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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 13 FOR SAI.K. Machinery. M. BARDS & SONS. MThe Hoouse of a Million Bargain." 4c a pound foe new 12-gauge barbed wire. Order as much as you will need for some time to come. A wonderful value at this price. We bought by the hun dred tons. "What you need - in LOGGING SUPPLIES. Guaranteed. VSKD PIPK. A -1 black pipe at astonish ins! y low prices, because purchased in quantities. Burde will ship immediately from 20.000 ft. of 1 -in. size, r.o.noo ft. of m-in, size. 55,000 ft. of l-in. size. 12.000 ft. of 3 -in. size. 4.OO0 ft. of 4 -in. size. POWER HACKSAWS-CHAIN HOISTS PUNCHES SHEARS ETC. GRINDERS. All Sizes in FORGES. ANVILS. VISES. JUST ONE PIPE THREADING MACHINE. Merrill. 4-in. Get your order in the first mail. NEW AND USED WIRE ROPE. Si7.s to 1 V? inch all carefully selected and fully guaranteed. Ynur or der filied at once for any quantities. ENGINES. "Wonderful buys wonderfully low priced. 1 Rft 16x22-ln. Atlas horizontal throt tling stationary twin steam engines. 1 12xl6-in. Erie horizontal throttling stationary steam engine 1 lnxltt-in. Russeii horizontal throttling stationary steam engine. 1 SxlO-in. Chandler Taylor horizontal throttling stationary steam engine. 1 (txii-tn. Jewell horizontal throttling stationary steam engine. VERTICAL ENGINES 1H to 10 H. P. BUY YOUR POWER AND STEAM PUMPS FROM TIARDB IT PAYS. Duplex steam pumps 5 5x4?ix5-ln. 3 0x4x6-in. 4 4Hx:tVx4-ln. 6 32x3-in. Single state centrifugal. 2 -in. 1 it-ln. 2 H-ln. 4 3-fn. Power pumps 1 lixrt-ln.- Fairbanks-Morse. 1 5x5-in. Bulldozer. BARDE SELLS ROU.ERS FOR LESS THAN YOU EXPECT TO PAY. 2 3oi-H. P. Hawkes combination H. R. I. and water tube boiler, 125 lbs. workliijr pressure. 2 SO-H. p. flO-in.xlfl-ft. H. R. T. lap seam boilers. 100 lbs. working pres sure. 1 ,-,0-H. P. firebox boiler, 100 lbs. work ins: pressure. 15-H. P. vertical boiler. - 10-11. P. vertical boiler. PltK'FS ARE AWAY DOWN ON WOOl WO R K I NO M A OHIN'ER Y. No. 257 Fay A Egnn bsnd resaw. 4'onnell & uengicr iock corner ma chine. - 3rt-ln. Crescent band saw. 624-in. Fay A Kgan 4-side planer and matcher. 32-ln. American knife grinder. Barnes combination saw table. Superior combination paw table. No. 2 American self-feed rip saw. f'yclops box board printer. Floor swlnp cut-off. , 0x24-ln. siagle surfacer. GUARANTEED SHINGLE MILL MACHINERY. WITH THE RARDE GUARANTEE. 8 lf0K Sumner standard upright shingle mach ines. 12 Parking frames. 1 Repress. 2 Saw anvils. MACHINE TOOLS SURPRISINGLY LOW TRICES. WIRE. WRTTE OR PHONE YOUR ORDER IMMEDIATE SERVICE. ALL GOUOS GUARANTEED AND GUARANTEE BACKED TO THE LIMIT. M. BARDE & SONS. The House of a Million Bargains." Front and Main Sts. " Phone Main 663. Portland, Or. W E have on hand for immediate delivery the following at greatly reduced prices: PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! New and second-hand black and galvanized 40.000 feet H-inch. 35,0110 feet -lnch. 40.000 feet 1-inch. 75.000 feet 1 -inch. 10.000 feet 1 14 -inch. B.OOO feet 2-inch. 70,000 feet 2-inch to 12-lneh. Extra Special for This Week Onlv. 25.000 ft. 2 , 3 and 3 -inch new galvanized pipe in any quan tity above 100 ft. at Black Pipe Price. Be sure to take advantage of this offer. One new 45-foot Beam eltctric crane, with motors and all attach ments at a very low price. All kinds of rope for towing. GARDEN' AND SPRAY HOSE. 5.0O0 feet H-inch spray hose. 2.0O0 feet -Ineh spray hose. 85.000 feet Vts-inch high pressure 7-ply garden hose. All Uinds of garden hose, $4 and up per 50 feet. 00,000 feet rubber and leather belting, 1-inch to 36 inches wide, 2 to 7 -ply. Must make room. "We have 1000 rolls No. 14 black ANNEALED WIRE for sale cheap. All kinds of roofing paper with cement and nails in each roU at a reduced price. 1 Air compressor, first-class for garage purpose. U. S. two-stage, 8x1 X3, 4 cu. ft. per minute, and tank. TENTS! TENTS! TENTS! 500 7x7 10-oz. army and navy wall tents. 150 0x0 10-oz. army and navy wall tents. 25 16x16 10-oz. army and navy wall tents. 950 tent files and wagon covers. All kinds of shafting, pulleys, boxings, drums, gears, sprockets, sprocket chain and all kinds of castings. Blacksmith tools, anvils, blowers, hammers and flatters. 100.000 feet cable from to IS -inch, all plow steel, six-nfne-teen. new and second-band, at & big discount. All kinds of used machinery, boilers, tanks, concrete mixers, pumps, blowers, motors, hoists, and air compressors, 1 KnoldB air com pressor, 8xttxl2 Twin, at special price. Structural Iron. I beams, angles, flats, reinforcing Iron, channels and rounds. About 500 logging blocks of all kinds at very low prices. R0O0 new and second-hand cross cut saws from 4 to 10 feet long. Garden tools of all kinds. We have on hand 9 new Bull tractors. Be sure to get one at one half the regular price. ALASKA JUNK COMPANY, LARGEST ON THE COAST. 201 FRONT ST. Main 4110. Marshall 301L FOR SALE One No. 21 Buffalo silent cutter, in good shape; price, $100 terms or $90 cash. Box No. 393, Independence, Oregon. FOR SALE Two second-hand Kteam trac tion engines, 16 and 22 h.p.: gV,od condi tion. Road Builders Equipment Com pany, 354 Belmont st. FOR SALE cheap. 70-horepower airplane motor. Bdwy. 50L Taylor. rOR SAL. ft. Machl--ry. MOHR MACHINERY CO. 2 No. 12 Smith concrete mixers. 1 10x12 Washington. 1 11x13 Vulcan. 1 11x13 Willamette. No. 160 4-yard steel frame, 36-In. gauge, 2 way dump cars. 7, 12. 14, 18-ton dinkeys, 36-ln. gauge. 1 30 H. P. firebox boiler. 1 9x12 center crank Vim engine. 1 12x21 engine. 1 Russell mill, complete. 2 Set 3 screw blocks. 1 6x21 4-side planer. 1 Lathe mill, complete. 1 Hand edger. 1 2600-lb. pile hammer. 1 Road scraper. 1 Elevating grader. 1 6x4x6 Pump. 1 25 H. P. gas eng'ne. 1 20 H. P. gas engine. 1 15 H. P. Fooa ea n rin. 2 vjx6 triplex pumps, 5000 lbs. pressure., a- veniury nag cleaner. 1 70-in. double Bagley blower. 1 30 In. Garden City cyclodiai fan. 2 5k. w., 220 volt D. C. generators. 1 Set chain drive, tie and rail track layer trams. 8 8-yard Avery double-end hitch dump wagons. MOHR MACHINERY CO. 501 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy 4731. M iacel lavn eo us. ONE tricycle, with large tires, $6; 1 4-room doll playhouse, $10; 4 child a nursery chairs, hand-painted and decorated, $3 to 5; 2 mahogany doll beds, $1; ii hobby horses, $2; 1 rocking horse, $6.50; 4 sets of Structs, 71 to $3; 1 electric car and track, $1; Babejoy, to hold your baby's toys on the high chair, $2.50; hand turned pottery, 25c to $1; 1 child's bu reau, $8.50; 2 solid walnut footstools, $3; , a pair of new hand-painted and decorat ed rocking chairs with rush seats, from Charles Hall's studio, N. Y., $7.50 each. 102 Vista ave. Marshall 4K&7. FOR SALE CHEAP. Fine soda fountain, computing scale, 1 horse power motor coffee un, cash register, x'loorcase. wallcase. Coroiia I. n derwood and Remington Visible type writer, typewriter desk, 12x14 tent. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED, NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. Main 4405. 12& First. Tabor 679S. MORRIS CANOE. For sale, ltt-toot Morris canoe, fine condition, looks like new, with equip ment, tor $13o. Write X 909, Oregonian. MAHOGANY library table, Jacobean din ing set, fumed oak; Columbia graph onola, electric wash, machine and oak cliif ioniere for saie reasonable. 64 Elliott ve-i Ladd's add. $15 BABY carriage $ B OO $35 sewing machine 12.00 $125 dental chair ". . 50.00 ilectriu sweeper 40.00 MARSHALL 3063. BRASS bed, springs, Seeley mattress, small desk, chairs, rug, brass curtain rods and fittings, electric heater, piano, camp and miscel. articles. 21 ti Fen ton bldg. FOR SALE, cheap. Acorn ranpe, used only couple of mouths : new Perfection 2-hole oil stove with oven. 1402 Hawthorne ave., apt. tt. Tabor 6690. I HAVE a few very choice Bing cherries for sale If you wish to pick them. Call Mrs. Strahan, M. 647 for directions, or East 2007. liLuCK AND SLAB 16-inch, $5.50 per load in i wo-load lots ; cheaper and bet ter than 4-foot wood. National Fuel Co.. East 2041. TRADE Columbia grafonola and two pigs for horse, buggy and harness. Apply Orchards store. Orchards. Wash. FOR SALE Two plate glass 60x06 inches; also store front door with plate glass and heavy locks. Phone Tabor 3472. WILL some good Catholic pick this up? Latin Bible printed 17th century, good condition, sacrifice. V ooi, Oregonlan. ETHNOLOGIC A Li boons, or will exchange for stamp collection or Indian relUs. D 592, Oregonlan. FoR SALE A U. S. meat slicing machine, only uted a short time, reasonable price. 240 Yamhill. HAVE some fine clover hay for sale at Capitol Hill. Call M847, or East 2607 at ler 5 o'clock. FoR SALE Shingles, red cedar and yel low fir, delivered anywhere at whole sale price. Phone Broadway 2339. FOR SALE Good Acorn gas range, $37. Call mornings. 512 mast outti street i. T;ibor 1603. MAN'S bicycle, good shape, $15; 3-A East man j.ripoa, developing oumt, io. Mam $;oo DIAMOND soil tare, about 3-k.t per fect, line color; will sacrmce tor iuuu M 555, Oregonlan. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12; & rooms for $20; Wdln. 3791. UtiED sweeper Vac, electric vacuum clean er, good condition, $26.50. 128 10th sL Call Monday. 4 YARDS of wool suiting, 62 inches wide; cost $9 per yard , will sell for $20. East 4 MQ. PRIVATE LAW LIBRARY FOR SALE OR TRADE. CASH OK TERMS. FOR PAR TICULARS PHONE MAIN 4711. GEARHAKT knitter for sale; perfectly new. Call Sunday, 80 E. 9th St., corner Stark. DUNTLEY electric vacuum cleaner, first class condition, $20. 128 hk loth st. Call Monday. FINK Chevrolet. $500; consider diamond or piano as part payment. T 554, Orego nlan. WANT to sell my new bungalow; going to Africa; anything you want in household goods. Woodlawn 630. USED poultry wire, also picket fence, cheap. 120 E. 20th N., near Sandy. FOR SALE 1 man's heavy dark gray suit. Phone Tabor 4439. TARTARIAN cherries for sale: pick them yourself for 8c pound. 4713 60th st. S. E. ROLL"tOP writingdes Wdln. 8709 Monday. RANGE, large restaurant gas range; in quire 308 Everett st. BARBER chairs, mirrors and supplies; great sacrifice. 86 6th. near Stark. ROBBIN3-WYERS electric fan, 12-ln., $12. Marshall 8083, lo6 Sherman st. FOR SALE Piano box. empty barrels and boxes for packing. Telephone E. 298. LOT of salmon netting- cheap. 42 3d at. Bdwy. 957. t FOR SALE 8-ft. candy case, 420 Morrison. C 188, Oregonian. ROOT BEER barrel, buttermilk and cider jars for sale, cheap. 226 Washington st. CHERRIES, big Juicy Bings; picked. Main 7809. FOR SALE 200 grain ska. cheap. 1645 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE 2 beautiful gray chenille rugs, reasonable. East 7244. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5-ft. cigar case. Round corner. 354 Ankeny st. WANTED To exchange auto for painting I and papering. 431 Davis. Bdwy. 4331. t GRAY enameled baby carriage, practically new. 528 E. 44th North. Tel. 310-40. BACK BAR for sale, 27 feet long; plate glass, mahogany finish. 375 E. Burnside. LADY'S 2-piece outing suit, medium size, nearly new. Main 1150 Monday. DIAMOND wanted, to K., pay cash. Call Main 3S64, Monday. FOR SALE Brown oxfords, size 4, worn two aays; paia n,ast iiu&. YELLOW singer and cage, $5; gentleman's silk nat. oi idin, room . CASH register for sale at a bargain. 304 Oak st. BLACK enamel baby buggy, with reed trimmings, in good condition. 3-1374. 1920 AUTO DIRECTORY. 79 E. 19th N. FOR SALE; A Vulcan gas range, almost new. 395 N. 19th St. SECOND-HAND pool table. Call 412 Flint st., Sunday. Phone Aut. 313-71.- CHERRIES. Bines, Lamberts. Roval Annes. 10c if you p ick them. 1693 Dw i g h tst . HALF-GALLON Mason jars, enameled bed, cheap. 819 Belmont. East 8143. CHOICE black caps, $3.75 per crate, deliv ered anywhere in city. Tabor 6245. FOR SALE Baby go-cart (stroller) cheap. 715 Kearney st. ROYAL-ANNE cherries, 10c on tree. East is 53. DRAFTING outftt, like new. for sale or trade for watch. E 661, Oregonlan. WHITE wicker Heywood baby buggy, re versible, perfect condition. Tabor 20SS. PIE CHERRIES. 8c pound. 1176 Omaha avenue. DIAMOND solitaire wanted, one suitable for engagement ring. M 556. Oregonian. KITCHEN cabinet. $14; cooler. $4: churn, 4: steel cot. mattress. $15. Wdln. 5240. AM LEAVING city, will sell new Singer sewing machine at sacrifice. Main 6641. GOOD Gas Range or will trade for chick ens or what have you. Tabor 5212. ROLL-TOP desk. $15. Main 2820. 5 GALL pure lead and oil paint. Tabor 6732. FOR SALE. M ic el la neons. NEW BARGAINS IN U. S. Government SURPLUS PROPERTY. Everything told of Is serviceable and o guaranteed; much of it Is new. Army Pup Tents. 4x0 feet; guaran teed free from holes. $3.75 postpaid. Big Tents. 10x16. 11 feet high, 3-foot wall, of 12.4-oz. duck ; no hles; com plete with pole. Class XX, $32.95. freight paid; Class A A (will render same service as tent), $41.05, freight paid. Mammoth Army Tents 16 feet wide. 50 feet long, 13 feet high ; guaranteed free from hoi as. All complete, $159.50. New Army Wagon Sheets and Pauline. 11 feet 6 inches by 14 feet 8 Inches, of olive drab duck, $13. 45, delivered to your station. U. S. Army Harness Collar and names type; complete with bridles, full length lines, leather traces, breeching, collars and hames, $54.95 set for 2 horses, freight paid. Gray Army Blankets, 66x86 inches; best grade purchased under Emergency Act. All new; never used. $G.05each, postpaid. U. S. Army Olive Orab or Khaki Blankets; all wool; all new. $7.95 each, postpaid. Army Canteens; all water tight. 65c each, postpaid. Mess Kits, comprising aluminum fry ing pan with handle and aluminum plate; all new. 55c complete, postpaid. Full Length Trousers of all-wool olive drab worsted ; all new ; every pair per fect. $6.15 pair, postpaid. Khaki Broeches A limited quantity regulation Army Khaki Breeches, $1.50 pair, postpaid. Overseas Caps, all new; every one per fect. 65c each, postpaid. Unbreakable Mirrors for campers and hunters: fine for Boy Scouts. 