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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
THE - SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JULY- 18, 1920 3 E" tr5 Summer . Fur Storage A service maintainedfor the benefit of our clientele, where you may store your furs and other ine garments at very moderate rates. They will be cared for by skilled furriers and will be returned in a better condition than when they were left in our care. , "SSSBSSSSSSSmBsssMBSBSsJ ; tf s , - 2. r r , - i r J r r W5 ;NeX; -v r . V-'wx ' ' J I . ' ill HIS 'i v- : .i-rf - .--t' A . fornix, - I.' 3 1 " J r ijfirf4ttT rlage a week agro of Mrs. Mildred Grlndstaff Howard and Captain George Sheppard Clarke. The Bervlce was solemnized in First Presbyterian church in the presence of the immedi ate families and a supper was served at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. L. D. Grlndstaff. The bride is an attractive young; matron with a wide circle of friends and the bride groom is a member of an old family. Captain and Mrs. Clarke will live at Camp Lewis for the present. Mrs. George Andrew Nichols and her daughter, Mrs. Clarence R. Hard eastlie, entertained on Tuesday after noon at a tea for about SO of their friends. The home on Dunckley ave nue was decorated in gay flowers. Mrs. Homer D. Angell and Mrs. Leonard Johnson presided and were assisted by the Misses Louise and Katherine Corbln. a v Many smart gatherings are being planned for the pleasure of Mrs. John Proctor, who is here In Portland as the guest of her mother and sister. Mrs. G. D. Stackpole and Miss Flor ence Stackpole. Mrs. Proctor's three children are with her. As Marion Stackpole. Mrs. Proctor was. one of Portland's society girls. Friends of General Hunter Liggett !n society and in the army set will be interested to know that hiB friends in San Francisco have presented him and Mrs. Liggett with a residence at 1807 Broadway, San Francisco. Gen eral Liggett has been residing at the commandant residence at Fort Mason for some time and will retire soon. He has several friends here and has Visited in Portland. Mrs. Isam White and Miss Edith Nanz, who have been away from Portland since January, have re turned from an interesting tour of the orient. Mrs. Edward H. Brooke, who has been away from Portland for a long time. Is being welcomed here. She is the guest of Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis, Miss Genevieve Brooke, her daugh ter, is with her and is being cordially welcomed by her many friends. Mrs. Frank V. DuMond and three children are guests of Mrs. Henry E. Jones. Miss Marrruerlte Bergh and Ray mond Edward Nicholson were married on Wednesday at Trinity Episcopal church. The service was read by Dr. A. A. Morrison at 5 P. M. in the pres ence of the relatives and a few close friends. The bride's gown was of Ivory satin with a train and long veil. A coronet of orange blossoms encir cled her head and the veil depended In graceful folds. J. C. Hume of Rose-burg, an uncle of the bride, gave her in marriage. Ed ward Vannette of Hood River was best man. The maid of honor. Miss Gretchen Colton, was attired In blue tulle over white and her hat was a be coming model of georgette. Miss Sue Eastman and Mrss Elsie Walker. In sink organdie, were bridesmaids. After the wedding there was a sup per at the home of Mrs. M. L. Bergh, mother of the bride. Roses and del phinium, arranged gracefully, carried out the color scheme of blue and pink. Presiding at the table were Mrs. F. F. Eastman and Mrs. H. G. Colton. The young couple left later for their wed ding trip. They will reside in Hood River, where the bridegroom has busi ness interests. Mrs. Folger Johnson was hostess recently at an Informal luncheon for her mother, Mrs. Clara Waldo, who is a visitor here for a short time. Mrs. Herbert Garr Reed was hostess at tea early in the week honoring Miss Florence Holmes and Miss Aileen wrong, wno, wun Mrs. wuuam a. Streeter, left on Wednesday