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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
4 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 23, 1920 GOLFERS ADVISED mono BE LISTLESS Interest Necessary to Im prove Game, Says Ray. WORK OF PLAYERS TOLD Varclon Makes Record, Edgar Runs Remarkable Record and Kerri gan's Playing Is Good. By EDWARD RAY. (Copyright by The New York World, ruunnned by arrangement.) GREENWICH, Conn., July 24. (Special.) Harry Vardon was going well this afternoon in the match that we won from Jim Iiarnes and Tom Kerrigan over the Greenwich Country club course. He was very nearly at his best and as a result of his good play, the chief feature of which was accurate putting, we won the match by 4-up and 3 to play. But In the mornir.g match, when we were opposed to Kerrigan and Doug las Edgar, the Canadian open cham pion from Druid Hills, brilliant play by them both won the match by 3-up and 2 to play. Barnes arrived at the club too late for the morning match and that Is why Edgar substituted for him and why we played two 18-hole best-ball matches instead of an all-day match tor 36 holes. Vardon Makn Record. I was mightily pleased that Harry Tardon finished the course in the afternoon with a splendid 69. the low est score ever made over the Green wich course in competitive play, 1 understand. The play of Barnes today la not to compare to. his play during the Shaw nee tourney which he won last weelt. I went out with h'in the last round of the Shawnee tournament and he was turning out unbeatable golf. But he appeared to be sadly off today. In the article published yesterday morning I talked of "slicing day" and hooking day?.- Well, yesterday was one of iny "slicing days " I began slicing at tha beginning of the play and could not get out of it at all. I attribute it to the extreme heat. I could not prevent the shaft from slip ping in my fianis. I have never ex perienced sur:h terrific heat. It isn't like this in England. If it were I doubt if anybody would go out to play. Vardon and I play best ball matches by a system that is not our own, of course, for it is almost as old as golf. Yesterday Vardon played the game, working for steadiness and soundness In his play, 3aiisfied to make a hole in par, I played to faink my putt in less than par if possible. Thai is a good fame lo play in best ball matches, and by the use of that very game, Kerrigan, playing steadily, ind Edgar trying for and attaining bril liant shots, they deieated us. Edgar'ii S'Oiv Remarknblr, Douglas Edgir covered the course fcere today with the remarkable core of 71 strokes, which is one above par. Hd might have been one or two under par if two or three strokes had not been unfortunate. 1 am under the impression that one speaks of the "breaks of the game" over here. That expression may be clearly restricted to use in discus sions of your baseball, but 1 think well enough of it to apply It to the game of golf. There are breaks of the game in golf as there are in all games with which I am familiar. Perhaps as much depends on actual skill In golf as in any other sport, but still there are clays, matches, holes and strokes' when good fortune comes to one's assistance and about as often, 1 should say, ill fortune is a com plaint. On the latter occasions a golfer is likely to feel that he is off his game, which probably wouid be true enough, and yet be unable satisfac torily to explain it to himself. But when he is having unusually good re -milts the chances are he will be con vinced in his mind that he is playing his normal game. That is human, it is true, not only of the game of golf, but it is a good omen that such a condition does arise. A golfer going over the course in the lowest score he ever has made sets a new standard for himself and thereby gains a victory over the attitude that has spoiled many a promising golfer the attitude of utter satisfaction with a game that is neither good or bad, thoroughly self-satisfied because he is an average or a bit better than average player on his home links. Faults Are Sought. With a good score in his favor on past occasions, a golfer will look back to that at other times and if he dues not approximate it one time or an . other he is likely to begin to search himself for little faults that he feels that he might have fallen into. I trust you understand what I am trying to explain that a golfer must not become self-satisfied or' listless, that he must retain interest. If he does that, then he is ambitious and bl game will improve. Edgar made at least six attempts to steal holes, and in most of them he came so close that I could almost hear the gallery hold its breath. He finally ran down a putt from an extremely unlikely lie 20 yards away at the seventeenth hole which he won for the side with a' par four. He had had trouble at that hole and had just attempted an approach shot from a deep sand pit under the left edge of the green Tom Kerrigan was one of our op ponents and this time he really was on his game. Vardon said in his article after the Siwanoy match Sun day that Kerrigan is a good golfer. We have seen him since at Shawnee and at Greenwich today and we have no reason to change that opinion for I was heartily In accord with Vardon in it, other than to have it strengthened. Kerrigan Good Player. Kerrigan on Sunday was not drlv lng quite as well aa he can, but to day he was driving in great shape. .He was putting well. too. as his card shows. He got a birdie four at the