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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1916)
THE SUNDAY OREGOX1AN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 31, 1916. 9 REAL ESTATE. liometeads. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, not far from R. R., with or without stock. Fine soil, watered by springs; Juo a. tillable; beau tiful view of ocean ; good house, barn, fencing, etc. A snap. Further particulars at 101 1 Ycon bldg. M. 5456. For Sale Mlht-ellaneous. DENUEL brothers. Germans, In Judith Ba Mn of Fergus County. Montana, have n. lO.OOo-acre ranch and will sell it to good Uerman people. 100-acre tracts, 10 years' time, 6 per cent Interest. For particulars write John M. How Kind. Lewistown. Mont. WANTKI) REAL ESTATE. WANTS SMALL FARM In exchange for So acres, stocked; only 1 mile from electric station ; extra good lmprovemnt. running water, Al soli; price $10,500 ; wants from S acres up, close to n" good town, as part payment, balance to suit. LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FARM WANTED. Have T-room modern house in fine lo cation at Medford, Or., and a 6-room house In Portland, with 80x100, fruit and berries ; will trade both properties, value 6500. for an Improved farm in Willamette Valley or Eastern Oregon ; may assume small mortgage if farm is equipped, W. H. Ross, lluo Northwestern Bar illK DlOg. WANTS CLOSE-IN ACREAGE In exchange fr fine modern residence, on 80x122 lot, garage; price $7000. clear. A crease wanted for home ptypose and must be on good road, buildings not neces sary. lt:eddemann company, 013 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE WANTED. Have party with $1200 cash, wants strictly modern 5 or 6-room house In vi cinity of Mississippi or Williams ave. car line or Piedmont vicinity, and assume to $1800. B. N.. Main 11SO. 232 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM house, near Arleta School ; also small shack, large lot, on St. Johns line; must be cheap and give terms; owners only. Smith A Houck, 110 10th St., Plt tock block. IRVINGTON. Want not less than 8 -room house In Irvlngton ; have acreage near city and flats on West Side. T 1H9, Qregonlan. WANT West Side home up to $15,000 or $20,000 for first-class East Side residence properly; will assume liberally. J 3. Ore gon tan. I WANT LOTS FOR CASH. Must be very cheap for investment. Give price 'and lot number. ADDRE33 C 03, OREGON I AN. IWANT 5 or C-room house on Sellwood line: will give In part payment 4-room bunga low, south Woods tock lot 3 26x125. and assume some. See Mr Teere, 1U4 5th st. IWANT Portland home not oer 96500 value, for my improved a.nd stocked 20 acres, 17 miles out, on electric line. D BOO, Ore gonlan. 1 WANT to buy an equity in a first-class resiaence I -r cash, but it must be a big bargain and In a select neighborhood. Artrtress p. u. box IJ, City. ANT substantial house equities for Oregon land, free and clear. W. H. Ross, 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANT Morrow County land; will trade Portland property. W. H. Ross. 1100 Northwestern Bank bids;. WANTED -Acres ge or auto as first payment on good 6-room house, restricted district. A 5; Oregonian. WHEAT rami wanted from 200 to 600 acres, from owner, cultivated and priced right, for cash. 1201 E. Harrison St., Portland. WANT 1 to 4 sections of Canadian or Mon tana farm lands: civ description, price, terms. Jenkins, Spaldinc; bldg. WANTED or call bldg. A good big stock ranch. Write on W. C. Been tell, 515 Corbett ACREAGE- Improved, unimproved; close In, far out. Alt 853. Oregonian. STANDARD ABSTRACT CO., and W. R. Haizllp Co.. 405-6 Stock Ex. bldg. Mn. 6774. Ve buy cquftles. priced right. 407 Panama bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. AO ACRES, all cult. New modern bungalow, city -water, elec. lights., new modern barn. family orchard, fine soil, 5o fare. Fine for chickens, small dairy or truck garden. $20 per mo. 7 acres. Improved, plenty fruit and ber ries, li m. to city limits, near Ry. Rent $150 per year. 3-yr. lease. J. A. Turner, at 209 Stark. WHEAT Is going to be a money-maker the coming year ana l nave more lana tnan j. can afford to seed myself, so I will rent ' It on shares and look after the crop from seeding to delivery to warehouse. All you have to do Is advance the actual work ing expense and you can put In Just as niucn as you wisn, rrora 2U acres to ooo. Koom 4U1, noyt riotei. feEVEN acres, 1) miles from Portland, 2 blocks from Bellrose station, on Estacada line; nice 8-room bungalow. 3-room house, barn, fruit trees and berries. Want good farmer, Italian or Japanese. Apply 127 East ICth fct.. near Morrison. East 5356. FOR RENT, cheap, 5 acres or more, culti vated, close to town and car, suitable for chickens, strawberries and extra early vegetables; house, barn, woodshed, wagon shed, chicken-houses and yard. Box 63, Route No. 6, Vancouver, Wash. IMPROVED ranch. Western Oregon, special ly for hogs; 200 acres. 