, Ore gonlan. I WANT a man with $10,000 to buy a mfg. proposition, everything going, article used by everybody every day: properly handled will make fortune sure. Has cost over $12,000 and worth $25,000. Will stand any investigation; must have cash or equivalent. This includes office furniture and everything. D 077, Ore gonian. Business Opportunities Wanted. 5 ACRES IN PORTLAND SUBURBS. This Is a beautiful spot: will trade It for a mercantile business and put in afc mucn as souoo casn ir justinea. i mean business. I want no Junk. If you have sometning worth wntie, see my agents. 203 Oak St. WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE OOOD HOTEL OR ROOMING HOUSE. CLOSE IN, MUST HAVE (iOOD FURNITURE AND OLE A N ; J 1 0O0 TO $ l-SOO ; C A N HANDLE SMALL RESTAURANT WITH PLACE. W. W. COLLTVER, MISSOULA, MONTANA. FOR QUICK SALE. Xalst your hotels, apartment and room In a: nous e with us. W tiav oajth Buyers waiting for your propositions. bee Mrs. Keller. TEO. T. MOORE CO., 1O07 Teon Bid jr. WOULD invest SI 000; experienced sales man and all-around man would Ilk to connect with a going business; please mention nature of business; no agents. H t v, uregoman. BY-PRODUCT or natural resource wanted to dp uevciopcd by chemical or similar process. w rite details for interview with our engineer, d 948, Oregonlan I HAVE $1000 to $3000 to Invest in a ga rage, manuiacturinir. wood and roa nr any good business; prefer to deal with owner. Address BF 431, Oregonlan. WANT interest In reliable manufacturing plant; no promotion scheme: hive $2000 with services. Owners only. Particulars I urst lettfr. au 4:7, Oregonlan AM MECHANIC Want to buv Into a rage ti paying; references given;, agents oon. . answer. Atj -;; orngonlan. WILL pay cash for a grocery with livine rooms; give location and price. Address I isr uregonian. WANTED A garage or auto reoair shon I all or half interest; will pay cash. Ad- I urrss tip, uregonian. WANTED Cash-and-carry erocerv fron u w ii fi , must stana investigation, x 670, WANTED For cash, good confectionery that will stand investigation: give de- ic-ripuon ann price. v IMP. Oregonlan NEWSPAPER wanted In small town, west ern uregon or Washington. G 577, Ore gonlan. RKCENT rrival in city wants a good I going grocery; invest $5000 or Main 438S. more. WANTED Small wood yard or location 1 lor one, west side preferred. Main 2SH4. WANTED To buy small rooming house; no ieaiers. u ago, Oregonian. WILL invest up to $1 .1.000 in good drus- Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE 52 shares of Peoples Amuse-I Hotels and Rooming House. Al OREGON HOTEL OPEX1XO ONE OF THE LA UfiiKST a n rtt.qt FURNISHED HOTELS IN THE STATE WILL SOON BE SOLD. THIS OFFERS AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO AN EXPERIENCED HOTEL MAN WITH $50,000 CASH. FOR PRICE AND FURTHER DETAILS CALL OR WRITE TO COOVER & HOLMAN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldr.. Third and Wash. Member of Realty Board. For Fire Insurance Call Mar. 3093. LOOK THESE OVER rooms, H. lv. Kent. $125. Price, $.'000. SO rooms, H. K, Price. $2250. 12 rooms, H. lv. 42-room hotel. 35 rooms hotel. Rent, $40. Kent. $125. Rent. $150. Rent. $245. Price. $1200. Price, $25oo. I Price. $4750. I 44-room hotel Price, $ 3u0. C. E BOWDEN CO 431 Oham-ber of Commerce. NIFTY SMALL HOITSR W have the swellest 8 rm. house, rent only $40. all brand new furniture, will make someone such a cozy home. Rooms all rented, good income. Parties leaving See Mrs. Keller. OBO. T. MChjrb CO.. 1007 Yeon B Id g. .io ahjukn and 3-room a cart m-nta Fine brioK bid?., west side corner; all light, airy apartments. Fully furnished ana In b:st of condition; 3-year lease at $350 per month. Clears nearly $G00 per month. Price $VJ,0u0. Terms. Yates, $550 DOWN. 8 rm. flat, all large, fine rooms, new j. ui m tu re a7ii car pets tn roughout, splen- See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOURK CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. UG-KOOM apartment, onlv 4 block fmm Morrison et. ; highest class modern brick with automatic elevator, private balco nies, and all modern conveniences- ele gartly furnished. $15,010 haudles. Yates HOTEL. rf6 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, white pressed brick uiug., oui-bi. location, i'rice $5500. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MikjRE CO.. loo7 Yeon Bldg. i. ha b fcliVEKAL FIVE A-n RTY. ROOM FLATS. FURNISHED TH T CAN BE BOUUHT RlOHT; ALL CLOSE IS E1?- TERMS ON SOME. vainiiu a nice, clean rooming or hotel of 20 rooms and up; must have sood furniture or partly furnished, west luiaiiuii , irom owners only. C 026, APAKl.YIfc.NT house. partly furninh.l and rented; a snap for reliable party. lv " '" iv tare ior it. owner. n it i , J rrKonian. 17 ROOMS in modern building, trood nnure ana arrangement, strictly clean, j fiuu, central west siue. iiN w A.-M-i l'u.N hitg Rend wheat d's- .m-iu ui wru-K ; Boutin cash will han- aie, or win consider trade for ran-h. . jh. i ucr, ew oerg, r. ROOMING HOUSE for sale: comoletelv furnished, 3 rooms rented oavs all ex penses for whole house. Close in. Price avk. HOTEL, cor. Grand and Amu St.. under new management; home cooking. Mrs. F. Kenney, proprietor. East ia nujin, gooa east siae location, al ways full rent $50; price reasonable ior casn- &ee owner, latvi Russell st. 40-RGOM modern brick hotel, close in, west ide. well furnished, low rent, lease;- this is a good buy. Call 163 West rarK st. see Anaerson. SAY. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A HOTEL, APARTMENT OK, i-ioutsrJ, SEE ME. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. 10 ROOMS, close in. on W. side. Will sell cheap if taken this month; no agents. lij M. oregonian. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, modern 7-rm. flat. Nob Hill district, lovely home and income; terms. Owner. C'lVt Everett sL WANTED. TO BUY Small hotel or room ing house: must bo clean, modern, close m. a "4:', oregonian. 10-ROOM house for sale, furnished for 4 lanmies. corner i-ot. lurnace, close in, west side; good income. East i6uS. 14 ROOMS housekeeping, good location. pas. furnace, electric lights. $950 will handle. owner, T 9.49. Oregonlan. FOR BALE 36 H. K. apts.. splendid lo- ratKU. rnone oowy, ovi. EOUsa of 60 rooms, housekeeping; price " - - www. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and .Rooming Houses. ONE OF PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTELS. Strictly modern In every respect. Ideal location and ha the best of patronage. It Is completely equipped and furnished with the very best. Ten-year lease at very reasonable rent. For further par- ticulars call at office. i BO-ROOM HOTEL 50. Heart of business district, beautiful brick bldg., modern, city heat, elegant furniture and car pets; long lease. If you are In the market for a first-clnas tran sient house call and see me. 72 ROOM TRANSIENT 72. Modern brick bldg.. large lobby, all outside rooms, clean and well furnished, good lease; a real tran sient location ; business is now netting over $1000 per month and can be bandied with $1X000. 40 ROOMS 40. Fine brick bldg., several private baths, lease at $200 per month; fully carpeted and real good fur niture ; close In, west side; price $7500. 27 ROOMS 27. This Is right downtown, brick bldg.. well furnished, four-year lease, city heat; fine place for woman to handle alone. If you have $4000 call and see me. HOUSEKEEPING. 2S rooms, 5 minutes' walk from city library, good leae, city heat, always full. Price $3800. HERE IS A BARGAIN. Eight apts., 2 and 3 rooms each. In order to settle an estate I am selling the furniture and renting these two houses which are lo cated on a nice block on west side. Call and make me an offer. BOARD AND ROOMING. 51 well-furnished rooms, large kitchen, dining room and lobby, lease at only $100 per month, lo cated In the industrial district and always- full. You can keep all the boarders you wish or rent rooms and let them board out. Price $3500. I also have several small rooming houses. F. RIERDON. RTTTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKER. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. If you wish to buy or sell I can give you satisfactory service. Over 14 years in this business In Portland. APARTMENT HOUSES. OVER 60 APARTMENTS. Here Is your opportunity to get one or the large apartment houses, long lease, nign class build inc. very close in. west side, special price if sold before oeptemoer 1. Come In for particulars. 3(1 ArAKTMKNTs. Comer building, clearing over $700 per month, and large 4 -room, apartment ior manager; every apartment Is out side; clean and homelike ; you can't make a mistake on this: price $18,000. -: A f An 1 1 K.M S. V err close to business center, west side; has nice entrance and halls, all hardwood floors, extra modern equip ment; always full and waiting list; price $13,500: If you want a nica Dla.ce see mis at once. 20 APARTMENTS Arranged in two and three rooms each. new building, long lease, nice place for man ana wiie; can Clear 7500 per month and have a nice home : nrlca terms to reus Die party. Jit lilttLb-KUUM APARTMENTS. Rent $300. all furnished, will sell fnr on terms to right party; this is a DncK Dutiuing, all outside rooms. ana apartments mceiy arranrpl. 20 ROOM BRICK HOTEL. nirni aewn town hn fnmr Northwestern steam heat. 4 private imtiiB. noi ana com water m an rooms; clearing mihj ner month: nrice S4200. 19 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. . Elegantly furnished, verv rienn. linf and cold water in rooms, clears 250 per monrn; price prison. lO KOOMS PRICE $1500. Here is a place for a hom nA r;ft per montn income; nice clean place; muck ' T nuiu Mi UI1CC. au KOOMS. rent 225. with new 2-ves.r . .lurllce neai. electric ltchts. food rurnisninits. All arnnred In M K .. ttpis. ei income saTft over all ex penses. Price 10000. Only 12500 cash. HOTEL. Bit rooms, steam heat, hot and rold water In all rooms. Brick bide. Rent ,175 with ft vearV Imk. J , t ... - per loonm. i-rice SaUOU. 20 rooms close in down town rin.. heat, electric llehts. all arranred for ja, iv. Clears lu over eicnenses and auaruoeoL rni'.e SIOOU cash. A BEAtTTT. 11 rooms with enclosed itli.MifnriM,i.h. 1 iuuuliuu ou nui near wasmntrton st. aieKaiuiy lurnibnea. nest duality rues. Z AukIo Persian rues. Makes beautiful uoiue wnn income, price 2000. 11 rooms, rent i30. location Whll. temple, furnace heat, electric lights. kuuu iui iiioiijnKs. isera ja over ex penses, i-rice 91-du. terms. 10 rooms on Glisan st. rent tan nace. electric lights and excellent fur- iM.-mnKs; nice nomey place. Price 11300; 1"7S down, balance $50 per month, buys 8- room nouse. close in. west side location: nets a0 per month. Total price $750. xuia win sen Aionaav. C. B. BOWDEN CO.. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bids. MONDAY SPECIALS. -u nousekeeDine rooms. rlrtKA In pi... and modern, clears easy S150. la housekeeping rooms, piari. in mnn. ern, cieun. Clears LOO. 1 - nousekeeplnir rooms mnH.m iAan boou xurniLure, nice lor couple, clears we have seven imgii, v. n . , I'.M -.lUPC III, UAKNEi JOHN'SOX & CO 170 loth sc. I CAN SELL YOU OUT. When others fail I can succeed: over half of all present owners of rooming bouses, hotels and apartment houses In Portland have been bousht through this ofllce; nothing succeeds like success: when I sell you out you'll have no atter trouble. Call slain 4557 J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Hldg. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. t. .T1113' m 12tn st- rent MI-y $55. J lie little money-maker, well furnished. Price $1850. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BARGAIN- -8UU. DV OWnf nin . . . housekeeping: newly painted, neat and clean, furnished, electric lights, good furniture; west side, fine location; rent $40; place for automobile. Main 47"' 12 ROOMS, H. K. Sin. 11. ; distan terms. distance, $1200, $800 down, balance easy A. J. DeFOREST A- rr 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway B530. I HAVE several good buys in rooming houses iiuiu i.i, y, ;ti rooms. H. K. i-au ioav, west Park st. O. F. Ander- MONDAY SPECIAL". 28-room apartment, very modern, rent $.0, lease 3 Sears, clears easy $20; splendid buy. Barney Johnson & Co., liO loth st. SEE our list of hotels and aoartment houses, they are varied and too numerous to advertise; -ou will be pleased with our service. MRS. THOMSON. (gQ-Sl Heny Bldg. FURNITURE of 9 housekeeping rooms for eaie; nouse ior rent; goon money-maker Mrs. Rose Wilccx, E. 5797. 275 Will iams ave. TO BUY OR SELL a hotel, rooming or apartment house, see A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5390. 