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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
ft THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAT, rOTTCXANT). .TTXT 18, 1920 K OREGON APPLE CROP WILL FALL SHORT Production of 2,500,000 Boxes Is Estimated. WINTER DAMAGE GREAT Yield Placed at 60 Per Cent of That of Last Year Pears and Peaches Also Suffer. turers time a little too strenuously, and that now they must begin to think of themselves For it is certain that the only parties that have rotten any ad vantage out of the recent slump In wool I are the manufacturers. Dealers have had to content themselves with the negative benefit that they were stopped from buy ing too heavily at top prices, though the downward trend of values let them In for tremendous losses on what wool they had in stock, and especially on the wools bought early In the west. 'It Is. manifest that any recovery In values at this time would be of bene fit to them, as there ia no longer any Question of purchases. Ko dealers ' can be found here who would be willing to buy heavily under present conditions, even on the present level of values and even If the growers were willing to sell. They ar getting consignments In sufficlsnt volume to take up about all the available cash in making the necessary advances, these running from 15 to 25 cents a pound.' CHUCIBLE STEEL STRONG STOCK DISTRIBUTION SENDS PRICE HIGHER, The commercial apple crop of Oregon will be about 60 per cent of last year, estimates F. L. Kent, field agent of the government bureau of crop estimates, from replies received from several hundred in quiries sent out to growers of the state. The December. 1919. estimate was 4.0T1.000 boxes, and on th basis of 60 per cent this year's Commercial crop should be 2.800.000 boxes. The 1818 crop was 2,013. 000 boxes. The 1919 Oregon commercial pear crop was estimated at 615.000 bushels and the 1018 crop at 406.000 bushels. The 1020 pear crop now promises about 60 per cent of last year or 360,000 bushels. The Oregon peach crop, says Mr. Kent, lies probably never before been so near a failure as this year. Except in the Ash land and Grants Pass district, the pros pect is "no crop this season." Two hun dred acres In the Ashland district are re ported as having 80 per cent of a crop; no material loss of trees from winter killing; some loss from spring frosts. In Lane. Linn and Benton counties probably 25 per cent of the trees were killed. In the Balem district practically ail peach trees In many orchards were killed. A few Marion coun ty orchards suffered but very little loss of trs. but there is no fruit. In The Dalles district there was soma loss tof peach trees and a total failure of fruit in most orchards. The Milton-Freewater district reports no peach crop this season with loss of trees ranging from nothing In some orchards to 50 per cent in others. A smalt acreage In" Malheur and Baker counties raports no fruit this year. The Hood River Growers' association estimates the total apple acreage at 16.000 with the crop prospect 60 per cent of last yesr. Tabulated reports Indicate a winter kill of 3.0 per cent In apple trees In Hood River valley. The tabulation Includes one orchard of 35 acres reporting 40 per cent of the trees killed. This figure (3.0 per cent) Is much too high for the valley as a whole. In the Fine Grove district there was a very heavy loss, but In most other districts there was practically no loss. For the county as a whole the loss is estimated by local men at 4 to 2 per cent of the total number of trees. One report says: "A good many trees not killed show frost injury or were Injured enough to make them drop their blossoms. The fruit generally Is reported as being clean and of gcod slxs. Pear trees also suffered to some extent. There was heavy Dioom, but there has also been a heavy drop. A light crop Is in prospect. The Mosier Fruit Growers' association estimates the district apple area at TOO acres with a crop prospect of 50 per cent of last year. The Mosier report says 100 early to tell now many trees are killed outright; many are Injured, ranging from ono limb to half of the tree: others injured all over. These latter will eventu ally die, probably. District loss will prob ably be about S per cent." Considerable spring frost damage In the Dufur district but development ' of young orchards will make the crop larger than lust year. One report covering the whole of Benton county places the apple acreage at 1200 and the crop prospect 60 per cent of last r. Jackson County Agent Cate says: "We are -now figuring on an apple crop of about 300 cars against 500 last year, and a pear crop of 500 cars against 800 last year." The Marlon county fruit In spector reports the apple crop prospect at 20 per cent of last year. Lane county re ports the apple prospect 55 per cent of last year. Bank Clearings. Bank clearlnsrs of the, nnrthwHtnni cities yesterday were as follows: tTlpaHners. Balances. Portland J8.002.0O2 Jl, 114. 500 Seattle 6.258,699 1.49B.821 Tat-oma 850.277 01.432 Spokane 2,857,250 92X.425 Ceariners of Portland. SeatLle and Taco- ma for the past weelt and corresponding wee in lormer years: Portland. Seattle. .44. 425,333 $44,975,702 40,527,1K: 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1014 1013 1912 1911 31.221,064 25.022,638 14. 582,9.52 10.4S2.7iW 8,731,657 9.662,898 0,741,304 B. 420.672 8.S43.440 41,577,451) 21,795.619 14,232.644 11.526,999 11. 