100 acres in al falfa; 3-year lease. Cash rent. Write J. W. Clark. I Walk Two, Madison Park. Seattle, Wash. FOR JlENT or for sale, 10-ncre, 6-year-old apple orchard, poultry farm stocked with 300 hens; 23 miles south of Port land, 1 mile from station. J. D. Kruse, Newberp, Or.. R. F. D. No. 2. (FOR RENT or for sa-. in-acre, 6-year-old apple orchard, poultry farm, stocked with 300 hens, 23 miles south of Portland, 1 mile from station. J. D. Kruse, Newberg, Oregon. R. F. D. No. 2. 60 ACRES, 3.". In cultivation; will sell, all farn.lng in.plements and stock. Call at 8008 63d nve. S. E.. Lents, Or. 230-ACRE farm to rent for term of years. Implements, team and cows furnished at OQ per year. N. Merrill, Clatskanie, Or. TO LEASE, J acres, close In. good buildings, orchard. AH 2. Oregonian. 10 ACUES. house, barn, fruits, running wa ter. $00 per year. Marshall 4000. FARMS WANTED. WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. State cash price and de scription. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. VANTED To lease farm or ranch on shares where slock and Implements aru furnished. Have had t o years' experience; best of references. B DUis, OretonUin. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FORTY million feet of the very best front age timber in Oregon for . unly $100.000 ; iocs ted on tidewater and rail ; mountain spruce, and fir; just right for Immediate use; great chance for big, profitable in vestment, with increasing demand and quick returns; worth $5 per M. Owner, 9 4 McKay bldg. i'Ott SALE 150 acres of timber land in Okanogan County. Washington ; scaled 800,000 feet; fine, dark loam soil for ag riculture, sublrrlcaies, near stream and mill. $1000 if taken at once. Address Mrs. N. J. Miller. Oakdaie, Cal. TIES and piling, 160 acres on Kalama River, easy logged. 40 to 50 thousand ties, 400 to 000 cords fchiitgle bolts and considerable piling timber; must be sold at once; price $1300. terms. A. W. Estes, 207 Railway Exchange bldg. 0 15 million feet tie and piling timber; 2S miles from Portland ; 5 years allowed for removal; sOc per thousand. H. G. EPTON. 432 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LANDS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. MCCRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDG. 60 ACRES, 6.000,000 feet; must sell at once. Bargain. Call room 725 Cornelius Hotel. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. 1 WANT timber lands (fir and cedar); give full particulars In first letter. O 052, Ore gonian. iWILL give good 5 -room bungalow 100x114 for timber claim, Prentiss, Corbett bldg. and 505 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SO ACRES. NEAR ALBANY. -All In cultivation, 6-room house, with ho. and cold water, garage, barn and out bids., o milch cows. 6 head young stock, 16 hogs, 800 hlckene, 3 mares, harness, wagon. Implements, orchard, separator. In cubator and brooder ; $15,000, mortgage $1x500; will trade for clear city property. RICHANBACH 4c CO., 707 Lewis Bldg. IMPROVED 80, $6000; would divide; ac cept residence. Owner, Chauncey Barney, Oregon City. WHAT have you In Canada to trade for states? What in states to trade for Can ada? 604 W. 30th, Eugene, Or. 5 ACRES Jennings Lodge, Hull avenue; will exchange even for a house or take lots for part pay. Owner. R 938. Oregonian. EX CAPTION ALLY good 80. close In. fully stocked; on sccount of sickness must sell or trade En'iltv $11.500. 416 Piatt bldg. WANT Ford roadster for 6."Sx"too unincum bered Portland lot. AM 007, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. $75.000 1600 acres, stocked and equipped ; 240 acres of best natural meadow, 220 alfalfa. 400 in other crops, looo acres oest creek bottom land, irrigated; two sets of fine build ings and all farm machinery to operate place ; unlimited free out range; loo Durham cows, 75 young stock, 75 horses and 35 to 50 hogs, and all free of incumbrances. Wlil consider good Portland property aX right price for part and cash or mortgage back for balance. This rai'ch cannot be excelled in the North wt-st. Let us tell you about It, $35,000 015-acre stock and grain ranch ; own perpetual water right and 700 acres tillable land all Irrigated;. 400 acres classed as best of rich, sandy loam, bottom land. 140 nat ural meadow, 400 alfalfa and other crops; good new buildings and all iiciissary farm machinery; net in come on this place last year was better than 25 per cent on above price; will take part in good Port land property, balance mortgage. Let us show you blueprints and de tailed description of this prop erty. $ 1.250 Good 6-room modern house and 50x100 lot; fine view and close In; free and clear; trade for acreage. $ 4,000 100 acres, all fenced; fine soil, all tillable, .. . cleared; 20 now cul tivated ; house, barn and ma chinery ; $25 per acre, free of in cumbrance ; trade for Portland property. $ 4,500 8-room house and two acres or 14 full lots In Vancouver. Wash., clear, and other clear property to exchange for house and two lots in Portland. A. J. PRESTON. 422 Henry Bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak. DAIRY, stock and alfalfa farm, 2 miles from center of city of Walla Walla; ele gant buildings, dairy cows and other stock, price $35,00o; want income property. Improved wheat ranch, good well and fair buildings, price $45,000; consider other good property to $30,000. Another large wheat ranch, R. R. ata tlon and creek on place, good buildings, big lot stock and machinery; price $MJ.0OO; owner receives of crop; want first-class Portland Income property. Four-story brick hotel building, all fur nished. In Portland; price $110,000; con sider other property to $70,000. Improved farm, near Molalla, $7600- con sider clear property to $4500. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. HAWTHORNE HOME" SACRIFICE. 41ST STREET, NEAR CAR, (DOCTOR'S OPPORTUNITY; NONE NEAR THIS.) MODERN (FIRST-CLASS), e ROOMS BATH, FURNACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. SHADES. OAS RANGE AND "RUUD" HEATER, GARAGE, ETC. - ABOUT 30 PER CENT LESS THAN COST. SMALL RENT PAYMENTS, TEN YEARS IF DESIRED. TRADE CONSIDERED, SMALL ACRES OR SMALL HOUSE EQUITY AS FIRST PAYMENT. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. PATTISON, OWNER, 212 SELLING BLDG. IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAYING FARM THIS WILL INTEREST YOtJ. 70 acres on the edge of Yoncalla, 30 acres In cultivation, 12 acres in bearing commercial- prunes, bal. timber and pas ture; good house, barn, stock. Implements and crop; all for $6000; will take clear city property. RICHANBACH A CO., 707 Lewis Bldg. I HAVE a well-built 3-room cottage, with bath, hot and cold water, electric lights and gas. Was sold for $1800; also 6 good lots in same neighborhood that used to bring $700 each. Streets graded, cement sidewalks, near good school and walking distance to high school. All clear of In cumbrance, which I will trade and assume mortgage or pay cash difference for a good valley farm or ui-to-date house on West Side. In Irvlngton, Hoiladay. Walnut Park or Piedmont. No junk or fictitious values. Give full description, location and price In first letter. AL 098, Oregonian. frst letter. A A-RlES, unlnnun 160 AflRES, unincumbered, small amount In cultivation, fair set of bldgs., good or chard, plenty of water and fine body of first growth fir timber estimated at about 7. 500,000 feet; and for exchange for Improved farm. prefer stocked and equipped, and will assume good-size mtg. This is mainly a timber proposition and an extra good one. SAMUEL DO AK 1202 North western Bank Bldg. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 160 acres dairy and stock farm, 45 acres under plow. 53 acres partially cleared, 60 acres tasture. with runnlnir water; good 7-room house. large bam, 8 horses. 20 cattle, farm machinery, hay and grain; main road; 4 miles to Ry. town ; $8250; take close-In acreage to $&000 or Portland home to $4000. D. McChesney, 332 Charn ber of Com, bid g. EXTRA choice 10 acres, unincumbered, all In cultivation, modern 7-room house and all other necessary Improvements, located near Portland and good station; price $8500, and for trade for good farm of about 8U acres and will assume. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BIG DAIRY FARM WANTED. West Side apartment-house, 4 stories. 100x100, every apartment full, gross In come now about $13,500 yearly. Price $125,000. Owner will consider big dairy or stuck farm to $100,000. l13 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE nw 4 -room modern bungalow on acre of good land, small barn and chick en house; 6 blocks to car and school at Lents; also 4 -room cottage on 50x100 lot. Woodstork district; also 2-room house on 50x100 lot; total VHlue $1500; total Incumbrance $1600; want unincumbered farm for equity. Phone owner. Fast 8070. APARTMENT-HOUSE WANTED. Have 150i acres wheat land, clear of debt, price $30,000, to give as part pay ment on apartment-house. Will assume $10,000 to $15,000. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade 2 new bungalows, value $5500. incumbrance $1100. located on a 5-cent carfare to any part of Tacoma; want good ranch with some stock and tools; will as sume some or will trade for your stock and tools and rent your ranch; don't an swer unless you mean business. Box li. Mark ham. Wash. 122 ACRES, 16 miles from Portland, 80 acres clear, bal. timber; al! fine soil; price $10 per acre; will trade for city property. RICHANBACH & CO., 707 Lewis Bldg. NEARLY 1 hi acres, very choice, all In cul tivation, no bldgs. excepting chicken house, close In. near station and for ex change for good small Portland residence and will assume small mortgage. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg FOR SALE or trade, 6-room house and gar age, break fast-room, sleeping porch and attic, furnace, linen closet, buffet, book cases, disappearing bed, dresser. Ironing board and break fast -table will be fur nished Jan. 15. Agents, notice. Y 008, Oregonian. WEST SIDE FLATS WANTED. Have acreage worth $llO00 near Port land, clear of debt, to trade on West Side flats; will go to $16,000. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY FARM WANTED. I own two Willamette Valley farms over 200 acres In each; fine buildings, well lo cated: want to trade for farm near Port land of 200 acres or more; must be im proved and have good buildings. Give full particulars Address AV 315, Oregonian. WANTED Stock of furniture, hardware or gen. mdse.. $6000 to $1X000. country town preferred. Have 110-a. farm 1 Ji miles R. R. and good town, near Eugene, and some cash. Address F. O. Box 3u3, Eugene, Or. CALIFORNI A-OR EGON. Properties of all kinds and sixes for in terchanges ; see or write us. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 607 Yeon Bldg. PARTIES have made offers, but no one has bought my 480 acres that raised $13,000 worth of wheat In 101G, You can have It for 12.000; terms on part. E. T. Price, not Rothchlld bldg. MODERN 6- room house, sleeping porch, corner, easy walking distance : will take let or smaller house part payment, bal ance easy terms. East 1515. CORBETT street, 12-room house, good rooming-house, lot 60x170; cost $6000; take $3500, mtg. $2000; want small house for equity. G 005, Oregonian. $1600 EQUITY 6-room modern house, Lau relhurst, for anything of value. 1076 Sandy blvd. Tator 3673. 40 ACRES, unimproved, Clarke County, and first mortgage $250 for auto, lot or room Inc-hnuse. Owner. M 000, Oregonian. 460 ACRES fine wheat land. Will sell cheap ana ibkc cuy pi uptnj bb jjmil pay. H. Ross. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. 50 BUILDING Iotiv. cheap for cash, or will trade for good farm. Hale. 202 Wilcox bldg. WANTED To exchange tailoring for dentistry. first-class men's B 009. Oregonian. FINE ranch in Polk County, well stocked, fo Portland property. B 997. Oregonian. WANTED Trade house and lot for fur nished apt.-house. CaU Monday. Alain 2o 06. .tinitnnimuimtiimmimtitmmmnmiinTmiiimimiHtimiin:ifrtMimmMmmm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING for THE OREGONIAN ANNUAL (published tomorrow) Must Be in The Oregonian Office Not Later Than 7 o'Clock This Evening inniiiMiinniniiiiitNiiiurntHiiiiiiHniiiiiitMntiiinuniiititiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiinntnMiiiuuuiuiiriiuiiuiiiiiniuiiMiHitMMiiuiiNiir: TO EXCHANGE. ILEAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. 100x1 00-ft. corner, downtown; price $250,000; for stock farm or other property to amount of $15".00U. Client with clear property to amount of $25,000. wants apar ment-house or business prop erty , will assume. Party with cltx properties to amount of $75,000, Incumbrance $23,000; property consists of 2 modern flat buildings, all rent ed, close-in quarter block, other properties well located; for one good property or Valley farm. Clear property In Western city to nmount of $45,000 for Port land income property; will as sume mortgage and pay cash difference right proposition. F. E, TAYLOR CO.. Inside Property Dealers. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. MAKE OFFER (REAL EQUITY $2000) DESIRABLE. RIGHTLY, MODERN COUNCIL CREST HOME. NEW FUR NACE. FULL LOT. ONE BLOCK TO CAR. RENTED TO GOOD TENANT. MORTGAGE LONG TIME TO RUN. CONSIDER LOT, GOOD FORD. OR LITLE CASH; OR WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER FOR QUICK ACTION? SEE OWNER. ADDRESS M., BOX 904. OREGONIAN. TO TR FOR ACREAGE OR CITY HOME. Grocery, excellent clean stock, fixtures and bldg., cor. E. 10th st. ; large store downstairs, 5 modern rooms upstairs; own er has run this store for 3 years and now wishes to retire from business ; will put all in for $4000, mortgage $1500, and take acreage or city home. RICHANBACH A CO.. 707 Lewis Bldg. FINE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Must go to Canada and have to dispose of my choice 45-acre farm on main auto road between Portland and Salem ; 20 acres under plow, three acres beaverdam. balance in pasture, tiearly cleared ; pretty fir grove and fine fishing lake on one corner of farm; 6-room house, large barn, Mt mile to school, $60O0. Take $3000 Port land home, balance terms. Farm Is clear. See D. McChesney, 332 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FOR SALE or exchange4, unincumbered, the best platted addition to Baker, the best 0000 town In Oregon ; hard-surface streets to tract, surrounded by Baker's finest residences; bungalows will sell as fast as built; cash value about $25,000; assessed at over $15,000; gr$el and sand from Powder River, running through one side of it. will bring $1000 yearly; owner living where can't sttend to It. For further par ticulars, address, stating what you have. K 2. Oregonian. 40 ACRES, fine soil, nearly all In cultlx-a-tlon. extra good house, close to Portland and good station, and Is a very choice and attractive place. Price $10,500. Including stock and equip ment, $2500 mortgage and for exchange for Improved, unincumbered, close-in choice acreage. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 North watem Bank Bldg. WANT Minnesota or Dakota property In exchange for 10O acres dairy and orchard ranch In the famous Gilmer Valley, near White Salmon. Wash.; 37 acres first-class bearing orchard, 50 acres choice hay land; good buildings of all kinds. Price $25,000, mortgage $4000. A. W. ESTES. 