for a trip nn a a I. Mica Hftlmoi of a lunch. eon and Mrs. A. Goodall gave a din ner in her honor, asking a few of the college set tor me occasion. Dr. and Mrs. William F. Fleblg will entertain as their house guest Miss Grace Mitchell of England, who is a representative of the Unitarian Women's Alliance of Great Britain. On Wednesday, July 28, at 3 o'clock the women of the Unitarian church will honor Miss Mitchell with a tea at ' Mrs. Fiebig's home, 1042 Hassalo, in Laurelhurst, and all of the women of the church are Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Haines and their small son, Robert Whlttaker, of Chicago are guests of Mrjs. Haines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. C. Whit taker, at Alexandra court. Dr. and Mrs. William Fredrick Fle blg entertained at an informal dinner party on Monday evening. Covers were laid for eight. An old-fashioned garden contributed its most colorful and fragrant flowers for the decora tion. The futi were Mrs. Maj-sh C. Boothby of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Clara Conners, William Olds, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roscoe Harvey and Mr. Harvey's mother,' Vho is visiting her son this summer. Mrs. Marsh C. Boothby of Salt Lake and her' small son John, and Mr. and Mrs. John P. White are visiting in Portland for the summer. Mrs. Booth by formerly was Miss.Lydia White, a musician of prominence, harpist for the Boston symphony. Mr. and Mrs. Boothby and Dr. and Mrs. White motored from Salt Lake to Portland for a pleasure trip. Among the pleasant affairs honor ing Miss Aileen Brong, who left this week for a trip to Europe, was the luncheon given last Tuesday by Miss Martha Reynolds at her home, 411 Mill street. The ivaests were Miss Agnes Love, Fay Huntington, Maude Gesner and Miss Brong. A beautiful marriage ceremony of Monday evening, July 12, was that of Miss Georgia Irvine and Tudor Austin Farrens, solemnized In the home of Mr. and Mrs. .T. P. Irvine, parents of the bride. Dr. Harold H. Griff is read the service. The ceremony was held under a canopy of greenery, intermingled with pink and white blossoms. Before the ceremony Miss Helen Cowles sang "When You Are Near Me" and "Oh. Promise Me. The wedding .march was played by Miss Hazel Bowman. The bride was gowned In Ivory em broidered georgette and satin. Her tulle veil was held in place by a cor onet of orange blossoms. She car ried an arm bouquet, a shower of Ophelia roses, sweet peaa and orchids, Mrs. Herman Frank, matron of honor, wore a shad of pink georg ette, with picture hat of pink tulle to match, and carried pink sweet peas and delphiniums. Helen Hembree arid Jessie May Ir vine, small nieces of the bride, were dainty attendants, carrying baskets of pink sweet peas. Herman G. Frank was best man. After the ceremony Mrs. Clarence 20 Degrees Below Freezing is the temperature maintained in these . Phone Marshall 785 for addi tional information. July Is Restyling Month Have your furs restyled this month while our designers and shop are devoting their efforts to remodeling work. BVWJSHED FURS t9-rsr "Gearhart" by the Sea Summer Camp for Business Girls. Board "and Room $9.00 Per Week. The camp has been enlarged and remodeled, bo accommodations ' are better than ever before. - For Particulars INQUIRE AT-Y. W. C A. Broadway and Taylor. Telephone Main 7876. Irvine and Mrs. Herbert Marx presid ed at the table In the dining room, where they were assisted by the Misses Florence Johnson. Edlthe Brobst and Emma Chrlsman. Mrs. Walter Miller presided at the punch bowl, assisted by Miss Lave lie Irvine. The bride is a graduate of the Ore gon Agricultural college and the daughter of an old pioneer family of Oregon. The bridegroom has been in the government service for the last ten years. The couple went to Cali fornia for a wedding trip. ' m m m Mr. and Mrs. W. Lair Thompson and son Donald left during the week for a trip to Alaska. They will be away for about three