11 H. K., MODERN, rent $25; furn.. good money-maker, terms; 11-room corner flat, furn., Al modern, rent and price right. Call 201 loth St.. old location. 9a-ROOM apartment house, modern: well located, good lease: priced to sell; give good terms. Call 163 West Park st. See Anderson. 46-ROOM hotel, located In business center, hot, cold water In each room, steam heat, brick building, long lease. Phone Alain 'iu. 20 H. K. ROOMS, rent $70, electric lights. not ana com water in many suites: very well furnished: close-in west -3id3 corner. price 3uuu. zares, lo i-ourtil el. FOR best bargain in apartment houses see members oi the Realty Board. Yates Realty to., Z4. 4tn st. WANTED Partner for small house. Call Main 8122. rooming FURNITURE of 11-room rooming house cheap tor casn. lis l. litn st. BOARDING HOUSE for sale cheap, 15 Doaraers, tine location. ,ast luai. I WANTED To buy 12 to 13 rooms, rooming - LWW0, WWW. V,t.UI.II BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Mouses. APARTMENT HOUSES, 133,000 Swell new pressed brick apartment house; choicest location on west side; 200 rooms, divided into 2 and 3-room and private bath apartments. This place is clearing around $2000 a month. Long lease at $5 per room. Cash only. $3500 2t two-room apartments. Hot and cold water; steam heat; walking distance, west side. Netting $HW) a month. $2500 will handle handle this one. Lease if desired. $18,500 First-class modern up-to-date apartment house. Lease IVs years; option 2 years more. 34 --room apartments. Knob Hill location. Net Income $740 a month. Terms. ROOMING HOUSES. $750 H rooms. Housekeeping. Very close in, west side. Good furnishings. Rent $30; Income $07.50 and two-room suite for owner. Terms if desired. $1025 12 rooms, housekeeping, in very desirable west side Broadway location. Ren t $30. Net Income JS5. $700 cash, balance terms. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 614-20 Swetland Bid. Marshall 3aS. bKUCE UODDARD HAS THE BARGAINS. $750 is the w hole price of a dandy and perfectly clean little west side place; it's a barcain. $500 Is all you need to pay down on a lovely 9-room place: whole price $1000: exceptional furniture, mod ern, clean. $1500 for money-maklnr place In White Temple district. $3500 buys 20-room downtown transient and Bteaoy roomers: isonnwesiern heat: best two-year leas In Portland; terms; clears $300 a month. $4000 buys 42-room brick apartments and rooms; three-year lease at ' $05; easy terms; clears $300 a month. $5000 buys 50-room west side place, well rurnlsnea. wltn gooo. lease; many baths; Clears $400. 40 room place for trade. 60-room place in Industrial district for trade. 18 rooms. Industrial district, $850; easy terms; rent $5. I have any kind of a place you want. large or small, cheap or strictly swell. I help to finance you. J. )KUIK UUUUAKil, 501-2 Couch Bldg. 17 ROOIUS, all apts.. rent $50. very well furnifc.hed, clears $437 and o rooms for self, stove heat, electricity. Price $2000. 25 rooms, brick building, leave, rent $140, running water in all rooms. 2 baths. 4 toi!et, 2 floors, well furnished, good income, $4000. terms. 14 rooms, all housekeeping, rent $40. gross $16l and own apt., this is in ex cellent condition and a good buy -at $18-10. terms, less for cash. 10 rooms, rent $50, gross Income $118 and 2 rooms reserved for own use, dandy location, make nice home besides in come, $1100, terms. n room, all housekeeping, rent $35. stove heat, electricity, clears $5C and own apartment. Price $775. part terms ' 8-room modern flat, ail housekeeping exceot one. - unusually well turnished rent $45. nice home and $o0 clear per month. $1200. terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. BARGAIN'S. n rooms, fully equipped, board and room, rent only $00. some trade. $3000. $8n to $10 per month net, close-in place. M'.OO w ill handle, for quick sale siioii Fine apartment he-use, net income $i0 per month, $16,000; $8000 will handle; swell place. This Is Just a few. We have many others. WEST STDE REALTY CO.. 104 West Park St. $1800 BUYS 21-room apt., hot and cold water in each apt. V ill lease, good terms. $soo buys 9-room apt., west side. A Pleasure to show this place. $0OO buys 9-room apt., east side. Our auto is at your service. see BROWN 4- B1DDLE. 824 Railway Exchange Bldg.. 3d and Stark. WILL TRADE. A beautiful modern apartment house. finely furnished, all hardwood floors, making a net profit of $r,25 month. Price $14,000. Will put in as part paymen and some cash 071 a first-class modern hotel. v 111 assume some. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartmen AiouEe of any kind, anywnere. see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. VB GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE & JO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BIG PROFITS. 90 -room hotel, 25 private baths, 4-yr. lease, automatic elevator, fine groun floor lobby, absolutely modern, whlti pressed brick bldx. This hotel Is mak ing a clear orofit $14tM month. For price and further Information See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A HOME AND INCOME. BEACH HOTEL 20 rooms, includln 1 beach cottage.- 8 tent houses, all fur. nished: attractive, well located grounds a live business: will clear $3000 in 100 aays; promises double for future: pric $7500 to close an estate. Marshall 2300, or Box 101 Long Beach. V ash. WEST SITE. 24 housekeeping rooms. completely furnished, hot and cold water, hot wate heat, 4 bathrooms, close in. Net profit $00. See Mrs. Keller. t?m T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bide. MONDAY SPECIAL. 15 H. K. and furnished rooms, best or furniture, a Deautllul home; als modern, cheap rent, 3 blocks from First Church of C. S. BARNEY JOHNSON & CO., 170 10th St. 95-ROOM modern corner brick apartmen Best west side district: hardwood floors, automatic elevator, fireplaces, etc. Will suit the most particular. A special ba . gnln if sold st once. Price $15,000. lerms. races. rourtn st. 3u ROOMS Up-to-date, steam heat, hot and cold water every room, brick build ing. $3200 handles It; clears $325 a month. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5.W0. ROOMING- HOUSE. 