207 Railway Exchange Bldg. BARGAIN FOR EXCHANGE. Choice nrreaare tract on Hlllsboro Elec tric line; all in cultivation. A snap; part trade ; part cash. ORE. INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 202 Stock Exch., 170 3d St. DAIRY F AR M W A NT ED. I own t?o Wlllamtte Valley farms over 200 acres In each; fine buildings, well lo cated; want to trade for farm near Port land of 200 acres or more ; must be Im proved and have good buildings. Give full particulars. Address AV 315, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Half -section of the best wheat land In Alta., Can. ; only 5 minutes from good town; 1,'Oftil water. WRITE W. VOLLANS. Soappoose, Or. FOR SALE or trade; 6S0-acre stock and grain farm. 250 plowed, house, barns, spring In pasture cistern In house. P. O. box 001, The Dalles. Or. EXCHANGE any part $75,000 worth flrst class. clear Portland property for Cana dian or Montana lands. Jenkins, Spalding bldg. MODERN 7-room house and vacant lots, exchange for good rnomlng-house, hotel, bakery or country store. AN 098, Ore gonian. MODERN 8-r. house with parage. 100x100 corner, beautiful grounds, $6000 ; will con sider trade. Empire Inv. Co., 401 Board of Trade. WANT farm in exchange for brick apartment-house, strictly modern In every re spect. $7500 mortgage, 3 years, fl per cent. See M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. MILK ROUTE Stock and equipments for sale, lease of land; price $2000, half cash, balance easy at 6 per cent. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. $400 EQUITY in 3-room cottage and 40xlO0 foot lot, 3 blocks from Mt. Scott carllne; will sacrifice. Taylor, 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 643. CLEAR property and rash for good hotel. I stocK oi goods or business property. ZIm-ms'-ll. 416 Lumbermen's bldg. NEAT 6-room bungalow on the Peninsula, with 1 or 2 lots; want acreage. West Side, $2000. AL 007. Oregonian. FOR ranch or acreage. 8-room modern house, garage, alley, fruit. T. J. Glover. 424 Alnsworth ave. Woodlawn 3161. 20 ACRES at Tlgard good house and bam; consider some trade. Sletten, 202 Wilcox hldp. Main 851T. HAVE 1 0vacre apple orchard at Newberg. What have you? Dean, 202 Wilcox. Main 351 r. $11,000 WORTH of pood clear city property to trade for wheat ranch and assume. W. C. Been tell. 515 Corbett bldg. $25.0oO INCOME, city residences, clear, for good valley farm, stocked; might assume some. W. C. Been tell. 515 Corbett bldg. WILL accept land In exchange for modern buna-alow. wafl located : sri ve full details. Owner.- AD 008. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY and restaurant, Invo'.ces $14O0; will .trade as first payment on small farm. ZImmerll, 416 Lumbermen's bldg RIVERFRONT acreage. $3500 to $0500. want one or two houses In Portlsnd. Owner, D 954, Oregonian. PORTLAND property for property In any state of United States. BC 840. Oregonian. 80 ACRES, good soli, near railroad, town, for house. Q 932, Oregonian. TO KX( HA.NGK-REAL KSTATK. IDEAL HOME (ABOUT 8 ACRES) PROFIT AND INDEPENDENCE. NEAR CITY, GOOD ROAD. ( GRESHAM CAR ONE BLOCK.) SPLENDID FOR COW6. PIGS, CHICK ENS, TURKEYS. ETC (FRUIT AND FLOWERS ON PLACE). OOOD HOI SE AND B A P. N . F R N C ES, E T C. ( F R l V RUNNING WATER). ALL CITY CON VENIENCES. SOIL RICH. NOT ROCKY A LOT FUhXITURE, POTATOES. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT GO WITH PLACE. YOUR OWN TERMS. POSITIVE BAR GAIN. PRICE UNDER $0000. SEE IT. CONSIDEP. EXCHANGE. MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS WM. PATTISON, OWNER, 2O0 SELLING BLDG.. PORTLAND. LARGE FARM WITH STOCK, Have fine farm near Newberg, over 400 acres, nearly all In cultivation, finest soil, good buildings. lot of registered stock and all necessary farm machinery. Price $60, 000. Will trade for Income property. LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK AND WHEAT RANCH. With or without equipment and stock ; exclusive list of first-class properties, any size ; many of them personally Inspected by us. L S. MORTGAGE A INV. CO.. 607 Yeon Bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Will exchange for lots, bungalow, small acreage, timber claim, auto, diamonds or what have you. my 100-acre farm. Crook Co.; 40 acres cleared, buildings, county road, all fine tillable land; mtg. $750. Owner, Main 0451. TILLAMOOK, all good, 15o acres river frontage, will pasture about 80 head grass all year around, best prices for milk and butterfat. Will take good Income prop erty up to $20,000 as part payment, bal ance arrange. ZlmmerlL 416 Lumber men's bldg. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and Is for exchange or saie. can or write run particulars: no In flated values considered ; have f irst-class list to select from. Geo. P. Henry, 329 Henry b;dg. Ref.. Portland Realty Board. 00 ACRES or fraction thereof. White Sal mon district, on road and river, surround ed by fine orchards, all good land, some cleared, price $100 per acre. Will trade for business property and assume, or trade for good timber, clear for clear. Zim merll. 416 Lumbermen's bldg. FOR SALE or trade for going business, mod- trn o-room cungiiow ejast Mue, naw thorne district, with all modern conven iences, cement basement. furnace, gas. electric light; If Interested, phone Tabor 770O for Interview. Bargain for some body. FOR EXCHANGE Portland realty for Los Angeles property, 1J0O feet, 2 corners, finest location, for apartment-house In the city ; clear. Want Los Angeles city; must be clear. See my agent. F. W. TORGLER. 