thirteenth hole, which is 445 yards long. Three birdies were made here. Vardon and 1 getting .the others. Jim Barnes took up the burden in the afternoon that Edgar had borne so well through the morning. Kerri gan played even a better game In the afternoon than he did earlier. Vardon and I have been thrown into contact with this young' golfer more than with any other player since we came here. And we like his game. Whereas in the first match he was not quite pre cise in his putting, in the second it was almost deadly. His driving was better in the afternoon and he gener ally got to the green without an tin reasonable loss in spite of a stiff breeze and his slippery hands for they must have been slippery. -. The Greenwich is one of the best we have played over. The greens are particularly admirable. I like the whole layout and consider it well fit ted for a championship match or any other. We play Roger Lapham and F. L. Douglas tomorrow over the Apawamis club course In a 3S-hole match, morn Ing and afternoon rounds. The best ball cards: Morning Vardon and Ray. 5 3 4 S 5 4 4 4 3 37 34346444 4 38-73 Kerrigan-Edgar .3 3 4 6 4 4 4 4 3 33 34345344 4 34 69 Afternoon Kame Vardon and Ray. 4 3 4 6 3 4 4 6 S 36 83345354 8 33 69 Barnes-Kerrlean 43354454 4 36 34355444 3 36 71 WATER CARVES OCT CAMPCS Washington Field to Accommodate 50,000 to 75,000 People. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 24. Giant hydraulic streams are slowly carving out of the University of Washington campus here the site for a $600,000 stadium being built to stage the uni versity's athletic contests and the city's big outdoor meetings. Washington field, as the stadium has been named, will seat between 60.000 and 75.000 people when com pleted. The structure is being con structed in units. Work on the first unit, which will seat 10.000 people, will be rushed so a Stanford-Washington game sched uled for November 6, la-0, can be played in the stadium. New Mexico Golf Meet Sept. 4. ALBUQUERQUE,. N. M., July 24. New Mexico's 1920 golf championship will be decided at a tournament at Las Vegas September 4, 5 and 6. A new course is being laid out at Las Vegas for the tourney. About six clubs will send teams, to the Las Vegas meeting, it is expected. Among the points to be represented will be Clayton, Eaton, ftoswell, Dawson, Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Aberdeen to Play Today. ABERDEEN. Wash.. July 24. (Spe cial.) The Aberdeen baseball team will play a team from McKenna, Wash., at Electric park tomorrow. Chet Strayer, veteran of the major 1 leagues, will captain the local team. Harry Parker, crack Aberdeen catcher, will be in the game, as well as f red Gibske. pitcher. Art Koehler, Coast league player now pastiming with Portland, has been granted a commission as um pire in the local Intercity league, and will make his debut in this role in the game at Hllsboro today between the American Legion representatives of that place and the Portland Cendors. He is well liked by the local baseball fraternity and his appointment by Prexy Routledge met with instant ap proval by the semi-pros around bush ball headquarters in the Chamber of Commerce building yesterday. This game should be one of the best on today's card. The Cendors are perched half way up the percent age column, having won five and lost rive. The Hillsboro team has lost several close-score games and, with any kind of assistance from the breaks of the game may unset the dope and annex a win from Manager xnomas crew, riiilsboro has the best diamond in the Intercity loop and turns out record-breking crowds each Sunday. Catcher Mattson of the Guard team is one of the "headiest" men in the Rou-tledge-Simonsen circuit. He has worked in every game participated in by the guardsmen this year and Is always one of the shining marks. His adaptness with young pitchers and his hitting and base runing make him a valuable asset to the club. "Matty nas pastimea with several minor league clubs in the east. . "Pieface" Leonetti, southpaw twirl- er with the Arleta W. O. W. aggreg tlon. is the smallest twirler in the business hereabouts this year. Though small in stature, he more than makes up for this deficiency with his all around knowledge of baseball, as sev eral clubs In the A-A circuit will at test, much to their sorrow, Shortstop Matilla of the Honeyman Hardware team, who was given a try out with bacram-ento this season. Is going great guns in this loop. Hornby, Portland Ironworks shortpatcher, is another who is playing good ball in this position. Gurth Cole, Guard utility, is one of the best bunters seen in action around hero. In 12 trips to the plate he nas laid down eight neat little n field worries. Danny Shea. Prexy Routledge's pre mier Indicator man, will hold forth at the double-header at Seaside today between the Kirks and Astoria Cen tennials. Semi-Pro Gossip. FAMOUS SWIMMING TWIN TAKES UP SHELL RACING. 1 j i T t . 1 - 'x - f , - !' . Isws&V Tx x v , -i-t' " I I.-! 'Mi - t , T I T MISS KLEANOR SMITH. Miss Eleanor Smith is twin tster of Ruth Smith. The twins have won fame as swimmers and have established several records and are Red Cross lifeguards. But. not content with these laurels, they have taken up shell racing as members of tha Varuna Boat club at Uravesend bay. New York, I M LEAGUE PE11T RACE GROWS TIGHT Double Bill Is Slated Vaughn Park Today. for FIVE TEAMS BUNCHED Hesse-Martin to Meet Canecos In First Contest Arleta and Kendall Station to Play. Intercity Leajrae Standing. VV OIL Lost. PC. .SI10 .7.