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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, JULY 25, 1920 17 FOB RENT. Housekeeping Booms. 855 H 8ALMO.V ST.. cor. Park. 1 single room, 12, u.nd 1 large H. K. room with kitchenette, w ater, $25 per month ; 2 H. K. rooms with water, $30. See Nob by Cleaners Monday 8 o'clock. Phone M atn 430B. DfclSl RABLB 2-room housekeeping suite, completely f urnlshed, fcrotrnd floor, pri vate bath, laundry; also front single housekeeping ruoin. lbtt Sherman it Marshall Jiit3. - BYRltTrLY clean, single and double H. K. vuis. completely turninhed, reasonable ; b-t water, r-leu., laundry; children wel come 1H Bherman st. Mar. 3S3. FOR KENT One nice, cosy housekeeping room, running water, fireplace, close in, also one sleeping room. 434 If am hill, corner of 1 2th. LARGE, clean H. K. room, all modern, hot and cold water in room. Reasonable. 2 blovka from 14th - and Montgomery. 501 Harrison. Phone oltt-13. m FOR RKN'T Two 2-room suites of house keeping apurtmisn ts. J 12 and $14 per month. luU4 Corbett st. Phone Main 7 -'02. CLEAN housekeeping rooms suitable for working nit?n or woman, $3 50 a week. 821 West Park st. I'll HMSH KO housekeeping roomt, newly tinted, bath, on car line. to3 Williams ive. THINKS and bnggage delivered in down town district tor 25c. Auto service. Free storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 2445. TWO light housekeeping rooms for rent with bath, newly renovated. Phone Woodlawn 2847. ON E housekeeping room, nicely furnished, rent reasonable; 4 sleeping rooms by day or week; 2ft 1 H Morrison. Main 64B7. SUITE of 2 very neat front rooms, newly fitted up; will rent single or double. 'losa in. 370 Broad w ay. LA RGE front rooms and kitchenette, light and gas furnished. $35. 424 Jeffer son st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In fine district; bath, electric lights, gas; nice, light and reasonable. 42 Ella. Bdwy. 2307. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep Ing. quiet and comfortable. 117 North 18th st.. corner GUsan. XESIRABLE front housekeeping room for bachelor; 224 16th st. N. Phone Broad way 2QR4. STRICTLY clean housekeeping roomi, in cluding lights, gas and phone; close In. 407 Columbia street. FRONT 2-room, furnished H. K. apts.. hot and cold water. Hotel Stewart, 147 Broadway. Main 7044. KEWLT furnished, newly renovated : 1. 2. 3-room H. K. The Alton, 3515 Yam hill ft., cor. West Park. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with pleasant sitting room, $15 per month. 1 224 E. Salmon st. VERY desirable 2-room apartment ; nicely furnished; select neighborhood. 745 H oyt. MAKE the Bushmark your borne, one and two-room outside apts., clean, modern, respectable. Washington st., cor. 17th. CLEAN, comfortable furnished housekeep ing rooms, $11 and up; single and 2-room suites. 53 N. 18th st. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mar. Furnished H. K. rooms, $i5 up, including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, everything furnished ; $4 per week up. li3V Second st. COMFORTABLY furnished one or two1 H. K. rooms. $16, $20, $25 per month; also sleeping rooms, 3. th st. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, em ployed people only ; walking distance; alt modern conveniences. Marshall 22S3. LARUE front single rooms, Flanders. room and hot water kitchenette, always. 0C5 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $3 each. 2306 Lara bet? at. Mrs. C. Maughan. FURNISHED front rooms for rent. Washington st. Automatic &13-03. 549 FURNISHED ROOM, $4.50 per week; close in. 4 J4 J errtrson. SEVERAL 2-room apts., $2.50 and $3 weekly; gas, electricity. At 657 "A 1st. ONE room, housekeeping. Phone, bath. 67 N. 2Uth at. roadway 4123. 2-ROOM suite, nine for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 203 Stanton. Wdln.A 40S6 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean, running water in rooms. u-u tun st. HOUSE H. K. and sleeping rooms. 139H UUSSfll. TWO single housekeeping rooms cheap. 450 x amiiiii. $12-$ 17 1-2 furnished clean H. K. rooms. 44 o Clay st. Marshall 2014. H. K. ROOMS and apt., 549 Morrison St., ww Biue. BLITE furnished II. K. rooms. $2.50. $3 weea. ivnott. near Williams. -turn. shed housekeeping room. near snipyaru, $2d per mo. 651 2d st. MKNISHED 2 OR 3-ROOM H. K. suite. 1 o-.) r ounn st. w K.ctv, large furnished H. K room. 5 w asii. et., corner 3d st. 6INGLE housekeeping and sleeping rooms. t - Aiur LHl HT, airy housekeeping room suitable iorone, J a weett. jiz Clay. ON hi or two Tront H. K. rooms, ground floor, Marshall 1331. 587 Washington st. UKISHED housekeeping rooms. 125 14th ft., near ssnington ; walking distance. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 13 East 7th Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 1U MAN and wife, no children, two nice. light rooms, electric lights, water and uMtu, una oi pnone. iu i-j. 7tn st N. comer of Oregon. Phone East 7915 TWO furnisited H. K. rooms, home; no children. East 13JT A. SI. modern Monday uvj nouseKeeplng rooms for two youtis; men or coupje employed. Marshall 82.S3. L'!i4 ltli, corner of Columbia. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $18 month, near Alberta car; adults only. luoi r.. i. nn in. BOOM and board In elegant, refined place; t-arn heat, hot and cold water. 554 uucn. B ATTIC H. K. rooms; private bath. It. beautiful private home, $15 month. Main :u4. 41'T Clay. jnil ei nouseKeeptnir rooms. 414 Flint st. Take WA car to Hajicouk. 2 blocks west: waiKing gist ance . 1.'EW. clean H. K. room, private bath. close in, partly furnished. Ftione Kant (4n!J. THKLh housekeeping room apartments. suitable for 2 or 4 people: also single top nui, I tjllsan St. x lUMruKTAUUK housekeeping rooms: irond location: reasonable rent. Main O.Nfcj furnished housekeeping room, sleep ing porch, water, nsivt, fras. adults. Call Monday, aa Yamnui. Main 2718. 3 OR 3 ROOMS, upstairs, electric lights, gas ranite, pnone ana yara. JSast Otoo. Jfrb Katq r irat St. rs.. WKLIj furnished, clean housekeeping rooms, close in. reasonable rent; uo children. 411 .Main. LARGE, clan, well-furnished light house keeping rooms, 1st floor; close in. 63 North -'0th st. 3 OI.F.AN H. K. rooms. East 22d. East 0020. $20; gas free. 66 3 CLEAN comfortable furnished H. K. rooms, close In, west side. Photie Mar. 08. FOR RENT fliree furnished honaf- keepmgroonis. 326 Park at. Main 7013. S FUR. B. rooms. 4 unfur. Private baths. jvearnev. Aiarsnau auo. S FURNISHED rooms for light H. K. r none v uin. aiui. TWO 202 furnished rooms, nice shady yard. c. .uin at. THREE desirable housekeeping room suite anq garage, at KJ. stn St. N. K. 2611). TWO ROOMS, newly renovated. $ month. larger rooms, larger price. Tabor 1526. ROOM You'll Tabor 8769. like it. 1000 E. Main. j-i.f.i,Y n kmmibi) h. K. rooms: adults; wslking distance. 221 Tenth st. in., T ENT1ETH. cor. Flanders, neatly iiiniiBiirn nauBeweppinR roams. $4 Well furnished for housekeeping, elec- rricuy ana gas tree. Lo Market. L. H. K. ROOM, gentleman; everything iuni.iicii. o lamnui. cor. ULh. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason- auie rent. lucn St., west side. LARGE front H. K. rooms and kitchenette. oo'i uenerson. main LAKOh room and kitchenette, nice home piai-tj. i.ou xim. xsroaqway 4231. Mjt cr. cci- i .-a--, room lor one man near snipyam. t'J- -nn at. Jlarsnall t,n."! A FURN. housekeeping rooms, Woodlawn 1272. with gas. ONE single housekeeping room. 2 blocks rrom vvasnmsion. otnf iavis street. S-ROOM furnished walking distance. housekeeping BOS Jefferson HOCM Two women privileges. East 2008. employed, kitchen SINGLE housekeeping rooms at 203 11th it., cor, layior. tCLEAN, comf. fur. II. K. room, close In, WH( aiua. raoflv suar. va. