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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 FOR SAT 15 AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. rOR PALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES. rOR SALE ArTOMOBILES. FOR SAtl -ATTOMOBILM. 14 AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. "Are you running a special Bale on your used cars now?" "Yes, we not only have a big sale on now but always have hail." "You haven't been advertising a big eale. have you?" "No. we have not been advertising it as a biff special sale with an expensive ruwspaper spread because we tliink the public. is too wise to be taken in that way. A bonlflde sale you see at a big reduction must certainly be based on a standard price There is no standard price on a used car. is there? For in stance a new Ford will have a standard price, but who i going to say just what any used one is worth? This being true, my dear man, how is any dealer going to get it across to the public that he is hflding a big special sale when his com petitor next door is selling better cars for the same or less money? No. sir, there is no such thing as a used car special sale. Go out and look around, find the best car for the least money and that is special sale enoush. Go to the most responsible dealer you can think of: you will get a car In good con dition. If the price is as low as the other fellow, that's the place to buy. ! DOIX3E BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. . IMS touring B75 3 ! 1 7 touring e- i 3iil (i touring X-n J'.HU roadster 0 , 11HU chassis o0 Truck. 2-ton. new attachment, i Cadillac motor, a dandy, only 1400 1!17 Maxwell delivery 5.10 1!U Overland delivery ."i.'O i 1H17 Maxwell delivery litis Chevrolet touring, good tires. 62a litis Ford sedan, electric starter.. nl litltl Ford roadster, good shape.... 300 . 3!H7 Ford touring j-J 1!M7 Ford delivery, a good one.... - 3 nil Overland-itO. a remarkable boy 77o 101 S Maxwell touring, dandy car.. " 1917 Maxwell touring -) ' 2 lit HI Brlsco touring 42.i . 1H17 Keo roadster, good shape.... 00 11114 Keo touring 500 : 1010 Fierce-Arrow, would make a wonderful bug 400 1012 Cadillac, good service car.... 4(.0 1017 Buick touring 1050 i 1U1S Chandler touring 1400 , 1010 Oakland touring, only ioO 1018 Studebaker 0. good shape, new top, new paint 1000 1919 Feerless 4-passenger, a beauty 2M0 t We have ready for immediate service J ome excellent cars of seven-passenger f capacity. ... , litis Chandler J1400 . 101S Studebaker 6 1000 1015 Hudson 0. wire wheels "..0 MIS Cole fi. nice shape 1100 , 1013 Cadillac - 5o0 J CADILLACS. Would not your summer trip be filled with greater pleasure if you were to trade In the car you now own and take to the road with a Cadillac? You could hardly detect that these cars had ever been used, but the price placed upon them, compared with the ' new cars, will stimulate your desire to purchase now rather than wait so long for a new one. One four-passenger and ne seven-passenger car are now ready. Wo are open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. xir-Tr-ir imf-n TOURING. This is the standard of America in the "four" class and this one is .lust u It was the day it left the factory; has oversize tires and tubes and one extra and rims as near perfect as one could. Low price and we will take .!2i iown and let you run this one home. 61)5 Alder st. Hoii Front I sp ti car o. lOL't) HUDSON SPEEDSTER like new in every particular: run 2100 miles: has twrt evtra new tires: this car is of fered today at a special bargain if rou want to save $500 or uoo ana are nterested. Phone Broadway 2707, ask for M c Null!. fUKD touring, A-l condition, cneap; good tira. shock absorbers, large winusnieia, speedometer, electric lights, baggage mck- seat cut for camping and p.enty of extras. Stored at White garage. See Slade at Broadway hotel. 1017 FORD BUG with latest style body, uainted ox-blood with white wheels; special, $495; small payment down, bal ance easy. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. vuk TRADE An Overland auto, recently overhauled, has four new tires; will trade for flT0 shares Walla Walla Oil. Gas & Pipe Line Co.'s stock. Apply 8 1st ft., tcott Joseph, waila vvaua, wasn. OVERLAND 85-B touring car, newly painted, is as ood as new; also set of carpenter tools, trunk and suitcase. 13. M. Fryermuth, administrator. Moose cluo. 4tn ana xayior. NEW FORD. With all the extras. Owner buying larger car. .uioeral discount. see Mr. Dana. 14th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 240. 1917 PAIGE, light six, 5-passenger, owned by an auto niecnanic, iirsi-ciass mechan ical condition and newly painted; a snap at $1000, some terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. NEW OVERLAND. Buy from P. 11. Dunn at his own salesroom, corner Milwaukie ave. and Bybee. Phone Sellwood 1393. Liberal allowance for your old car. WE HAVE a 1020 Maxwell which can't be tola trom new: run iauu miles. vve will guarantee this car: easv terms: make an offer. 28 11th st. Jake's Used Car Exchange. liUDEL 75 Overland touring, good tires. fine mechanical condition; looks and runs good; very reasonable price. Pete Ardlti. 00 North Uroadway. OAKLAND coupe, summer or winter car; iirst-class condition; ideal car for phy sician or salesman; very neat looking. Call Main 2142. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 191S Stephens Calient Six. new paint ana overhauled: must sell. Phone Broadway 3606, Mr. Stark. JOR SALE 1919 1-ton Ford truck, with eood body, by owner at your own terms. Call Sunday between 10 and 4 o'clock. East 8451. SECOND HAND AUTO FOR SALE. Five-passenger Studebaker touring E. M. F. model, A-l condition; must sacri- flce. Tabor 2117. lloTOHS. eears. bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th st. OAKLAND SIX. A dandy little car and the price only $050. Will give terms to responsible pa t-ty. Phone uunn, beiiwooq lap.,. FORD for sale by owner; new top and paint, spotlight, shock absorber, over size tires and speedometer, $395 if sold this week. Phone Tabor 1398. FOR SALE 1918 Buick touring car. best of condition, new paint, new top, good tires; must sen at once; price $1100; halt cash, call woodlawn 1(189. LATE 1B17 BUICK light six, 5-pass.; will cemonstrate mechanically