586,476 11.238.119 10.770.29 9.757.543 Tacoma 6.225.459 4.805,582 5,032.335 2.752.003 2.269.9S6 1.805.649 2.012.9O7 2,424.493 3.813.277 4.072.6CM1 Good Butter Is Firm. The cube butter market was firm, par ticularly on the best grades. Offerings of the undergrades were liberal. Eggs were scarce and very firm with out change in the buying or selling price. Poultry and dressed meat receipts were limited and quotations were unchanged. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Ete. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Sept. Oct. Nov. Wheat Bid Hard white $2.45 $2.45 S2.45 Soft white 2.45 2.45 2.45 White club 2.42 2.43 2.44 Hard winter 2.41 2.42 2.43 Red winter 2.40 2.4L 2.42 Northern spring 2.45 2.45 2.45 Red Walla 2.35 2.35 2 85 Oats July. Aug. Sept. No. 2 white feed 65.00 60.00 67.00 Barley No. 8 blue 87.00 85 00 85.00 Standard feed 55.50 84.00 84.00 Corn No. 3 yellow 64.00 64.50 63.00 Millrun 67.50 50.50 46.00 No. 3 eastern yellow 63.00 63.00 62.50 FLOUR- Family patents, $18 75; bakers' hard wheat, 113.73, nest bakers' patents. $13.75; pastry flour, $11.80; grabam, $11.60; whole wheat, $11.85. MILLPEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run. $55.5056.50 per ton: rolled barlev. $t872; rolled oats. $7172; scratch 78; cracked. $790 Half of Ten-Point Advance Is Lost in Later Selling Other Is sues Almost Xeglected. NEW YORK. July 17. For all practical purposes today's session of the stock mar ket was barren of results, the yacht race dwarfing interest in most things of a financial character. The only unusual Incident was a sharp advance of almost 10 points in Crucible Steel at the opening, on news of an un expectedly large stock distribution, but that issue forfeited half its gain later cashing of profits. Other leaders registered no material change, aside from WeHsiFargo Express and National Aniline. Sales were 135,000 shares. Actual loans and discounts of the clear ing house disclosed an increase of over $42,000,000 against last week's iarge eon traction, and cash reserves rose about $19,200,0000. which makes up almost half of the previous week's loss. There was a fair Inquiry for popular bonds, including the foreign group, but liberty issues continued to lag. Total sales (par value). $3,123,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call dur ing the week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. feed. S87SS8 per ton. CORN Whole. $770 80 per ton. HAY Buying price Alfalfa. $25, cheat $23; timothy, old. $3536. f. o. b. Portland: clover, $20; valley WHEAT PRICES ON DOWN GRADE, Bids at Merchant' Exchange Are Reduced Ono to Six Cent. The local wheat market went lower yes terday in sympathy with the 7-cent de cline at Chicago. Bids at the Merchants' Exchange were 6 cents lower than Friday on hard winter, S cents lower on northern spring. 4 cents on white club. 8S5c on red Walla and l3c on hard and .soft white. The coarse grains were also lower with corn alone showing activity. Corn sales postea were: auu tons September delivery $63.00 100 tons July shipment 63.50 100 tons August shipment es so The July corn sale was 75 cents under Friday's bid, the August sale was 26 cents lower and September was unchanged. Oats p:as ranged irora 60 cents lower to 50 cents signer tnan the day before and barley fiom 80 cents lower to $1 higher. Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Illinois clear, fine except some rains In extreme north west portion. Missouri, part cloudy. Kan sas, cloudy, and cool. Nebraska, clear to part cloudy. Iowa, raining In eastern por tion. Ohio valley, generally clear. North west Minnesota, clear. Winnipeg, clear and fine." Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: heat Barley Flour Oats Hay Portland Saturday ... IS Year ago ... 8 Season to date. 643 Year ago . ..Ill Taeoma Friday ..... 8 Year ago ... 2 Season to date. 63 Year ago ... 22 Seattle Friday 1 Year ago Season to date. 43 Year ago ... 24 S 11 28 1 11 19 88 47 8 1 84 1 10 20 S 1 18 42 2 12 61 1 9 23 20 2 1 94 10 FEW CANTALOUPES LEFT ON STREET Turlocks Are Due in Latter Part of Week; 3ood Melon Trade. v-antajoupes cieanea up closely yester day and the market will be lightly sup plied for several days. Turlocks are due In tbe latter part of the week. Melons coutlhue to sell veey well. A car of deciduous fruits, including peaches and apples, arrived from the south yesterday. More apples are due on the boat Mouday. There was a light supply of berries on the market yesterday and raspberries were firm at $4 004.23. Loganberriea sold at $2.75 tt 3.00. Cherries were plentiful and did not sell well. The rains are expected to make a great Improvement In the condition, of Oregon potatoes. Those heretofore arriving have been mostly small size. The best Oregons are selling at '6 cents and California at T cents. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTE R Cubes, extras. S3 54c pound: prints, parchment wrappers, box lots, 67c per pound; cartons, 88c; half boxes, o more; less than half boxes, lc more; but terfat. No. 1. 65 j 56c per pound at sta tions; Portland delivery, 68c. EGGS Buying price, current receipts, 404t41c. Jobbing prices to retailera: Can dled, 453M7c; selects, 4S&49c. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets. 29c; Young America. 80c; long- POULTRY Hens. 20027a; broilers. 25 28c; ducks. 35050c; geese, nominal; tur keys, nominal. PORK Fancy, 23o per pound. VEAL Fancy. 22c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges. $5 0 7.50; lemons. $4.50i&8 per box: grapefruit. $49.&0 per box; bananas, 11&120 per pound: apples, new, $3.25 4. 