-.0 .5.16 .500 .JiOO .500 Honeyman Hardware .. 8 snerwood 9 Kirkpatricks -. 5 Multnomah Guards 6 Ceniiors 5 Portland Iron Works 5 Astoria 3 Hillsboro 4 Camas 3 A. A. League. 3 4 .374 .364 .333 .837 ,7.-i0 .700 .7O0 .571 .333 .-S6 .273 .SS0 .S.-.7 .70 .543 .500 .444 .800 .xoo .7 .607 .000 Crown Willamette Carmen Arleta W. O. W Hesse-Martin ...... ... .... . Kendall Station ........... Battle Ground Cook & Gill Ctncoi Columbia Park A City League. Olds. Wortman & King.... 8 Oaweico 6 Oreronians ............... 7 Capitol Hill 6 Sell wood Park . Council Crest 4 A-l City Leacoe. North Portland Essies.... 4 National Broom ......... 4 Gresham 2 Tlpard 2 Moose 0 Another double bill featuring teams of the class double A leagues of the Portland Baseball association is slated for the Vaughn-street ball grounds this afternoon. For the past two Sundays the race for the pennant in the two A circuit has been gradually tightening up until five teams are at present bunched in a neck-and-neck race for the leadership, with Crown-Willamette oat in front-by a small margin. In the firBt game at Vaughn street this afternoon. starting at 1:30 o'clock, the Hesse-Martin nine will take on the Cancos. with Arleta and Kendall staion, two other first-division teams, battling in the second encounter. Of the four teams engaging In the double-header today, the Cancos Is the only team that Is not close enough to the top of the ladder to be considered dangerous, but the pace at which the Can Moulders have been traveling lately does not speak well for the reception which the Hesse-Martin crew will receive this afternoon. Only last Sunday the Cancos trimmed .the Carmen, 13 to 5, and, considering the fact that the Iron Workers only defeated the Car Barn tossers 12 to 10, it would appear that Hesse-Martin and Cancos are nearly evenly matched, which should make a pretty contest out of the encounter this afternoon. Arleta Is capable of holding its own against any of the teams, but the same can also be said of the Kendall station outfit. With Crown-Willamette leading the league and the Carmen only one game behind, the clash between these two teams at Sellwood park tin afternon for the league leadership should be an interesting one. m Honeyman hardware continues to hold down the top position in the intercity circuit, despite the predic tions made early in the season that the Hardware team was only a flash and would go to pieces when it tangled with some of the stronger teams. To date the Sherwood nine seems to be the only combination that is able to take the number of the Hardware lads. , This afternoon Camas will be in vaded by the league leaders and, ac cording to all reports, the Paper Makers have been greatly strength ened in anticipation of the meeting. Larry Miller, the ace of the south paw twirlers, in the P. B. A., who was released by Manager Bradley of the Portland Iron Works team to Copyright. Underwood & Underwood. Camas, will be sent against Honey-! man. I Bill Heales and his Kirkpatrick stars have a double-header engage ment to fill with the Astoria Cen tennials this afternoon. The games will be played at Seaside and if the Kirks are fortunate enough to snare both games they will once more be riding up near the front in the in tercity loop. SEATTLE BOXIXG RULES SEW Revision Based' on Eastern Codes. Kidney Punch Barred. SEATTLE. Wash., July 24. Boxing bouts held here in the future will be conducted by a new set of rules com piled by the Seattle boxing commis- I sion, a city control board which is supervising the fistic game here. Many of the commission's rules have been taken from eastern ring codes. One order bars boxers from using the "kidney punch" and another pro hibits one fighter from meeting an other ten pounds heavier. One referee, the rules say, will not be allowed to officiate at one entire evening's show. There must be two referees and they must alternate in handling the bouts. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. MUST SELL AT ONCE. Furniture of Six Rooms. Consisting of 2 iron beds. 1 brass bed. maple dresser and rocker, oak dresser and chiffonier, 4 bedroom russ, 2 library tables. 2 leather seated rockers. Spanish leather couch, round dinlnir table and 4 leather seated chairs, all waxed golden oak; 4l BlKelow Bagrdad Wilton rugs, sewing machine, relrtgerator, "Wedge wood" combination gas range (nearly new. cost IIOO; all for 1475 cash. Call at 3:,0 East 43th st. ONE-THIRD Interest In one of the bent equipped garages on the east side, close in location; a No. 1 mechanic preferred toMake the shop end. draws $50 per week salary, or a business man to take the office end at a salary of 40 per week; you must have 14000. For full particulars address C 940, Oregonian HO-Mii STEAD RELINQUISHMENT SO acres, 2,5 miles from Portland, near Columbia Highway and school, some fine standing timber, living trout stream; 1)00; will consider house equity or vacant lot. Call Main 5420. Slettin. MODERN HOME. If you want a bargain direct from the owner look up this, a 6-room Rose City Park bungalow, strictly up-to-date, 4."00, terms; open for inspection Sunday 3:30 to 5:30 P. M. 747. E. 69th St. N. FOR SALE Furniture of a fully-equipped maternity nospltal. U beds with linen and all com-plete. living rooms, rugs, chairs, gas Btova, everything goes, owners leav ing city. 1022 Vernon Ave. Woodlawn 4 272. ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Six-room bungalow with sleeping porch; modern In every respect; In fine order. See it today. Built four years Terms. 