with any Buick in Portland. Price $1000 for quick sale; terms, ivir. Arso. xiqwy. ayi. 1018 PAIGE light six, a fine car for $1350, terms: run very nine anu nas oeen re- finished and thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. " BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. Must sell, $450 cash. Call evenings or Sunday at .u j.. attn st. FORD ROADSTER. Fine condition. A real snap. Must sell. $3. Call Sunday A. M. East 6439. TliADK in your Ford on a Saxon, fine me chanical condition; a real bargain. See Howai u. Bnoaaway ltsaa. THE fastest and classiest Buick bug in town; excelleut shape. Call Broadway 570(1 all week. Sundays from 10 to 12. IT TAKES only a few dollars in cashto enable you to drive home a good, sturdy Maxwell. Call Mr. Howard, Bdwy. 1S38. ItODGK 1918 touring; fine condition, new buttery, leather top, cord tires. Price 1MH1 cash. Phone owner. Main 5250. LATE 17 Velie touring, left in storane: run only 7U00 miles; $1050. Inquire 281 f ront St., corner jenerson. FORD bug, some class, yellow streak, fine condition; yours it you nurry; snap: terms. Bdwy. 240. See McCord. DODGE 1918 touring, in splendid condi tion; must have money and will sell cheap. Call Hell wood 2'.m. GOOD automobile to trade for Ford tour ing, roadster or delivery or any light car. u.. -ti'in ave, KKW Olds 8 for eale; has never been taken out of garase; $2200. Inquire K. J. Aidreage at w est iinn. ur. FOR SALH by owner, account leaving city, 5-passenger Chalmers in perfect me chanic aconditicji82 FORD sedan. 19 IN. with starter: price $700; terms. Phone Dunn. Sellwood 1393. 90 CHEVROLET touring, the beet buy in Portland, $400. See it at the King-street garaKe. iil CHEVROLET 490 in best of condi tion; $575 tak-es it; come and see it. 87 Enst 83d st. North. ifl-( FORD sedan, splendid condition and appearance at 605 E. Broadway, after SUMMER BARGAINS. FOR QUICK TURNOVERS. 1013 Maxwell automobile, a good car; think of it $ 550 1919 Maxwell automobile, like new. 800 1920 Maxwell, almost new 900 Late model Overland Country Club roadster, all in fine shape 650 Late model Overland four, can't be told from a new car; car trad ed in on a big car; a bargain. 1920 Oidsmobile; cannot be told from a new car a few feet from it; equipped with cord tires: all in first-class condition 1900 1918 Willis six, good condition 750 1917 Chalmers Heht six. first-class condition 950 191S Chalmers hot soot, all in lirst-class condition 1150 Hudson super-six. with the same service to you and with the same replacement of Darts as von eet buying a new automobile... 1200 (1918-1919 series) Hudson super six, all gone over and repainted with service and replacement the same as on a new automobile 1750 We have no used antomnbllA rtennrtment These cars being shown on our salesroom iioor. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington St., Portland. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. Buy your used, car from a house of stability where vou are sure of a noma lor your car. We have been in busi ness for the past 38 years and our pol icy is to give our customers a Muara ueai. 191 S REO, 7-pass.. 6-cyl.: fine con- union, o cora tires $1100 1916 OVERLAND. 6-pass., 4-cyI... S 1915 MITCHELL, 5-paes.. 4-cyl. . . 600 11 MITCHELL, perfect condition. witn cord urea; 7-pass., 6-cyl. A pickup at 650 1917 MITCHELL. 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1000 918 MITCHEXi. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. ... 1200 1918 WILLYS-K NIGHT. 7-nass.. 4-cyi 1250 1919 MITCHELL. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. ... 1500 1919-MITCHELL, 5-pass.. 6-cyl. ... 1500 Several others to select from. We overnaui ana repaint our cars when they neea it ana you can depend upon what ever we tell you regarding them. No brokerage charees. We carry all of our own paper. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER COMPANY. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. PHONE BROADWAY 4675. FORD BUG. Late model Ford fn At trmrhanlMl shape, new tires, new body, etc. Good Duy. BURNESS AUTO & BODY WORKS. 15th and Alder Sts. 1918 CHEVROLET 490 roadster. This car nas oeen overhauled from stem to stern. It has a brand new extra tire, special easy riding seat, shock absorbers and other extras. We will give reasonable terms to right party. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 240. CHEVROLET, MODEL 490, at $475, la one ui out: real uuya. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th, and Washington. FORD SPEEDSTER. This car is first-class every way and we will show you a real one; It is le finished bright red with white wheels and makes a fine-looking, up-to-the-minute speedster for the young fellow that wants something different. Low price and long terms and take $175 down. bal. monthly. 505 Alder St. Red Front Used Car Co. 1920 CHANDLER, 7-passenger, nearly new, . un uiny -tw mnes, i; orana new cord tires on rear wheels; spare tire. This Is a snap for $2000; cash or terms; and a chance to save about $350 if you act quickly. Call Main 2015. Frank Scott, owner, or Bdwy. 1130, for demonstration. Phone Saturday or Monday only. ROADSTER. 1919 Chevrolet in the best of condition, 5 good tires, motometer. bum lock. The car looks like new and as the owner is forced to sell, someone will be in luck. Look anyway. At 5113 Al der st. Pacific Auto Co. Broadway 34X1 191S HUDSON SUPER SIX, PRICE $1750; UKAViN Y OWNER AND TA TV FIRST-CLASS RUNNING ORDER- SIX CORD TIRES. SEAT COVERS; THIS IS a uuuu si tj x - U4 1UU. 551. ORE GONIAN. uuLtbh in fine runnine s ha Tie: nil good tires; this is the best Dodge buy in tne city; only $675; $2u0 down, bai rn, new easy. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. -PA.teaENGfc.R chummy roadster. ued only 3 months, for sale at $500 less than list price. Will take a piano as part payment and give some term n balance. Call Monday or Tuesday. 425 IF YOU wa-nt a real bue with eiertri lights and horn, new tires, new body has not been used since body was built; will go over all the hills in hijfh. Sac rifice for cash. Call Tabor 912-. eve. LI BE RT Y 0 LIBERTY. It Is difforeut than what you expect in a ustd car. It is like new and will uv "imicver you aSK OI IT. Terms PHONE MAIN 4028, MAR. 2766. 