14 rooms, very central, west side, rent only $35 mo.: lease; clears about JKtn mo.: well furnished and clean. Price $1250. Other bargains. Garland, 201 3d, cor. Taylor. GROCERY store, fine location, close In; must sell on account of poor health: doing $2000 a month; rent only $28. will invoice or lump. Telephone Bd. 3272. 40 ROOMS West Side, brick bldg.. hot and cold water every room, steam heat, $6000, some terms: clears $400 a month. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. 0-ROOM rooming house, fine location, making good money: good reason for selling: lease. Call 1634 West Park st. O. F. Anderson. FOR SALE or lease, beautiful Manzanite Inn. Manzanlta. Or.; modern, we'.i equipped, established reputation- Ail d rets. G. B. Nunn. Wheeler. Or. BEFORE buying, consult our list of hotels. We handle the bpst In the city. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT, Hotel and apartment-house broker, 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANT TO RENT furnished rooming house. 8 to 10 rooms. Write Mrs. E. Campean. 856 Marshall st. WANTED FROM OWNER. 50 to 80-room hotel. This is not an agent. P 578. Oregonian. WANTED To buy furnished apartment house of 40 or 50 rooms; no agents. P O. Box 3234. Portland, Or. 9-ROOM house, well furnished and mod ern, furniture nearly new: close in. west side: lovely home. 58 North 2Qth st. 24-ROOM apartment house, modern, well furnished, good location, cheap rent, clears $135 month. 260 Broadway. WANTED AT ONCE 50-room or more furnished house in good part of town, doing good business. BC 827. Oregonian. WANT from owner, good .rooming house in good west side location, will pay all caah E 578, Oregonian 18 ROOMS, all H. K.. best of furniture. good income; garage. oa ilia su BUSINESS J)PPORTUNITIES- Hotels and Rooming Houses. LET US SHOW YOU OUR LISTINGS. "WE HAVE TWO AUTOS TO SERVS YOU WITH. 425 CHAM. COM. BLDG. MAIN 4277. LISTEN. 43 housekeeping rooms, good location. Tent only $65 month., will clear over $3oO month and can be handled on $2000. pnoe only $4o00. 20 housekeeping rooms, close In, White Temple district, extra good furjiiture, aU apartments rented, clear $173 month. A good, buy at S22O0, some terms. 12 housekeeping rooms, good west side location, rent on.y $30 mouth, wiil clear $5 month, a snap at $1000, some terms. 17 housekeeping rooms, close in. White Temple district, rent $60 month, will clear $125 month, price $1700. lo housekeeping rooms, good location, fair furniture, will give two-room apart ment and clear $o, $50 month. A miAD at stSou. eood terms. 22-room transient hotel, brick building. hot and cold water in all rooms, north western heat, rent right, will clear over 3(H month. SIOOO cah will handle. 10-room transient brick hotel, rent only $50. with loae. the location make this eaual to the average. 20-rooia hot-el, for further particulars call MISS BUTLER OR MISS MOT BR. With SIMMS. 425 CHAM. COM. BLIXJ. MAIN 4277. Our car will call for you. Open evenings until 7 P. M. BEST IN CITY. W5 rooms. 5-year lease. 43 private baths. Northwestern heat. elevator, beautiful ground floor lobby. This hotel in elecantlv furnished throughout. Won f derful downtown locatlou. Doing a not profit of $2000 monthly. Price S4U.0OO. See Mrs. K.eilr. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10o7 Yeon Bldg. MODERN HOTELS. THIS OFFICE HAS THE LARGEST LIST OF MODERN HOTELS IN THE STATE. NO MISREPRESENTATIONS MEMBER OF REALTY BOARD. SEJC US BEFORE YOU BUY. COOVER & HOLM AN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. Third and "Wash. For Fire Insurance Call Mar. 3Wiu. SEAL CT.ASSY. Go -room hotel, white pressed brick rulldinr. stesm heat, ground floor lobby automatic elevator. 35 private baths, well furnished, elegant location. For price and further information See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ltM7 Yeon Bldg. ROOMS, all sleeping, rent $50, lease, extra well furnished, Ilrst-class linen heaps of it. in perfect condition, clears $1S0 and 3-room apartment, IoOimi. terms, 110 rooms, all apartments, rent $4 lease, steam heat, elevator, clears bette than $700 per month, dandy proposition for ramily, J15.OO0. good terms. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. $600 DOWN. Fine 10-room house, all In 2-room suites, with running water, furnace or stove heat, fi-ne gas ranges, good car pets, completely furnished. Price $1050. $t00 down. See Mrs. Keller. r?EO. T. MOORE CO.. 1Q1I7 Yeon Bldg. ROOMING AND HOUSEKEEPING APTS. We have a large list of rooming and housekeeping apt. places at the right price. No misrepresentations allowed in this office. It may pay you to see us before you buy. OPEN TODAY. COOVER & HOLMAN. 822-3-4 Failing Blig.. Third and Wash. For Fire Insurance Call Mar. 3!'il. $4O0 PROFIT. 30 beautiful rooms, handsomely fur nished, select, private boarding, never on market before. Swell location on 10th st. Gross Income $1400. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. LOST AND FOOD. LOST BLACK LEATHER VAXTTT CASE ON 11TH AND MONTGOMERY. FIND ER PLEASE RETURN TO 473 E 411TH ST. NO.. OR CALL TABOR 735 AFTER 6 O'CLOCK. REWARD. Have You Seen My Dog? " $5 reward for present address of male nit bull terrier, white with five brindle marks, three on head, two on body, ears cut; very active; 8H months old. Phone Woodlawn 4..71. 116 East 2ttn J. LOST Lady's black umbrella with gold head and name engraved on the goin. the initials of which are "E. B." Lost at Holladay park July 3. Call Main 7447 or deliver to 5D5& 1st St. and re ceive reward. LOST lady's alligator purse containing bead purse. Keys, sllCKpin ana money keepsakes in purse valued highly: big re ward; no uuestiuns asked. Phone East 5202. LOST 1 leather traveling bag. Sat. A. M. hiwMn link Grove and Portland: ofttl' er's name and address Inside. Finder please call 310-01. Mrs. T. E. Claypoole 084 E. 3d N. SMALL Elgin wrist watch with black r , inn stran lost oetween ciiy par reservoirs and Jefferson St.: Initials H. R. F. on back. Call Main 4009, Reward. LOST Gold Burlington watch; initials A. Is. K. with lv. z.. ion. at nooa rtiver, between deDot and Kerry: return tci Hood River News or Morning Oregonian for reward. LOST Gold handle umbrella engraved on end of handle 1S04 and 1U14. one sine M. B.. 50th anniversary present. Liberal reward. Return to Hawthorne Garage. East 8241. LOST On Monday morning, early, be tween Wlnchell and Broadway, suitcase containing man s clothing, 3 photo