455 East 30th st. near Sherman Phone Sellwood 3740. LEAKY roofs: we are stooninr the .! and painting the roof with the celebrated Wetifoot paint. Call today. Main oli44. Several hundred satisfied customers to offer as reference. Saves the roof. ROOMS and sleeping porch, garage fuil plumbing. Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, close to schoool, Roe City park car, 50x100 lot; quick possession; $2000, ti25cashw Tahor 4:107. WANTED To buy from ovnrr. 7 or 8 room house. 5f,xl00 lot or more, reason able, $200 down. In good locality: also 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms wanted to rent, C h:'.9. Oregonian. FOR SALE 4-room bungalow, one acre cultivated soil, fruit trees. chicken house, suburbs of Eugene. (1500. Ad dress Portland, Or., Box 202. or L 93s, Oregonian. STUTZ. 1920, 4-passenger. run 5000 miles, perfect condition, two new errd tires and two extra wire wheels, will take chaper car In on trade, need money, deal with owner. L 937. Oregonian. YOUNG lady for general office work, munt have knowledge of bookkeeping and typing; win consider beginner if accurate; state age. references and phone number. P 906. Oregonian. .FURNISHED IN HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. rooms, house for rent, furniture for sale, desirable location. Call Mon- oayor later. 3 College st. Main 3154. WILL give t, per day to party who has " lo invest and an Interest In a reliable business that will net $2000 In 0 days. c. B. Williams. 030 j. Stark. East 704. - WANTED First-class plasterers for out or-town work, $10 per day. 8 hours; transportation furnished. For particu- is. ipiy o i 'i ureKon oiag. WANTED By last week In August, small furnished flat or bungalow in vicinity of Franklin high school; will lease. J mn. uregouian. DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. Strictly modern west side apartment; bath, phone: gentleman. Carmelite apes. Aiarsnau ioo. COMPETENT Japanese lady would like snort hours with dressmaker to learn cutting, tor service. 468 Washington st. Fu j I Co. B-ROOM modern house. 50xlO0 lot. with room at back for garage, northwest cor ner 4itn and Hawthorne. Call Main JiFO. FUR SALE 191S. 6-cy Under Stmiebaker car, in good, condition; $700. 201 Fre- W ANTED Experienced auto washer. Call at ot Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash Phone 4Q8 between 10 and 1 Sunday. AM MOTORING to California. 1-eave on a ay, nave room ror two parnger. r-none Air, Lavv orneims Motel. FOR SALE 1 spotiLffht, new, reasonable. t nauiauqua cnari, set Collier s ency elopedia. I doll cart. Sell. 804. GIRL-ri wanted for musical corned v. road show, experience unnecessary. Call 7ul Alters oiaf., toaay. BY OWXKR. a Dodge tourinr car that don t need overhauling. Between 10 and iz- Main uj. RO'JMS with housekeeping privilege at Rochlfs Cottaga, Long Beach. Inquire WANTED By young woman with 14 months oia Da by, position as house keeper, f hone Main 1'204. 'THE MALLEABLE STEEL" range, holes, g-ood condition, at a bargain. T York, bet. 2:jd and 24th. TOXTNO MAN wants room with board in private ramuy. near Thurman ana 21 si at. u t-regoman. IjAui, froina- eaai:, win act as traveling companion, ennaren or invaua. zor ex penaea. xzj &a. oregonian. 1 ROOM, basement, with kitchenette, liRht, airy, clean, furnished. Bdwy Ail 4 1. FOR SALE One tent. 35x30. and one fly Kooa an new. tor saie cheap. In furnished two-room apartment, runt reasonable, adults. 547 Morrison street. WA.nt painting and carpenter work in exenange tor a en Lai work. L U40, Ore LOST A boys green and white bathin suit, near Mllwaukie and Powell et. rnone Eseiiwooa i3o Reward. WANTED By Seventh Day Adventis Sir I. general housework; no laundry nignu. rnone wa wy. CI RL for general housework. N. 2'2d. Marshall 3(77. Apply 111 VULCANIZING outfit Marshall 8848. for sale. ETHEL McCOY, chiropodist. 09 Buchana Mil a;.. Wash, bet. 4th and 6th. Main 5O70. WANTED Furnished bungalow,' beat care taken. Call 548 E. 34th. Will lease. WANT llpht auto, part lot In exchange. Y 6G7, cash and Orejonlan. 5-ROOM furnished flat, west side. TBI Hoyt. modern, piano. DODGE A-l condition, all new tire. $673. Union Ave East 1&49. FORD delivery, panel bod v. 33 cah. 1054 Macadam St. Main 382S. WANTED White Roadster. Inquire write. 483 Union Ave. North. COUPLE may H. K., modern private home Trvington. East T60. PRESSRRS at U. S. Cleaners; must be experienced; steady position. NICE, clean H. K. room, walking distance. 153 N. Iftth. WANTED Ladies' slightly worn clothes. Circle Exchange. 415 Fleldner bldg. 2 ROOMS, clean, steam heated, furnished apartments. $27.30. Main 8105. WANT management of apt. or rooming house. Apt. 27, Mars-hall 2883. , FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO I,1YRZ. UAASUAU Ui. MEETING NOTICES. 