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms Id Private Family 2 FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, clean and light, bath, phone, electricity, gas ranse, laundry; walking distance. 1'hone Alain 523. 614 4th st. T WO housekeeping rooms, large and airy ; two neas, electric lights; also single sleeping room, reasonable; 52 N. 23d sU, just off Washington. Main 4722. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms, heat, bath, electricity, phone, walking distance. 292 Tillamook, near Williams ave. Adults nly. Phone East 6371. ATTRACTIVELY arranged housekeeping room with large sleeping porch. See to appreciate. Lights, gas. linen furnished, $7 per week. Main 8085. ONE LARGE well-furnished H. K. room, fireplace, gas stove, use of bath and phone, walking distance. 515 Morrison, corner of 16th. phone Broadway 4433. PLEASANT room, furnished for light housekeeping or sleeping for one or two adults, employed; price right. 451 10th st. South. 2 LARGE f ronff rooms, for light house keeping; also one large room with kitchenette on ground floor; adults only. 246 N. 20th st. 1 OR 2 housekeeping or sleeping rooms, 1 block from Sunnyslde car. 174 East 35th. Phone Tabor 302. 1 AND 2 large modern front H. K. rooms, 240 13th st. Houses. NEW, MODERN. 4-room bungalow, 2 cleeping apartments, large ba ttjroom. 3 blocks from Multnomah station on good wral k and Improved county boulevard ; $.o a month to responsible tenant. BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt Bldg., 127 Park St. Main At Multnomah office on Sunday. Main 1207. MR. RENTER! If you Intend moving this fall, don't put it off houses are scarce now. It is hard to tell what people will do this winter. Better make your arrangements now. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. MR. RENTER. If you intend moving this fall, don't put it off. Houses scarce now. It is hard to tell what people will do this winter. Better make your arrangement now. .. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH, $4o HOME of late Louis Zimmerman at 1070 Kelly st., (west side) ; 7 rooms, overlooking Wilamette river, with view of city and mountains. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth st. NEAR Piedmont car barns, 5-room house; gas, electricit-y, bath, lots of fruit: rent $ 1 5 per month to party buying $78 of furniture con-rtUng of Garland range, heating stove, 2 double beds, etc. Wood lawn 1742. - 5-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. whole or piece. Thor electric washer. Singer electric machine, bicycle, etc.. walking distance. 302 Grand ave. North. AUGUST 1 Beautiful Irvlngton home, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, etc., $85 a month. 500 East 25th st. North. Phone East 4G33. Call afternoons or evenings. FURNISHED five-room bungalow one block from R. C. car. Adults only. Pretty home. Aug. 1 to Sept. 30, possi bly longer. Tabor 8922. TO LEASE by .Aug. 1 for 1 yr.. modern o or o-room house or bungalow with ga rage, xiaae city far;; adults; references. Phone East 5051. FOR LEASE rom Sept. 5 for one year or longer, o-room modem colonial resi dence with garage. $83 per month. 3i3 "pen si., vviuamette Heights. THREE extra large light rooms, $12; will iuruin tor more. Apply corner Htfth and East Stark. Mt Tabor MT88th) car to -nu, iour oiocKs norun, one east. b-KOOM modern house with 3 nice lots in St. Johns, on 424 Tyler st.. vacant looay. can juain 4861 or Giimore's Real Estate office, St. Johns. WHEN YOU MOVE - L-se NORTHWESTERN ELEPTRTP tlirht service. Broadway 580. A 6747. HOL'SK for rent. 9 to It rooms, part or all iront room suited for office; 7 newly faucitru i uuiuD . aesiraniA neonie on v. .u i .'Norm otn st. i UKNibHKD 3-room cottage, west side. warning aistance, $is.r0; nice shade trees. can feunuay before 2 P. M., 590 w esc uroaaway. TO LEASE Furnished. $40. or unfur. nished. $30. 5-room hniK fi-T. T-iatev One-half cash. ana long-distance movina nH hauling; first-class equipment. Green LZ1' Aiuer st. Alain 1261. 572-61 TO RENT Nicely furnished 6-room house mi ciose in; prefer adults; would i iic to lease. iast Uu 8 8. 9-ROOM house. $20; furniture of 7 rm. housekeeoin?) for raIo nniv i ?sft. - always rented. 363 N. 16th 1st 3-liUOM furnished bungalow, aarden set in and garage. See owner. 1244 E. im N. Take Alberta car. FIVE-ROOM house, not modern: conveni- ent location: no children. innnira i.r.a Kerby. FOR RENT Two-room house, mostly fur- V-ni wf j w i funuay oeiore a o'clock. 4 1O0 Woodstock avenue. MOVING Piano, furniture and Iona-din- tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck service to., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. FrVE-ROOM cottage, hot and co!d""wTte'r. Whitaker u' W APPly 247 WEST SIDE For rent or sale, unf urnlh.l or furnished, 2 beautiful homes. Phona 8"?.OM,?OUfie,.an1 Saragre. g-ood location. Jj"j """'e Moiruay morning, Woodlawn I'.N'FfRNISHED bungalow or flat nnw r beptenv&er I. Tabor 2753. 8-ROOM house for rent, srond pinditi. i!3 Montgomery st. HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale 243 .tseecn st. FOR RENT or sale, five-room house, barn one diock or ground. 1024 Powell st. -?,"?"R?P-M..hou?e' near Jefferson high. Viriln. 3Si, Monday. HOUSE. J 17.50 per month and furniture for . ' " ... OL. 5-ROOM cottage for rent at Metzger. Or.. 6-ROOM house, furnace, trays, gas, elec- tricity. BUU E. Taylor. IHKOB-KUOM house, partlv fiirr.Uho.1 "'wn gi. iei. .-wain H343. ti-ROOM modern house, cloae In Rfi u. Washington, near ISth. Reasonable rent. A GOOD, six-room house, close In. Call East 3103. FOR RENT Modern troom house. Main st. Furnished Houses. AUGUST only, 7 rooms." modern. nlMn. close in. Call at 454) E. 2ftrh t n, r.hnnA Sellwood 105S. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow. Honors.. Auir. 1 : no children. Call evenings. $40. 30 E. 75th st. NICELY furnished 5-room modern home. Uil Albina ave. Call after 1 P. M. Sun day. HAVE bungalow In Rose Cltv. ihir. with young couple; housekeeping privileges references required. Tabor 7218. ' $30 o-ROOM BUNGALOW FURNISHED, u.ii. per i tijai rsart in 12SS E. 7th N.. Main 4803. SAVE car fare. IS min. walk to Morrison. luiniBiitu or umurnisnea, 5-room house at 742 4th. bet. Porter and Woods. 736 KEARNEY ST. 8 rooms, beautifully furnished, garaee. Call East nings. Main 8052 week days for app'tm't. 0-ROOM modern furnished house: wood furnished ; 20 days for $S. 240 McMillan st. Call Sunday eve. FOR RENT House. 3 rooms, toilet and gas range: partly closet, small garden. furnished. Owner, 4227 th ave. S. E. 6-ROOM modern house, furnished. No 35 E. SOth st.. cor Burnside. Will be open between 0 and 2 2 A. M. Call and see. FOR RENT Furnished 7-room bungalow. 1)1 E. lHtn st. North, with garage, $53 per month. See owner Sunday at place. WILL RENT my furnished Laurelhurst home to responsible parties for month of August. Call Tabor 7917. Monday. FURNISHED 6-room house for rent: will sen iurniture reasonable: walking dis tance. East 8104. 8 ROOM8 on East Taylor, near 15th; price so monm. Lawrence uo,, 212 Cor bett Wile. -ROM cottage at 4452 41st ave.; Wood- stoYik car. owner on premises after nocis. FURJtlSHED T-room house: rent $15. Fur- nmge tor saie. ,au isast Washington. FURNISHED house, piano, sewing ma E. Salmon; reasonable. chine. i34 3-RQ.2M furnished cottage. $20. Phona Mt'n 73SS . FOR RE.NT Completely furnished modern 7-room nouse ior A-tigust.. 4DU m. 24th st. 3-ROOM house, some furniture, $10 a 60 E. 30th St., near Stark. month. 