weeks. Mrs. Frank J. Lonergan entertained during the week at a dinner party for a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lonergan are now making their home at Alexandria court and they fre quently dispense hospitality to small groups of congenial friends. Mrs. Lonergan is a gracious hostess also at luncheons, at which she enter tains informally throughout the sea son. Mrs. Lloyd R. Smith entertained re cently with an Informal tea for Mrs. Robert Lacey of Colfax, who is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Preston Smith of Portland Heights. Mrs. J. Harvey John&bn and Miss Smith were in charge of the tea table. Mrs. Charles J. Swenson will leave Wednesday for. San Francisco where she will Join her husband. Commander Charles J. Swenson, and.' from there will sail for Sydney, Australia. Mrs. Swenson will be remembered as Miss Josephine Andreta Hoben. whose wedding was an event of June. Cards are out announcing the wed ding of Miss Lucille Kathryn Jenkins to Russnl Waterman Frost. The wed- a5 ' ' The Good Work Goes On! -This store is a busy place these days the remodeling of the front is be ing rushed so rapidly that we hope to have at least a portion 'of the new entrance and windows completed by next week. However, this work does not interfere with your comfort and convenience in shop ping, for the interior is orderly as usual, and this remodeling is the reason f on ae host of purse-pleasing reductions that greet the thrifty shopper on'every hand. The clearance of all spring-summer stocks is in full swing get your share of the "bargains" now while range of choice is complete. . Extra Special! Jersey Sports Coats $17.50 Smart tuxedo models of superior weight and snappy styling, brown and black, in plain or heather mixtures.. Blue, Clearance Silk Dresses Dresses selling to $29.50 now S14.95 Dresses selling to $45.00 now S26.95 Dresses selling to $59.50 now S36.95 Dresses selling to $95.00 now S47.95 Clearance of Coats Coats up to $39.50 now S17.50 Coats up to $49.50 now S22.50 Coats up to $59.50 now S27.50 Coats up to $69.50 now $33.50 Clearance of Suits Suits up to $49.50 now S22.50 Suits up to $65.00 now 29.50 Suits up to $75.00 now S34.50 Suits up to $95.00 now 39.50 Clearance- of Hats Trimmed hats to $12.50 now S 1.85 Sports hats selling to $10 now S3.35 Georgette crepe hats SPECIAL S9.50 Clearance of Blouses Voile blouses up to $3.45 now S2.35 Silk blouses up to $5.50 now 3.35 Silk blouses up to $7.50 now S4.35 ' Silk blouses up to $10.00 now 6.35 Silk blouses up to $21.50 now 9.35 11 -LLr l0 HoIER TiiKUfflUr! 124 12 128 SIXTH ST. JUST OFF WASHINGTON E. ding was solemnised Wednesday aft ernoon at t:30 o'clock at Orace Memo rial Episcopal church, Irvlngton. Rev. O. W. Taylor officiated. Only mem bers of the Immediate families were present. The bride wore ber . going away gown, a smart dark blue tail leiir, with dark blue hat to matrh. and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and orchids. Miss Beatrice Reno was bridesmaid and Harry Jaeger was best man. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Powers Jenkins of this city. Mr. Frost is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Froit of this city. Upon their return from their wedding ... An attractive young bride is Mrs. Frederick D. Kribs, for whom a num ber of social affairs are being planned by her girl friend. Mrs. Kribs was TQTit'mi1 on Pa 1 ) Phoenix Hosiery For Men, Women, Children Portland's Headquarters at Lennon's s Handkerchiefs iA New Novelties 35c, 2 for $1 And Some Excellent Beach Kerchiefs Reduced to 19c VOL. 2 PORTLAND, OREGON,. JULY 18, 1920 ' NO. 24 PUBLISHED BT A. J. LENNON, President CHAS. F. BERG. Vice-President 809 Morrison Street. Postoffice Opposite. To Serve, You Better The Lennon policy of service is again expressed in the Lennon Annex. We had not anticipated having this additional space so soon but have found it possible to make arrangements for immedi ate occupancy. , So we are happy to