60 per box; cantaloupes. $1.7504 per crate; cherries, 6 16c per pound; watermelons, 4c per pound; aprl- cota, $2.75 per crate; pineapples. 17Vsc per pound: peaches, $2.252.50 per box; plums. $2.8503.25 per box: currants. $2U2.5U per crate; raspberries, $404.25 per crate; rasa bas. 607c per pound; grapes. $2.2503.60 per crate; loganberries, $2.7503 per crate. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 3034c per pound; lettuce, $1.60 to $2.50 per crate; cu cumbers, $102.80 per dozen; carrots. $3.A0 0 4.80 per sack; horseradish. 25c per pound; garlic, 40c; tomatoes, $d.7504 per box peas, 7010c per pound; beaas, 100140 per pound; beets, $3.5004 per sack; turnips. $d.oo per sack; eggplant, 2oc pound. POTATOES New white, 47c per pound. ONIONS Yellow, $2 02.50 per sack. Staple groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cans, granulated. 23c per pound. HONEY New. $77.50 case. NUTS Walnuts, 22036c; Brazil nuts. 40c; filberts, 80c; almonds. 85036c: pea nuts. 14015-jfcc; cocoanuts, $1.75 per dozen. SALT Half ground. luo. $11.25 per ton; DUs. sis.ia per ton; aairy. per ton. RICE Blue Rose, lofec per pound. BANSSmalt white. 7fec; large white. 7c; pina. j.a-)sc; lima, xua per pouna bayous, 1114c; Mexican reds, 10c per pound. COFFEE -Roasted. In drums. 39 & 50c. Ilidea and Felts. HIDES Salt hlana, over 43 pounds, 14e: green hides, over 45 pounds, 12c; salt hides, under 45 pounds, 13c; green hides. under 45 pounds, 11c; green or salt calf to 15 pounds, 25c; green or salt kip. 15 to 80 pounds, 15e; salt bulls, 12c; green bulls. loc; dry niaes, nc ary sait niaes. i.e; dry calf under 7 pounds, soc; salt horse. large, $6.00; aalt horse, medium. $3 00: salt horse, small, $4.ou. FELTS Dry line long wool pelts, 15c dry medium long wool pelts. 12c; dry coarse long wool pelts, 10c; salt long wool pelts. $203; salt lambs wool pelts. 5Oc0 $1: salt shearlings. 25 0 50c; aalt clippers. 15025c Provision. ' Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, 42046c; skinned. 41 046c; picnics. 2oc; cottage roll, 33c. LARD Tierce basts. 23c: shortening. Z-fcC per pouna. DRY SALTS Short, clear back. 25029a per pound; plates, 23c BACON Fancy. 49058c; standard. 889 45c per pound. Wool. Caacara. Etc MOHAIR Long staple, 25c per pound. TALLOW No. L 8o per pound; No. , 6c CASCARA weights, old per pound. WOOL Valley, medium, 35o per pound valley, coarse, quarter blood, 20c; coarse low and braid, loc; coarse matted, 12c HOPS Nominal GRAIN BAGS Car lota: July, 20ftc August, xv vac Am Beet Bug. Am Can Am Car fc Fdy Am HL pfd Am Inter Corp A m Loco ..... Am Sum Tob.. Am Woolen . .. Anaconda Cop Atchison ..... Baldwin Loco. Beth Steel B.. BAS Copper. Canadian Pac. Cent Leather.. Chand .Motors. Ches & Ohio. . Chi M &. St P Chi Tn W ... Chi R I & Pac Chino Copper. Col Fu A Iron. Corn Products Crucible Steel. Cuba Cane Sug Erie Gen Electric Gen Motors . .. lnspir Copper.. Int M M pfd.. Inter Nickel.. Inter Paper . . Ke.nnecott Cop Mexican Petrol Mid States Oil Midvale Steel. Missouri Pac. N Y Central. . N Y N H & H Northern Pac. Ok Prd t Hfg Pan-Am Pet.. Pennsylvania . Reading Rep Ir & Steel Royal Dutch.. Shell Tr & Tr. Sin Oil A Rfg. Southern Pac. Southern Ry . . O of N J pfd tudebaker Co exas Co exas A Pac Tobacco Prods ranscont Oil. nion Pacific. S Fd Prods. S Ihd Alco.. S Retl Strs. 8 Rubber . . U S Steel do pfd ..... tah Copper.. Westing Elect Willys.Overlpd 600 400 200 100 800 1.100 6,500 200 100 100 700 BONDS. U S Lib SHs-.. 90.981 Anglo-Fr 6s ... . Ha.uuiiV 1 i cv us. .84.80iAtch gen 4s 7JM .85.72 D A R G con 4s. 63 .85.021N Y C deb 8s.. 8(114 do 3d 4 ViS. . .8S.68IM f 4S do 4th 4 Vs. . .85.24 N P 3s Victory Sits ...95.70; Pac T A T 5s ...-. e-:i 'a con 4s. do 4K U S 2s reg. . . do coupon . 4s reg. . do coupon Pan 3s reg.-. . do coupon . U bark Per pound, gross peel. 12c; new peel. 100 WOOL TRADE MORE OPTIMISTIC Attitude of Dealer Toward Future of Market Changing. The attitude of wool dealers toward the future of the market is changing, accord ing to the Boston correspondent of the New Tork New Record, who says: "The latest canvass of the local market ahows a growing feeling that the time ha coma to take a little more optimistic stand regarding tha future of the wool market. Some dealers seem to think that tbajr have been playing toe. jnanulac- Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. - $1.83 raw. drums. $1.90; raw, cases. $1.98 boiled, barrels, $1.85; boiled, drums, $1.92 boi!ed. cases, $2. TURPENTINE Tank. $1.96; cases, $2.11. COAL OIL Iron barrels. 14HQ17c cases. 27 0 34c GASOLINE Iron barrels. 25c; task wagons, 25fec; cases, 38. FUEL OIL Bulk, $2.10 per barrel. Eastern Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, July 17. Butler Steady an unchanged: receipts, Eggs Firm and unchanged; receipts, 9991 cases. Cheese Unchanged. NEW TORK. July 17. Butter, firm, nn. cnangea. Eggs Firm, unchanged. Cheese Unsettled, unchanged. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga., July 17. Turpentine, steady, $1.51; sales, SO: receipts, 119; ship ments, 141: stock. 9379 Rosin, firm; sales. 1696: receipts. 909; shipments, 250; stock 30.84T. Quote: B, $11.50; D. E, F. G, H. I, $14.631S; K. M. N, $14.85014.90; WG. WW. $14.90. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. July 17. Evaporated ap. pies dull; prunes quiet; peaches steady. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 17. Spot eotton quiet; middling, 42.25c. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian, Main 7070, Automatic 660-95. Sales. 