5-ROOM modern furnished duplex house. Ituv 11,. in hi. o. ; ,.?o. cast is,l. 4-ROOM modern furdished cottage. 311 Vs E. 6th St. S. ; $0. East 5235. 7-ROOM house for rent and furniture tor sale. irraDefl. THREE-ROOM TIC Corbett house, partlv furnished. - Tel. Mala 9348. I FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. DISTINCTIVE WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 9 -room, colonial bungalow, completely furnished ; has every modern conven ience; shower bath, garage, hardwood floors everything. Don't apply unless you can furnish high-class references. AJ 865, Oregonian. . FOR RENT Modern 6-room furnished house; piano, furnace, wash trays in basement; walking distance; also near 3 car lines; rent $50. 327 Clackamas st., near First, east side. Take Williams ave. ' car. . FOR RENT 12 rooms, partly furnished, to parties buying all or part of my furniture; neat and clean; 15 min. walk from Morrison; furnace, electricity, gas, good yard. 8 rooms rented, paying all house expenses. BP 8S2. Oregonian. PEAITT1UUL 6-room house in Overlook acdiliou. completely furnished in ma hogany and ivory ; piano, gas i adiators, press button for heat; garage; responsi ble party only; six months' lease. Wood lawn G5."l. FOR RENT Beautiful 9-room modern home; furnace heat, good west side lo cation, $; furniture for sale, nearly new ; purchased last winter; rooms can be rented if desired. 58 North 20th st. FOR RENT. August and September Six- room modern runiisnea nouse, un piano, Vip trola, also gas. electricity, tel ephone, water, wood, lawn and roses; references required. Sell wood 2388. 7-ROOM HOUSE, well furnished; plenty of dishes, cooking utensils, new oeacung, papered and cleaned throughout ; walk ing distance; rent $60; adults, only. Phone E. 858. . ALL modern 8-room furnished house; white enamel. Dutch kitchen, new rur ; Monarch and A. B. gas ranges, garage, fenced-in yard; walking distance. Near car. 529 E. Ash st. Phone East 113. 4-ROOM furnished. $35; 6-room unfur nished. $25; west side, walking distance. Nice view. 3894 16th st Vinney, Mar. 3 622. HOME on Westover Terrace until De cember 1; all household electric con veniences; Gasco furnace, garage. Phone Monday. Marshall 1435. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, close In, $30. Furniture for sale, 4uu, easy terms. 642 East Oak st. Automatic 227-14.. Call after 11 A. M. FURNISHED house for rent, furniture for sale. $50; lovely yard for cnnaren; piace for car; rent $26. 374 Hassalo St., cor. Union ave. Phone E. 5140. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 7-room house. west side, excellent location, lor a ierm of six months, beginning Sept. 1, to re sponsible party only. P 675, Oregonian. WILL RENT furnished house for 6 weeks very reasonably to responsioie parties , location ideal for warm weather. Call Marshall 2225. 5-KOOM. furnished. 2 blocks from car, west side. 4oO lltn St. Summer fteeort. SUMMER HOME. The Commercial hotel at Waahoural has been readjusted to accommodate those who wish to escape the city during the hot summer months. Splendid for elderly and convalescent people; regular country home; orchard, chickens, cows, etc. Moderate rates to families. tinn ing boating, many outdoor attractions. Auto all times to points of interest; convenient Washougal. Columbia rivers. Trains leave North Bank depot morn, and eve., 90c fare. Phone or write for reservations. Commercial Hotel. Wasn ougal. Wash. - lit." ft I'TILTI mnHnrn K-l-nnm hOUSe. IlTe place, ocean view, glassed porch and dining room, 4 bedrooms, ioveiy wumu.., 1 livlrttr rnnm. 11 tlKtatTS DOrCh, .vrvihinir furnished except linen and silver, $221 for August. Address Geo A. Peel, v Seaside, Or. Box 404. Mac LEAN'S CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent, partly furnished, u h fmm fisaiPM tttation on 4th st, Red Electric line. MacLean. 507 Lewis bldg. Phones Broadway 5000 ana us we&o 431. . -a- a vTf Ti rrtttncr at Neah-Kah-N ie Newport beach for two weeks,, prefer M.wi o,wi third weeks in August. Re quire sleeping accommodations for five people. A u, ureBuiimii A LARGE sleeping room with housekeep ing privileges. 1 block from the depot, "Ocean Wave" cottage; rent reasonable. Address Mrs. E. R. McKay, Ocean Park, Wash. SEASIDE Rooms by day or week also rea sonable. Phone East 3424 A. M. and 0 P. M. between 8 FOR RENT 5-room cottage, completely furnished. $75 for rest of season, or .0 for August. Beach Center, Wash. Phone Main 92!. . OCEAN VIEW attractive room, separate entrance, housekeeping privileges, $10 per week. Tabor 6150. M. W. A.. Long Heach. Wash. GEARHART. OR. Will sell my 2-room house. 2 lots. ojo. For particulars write P. O, Box too. Portland. Or. Main 4176. . FOR RENT At Seavlew, Wash., on idge and boulevara. niceiy ""-,: & beds, electric lights, good water; $11)0 for balance of season. Phone fc.aat;i51.. SEA CREST COTTAGES, NEWPORT. OR. 2 and 3-room furnished cottages front ing beach for rent by week or month. Chris Arms, prop. "THE AUSTIN" Sleeping rooms, house keeping rooms and housekeeping tents. Address box 273 Seaside, Or. FOr"reNT Gearhart cottage, two blocks from ocean, seven rooms, electricity. i5, Augu9UanjJPjummer, City Hall. OSWEGO LAKE CAMPSITES for rent. $4 per month, free wood and water, bpend your vacation at the lake. Phone Main bj. FOR RENT Seaside, two furnished rooms In Hermosa i-ara; kiicuu tn . wanted. Mrs. A. Bradshaw. FOR RENT. Seavlew cottage, partly furnished. $30 er month. Call Main 1622. SEASIDE. OR. New. furnished, 2-room houses, suit able for 8 or 4 people. 100 1st ave. west -a... a t.t..-t. unTTOIT Pnnnnn Reach, fur x...uJ:,. ';;,,; water. Particulars. E ,2. Oregonian. orwiiio I ur-eo modern house: Vt block 7- 'v,oh with kitchen privileges, very ...-nabl'i. 150 5th ave.. Seaside. Or. NORTH BEACH cottage, directly on beach, good condition, for rent last 11 days August. Main . Tt 4 . rt 9-room furnished apartments, fav. week or month. P. O. box 854, Seaside, Or. iu s.ROliM cottage at Ba Ocean. $25 the rest of the season. Phone Main 3tHIS. J-irs. nun;ui"a. ROOMS; with or without board. Box 455, Newport, ur. PARTIALLY furnished cottage. Box 45 Newport. lr. FOJt RENT Four-room cottage at Sea- Tide. col. ion. - FOR RENT of August. Jottage at Seaside for month Tabor 1 4-. rriTTiflB for rent at Saltalr. Call Tabor 1527 or 2557. Store,. FIRMS. CORPORATIONS. ASSOCIATIONS OR INDIVIDUALS SEEKING BUSINESS OR HOUSING LOCATIONS. LIST TOUR REQUIREMENTS WITH US. Department ot Property Management. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. (Oldest Trust Company in Oregon.) Sixth and Morrison Streets. c v on MADTSON ST. T5ri-lc bide., good location, near busy . naini excellent olace for res , -lirant or retail store; reasonable rent. H BIBRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bids- Mar. 4114 FOR LEASE SALESROOM BBx2o. WITH . ,.i,iTinv l r. SPACE IN LARGE GA- BAOE SPEEDWELL GARAGE, 14TH and COUCH STS. PHONE BROAD WAY 3974. n-r, r irisR N.wlv finished finest groun for location Astoria. Or. Add. Dr. Dean, 234 "A Morrison at.. romim, jr. viimrr.r. utreet. good location ' for cof. fee. light lunch, butter and eggs: $75 per month. I otoca r.n.u.iisc '.. HALF t Wash. store st. and window for rent. 463 STORE, 52d and Sandy blvd.. work. shop. 518 Corbett .bldg. Marsnan aai. WATCHMAKER SPACE. 304 EAST MORRISON. PART of good store. 690 Washington st. Offices. BELLISC bldg.. facing 6th st. Inquire room 515. FURNISHED office for rent. Apply 604 Piatt bldg. rrione aiarsn. buza PRIVATE office and use of waiting room In high class Duuuing. rnone Main fjtti STORE. 20x40, full Holladay ave. Key basement, at corner. $30. 