54 ACRES, well improved, in orchard and small fruits, 10 minutes' walk from town, board walk all the way; no in cumbrance; price $2500; to trade on Port land home; would assume small mortgage. Write owner, box 342, Wlllamtna, Or. CENTRAL OREGON irrigated land. 640 acres, all or fraction, trade on value of $50 per acre (water right cost $40); will trade clear for clear Income or good tim ber lands. Zimmcrll, 416 Lumbermen's phi Iff in w FOR EXCHANGE Fine SeaTtul lot two good residences in Centralla. Wash. Also California properties In and near Sacra mento, for Oregon. McMlnnville. Corvallis or Bend preferred. Write particulars. Owner, box 605, Medford, Or. FINE modern bungalow in best part of Rose City Park; oak floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, fine decorations and built-in conveniences; will exchange for Laurelhurst lots Hitter, Lowe sc Co., 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. MY 1016 alfalfa crop yielded 7 tons per acre, now worth $15 per ton, or over $100 per acre. Neighboring SO unimproved, clear of incumbrance, can be had In exchange for Portland property. Tabor 1303. EXCHANGE 10 acres, all in cultivation, some fruit, no buildings, close In; want house. M. II. BECKER. 426 Lumber Exchange. SEATTLE PROPERTY An ideal hotel or apartment-house site in the business dis trict. Will trade equity of $20,O0 for stock ranch in Oregon. No agents. Owner, 151 H N. 6th. Portland. BEAUMONT. 42D ST. Beautiful 7-room modern house, hard wood polished floors, French plate doors, fireplace, splendid view. Mlllershlp, 43 i Chamber of Com. BEAUTIFUL $12,000 irvlngton home; want unincumbered Portland property for $80o equity ; give complete description of your property, so I can see same, or no attn tlon will be paid to letter. X 1, Oregonian. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our Isrg lists of Improved city, farm and Income properties; no inflated values considered. CALLAN A KASER, 414 Oregon bldg. LITTLE FARM FOR CITY. Nice 15-acre Improved farm near St. Helens, rich soil. Will trade even for city house worth $2500 to $3000. P 937, Ore gon lan. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, city, country, exchanges. Northern properties wanted. Largest list, fair treatment. Cor rect valuations. References. Horace G. Hamilton. 6S1 Market St.. San Francisco. $12,500, NEARLY 11 acres, on hard -surface road between Portland and Oregon City: beautiful homeslte. Will take $7500 clear city, balance cash or mortgage. Might divide. P 938. Oregonian. TWO cottages wlth100xl00-ft. lot at Sea slde. Or., 2 blocks from ocean, for sale cheap, or will trade for acreage. Main 8600, or address Box 174, Hillsdale, Or.. Route 2. HAVE client with 80 acres, value $1600, 3 miles from prosperous town in Southern . Oregon, no incumbrance and some cash ; wants a grocery business in or near city. Phnn Main .1787. room 408 Swetland hide. I WANT a grocery store, have 4 clear lots at Coos Bay and some cash; I will give you a good deal. Call at room 408 Swetland bldg or phone Main 3787. FOR SALE or trade; 3 lots In Riverside. Cal.; another one in Culver, Or. What have you to trade? Write A. Cameron, Crcs well. Or. " EUGENE modern 7-room new bungalow, large lot, all conveniences ; price $3500. Want Portland home or acreage. BADLEY. 021 YEON BLDG. MODERN, 10-room. furnished; corner, 50x 100; fruit, flowers, furnace, block school. 15 minutes' walk E. S.; equity $4000; want smaller house or acreage. Y 2. Oregonian. WANTED Los Angeles bungalow or sub urban acreage for Portland bungalow; also two lots for Los Angeles lots. Call Woodlawn 4703. GOOD Income property In a live town of 7000. Eastern Oregon. Income $300 a month. Trade for Valley property to $20. OOO. Address pt. 1. 383 Russell st. ATTRACTIVE 7-room Spokane home to ex change for Portland bungalow in good residence district. Marshall 20 if. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest income property In the city. F. E. Bowman fc Co.. 218 Chamber of Commerce. 4-ROOM house, 2 lots, rented, to exchange for auto; no Foi ds. Phone Bdwy. 402. 160 ACRES wheat land near Connell. Wash., for Portland picptrly. Call East A32. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WEST SIDE apartment corner; good Income; equity $10,000; consider acreage, valley farm or city. Two East Side Income properties. $18. 000, for valley farm or acreage to $15,00O. Laurelhurst; modern residence, $650O; 50x110 West Side lot. $4600; will consider apartment site to the value of $S000 or exchange cither and assume $2000. 550 acres stock ranch In Lincoln County; now house and barn; 150 acres bottom land ; 400 acres can be cultivated : on county road; house partly furnished; some tools and machinery Included. Wants apartment or Income to $20,000. Apartmsnt site, 50x100. East Side. 8- mom house. $8,000; clear; will consider acreage. II. O. EPTON. 