serve you in blouses and brassieres and acces sories in the Lennon Annex. "But that charming little up stairs blouse corner!" exclaimed one of our customers. So many women will miss this dainty, cosy shopping spot. But we're planning to put it to practical use and shall announce soon what department will succeed to this artistic little corer of Lennon's. CELEBRATING THE OPENING OF LENNON'S ANNEX WITH Tomorrow our Blouse Section will be ready to serve you in its new and enlarged quarters in LENNON'S ANNEX next door west on Morrison street, Quarters will be roomier and service more efficient. We're celebrating with two special Blouse Sales which you should not miss! f For Beach and Country Wear Wool Sweaters $5.95 Greatly reduced because thera are not more than thirty in "the lot! Slipons in so many fetching' colors and styles and not many of each! Some women prefer them to blouses for beach and outdoor wear ing! Early shopping is ad vised for these. Vacation's Laundry Problem Solved in Pongee Underwear One of the dress ' problems that every traveler faces is the question of dainty underwear that will not look soiled half an hour after it is worn. PONGEE solves that beautifully. Just come in and see what dainty yet practical garments await you in pongee Knickers . $3.05 to $4.75 Gowns $6.75 t $8.95 Petticoats $5.25 Pajamas .......$8.75 Futurist Athletic Under garments on Sale f 1.95 Cool and dainty of pink batiste in tai lored style with hemstitched edges. CAMISOLES LESS Vi A Bale of wash satin camisoles regularly $1.60 to $5.65 at a saving of One Third! 95c Is the Sale Price of BELMONT HOSE Regularly $1.75 LACE FIBER HOSE Regularly $1.50 WHITE AND BLACK FIBERS All of these are exceedingly popular the two-toned Bel monts, the fancy lace fibers and of course the black and white "fibers. Every one is an excellent "buy." Econom ical and smart. - $1.89 the Sale Price of SILK HOSE Regularly $2.25-$2.50 Some are full fashioned others semi every pair - has lisle top, . toe and heel and they're mighty special at $1.89! Black and colors enough to make half a dozen pairs useful for various frocks! A Sale of Silk and Chamoisette Gloves 69c Who doesn't need more and more gloves these summer days ? Here are ' some un usally good bargains.. The silks are in heavy quality with double tipped 'fingers. Black silks in sizes 5, 6, 6 7. White silks in 5, 6. White ehamoissttes in 5, 6, 6. Heavy Silk Slipon Gloves Special $1.95 Regularly $2.50 Handsome gloves with dainty colored cuffs smart as can be with summer frocks and sweaters. Heavy quality - double tipped fingers white with rose, green, beige 'or gray cuffs. In six - button ' lengths. , Long Silk Gloves for Summer Days With almost every frock and blouse boasting of short sleeves, long gloves come in to their own. these midsum mer days. " Here are a few much in demand 12-button length colored gloves, $3.00. 16 -button length wh i t e, gloves double tipped $3, $3.50, $4. TWO EXCELLENT BLOUSE SALES ALL OUT-SIZE BLOUSES AT H A wonderful opportunity for the woman who wears blouses in size between 41 and 54. For every one of our lovely georgette blouses white, flesh, beige and navy many of them exquisitely trimmed with lace is now half price. 1 Also all crepe de chine blouses in tailored, , tucked and tuxedo styles are to be had at one-half. These are in white and flesh colors and show a variety of styles that is unusual in sizes 41 to 54. SPECIAL SALE . BLOUSES AT $2.95 Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Tub Blouses Cool Georgettes in dainty summer shades tailored crepes de chine and fascinating organdies and voiles in prints that are artistic and becoming. Some have large or small dots of color with a frilling to match. Others have vestee in contrasting shade, and many have novel collars and cuffs to add a colorful note to a eummer costume! Kare blouses at this sale price! A. J. Leuoi, Prestdeat CkM. F. Bers;. Vtee-Presldestt S09 MORRISON STRFET Postoffice UppciiM ' : j i