1W17 ELGIN CHUMMY, in excellent con iiiuat oe sola at once. "y o,w., omrit at. ii.asy terms. MAXWELL 1018 touring, run onlv 4000 miles, perfect condition throughout. Pri vately owned. Call Marshall 5168 from BUICK 6 roadster, ennri rrmriitio . a i r i i. ' tniB car Sunday morn- iufi, wtii anu Javis. Bdwy. 4402 W 1 lL, I M-Mi M r firt.olna faellwood 1455 Sunday; Main 4181 week inAiuc-K equipped with pneumatic if. i-V- conaiuon- Bargain. -Phone ATI til 11 J,Oli. CiltiVKOLET Model 490. firt-la- , ning order: cheap for cash, or consider .i..BI hijii on i ran e. iast 7508. itt., w-ii . iirsi-ciass order, ax f-??a engine. A bargain. Call East 3M3 Monday. DODGE BARGAIN. ii, in btoq condition, with new ton j MUST SACRIFICE light Hup. perfect cob I anion, mnes to gallon. $350 243 w 243 W Killlngsworth ave. woouiawn 322. PAIGE 1918, be.Tt condition, by owner wi E. 11th st. East 5072. FOR SALE or trade. Chalmers rattAmt Call at 8912 66th ave. S. I;. OLDSMOBILE 8. light 5-passenger; 1800, terms. warn una. WANT to sell contract for new 1020 Dodee FORD ROADSTER. $350. 42 E. THIRD ST. MAXWELL 1917 in good shape, $350. Ta- oor ovuu. BUICK light six. 1917: 3 new tires. $850. 1918 DODGE Ready to go. bor 3293. Owner Ta STUDEBAKER 1917 4, 7-passenger, for iigni. iftf s; IN oaj. uregonian. FORD sedan, new 1920; would consider rora Touring. f none AUW. 5-PASfa. touring, cheap; make dandy bug. WALLING FORD'S BIG CLEARANCE SALE OF USED CARS, REAL CARS AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES, AND NO CAMOUFLAGE. Price. Down. Buick delivery $ 550 250 Chalmers 1075 3"iO Chevrolet bug 75 250 Cadillac bug 850 275 Chevrolet 400 175 Ford bug 675 225 Grant six 050 1125 Hupmobile 850 275 Hudson sedan 2500 10O0 Jeffery 1050 350 Liberty six 1350 450 Maxwell 300 10O Maxwell 525 175 Maxwell 675 225 Oakland 750 250 Olds 8" 1175 4O0 Overland 575 2u0 Overland 750 250 Winton 1500 600 Studebaker 650 225 See Mr. Fernquist. at W. H. WALLING FO It D CO.. 15th and Washington sts. Broadway 2G26. COMMON SENSE. tells you that the place to buy a car la Irom an old-established house. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE is the oldest used car dealers in the city. We Sell Tou Satisfaction. BUICK LIGHT SIX. Just repainted. OHAXDLER SIX, 1920. almost new. EJLGIN SIX. Don't pass this one up. MITCHELL SIX. those Junior sixes. Yes. its one of PAIGE SIX. LInwood model. STUDEBAKER SIX; old reliable. SAXON SIX. 1918. at $675; some buy. Remember, we sell you satisfaction. THE USED CAR ECHANGE. 15th and Washington, FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1919 almost new 5-passenger Paige. This car must be seen to be appre ciated. Has been newly painted; fenders all bake enameled, curtains open with doors, tires all good, bumper, spotlight, de flector, spare tire. Reason for selling, buying house. SEE G. 431 Davis. G. GERBERT. Broadway 4331. FORDS FORDS We have some nice ones. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. 1117 CHEVROLET touring. This bargain car on our bargain aay, aamraay, ou and no charge for brokerage, interest, license or insurance. Ask for Grout about this special offer. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 240. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 203 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR, BABY BUICK SIX. This Is the light six and looks and runs as good as new one: has new tires and 1 extra; the rest of the car is as fine t m nnn onuld Come and look it over. It will please you. and the low price of 1025 with $350 down. bal. Ions, easy terms, or take car in trade. &05 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. REO 6. eouiooed with 5 wire wheels and tires, special Victoria top. Dumper, spot light, motometer and seat covers; don't overlook this car, as It is in wonderful condition; easy terms. 409 Stark st. Broadway 396L WE have the greatest bargain in used cars: we nave tnem irom a r ora a Pierce-Arrow ; terms no object ; smal oavment down: corn and look over ou bargains; you can use our car for 30 days; If not satisfactory, your money refunded. Tepp Motor Car Co., 84 S. Broadway. 1916 BUICK 6, in excellent shape; cord tires almost new on all lour wneeis and two extra tires; this car must be sold today; $72o, small payment down, balance monthly. A-l AUTQ WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. 1916 FORD truck, in the best of. shape. worm drive, solid tires in the rear, covered top and the bed not a bit worn, a bargain for quick sale; oou, $2: down. $32.50 a month. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 523 Alder Street. Phone Bwdy. 3411. $185. LIGHT 6 TOURING. She runs good, tires good, looks good Here is your chance to get a good ca for speedy bug or delivery car. Great bargain. Act quick. 210 Jefferson. ? ? GOING FISHING ? ? Here is the car that will take you there and bring you back in comfort. 1917 Maxwell in fine condition, 5 tires. shocks on back, 5-50. Terms. PHONE MAIN 4028, MAR. 2766. FOR SALE My beautiful Brooklyn model Paige roadster; leaving city; worth $20O0; price $12o0 for quick sale. Call 94 th st. Monday. 1915 STUDEBAKER. Electrically equipped; five tires, three cords; good as new ; bargain. Call Tabor 5671. HUDSON SUPER, first-class condition. cord tires, finest camping and tourin equipment available; will demonstrate Y 557. Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP 6-cyl. 7-pass. Cole in eood condition : 4 new cord tires, 1 ex tra. John E. Johnson, owner, 649 Lorn bard st. 1918 OAKLAND. 5 wire wheels and tires, good condition. Must sell, cheap 1452 MtiwauKie. Automatic iz l-j. BY OWNER Classy Ford bug, top, wind shield, electric lights. Bought horn must sacrifice at $290. Phone East 48f8. 1916 FORD roadster with delivery box. late hood and radiator; some buy at $300. Phone Main 5150. Sunday. FOR SALE Buick six in first-class con dition; terms or libera! discount for cash; car can be seen at 357 Ivy st. FOR SALE Late model Ford cheap, green body, 2 to 7 P. M. 2d and Market. BUICK 1918 touring, four; perfect con dition: $950; owner. Sellwood 2100. LATE 1918 Saxon chummy, in fine shape; a real bargain at $650. Marshall 2198. $175 SACRIFICE. 