1 KIRKPATRICK COUNCIL NO. 7. SECURITY BEN EFIT ASSN., will meet In I regular closed session In i tneir council cnamoers at 8 o'clock Friday evening at the SwlM hall. Third and Jefferson st. Every mem. br should endeavor to be Dresent on this occasion and bring- In a new member. Don't forget, gents entertain the ladies with refresh ments. Every member of the order wel come. PAXCB FOR T11E PUBLIC TUESDAY NIliHT. Anchor Council No. 746, Security Benefit Associa tion, will give their big dance Tuesday night. July 27, W, O. W. hall, 128 11th st. Comex and bring your inenaa; a goon time lor everyone. Good music, large floor com mittee. Admission 35 cents. ONEONTA TRIBE. NO. 2. IMP'D. O. R. M. Mem bers will assemble at X. O. O. F. hall. Vancouver, to morrow (Monday) evening, at 7 o'clock, to participate in parade, to be followed by degree work and open meeting, to be addressed by Great Incohonee Kogers. Bring your fami lies and friends. Dancing at 0:30 o'clock. L. B. SMITH, C. of R. B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 14? Members are requested to meet at the chapel of Fin ley & Son. 10 o'clock Monday morning. July 26. to conduct the funeral services of our late brother. D. J. Mc Kensie. member of Salem 2Zl&- "brothers Invited to attend. REGULAR meetlne et Industry Lodge No. a. A. O. TJ. W..8d floor. Pythian bldg. (formerly Masonte Temple). West Park ana Yamhill. Monday night, a e'clock. Buffet lunch. W. J. ALLIEN. Recorder. ALBERT PIKE LODGE No. 162. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication Sunday, July 25. at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of conducting funeral services over iht re- remains of our late brother W S. Bar bour, member of Milford lodge No. 54 A. . nd, ' of M"ford, Ohio. Funeral at Portland Crematorium. East 14th st. and Bybee ave. at 2 P. M. Please bring autos. By order of tha W. M. GEO. W. COOK. Sec. GL'L-REAZEB GROTTO NO. 65 Regular meeting at S P. M. Monday. July 2H. In Pythian building. 3S8 Yam hill street, important busi ness matters to consider, followed by a "live" smok er. Wear your fez and "Grotto smile." Leave your hat at home. Visiting proph ets welcome. By order of the monarch. J. H. BUTLER, Secretary. WASHINGTON COMMAN DER Y NO. 13. K. T. A stated conclave will be held - Tuesday evening, July 27, at East eth and Burnside sts. All sojourning Sir Knights cwrdlally lo tted. Business of Importance. . r. CISUAN, necoraer. MYRTLE CHAPTER NO. 15. Social Club. O. E. S., will give a dancing party on the boat Swan Tuesday night, August 3. i'or particulars phone E. 1164. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN ykoikn. will entertain members ana rlends with a dance and least or water melon. Wednesday evening, July 2S, at 409 Alder street. No admission will be chnnrri. On Sunday. August 13, excur- in n fhe flluliird. picnic in the woods bathing, races and other sports. i icseis on km l, alter luesoay iiiuiiimis Alisky building. Y ETTA hAiftr-a, cor respondent. Phone Main 6356. RT AG SMOKER. Over-the-Top Post No. bl. Veterans of Porelgn Wars, will stace one of their free mnUar-a at their flllttllUt. IN O. OIO COUri hn nest Mondav evening. July -u. All veterans Invited. Comrades, come and bring a gold sniper with you ana snow him a good time. J. S. Hyatt. Adj. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new oesisua. jdcfiri . " . " ... FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. class pins and medals. 310 Washington St. FUNERAL TCOTICE. TJERNLUND July 1020. at the fam ily residence. Cilenn ave. Is.. Kv Axel Tjernlund. aced year, beloved liusband of Sts rid Tjernlund. father of M -. Louie Marie Hallgren and Miss Ji.-Ien Ingeboru Tjernlund. Mrs. Lisa Peitrson. Wollne, Illinois; Hugo Tjern lund. . Denver, Colo. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday, July 2 1. M.. from the First Swedish Baptist church, corner l.Mh and Hoyt sts. Friends ir vited. I nterment a t Rose City rem c lery. Remains at Pearson undertaking parlor, Russell st. at Union ave., until 10 A. M. Monday. KINNEY At the Portland satitarium July 23, Jacob Kinney, aged 70 years 11 months and 29 days. Husband of Annie Kinney of 905 Thurman street, father of r. w. Kinney, K. Kinney, w. c. Kinney and Jacob Kinney, all of this city. Re mains are at the residential funeral home of Downing & McNemar, East Sev enth and Multnomah streets, where fu neral services will take place Monday, July 2ft. at 2 P. M. Deceased was i member of Rose City Camp. M. W. A Members and friends invited to attend service. SMITH In this city. Thursday. July 22. Warren A. Smith, aged 88 years. Late of lt8 West Kilpatnck street. Beloved husband of Mrs. Louise Smith, father of Warren E. of Jackson, Mich.. Mrs. C. M Barret of Saginaw. Mich., and Mrs. Y. B, Datson of Portland. Friends Invited attend funeral services at the chapel of Chambers company. IMS and 2o0 Killinics- worth avenue, today, Sunday, at 9: 45 A. M. Incineration at Portland Creraa torlum. MeKENZIB At the family residence. 260 E. 44th st.. July 23. David J. McKensie. aged 30 years, h unhand of Ora C. Mc Kenzle. father of Clarence D. McKenzie, brother of Mrs. Eliza Cilahn of Petalu ma. Cal.. and Ueorxe McKensie of Santa Cruz. Cal The funeral services will be held Monday. July 2fi. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Flnley a, MontKomerv at 5th, Friends invited. Interment River view cemetery. HOLSMAN At the residence. Hov st.. July 23. 1920. Cells H. Holsman a red 37 years, beloved wife of I sad ore Holsman. mother of Alter Holsman. and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Haines Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors. 3d and Salmon sts.. at 3 P. M. today (Sun day). July 26. 1120. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. Fan Francisco, Cal and Salem. Or., papers pi ease copy. FRENCH At Monte Crlsto. WTash.. July 1. Henry A. French, aa-ed 70 years, lati of Belrose Park. Or., father of Llovd H. French, brother t oeorre. Robert. Arthur, Jmma and Maria French. Th funeral services will be held Mondav July 26. at 2 o'clock P. M .. at the Mt. Scott crematorium. Krtends invited. Th remains arp at Finley'a. Montgomery at oin. HITE: At the residence. 