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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1916)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 31, 1916. '3 jj firsts' SfrZcnc SSxCCarry Clarence LeRoy Branch, of Denver, Colo. The wedding took place early in December at Denver, and was a com plete surprise to both families and the many friends of both Mr. and Mrs. Branch, who formerly were of Port land. They will make their home in Denver. The Portland Alumni Chapter of - HIM Mlti AZio JiP Ze T&Ss- Delta Theta Phi law fraternity enter tained with an informal dancing party on Thursday evening at the Harlow Grady HouBe. During the evening dainty refreshments were served in the attractive tea room. About 25 couples attended. The patrons and patronesses for the evening were Dr. E. W. Hope, Judge and Mrs. Arthur Langguth, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. "Wollerberg: and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe M. Wright. Miss Marguerite Templeton was one of the hostesses of the past week, when she entertained the bridal party and close friends of Miss Ruth Fraley, who became Mrs. Eldon Furnish at the smart wedding Thursday evening. Lovely pink begonias decorated the dining-room, and azaleas the drawing room and library. The refreshments also carried out the color schema. Miss Templeton is a charming girl In her Junior year in college.. One of the most interesting features of the afternoon was the Trading of a poem she wrote on the Fraley-Furnish wed ding. The poem created a great deal of merriment, and showed her charac teristic humor and talent in weaving the two names. A copy was presented to each guest, and was attractively or namented with pink ribbon. The Scottish Rite Christmas "party was held Thursday night at the Ca thedral onMorrlson street. It was the second party of the series 1916-1917, and like its predecessor was a huge success. The decorations were unusual, consisting of a large Christmas tree with electric lights and handsome em bellishments. This tree was erected in the southwest corner of the hall and 20 smaller trees were arranged at In tervals around the hall, all the trees being decorated with electric lights ar ranged in varied colors, and appropri ate lighting effects In a single color characterized the various dances. Dr. E. A. Pierce impersonated Santa Claus. making a fine speech, and delivering the presorts with a generous hand. The enjoyment was so keen hat the members were loath to adjourn at the regular hour and the party was con tinued until 1 o'clock. Card honors were won by Miss Ristig and Mr. Grombacher. Supper was served in the main dining-room. Robert Skeen, who had charge of the decorations and light effects, and the entire committee re ceived warm credit for their work. Those attending were: Messrs. and Mosdames L. G. Clarke. C. E. Runyon. A. C. Callan, N. U. Carpenter, F. W. Skiff. F. L. Trullinger. W. J. Hofmann, George L. Baker, Bert M. Denison, Robert S. Farrell. J. B. Ettinger, C. A. Bell, A. M. Shannon, Z. Swett, Edgar H. Sensenich. Frank McCrillis. J. H. Scott. W, F. Woodward, Dr. J. Francis Drake, C. E. Canada. Frederick A. Krlbs, William Goldman, Robert A Miller, Dr. E. A. Pierce. Marcus Cohn, E. W. Littlefleld, R. C. Bell, Alexander McEacham. J. Shemanski, L. G. Noles. E. W. Lohse. S. E. Mooser. Benjamin Gadsby, Leonard Lundgren. H. J. Blaesing, Frank Lucas. J. Arthur Nor man, R. D. Inman, M. O. Norman, A. B. Cutler, George B. Cellars. J. H. Mac kenzie, George H. Gnenibacher. Rich ard Martin, Jr.. F. T Ward. Philip Neu, Sr.. Henry FeJdman. Robert Skeen. J. F. O'Donnell. W. Louie Flied ner, L. G. Holden. Charles Marshall, Donald H. Rowe. Chester O. Kellogg, L. D. Freeland. Harry E. Cowgill. Jr., Virgil L. Clark. Dr. Lard Weist, Will iam Friberg. U. Hensel. Robert Krohn, Mrs. M. Bishop, Martin J. Geasey. Mi nerva A. Denison, A. M. Logan, A Jackson Stewart, Robert Kinney. A. J. Woodruff; Misses Angle Owen. Marsha Holt. Anita Rhine. Madeline Stone, Marie Howell, Miss Ristin. Mildred Miller. Tillie Talbot. Elva Friendly. Loole F. Hatfield, Helen Holden, Ada Lavenson. Ellen O'Donnell, Dorothy Smith, Katherlne Twomey, Nellie Holden, Amorette Crossley, Jessie Williams, Delury. Riley and Dorothy Brent, and C. R. Grislm, B. H. Moore, C. Cottlngham. Will H. Bard. E. E. Lehmann. G. C. Purdln, Karl Ft. Madi son, W. L. J. Davies. Dr. Charles L. Rybke. Otto J. Kraemer. R. W. Wilson, C. E. Ristig, B. H. Goldstein, Philip Neu, Jr., R. Shelley. R. F. Hynd. G. L. Koehn. Julius Cohn. Waldemar Spliid. Dr. P. E. Hale. Frank J. Strahan, Jo seph L. Gould. Captain Paul Hathaway and James F. Alexander. The engagement of liss Frances Berendtna Henny. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Henny. of 6S0 Heights Ter race, to Wallace Haworth, of San Fran cisco, has Just been announced. Miss Henny Is a most interesting and clever girl. She was graduated in 1914 from Portland Academy, later taking year's course at both the Washington State College and the University of Cali fornia. She in a popular member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority and has a host of friends in Portland and in college cir cles. Mr. Haworth, who is with the Maryland Casualty Company, of San Francisco, is a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, and Is popular social ly. The wedding will be an event of January 4. In the First Presbyterian Church. Rev. John II. Boyd to offi ciate. Perhaps the biggest and most elabo rate of the social affairs given during the year by the Knightaof Columbus Is the annual ball to be given on then night of January 19 in the Multnomah Hotel. The floor committee Is: John W. Kelly. chairman; J. Raymond O'Keefe. Frank A. Heitkemper, J. Frank Sinnott, John C. Smith. Luke J. Feeney. J. Edwin Keneflck, John N. Casey. John F. Daly. Walter E. Roberts, Matthew J. Lynch, Ardle M. O'Hanlon, Narcisse R. Petelle. Walter E. Roberts and Will lam J. Hester, and the committee on arrangements is made up of Robert J. O'Nell. chairman; William E. Prud homme, Edmund T. Madden, John J. Beckman and Anton R. Zeller. The patrons and patronesses will be: Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McDougall. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Kern, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Albers,' Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Kal velage. Mr. and Mrs. F. -A. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Maher, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. McCormlck, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hanley, Mr.a.nd Mrs. Charles J. Zerzan. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Pbelan, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Drew and Mr. and Mrs. William M. Drennan. The reception committee Includes: Frank J. Lonergan, chairman; James F. Clarkson, Daniel J. Malarkey, Jo seph Jacobberger, Michael F. Brady, Roger B. Sinnott. Dr. Ben L. Norden. J. H. Sangulnet. John P. McEntee. Charles W. Stinper. J. Andre Foullhoux, John P. Kavanaugh. Jatnes P. Cooke, Frank E. Dooly. John CT McCue, John D. Mc Gowan, Dr. Andrew C. Smith and John M. Gearin. Miss Arlene Slatten wll leave this week with her mother. Mrs. 6. Slatten, for San Francisco, where they will make their future home. Miss Diantha Hulbert, of Seattle, be came the bride of Willard C. Keyes. of Seattle, Thursday night at the home of the bride's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hulbert. of Westover Terrace, at 8:45 o'clock. Rev. Luther R. Dyott officiating. The bride has been visiting in this city with her brothers, J. R. and R. C. Hulbert. and their fami lies for a few weeks. It was a simple ceremony, with only a doxen close friends In attendance. The couple were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Keyes left for their new home at Emmet. Ida ho, Friday. Mrs. Keye is a daughter of the late Francis R. Hulbert. a well known Seattle man. . A surprise party was given at the honae of Mrs. E. C. Kroll Wednesday In honor of Mrs Frank E. Dlsbrow. of Seattle, formerly of this city. After a delightful luncheon 600 was played. Prizes were won by Mrs. G. Olliver and Mrs. Joyce. Those present were: Mrs. J. C. Johnson. Mrs. Joyce, Mrs. E G. Erlckson. Mrs. J. Albright. Mrs. W. A. Gill. Mrs. B. F. Peadrlck. Mrs. D. L. Povey. Mrs. M. C. Fansett. Mrs. T. Habekost, Mrs. O. Olliver. Mrs. E. C. Kroll. Mrs. L. Williams, Miss Ada Tay lor. Mrs. F. E. Dlsbrow and Mrs. Gus tlng. of Tillamook. Or. In the evening Mrs. P. Boon also en tertained at dinner for Mrs. F E Dls brow. Covers were laid for nine. A New Tear's ball will be given at Multnomah Hotel Thursdav evening. January 4, by the Swedish Club. The committee. Dr. J. Emll Nelson. Conrad P. Olson and E. E. Peterson, have com pleted arrangements for the evening's entertainment. The non-dancers will be entertained at cards. The mem bers of the club