1916 Maxwell, first class condition. Woodlawn 4092. HUDSON bug for sale cheap Tabor 1909. PARTS! PARTS! AT HALF. Call on our wrecking department for gears, axles, springs, wheels or anything for the auto. Call or write. Bring your worn parts for duplication. Do not fail to call. We will h-e-lp you make your vacation a real pleasure. In spect your car and bring the worn parts to us lor duplication. TRAILERS! TRAILERS! Large and small, any capacity, any style, two or four-wheel types. These are used but only at a fraction of cost. DAVID HODES AUTO WRECKING DEPARTMENT. 105-107 North, 11th t.. near Glisan. We are not connected with any other auto wrecking establishment. CARS. CARS. We have all kinds and makes; every car guaranteed to be in Al condition; come in and see our stock. H. & M. MOTOR SALES CO., 355 Burnside st. UNDERSLUNG Ford bug, $500 cash; 3 months old. 5 Rood demountable rims and tires, good paint, upholstering, moto meter, spike locK, two-piece winuiueiu, wind deflectors, high-ratio gears and counter-balance, new 3-cell storage bat tery and 2 large spotlights, extra large electric head lights, tilting steering wheel, 8-day clock, 5 buttons and Stewart speedometer on manogany j. yii; hrtit &orhrs new too and side cur tains, new Ford magneto, engine first class. This car nas not ueeu iM.uie.ii, just a sacrifice. East 4i99. SAXON SIX A 1918 model. We have real buy here lor someone. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. 1919 CHEVROLET touring. This car has been completely overnauiea Dy tne nev rolet distributors and will be backed up to the limit. Terms will be given to suit. FIELDS -MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder sts, Broadway 240. STUDEBAKER 5-passenger: good condition throughout, $250. Ford 1918. wire wheels, overhauled, a snap at $450. WENT WORTH & IRWIN. INC., 200 Second St., Corner Taylor. USED) RADIATORS for all makes of cars. All radiators carefully - gone OVr and made tight before sold. BUR EfaS & MARTIN. 15th and Alder tita. an rwprRT.ANTi TOURING. i-.i. i, the ms model and this one is being refi-nished and will be ready for delivery on Juiy anu m j work and look as good as new one. at th. lnur nrirA nf $4150. with $275 (loWIJ, Ttuli. monthlv. Call 505 Alder at. Red Front Used Car Co. OVERLAND, model 90, good "as new; Goodyear tires all arouna; just painieu like new; mechanical condition guaran teed; special for today $550; small pay ment down, balance easy. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder- St. AM forced to sell my beautiful Saxon six touring, new paint, top ana tires, tne car is in perfect shape, and it is a bar gain: cash or terms, no reasonable of fer refused. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 523 Alder Street. Phone Bwdy. 3411. 1117 FORD delivery with Barnett panel body. Engine just overnauiea, two tires fine condition, one orana new, one oia, $450. Closed my plant. This is good buy for grocer or anyone using Ford light delivery. Phone owner, Tabor 6991. MY LATE 1917 HUPP, mechanically per fect, pantasote top. new paint, tires nearly new; car looks and runs like new; cash and some terms or1 will take small er car in trade. Phone Mclntyre. Tabor 1923. 1139 East Taylor stu 1917 CHEVROLET. $500. 1916 OAKLAND, $645. 1917 WILLYS-KNIGHT roadster. $500. Cash or terms. P. & O. GARAGE. 380 Union Ave. East 446L $185. LOOK. -cvlinder chassis, will make rood speedy bug. She runs and good tires and everything O. K. 210 Jefferson. 1919 CHEVROLET. 5-passenger. as good an new ; n&w tires i price witn terms. See this car and you will know you cannot duplicate this snap. No dealers. Main 5033. FORD PANEL DELIVERY bargain; suit able for small bakery or launary route. Call Broadway 3o4. ask for milar. FRANKLIN SEDAN Like new; party left this beautiful car with us tor sale; will sacrifice; mako us offer. Tepp Motor Car Co., 84 S. Broadway. 1919 BUICK tourin- car. fine mechan ical condition: looks good, runs better: good tires; owner leaving city, must sell: $1475. Bdwy. 34. to. 1918 MAXWELL This car can be operat ed at less than carfare. Easy terms if desired. 409 Stark st. Broadway 3961. FOR SALE One electric runabout, hi never been used. Price $200 cash. Phone Tabor 912. eve, or Sunday. OVERLAND 90 Will sell cheap; need cash; motor just overhauled. Call Wood- lawn aw. FOR SALE Dodee car. A-l -condition. new top, battery, extras; bargain. Owner, Sunday. Marsnaii rfdao. 5-PASS. Chandler touring for sale, or will trade for smaller car. What have you? Main 1014. 641 6th St., cor. Sheridan. BUICK 6 roadster. Can be seen Monday at 363 Stark st. Best buy in city for $1100. STUDEBAKER for $600. 1917 4 7-pass. good finish and first-class mechanical COOflltlon. in ooo, orcguuian. WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINE ! SHOP, 534 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2681. 1919 OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX Run less than 3000 miles; $1100 for cash. Mar. 4Ui. Rirri nOR SALE Late model Carter r new tires; $215 cash. Call East 7570. 500 Flint st. CHANDLER touring car, 5 tires, and in good mechanical condition. $00. Can give good terms. Maoor o.-? i p. STUDEBAKER Dug ior saie. good battery ana tues. -vu w - FACTS WORTH KNOWING. ALONG WITH OUR LINE OF HIGH GRADE CARS. We have made arrangements with the Fields Motor Car Co. to buy all of their used cars, consisting mostly of Chevro lets and Fords, and we can assure you that every one of these cars will be gone over and put in first-class running con dition and will go with them our writ ten guarantee, which everybody knows is worth the price of the car. Owing to our low overhead expense, we will be in a position to sell them from $50 to $100 less than can be bought elsewhere. We have on hand at present the finest assortment of rebuilt and overhauled cars ever placed on the market. 6ur HOBBY Satisfied owners. If you have a kick coming, kick us; we like It. Compare our cars and prices with others. Small payment down, 10 months on balance. 1918 CHEVROLET 490, touring, brand new tires S 600 1918 CHEVROLET 490, roadster. Just like new $ 650 1919 CHEVROLET 490 touring. 90 per cent new $ 650 1917 CHEVROLET 490 touring, overhauled S 400 1917 CHEVROLET 490 touring, runs fine $ 350 FORD TOURING, overhauled, ex tras $ 425 duduk T )ljRl(i. overhauled. newly painted $ 700 1918 MAXWELL tourinsr. 05 per cent new F wni 1017 MAXWELL touring, just re built " 450 1918 OVERLAND touring (model 90), just perfect $ 600 1919 LIBERTY 6 touring, 98 per cent brand new $1200 BUICK 6, D45, rebuilt throughout. . .