32 DESK ROOM In well equipped otllce. very reasonapia rental. acaay oiag. FOR RENT. Offices. THE PITTOCK BLOCK HAS A NUMBER OF HIGHLY DESIRABLE OFFICES READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCU PANCY. ONE LARGE SUITE OF NINE ROOMS CAN BE SUBDIVIDED. PHONE BROADWAY 784 OR CALL ROOM. 414 PITTOCK BLOCK. WANTED Desirable tenant, other than professional man. for very attractive front room suite orcupied as law office. Use of large reception room, also tele phone. High class building in best location. Excellent for aeent or broker. Reasonable rent. Call Main 101. TWO upper floors, &Oxl0O, can be ar ranged for sample rooms, light manu facturing or housekeeping rooms, cen tral location. Inquire 207 Stock Ex change bldg. WANTED Chiropractor or hair dresser to share large and -nicely furnished re ception room with doctor at 316 Morgan bldg. Main 6383. FURNISHED office. $15; also private of fice with phone, girl and reception room I privilege. stocK mxenange laiag. LARGE office with use of reception room and typewriter; rent reasonable. oiu 12 PIttock block. DESK ROOM, including desk. phone and 18 Fenton necessary office furniture. bldg. CONVENIENT office, with telephone -and use of reception room. Call 622 Corbett I bldg. OFFICE sace for rent. Telephone fur nished. Reasonable rent. 414 Railway Exchange bldg. DESIRABLE desk space; everything fur- nished. 1124 N. W. Ba nk b 1 d g. OP'KICE or desk room. 325 Railway Ex- change. Phone Main &804. WILL SHARE furnished office. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 5302. DESK or display space for rent. Thomp son scale & Fixture Co.. soo uaK st SEVERAL desirable offices. Acorn bldg. Inquire Stubbs- Elec. Co.. 75 Sixth st. ATTORNEY has completely furnished of fice with library and phone. Main B4i. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY and lunchroom for sale. On account of sickness will sen in one of the best towns in the valley, con sisting of a marble fountain, good fix tures, 7 booths and well stocked, will invoice about $2750; tn the best loca tion and ony 2 in a city of 25O0. Bon Ton Confectionery, Cottage Grove. Or. tiOfV-MOnKRV LUNCHROOM. Al west wide location, rood lease, well established trade. Jud?e the fixtures for yourself. COOVER & HOLM AN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. Third and Wash. For Fire Insurance Call Max. 393. DELICATESSEN West side apartment house rtistrint- A Groin? business with daily receipts averaging $60. Will lump I or invoice. A good trade will be enter- I tnlnert on this. STITRM-KEFER CO.. 214 Fifth street. Corner Salmon. Opposite Courthouse FOR SALE; Stock of dry goods, men s. women's and children's shoes and men's furnishings. Well located in good brick building with good lease, in good Co lumbia, river citv. It will nay you to in vestigate this. Stock will invoice about $8000. AV 379. Oregonian. FOR SALE: Grocery and confectionery; best corner location, on Mt. Scott car line, doing over $3000 per month; fine location for cash -at I -carry store; rent $36, Including 4 living rooms; a bargain at $3500. or will invoice. 6006 b2d st: S. E. Phone Tabor 52. FOR SALE by owner, grocery and confec tionery doing a fine cash business; stock and fixtures about $5000, or will invoice it; clear from $200 to $250 a month. Come in and look it over. Owner has other business. Inquire AV 76, Orego nian. WANTED A man of business skill. I have the beat thinir in the United States. I can prove what I say. A man with I means and enemy come up to see me. Sunday only, between 2 and 4. 319 Piatt bldg. POOL HALL ON CORNER. 4 pool tables, back and back bar. cigar case, wall case, plenty oi stocK ; rent do Lease. All for $18o). RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 805 OAK STREET. WE OFFER wonderful opportunity to re liable man to make $50 to $10O weekly at home in spare time: direct by moil proposition ; no experience needed. Cap ital required only $120. Mutual Co., Minnen polls. Minn. Y OWNER Furniture. 2 rooming houses. housekeeping: all rented, good Income, cheao rent, sleeoinv porch, garden. 30 hens, big lawn: close in. 444 and 44(1 East Oak, near 7th st. Phone A. M. Main 4810. EXOHANGE OPFIE. We have experience tn this line. Call with your proposition; it can possibly be matched. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. ri.HAXlNO AND PRESSING SHOP. Ttrick hide-., rent 115: doing $125 wk. All for $U00. We have others from $150 up. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK STREET. FOR SALE Doughnut establishment. wholesale and retail, serving with cof fee: have an especially good doughnut recipe Included; experience not neces sary; will teach the business; price $300. Box 484. Vancouver, wash. V'E ARE splendidly equipped to turn out commercial printing. publication ana briefs, minus profiteering prices. Mount Scott Herald. 5812 S2d 'St., Lento. Phone Tabor 7824. FURNITURE factory requires more capi tal: wants party to take active working Interest. $5000 to $10.000 1 no over-capi talization, clean-cut proposition. Address for interview M 080. Oregonian. 'O00 OARAGE $2000. flOxloo. concrete, full of steady stor age, good stock accessories, machinery and car. $2oo0 cash down. Room 511 Railway Ex-:hajge. 1350 TAKES confectionery, soda foun tain, light lunch; large living room; rent $20; clearing $rt00 a month. A. J'. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry 'Bidg. Broadway 5300. FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery store, with good 7-room house and 1.70 acres ground: price $5500; reasons for selling, desertion. Mrs. W. E. Harmon, Hot 30, Marquam, Or. CONFECTIONERY store, just right for man and wife wanting neat piace with living room: enn put away $150 month, besides good living. Room 511 Hallway Exchange FOR SALE Long established cleaning and pressing business: xjoo. win con aider partnership, with car; fine chance for hustler. 774 Williams ave. Call Wdln. 530O. FULL OWNERSHIP of equipped, neat. light, ground floor, low rent, realty or- Tlce, Wltn gooa oaa luniuurc ior going east. Inquire J 041, Oregonian. FOR S-ALE One-half or all of fima.ll r-aw- mill with timber on coiumDia nignway. See L. B.- Robinson, Hotel Alder, ag- rtr! Columbia City, Or. partner w-inted In established cash business: can mnke good wages it wining to work; smtll Investment required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. VULCANIZING SHOP In best town Washington county, will take good team. cows or auto as part payment, uu. Oregonian IF YOU want a motor truck business that Is worth while, see Mr. Hlller. Atterbury Truck Sales Co., contractor a depart ment. 89 and HI 0th st. Bdwy 3o4. SMALL grocery store, including fixtures. rent only $15: Hawthorne district; tor quick sale, onjy liuu casn. uain aoi -Monday. FOR SALE Small millinery business, new from Portland. For particulars addreaa AV 163. Oregonian. AS SAFE AS A BANK; 300 ANNUALLY If you can Invest sio upwarns-. wrue Midwest Investment Bureau. 650 Boston block. Minneapolis. Minn. A WELL-EQUIPPED meat market in As toria, excellent location. line opportunity for someone: terms. Phone A. AV. Ellis. Bdwy. 507. 443 E. 12th Bt. N. - GROCERY. - Call see best grocery on west which is to be sold at Invoice. 4557 Monday. side. Main FOR SALE Three-chair barber shop, fully equipped and good business. 410 Alain at., Vancouver. Wash. GENERAL STORE at Metzger. Or., doing $100 per day, nine miles from Portland. Putman & Putman. GROCERY stock, fixtures. 