35c each, postpaid. Money Belts, all new. Ideal for sports men and Boy Scouts; 45c each, postpaid. Barracks Bags, splendid for clothing or laundry. Fine, big barracks bags, 65c each, postpaid. Knit Jersey Gloves, every pair new and perfect. 39c pair, postpaid. Full Rigged Stock Saddles with horn; western type; all new. $52.50 each. Genuine McClellan Saddles as used by TJ. S. Cavalry. Every saddle guaranteed In serviceable condition, $19.50. Remit by Postoffice Money Order, Ex press Money Order, Bank Exchange or Cashier's Check. You run no risk everything guaran teed exactly as represented. Satisfac tion or your money back. Order today the supply won't last loner. FEDERAL DISTRIBUTING CO. 361 E. Commerce St., San Antonio, Tex. DRAG LINE FOR SALE. Two complete drag line ditching out fits, in first-class condition ; one 1-yard and one ya-d-and-a-half bucket: a snap if picked up at once. GERRISH SUPPLY COMPANY. Box 352. Tacoma. Wash. Phone Main 2825. ONE full set of the new International En cyclopedia, has never been used. Call R14 Northwestern Bank bldg., and see the books. Main 6C14. or Main 3S7S. SEWING MACHINES. 20 late drop-heads, like new. Singers. W hites. National. Rotary. Willamette, etc., $15 to $35. A large number of good machines from $8 to $10. Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Singer store. Moose bldg.. li3 4th Bt. Main 0833. CHERRIES. CHERRIES. CHERRIES. Fine Royal Anne for sale, just out side of city limits on base line road: look for big cherry sign in front of Place. Pat. N. Scott. Tabor 7032. FOR SALE One portable garage one year old; 1 refrigerator, one yftar old; one lawn mower, .one year old; 1 gas range, in good condition ; 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 kitchen ta ble and 1 baby go-cart. In qulre at 500 E. 25th st. N. Telephone E. 4033. CHERRIES. raspberries. Loganberries, peas, now; blackberries soon. Pick them yourself or we will pick; kaie and cab bage plants. Corner of S9th and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (MT 8STH) car to end, four blocks north, one east. BEW'INO machines, new and second-hand, old for leas; no agents employed: com plete line of Darts for alt make; ma chines repaired and rented. Main A43L SEWING MACHINE EM PO U UM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. MOLE SKINS FOR SALE. CALL EAST CS74. INFORMATION Ask about anything you wish to know that will be of value to you. Write to WESTERN INFORMATION BUREAU, 4Q4 Washington. St., Portland, Oi EXCEPTIONALLY fine toned Richmond piano, mahogany cur. Host new about $500; price $285; $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. HOT-WATER, tanks. 30-gal.. $7: 40-gal.. $9 ; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnac coils, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 st. East 8516. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. .NORR1S SAFE & LOCK. CO.. 305 Second St. Maln??: PHOTOGRAPHY Do you want a good outfit and someone to show you? 5x7 fine folding machine, equipment, plenty of negatives to experiment with; $100, some etock. A R 762, regonian. LUNCH WAGON, built of oak. fully equipped, cost $1075 to build. Will eeil cheap or trade for auto or livestock. Appiy 549 E. Lombard, near 11th st. Wdln. 867. DIAMOND Must sacrifice $550 beautiful diamond weighing nearly karat; need money immediately. Quick sale. $3r5 spot ca?h. Broadway 580. line 25. ask for Fend el. CHERRY ORCHARD OPENS SUNDAY. Royal Anne and Lambert cherries 10c per pound on the tree ; mile east of New Era. King's ranch. Paved high way from Portland. MOVING Odds and ends. Mason jars, lawn-mower, lumber, andiron;?, books, household furniture, piano, range. 1075 Stanton st. BABY carriage in excellent condition, fine mohair top with storm curtains; a gen uine bargain. Crown Furniture Co., 209 First street. $50 COLUMBIA hornless, taken as part payment on new Columbia, only $35 ; easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. MAGNUS root beer barrel; guaranteed 100 if sold immediately. O 133. Ore gonlan. VEST POCKET autographic kodak (ana stigmat F-7.7.) $12; new. D 165, Ore con ian. F1HELESS COOKER, 3 "Wearever" alu minum kettles, good condition, $13. 2915 S5th st. S. E. FOR SALE Cherreis, Royal Annes and Bings, on Greshara and Troutdale road. Bring baskets. FOR SALE One set Harvard Classics, green silk binding, fine condition, $25 cash. Tabor 1650. ROYAL furnace with 8 openings, cheap. Owner installing gas furnace. 1249 East Davis. ONE 6-hole polish top range wtth coil a, A-l condition. Address 179S Oregon St. Tabor 210S. MAHOGANY electric phonograph: sixty gallon hot water tank and sail boat cheap. Tabor 6015. FOR SALE 1 glass showcase; small cook rtove; 1 Fairbanks scale, 250 lbs. W. S.J Millar, 3N15 Main St., Vancouver, wash. FOR SALE Royal Anne cherries; pick them yourself, 10c a pound. 743 Green wood. Sellwood 1018. FOR SALE A baby's bed with bedding. Leaving town, must sell Immediately. Sell. 17S9. Royal Ann Cherries 12c picked. 8603 Powell Valley Road. Tabor 7304. BUCK 4-hole wood or coal range with water coil; splendid condition; $35. 27 E. 91st st. GRAFONOLA and records, $60; shotgun, leather case. $45: .30 Remington rifle, $35. Marshall 1S28. GOOD second-hand lumber, rustic and flooring, 1x12s, 2x4s, SxlOa and 2x8s. Call East 1897. CLASSY china closet, must be sold at once at a reaFonable price. Call Mon day. Main 134. ' HAVE several fine diamonds for pale, pri vate ownership; will take liberty bonds. G 587, Oregonian. WATCH. 17-jewel, 591, Oregonian. almost new ; cheap. G ON E 3-gal. coffee urn, one porcelain sink with grease trap. Call Marshall 4469. TWO pairs shoes, No. 4. new; Phnne Main 3334, evenings. bargain. ONE ice chest, $10, ice chest, $6. 6 Iron beds; cheap. 217 Washington st. ROYAL ANNE cherries, 12c a lb. Call at 784 E. 31st st. FOR SALE A brick-set furnace ; a bar- gain. Call Auto. 310-75. Safe 30x20-in.. Hirrin or-Hall-Marvin make; has Inside dooiv AP 790. Oregonlan. ROYAL ANNE cherries, 10c a lb picked. 11 E. 52d st.. Tabor 7106. ALASKA raw furs. Price reasonable FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. 1000 TJ. S. ARMY BLANKETS AT SPECIAL PRICES. 16x16 U. 8. Army tents, 12-ox. duck $35 Shirts, Wool, O. T. A, size 16 up .$3.00 B, smaller sizes $2.50 B reec h es. Wool, O. D. A $3.50 B $2.50 C $1.50 U. S. Army New Steel Sample Trunks. Size 19x10x86 inches. Each $5.00 Coats. Wool, O. D. A $2,00 B $1.00 Cotton Coats, Breeches. A $1.25 Overcoats, Wool, O. D. A $12.00 B $10.00 C $ 8.00 Macklnaws, Wool, O. D. A $12.00 B $10.00 Shelter Half Tents, O. D. A $2.50 B ' $1.50 Ponchos, Rainproof. A $2.50 B $1.60 Army Horse Blankets, $3.00 Bed Sacks, White Cotton. - A $2.00 B $1.50 Wrapped Leggings, Wool, O. D. A $1.50 B $l.O0 Army Belts .25 Canvas Leggings .25 Ash Cans, up from ...$1.00 Ammunition Steel Box, Good for tools 25 AND A COMPLETE LINE OF TJ. S. ARMY GOODS. ALL OF THESE HAVE BEEN USED AND THE CLASSIFICA TION IS MADE ACCORDING TO THE WEAR. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. WHEN ORDERING PLEASE STATE SIZE. wholesale: and retail, horenstein & mesher. Largest Dealers in Army Salvage. 