$ 950 HUPMOBILE, MODEL N, rebuilt, mechanically perfect $ 900 SERIES 18 STUDEBAKER road ster, $200 under price $ 600 1914 HUPMOBILE, 4-pans., new one-man top, new cord tires, ex tra new tire, rim and tube, spot light $ 600 PIERCE-ARROW, little 6-36, new body, 4 -paas., new top, new cord tires, elec. lights and starter. Klaxon horn $1500 CHALMERS MASTER SIX, 7-pass., rebuilt, new $45 carburetor, vac uum feed, elec. lights and starter 600 1918 CHEVROLET touring, sold as is $ 350 1920 FORD 1-TON worn-drive, stake body $ 600 1918 PANHARD 1-ton truck, runs like new $ 500 FORD DELIVERY, top and cur tains $ 250 EIGHT REASONS WHY TOU SHOULD BUY A CAR FROM US. 1 We employ no salesman. 2 Our overhead expense is very small. 3 We overhaul or rebuild them if needed. 4 A written guarantee with every car. others. 5 We are $50 to $150 lower than others. 6 We are not amateurs. We have had 12 years' experience in this business. 7 We have a reputation that monev cannot buy. ti wo are well known throughout Ore gon and Washington. Our New Location, CONLEY'S USED CA R CRX'TRR 511 Burnside st., between 14th and 15th. rnone roadway 1424, A NUMBER of good used trucks traded In on Kara vans priced so low that buyers can realize 10O profit when trading in on new trucks. 114 -ton Stewart ....$750. 1-lon Garford 8t0 14-ton Fulton 450 2 -ton Reo 300 3H-ton Federal 900 Two hundred dollars down on anv of above. Balance as you make It. E. D. VAN DERSAL. 354 Burnside St. Brdwy. 80. ONE ACRE, extra good 6-room house: bearing fruit trees, berries and shrub bery; city convenience: 1 blk. to station. Oregon City carline. bix acres just outside city; H-mile to electric line station; tree fruits and ber ries; extensive view of city and country. 7. 18, 28 and 40-acre tracts, near city. All these are priced right; will never be cheaper than now. .1. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE a number of good cars that the in lair enape but need oatnt or a 1 ttle spare time to fix up; these cars will be sold as they are for a small sum: here is a chance, to make a little money for yourself by fixing one of these up and selling it. Come and look anyway at the PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 523 Alder Street. Phone Bwdy. 3411. 1920 HUDSON TOURING. RUN -S0OO MILES: 5 CORD TIRES: GABRIEL TUMBLERS. 2 SPRING BUMPERS, SPOTLIGHT AND 1920 LICENSE; $2300 CASH OR TERMS. CALL EAST 3075. SNAP DODGE SEDAN SNAP. 191K Dndire sedun in flrat.irin me chanical condition; spotlight, bumper, 5 wire wheels and 5 good tires; looks like new; completely overhauled recently. 1 cluding new pistons, rings and brake nmng; will sacrifice at $12o0. Call Bdwy. 22 1 4. Private party, no dealer. BUICK TOURING. 1917 lieht six. this car is in the Dink of condition and will demonstrate with new one. for quick sale will let this one go at $950 and give terms; $375 down and $57.50 a month. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 523 Alder Street. Phone Bwdy. 3411. I FORD sedan with self-starter ; demount able rlma; natural wood wheels, spare tire mounted and lots of equipment too numerous to mention; easy terms. L'MVLKSAL LAK JfiACHANU E, Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill st. Open Sunday. Open evenings. 1918 LIGHT SIX MITCHELL in fine shape and with srood cord Urea, two new, $S5 cash or $iO0 on terms. This is a rare bargain, as 1 must sell. Owner. 1461 Cleveland ave. Woodlawn car to Dekum, then one block north and four west. HUDSON. HUDSON. A car of endurance and performance. a reei automoo - le tnat will suit you and not strain your pocketbook. Same nervice as xactory gives on new -car. -.terms. PHONE MAIN 4028, MAR. 270G. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1918 MODEL, A-l CONDITION; 90 .sj-jkvick; AND GUARANTEE REPAINTED, AND CORD TIRES. CALL MAIN 0756. I FORD bug in dandy condition throughout. This one will appeal to you if you want a bug; easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill st. Open Sunday. Open evenings. SOME BUY This 1918 FORD car can be instantly convertea into a bed for camp ing purposes, tires fine, many extras, in cluding dashlight and .speedometer; this car has been well kept up in good shape: $440 cash. $460 terms. C all E. 15 50. 1914 CADILLAC, $475. Excellent condition. A-l tires, engine perfect, air pump, cop per jackets. You get value in this car. Original price. $800; must sell. c. P. Barrett. Panama Bldg. Main 9307. CHEVROLET touring car, just overhauled kinds of extras, for sale by private party for $350 cash for quick sale. Phone Sellwood 1517. OVERLAND, Model 75. thoroughly over hauled. Brand new Ajax tires, never oeen run ; license ; guaranteed in first class shape. $350. quick sale. 414 uusan, corner Tenth. 1917 Maxwell, all good tires, looks and runs line; take Ford or qxher car In trade. liberty bonds at facr; value. Terminal oarage, utn ana i-ioyt st. 1916 MAXWELL, 5-passenger, good me chanical condition: sell for cash or terms. Can be seen today at Piedmont garage. pnone w ooaiawn lou. MOST attractive Ford bug in town; have you seen tnat grey racing type bug at the Terminal Garage, 5th and Hoyt? WILL trade Warren bug for piano or will accept pnonoprapn as part payment on same. Alain 2820. FORD roadster in best of shape, good paint. vV ill sell at $325 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD, 1917; complete camp outfit; very good car and buy for cash; call from 1 to 2, corner Union at Ki lings worth. BUG bargain. 1918 Ford bug with special body ; V ictoria top. Z extra tires ; all in first-class condition. Phone E. 6809. CHEVROLET BUG. Factory job in good condition. fl 69. FORD roadster, $300. 554 E. Madison; call mornings. NEW Dodtre car for sale; tmmediate de- livery; East 4144. WILLYS 6. good condition. See Martin, 500 Burnside. CALL Woodlawn 2321 for Maxwell. Bar- gain. $450 cash or trade on bungalow. GOOD flat-bottom boat for sale cheap. Phone laoor 4;:;.' I iy17 MITCHELL for quick sale, $500 cash. Vancouver avenue. BARGAINS LIKE THESE ARE ONLY y FOUND HERE. $ 300 Michigan roadster. 400 Reo 4 450 Hudson." 500 Maxwell. 550 Maxwell. 700 Reo 4. 750 Reo 4. 1000 Reo 6. 1100 Buick big 6. 1400 Cole 8. 1500 Paige. TRUCKS. $ 375 Ford delivery. 