5 living rooms, garage, with lease: sales $70 par day. Corgan, 307 Oregon bldg. LADY to buy half Interest In small elec tric laundry contemplated. Will spilt profits; no rent. BC 828, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking shop, including steaming and pressing, good location. Call Tabor 1226. FOR SALE Grocery, good location, clean fresh stock and well established trade. Phone Tabor 704. ' ROOT BEER bbl.. Ice cream dishes and syrup. Al cash register. Fred's, 108 N. 3d St., near Ollsan. I WANT a man to learn shoemaker's trade at 234 1st and Main. Little money required WATCHMAKER SPACE. 394 EAST MORRISON. FOR SALE Conf. with soda Call 430 Washington at. fountain. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SACRIFICE SUBURBAN GENERAL STORE. OVER $200 DAILY BUSINESS. Only 7 miles from Portland, on the Oregon Electric, right close to station in last-growing suburban wmmunli y ; general store doing better than $200 per day average for every day in the month; large warehouse with sidetrack; postoffice in connection with store more than pays rent ; present owner leaving on account of health, will sacrifice at invoice. Long lease on buildings; stock will lnx-oice around $7500. For full par ticulars call at 242 Washington st, or phone Main 8220. ICE-LESS REFRIGERATOR. No ice. no chemical no electricity, no cost for operation, and the price is no more than the ordinary refrigerator. Will keep food longer and better. Think what this means to the home, the farm, the store. Salesmen wanted in everv county In every state. If you are a "live wire" and quaiiiied. write, wire or call for our proposition. This is a won derful opportunity for our representatives to make big money. ICE-LESS REFRIGERATOR CO.. 107 N. Broadway. Portland. Or. ATTENTION, INVESTORS. We are -offering for sale a small issue of stock in a well-established business; demand for our product is increasing so rapidly we find it necessary to h.ive more capital. We will consider subscrip tions from $100 up. This stock will at lease double in value In five years and priy handsome dividends in the mean time. For interview write N 670, Orego nian. WANT to cell part interest In good paper anil metal cutter, which win sell read- ! lly in machine shoos, sawmills, garages; have it already patented and getting out booklet to put it on the market; have fine recommendations from first ones sold;, would preier parties acquainted with mechanical lines; leave for factory I shortly, have samples for Inspection. A 952. Oregon tan - CONTROLLING interest in a well-etab- llbhed Sal e i.i motor car and truck u u.r,.v Pun trnl iln sr uvrrftl roUnl lea. Business renuirea more att-sntlop than local partner is able to give, because of fihcr interests. A. rtroinnote opportunity which is worthy of investiga tion by anyone able to take active charge and prepared to Invtat $8000. B 619, Oregonian. NEWSPAPER bargain Best chance In Oregon for hustler who can do his own work to clear $2000 a year from small newspaper that can be bought for $150tt in small valley town, $1000 cash and $5O0 in one or two years at 6 per cent. Priced low for quick sale. Real bar rain. A V 171, Oregonian. GROCERY BARGAINS. We have several cleaTi grocery stocks In good locations. Some at invoice. It will pay you to call at this office if you wish a grocery. No misrepresentations. COOVER & HOLM AN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. Third and Wash. ForFIre Insurance Call Mar 3993. LOOK LIGHT GROCERY. CON FECTIONERY AND SOFT DRINKS. A nartv desires to sell a half Interest, we'.I located, well equipped, doing a fine business, to au energetic man. Har per. No. L-IS. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 264 Stark St. OARAGE BUSINESS. GOOD COUNTRY TOWN ON HIGHWAY. KaIIa ens. nil kinds suopues. repair ing, storage; also agency for a stand ard truck and farm tractor; all goes for $2500, and will take in good truck and pay difference. Call 201 W. Park. Hed gtis. ORGANIZE business under declaration -nat maxm icim iees. uen a I lies. reports, blue sky permits; legal in all states; no stock liability. We prepare bond Issues, prospectuses, furnish sales men and trustee. Advice ana Nafl Organization Co.. 123 W. Madison. Chicago. rwuvVTAWX POOL HALL. CnH u fvimtntn. candv. cisars and pool room. Al location, west side: fixtures $2-000. Stock at Invoice, about $ loOO. COOVER & HOLM AN. 322-3-4 Failing BWg". Third and Wash. For Fire Insurance Call Mar. S993. "PARTNER FOR GARAGE. Vqu. ram steadv storage and plenty repair work: want a partner to sell the traa oil. tires, etc.. and be useful in . .r'ss-o- rUUr. irtr.n month for each part ner; $2000 will buy equal half interest. Room 401 Dekum Ding. RTflTK and Axtures. consisting of new ,,b lewe rv mus iiibii uuicn. sultcas-es. hand bags, trunks and cloth ing This is a splendid opportunity to get Into an established business for a small capital: good reasonB for selling. Call 44 N. 3d St. . NEW LUNCH COUNTER and resturant. ...... nnAnttrt TO Dfl KD Kl Bl 1 II V ... . t:. V I location, lease, etc. Compelled to sacri fice. Call- Sunday 11 to 12 or 4 1 to 5 at 213 Tourney bldg., or Monday 17H4 d street. . FIRST TIME ADVERTISED, apir. THK PTORE Light groceries, lunch and confection ery : good location; rrin -' turea. No. L-18. Harper. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 234 Btavk St. DENTAL P R A O T I C OI.U I a a- .v- u.-t Ell.R r.OOD LOCATION. VERY REASON A BLK. CALL BEFORE 1 1 -an A. M. WOODLAWN 1283. 798 KERBY ST. A REAL snap, tor sale at jaaro, J"'"i pnnniiinnE OI wmrnrB, u it, .v..... o .H lewelrv. Stock in first-class shape. Owned at the old price. You can see .toir mil owner at 27 North 3d st.. or call Bdwy. 508. .nvpEPTinvRHT AND LIGHT LUNCH Working o people, in.i ...... rmwn 70 to $00 per day. Price for this up-to-date place is 3O0O. some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 80S OAK STREET. .iDi.-ir pinTKER WANTED lOOxlX) cem-vit hullding. lance steady storage, plenty mnchlnery. oly r'nnlr trade; can make X:ioo month if willing to work, rtoom nn """"t pcTim.i9HET) tire sales and tire re-I pairing Business; win .en .k" -"-: without stock or sell as a who e; will make a good proposition to vuleanlzer to buy repair shop. J urwminii, FOR SALE Oeneral merchandise store in thriving town or n. r ., uoni ..,... ...v ; i!...i..- Invoice about $5000; op portunity good for growing business. AV 175, oregonian. BAKERY. $350 cash handles, balance can v. nrir Aiir nr nugi mhhm. taaii eiiiun koo'.. retail cash business, on paying bl? win stand full investigation. T ood- lawn 4458. ' ninir.P! -PARTNER tn look after front end, in good west i VAnD anri un.ll CST Shop; SlSO specialty line: if right man little capital needed, no., wrcsoin..... ncil.TT firm desires man or woman. worker and must Invest $:ioo0; good results sssured. If unable to Invest oon t reply. J imij. cregoman. , iv-1.-.-r"T Tn" m-7 V cigars, lee cream, soft . . fin. location, right downtown. nice complete place, aomg rine ousine; enf verv reasonable and lease. Bargain for $2500. Garland. 201 3i. cor. Taylor. -.7. r. -c- . 1. invoice. $75 per day. mostly casn. aim, .1-1 . ' "A fiats snb-rented; lease. Corgan. 307 Ore gon bldg. . $375 BUYS stock and fixtures of small gro- .tn-. mod location: among five factories: rent $12 r.o per mo. 150 Boun dary ave. Phone Mar. 4-n, FOR RENT Gas filling station and ac cessory Store in OOSt soouruan nirirei city; living rooms in wen; ciimjj rem.. Call TaDor 21m FVKD STORE, owner been there for years, wishes to retire: will sell "V noo year Vu.lness. bargain. Room 511 Railway Exchange. vrx cil.R PHKAP Vulcanising plant. fully equipped, doing good business: fine location, rood shop for one man. 541 Hawthorne. i-nTt- stl.E Good-paving auto, electric buslnese. near Broadway and Burnside; reason for selling, poor health. Phone Res.. E. 111. ' $90O BAKERY with 3 living rooms; money maker: rent on-. A T DeFOREST CO.. S20 Henry B1dg. Broadway 5590. Finest location, making good money and can be Increased. $27''0 cash. baL easy. Room 511 Railway Exchange. GROCERY and confectionery doing $45 a dav: fine location; 7 living rooms. 