250 SECOND ST., NEAR MADISON. 25 DkOPHEAD sewing macnines. com plete with attachments. In good sewing order, $H to $23; sewing machines rented $3 per month; machine cleaned and re paired. E. R. Steep, 152 Grnnd ave. B. 3307. East 2850 FOR SALE Candy pan, copper candy ket tles, marble slabs, furnace (new), chime auto whiBtle, Eagle raw peanuts, fruit jars, kodak, at your own price. Call Main 0492. FLOWER PLANTS FOR SALE. Now Is the time to start that old fashioned hardy border; all kinds of plants for sale. Call 1067 senate St., Laureihurst. fhdne Tabor 32id. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA BARGAIN Fine Columbia grafonola. like new. ana $;o worth tine records. i;ost in.i frice $135; $25 down, balance easy, lyatt .Talking Machine Co., -350 Alder, FOR SALE Lady's tricotine suit and party dress, size 36 or 38; also fall hat and two pairs shoes, size 6; reasonable. Call East 8201. EASTMAN camera, 8x10, good for inside or outside work ; Goerz Dagor lens. Phone or address Ben J. An.elmo. 204 Alder st. Phone Main 3297. Call Monday. PANSY plants in bloom, large flowers, as sorted colors, 50c per doz. postpaid. Mar shall 1118. Mrs. E. L. Hull, R. F. D. L Oswego. ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. latent handy volume edition ; full sheep leatner; per fect condition; 40 per cent off. Taboi 8329. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE, 32 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE AND SUPPLY CO. Broadway 1966. 48 Front St. flOlSON OPERA PHONOGRAPH. fine wooden horn, automatic stop. Cost $90; price $30, $10 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 30 Alder. FOR SALE at a discount, one six-grave lot in the very best part of Rose City ceme tery. Owner leaving city. Phone Tabor 22M0. FOR SALE .S Colt automatic , pistol. sorlnff shoulder holster, shot ten times 4 shells, cheap at $40. Call Marshall 39S3 or 1S Sherman st., apt. 2n.s. ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEANERS lor rent. $1.50 per day, delivered. The Electric Maid Shop, 13.1 Tenth st. Broadway 4024. "Let the Electric Maid do your work." FOR SALE Wind mill, 40-ft. steel tower. 820-galion galvanized tank, lio-f t. drop. 1 wheel chair for sale. AE 739, Orego nlan FUME LESS GAS RADIATOR WANTED Will exchange new phonograph for a fumeless gas radiator. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. WE SELL LADIEy" t'SED APPAREL In our home in Laurelh urst ; prices right. 1132 East GUsaTi st. Tabor 2S25. CURRANTS Thursday, Friday or any day next week, at 73 and Yamhill. Mt. Tabor car. Phone evenings. Tabor 0057. KODAKS We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko- daks. Sandy's. 329 Washington st. ONE Bridge & Beach range, three ovens. 9 feet long, used four months; a dandy for logging camp; $175. Bdwy. 1137. SUITS to ordr on easy payments. Unique Tailoring Co.. 104 Fourth tu, bet. Wash, and Staik. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. KTC BEN S BACKMAN. 110 8D ST. ACOUSTICON Perfect condition. $25. Phone Columbia 14J or call and test at 700 Vanderbllt St. BILLIARD and pocket oilliard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures: terms. W. J. Qulgley. 369 Hawthorne. E aat 123. OFFICE FURNITURE, uced by govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationer? & Printing Co.. 107 2d st. DROP-HEAD SEWING THACHINE. nearly new. all attachments; reasonable. Phone Main B75S. ADDING machine; second hand; nearly new. Bargain. 384 Stark st. Bdwy. 1190. ELECTRIC fans and drmk mixers re paired ; new. used and exchanged. Hyn son Electric Co., 302 PlnaBdwy. 4293. NEARLYHALF PRICE 1 safe, steel fil ing case, office desk, computing scale check writer. 806 Oak st. WHITE English baby buggy for sale, in best of condition ; price $20. Phone 317-29. FOR SALE Cheney phonograph wltbTTec orda; Queen Ann design; price right. Must be sold. Woodlawn 4276. FOR SALE Practically new hemstitching SHOWCASES for sale cheap. 2bth st. North. 120 E. 1 NATIONAL' cash register; rings 1c to $2u; for sale cheap. tfJOl Foster road. ioK SALE Royal Anne cherries, lie 10. with boxes furnished. 1730 Dana st. BfiCOND-H AND Peerless meat si leer 1q A-l condition; cheap. 803 Alberta st. FOUR acres uncut hay at 828 Hawthorne avenue. Telephone East 330. FOLDING baby buggy, Sturgeaa make esi conamon; jviar. i . KE ED baby carriage: go-cart, also man's bicycle. 635 E. 11th N. CHERRIES for sale; oxheart for sale at 8c per id. iduvr RAMBLER blcyle, coaster brake, good except tire. Apply 374 Victoria et. ROYAL ANNE cherries for sale at Linn ton. Or. Address M. M. Mclntyre. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR BET T BLDG. MARSHALL 557. . 6ECOND-H AND tent and covers for sal. Paoific Tent A Awning. 1 N. 1st at. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st at., near Aah. FOR SALE Paint spraying maeblni ChamplonMfg. Co., Woodlawn 3607. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $lTper day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. COATS, furs, auits. gowns and e van i ad dresses, slightly worn. Main 9567. CHERRIES for sale. 1940 E. Morrison near 76th street. Mt. Tabor car. FLOOR snowcases one cigar, one candy Tent 16x16. 600 First at. 60-FT GARDEN hose and several auto matic sprinklers. East 6174. ALDER slab and block wood for aale. Phone 221-37. GOOD 6-hole range with coils. $10. 182 Gibbs st. FOR SALE 6-drawer Singer sewing ma chine. Call after 4, 574 Everett st., city. A CiOMPLETE candy maker's outfit for sale cheap. 80S Thurman at.-' GOOD bicycle for sale cheap. Fifleld, 278 W. Baldwin st ! RO if AL ANNE cherries. 10c a pound on tree. 22 . 63d Tabor 600. FOR SALE- Miscellaneous. NEW imitation black leather traveling oag. $40; new imitation leather suitcase. $1.50; wire cutting plyers, 35c pair; new pair men's pants, size 36-33, $4.5u; an other pair, size 3!-32, $4.50; gents' small diamond ring, $16; gents gun metal wrist watch, $4; gent's watch chain, $S; gallon can gray house paint, $3; 12 inch nickel plated dividers, 75c pair; men's new heavy work shoes, size 7, JO.r.O; pair girl's new tan shoes, size 11, $2.5Q. 311 Montgomery su CHICKEN HOUSES FOR SALE $37.50 complete chicken houses for $25. Ou. REDI MADE BUILDING CO.. 315 East Eleventh St. 2 Blocks South of Hawthorne. ONE pair pants, $2.50; 1 coat, 50c; man's suit.- u; x. overcoat, ia; 1 cap. toe : 1 tuxedo jacket. 5uc ; 4 light snirts, 1 5c ea. ; 2 shirts, 50c ta. ; 1 wool vest sweat er, 5oc; 1 wool union suit. $1; 1 wool under suit, $1; 1 cotton union suit. 75c; 1 6iik and wool green jersey sweater, $4.50; 1 pr. men's tan shoes, size bs. $3.50; pair of men's slippers, 75c. Ta bor 87, 212 E. 85th st. PIPE!! PIPE!! PIPE!! Black and galvanized, new and sec ond hand, from to 12-lnch; from 1 foot to 10.090 feet. 4-inch extra heavy pipe, 100-foot lot at 90 cents per foot. Any kind of plumbing supplies at 5 per cent less than wholesale price. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 209-271 Front. Main 6325. ONE gas range, A-B, high oven, prac tically new, $62. Now $-0; 3 dozen halt gallon Economy jars, 1 Colt revolver, .45; one pair gentleman's white shoes, size 9, cost $lu, worn one night. Call East 1810. CHERRIES, raspberries, loganberries, peas now ; blackberries soon. .f ick them yourself or we will pick ; kale and cab bage plants. Corner of Sith and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (MT 88th) car to end, 4 blocks north. 1 east. EDISON DIAMOND DISC. Fine Edison diemond disc, taken on lareer Edison, sells for $20ti. Price $135. $25 down, balance easy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. DRESS UP LOOK. NICE. Beautiful -dress suits and coats, lat est styles; you would be surprised how nice you can look for $15. Vogue Ap parel exchange, 4113 Aiisky, 1. PA1 R Ground Gripper ladies' oxfords. 4H or 5s. One pair of Sea island duck aress shoes. ;- A A. Moth have been worn two weeks. Call 21o Swetland bing. Monday. RUBBER COAT, rubber boots, size 9; mens tan oxfords, size 8V2; sailors can vas bag, steamer t run it. sLop watch. Howard gold watch, Gillette safety razor, hair clipper. Main 1009. FOR SALE Herrick hardwood refrigera tor, white enamel lining, size 3 by 3fc f t. ; holds loo lbs. of Ice ; good as new. 418 East 58th st.. near Lincoln. Tabor 4444. NEW PERIOD MOPHLS. See the new Period models In Edison. Brunswick and Columbia.' Priced from $35o to $750. Special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE A first-class grocery scale ; electric, self-computing Toledo of 20 lbs. capacity, almost as good as new. Ad dress 445 E. GSth st., Portland, or phone Tabor 5311. FOR SALE Ice chest 6 ft. high, 7 ft. long and 2 H ft- wide, with seven glaRS doors and one ml rror. also scrap table for restaurant and four, serving tables. East 6605. BEAUTIFUL coral georgette crepe dress, size S6. worn once, cost t75, pelt for $20; alpo new brown cape, cost $50, sell for Slrt. Call East 3113. LOOK. New potatoes, 14 lbs. $1. Other vege tables cheap. 1360 E. 23d N. Woodlawn car. ROYAL ANNE arid black Republican cher ries for sale. Extra fine, 12c per pound. Woodstock car to 40th at., 1 block south. 40O6 61 st ave. OFKiCE furnitur from Columbia river ship building corp.; desks, chairs, add ing mHchinea and comptometer. D. C. Wax, 31 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 27;:9. TAN sport coat, size 3S; black net evening gown, size 40; set "Book of Knowledge," kitchen table with flour bins. 1014 East Main st. CHERRTES Bing, Lambert. Royal Anne on the trees. Come out today, bring your baskets. Take Woodstock car, gel off at 37th, 1 block south. 875 37th st. A SNAP for some one. One folding camera. In first -class cond it ion, well worth $25. a bargain at $15. COG E. Couch East 4976. PARLOR ORGAN. Fine Chicago cottage organ. Cost $100; price $35, $lo down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 AI.Lvr. CAMMING OUTFIT. 8x10 wail tent, $15: Fisher auto bed, $14; folding table with screened food compartment, $S; folding gasoline stove. 2 burners. $7. East 440. FOR SALE My 30-mo. leae on woodyard and complete eauipment located in good paying d is trie t. For particulars call Wdln. 10S9. CHERRY ORCHARD, OPEN ON SUNDAY. Royal Annes, lua on trees ; Black Re puhticani, 5c on trees. 400 E. b2d, near Division. Tabor 817o. WoU LD LI K B to exchange new talking machine and records for first-class type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 A lder. 1 ROOT beer lnrrel. f'rst '?lasa condition fully equipped, reasonable. Marshall 4469. SMALL boy's bicycle, also man's, both Al condition. New tires, etc. Cheap. 352 4'hapman, near Mill. PANS Y plants, assorted colors, 50c doz. Mar. 1118. Mrs. K. L, Hull, R. 1, Os wego, Or. CHERRIES. 10c; bring baskets and pick them yourself. Pie cherries, 7c. 42d and Simpson. Shingled house. ONE-HALF INTEREST In gasoline wood saw, mounted on Ford truck. Main 8tti4. 49H Columbia st. PIANO TRUCK t-Loeb model, nearly new, must dispose of it at once. Call Mon day. 144 1ft. 1 PENINSULA gas oven, used; 4 burners. Oven and broiler $23. Phone owner. Tabor e:ui. FINE BAILEY BUGGY, rubber tired and set single harness; cost $285; price $60. P. O. Box 4. city. BRAND NEW $K5 tailored suit, owner will sacrifice for $55, size 36. 361 Yam hill St. WILL sacrifice $200 diamond ring for $135. Excellent stone. Will talk cash only. E 172. Oregonlan. FOR RALE Vulcan gas range, used 9 months. $32: Ice box. 1820x62, used one month, $12. 284 College st. FOR SALE 1 second-hand machine lathe, heavy. 13-inch swinf?. $250. In til an Mo torcycle & Bicycle Co., 204 3d st. WILL PAY part cash and fine new talk ing maehine outfit for first-class Ford. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. COM PTOM ETER adding and calculating machine. Rood condition; cheap for cash. 218 Lumbermen's bldg. PRACTICALLY new Colonial range with colls, haa some white porceleum on it, in perfect condition. Tabor 0236. GENT'S bicycle, new tires, fine shape. See it at 063 Williams ave. HIGHER accountancy course, complete. D 176, Oregonlan. LaSalle ROYAL ANNE cherries for aale. 150 E. 47th st. N. MontavIKa car. ONE practically new 10-coluinn lock comp tometer. Phone 325-13. COLLAPSIBLE sulky, slightly worn; price $5. 5ot$ Jefferson at., apt. 4. FOR SALE Complete hand embroidered baby's layette and crib. Phone E. 3757. ALL-WOOL hand knitted pink sweater for sale; size 3. Bdwy. 1SS6. 11EM&T1TCH 1NG machine for sale; loca tion if desired. Wdln. 3704. FINE gas range for aale cheap. 1703 Ore gon st - 10x12 OLD ROSE Axminlster rug. Just like new, cheap. Automatic 221-23. HEAVY BRASS Russian samovar, capacity 35 cups. Main 9567. ONE-MAX sleeping camp outfit, mosquito proof.a bargain. Main 8340. REED go-cart, perfect condition, $17.50. Phonfl East 925. DC DOR shade, large size, bargain. AF 873. Oregonian. TWO Manning gas heaters for aale cheap. Sellwood 1120. WILLOW baby bugiry for sale, practically new. 75 Grand ave. X. EXTRA fine cherries very reasonable. 1 224 E. Main. FOR "SALE Good 4-hole ateel range, good condition. 3G6 l?t st.. in rear. Crosby. GAS STOVES, plates,., furniture, men's, boys' clothes. Rooms 163 1st. Room 12. ICE BOX and flrelesa cooker for aale. Main 9580. GENT'S SUIT Summer weight, size 36 or 38. 175 i4th, cor. Yamhill. FOR SALE An elegant Iron bed, double. 600 Market st. drive. 7-BANK adding machine, lister, for aale at a bargain. 304 Oak st. SHOTGUN for sale. Sellwood 17S9. CAXJ-t Woodlawn 2321 Xor 84x44 kodak,' FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Just received some slightly damaged plumbing supplies. We can save you some money. Our line of first quality supplies is complete. Let us figure with you before you let your contract. Estimates Free. NORTHWEST PIPE CO.. 187 Front St., Between Yamhill and Taylor. Main 5631. LOOK. READ THIS TOOLS TOOLS, Ship carpenters, ship joiners, caulk ers, house carpenters, plumbing, paint brushes, paperhangers brushes, too chests, T squares. try squares, locks and other hardware; a few electric supplies ; one Edison electric Hot point ir.n, 6 lbs., lit volts: Prince Albert black suit, size 40, and other clothing; trunk. 