and their friends an ticipate a successful party. mm Plans are being made for the annual charity ball under the supervision of the Daughters of the Confederacy, which will take place on Thursday ntRht, January 19, at Multnomah Hotel. This is one of the notable events of the season. The Alpha Chi sorority of the Ore gon Agricultural College entertained Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. O. Olson on Terrace Heights. The tea was given In honor of Miss Elaine Getslnger, of New York, who Is spend ing the holiday season as the guest of Miss Alice Cornwall. The house was charmingly decorated with grace ful clusters of narcissus and bows of tulle, yellow and white constituting the color scheme. The receiving line com prised the Misses Alice Cornwall. Ruth Kelly, Elaine Getslnger, Katherln Warner and Mrs. Olson. Tea was served in the dining-room by Mrs. Dell Stuart and Mrs. Mary E. Fawcett, assisted by the Misses Marjorle Ar nold, Barbara Nisley, Enola Bracons and Marjorie Crittenden. m m m Mrs. Joseph R. Bowles and daughter, Marlon, have returned from a trip to New Tork and other Eastern cities, Mr. Bowles will Join them this week, as business detained him in the East. The engagement of Miss Beulah Hayes, which was announced Friday afternoon, to Malcolm Rohert Mac Ewan wna one of the most interesting surprises of the week. The news was told at an informal bridge-tea, for which Mrs. Seth Steven Hayes, mother of the bride-elect, was hostess, the guests being closest friends, Mr. Mac Ewan Is the son of Mrs. J. W. Hill and is a popular and clever young man. He formerly attended Hill Mili tary School here and Is now with the CLEVER LITTLE MAID WILL PARTICIPATE IN IOWA STATE SOCIETY PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY. MISS BORIS I To celebrate the TOth anniversary of the state of Iowa being taken Into the Union, the Iowa State Society of Portland will give an elaborate party In the ballroom of Hotel Multnomah on January 3 at 8 o'clock. Following the interesting and artistic programme, dancing will be Indulged in by the as semblage, card tables will be arranged for the devotees of that diversion and a supper will be served. All former residents of Iowa are invited to attend. The programme follows: 8ong, "Waiting" (MTllard), by Miss Salo-ma Emlson; address, "Iowa Citi zenship," by H. L. Ganoe; original poem, "Iowa, Land of the Beautiful," by Rev. D. A Watters; playlet. "The Enchanted Frog and the Fairy"' and "Gretchen and the Elf," by Miss Doris and Master Errold Phillips; andress, "Thirty Years Ago In Iowa," by Mrs. Jennie G. Rinehart; reading, "The Iowa Home Folks," by Mrs. Mae Herner; address, "Iowa," by Professor J. K. Hart, department of education. Read College ; song, "Love's Old Sweet Song." by Mrs. L. B. Klnne. United States National Bank at Eu gene. Miss Hayes is a charming and at tractive girl and has a host of friends among the younser set. She was grad uated from Portland Academy and also attended the University of Oregon. She is a Kappa Alpha Theta girl. The wedding will be a smart event of AprlL Miss Mary Meldrum and Frederick Shields, of Spokane, have chosen Janu ary 11 for their wedding day. The affair will be solemnised at the home of Miss Meldrum's cousin. Mrs. Joseph N. Teal, and will be very simple. Miss Grace Kern will be the bride-elect's only attendant. .Wednesday Miss Meldrunt will be honoree for a tea to be given by Miss Eliza Parker, and tonight Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A Klehle have asked a num ber of guests to supper in honor of the bride-to-be. Miss Margaret Ayer was the In- 'lit' ' " ' I " Mrs. Hush I . Peoples (Leah V Graberk, Yamblll Marriage LI eenae Clerk, Who. Ia Bride. spiratlon for a charming luncheon, presided over by Mrs. Luis Abelll. on Wednesday, followed by an Orpheum party. Christmas decorations In artis tic array adorned the rooms and ta ble, and covers were placed for Miss Ayer. Mrs. Joseph E. Wiley. Mrs. Ells worth Vachon. Mrs. Guy Porter, Miss Shirley Eastham, Miss Virginia Mc Dpnough. Miss Anna Munly. Miss Hll dreth Humnson. Ml. Margaret Rader. Miss Dorothy Strowbrldge. Miss Al berta Bair and the hostess. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. St. Michael's Episcopal Sunday school was given Its annum Christmas party Wednesday evening at Vincent's Hall. In spite of bad weather a large num ber of children and their parents turned out. The hall was elaborately decorated and a largo Christmas tree adorned one end. Candy, nuts and oranges were distributed to all the guests. A programme under the direction of Miss Laura Shay was rendered, the following children taking part: Eliza beth Shlllock, Daphne Sommere, Marian Buechal, Buddie Ruepple, Donald Wat son. Miss Roma Hewitt gave a charming gypsy beggar dance and responded to an encore with a Hungarian dance.- The Hawaiian Club, consisting of George Ross, guitar: Mary Rawllngs, Clarence Gray, ukuleles: Roger Shay, traps, and Mrs. Shay, piano, were so applauded that they had to appear a second time. The evening finished up with dancing. - Quite a number of young people were home from college and added to the pleasure of the occasion. Paul Cowgill has been the popular superintendent of the Sunday school for a number of, years. Mrs. C. C. Shay and Roger Shay fur nished musio for th i dancing. V AMITY, Or., Dec. 30. (Special.) One of the most enjoyable events of the season was. given at the home of Mrs. I. B. Osborne, here Christmas, where a host of friends and relatives gathered for the day. An elaborate dinner was served. The music was most delight ful. Littue Lois Bernadine Newmann, age 3 years, gave a few selections In Photo by Peaseley. PHILLIPS. m til Important "HE Introductory Sale of the new models in Nemo Corsets, Nos. 309, 355 and 408, will begin on MONDA Y, JANUAR Y 8, 1917 IN PRINCIPAL STORES "HESE new models represent the latest developments in the Nemo Standard of Corsets and Service, and will be priced on the basis of former costs of materials. , WATCH FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENTS IN SUN DA Y'S NEWSPAPERS . OF JANUARY 7, 1917 CnNGE OF PRICE Beginning Jan 1917, the- standard re- Reducing Corsets Noa. THE NEMO HYGIENIC-FASHION INSTITUTE NEW YORK reading and singing which added to the merriment of the day. Those present were: Cella Sarrepla Stulllnburger, Eugene White Stullln burger, Cleo Lodema Stullenburger, Joe Benjamin Stullenburger. Thomas Franklin Stullenburger, Sophronla William Stullenburger. Olive Julia Coulter. Jay Dewy Coulter. Ellas Walter Rea. Melvin Pearl Rea. Gertie Minerva Ilea. Clara Viola Rea. Adolphus Rea. Fred William Newmann. Cora Ellen Newmann. Lots Bernadine Newmann. Mrs. I. B. Osborne and son. Floyd Lester Osborne. A very delightful evening was spent at the home of Miss Almee Pernot, 526 East Twenty-first street North, on Thursday. December 28. where she en tertained in honor of Ruasell Makelin. of Stanford University. The home was elaborately decorated with university colors and holiday greens. Dancing was the feature of the evening. Light refreshments were served by Mrs. E. F. Pernot and Miss Lenora Makelin. Among those present were Misses Almee Pernot. Lillian Holmes. Mary Huckenberg, Dorothy Bowman, Ha Nichols, . Helen O'Day. Jennie May Young, Nell Simmons, and Messrs. Russell Makelin. Herschel Driver. John Clemcnson. Archie Moss. Claude Froh man. James Murphy. Wendel .Holmes and Preston Whiting. The Troubadour and Cotillion clubs announce two special dancing parties to be given at Cotillion Hall on New Year's eve and New Year's night. The New Year's eve party will start at 12. and dancing will continue until 2 A. M.. dancing the old year out and the new year In. The 1917 opening ball on New Year's night will be of special interest. Special souvenirs have been ordered from the East. The committee In c harge Is: Mrs. M. M. Rlnglcr. Mrs. G. McKinnon. C. Olsen. Elgin Hawes. James O. Fenton. Mabel Hopkins. Laura II Igglnbotham, Blanche Whitman, Lil lian McKlnnon. Fern Crossley, Viola Higley. Myrtle Baker, Mrs. R. E. Jones, Arthur Hawes. Allen Rice. Harry Kal zer. Marie Slarkcll. Helen Crouchley, Ona Wooley. Marie Roberts. Mabel James, Ida Foster and Gail McDonald. The Mn Etta Kapa girls mot Wednes day. December 27. at the home of Mar jorle Davies to discuss further means for the continuation of their work. The appreciation shown by the families that were helped, greatly encouraged the members. After the business meeting. Christ mas gifts were distributed and re freshments served. Those present were: Misses Helen Adams. Helen Bltner. Naomi Bryan. Constance Crosfield. Marjorle Davies, Corinne Hutchinson, Loretta Isackson, .Edith Karlson, Re gina Kail. MiMred Le Compte. Anna MacPherson. Mildred Martyn and Bet tina'Nusbnum. Anette Hardinger. an out-of-town visitor, also attended the meeting. The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Spaulding was the scene of a delight ful party Thursday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Spaulding. of Hauk Inlet. Alaska, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spaulding and son. Harold, of Ellensburg. Wash. The evening was spent In music and dancing, after which refreshments were served. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Poage. mother of the host ess; Misses Rhoda. Elizabeth and Agnes Poage. Len Martin. Earl Martin. Lewis Moran. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Market. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Spaulding, Mrs. L. B. Giger, Harold Spaulding and Ross Giger. Tuesday. December S6. at Green's Hall. Columbia Assembly. No. 4, Arti san Lodge, prepared a lovely Christmas programme for the children. The master Artisan arranged a surprise for the big children of the advance lodge, as each member who had attended regu larly was presented with a love and friendship gift. At the conclusion of the programme each child In the room was presented with a stocking of can dy, nuts and a little present from Santa Claus. The rie'xt meeting will bo In stallation of the newly elected officers. Tuesday. January 2, at which time luncheon will be served. All members are requested to attend. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hartford entertained a few friends at their home, 1080 Belmont street, Wednesday night, tl occasion being the fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Hartford. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. Hor ton Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Stin nette. Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Gilbaugh. Mrs. Elizabeth Merrill. Miss Josephine Kelly. Miss Nella Blade. Miss Isabel Gilbaugh. Mrs. Charles F. Lawson. Miss Agnes Lawson, Miss Margaret Bucklcy and J. W. Gilbaugh. A delightful Christmas party was given by the Misses Evelyn and Leona Prag. at their home Wednesday. The afternoon was spent with music and dancing. A collation was served, the color scheme being crimson and green. Those present were: The Misses Agnes Kennedy. Elcanore Ryan, Elizabeth Hulme, Mabel Gunther. Eleclta and Jo sephine Thatcher, Alice Collins, Leah and Frances Friedenthal and Evelyn and Leona Prag. A group of Scappoose residents gath ered together and entertained their relatives and friends with a Christmas dinner-dance at Scappoose Hall. The hosts for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Marion tDuncan and Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Brown. m The Phrenodlken Debating Society, of Washington High School, held. 1U Notice! - Beginning January 1, j r tall price of N'emo Self- iA.DU K)2,403and405wiUbe annual co-ed dance. Thursday, at the Laurelhurst Clubhouse. All acttva Phrcnos and one-time members of tha society were present. A delightful pro gramme was given In which some of the ex-members participated. Refresh ments were served. m m m The original 1916-17 Follies will give a New Year's novelty party tomorrow evening at Multnomah Hotel. The ball room, tea garden and assembly hall will be used for this occasion. Two or chestras will play and appropriate sou venirs will be"glven during the even ing. Dancing will begin promptly at 8:15 o'clock, e A most enjoyable party of the Yule tide season was that given by Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Cliff, on Christmas night. (Concluded on Page 0.) First Annual January Reduction Sale Entire stock of hand made furniture, lamps, etc., greatly reduced. Also special prices on furniture made to order during January. S. KUGEL & SON 130 TENTH ST. Workshop 495 Washington St. Engraved Wedding Invitation wvf An nouncements. Social and Business Cards. Steel Die Eatboaaed Peracmal Lodec Profes sional and Buvneaa Stationery Stat kind aamplcs draired. LADIES If you want to be satisfied with your next Tailor-Made Suit come to B. FINK Ladies' Tailor, Eilers Bldg. r . . . routine Yeas to S I A.llIWIl.K Whtn you aro held back by fear and failure to talk when conditions demand ? I waa myaelf thus afflicted for over 80 years and wll know Its awful effects. My Natural Method never falls to cure. Private lnatructlon only. The Beast'tt Institute for the Cure of Stammering. 14 Montgomery at.. Ban Francisco. Cal. Old Establlshad. Write today for full par ticulars. . - freBh 'ry day. JVtrtLt&& Morrison at- bet. 14 4th and 5th. TeL f 10WRS Mift PC A IMS run 1 10.2