graphs, etc Phone Woodlawn 4902; re ward. LOST CANARY. LINNET. NEIGHBOR HOOD PACIFIC STREET. NEAR EAST FIRST STREET. REWARD If Kli TURNED TO 305 PACIFIC STREET. LOST Retween Gresham and Rododen dron. 33x5 General cord tire. . mounted on steel rim. Finder will he rewarded by E. G. Chandler. Main 695. PARTY that picked up pink silk Jacket last week, kindlv return or call Wdln. 2264 after 5 P. M. Reward; no ques tions asked. LOST Purse. Meier Ai Frank's to 39 Montgomery. Hibernia bank book, keys, money, credentials. Main 5242 Monday. Reward. LOST Green silk umbrella, white handle, green glass top: specially prized as keep sake. Liberal reward. S29 Montgomery. Marshall 6013. LOST White Shrine pin. platinum cross, set with diamonds, gold shepherd crook. Return to Evelyn Baker, police station; reward. LOST An a--te ring either In Vancou ver. Wash., or on the road from Van couver to Portland. Finder please re turn to 894 E. Glisan: $5 reward. LOST By working girl. $30, in front of Columbia theater. Return to Pacific long distance chief operator. LOST Bunch ot keys with tire lock; re ward, return to Golden West confec tion e ry LOST---West side, between 15th and 20th, Friday night, brown knitted scarf. Finder please call Broadway 5709. LOST Agate ring. Will the party who called up Automatic 225-02 about agate ring please call up again - l.dsiT Cornet case. Fourth of July Odd fellows' picnic at Union depot; reward. Call Tabor 7410. WILL the party who found a hammock Sat July 17. afternoon, please call Woodlawn 3626? Reward. LOST A pair of shell-rimmed glasses. Wednesday. Finder will pease return to ?48 Washington and receive rewarvi PURSE left in machine between Union and .3d on Ash at. Finder return to Knke Dye works. 16 East 3d St. LOST Purse containing $10 bill and one $5 bill. Some Sliver uu ictenrw. Afl- ward. Call East 7Si)a. i ,wt ai Portland Hotel drugstore, 3 akin dark brown fur neckpiece. Liberal reward for return to drugstore. i7v-,rrN:n Black dog with white breast and snottea uia iv miu .. ...... ....-... " . . . BJ 842. Oregonian. WILL party that picked up purse on the 23d st. car return It to 155 N. 23d st? Reward, no questions asseu. .Main iooi WILL the party who took boy's velocipede from 55 f. 2(1111 St. return same. xve- ward. FOUND Bill folder with money on Foster road. Owner can have same by proving property. 536 8Sth Ht. S. E. LQii-f Small black purae containing silver watch. Finder call Broadway STRAYED White Persian cat. Anyone knowing his whereabouts call Main 1-44. LOST Bundle quilts near Orejcon City. Liberal reward. Phone Tabor 0.I17. GOLD-BOWED spectacles Jn case. Return Dr. Geo. Pratt. Alder st. ; reward. LOST Gold medal. Reward. Gordon Foule. Mar. 520. 2VJ' 13th st. $20 LuT by working girl Friday, July 23. Call Woodlawn 5457; reward. FOUND Lady's hat. on East 4Sth st. For particulars phone Tabor 5234. LOST 3ox3 iAncaster tire; return Acorn Tire Shop. 248- 2d st. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch; initialed "T. E. A.M; reward. Call Tabor 813. LOST Bunch of keys and belt hook; Xind er call Usher. Broadway 3ti0. LOST AND FOCND. THE following articles were lounu um cars of the P. it., L. c r uo., ju o 6 purses, bunch keys. 2 caps. 2 pairs gloves, glove, book. 5 packages, bag, hatchet, rule. wire. 2 lunch boxes, hand grip. 3 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder. SPKCIAI. NOTICES. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS Or ;itl. EASTERN OREGON COMPANY. Pursuant to the terms of the trust deed or mortgage executed by the Esst em Oregon Livestock company to the Security savings Trust company, and C. F. Adams, trustees, dated the loth day of January. 1W16. notice is nereby given that there will be a meeting of the bondholders of said Eastern Oregon Livestock company on Monday, August Z. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M-. at the office of the Security Savings c Trust Company in the City of Portland. Oregon, for the purpose of electing a bonoholders' committee of thiee bond holders of the Eastern Oregon Livestock company who reside in Portland. Oregon. SECURITY SAVINGS k TRUST COM PANY. By R G. Jubltx. Secretary. Proposal Invited. SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to E. M Duffy, business manager oi tne i-iste Agricultural Collese, Corvallls. Oregon, sill be received by he Board of Re gents of the State Agricultural CoIIere, until ! o'clock P. . M.. August 2. l!-0. for the furnishing of all materials and the performance of all labor required for the erection and completion of the first and second units of the girls' dor mitory building, for the State Agricul tural College. Corvallls, Orecon. All bids to be indorsed "Proposals for Girls' Dormitory Building." Said pro posals to be opened upon the above date by the said Board of Regents. All the work and materials must con form to the plans and specifications therefor on file at the business office ot the college. Corvallls. Or., and of ths Architect. John V. Bennes. lo4u Cham ber of Commerce bids.. Portland. Or. Kscb nroDoml must be accompanied by certified check or S per cent of the amount of the bid as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into a rnntrarl nrrordinsr to Said plans and specifications. Said iheck to be made payable to the State Agricultural College of Orpron If for any resson the bidder falls to execute the proper contract and bond required within ten days after notifica tion of the acceptance of his bid. then certified check slmll become forfeited to the State Agricultural College of the State of Oregon. Miscellaneous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I. A. F. Strange, do hereby notify any and all merchants crfvinf credit to my wife. Mrs. A. F. Strange, that on and sfter July 22. 1920, I will not be responsible for any hi. Is contracted by her. Signed: A. F. STRANGE, WANT bids on excavating and b'lildlng 12xl tile garne. Link. K'iU E. Hoy'. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR FELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON" BOND & MORTGAGE. CO. 208 SELLING BLDG., '2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL, ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on heep, hogs. F E. BOWMAN CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. WILL discount for cash first mortgage $1450 Bearing ti pwr cent interest, on 400 acres of improved land. D 976, Ore, gonian. WILL sell contract mortgage for $2000 on 40-acre tract drawing tt per cent, si years to run. Marsh, liiys CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts nn rpal .Mtal.. In w asnington. ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman &. Co, 210 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE Dartv buvs contracts of sal and real estate mortgages. laoor Money to Loan on Keal Kstao. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7, five-year period. You may pay lion or anv multiple thereof accoun principal, semi-annually and reduce in tervst on loans under $oOOO. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 00 value house and lot a 7. You pay one-half of one per cen account principal monthly. For ex amnlp X-'llllll ioun. vnu D;iv 10 month and interest; vou have privilege of pay ing $100 or any multiple thereof monthly interest reaucea accorainKiy. MISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6. Excellent re payment piivileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8".0S. 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On Improved property, or for improve The best and easiest metnoa oi paimi a loan Is our monthly payment plan. 26 per month for 30 months, or $21.-4 per month for 60 months, or $1517 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $10C0 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark st.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $."00 up on Improved city or farm property. mil LAWRENCE COMPANY. , 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A 28ir. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms, no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX. MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. S3 4TII ST.. HENRY BLDG. $60 000 TO LOAN In sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. . WILLIAM a. BECK. 215-216 FAILING HLII.LiU, THIRD AND WASH I ,H1.NU1 O.. MORTGAGE loans on improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privi leges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD.. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. i. .nrf 'M mortgages, contracts. Uve- tork. notes, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co. 210 Chamber of Commerce. M i in 3U26. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also Im proved farm oJ,ertv.rE Current rates. 331 U. S. National Bank B-ff- S4). r.oo. tfioo. $soo, $inoo. ivjoo. $iroo. $-000 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pay off $HH1 or more t any interest date Gordon Mortgage Co.. U31 Cham ber of Commerce Biag. Main 13 .U. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No lielay. No Delay. No Oelay. $H.00. $1500. $2uOU, $-t00O and UP. We loan our money on real estate. F. H. DKSHON. 015 CHAM. OK COM. MONEY to loan on sums to suit: best rates and best terms on improved city Dronerty. M. E. Thompson. 84S Mn- gisbippi ave. TO LOAN $2500; will divide, on improved real estate; no commissions. Phone Eiast 5431. MO it TG AG E LOANS Can handle your building loans. Yours for service. C. J. Johnson. 313 Henry Bldg. $300 $400. $"O0, $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates; quick action. Fred W. Germai Co . 732 Cham, of Com. Main 445. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto &. Hark Bon Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Com. MONEY E. E. to loan on approved property. Cumpston, Sell wood 142J. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE. CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. m r. TG AGE LO A N S. 6 and 7 per ce n t, Louis Solomon & Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. F. Lent. 717 coroett Dicg. HAVE $10,000 to loan on real estate; will divide. R y45. uregonian. Money to Loan Chattiw and Salaries. GEO. HARVEY loans money on house hold goods, legal rates, labor 5b US. Money to Ijjii Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY. V1C TROLAS. PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST., NEAR TENTH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO TOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? lOU CAN GET IT TOD A X . LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We nuke a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity In your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on thir own note. Rates reasonar-'- Private offices. All business strictly confidential. Portland loan company, (licensed). 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3288. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. ' WE LOAN MONEY on .short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Lac a transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO (SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, LICENSED. 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN, on diamonds. watches. jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held 1 year. VINiiS JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 3d St.. Cor. Washington Main 6640. 1300 SELLERS' contract covering one acre improved on Oregon City line, pay ing $5 per month on 7 per cent interest. Will discount 5 per cent on guaranteed pa v ment. Phone Columbia 1110. W-iCK money to salaried people on note without tndorsers or security; investiga tion confidential. 316 Chamber of Com merce bldg. MONEY To LOAN on diamonds. Imlrt. legal rates: articles held a vear: ettah Usacd Ia?vs. Dan Marx Ae Co.. -1o3 Wasa. I.ounw Wanted. B. LEE PAGET. $20OO at 7 per cent; west-side lot with two houses. $10.(100 at 7 per cent; quarter-block with income, close in. ample value. B. LEE PAGET. BJ-J Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. WANT $5000 on improved farm and equip ment at once. Will pay good Interest and expenses of inspection. If your money is not immediately available, don t answer. Principals only. All 4UU. iregonian. rirt&T mortgages on Improved Portland real estate for sale. Call and see our list. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY. Title & Trust Bldg. WANT $11,000 for 3 years at 7 per cent on new uuuaing ana large lot: rental value about $250 a month; total value $30.ulHl. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamoer of Commerce. L"'Ki 0t -".000 on downtown improved i"ui' ij , s.iuuu on steam healed 4N3" Va $l-.0O0; west side. Main IMPROVED property worth $2750. want luuu. i year. 0. Answer direct. I won t pay commission. AB 430, Ore gonian. l.oa.n wanted Irom private nartv. s.tiino at 7 per cent, by builder in best Rose -ny uistrici; nouse to sell for $5o0; p" owner. .1.11 r.. 44th St. N. WANT $1500 First mortgage on person property; win pay lo; no airenls; want l" weai uireci. wnn lender. AB 431. Ore gonian. i tot". .-uu. .,.,ini, three years. 7 per cent on each of three newly-erected modern -ity nungalows. security excellent V 943, Oregonian. $1500 WANTED at 7Cr. 3 or 5 years, fro private party, security 5-room bungalow "u io.-i.ioo ptrouna, value sjoOO; no com mission. A 964. Oregonian. ii.i r. i wants to borrow $6(100 on a fine i-'rra property, sold 4 mo airo lor $L' ' s-eii Mr. Skothelm. J;;i'-:;3J Ky. . uiuij. -Main oi'.'it. - - inn nui. .iuiiii at n per cent on improved property. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. - i Kiiair, r-AKt l nas IL'llllu to loan on ursi mortgage, no commissions. 11 27S. oregonian. b'o skioo TO $1500 wanted. Security giu-eace. ,o agents. L -30. Oresonian $1000 IOR one or two years; good security. au ,-ia, oregonian. SEE OREGON I XV. & MORTGAGE CO. tnamuer ot com.. 4th and Stark. WANT LOAN. $4500. modern home, first class security. tail lit Thompson. PERSONAL. DAD S Russian batti. cor. Front and Sher man, I block to car. now serves ever aay ana to i r. Saturdays: von choice of 10 different applications: rates reasonable; you depart wearing th sweet baby smile and feel like hugirin yourself and others. Tuesdays and Thursdays ladles only. C. L. Zumwa.t. manager. GLSTAVE ROSENSTEIN of Portland. Or., has purchased the interests of I, Wein stln. formerly connected witli the Farm ers' Exchange of Springfield, or. ATTORNEYS who recently advertised for Ella Holman regarding an estate should address her at 744 Base Line road. Hills boro. Or. BATHS Steam baths." chiropractic bodv massage and vibration. Dr. Margaret Haynie. Main 1705. L'15 Swetland bldg. Open evenings: frained nurse assistant. ASSUME my. contract for purchase of Wellington standard piano. used 3 months, and save $140. Address T 942. Oregonlan.' WANTED To know the whereabouts of J. A. McCauley or his wife, Mrs. J. A. McCauley. Mrs Florence Wheeier, Weed. Cai. ERICKSON'S white shield home for unfor tunate girls; no publicity; 798 E. 7'd N 1279. WANTED To make up a carload of auto mobiles for Kansas City. Telephone Colonel Slattery. East 4633. GRA DUATB nurse treats lumhaco. etc Hours J to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main 1041. Off ice 30S-C. Third st. IF YOU are tired and nervous, have a scientific body masface. Dr. Ov'dia Larson, 427 Morgan bldg. Main 10MM. SULPHUR Fteant bath, violet ray: Improve your system. Mrs. Rollins. 420 Clay. Main 8359. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. SHAM POO. face, scalp treatments, n anl 230 curing, hair dyeing, waterwavins. Kliedner bid. TOBACCO or nnuff habit cured or no pay; 1 ir ciirea. ixenieay sent on trial. au perba Co.. W 3a4. B a ltimo re, M d. SCALP treatment, facial massace. electri cal treatment. Fteam Data ana massaxe, Ethel Burke. 304 Dekum bldg. piT.K.s r-a n be Herman en tlv cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. 234-a Morrison st. r.r vntTH fet hurt? See Dr. Ethel A Sacre. pedicuring and manicuring. 6o5 Raleigh bldg. Mar. Jom. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed hv 141 needles meinou, ir:ai irw. jomw Finley. 514 Bu&h & Lane bldg. Main 3' fii-PKriFl.UOL'S hair removed forever bv mui tiole-ner-dle method. 50-4 Swetland bldg. Fifth and Washington sts. ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. Dr. I ro nsldea. 3Qt Broadway b I d g WASTE D year old, -By a mother, baby about one H 676. Qregon:an. nnoY massage, violet ray. 10 A. M. tu S p. M-. daily. 450 MorganbIdg. Main 7579 OOITRE, e.ilargeo. glands; cure yourself. A. R. fctrachan. roi-te 5. H lUsboro. Or GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair. manicuring.jaue. scaip.-- r .leanerjaiug DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See V lerecK. coi lectious. uen urn om n. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. oo.. oeu. mornings. OPALINE remedies for diseases of women. 246 Llncom. .Main PILES CAN BE CURED without oner ation. Free booklet. P. jO. Box lluo. FREE violet ray treatments in your home. Davis. Main 5432 or Bdwy. 720. RUPTURE CAN BS CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1100. LJDA JACKSON, superfluous hair, man i t u r i n g. face, scalp. 322 Fliedn er bid g. PATIENTS to take cabinet baths with massage or hourly nursing. Tabor P172. A-l MASSAGE. 415 BUCiiAJSA-N BLiAi. 1AIN S36i. rtRSOSAU GET WELL. IrtKE. FREE. FREE Every rlar. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.. Td evenings on Monday. Wednesday id Friday, from T tu 9, and Sunday f om 10 to 12 THOUSANDS OP SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILFD t' get relief n any other way are In vited to investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are perinanent-ly curing mm arrds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thorou-ihiv examine you. make a complete diannoa s of your case and dir t your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO TOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, sans, anire ar-d modern science of curing and prevnting disease. CHIROPRAC'l'.O will permanently cure ns per ce-it of 1I diseases. CHIROPRACTIO removes the cause nenlth returns. Tne above service Is all free to you at the .-olleare building and may be bd In private If desired PRIVATE TREATMENTS may alas be had in college building by members of the faculty, by eithtr lady or men practitlonets PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 101. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most renson bie rate in order to show what Chlro prtctic can do. Audresa all communi cations to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. . 