21x3Xx24-in; one Scran ton civil engineering course with applied mechanics and machine design, and set of ten vol. text books: one set of archi tectural buliding engineering, ten vol.; 5x7 view camera. Da riot lens. T nor ton -Pickard Bhutter. focal plane, tripod, and most complete outfit; diamond gl:i! cut ter, postal letter scale. Fairbanks scales, 8 oz. by Vi grains; no dealers. A 149, Oreg onlan DDflTCVT r I A IT" f . I-- 11' M Do you know that tartar scales, im perfect fitting crowns and bridges, overhanging fillings irritating gums, all contribute to pyorrhea, pus of funis, in flation of gums, loosening of the teeth and finally loss of teeth? I specialize In first-class dentistry. - X-ray examina tions. DR. A. W. KEENE. Ma jeetic Theater Bldg., 351 Hi Washington St. BAGS BAGS BAGS. We sell araln bags as well nn any other kind of burlap bags for less; get our prices. NAIMARK BAG CO.. 205 Jefferson. Main 2G20. THE New Invention Fumigating Co. Peo ple, it s no disgrace to have oeu bugs, but it is to keep thorn; let us conv and clean vour room with our new inven tion to stay clean ; give us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction at a reasonable price. Phone East 5055 for appointment and information. BEAUTIFUL Infant layett". all hand mde. Including bissinette on wheels with pillow, blanket, -bath apron, car riage pillow nnd robe, coat and silk hood, hand -crocheted sack, nevr been worn. Will sell altogether or separate. 219 E. 47th t. Tabor 2237. DRAG SAW, new Vaughn, equipped com plete for falling timber and in A-l con dition. This is a 1-man saw and a bar gnln. Can be seen In operation any day. owner going to Florida in 20 days, rea son for selling. Lock box 301, Beaver- ton, or SEVEN - PI KCE grass porch furniture for tale. ued one month ; four-ploco ivory bedroom set, cheap lor quick pale. Sun day between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.. call Main 7107: Mondav between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M., call Main 903. HIGH-GRADE furniture, consisting of 9x12 rug, A. B. gas range, 5 pairs curtains. 2 pairs draperies, screened meat cup board, also hand-made coral wool sweat er, never worn: red fox fur In good con dition. Tel. Tabor 7134. NATIONAL cash register, small and large one, round -corner case, candy and cigar cases, wall case, large and Small s:ife. Ice box, electric coffee mill, gun rang", Toledo scale, at sacrifice price. 2-12 Salmon. . FOR SALE Shepherd plaid suit, good condition, new H. S. M. suit, both size 87 ; u Iso 4 good f olt hats, sine 7 ; fine waxed oak buffet, new folding kite hen table. No dealers. Main 4637. between 9:3 and 1 :30 P. M LEAKY roof, eh! Very aggravating Indeed. Why not a permanent and com for table root ? We repair, rubber bond a nd reiu- venate a'! kinds of leaky roois. I'hune Main fil20 or Main 5501. AN Auto Graflex junior. 2Hx.1H. with B. L. Zeiss Te$Far. series I. C. F. 4.5 lens. 4 double plate holders and film pack adapter, nearly new. $n0 ca.sli; regular price $10S.M. East SOOt). SHOP and yard equipment Including punches, shears, drills. Jib-cranes, chain blocks, grinders, anvils, forges, etc. Co lumbia Shipbuilding Corp., foot of Meade st. Marshall 435. FOR SALE "Monarch" steel rane. A No. 1. excellent cond it ion. Prlee reason.! ble. Call not later than Tuesday, thirteenth. Main 21S7. $75 COLUM HI A hornless machine, taken on new Columbia, like new: price $50. $10 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talk ing jiacmne to., a liter. VULCANIZING tube plnte apron. Williams etx.'ii, largo lire drier attached, gas and gasoline burners, $50. 22 Chapman st. Main 295 M.VN'S saddle, riding whip and 2 riding bridles, like new. $32.50. One Universal nuto camping bed and mattress. $15. T a n n r 4 9 s ; . 4 1 East 54th St. N EI .jHCTRI C irons, appliances, doorbells, vacuum cleaners repaired ; fixtures re wired. We call and deliver. Woodlawn 1250 or East 4045. WILL EXCHANGE beautiful diamond weighing 2 15-lio carats, worth $22O0, for first-class auto. Edgar BHayf ;eld, P. O. Box 4. city. . WE MANUFACTURE for caniolnir nort able folding j-teel spring beftn; tin change your springs to lit. 439 Tillamook. I'hone E. 1H2. BLACK Imported silk velour. street or evening, cloak lined with elegant silk, never used; cost $150. will take $75. Call No. 8 Blaker Apts.. Vancouver. CHKHRIHS Royal A nncs and liluck Re publicans, extra fine, on tree, or de llvered. Call Oak Grove 111J. CASH registers, safes, floor cases, ie box, scales, wa 11 cases, other fixtures. Ou terms. 242 Salmon. BLUE crepe de chine dress, bead trimming, also dark brown marabou cape, ostrich trimming, new. I'hone East 8469. BA RGA IN In used sewing machines, all drop heads and in good sewing order. $16.50 and $18.50. 172 3d, near Yamhill. GOOD bicycle cheap, take your 1 8 or 20 Inch frame as part pay. E 562. Orego nian. IN V A LID wheel chair. bed room chai r, back rest, air cushions. Phone Main 71 19. OHIO vacuum cleaner for sale cheap; used four weeks. Wdln. OoSS. Call 1463 Un ion ave. N. PULLETS, hens, cockerel, larfre cook stove, child's bed and Mason fruit jars. 355 Grtham ae., near Union. STEEL HULL, 28x8 ft.. $30; 4-cy'.!nder murine motor, 24 horsepower, $10j. Wdln. 550. GOOD root beer barrel, 3 compart men t s. first-class condition; reasonable. 201) Morrison st. FOR SALE Black, collapsible baby buggy, $s; also coilansible sulky, without lop, $2. tUi4 E. .Morrifon. BURROUGHS adding machine, 9 columns, fine condition: cheap for cash. 218 Lumbermen's bldg. FOR SALE. $0 Practically new lady's Nap-a-Tan hiking boots in excellent condition. Phone Wdln. 1349. C- A. HUDSON. Boring. Or., P. O. ; 18.000 feet of 2x6 lumber; will sell cheap or tr:ide on light truck. 1 SIX-HOLE steel ranire. $25; range. $10. Main :ifS70. to one gas BUGGY and bassinette. $20, leaving town at once. 603 E. 14th street S. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. LATE-MODEL Paige roadster; engine Just overhauled, new tires. $1050 ; one of the best in the city. See owner at Broad way Auto Inn., East 3d and Broadway. 1916 FORD touring, fine condition, us.-d privately. A snap at $400. Terms. o0 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1915 BIG Mitchell six, in pood condition. 5 good tires; will sacrifice for $400. Main 3237. ! 'uKD delivery, good eh ape. must sell. A bargain, $300. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LATE model Dodge touring, newly painted, 4 new tires, wire wheels, will take Ford In trade. Tabor 1917. FORD roadster for sale; buy direct from owner; save $50. Call after 9 Sunday. 711 K. Everett. HUDSON light 6. 5-passenger, bargain, $750. Telephone E. 5o. FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet; a bargain. G ISO. Oregonian. LIBERTY SIX Rank bargain; no dealers. Call Sunday forenoon. 235 Sheridan st. BARGAI N 1919 Oakland, like new, good equ ipment : must dl. Tabor 7S16. GRAY & DAVIS starter for FortL $36. Call Marshall 391 today. CADILLAC bug, A-l condition, $225 cash, party leaving town. C 15. Oregonlan. fc'l C DEBA K ER coupe, quick sale, $ 400, fine condition. 