100 600 3O0 2 OO 100 500 200 1.800 290 400 5,300 100 100 1,000 3 CO 400 300 400 500 900 200 100 1,3110 8.500 300 100 6,200 5O0 300 20 1,200 2O0 200 2.800 2.400 300 200 300 400 700 100 2.100 1.500 4.100 70O 500 500 2,700 900 7,400 100 4.000 1.400 100 High. 90 39 135 88 83 Vl 9 7 is 90 88 65 79H 117 Ta 88 23 . 121 63 97 53 84 70 37 29 32 02 153 51 12 141 25 49S 81 17 84 2514 192 21H 40 7, 25 69 80 7J 4 103 39 89 90 113 31 93 29 105 70 4 40 66 1 5 114 64 88 74 93 91 J08 67 48 19 Low. S9 39 134 88 81 97 89 8ft 65 79 117 8H 23 119 62 96 S3 33 70 36 29 32 91 150 51 12 141 24 49 80 17 83 25 190 21 40 25 69 29 71 4 102 39 88 89 113 75 30 92 28 105 69 45 40 66 14 1 1 4 84 SS 74 91 108 67 48 18 Last Sale. 90 39 134 88 83 97 1)0 87 E.' 79 117 88 23 121 63 97 63 33 70 37 20 82 92 101 51 12 144 25 49 81 17 84 25 192 21 40 25 69 30 71 4 103 39 SJ 90 113 75 31 93 29 105 70 46 40 04 15 114 64 8S 74 92 91 108 67 48 10 the crop moving period, but were a little more liberal in purchases of commercial paper. Latest wholesale commodity prices re ceived from authoritative sources fore shadow another reduction of averages from June. The transportation outlook promises to become a more distinct factor as the time approaches for adjustment of wages and freight rates. i Germany's submission to the terms of the allies at the Spa conference created scarcely a ripple on the surface of the foreign exchange market. Increase in Excess Reserves. NEW YORK. July 17. The actual con dition of clearing bouse bank and trust companies for the week show that they hold $29,236,130 reserve in excess of legal requirements. This is an increase of $19, 218.330 from last week. Swift A Co. Storks. Closing prices of Swift A Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by Overbeck A Cooke Co. of Portland as follows: Swift A Co 108 Libby. McNeil A Llbby 12 National Leather '. 11 Swift International 35 SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables. Fresh Fruit. Etc.. at Bay City. SAN FKANCISCO. July 17. Butter Extra grade. 59c; prime firsts, 68c per pound. Eggs Fresh extra. 59c; first. 04 e; dirty. No. 1. 64 e; extra pullets. 47 c; undersized, 35c per dozen. Cheese 01d-sty!e California flats, fancy. 34c; do firsts. 30c; Young America. 34 c per pound. Poultry California hen, large. 35038c; do small, 24027c: strictly young roosters. 85 0 45c; old do. 16017c; fryers. 35040c: broilers, large, 30033c: ducks, -UJJC per pound; pigeons. $2.4003.50 per dozen; squabs, 57 0 60c per pound. VegetaDies Beans. 608c per pound; do garden, 609c; do lima, lO012c: bell peppers, large. 15020c per pound: do small., 6010c, chili, lO012c; tomatoes. southern California, rancy. si.oogijja: ao Merced, $101.50 per small box, lugs, $1 01.75; cucumbers, natural growth, 350 60c; per small box, 60 0 75c per lug; do 0 2.80; cucumbers, natural growth. 800 30c per small box. 60 0 75c per lug; do hothouse. No. 1, $2 per box; green onions. $101.25 per box; eggplant, 6 08o per pound; do Livingston. 12c; peas. 609o $101.25 per box; eggplant, 601Oo per pound; do Livingston. 12c: peas, 805o per lb.; summer squash, per lug. river. 50e 0tl; do bay, $101.50; Italian squash. $1 01.25; corn. Winter, per sack, $303.50: do bay, $505.50; celeryi bay. fancy. $70 7.50 per crate; potatoes. 506e: do No. 2. 204c per pound on street; sweet po- Clarksburg, $1.5001.75; corn, $408 sack. Fruit -btrawberrles, b-ounce oaiikets. 85c 0$1 per drawer; do 12-ounc baskets, $101.35; raspberries. 73 0 90c per drawer; blackberries. 50 0 60c per drawer; logan berries. 55 0 60c per drawer: cantaloupes. standards. $2.50 0 8 per crate; do ponies. $202.50: do flats. $101.25: do honeydew $202.25 per -crate; watermelons. 2 03c per pound; bananas, Central American, 9010c; do Hawaiian, 10011c per pound; Valencia oranges, $4.5006.50 per box; lem ons. $205: grapefruit. $2.5003.50; apples. White Astrakhan, $1.5001.75 per box; do red. $1.5001.75; Gravenstelns, 4 - 4 tier. $2.7803.80; apricots, $1.2501.75 per crate; 50Sc per pound; peaches, 65c0$l per small box. $102 for lugs and crates. 75c4i.ll. 25 per basket. $1.5002 per large lug; cherries, .black. 15 (a 25c per lb.; do Royal Annes, 12018c; do Oregon blacks $202.50 per box; do Royal Annes. $1.23 01.60; plums, all varieties, $1.2501.75 per crate; do Santa Rosa, $l.i5; currants, 8 08.50 per chest; figs, black, $101.25 per single-layer box, $2 0 2.25 per double-layer box; do white. $1; rhubarb, $1.7502 per box; grapes. $303.50 per crate; avocadoes. $9 per dozen; Bartlett pears. $3.80 box. Receipts Flour, 6510 qrs.; barley. 310' etls. ; beans. 226 sacks: corn, 12o ctls.: po tatoes, 335 sacks: onions, 172 sacks; hides, 68 rolls; oranges, 800 boxes. SHARP BREAK IN WHEAT LOSS OF SEVEX CEXTS IX TIOXS AT CHICAGO. Buying Power Curbed by Weakness In Northwest Markets; " Coun try Offerings Reported Heavy. S Lib 3s. do 1st 4s... do 2d 4s. . . do 1st 4s. do 2d 4s.. .100 .loo .105 .105 . .77 ..77 S P cv 6s. So Ry 5s.... U P 4s U S Steel 6s.. 3 62 84 88 95 u 81 1 91 i I 'Bid. Mining Stock at Boston. BOSTON, July 17. Closing quotations: AUouez 28 North Butte ,. 18 Aria Com 10 Old Dora 24 Calu A Ariz... 57 Osceola 88 Calu A Hecla..80O Qulncy 48 Centennial .... 11 Superior 4 Cop Range ... 87 Sup A Boston.. 3 East BuLte ... 12 Shannon : 1 Franklin 65 I'tah Con 6 Isle Koyalle ... 29 Winona 40 Lake Copper .. 3 Wolverine 14 Mohawk 60 Greene Can ... 