24 foot fountain; rent. $35; price $1400. Sellwood 33S6. BAKERY FOR SALE. '. Good retail business, located near large school, very tnirKiy popuiatea. tflfs ti. 39th. Tabor 6105. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oregon state right for Gunther Humidifier; a bar- THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. LEAVING AUG. 1ST CHANCE FOR 1 SOMEONB. SMALL, RESTAURANT. BUSINESS CENTER. W LIL.N. 6140. for SALE The only Ice cream parlor In Camas. Wash. Population 8000. Drive out today; must sell. Price $5000. THE only confectionery and ice cream parlor in twn of SOOO: forced to sell. Phone K. 6S73 ojr E. 2705. BIG SACRIFICE $20,000 flats and stores at 15.r00: guarantee 2000 Income first year; half cash. B 946. Oregonian. ONB-HALF interest in good garsge; good shop equipment. $3500 required. AE 4S3. Oregonian. FOR SALE New and second-hand store, good town. i. H4 Cregonl&a, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 614-20 Swetland Bldg. Auto. 611-50, or Marshall 30891. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BAKERY A LIGHT GROCERY. Corner location. If you are a baker and can deliver the goods, why work for wages? If you have not all cash to handle this we are In a position to help any reliable, party Did you ever get ahead working for wages? Here is a good chance to handle wholesale, also retail trade. Let us hear from you. Price $2600. Rent $30. CONFECTIONERY. Choice west aide location Re ceipts $75 and better. Rent $40. Two living rooms. This place was $42U0: if taken thin week $S00. lakes everything. CONFECTIONERY. This Is a real buy. Very attrac tive place: nice living room; rent is a birthday present. $12. Daily receipts $10 and up. Will Invoice or lump 2-M)0. If you really are In the market for a place see tbia before you buy. CONFECTIONERY LUNCH. Don't pass this up. Just th place for man and wife. Rent .io. Serves light lunch and confection ery. Pr,ice $160. CONFECTIONERY. Rent $1P0. PHca $3000, er ln Tolce. Will exchange for car or house. Receipts $50 and up. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERY. Rent $20. Two living rooms. Price $1000. Receipts $35 and up. This is a neat little place: can ba made a fine business. DRUG STORE. $8500. Corner location on west !de. close in residential section. Elegant fixtures. So?i ?unifAS, and drug business of $0 to per day and growing rapidly This Is an exceptional opportunity to secure a good paying drutf atora. Terms. GROCERY. If you have any Intention of go ing into the grocery business and. will let us show you this place you will buy it on sight. Stock clean and up to date. In a fine location, and a big opening for confectionery and cigar business. You could never go wrong on this bona fide proposition. A straight invoice; no good will to buy; doing a fine business. Will take about $3..00 to handle it. Party wishes to re tire. GROCERY. Listen to this. Mr. Buyer. Store and 6-room flat. Rent $33: dally receipts $50 to $75 cash. If you want a desirable place to live, also a good business, come In and look this up. $2500. No delivery. GROCERY. FRUITS LIGHT CONFECTIONERY. . 4 living rooms. Rent $40. Apart ment house district. Dally re ceipt, over $100. This Is a real place and a,n exceptionally good uy. Price $6500. GROCERY CONFECTIONERY. Corner location. Rent $40; one 6-room modern living apartment. Fountain. Doing $00 to $100 per day. This Is one of the best buys we have ever offered for sale. A - straight Inventory proposition no bonus wanted. Will Invoice fix tures and stock about $2500. GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY. Rent $18; 2 living rooms. Good location. Doing $U0 per day. Price $2100. Will take $1000 down, bal ance on payments. WEST SIDE GROCERY ' CONFECTIONERY. Rent $25. Ptock and fixtures $2200. Doing fine cash and carry business of $45 per day and up. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Auto. 511-50, or Marshall 3989. GET IN NOW. The future for aviation Is assured The man who' acts In now can be an nrher Willvs or Ford by growing with this newest Industry. To purchasers of American-built Curtiss machines our Contract Department wiii turn over flying contracts for fairs, exhibitions and passenger routes. Several 3-day engagements recently brought in over $15oo. Let us tell you about the oppor ttiniries for the man who operates ai airplane. Phone Broadway 83. Or drop In at Lewis aud Clark field at 20th and Linnton road. O.. W. & I. AIRPLANE CO. Portland. Oregon. OWING to the recent death of my husband I am offering my garage uusiness 10 .ale. A weil-eo uipped shop ready commence operation at once. A fine trade already established, excellently located on road to Astoria, on Gales creek road, six miles northwest of Forest Grove Or. terms casn. jira. Alice ja.. Richardson (administrator.) FOR SALE A live going manufacturing company wltn pieniy 01 gooa oraers .head, rood nrofits: owner will guaran tee profits first Srear. Owner haa other that takes all of his time. Don answer unless you have $8000. D 047, Oregonian. DRUGGIST. Exceptional opportunity for a drug gist, country town, having no drugsture. few hundred dollars will handle it: if you desire more in life than a salary, call owner. Main 3439. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Partner wanted for half interest In a west side garage, net profits $300 month for each partner; books open to inspection- Room 401 Dekum bldg. $1650 CONFECTIONERY and soft drinks Wltn o. living luoiiia, $300 a month. A. J. DeFOREST CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. WILL BUILD. Have several east and west side ware house and garage locationa. Want re liable 'tenants. E. F. GRIFFITH. 401 Gerllnger Bldg. RESTAURANT. Dandy location, clean and neat, doing a good business; if sold at once, $49o. terms. Peters. 15 N. 5tn st. GARAGE FOR SALE. Concrete building: lease; sell gas. oils, tires, auto repairing and storage; net profits $600 month. Room 401 Dekum bldg. TWO-CHAIR barber shop in small town, taking in $120 week, rent $15, some terms. c j CARTER. Boi 444. Pe TMt Wash. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. H Interest for ale small mfj. plant. Reason for selUns;. cannot attend to my ranch. $1000 cash. A 903, Oregonian. A NICE little lunch and bakery buslnefn In a good suouro. an xor iuo. see Harry Peterson, Electric Hotel, Sell wood. CLEANING and presslnR estabUshment. good location, cheap rent, very reason able. 168 Tenth, near Morrison. HALF INTEREST in cleaning and press Ins parlor doing good business; 1 100 will handle Phone Main 5081 DANDY lnng established tailor chop for sale. 833 Yamhill st STORAGE space for rent by week or BiaUi TrsckA, ate. roadwagr BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MANUFACTURING ESTABLISH MENT. $1000 will buy half interest in a going business that guarantees good income and high salary. Books are open for inspection. This will stand investigation. CITY GARAGE. Brick building, space for hous ing 50 cars, fully equipped with all necessary machinery, including vulcanizing plant and wash trays, one of the best locations in tha city and all the business that four men can handle; lease at $75 per month. This la the best in Port land for $4500. RESTAURANT BARGAIN. One of the best locations In Portland, good lease at $150 per mouth. It is doing a business of $223 per day. This will bear in vestigation. GARAGE. On state highway, Tery cheap rent, doing a good business and can be Improved; about 30 miles from Portland. Price $2000, in cluding all stock. SOFT DRINK AND CARD ROOM. One of the finest in Portland, strictly up-to-date fountain and good card tables and lunch coun ter. This Is In center of business district. Price about $4500, at invoice. SMALL RESTAURANT. First-class location, rent $75 per month, well established, business of $75 per day. Price $1300. Caa live terms it necessary. F. RIEPDOy, RITTER. LOWE A CO. S01-3-5-T Board of Trada Bldg. WANTED 100 houses to be built In Reedsport. Oregon, for laborera in the Iactorles and mills. Ttts can be cured at prices from $200 to $500. and small 3 and 4-room houses can be sold on payments of $25 per month at a good profit. All kinds of lumher at hand, and everything done to encourage building. Town has grown from 200 to over 1OO0 in the last year. 3 large sawmills, plan ing mill, box factory. 