450 Republic &-ton. 500 Ford, stake body. 600 Denby. 650 Ford 1-ton. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Alder at 18th St. WE ARE NOT OVERSTOCKED, BUT HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED CARS THAT ARE PRICED RIGHT AND WILL GIVE ANYONE REAL SERVICE 1919 7-passenger National, full new cord tire equipment. A fine car at a big saving. 1918 Hup 5-passenger touring. 1920 Overland, the new light four. 1919 Overland touring, fine shape. 1918 Overland, run very little. 1918 Saxon Six at the low price of $600. 1914 6-passenger Hup, electric lights and starter; a line car lor iish ing or camping trip: very low price of $325, with terms to suit you. Tou may take advantage of our easy payment pian. MANLEY AUTO CO., Burnside at 11th. Broadway 217. THREE SNAPS All newly painted. Oidsmobile 5 passenger. Overland 5 passenger. Oakland 5 passenger. Kisell Bug, $150. Easy terms. E. D. VAN DERSAL. 350-54 Burnside St. Brdwy. 80, BUICK 'IS TOURING. This car has cords and one extra and has been revarnished and looks and runs as good as the day it left the show room. We have a low price on this car of $1350. We will take $450 down, or take a car in trade and give long, easy terms on bal. Ked Front Used Car Co.. 5U-5 Alder st. 1919 CHALMERS HOT SPOT. RUNS AND LOOKS NEW; A BAR GAIN AT $1500. CASH OR TERMS. THIS CAR MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. FOR DEMONSTRA TION CALL EAST 3075 OR CALL AT 439 K. 12TH ST. N. BARGAIN IN TOURING CAR. 1918 Overland 85, in fine shape, new top and paint, six very Kood tires and mechanically perfect, owner is forced to sell, as he must have the money: come early if you expect a bargain. TERMS. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 523 Alder Street. Phone Bwdy. 3411. CHALMERS-HOT-SPOT, 1919. Run 3000 miles with best of care. Has extra tire, tire chains bumper, spot light, clock, spare tube, Goodrich cutout and euuipped with Alamite greasing system. For business reasons must sell. $170O cash or $1800 terms. Call Broadway 1769 or see car at Elite garage. FORD touring with Ford's starter; almost new. You can save some money on tnis one ; easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill st. Open Sunday. Open evenings. 1918 LIBERTY 6 touring; appearance and mechanical condition good as new; $i32o on easy terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. FORD chassis for sale cheap, only $175. Install a body to suit yourseii ana save money. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill st. Open Sunday. Open evenings. REBUILT Cadillac roadster, in good con dition. 6 Rood . tires, will make a good bug, with very little alteration ; J3M) will take this car. terms to the right pe r s o n. 2o0 lOth street. Main 3 237. 1 HAVE new Chandler Dispatch car; wire wheels, 5 cord tires, snubbers, seat cov ers, bumper and motor meter, which cost total $2fa00. Will sell for $2350 cash. J. H. MacKenzie, 124 Front St. STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN. A wondsrful buy. 1919 Maxwell, $S00. Car is in fine shape and will merit your approval. Terms. PHONE MAIN 4028, MAR. 2706. FORD touring for $250; hard to beat for the money; easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill st. Open Sunday. Open evenings. FOR SALE 1917 Buick roadster; engine lur overhauled and in first-class con dltion, body just newly painted; good tires; will sell at a bargain for cash. Write P 590, Oregonian. 1U17 FORD touring, beat of condition, good tires and paint. A bargain at $445. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE 1919 Hupmobile. First-class mechanical condition. Will sell reason able. Would consider terms. Call Broadway 3S94. 1917 Ford roadster in very fine condition Good tires. A real bargain at $385, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. ioo FORD tourinff. four months old. starter and extras; a cash sacrifice. Call Sunday morning. owner, John w. Haskell, 562 Main at., cor Chapman. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, guaranteed best of condition; must sell. A snap at $575. Terms if desired. u urana ave. North, near Burnside. CAMPING TRAILER completely equipped beds, tent, etc.; best outfit made and at a bargain. Phone or see Parsons, 60 N. Broadway. Broadway 321. CHEVROLET roadster, looks and runs like new. Will sacrifice at $575 and give terms if desired. 30 Grand ave, North, near Burnside. FORD touring car. shock absorber, speedo meter, demountable rims, Bosch max neto, 16 motor. $225 cash. 414 Glisan cor. 10th. 1916 DODGE touring in Al condition, good naint and tires. Must sell. A snap at $S50. Terms. Consider trade. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring, new upholsterin and new paint; good value. 424 Bel niont st. ESSEX tourin?. 1919, in Al condition, good tires. A real bargain at $1500. Consider Ford in trade. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1917 OVERLAND light. 5-passenger. mode 75. 19-0 license. ca&n. uuaran teed in first -class shape. 414 Glisan corner 10th REAL BUY 1919 Oakland six. repainted, run less than 60O0 miles; good tires. Tabor 5681. 565 E. 41st st. N. NEW Oidsmobile 8. 7-pass 1920; has neve been run; $200 less than cost. C 594, Oregonian. 1917 HUDSON Super Six in A-l condition for $1050. Will take Ford in. Call 248 Yamhill st. Room 209. FORD bug, it is a runner; It Is new. beauty and a 424 Belmont swell st. $550 BUYS the best Grant six auto in the city. A-l condition. Terms. Owner, Tabor 4296. FORD touring, early "18, new rear tires; good puller. 424 Belmont st. I HAVE Overland Country Club top and body for sale cheap; good ae new. Call 310-94. TOUR OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE AN OVERHAULED OR REBUILT CHANDLER AT A VERY REASONABLE PRICE. 1918 Chandler, 7-pass.. rebuilt and guaranteed, good tires. $1500 1917 Chandler, chummy. 4-pans.. rebuilt and guaranteed, oversized cord tires, nearly new 1550 1917 Chandler. 7-pass., in first class condition , newly painted, new top, a real snap $1100 SPECIAL. Chandler, sport model, 2-pass., special-built body, racy lines, wire wheels, cord tires, me chanically perfect, guaran teed $1500 We will take small car In trade on any car in above list and make very easy terms. 