814 Umatilla ave. July 23. 1120. Lucy M. Hite? aired 58 years, beloved mother of Rov Orvfll Hite. Friends invited to attend th funeral services at Sellwood Presbvteria church, .East loth ana booHane sts.. 2 P. M. tomorrow (Monday. July 26, 1020. Remains at Holman funeral t lurs. 3d and Salmon eta. Interxnen Mtlwaukle cemetery. WtNDKLER At the reridence. 632 Sout avenue, July 24. Louise Windeler, ase 67 years, beloved wife of William Win deler, mother of Edward Windeler of this -itv and Mrs. Mattie Rickett Tacoma, Wash. Funeral services will be held Monday, July 2, at 2 P. M. at trv chanel of Portland crematorium. Ar rangements in care of Miller & Tracey, GELLERT In this ety. July 23. 1920, Marv Ueiiert. a sea years. Deiovea i mother of Dr. J. M. Gellert. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors. 3d and Salmon stsi.. at 10:30 A. M. today (Sun day). July 2.Y 192a Interment Beth Israel cemetery. BARBOUR The funeral services ef the late Wa viand Sutton Barbour will be held today (Sunday). July 25. at 3 o'clock P. M.. at the Portland crema torium chapel. 14th and Bvbee sts. Friends invited. J. P. Finley & Son. directors. WILTON At Seaside. Or., July 23. Char lotte C Wilton. aed 75 years, wire of W H. WIRun. The funeral services will be held Tuesday. July 27. at 2:30 -o'clock P. M.. at Finley'a. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. ALEX At St. Vinctnt hospital. Gust Alex, aged 55 years. Funeral service will be held at the Greek orthodox church Mon day at 2:e P. M Friends invite. Re mains at I. L. Lerch undertaking par lots. East 11th and Hawthorne. OSHEN At Castle Rock, Wash., July 22, Philip Oshen, ajre 35 years, beloved hus band of Natalia Oshen. Funeral serv ices will be held Monday, July 26, at 1 P. M. at the residence, 272 Beaker t. South. Interment Riverview cemetery. ANDERSON July 24. Andrew Anderson, aged 4 years. Funeral will be held from McEntee & EUers parlors. 16th and Kverett streets, Monday, July lit, at 2 . &L Friends iuvilvd. i Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095. House 29. ACCOrSTASTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems opened, main tained: income tax service; references. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Main 7443. ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring. Perfect fitting; work guar. I. Reubin. 40S Bush A Lane bldg. ASSAYEKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. AUTOS FOR HIKE. AUTOS FOR HIRE. 1918 Plerce-Arrow by hour, day or month: long trips a specialty. Jock Houston. Broadway 334. Main 7339. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam showers, plunges, tubs. Necessaries furnished. Rubdowns and massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W. cor. 4th and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 3187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. HARLAN & CLARK. Contractors and Builders. Jobbing, repair work T4nd reshingllng. H. C. Clark, painting contractor, shop fi'2 E. Morrison St. Phone East 8675. PADDCUTCO GENERAL. CONTRACT bAarttflLn ing. Jobbing. Tabor 9049. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag ruga all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. 64-SH Union N. E. 0516. E. 7655. B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF OR RAO RIT.S. WOVEN ALL PIZES. . WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. rrT UlJpT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot CI alUn I specialist: corns, bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetlsnd building. 5th and Washington. Main 1M. DR. O. O. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant : all mal formations of the foot scientifically ror rcted. Suite 512 Morgan bldg.Main 8764. CHfROPOniSTS ARCH specialists. WILLIAM. Kstelle and Florello De Veney. the only scientific chiropodista and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger. llna-er bids:., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1X01. CHIROPODIST. DR. B. LOUIS K COX. chtronodirt. 10 A. M. P. M. 438 Morxan bids. Main 4498. to CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMnhon. 10O Chlroprac- tnr. Throngs pronounce treatment beat CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor ari. COLLECTIONS. NFTH ft CO., Worcester bids. Main 17WV No collections, no charjre. Estab. 1000. DENTISTRY. DENTISTRY DR. A. W. KEENE, 3m WashiTurton nt Without 1-ate nerve-niocking method. DANCING. AM a fir.t-class oriental dancer with rood warnrnn; am realy all times to dance for clubs, smokers. Indices and private entertainments; alw jrive I ergons In ori ental oancinr. fall Miss Grace A room 408 Willard Hotel, between . 2-4 ana BERKELEY danclna- academy: orlvat lew. Bona; nay-evfmng; lacst steps. Jazz steps Taugni dt oesr professional tearhe-s. Mr. Mrs. Summers. 129 4th. Main 3318, MRS. BAYH, 209 Dekum bldr. Private lessons day and evening. Main 1345. IKG AND CAT HOSPITAL ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. t5 Fast 7th. cor Grant. East 1847 and iogs and horses clipped. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 34 N. First. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair- , lng a specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1045, A 104. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLAS ELKCTR1C WORKS. Phone 527-7. iU'n 1st st M. 871 VH0LESALERS AND ENGINEER,- AM MILL SUPPI.1KS. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-80-7-tS Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THAN HA USER HAT CO.. S.t-o5 Kront St. PAINTS. OILS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. RAjSMUSSSKN & CO.. Second and Taylor. .DIED. RANON Tn this city, July 2S, Sarah Ha non, age A8 years, beloved wife of Will lam F. Hanon, mother of Mrs. E. W. Saxl of Lewlstown, Mont.: Mrs. T. P. Haller of Astoria. Or. Notice of funeral later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. FINK At Hemit. Cal., July 20, 1920. Earl Fink, son of Captain and Mrs. L. F. Fink, brother of I -a-re nee and Ralph of Hem et. Cal.; grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Haworth of 4612 70th St. S. E., Port land; also Mrs. Berreth of Leuta, or. Interment at Hemet. Cal. SAI2 At Los Angeles. Fl-lday, July 23. Ferdinand Sais. beloved father of Cllve M. Saiz. 1S54 Kast lilh St., city. Funerai likely will be held in Los Angeles Mon day. . ITNtKAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & AlcEntee RXEsAL DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral borne. Morrlsoa at 13th. west side Phone Broadway 4o0. Automatic 54.1-oS The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Kote We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Srvie for Lesm. Independent Funeral Diretow. Washington Street Between 20iix aatl Hi. Streets, West Side. L.ady Asi udl Main 269L. Auto. 578-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlor with alt th privacy of a home 16th and Kverett Sts. Phone Broadway 2133 Automatic 521-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON rUN'ERlI, DIRECTORS. Main 9 Montgomery at irirtn. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and amo equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Rota, MultnomaQ at fcaat 7th. Eat 54. Irvjngton district rt t T TT,Tf'TJ E- Eleventh and Clay IT. Li. LiI-.Xl.V- XI East 7SI. Tabor loo A. D. KEN WORTH! A CO.. K802- 9'Jd St.. Lents. Tabor 5J67. T7TJTf'CJvr Twelfth and Morrison Sts IliXVlV-OVjiN Broadway 2534. A. R. ZELLER CO. 5a3 Williams ave. East 1088 C 1088 BREEZE & SNOOKT1.041L58BeBmi05I4t SKE7WES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. AL IA2, A S3L Lady assistant. HEMSTITCHING. T. & D. HEMSTITCHING shop: superior work, prompt service. Room 618 Oregoa Eilers Uidg., 2o7 Washington st. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boiler makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fice and works, Hawthorne ave. and East Third st. MCS1C. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music 2d flcor Russell bldg. Cover the "Lion "). entrance looVs 4th st.. cor, of Morrison. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. V-t-J I solicit your patronage on the jCNJJ basis of capable service. Thou-as- sands of satlsLied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist,2UU Morrison. M. 2124. -jsrir E YES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ."SH ED with modern instruments. ' sna classes fitted, $2.50 up. A. ... HUKW1T2, optometrist. 225 1st st. UUUkU RUBEN STEIN, the veteran op tician. Is an expert eye fitter, and his charges are very, reasonable; satislaotion guaranteed. 226 Morrison St., near 2d. PATENTS fAIE.VTd Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. ifuomei nee Ubot referei-ves. best results; prompt lies assured. Warren K. Coleman, fat tn. Uvyrr, 624 F at.. WasiUnKt"''. C. FAINTING. STEKPLK JACK. Get your fiag poles painted. McAdams, t o4. tlrcgonmn. U D. PA1NTINU, DECOKAT1.NU, bUj.Nfa. I.AL- CIMINIKO; UclaL V URK. 1AHUK -no. PAINTING ANU PAPKKttANGlNG. PAINTING, paperhanging- John c. ton- llsk, ISA lotn hi. ri. urpimw.y PAINTING. PAPERING AND TINTING. iAi.S' pupering and tiuting; gooa work, reusonaoie. baai imu. PATEN TATTORNKV S. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4U years. All communi cations strictly confidential; irompl. el ficlent, conscientious service; handbook tree on request. iiUN.N & CO.. palent attorneys, San Francisco office. Holiarl bldg. S!:i Market- el; Chicaso omce, room Slo Tower bldg. ; 'Wasuiiigton of fice, room lOd. Jo f st.; Ihow i'ork omce, woo'.worth tVig. K. C. WRIUUT years experience c. a. and foreign patents, ml ueKuni mut. PHYSICLANS. DR. R. A, PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg.. rheumatism, slouiacn. Dol, luns. nver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, biood preasure, enlarged tonsils, moies, blrtli marks. PLUMBING. PLUMBINO work done at rea&onalii prices. Phone tellwooa PLUMBING SIPPLIKS, boilers. o0, log King. 40. 10 gal. Low price. Main lt4. PLUMBINO SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. tark-Uavis to., laa sin. J"'.. PLUMBING Hupplies at aholesale prices. - A. L. Howard. UjO 3d st PRINTING. WE BUY chn?e and sell used printing ma- ry and equipment. Inc., 2l'T id it J. I. Caldwell nniiiTinr f V. B ALT KS ii COMPANY, rniilllPiJ'irM and Oak. Mam 165 11-6... 'UBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. UlCTATloN to machine i pule and evening work 550. t specialty: out so.icileu. Main SKCOND-HANI STORKS. LiiVlN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. FRONT ST. We buy and cell everything In the hardware and lurniture line. Phona Main 0i2. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 01 v Dekum bldg. U. foreinn trademark?. T KA NSKKR AND hTORAGK. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH V . oKNiHA- sx A V -'-. PHONt 80WY. 33C9 OREGO.V TRAXf"SR C- . ' -i- sa -... corner 13th. Phcr.e BroaJay 1-1 er X 1 tin. We own and oe-;e srxe cIhss "A" w.rfhousM on irrn-.m. trs-. lowest insurance rates in the c.ty. PACKING. MOVING. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. lOi PARK ST. Mi STORAiiS. at TKAXSfIR itn S19X A loiL MANUFACTURERS HIDKS. WOOL AND CASC.ARA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 1H5 Front st. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND TIPK. THE M. 1. KI.1XE 'Q.. 84-g6-S7-8i Front. PROIUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING it FARRELL. HO Front it. SASH. POORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. KOPK AND BIN DFR TW1NK. Portland Cordaire Co.. 14th nd Northmp. FLORISTS. 328 MorrisonSt. . rwl thtol Ms TAT ,'&X?348 MorrisonSt. stows - ' BeiBrdwytPark Mar 257 Charge Accounts Solicited. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We special ise in funeral desjKn. 141H Sixth, op posite MARTIN & FORBES CO. Tlorlsts. Flowers 3 r.4 for Wa?hf njrton. ali occatona arranged. Main 2S. artistically CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison iL Main TTOu. Fine flowers and floral da- siftns. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. SS7 Washington St., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102, A 1101. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Sff Fourth M., Opp. City Hall. Neu Bros. BE BLAtvSING GRANITE CO. THIRD AT MADISON BTfg ET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 trom S A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charpre of the city ftound at its home, 535 Columbia bou evard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dosrs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared tor. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc. picked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. E.tlitlTORS An ADMINIS TRATORS Will P-lsid Our Tbrlee-Kecored ' KAHM MORiGAliliS Exreptiosal Invest mests for (rani funds- .t Ji foreclosure la twen ty years. FEAR & Lit A V, Phone Ma-in 3o. 10i Foarlh St. Geo. Milan Smith BIS1NK5S AXT IVDISTRIAL PROPERTIES. HK.NRY BULDIVC. $10,500 OOxlOO Corner Lot. 1.1th and I-'landers Sts. Phone Auto. 21S-29. NEW TODAT. AUCTION SALES AT WILSON'S . AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 SECOND STRKLT (Near Morrison MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRI DAY AT 10 A. M. AT EACH OF Ol'R S A l K S THIS WEKK YOU WILL FIU A C;Ol AS SO RTMKNT OK 4.EVKKAI. HOLSfcJ llllMSHIM.S, 1MLIDIXU FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, DISHES, UTENSILS, ETC. FOR POSITIVE SALE TO THE HIGH EST BIDDER PRIYATE SALE DEPARTMENT FIYE FLOORS OF HIGH-CLASS GOODS STRICTLY UP TO DATE AND EQUAL TO NEW COME IV AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. look through our line. If you find anything to suit you the PKICE WILL BfcJ AHttl'T ONK-HAI.K what you would PAY FUR NEW GOODS. All STOods SOLI) AT l'HIVATU S LE fully C.IARANTEEU and 1EH EUEU I ltfc.1 AT E ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. AT .V E. 3STU ST. NORTH. FURNISHINGS OF SEVEN -ROOM PRIVATE HOME Incllldire T.GORGR STUCK" UP RIGHT PIANO ill mahoiranv case in fine condition. MAHOGANY HOt KKRS and (HtlHS, center tabi". couches, Morris chair. Library table, elec tric readintr lamp, H1KDSRV E MAPLE LAHY'S DUSK, good I2 AXMIN STEIt RIGS, lace curtains, pictures. Ill I'KKT, EXTENSION TABLE and LEA'! IIER-SEAT IIIMNG I HAIRS in arolden oak. dishes, glassware and cookir.R- uterFil.x. BLACK. WALNUT AMI OAK HEUROOM SI ITES, 'VI IM.E1E WITH M'KIX.S AMI M A T TMESSESi IKON REIS. WHITE EN AMEL DRESSERS. EYC.i the tlsutl LAI MIHV IIITUT, LAWN HOSE. MOWER, garden tools and other el lects. IHeaumont car to Knott sl) J. IV WILSON, AUCTIONEER. AT E AT 354 KHEMONT ST. Nw I ninn Ave.) ON FRIDAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. FURNISHINGS OF PRIVATE HOME IN FINE CONDITION COMPRISING GENUINE LEATHER COUCH. MORRIS CHAIR, library a.r.d center tables, leather-teat rockers, books, pictures, lace curtains. EX TENSION TABLE. SIDEBOARD and dmire; chairs. HALL THEE, hall seat ar-i rrxrror. brass and IKON beds. MEKL P R N ti S. M ATT HESSES. DHKwKK a.r.'i ( HHTIIMKHS, MHITE ENAMELED kIKHKV :.AB MT. ar i c-..irs. DISHES and CM"-IN. ITENSILs. laundry eqirip-ri-3 t ". f.r.d other miscel-at--:.i tt. SALE FRIDAY, THE JrtTH. AT S P. M. J. T. YAILSON. AUCTIONEER. t w P7 Cak for Used Kurnlture, Etc. -nsia lto. MONEY To Loan on Improved Real Estate TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building FOR RENT FIRST FLOOR, 25x100 and BASEMENT 25x90 CONCRETE FIREPROOF BUILDING NEW Ready Sept 1 For Lease, Apply 440 GLISAN ST, COR. 11TH WE CALL FOR YOt'R OLD CARPETS. Rasa ssd Woolcu Clothing:. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly R( Ron Woven All Slaea Mall Orders. Send far Booklet. Carpeta Cleaned. Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RIG CO. IKS Knnt 8th St. Phone Uttut 3U. BOOKS ALL OCT. OF PRINT BOOKS PLIKO. sir. We can g-et any book, published. Call and see our immense stock of old and new books. Hyland's Bookstore 204 FOt'RTH ST. Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. Mortgage Loans Lowfit intcrrst rmtest Installment re- pajmf dU If desired. Bui Id in k loams made. IV delar In cloaing:. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Morth western Bank Bulldlns. Marshall 4114. Wanted, Weavers j For day and niffht work on high grade flannels and blankets. Eureka Woolen Mills Knreka. California. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS TJaltea State. Hank Bulldlasr. FUR MORTGAGE LOANS 0e. Oregon Investment & MortKari Ccs i'H Cbaoiber o Cuoitaerc