29 LIVESTOCK TONE FIRM AT CLOSE Hog Market Gains $1.50 During Week's Trading and tlieep Also Improve. There was no trading at the stockyard yesterday. - The only recepita were - cattle and 508 hoga. The tone of the market at the elose was generally fl During the week hogs recorded an ad vance of $1.50 and sheep and lamb are 25050 cents higher than a week ago Cattle prices have undergone no change during the week. Livestock prices at the Portland stock yards were as follows: Cattle Choice grass steers... oood to choice steers. ....... . Medium and good steer Fair to good steers Common to fair steers......... Choice cows and heifers Good to choice cows, heifers. Medium to good cows, hellers. banners ..................... Bulls Choice dairy cal ve. ......... . Prime light calves .Medium light calves.... Heavy calves ................ lion Money Exchange, Ete. NEW YORK, July 17. Mercantile pa per unchanged. Exchange easy. Kterung aemana,; cables, $3.88. Francs, demand, 8.11: ca bles, 8.13; Belgian francs, demand, 8.79; cable. 8.S1; guilders, demand, 34.95; ca bles, 34.97; lire, demand, 5.87; cables. 89: marks, demand, .ou; cables, 2.00; drachmas, 7.69. New lork exchange on Montreal 12 per cent aiscount. Bar sliver, domestic unchanged; foreign 89c Mexican dollars, 67 c. LONDON, July 17. Bar silver. 52d per ounce. Money and discount unchanged. DECREASE IN BILLS OX HAND Los of Eighty-seven Millions for Week Reported by Reserve Board. WASHINGTON. July 17. Combined re sources and liabilities of the 12 federal re serve banks at close of business July 16 were announced today as follows: RESOURCES. Gold and gold certificates . . .$ 168.77,000 Gold settlement fund federal reserve board 893.605.000 Gold with foreign agencies... 11,531,000 Prim mixed ........... Medium mixed mooth heavv .......... Rough heavv Pics Sheep East-of-mountain lambs auey lambs ull lambs Yearling etners ..... ... Ewe Total gold held in banks ..$ 674.203.000 Gold with federal reserve agents 1.152.875.000 Gold redemption fund 144,343.000 Total gold reserves $1,071,421,000 Legal tender notes, sllver.etc. 147,626,000 Total reserves $2,119,047,000 Bills discounted secured by government war oDllgatlons All other 1.234.890.000 Bill bought in open market.. 3-6,4il,oop Total bills on hand $2,846,619,000 U. S. government bond 26,791.000 U. S. Victory notes 69.000 U. S. certificates 01 indebted ness ZVft.lSZ.OUU Total earning assets $3,1417.661.000 Bank premises 14.084,000 Uncollected items ana otner deductions irom gross oe- Doslts 890.554.000 Five per cent redemption xun-a. aeainst teaerai reserve notes 12,400,000 All other resources 4.271.0O0 Total resources $6,208,017,000 LIABILITIES. Caoltat paid in $ 94.730.000 6urplus 164,745.000 Government deposits 11,790.000 Due to members reserve ac count 1.887.428.000 Deferred availability items 647,782.000 Other deposits, including ior- elgn government credits... ov.585,000 Total gross deposit $2,577,495,000 Federal reserve notes In ac tual circulation 3,135,893.000 Federal reserve bank notes in circulation net liability .... 18fl.875.0O0 All other liabilities 45.779.0OU Total resources $6,208,017,000 Ratio of gold reserve to net deposit and federal reserve note liabilities com bined, 43.9 per cent. Ratio of gold reserves to federal re serve note in circulation after setting aside 35 per cent against net deposits lia bilities. 48.7 per cent. INQUIRY FOR BONDS IS BROADER, New Foreign Issue Sell Abov Subscript tion Price. NEW YORK. July 17. Forfeiture this week of the greater part of the previous week's advance in tn stock market sug a-ested to disinterested observers that soec- ulative conditions continued to be governed largely by me strained credit situation. What the stock market lacked in zta btllty was partly neutralized by an ex tension of mid-year investment Inquiry for bonos, especially me new underwrit ing. Both the Swiss and Belgian aovern. ment loans sold above their subscription prices. In addition to credit contraction, th market waa put to a greater test by re newed signs of Industrial uncertainty. Cur tailment 01 production in textiles an leathers mad further progress. Out-of-town banks made further Inroad Price. $10.00 010.50 . 9.50 0 10.00 . 8.7.' 9.50 . 8.000 8.7 . 6.750 8.00 7.500 8.00 8.50iS 7.00 5.500 6.50 3.50 fO 4.50 6.50 6.50 ..12.00014 . .11.00013.00 . . 9.00ai0.00 . . 7.00 0 8-50 .$l.R017.SO , 16 00 16.50 . 12.80015.00 . 10.00012.50 . J.2.00015.00 ..$11.00011.50 .. 10.50011.00 . . 7.500 8.50 .. 6.50'rt 8.00 . . 6.000 7.00 . . 2.500 6.2$ OP- CHICAGO. July 17. Trading in wheat id not show much activity today. The weakness in the northwest curbed the buying power and caused prices to break harply. At the close wheat showed a net loss of 7 cents, compared with yes terday's close, with final prices ranging rom 3c to 6c under Initial quotations. with December $2.53 and March $2.38. Corn was off c to lc and oats were c c lower. Provisions showed substan tial gains. Tne wheat market started reasonably teady, owing to spreading operations, but .-hole the market exhibited a weak tone. Commission houses were mainly on he selling side and this caused a sharp break in prices. Country offerings of wheat to arrive were reported heavy and liberal purchases to arrive were reported by many of the big elevator concerns Claims of black rust damage received by some houses were offset by the weakness in the northwest markets. There waa little speculative activity and the lack of buying power was a depressing factor. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by the Overbeck A Cook company of Portland, said: Wheat There was no conspicuous trad ing at any time during the session. Buy ing power was lacking and the market broke sharply on selling encouraged by waakness in the Minneapolis market. Temperatures in the northwest will be closely watched over Sunday aa warmer weather will no doubt cause apprehension. Seaboard advices said British buyer took 11 offerings at the gulf overnight. Re ceiver reported country offerings to ar rive freely and bids were reduced 3 cent. corn An active market an oay wnn the close showing only a fractional change from yesterday. There was little Inter est In the cash department a receipt were light and in line with a poor de mand. Practically all the known fact In the situation are bearish, but at the same time the technical position is tne reverse of what it was two week ago and the market is In shape to respond to constructive developments. Oats There was little independent action in thin commodity, selling being influenced by the decline In ether grains, rather than a change in the news. Cash demand was unimportant, receipts light and premiums maintained. Weather and crop reports continue favorable. The nt decline has discounted many oearisn features and any change In the news might give a quick upturn when least ex- nected. Rye Trade limited and only scattered liquidation sales necessary to break prices. The comparative stability of the Min neapolis market encouraged some local buying. Provisions Had strong receiving support from local packera. Leading futures ranged a follows: WHEAT. Open. HiKh. Low. Close. $2.58 $2.50 $2.51 $2.53 2.i ..00 -.01 CORN. 1.51 1.4T 1.49 1.38 1.33 1.36 OATS. Pept 76 .77 .78 .78 Dec 75 .76 .7$ .75 sheviki in the vicinity of Minsk. The disinfecting train with which Cook was workins was captured by the soviet force's, according to the last carload of refugees which left Minsk. Cook remained with the train, in the hope of petting it out in safety. Tha bolsheviki arrived a little later. Captain Trever Swett of Hoston, Mass.. assistant military attache at the American legation here. was fired on by a squad of bolshevik cav- j airy near Vilna this week, but es- i caped without injury. ARTICLES ARE FILEDl California Corporation Authorized , to Operate in Oregon. SALEM. Or., July 17. (Special) The Hinsdale estate company, with eadquarter at Gardiner, has filed rticles of incorporation here. The in corporators are Evangeline Hinsdale. Spencer Hinsdale and H. L. Ed munds, and the capital stock la $1I0.- 000. J. A. Estes. H. W. Gant and Mary I Estes have incorporated the Eastern Cascade Land company, with a capi tal stock of $5000. Bend will be head- uarters of the corporation. Kelly's Olympian company has been Incorporated by John Unger, Matt Kelly and J. H. McVeigh. The capi tal is $2400 and headquarters will be in Portland. The Growers pac!: Inn and ware- ouse association, incorporated, or ganized under the laws of California. as been issued a permit to operate in Oregon. The capital stock has been ncreased from $1,000,000 to $2,000,- 000. The Claron company of Portland has been incorporated by Ben Dey, Alfred A. Hampson and Roscoe Nel son. The capital stock Is $500,000. Q Yield Dec . . . March. Sept. Dec. 2.60 1.50 1.38 MESS July. Sept. Sept. Oct.. PORK. 28.10 28.30 28.38 LARD. 10.10 19.37 10.08 19.40 19.72 19.40 SHORT RIBS. 26.60 28.35 19.S7 19.72 No. 2 yellow. $1.53 90 007c; Ko. July Sept 16.92 16.85 Cash price were as follows: Wheat No. 2 hard. $2.8602.88. Corn Ho. 2, $1.52 0 1.54. Oats No. 2 white, White, 4 395c Rye No. 2, $2.23. Barley $1.25 ig 1.28. Timothy seed $10012. Clover seed $25 035. Pork Nominal. Lard $18.87. Ribs $15.50016.50. 16.00 10.00 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. July 17. Hogs Receipts. 5000. Market, better grades light and ight butchers 10c to 20c higher; other grades steady to higher; closing steady; bulk of sale $13.85016.00; top $18.10. Cattle Receipt 2000. Compared with week ago. good to best yearling steer about steady; grassers and heavyweight corn feds largely 25c to 60c lower; best she stock and canners. strong to 25c high er; othfcrs slow, steady; bologna and handy butcher bulls mostly 50c higher; best stockers and feeders 10c to 20c high er; others slow and uneven; veal calves. 5c to 50c higher. Sheep Receipts, 7OO0; bulk receipts di rect, .few sale. Native stock steady; top lambs.. $15.50. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, July 17. Hogs Receipts 4300. Early sale to shippers 15o to 25c higher. Stockers mostly steady to loo higher; bulk $14.00015.00; top $18.25. Cattle Receipts 600. Market compared with a week ago: Choice beef and she stock about steady; ether 25e to Stic ower; beef bull steady; bolognas 50c 75c lower; veals steady: best feeders steady; others 25c to 50c lower. Sheep Receipts, none. compared with week ago: Fat lamb 25c higher: sheen 50c to 75c higher; feeding lambs 25o to 40o lower. Kana City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July 17. Cattle. 1600: for week: beef steers and fat she stock-mostly 25c lower; canners, 25c high- bulls, weak to 25e lower; calves. 25 0 50c lower: feeders, strong to 25c higher. Sheep, none: for week: fat sheen and breeding ewes, 75c0$l higher; lambs, 250 50c lower. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE. Wash., July 17. City deliv ery: Feed Scratch feed, $00; feed wheat, $9o; all-grain chop, $80; oats. $7$; sprout ing oats. $S1; rolled oat. $80; whole corn $84; cracked corn. $86; rolled barley, $72 cupped Dariey, su. Hay Esstern Washington tlmoth mixed, nominal; double compressed, $51 new aiiaifa. h; straw, Seattle tVbeat Market, SEATTLE. July 17. Wheat Hard whit, soft white, white club, hard winter, $2.50 red Walia, northern spring and red win ter, $2.45. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 17. Barley, 85c 0 $ iiax. No. 1, $3.3903.44. Duluth Linseed Market. DULUIH, July IT. Linseed, $3.4008.60. SALT LAKE PAPEH QUITS HERALD, PRINTED 5 0 YEARS SCSPEXDS TODAY. J $73,000 Buhl Highway District. COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS IDAHO Tax Kxempt General Obligation Dated January 21, 1918. Dae Serially 1934-3T. Denomination $1000. Price 100; yield 6. Principal and Semi-Annual Interest Payable In New Tork City. . TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS IN PLEDGED property ! behind the $400,000 bonds including; this issueof Twin Falls County outstanding. THE BUHL HIOrlWAT DISTRICT EMBRACES 9S.000 acres, practically all of which is under cultivation, and pro duces magnificent crops of grain, vegetables and fruita. Cattle raisins is also carried on extensively. FUNDS DERIVED FROM THE SALE OF THESE kinds went to construct a modern system of roads and blldgfes, ia connection with the slate's highway. Telephone or Telegraph Orders at Oar Expense. ! Morris Brothers iss JAo Premier cMu7vapaf BondHxuo IOmHum n . . aiix. $00-11 Mark Sc.. Be, fifth ncua Xaaeauaoa llmMwu slat 1 fjacaQjaara I Cvi w MARSHALL PRAISES BOYS Vice-President KeYlews Young Men at Training Camp. SAN DIEGO, Cal., July 17. Vice- President Marshall today reviewed at the city stadium before a large crowd the 1100 young men who nave been in training: for several weeks in the re serve officers' training camp at Camp Kearney. The reserve officer stu dents, who came from colleges and schools at many points in the west and southwest, received warm praise from the vice-president and army of ficers for their soldierly bearing; and for the way in which they marched and drilled. The vice-president, Brigadier-Gen eral Joseph E. Kuhn, commanding at Camp Kearny, and Lyman J. Gage, former secretary of the treasury, spoke at the exercises. Madame Ernestine Schumann-HeinK led the audience in singing "The Star- Spangled Banner." a GIRL, 15, ACCUSES FATHER Blngen, "Wash., Man Is Arrested on Daughter's Complaint. WHITE SALMON, Wash., July 17. (Special.) W. H. Lucy of Bingen, Wash., was taken to Goldendale Mon day night and placed in the county jail following complaint of his daugh ter. 15 years old. Lucy is chairman of the county democratic committee and was a dele gate to the state convention. He was given a hearing Tuesday before jus tice Baker of Goldendale and was placed under $2000 bail. The formal complaint was sworn to by Prosecuting Attorney Ramsey, who, with Sheriff Henderson, made the arrest. The child, it is reported. made a sworn written statement of her case, covering several years. Will Positively Advance 50 to 150 within next few days , This is the Last Call, positively your last chance to hny stock In. this company at 10c a share. The investment is ABSOLUTELY SAFE, for you will be buying an interest in this big, growing salmon, beef, vegetable and fruit cannery, our general store, hotel and transportation business, all so strategically located as to be without eompetition. We. expect to pack 5,000 cases of red salmon- this year at a cost not to exceed 5 a case. We have contracted for their sale at a price that -will net us more than 10O per cent profit. Next month we start pack ing 2000 cases of beef. A few days ago our new $20,000 power boat, the Blazer, was launched and will be put in commission this week on her run to the Queet. time 7 hours, freight rate $15 a ton, capacity of boat 65 tons.. Contract for our new tourist hotel has been let. and most of tha rooms are engaged for months ahead. Every dollar you invest with us is used to enlarge the business, finish payments on new boat and hotel, etc. Every employe is a heavy stockholder. WE KILLY" EXPKCT TO PAY OVR STOCKIIOI.DKBS SO PKR CEVT Oil MORE EVERY YEAR, The company is indorsed by banks, commercial club and business houses. The capital stock is $100,000 all common, all alike, all non-assessable. Just now you can buy it for lOc-a share. positively the Last Call. Within two weeks it will be advanced SO per cent to 150 per cent in price because the progress of the company warrants it. You can invest any sum from $25 up. cash er negotiable paper. Send at once for our descriptive circular, nas map, pictures of hotel, boat and cannery, and full particulars to prove our enormous profits. Queets Trading Co., Hoquiam, Wash. Dates for Fairs Announced. HOQUIAM, Wash., July 17 (Spe cial.) The date of the Gray Har bor county fair, to be held at Elma, has been announced as September 1-6. This brings the fair at a time excellent for the display of crops in this district. The southwest Washing ton fair, to be held midway between Chehalis and Centralia. comes the week preceding, August 23 to tt. Seattle Livestock Markets. SEATTLE, Wash., July 17. Hops, re ceipts, none, steady. Prime, $1717.65; medium to choice, $16(17; rough heavies. $1415; pigs. 12&.1S50. Cattle, receipts, none, steady. Prime. 10. 50011; medium to choice. S010; com mon to food. sero7.&u: Dest cows and heif ers. $Sif8.60; medium to choice, 7ftfB; common to good, $56.50: bulla, S5.5061 6.60; calves, $714. AGE LIMIT DISREGARDED President Opposes Compulsory Civil Service Retirement. WASHINGTON, July 17. President Wilson is strongly opposed to the re tirement under the civil service re tirement law of civil service em ployes who have reached the retire ment age of 65 years but who are in good physical condition and desire to continue at work. 