100---, CHIROPRACTIC STSTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign tea this principle cniy add lime and im mediate expense to later despair). Dr. McMania, Macleay bldg.. Port land, a chiropractor of experience, a part amateur, a loo per cent chtropractio specialist. with highest testimonial from patients from eastern states, famil iar with the best; also from western and local patients having unfortunately had less than 100 per cent chiropractic else wher,. with, of course, corresponding dis appointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with inv loo per cent chlropractiej philosophy, long experience end superior skill demonstrated In consultation, ex aminations; easy, careful aujustuientsv rates, and finally, results. Eleventh -ear In this city. Chronlo cases, one or t o. taking time. 31 adjustments, $25. Patients improving, but slowly, ex tended time, :1 adjustments. $15. Acute cases. fever, lumbago, any doubting etc, less time, icaa expuuss. Phone. ralL wire, write. Main office. 4lh and Wash. New Home. 647 Eaat Salmon St. CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC THOUSANDS OK SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are ln vilted to investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are permanently curing hun dreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatment WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe. sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above service is all free to vou at the college building and may bo iiad in private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had at eollcije by members of the faculty, either lady or men practitioner. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. .Main Kill. Hospital in connection witr college. PERSONAL TO CAR OWNERS: Motorists In this locality will learn something distinctly to their advantage by communicating with us immediately. State the name and year of your car and size of tires used. Don't lose any matter today. -attend to this Address Box No. B 974, Oregonian. THERE ia a remedy at hand for every dis cordant condition. Tne psyctiomela Physical institute Invites you to call and have a personal interview with ils di rector Dr. D. K. Zimmerman. Psycho nutaph .,10-317 Bush Lne bldg. Phone Main 0,01. Iu-12 mornings. -5 afternoons; evenings and Sundays by ap pointment. THE Independent Bill Snirit u. Km m Church society will move Jn their new quarters about the first; all workers In this society that want to continue are to call at 15 East 15lh et. North cor. Burnside, sign the state record. ' Rev. Mrs. J. C. schorl, J. c.. president; G. M.itson. secretary. DR. II. L. CHANDLER CHIROPRACTOR. Graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic. Acute and Chronic Diseases House and Emergency Calls 547 Morgan Bldg.. Wash, and Bdwr. MARSHALL 3904. THE SPIRITUALISTIC camp meeting. Ce darvilie park, Liiiiiemann Junction." will open July 2..lh. Rev. E. K. Earle la nious slate-writing medium, will demon strate each Wednesday and Sunday at 3 P. M. Many good mediums will be present rnrougnout tne season, rara at 1st and Alder. Take ANY READER of this naoer suf frin irom goitre big nock) can net nnsiiK in.orma.tion on ho to cure it at home without troub'.e or ditcomiort. There is pleasant surprise in store for you if you w ri ie. No charge w lia.L&oevt:r. Tell Olivers, it will hWp us ail. AdffrePS Dr. Rock, Box X -7 3 7 , Mil waukle, Wis. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Pninl-ss dnt!f-try, by the i.--rve-hlock-ing method, without after erft-cts. I make X-r:iy examinations of teeth. X specialize in first-clays dentistry at rea sonable fc. i,udy attndant. Mar. 3205. DR. A. W. KEEN K, Majestic The iter hldg., 351 '-Wash. DA.SDKUKF AND FALLING HAIR 13 THE SCALPS CALL FOR THE EKDEE'HAIR CERATE. $2.20 rKK JAR. POSTPAID. G.t it at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO.. 800 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or. NORTHWEST SCHOOL OF MASS AG 8! and allied branches. cay and night school; prepares you for big pav: hold your present position and attend night classes. S-e the dean for free informa tion at .Mo Buchanan Wdg., Portland. Or., or write. IF the heirs or next-of-kin to Gertrude Richartz. who emigrated to America ia 1S'J2 and applied for citizenship in t-ept.. lbl-2. at Pendieton. Or., will write Neison H. Tinnicliif. 115 Broad way. Nw York, they will It-arn som e : n i n g of in terf-st. C. W. SHAW. 74t Irving St. This wek readings Monday, Tuesday and Wed nes day only. Circles Monday and Vedns day, 8 P. M. Sunday, August 1 . Mrs. Anna Snyder. C. W. Shaw, at New Era Spiritualist Camp Meeting. TA KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, healing germicidal and invig orating douche, a great aid in leucur rhoea and tern ale disorders ; Tnte and $ I per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DR. SOPHIA ZL'MBACH, chlro podTsli 406 Raleigh bldg., Washington si., bet. 6th and Broadway, Portland, Or. Office hours. Id A. ii. to b P. M. Phone Main ft2J4. ALL the latest remedies sold at the Clem enson Drug Co.. 2o Morrison St.. St. Charles hotel corner. At this drugstore you get just what you call for. We ba. vt no suDtitltutes. BOOK, 3'0 formulas (Beauty Specialist) sent prepaid, $1. cali or stain p.s. Dr. Baiiev. P.aMc and Cosmetic Surgeon, - Wood-bury System), 224 Empire Bldg., Denver. Coio. OFFICIAL, peace with Germany soon to come and trade relations u ill be re sumed. Learn German. German con versation taught. M oderate charge. Address D 2.V. Oregonian. I GUARANTEE to cure corns. Ouniona. Ing. nails, warts and moles absolutely; new invention, no pain, no soreness. Lowest prices In town. Consultation free. H-r 12 years; arches fitted. 003 Dekum bldg. BUY YOUR SUMMER FURS AT THE FUR SHOP. Fine furs to order. Moderata price. Above high rent, below high price. oii Swetland bldg., and Wat-h. M Air SAGE, baths ; constipation, stomach, kidneys, rheumatism. Dr. K!na Soren s"n. Panama bids. Drutiess phy. Main oOSG. FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig ana toupe makers ; finest stock human hair goods. hairdressing, manlcurin g. fa-a and scalp treatment. 31'J Alder. Main 546. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. F.aton'a, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST., who doesn't hurt you; S yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wsh. Bdw. 224. SWEDISH massage and baths by a gradu ate masseur. Diploma signed by medi cal professors of the University of Penn sylvania. 51 0 Buchanan bldg.. Portland, Jl'NIClDB win cure rheumatism or money back. -iOd )ekum bULz. 11