8 machine shops, shinrle mill, fishery, cannery and many minor industries keep the town on the "row. It la backed up bv one of the best dairy and berry countries that can be found anywhere. A splendid cream ery furnishes a ready market for cream. Inq-jjre of Chapin Staples Investment Co. ATTENTION. BLACKSMITHS. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Well-equipped blacksmith shop at Al ea. Oregon. 27 miles west of Corvallis. on the coast road Good building, ftox 72. second story 24x60: machinery con sists of one one-horsepower gas engine that runs the blower for forge. Busx saw. scroll saw. band saw. Jointer, wood lathe, large emery stand, drill press, small emery grindstone. small wood lathe, also one six-horsepower gas en gine that runs a roller feed mil'.: I grind for the community: good school; only reason for selling, unable to handle. Price $5000. $3000 down, terms on bal ance. J. H. Dorsey. Alsea, Oregon. A SNAP. A-l equipped automobile repair shop In the live and growing city of Til'.a mook with a 3-year lease, last year's rent paid and storage room enough to pay all expenses; takes 2 mechanics to handle it; $2500 cash. For Information Write Box 184, Tillamook. Or. A SPLENDID opportunltv to log on the Umpqua. Smith and Schoefleld rivers; stumpage handy to water for $1.50 pr M. Ready sale for Iocs. Splendid chances to put in mills and lumbering lnaustrles. Same terminal rate tn Portland has, and boats come into the uarDor at rteeasport. Here is an oppor. tunity to get into a place on the ground floor. Inquire of Chapin Staples Invest ment 10., xteedsport, Oregon. GROCERIES, cigars and confectionery good clean stock and fixtures; cheap rent, fine living rooms with bath and gas; concrete building; good location end ot Errol Heights carllne. Only grocery In this district. Investigate this if you are looking for a good little clean cash business. Owner. Sellwood 32U7. FOR SALE First-class bakery in one of the best little towns in eastern Oregon doing a good lunch business, also no op position;, capacity 20.000 loaves bread monthly. The reason for selling thi place is the owner is not a bakery marl a good baker and wife could make 1 fortune here. Buy from the owner. AV 120, oregonian. PATENTS Write for free guide book anj evidence of conception blank; send mod. el or sketch and description of Invention lor our free opinion of its patentable na tlon. reasonable terms. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Hobart bldg.. San Fran cisco. Cal. Main offices, 642 Ninth at., Washington. D. C. MOVING PICTURE THEATER WANTED in one of the smaller cities of Ore.. Wash, or Idaho. Partnership in an al ready established theater, or chain of theaters considered by old experienced "movie" man. Can handle any part of the game except operating. Strictly cash proposition. Owners onlv. Address "Movie." P 577. Oregonian. TIE MILL. cap. 10.000. with 4 men in 8 hours. A-l running shape. 3-ton truck. Just set up and cut 225.000: standing timber right at mill: good ground to log oji: thorough Investigation invited. $4000 cash. 31 miles west of Fergu son. Or. Addresa Hughes Bros.. Junc tion City. Or. NEWSPAPER Old established Puget Sound weekly and Job shop; linotype and complete plant: only paper and print shop in town of 8500; $1000 down, bal ance easy terms. Address AV 155. Ore gonian. uOR SALE by owner, grocery and confec tionery doing a fine cash business: stock and fixtures about $5000. or will Invoice ft: clear from $200 to $230 a month. Come In and look it over. Owner has other business. Inquire AV 76. Orego nian. A HIGH-CLASS BUSINESS. Partner wanted for half interest In well-located auto accessory and tire bimmesa. nrofits are large: $1H.OOO re quired; books open to inspection and references exchanged. Call room 4ol Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Billboard plants at Hlllsboro and Forest Grove, rentals $110 per month: all space sold ahead. Take lit tie time to manage. Easy terms. KEL LEY ADV. CO., HSM First St., Portland, Oregon. HERE IT IS! Earn good living half your time; prosperous, progressive, outdoor advertising business. 1919 receipts $300; more in 1020; income starts day of pur chase. Apply A. L. Williams. Box 309, Baker. Or. INVESTIGATE Bargain: 4-store building. five-room cottage, barn, garden, paved streets, cement sidewalks; building fine condition, income $50 month: J..i0OO caih. By owner. J. Fulton, 209 North Main street, Newberg, or. PARTNER WANTED. LADY OR GENTLEMAN. for a fruit, aoft drink or lunch place: have good location in view; about $4o0 required. M 2bl, Oregonian. REPRESENTATIVE. mechanically In ciined. to handle tiregon. ifig money makers, smail capital required. Phone Tabor 7909 after 6 for appointment- AK 443, Oregonian. SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE! Restaurant doing good business, sell ing on account of sickness. Address 7u4 Washington et., Vancouver, Wash. TIRES, accessories and vulcanizing store, best location in city, for sale by owner; old established business, clearing big profits ; must devote my time to other business interests. V 574. Oregonian. CLEANING AND PRESSING ESTAB LISHMENT Good business and best lo cation iu town. FOR SALE AT ONCE Write A. J. BOORA, Lew is ton, Idaho. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for good business man with at least tiKK) cash to invest in manufacturing business. For further information wrlta M Ore gonian. OROCERY with living rooms: fine place for man and wife; will net 5400 month; reasonable rent; corner store; S'0t0 will handle; owner going east; high-class trade. E B04, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, grocery, good paying business. J:iOO0, trade for homestead re linquishment. 420 Henry Bldg. Broad - way 554W. DRUG STORE? IN BUSY COMMUNITY. ALL LIVE STOCK. IF INTERESTED CALL OWNER, TABOR 2S4. FOR SALE or trade for Ford, vulcanizing shop, been doing $.100 a month ; have two sflops und can't handle tnta oim. Broad w ft y 3'-73. FUR SALE Out-of-town plumbing and tin Fhop. fullv equipped, good business; price $ 2000. AV 162, Oregonian. Fr?t-ciass mod beauty shop, select clients; xor immiL ssjui av au. wreeotuaa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A NEWSPAPER BARGAIN. Because of age and an incurable lame ness of the editor, the Scio Tribune and Job office Is -for sale. The printing oiant alone cost 2S00 and Is in good condition, tonsists of a Hoe pony cylinder press, two Challenge Jobbers, gas engine. S im posing stones, paper cutter. Boj-ton stapler, about 50 fonts in all with boiiv type about 100O pounds, rules, borders. etc.. In abundance. Plant is doing $4000 to $5000 business yearly. Is worth Investigating. $2500. cash or acceptable '""' Auaress The Tribune. Sclu. Or. TO AN individual or groun of business mci. w have a genuine business opportunity. Our chain store idea is in operation on a proven paying basis. IT IS NOT a window bakery outfit, hut an article that eells for 100 to department stores, res taurants, wholesale and retail bakeries, tc- Our idea exercised, in our wav should on an investment of $5000 net you A profit of $15i0 monthly. In reply state Qualifications fully, better still, come to Chicago and make complete Investiga tion. Jarvla Corporation. 