655 E. Salmon. ABBOT Detroit bug. 80 horsepower. $200. Call Tabor 1763. TO EXCHANGE. 1920 Ford sedan for a 7-pass. car. Phone Tabor 2285. Pi iR r lieht deliver. $375 cash. c:ll m f tTr- 711 E. Everett. FOR SALE AVTOMOBn.ES. KALE EXTRAORDINARY. CAR PRICES SMASHED. This week is clean-up week for us. Prices are no object. One hundred NEW and used cars must be sold quick ly. We offer now the opportunity car buyers have bet waiting for. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. QUALITY CARS. Trade in your old car to us; we make fair allowance. We take liberty bonds. Our easy -payment plan does not incon venience. 1919 and 1920 models: MONROE. CHANDLER. PATERSON. Bl'ICK.. LORRAINE. APPERSON P. OLDSMOBILE 8. Late models: CHEVROLET. Bl'ICK. PAIGE. FORD. HAVNES. CHANDLER. CHALMERS. HUDSON SUPER. MAXWELL. MITCHELL. OVERLAND. OAKLAND. STUDERAKER. AUBURN. Large assortment of bugs, motorcycles, delivery wagons, trucks, etc. Touring cars, five and seven-passengers. Road sters, two and four passengers OB YE PRICKS AND OB YE POLICY. cannot be equaled, ob ye motors co., Broadway at Couch. 12 Grand Ave. N. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhau'ed $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. corner JefXerson. CHALMERS SEDAN.- RUV ONLY ?00 MILKS. THEY COST $:U2."S NEW. THIS IS THE LATEST MODEL. CORD TIRES, KXTKA TIRE. GOOD AS NEW AND LOOKS Nb'W THIS IS AN HONEST BARGAIN, $1050. TERMS IF DESIRED. CALL ME UP ABOUT IT. MAN V 1LLE, EAST 8605. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. ; also do towing. Opeu day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. WILL sell for cash a 1020 $4000 car, fine condition; run oniy 2500 miles; fully equipped. MAIN b016. $1050 STUTZ four-passenger. sportster model ; ext. optional paint in g .lob ; spi-ciu 1 a.l uluminum budy. 'uiioinia top and side curtains, upholstery genuine lea ther, motoineter, spotlight, shock ab sorbers; one ot the fastest and most powerful cars in town. Mci'huil, 215 lOLli. M:in 3237. tl'iCK- 1!15 P.uick must be sold today. lias been completely overhauled and in A-l shape ; electric lights uml starttr, good tires. Call at loon E. Taylor st. and make an offer to th owner. This car Is In good order no junk. Phone Tabor 3:;i2. $475 MAXWELL TOU RING. This car b:i been rcfir.ished and will look and run to please you. Come and have a look at the best and lowest i priced 5-pass. car on this row. Take $15o, lal. monthly. 505 Alder st. lied Front Used Car Co. 191 VELIE !5-p;issenKr. just over hauled and painted: look like new; a bargain. Call Broadway 354. Ask for Hillar. lit 10 BUICK. This is a light six and Is in fine shape every way; extra new tire:-. potliKiit ar.d bumper ; "price $1 4PO; you'll have to h urry. Owner's residence, 124S K. Mor rison. A REAL BARGAIN. 1017 7-pass. Ptiice. first-class condition In every way, Kelly-Sprius field cord tires at I around with one e. tra. $ 1 nhi for a quick sale. Call Sellwood 2128 fur Information. FOR SALE Harm In. 191S Maxwell, cord 1 1 terms. ti-4u, 1115 Hudson, bnrgain, almost new tires, car in fine condition; Stanton and Armstrong ga r ae. opposite Marguerite ave. on Hawthorne. J. A. Finley. owner. Rr. 2777. Tabor 050. D !: M i N ST R A TO It. Llpht 5-paseiiKr. very powerful, 4 cyttmler Allen; attractive discount; ould consider trade. Mr. Mam 7S4i. 1 0 1 6 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, runs fine and Is pood throughout; $45o, $150 down, balance easy. A-l AUTO W ORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder S t . CHANDLER 4 - P A S S S K N l ; E R . 1910, one of those bl ue birds that everybody likes ; fine new tires and tubes, run 6000 miles; can't tell from new; $1550, terms. It road way hotel. MoDEL "N" HupmbbUe. This needs some work on it but will sell at a price that you can afford to put the necessary re pairs on it and have a wonderful car at a bargain. I'hone Boynton. Bdwy. 4.1S0. 1010 VELIE roadster. In perfect condi tion. 5 new tires; will cheap and pive good te-ms. Call Broadway 32111 ann hsk ior Mrtnvr Fo RDS for le. cheap, one Dl 4 roadster, one liM 5 tourlnp, ore lMS tour In ff. all !n fine shape. h4;;9 Foster Road. Lents. Call Sunday. FORDCOUPE. 1!120. fully equipped and gua ran teed, first -class condition, owner leaving itv. Call Ma r. 2505 between 5 :30 nnd 7 :30 evenings. Fot'R go'-d used ca rs, 2 buirs : 1 Ford, fine body, $itjo; 1 Oldsmobi'e. fajt, $350 1 Reo t oaring, $r;o0; 1 Ford delivery 350. 125 l;th st. J" CHAN'Kl.KR, 7-pass.. fine conaition, newly painted and overhauled; will take small car in trade; terms on hal. Price $1400 Mr. Argo. Broadway 32SI. B:g USED CARS Prices Stock. riahL No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTO R CAR CO. FOR SALE or trade for a liirht car. 1017 Indian motorcycle. fuMy c.j nipped tan dem, new bat t cries ; run 20,1100 m litis ; must sMl or trade. Main 45S. ISHvS BUICK. six in excellent condition; 4 cord tires. 2 extra fabric, bumper, trans mission lock; a bargain. Call owner. Main 757. 5-P ASSENGKR car, frood condition. $700. Call owner, L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. 1918 OVERLAND, model 90. 5-passenper, first-clas condition; good tires; $uo! 625 Everett st. NEW Mitchell roadster, run less than 5O0 miles Will sell at big sacrifice. 11 f Kimble. E. 2M6. FORD. 1916. new top. tires and paint; lots of pep; a bargain. 452 Benton tt. C 2442. 1018 CHANDLER car, good condition, cord tires; price $1050. Call Tabor 8116 alter 1 P. M. PACKARD touring car 6-3S, good condi tion; by owner. 444 Carter Lane, Port- land H tig h t s. 1918 MAXWELL roadster, as good as new, 5 good cord tires, at big bargain. P l Oregonlan. I HAVE Overland Country Club top ana body for sa.e cheap; good as new. Call :;t0-94. REO lifrht delivery. Rood running order with license; owner will sacrifice for $85 cash. 414 L.iisa,n&t..cor iota. 1917 CHALMERS, perfect mechanical con dition. $750; will take Ford or other light car. Call Tabor 7307. FOR SALE Lexington car. good shape. p. O. box fi-il. cii). FOR SALE Dodge light delivery in itood condi tion $950. 430 Alder st. 1912 FRAN KLIN touring car. owner cheap. -Woodlawn 106 1919 CHEVROLET, fine mechan cal condi tion. Call owner, Woodlawn 1-T97. 102O FORD touring, excellent condition Tabor 055L FOR SALE Dodge car. 1010, with extras; $1050 cash; snap. 47 Gth st. N. CHALMERS bug for sale at 310 Pine st Bd w y . 2 170. $450. te rm s. FORD bug for sale cheap, good condition; terms. Ca'l 561 14 Glisan st. 19 1 S FORD touring, fine condition, good tires and extras. Tabor SSQ. STEPHENS Salient six for sale; leaving city. 303 Alder st. FOID, 1017 touring, jupt overhauled, $450. Tabor 9551. Monday East olux FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE!, CUT PRICE SALE ON USED CAIUi. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CO. Main 7S0. 