1917 Velie, 5-pass.. touring, over hauled, repainted, good tires$ 1000 1916 Saxon, 6-cyl., overhauled, new top, good tires $ 450 1918 Oakland touring, first-class condition throughout, over size tires with extra $ 850 1919 Chandler Dispatch. Wire wheels, cord tires, lots of extra equipment. Perfect condition $1800 1918 Dodge touring car. New top, car overhauled. Every thing in good shape $ 950 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 605-611 Washington St., Alder at 16th. Main 5125. Broadway 494. A 1920 STANDARD EIGHT 7-PASSENGER. Will sacrifice or take smaller car In exchange. This car has not run 15oo miles; is equipped with 5 cord tires and cannot be told from a new car. Bta of reasons for selling. CALL EAST 7338. TERMS IF DESIRED. PAIGE. BARGAIN. BROOKLAND MODEL. Newly painted. overhauled and In excellent condition; can be ust-d as roadster or 5-passenger; must be sold by Tuesday. Seo it at garage, 9th and Couch. Broadway 1:3 bJ. 1918 HUP TOURING. Car like new. has had city use bv careful driver, full equipment, includ ing extra tire, this on is a real buy for the right party. $400. with suitabic terms, will handle. ' FIELDS MOTOR CAR. Broadway 240. MUST SELL 1920 MAXWELL AT ONCE. A BARGAIN AT $900, CASH OR TERMS. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. CAR IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. CALL MAIN 6756. BUICK FOUR ROADSTER. Here is the kind they all want. This one is firat-clas and has some extras; is being refinished, will look as good as a new one and the low price and Ion terms will appeal to you. ' We will take $350 down and you can make our own terms in reason. 5tf5 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. 918 MAXWELL, almost new; we will guarantee same as factory guarantee; $725 with small payment down, balance easy. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. HUDSON super-six, 1917. model H. 7-pass.. my own private car, excellent condition. 5 good tires, bumjer. spotlight, etc.. beauitful car with new top. ulate glass in rear and sides, seat covers to match too: don' t miss this bargain ; $12uo. Wood lawn 5439. OAKLAND del i very wagon ; good me chanical condition and good tires; this wagon will be sold today for $20u; $luu caan, baiance $25 a month. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. FIVE-PASSENGER Overland in g6od con dition, good tires, guod lop, leather up holstering, spot liKht and spare tire ; wiil climu and speed. Price $375. Terms $125 cash, $25 per month to responsible party. Answer P 139, Oregoniau. k'KJti SALE 7 passenger Cole 4. in first- class mechanical condition ; all tires practically new; 2 Miller cord and 2 Goodrich. Electric lights, starter, bpot light and 1920 license. Call Broadway S.4; ask for Hillar. l!Jiy BUICK 7 -passenger, cord tires, spot light and mirror, snubbers and other ex tras; car has been newly painted and is in f irst-claas condition. Can be seen at Palace garage, cur. 12th and Stark, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 192J OLDS 8 1920. A quality car like new. Your chance to buy a car you can be proud of at a pi ice that will please you. T erms. PHONE MAIN 4Q2S. MAR. 2700. ML'riT sell my Olds 8 at once; good paint. good tires ; better tnan u mues to tne gallon. Some terms. Tabor t409 A real bargain. CAMPERS Fine Tentobed, complete with uuuble bed anu Uiu . just in i mug io: your outing. Price $40. Wdln. 55b9. 1401 Cleveland ave. 1918 DODGE roadster in good running or der. $850. Ask for Frohman, care w . L. Hughson Co., Ford agents, Bdwy. and Davis. Phone Bdwy. 321. 1919 VELIE 1919. A fine automobile in every particular, sell on easy terms; price $1400. 5a& E. 5th N.. Tabor B04 5. i-i-AsaENUliR Studebaker. perfect me chanical condition, four new tires ana two good spare tires. $uo0 takes It Phone East 7387. LATE FORD touring for sale cheap, four new Revere tires, mechanically perfect. cash or terms. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 A ider St.. Bdwy. 3411. CHEVROLET touring to the beFt offer. must have money, this is a positive of fer, new paint, fine condition, excellent tires. Marshall 5945. 434 Morrison. 1917 DODGE roadster at a bargain, good tires, paint and good mechanical con dition, owner leaving city. East 1925. 34 o1 Hancock st. 1919 NASH, new tires all around, cords in rear. A-l condition; $1300 cash. Call Main 6804. Monday. DODGE touring, good running order, $075. 424 Belmontst, POWERFUL and speedy bug, cheap; elec tric lights, good tires. For demonstra tion phone Woodlawn 403S. BRISCOE touring, good condition. Owner, 541 Kerby st, needs money. Reasonable, offer takes- it. WILL sell my contract entitling holder to immediate delivery of new Dodge. Phone Main 7855. FuRD chassis, new, never been run, $514. including license. 714 Union ave. Sunday A. M. 19"o DODGE, never been driven. Leave phone No. L 555, Oregonian. MAXWELL runabout, goes anywhere, $85. 773 Williams ave. weekdays. OVERLAND. S3 model, for saie by owner; easv terms. Phone Tabor 3230. FOR SALE Bug. or trade for motorcycle. 996 Kelly street 1920 MAXWELL, just like new. run 2300 miles; $1050 cash. O 589. Oregonian. FOR SALE Pierce 30, $900: will take Ford in on trade. IoO Prescott st. 5-PASS. touring. $200; ti4 Commercial. make dandy bug. FOR SALE CADILLAC TABOR 4405. DODGE touring. 1917. must raise money: $75 if fold today. Tabor 4573. 5-PASS. OVERLAND, NO. 79. FOR GOOD WANTED To exchane auto for painting and papering. iu uavis. uuwy. LOOK! LOOK! Used cars at the lowest possible prices below market value. We must make room for our new MOONS AND DIXIES. Overland S.l touring $ 4-"( Maxwell 17. touring 475 Saxon 17, touring 5"0 Maxwell touring 275 Saxon touring . . . 575 1!1. Scripps Booth touring 1 1 1919 Olds coupe 14oO See these at The C. H. S. Co. 65 N. 23d st., near Wash. CASH TALKS. Will take $(J".0 cash for practioaVy new 192U Velie 6; fully equipped: sp. fa did condition throughout ; driven less than 5MMi miles; spotlight nnd otluT extras: car cost new $21t5; driven .iust enough to limber up ; actually worth $2m more. If you want a real bargain in a fine car. act quickly. Phone TuUor .i:;ns. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. Excellent condition throuphout. over size! tires, like new. full equipment, in cluding extra oversize tire. A bargain. Terms to suit. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE OR TRADE. Why buy a cheap car when you can get a good on for the sa me money ? I have a dandy Cadillac just out of the shop, new paint, mechanically perfect, good leather and rubber, starter, eiet-trics lichts, new buttery; for the low price of $C.0. Terms, or trade for real estate. Owner, Tabor 7104 FORDB"UG lnA reshape: new paint, wind shield, spotlight. motor-driven horn, storage ba Lteiy. fixed for sleeping, and not lacking pep ; also Ford l-tn truck at a ba rgain. ' 4tVJ Hawthorne ave.. iid f ioor. Phone East ". Night After 9, East f.40. Tav. East 391. H. , & R SI' DDE R SERVICE. FORD speedster with 3 -passenger body ; natural wood wheels and a lot of extra equipment ; very classy job; easy terms, UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Gra nd Ave. and E. Yamhill st. Open Sunday. Open evenings. 5625 BUYS 19 IS Chevrolet touring, extra good condition, nw tires, bumper, spot lit ht, cut-out, flower vase, tire lock, tools. A pood buy. For sale by owner. No dealers. Call Sunday. Woodlawn 3627. DAY AND NIGHT. Repairs on ail makes of cars; over hauling a specialty ; let us give you an, estimate. A. D. H1XES. R. M. BRACE. CARS FOR SALE. Ft K SA1.K 191 9 7-passenger Premier; run 12.ttt0 miles: new cord tires in rear, bumper, spotlight, motor meter and new ly pa in ted ; motor in perfect condition. This car has been used by private fam ily. Person desiring nearly new car for used car price, tall Tabor 3S1MV FOKD delivery in the best kind of shape; all good tires; $450; $150, balance $30 a month. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. $4110 TAKES this wonderful stae-tine car. if you want a car to run at the b( ah. or. on an in ter urban run. this would pay lor itself in a short time, 5 good tires and engine in good shape. Call Ma: n 3237. ak for Frencn. 1917 CHEVROLET, model 499. like new throughout ; all new tires ; $52.t, small payment down, balance monthly. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. $450 CASH or bonds buys 101S Maxwell touring car. driven very little; 5 pract i ca'.ly new tires; newly pointed and guar anteed mee ban it ally 1st cl.iss; trial Eiven. fall rtiom 6. 434 Morrison st. ONE Chevrolet delivery car, just over hauled. $325. One Chalmers roadster, good cond it ion. 5 good t ires : must be sold on account of sickness. 8S N. Broadway Monday. 1920 MAXWELL; owner leaving town; good tires and spotiight ; $-Suu. East 42n5 Monday. FO R D COU PE vSee owner. 168 King st. Run only 2hmi miles; 1920 model; four cord tires, one fabric spare, extra-size g;is tank, throttle feed, double shock absorbers; fairly priced. DOl'GE sedan, 1918. just like new, 5 tires, wire wheels, a beauty, must sell at $ti)0. Consider smaller car in trade. Terms Jf desired. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1919 KING 8, wire wheels, cord tires, other extras, run onlv 53o0 miles, owner needs cash: $2000 takes it. , McCoy. Third and Washington streets. Vancouver, phone 104. 1917 STUDEBAKER SPORT. Must soli today. Make me an offer. New paint and extra fine condition. E. 50 LOOK THESE OVER. One 5-passenger Dodge, one 1-ton Ford truck, both in good mechanical condi tion. Phone E. 6S09. CH EVROLET touring, 191 S, fine running enrdition, good tires. Will sell $550 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near 11. rnslde. Gt'uD Ford touring car that looks good; many extras; for $3i;. Also Chevrolet delivery, $025. Owner, O 142, Orego- n ian. WI NT ON" six roadster. In fine shape, look it over at 523 Aider. Five cords and wire wheels. Broadway 3411. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder. OV E K LAND, model 83. in very best of con di tion. W i 1 1 sacrifice at $7. It) and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1919 MITCHELL For sale, in line cond ition ; owned by private party. Call luth. East Burnside, garage. BRAND new Hudson, 7-passenger, lust de livered, cord tires, will discount $2oO; part terms. M 532, Oregonian. OAKLAND fi. like new. A snap at $775. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. 1920 ELGIN SPORT. ' Car 4 months old. at a big sacrifice. Am leaving city. E. nti. FOR D touring, 191 7 model ; good as new ; lots of extras: good tires; a bargain for cash. 1217 Gladstone ave. BIGGEST snap in town 1919 Scripps Booth. Will be sold to the best of fel made today. E. 50. 1j:;o ESSEX roadster, like new. made over 20 miles to gallon on best; $1500, terms. Woodlawn 3331. 1920 FORD BUG. Swellest bug in town. Must sell today Starter, etc. E. 50. 1917 MAXWELL touring, good paint and tires. A snu p r.t $575. with terms. 34 Grand ave. North, near Burnvid?. 7-PASSENGER Chalmers, trade for lightei car, prefer Ford runabout. Rose Citj Garage. Phone Tabor 3002. NEW Ford coupe, driven less than 5 0 i miles. Terms cash. Inquire 187 2d st Monday. SACRIFICE Ford touring and roadster, bot h late models, at cost ; building foi rent. 270 E. 43d St., near Hawtlmrne. CHALMERS roadster, looks like new, gooc tires. A bargain at $Mo. Terms. St Grand ave. North, near Burnside, MUST he sold Oidsmobile 8, 7-pass, 1118 cord tire-., just overhauled. Am lcavini town. Phone E. 7019. MCtfT sacrifice immediately Studehakel touring, late model. $4-"" cash : ba'anrt CLASSY underslung Ford bug. $450. Leav ing town. Must sell. 321 Broadway. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Used Ford touring car or road ster. Must be cheap. Call today at "til E. 39th rt. LOTS in Wood 'awn add., and ca.h foi late-model light 0 touring car. F. E Luster. 30S1 Stark yt. W I LL PAY part cash and fine new talk ing machine outfit for first-class Ford Hvatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder WILL pav cash for a Dodge or lipht six Must be a snap for cash. A. M. 747 Oregonian. WANT to buy old cars, any sze or anj condition. Call Vancouver C05. R. K. Gore. BUSINESS require Ford or other light car. have 1917 Chalmers in good coo- ditlon. Call Tabor 7307. DODGE wanted, will pay cash for a good Dodge car: state full particulars ans price. Address AM 747. Oregonian. WANTED Six -cylinder Franklin for i bug; state price, model and condition G 207, Oregonian. LOT value $750 for good used automobile Call Tabor7153. WANT Ford or Chevrolet. Pay cash. 38 Union ave. N. TWO $50 liberty bonds as first paymem on light auto; no Fords. 1074 E. Aide