'Secretary Tumulty said today the president had told members of the cabinet of his desire that they place a unifc-rm interpretation on the meas ure which becomes effective July 22. Telegram, Now Property of Former Coast Man, to Issue Sun day Morning Edition. SALT LAKE CITY. July 17 Sus pension of the Salt Lake Herald, which began publication in June, 1870, and purchase of the Salt Lake Tele gram by the interests which have been conducting the Herald, is announced In a statement to be printed in the Herald tomorrow. The statement follows: "The Bait Lake Herald, which has been published in Salt Lake for more than 50 years, will cease publication after today. The conditions bringing about the suspension were due to the high cost of operating and the over crowded field. There are few cities in the country the size of Salt Lake that support four newspapers. "Coincident with this change the Salt Lake Telegram announces pub lication of a Sunday morning edition beginning July 25. The controlling interest in the Telegram Publishing company has been purchased by A. L. Fish, Thomas J. Mullin and associates. Mr. Fish stated last night that no radical change in the management of the Telegram was contemplated. Both Mr. Fish and Mr. Mullin are former Pacific coast newspaper men, who came to Salt Lake about January 1, to take over the Herald. "Mr. Fish, before coming to Salt Lake, was business manager of the Los Angeles1 Evening Express and for 10 years prior to that was business manager of the Portland, Or., Jour nal. Mr. Mullin, prior to coming to Salt Lake, had been advertising man ager of the Portland. Or., Journal." Short and Long Term Municipal i to yield SALESMAN WANTED Established Portland investment house has opening for experienced bond and se curities salesman, man with automobile and who can work out of town part of the time preferred; an excellent connection can be made by the right party. Answer, stat ing age, education and past experience. Do not answer this add unless you are a real producer and willing to work. Answers treated in strict confidence. Address B 976, Oregonian. 7 Ask for price list. Write, call or phone. SUN DISCHARGES PISTOL Rays Through Automobile Wind shield Cause Accidental Shooting. SANTA ANA. Cal.. July 17. Guy Skidmore of Laguna Beach; near here, laid his pistol beside him on the seat of his automobile today as he drove through a canyon hunting squirrels. The sun shone on the weapon through the windshield. The revolver was discharged. Skidmore was wounded slightly in upon their ieutl raiarvas ureUminarr to i bU lai o PREFERRED STOCK PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO. $98 per Share Dividends Payable Quarterly. Normal Tax Exempt. Surplus after payment of interest and dividends for twelve months ending May 31, -were as follows; - 1918 1919 1920 $202,000 $319,811 ' $166,916 ROBERTSON & EWING MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION BONDS 207 - 8 Northwestern Bank Bid?. , . Sax VuooiCQr Hum t4-6 MORTHWtSTCRM BANK BLD6. 6V2 First Farm Mortgages Tk. Morfares Afford the Greatest Degree of Security. Se. Thes" Mortgages on Fertile and Prosperous Farina ia Oreg Secured' by. on. TO AET &. Denomination 10O0. 2500, 3000, S40O0. Maturities, Three to Five Tears. Tour Inquiries for Further Information Will Receive Out 1 H Prompt Attention. Pacifib Coast Mortgage Co. Main 675. Sl Railway Exchange Building. BOLSHEVIKI REPORT GAINS Moscow Wireless Tells of More Advances by Reds. LONDON. July 17. A gain of ground by the bolsheviki against the Poles along the line between Vilna and Minsk Is reported in Friday's of ficial statement from Moscow, re ceived 'by wireless today. AMERICAN JS MISSING Oklahoma Man Captured "While on Expedition. . WARSAW, July 16. Sergeant Cook of Fay. Okia.. attached to the. Aineri-; can typhus expedition to round, is reported missing since the battle be ia taa tb Poles &o4 4v 43ian bol- UNLISTED STOCKS ANYWHERE LIBERTY BONDS ANY AMOUNT Bought and Sold HerrinsRhodes'inc. , ESTABLISHED let. STOCKSand BONDS.. Railway Exchange Bldgr. Main 283 Seattle PORTLAND Tacoma Members Chicago Board of - . Trade. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS Roldfield Merger Mlnea Co. Reorganized Atlanta Minea Co. Reorganised Bine Bull Mlnins; Co. C. O. D. Consolidated Mlnea Co. (.oldfleld Combination Minis; Co. Milltown Mining; Co. Please communicate immediate ly with the undersigned Secretary in order that you may be advised of the plan of merging the above companies into the Goldfield Deep Mines Company. Please state number of shares you own. Ii. G. MclUHON, Secretary. Goldfieid. Nevada. Foreign Bonds For immediate delivery: City of Berlin 4 City of Munich 5 City of Barmen 4 City of Frankfurt. . A State of Hamburg. . A At one-sixth of normal value. Delayed Delivery. Vienna Treasury . Bonds 5 At one-twentieth of normal value. Write for circulars and price list. Transatlantic Estates & Credit Co., Inc. 222 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 205 OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers. Etack, Bonds. Cettea Grain. te. (l-tl7 BOAKU OF TRADE BLDO. tALBttd CHICAGO UOAJUt Of laAilK MEMBERS ' Cerreapondent of Logan Bryan, Chicago and 2cw Xerk. New Tork Stock Exchange. Chirac stock exchange. Boston Stock Exchange. Cnieaa-o Board at Trada. Near York Cotton Exchange. Mew Orleans Cotton Exchange Kew York Coffee Exchange. Kcw x'ork Produce Exchange. Liverpool Cotton Association. Capital Secured We will assist corporations in good standing:, needing: $100,000 or more for expansion. Western Securities Co. 283 Stark Street