5S-60 N. 23d at. We are golnc to dispose of this splen did stock of used cars at the very ear'i est possible moment, as we must nuV4 room for more trades on our new cars, which are coming fast. Each of these cars has been put In the very finest condition, bot h moehan icaily and as ta appearance, and will be sold for the same priee as you would usually pay fr a car that has had none of this reflnislung and rebuilding work. We can give you a much better car for the same money. It will pay you Id aee these cars. Here are a few of them listed for your consideration : Maxwell touring, 1917 $ 473 Maxwell touring, 101S 550 Maxwell roadster, 101S 625 Overland, 101S. touring, model 90.. 750 Overland, 191S. touring . model 85 800 Overland. 1916. touring, model 75.. 475 Overland. 1016, touring, model S3., 400 Bulck. 101 9. touring. 5 cord tires. ' new paint 1450 Studebaker. 1917, 4-cylinder touring COO Studebaker. 101S, 6-cylinder touring 1000 Mitchell. 1917. touring. 6-cylinder. Br0 Reo. 191S, 6-cytinder. touring 1000 Oldsmoblle, 191S. S-cylinder touring 1250 Taige. 1918. 7-passenger touring... 1G00 Velie, 1917, 5-passenger, touring. . . 600 Velie, 1910. 5-passcnger, touring... 1404 Saxon, 1017. 5-pareenger. touring... 706 Buy your car from a responsible dealer If you expect to get your money's worth. F.ach car sold on easy terms and fully guaranteed. REMEMBER THE PLACE. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. Main 7S0. 5S North 23d. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled .$20 liear axle overhauled 6; Valves ground, carbon removed..... -3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts ouly used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and thej lights are dim is because the MAU NETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED) by EXPERTS UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jt-fierson. Main 7644. 101s CHEVROLF.T ROADSTER. Has been com pi etc ly overhauled and put in com! it ion. like new car, has shock absorbers. 5 tires, terms to suit, price rlfcht. For Sale by Chevrolet I'stributors. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th ana Alder. Broad ay -40. AM A ROUT to build a two-story quarter block fireproof building between Broad way and 10th on Rurnside. 1 cannot use oil of the building, h-'m-e am offering at very conservative figures the eniiro upper floor and portion of lower. Dealers in automobiles and ther supplies, will be ua rtiuuia rly interested and as mutual tenants. Don't miss this opportuni t . Prom pt action will bo neces sary Kb this is u. choice lucatiou. Call Automatic 524-14. BARGAIN 7-passong-r 6 Studebakar IMS model for sale; not run over Oooo miles, in good mer nan leal condition ; equipped with 5 cord tires, 4 new extras, spot light and cord. bumper. windshield cleaner, auto clock. Weed chain jack, tool box. Weed chaihs. new threaded ruhber Wlllard battery coat $52.30. an extra Royal cord U. S. tire, all lor $1500. 20. so. l'-H:i CHEVROLET 400 TOURING.' Just . put in line condition bv the Chevrol-t distributers, will stand Lehtiul this car $7011. terms that will cuu you. ilKLDS Motor car CO., Chevrolet Distributors. 14th nnd Aider. Broadway 24U. FOR D BUG. Owner leavin city, will sell at once for bet cash of ler; will guarantee ST miles per gallon on gasoline, distiiiate or kerosene ; new $4ti0 body, motor meter, wire wheels, new cord tires, guaranteed, first-class shape throughout. 1'hona Broadway 4123. Ask ior Mr. Mills. '1 DOlMrE ROADSTER. Tills Dodue looks and runs a flTl a one could and has six tires and new top and this yea r's license and the lv price of $:U5o down, bn L monthly. w ill let you own this high-grade roadster. Take Knrd touring In trade. 5o5 Alder St. Rod Front l"se,l Car Co. B Y O W X K R : ! ! Late model huiLuirt Speedster, looks ar.d runs fine, new set tirs. cannot be excelltd for speed and power, one ex amination will convince you that thi is some bargain, goes at $1628. P 54, oregonian. 1 ' BUGS. BUGS Ono Ford bug, also one Chevrolet bug. These two bugs are wonderful buys and will sure demonstrate. Terms. , 4i9 Stark st. Broadway 39R1. CADILLAC 7-PASSENGER CAR. type- f7. in perfect condition, ust d only by the president of Reed college, may be seen at Reed college. Telephone Sellwood 2436. Price, with six cord tires and ail extras. $33u0. 1916 STUDEBAKEl f0 5p "a s sTTl rTTheTver y best kind of shape ; ail tires practically new; $525 buys it today; $200 down, pa a nee monthly. ' A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. S I E P HENS SA LI EN T SIX. 4-passenger, 1020 model, color blue, wire wheels, sp-ire tire, chains, two spo. lights, extra tools, fuliy equipped; must be sold; no reasonable offer refused. Phone Van couver 857-J. " X E ARLY" X E W Overland tounns. new tires, new bat tery. s if -starter, overhauled and guar an teed ; your old car in trade and give terms. 210 JEFFERSON ST FORD COUPE First-class mechanical condition; new $ to paint job. B A RG A 1 N M UST y ELL. Call Marshall 486 for further Infor mation. A 400 CHEVROLET touring car, good condition, $ t75; will accept 1920 motor eyrie as part payment. Inquire of Van Gordon, Homewooii Hotel, 4th and Watdi. sts., Vancouver, Wash. PRIVATE owner offers late model CudU lac bovon-passengi-r at big sacrifice; condition and appearance excellent. For all cash will take $2utiu. Autorest Ga rage. Tt-nt h a t Salmon. ' 1910 FORD touring, first-class Fhape me chanically ; tires on rear. This is a dandy car. price $575 : terms to re sponsible party. I'hone Boy u ton, Bdwy. 43 SO. , OVERLAND bug in dandy shape; 4 new tires; engine just overhauled; m-w paint job; price J375, ternia. i'hone Boy n tun, Broadway 438U. A DAN DY BUICK Fortunately I have a good 1918 Buiek; they are greatly m de mand; if you have been waiting for 0113 get busy. M r. Howard, Broadway 1 s.s. 1920 FORD coupe, self starter, wire wheeii j ana extras, in peri e. t condition: fe v 1 months' old and never off pavement; ' gs.'.n eash. Mar. 3237. i BL'iCK. lOlS. touring, B-40: newiy painted, j 5 cord tires and beautiful conn it ku: ; wi'd fiell cheap for quick tale. Fiuhari, J Seilwoud 2'.HtO. j YoU will surely be pleased with my Vol 6. excellent paini ana top, gooa ruboer an-t in Al mechanical shape. Let rtie alio w you. Mr. Howard. Broadway 1 S5S. BY OWNER 1017 Buick. new paint, iut-t overhauled ; tires practically new ; leav -ing town, must sell; terma or $975 cash. Wood! awn 374. 1320 PAIGE -LARCH MONT sport mode., run oniy 1450 miles; $K0 In extras; wl.i sacrifice $500 ies t han new prtca. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. BABY Saxon Four. 1917 model, newly overhauled and painted by owner. If in terested in Kod iii;ht car. ca:i evenings at 404 Park at.. Marshall 2673. FOR SALE Dodge commercial truck, complete; used but short time; excellent condition ; $7 00. Call Wod law n loss. 1920 FoRD tourinjc, with starter, like new; need money; $575 cash. AF 363, Oregonian. , ' DODGE. 5-passenger touring, in wonder ful condition ; must be seen to be ap preciated. Call owner durin g week at Laui 76& or Knox at Broadway 110, 4