212 W. Austin, tallica go. I H AVFT valuable contracts covering the distribution of essential farm S3?'J!mnt and partner and $.)000 to $10,000 additional capital, about hilf cash, absolutely se cured. Profits safe and sure. An unusual opportunity for a live wire to interest himself in a- permanent . paying business. Address N 253. Oregonian. CREAMERY. $7000. TERMS. -Ily equipped to. mfg. butter. Ira TIf,tm- f.nd che: located In Puget i. "J. ' dairy country; manufactur i" Pounds of butter and 280 gaL. Pi.1" .cream a week; in town of 40oi, located on main street; building ami property worth price asked: ill health reason for selling. Snohomish Cream. cry Co.. bnohomlsh. Wash. BUSINESS SNAP. llrhi i'.1?4 "ock for sale invoice. ThV wfn k r,e"i confect!oneries. cigars. lo onn L ,nvetiBtlon: doing about iown a Prosperous small T-w iD.,C'Tr o' rich Yakima vallev. eo.n. "T4" 'J"1 raoldly developing f tr.y" Les ,han ' covers th.s: wUVn Addres. Box 146. Granger. WIE,Urrpr,5r with 500 cash to take iA f co"tro' " operation of fac i,.y.Jn Por'lnd: exclusive control for ?,".!.? . vears: manufacturing spe ""'""ally used: factory com pletely equipped: this proposition oroo--,!no andled Produce an Income of $-1)00 per month: best reasons: all an swers confidential. P 674. Oregonian. LUNf ECTIONERY UP-TO-DATE. On corner, all white enamel fixtures, good fresh stock; fixtures complete: close to large school and business cen ter, j living rooms, with furniture: all goes for $1300. with lease. RHUAHLB INVESTMENT CO. 305 OAK STREET GOOD established transfer and fuel busi- t 0"'.?er leaving, must sell; Income about $o. daiiy. This is a good going business and is worth your investigation, "ill give terms to good responsible man. "Xji!".. herln'r'rm',Uon s,;e Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Broadway 5i43. 410 Henry I!!dg AJ OPPORTUNITY SELDOM OFFERFD wsTJ-Mjyy xa dr 10 8torb.k; A,N I.K.'..r.INB NEIGHH. il- GONIAN ttOBlAtss. Y 043. ORE- LLo1B SHOW YOU A REAL BUY 11h confectionery, soft drinks and r!fttlnnflVre,,t 13' vlng rooms. ?J f f J. oms furniture Include, I. Can add light groceries. Harper. L-17 J. A. WIC (MAN CO. 264 Stark St. WELL established Portland manufacturing concern has for Immediate sale limited amount of preferred stock: dividend, payable semi-annually: this Is a gilt" edge proposition which will stand closest investigation. For further information write to postoffice box 687. 1-OR SALE Barber shop in best town between Seattle and Portland; two chairs and bath, white enamel, strictly modern UH to dte In every respecT; a ear rince for cash only. Come and see me. V..?,rl w'lcox. box 631, Kelso, Wuii. 3iio Second st. iT BCSINKSS $0000 CAN BUY 20 miles from Portland. Restaurant, bak ery confectionery and cafeteria; doing $.000 a month and up; a real money maker; don't miss this. Muet sell on account of other business Interests. No agents. Call Automatic 213-32. paying restaurant In the city: groBl monthly receipts $3500: very low rent; the right party can make the price of this back in two months; price $S0i half cash, bal. monthly. Gibson. 263 fetark. Marshall 12 A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man with $500 can buy equal naif Interest in concrete garage, 20 care steady storago. auto repairing, etc. Can clear $200 to $250 month for each part ner. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED Every man or woman looking for an opportunity to better their pres ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." Address THE PACIFIC vnmurnALiiu uullUE. Park and Yamhill. Portland, Or. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Owner of a garage needs a partner to ell the gas, oils, tires, etc.. as he la busy repairing autos and cant look after the front end. profits are good. Call room 4Q1 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Fully established mlUinery business in prosperous community, cen- irai x-rospecta very favorable for coming season. Particulars upon reques Address THE WOMAN'S SMART SHOP. Rexburg. Idaho. FOR SALE. Wholesale and retail candy atore tn Astoria. Or.: best location in town; good bargain for the right party. See proprie tor. Addresa 535 Commercial at.. Asto ria, Or. $1700 POOLHOOM, confectionery, aolt annas a.ij rent, 2-year lease, good location. some terma. Harper r-1 J. A. WICKMAN CO, 264 Stark St. PARTNER WANTED. Specialty machine shop and manufac turers agency; centrally located; no agents: $2000 one-half interest. O 670, Oregonian. GARAGE BUSINESS FOR SALE. WILL STAND INVESTIGATION; $2500 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST. SOMB TERMS IF DESIRED. TABOR 1398. MO AGENTS. GOOD location for bakery, butcher shop or specialty atore: modern store build ing in good population center; good in ducement to right parties. Johnson. 248 Stark st- A FINE CHANCE FOR A HUSTLER. SMALL COUNTRY BAKERY WITH FINB TRADE. OWNER MUST SELL, IMMEDIATELY. GOING EAST. WRITE MRS. F. TIDY, TIGARD. OR. OLD ESTABLISHED office business, clear ing $500 per month, center city, ground floor, will sell one-half interest $1500, money secured, no experience needed Pox AG 814. Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon blug. Broad way 1902. CLEAN stock of grocery and confection ery goods for sale. Liberal discount, large store In front, lylving room in back or upstairs; about $1100 takes thin. Dealers please do not answer. Tabor 33.s. FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIK SON" S WHITE SHIEuD MATERNITY HOME 798 K. 72d N. PHONE 312-79. FOR RENT Good location: could be used for any line of business: centrally locat ed: reasonable rent- 61 Third st. FOR SALE Photo studio, on account of ill - health. Must sell at once. All or part of outfit. 2S 30th st. SOFT DRINK, c:gar, candy atore, includ ing fixtures. Wlil sacnuce. 4300. Ill) FirBt et. ONE-TON Dodge truck for rent, $50 per month; first-class condition. Call Bdwy. 2T.92 after 5 P. M. TO LEASE Newly finished finest ground for location Astoria, Or. Add. Dr. Deiu 234 Morrison st.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Laundry and cleaning in tow., fully equipped, doing a good business $3000. V 534. Oregonian. FOR "ALE 3-chair barber shop, old-e tabllshed place, 2-year lease, rent rea eonable. C 234. Oregonian. FOR SALE Wholesale and retail leather business. New, clean stock. Good loca tion. $4500. T 2G7. Oregonian. FOR SALE Soft cigar and card and Union ave. drinks, tables. con fee tlon err. Cor. Fremont PRINTERS First-clasa operator-printer t will install Intertype In your officer for interest in same. H BSO. Oregonian. FURNITURE factory, fully equipped, in running order; small amount will handle it. H 672, Oregonian. 320 ACRES near Bend, Or., 40 acres clear; value $2700; want city property. 420 Henry Bidg. Broadway 5549. EXPERIENCED coffee man for confer ence, may be to mutual advantage. F. H. Piper, 722 N. XT. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Confectionery, fruit and cigar store, complete fountain and fixtures. $800. Owner. 20 Washington St. H INTEHEST in garage; snap: come and see me. S45 Alberta st. No agents. MUST ell first-class cUAt ot sickness. restaurant on 3 First au