482 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST. Beautiful 8-room house, thoroughly modern, $8500; will trade. Empire Inv Co.. 401 Board of Trade bldg. TO F.X( tlAXiE MlHCTOJJUCKOCft. WILL give vocal or Instrumental lessons in I exchange for Underwood. L, C. Smith type- writer, or dressmaking. Particulars. Main -use. t lL TRADE HA kodak with plateholder or fllmpack adjustment, fitted with fine Planatograph lens, and 5x12 panoramic camera, for 3A graflex. Tabor 1800. WILL trade 1914 Hayncs 5-pnsacngcr. full electric equijtment ; make offer; no J unk wanted, describe your offer or no atten tion. J 4, Oregonian. V ANTED to exchange furnished rooms and rent for anything 1 can use. AO 6, Ore go nian. : AN Kngllrh bassoon slide trombone horn In perfect condition and some cash for a horn le.s , ting m u hlne. Sell od ur.,36. TRADE HoLart M. dIUon. for young i St. Johns. Cable piano, best con lock. 234 llartman St.. WANTED To exchange watch or rings for painting and papering. AO 6. Oregonian. WANTED To exchange flat rent. 6 room, for automobile. AO 4, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horse, Vehicles, Havreao. Etc KEEtP SMILING! Keep smiling! Auction sale of lb head of work horses and mares, ages from 4 to 6 ) tars, weight luoo to 130 lbs., eacn. has been consigned bv Ji. Calhoun, of Lewie ton, Idaho, to be sold to the highest bidder; every home guaran teed as represented or money ret BjMted Also I'o h arl muai and homa have been used in the city, weight from SOU to 10OO he. AI. k:. .- 'r si ..ev harnesses, uun glea and wagons. Don't fall to attend this auction sale. You will be protected In your own buying. The eale will take place January 1V17. 1 o'clock sharp. rain or shine. Mn St.. corner Hi w thorne. Portland Auction Sales Stable Co. SPAN very blocky-built mares, with foal to good, horse, 7 and 8 years old, weight I'o.iU. free of oiemisnes and true, Span of brown marea. 6 and 7 years old weight 20o0 lbs., sound and true, work amerle or double. fJKt. Span of mat -hed sorrel mares, sound and good, true workers, guaranteed to be with fual to imported trench draft horse weight 2SU0 lbs., $2b0. Model SiabUa, l'Hth and Davis sts. AUCTION. AUCTION. MONDAYS, THURSDAYS. 308 FRONT ST., 2 O'CLOCK, HORSES. HARNESS. WAGONS. Wo accept consignments and place the same before all classes of buyers on o per cent commission. Saies always held PORTLAND HORSE SALE CO. TEAM of mares. C-7 years old. weight 30O0 lbs; mares, black and bay, 4 years old, weight 2800 lbs.; team of mares, tf years old, w eight 2750 lbs. ; team of geldings, weight 240o lbs.; 6 sets double breeching narness, - stocK sauuies ; an oi the de Scribed stock will be sold at anv reason nble offer. Transfer Stables, East 9m and Kituderi. NOTICE. AUCTION. GOING C UT OF BL'-SlNiiTSa. Columbia Livery at Transfer Stables will sell all its horses, harnesses and wagons to the ninest blotter Monday, January at iu . . ai. iuz j-ront st. CAPITAL STABLES, 287 FRONT ST. One span of blacks, 5 years old, weight 820o lbs ; one span bays, 5 years old. weight 2000 lbs. ; also few good farm horses. II. G. Carman. SALE M SALEM. Cash paid for crippled and worn-out horses. Ask for Nelson, 2:5 Center st. Phone 027. FA KMEK-HORSEMAN Want one or two standard -bred marcs to breed on shares. State age, slse and breeding. Address AV 316. Oregonlsn. FAKMEK-m HtSK.M AN Want one or two standard-bred mares to breed on sharee. State age, size and breeding. Address AV L16, Oregonian. PORTLAND AUCTION SALES BTABLB Co.. svery Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horses, harness, vehicles bought anil sold on commission. 240 E. 8th st. DEAD horses taken free; $n paid for i-ad cows, crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon Bone Meal Works. Lents, Or. Tabor 4203 FOR SALE cheap, four teams horses. Star Sand Co., baru Delay ,t.. bcL Goldsmith . and Russell. THREE horses, sound and true and 3. 5 and 8 years old; will sell reasonable. Box .V.4. Portland. FOB SALE Popcorn wagon and horse. $125 cash. Main 7051, A 1517. HOUSE to let for hU keep. Call Main 4529. N. A. Miller. HORSES for hirr by day or month. C W. Townsend Co.. 380 Front. Main 1571. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply -0 Grand ave. FOR SALE Wagons and horses cheap. E. 7th st. North. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn t Portland Rendering Co. 2400-lb. team of mares, with ranch wagon and hatm-ss, $145. Phone Mar. 4055. Piano. OricD and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $375 F. & C Fischer upright. cash....$ 95 275 F. & C. Fischer, old model, cash. $5 450 Stein way At Sens, old model, cash Ho 25o Angelus Player, old model cash. 25 275 Collard dc Collard. iright 45 Crown Organ, oak. so 4J8 Smith A Haines, upright 110 You have heretofore paid inflated piano store prices now reduced to meet our stor age prices. However, compare our Stein way, etc.. $65 or $95 pianos, with pianos sold at $135 and $185 elsewhere and you alii realize what we are salll doing for piano buyers. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 100 Fourth St. TALKING MACHINES AND HKCOKUS; AISO (.THER MLSCIAL IJf STRUM E N'T 3 WAMCir sniT LAMi OK EQUAL VAL- UE IN T It A D K, PORT I-A N D PHONO GRAPH A llKi'ORI) EXCHANGE, 1ST. MAIN 4405. 128 EDISON RECORDS. 10c. 10 and u-lnr-h disc. 15c; $65 Edison at $5; Vlctrola disc machine, $5. Write or call Portland Phonograph Exchange, 128 1st. LEI.AXIi piano, lataest style, mahogany caae. slightly used, elegant shape, $125 cash or $140 on terms to suit. 350 Alder street. $5 CASH. $6 monthly, beginning in January, 1917. buys $850 1917 model Chrlstmss piano at $265. without Interest for 2 years, at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. RK'H MOND piano, handsome oak case, ex cellent shape, beautiful tone, $140: terms to suit. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. COLUMBIA Grafanola $33, worth $75; Vlc trola and records, $40. Edison diamond disc. SO records, $150. Call 127 West Wygant. $550 1015 MODEL upright piano for $145 cash during closing out sale of Ntchola Piano Co.. San Francisco stock at Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St. CE CILI AN piano player and music rolls, guaranteed in every way. mahogany fin ish, only $25. $5 down and $l per week. Call 350 Alder st. BEAUTIFUL mahogany Orafonola library table, cost $225; for quick sale $125, with fine records. Phone Mai:; 6067. FINE CLARINET, flute, piccolo. Stewart banjo, guitar, mandolin, Vlctrola; no rea sonable of fer refused. 128. 1st. WILL TRADE $35 Iver Johnson bicycle for phonograph and records, any make. Tele- phone Marshal! 3601. PIANOS stored. 50c monthly ; will sell at your price or buy for cash. Security Stor age Co.. 100 4th st. $750 PLAYER piano, best of condition; will sacrifice for $30O; leaving for the East. me i st, N. Phone Tanor .o k. ;wm a prt AC flCAI JY new piano. In excellent con dition; for sale very cheap. Telephone East R721 for particulars. gon CASH a plano well worth S2."i0- going South, must self Monday. V 5. Ore going ; gonlan. $350 PIANO. $140 cash; real Ivory keys, net a stencil Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st. 1 PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gil bert, 3H4 Ysmhlll st. $18 BUYS llOO parlor organ for Chrlstms at Security Storage Co.. IPO 4th at. KIMBALL, cheap for cash; good condition. 747 Everett. FOR SALE Vlctrola. mahogsny cass ; style; a bargain. F OVS. Oregonian. $100 $120o ELECTRIC piano for sale cheap, or trade. L. E. Thompson. 253 M adlson. MAKE OFFER for finest violin In Port laud, cash or trade. 128 1st. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY. COMPLETE HOUSHKURNISHERS. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. $75 Acorn malleable steel range, 18-ln. oven and water back, for $30. Base-burner htater for soft or hard coal, cost $lb. in fine condition, for $7.50. 6-hole steel range, $15. Steel cookstove. No. 8, for coal or wood. $12.50. 8-hoIe steel range, with 20-lncn oven and reservoir, for $12.50. Heating stoves of all kinds. $1 to $tO. Gaa ranges, lower ovens, $5; with upper ovens, $10 to $18. Gaa water heaters, $4 to $7.50. We have some very large heaters at very email prices. All our stoves and ranges strictly guaranteed. Sanitary couch with pad. $4. Iron and brass beds, good ones, $2 and up. All-steel springs. $2 to $3.50. Nearly new Singer sewing machine, cost $65, six months ago. for $25. Old-atym White sewing: machine in good running order, for $4. Sanitary flat-top desk. 3ox48 Inches, solid oak. $12.50. Office tables, $2,50 to $15. Library tables, fine selection, $5 to $15 Center and parlor tables, $1 to $5. Extension tables, square, $3 to $7.50. Extension tables, round. $7.50 to $25. Sideboards and buffets. $7.50 to $45. Rocking chairs in oak, $1.25. $65 Turkish rocker, in leather, for $22.5'. 2-piece Circassian walnut bedroom set. dresser and Napoleon bed, cost $75, for $44. 0x12 body Brussels rug in good con dition, $18. Room-size art rugs. $'J.oO to $5, Congoleum art rugs, $1.25 to $1. Hall rug, 18 feet by 24 feet, for $6. Dressers, hotel slse, $3 to $7.50. Dressers, full slse. $5 to $20. O-drawer blrdseye maple chif fonier with mirror. $10. We carry new and fine used furniture. We can make any kind of an exchange you want. We sell on the easy payment plan. No Inter est. Free delivery. For out-of-town cus tomers we pack and crate and deliver to depots or wharves free of charge. 561-563 Washington. Cor. 17th. Our new location. Both phones. Not only New Furniture has been met by our price cutter! EDWARDS Slightly used goods department will usher in the new year on Tuesday morning with unparalleled values. Start the new year right by investi gating first this choice stock of slightly used furniture; for every piece Is Just like new at about half price and less. The below listed are only a few of the many choice pieces: $6,50 Vernis Martin finish full slse Iron bed, 13.75: $3 white enamel full-slse Iron bed. f4 50; $10.50 solid oak dresser, $10; 0x12 res; rugs. $8.75; $25 bodv brussels 6x0. $12 75; $12.50 square dining table, $5.75; set of 6 oak dining chairs. $1.50 each; $05 Universal coal and wood ran r. $38 50; $22 Monitor heater $9: 40c to 85c granite, tea and coffee pots, 15c each; $10 oak arm chair, with upholstered seat. $4.85: $10.50 sjpld en oak rocker, $4.75; $14 tourist go cart, $7.50; White sewing msrhlne, $5; square-top stand tables. $1.25 each. EDWARDS COMPANY. Fifth and Oak. A Oood Place to Trade. Your Credit Is Good, Too. ROYAL TURKISH AND ORIENTAL PERSIAN SILK RUGS. PERSIAN SILK, 30-INCHx65-INCH; REGULAR PRICE $20 FOR $11.85. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 FIRST ST. SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS. 0x12 French Wilton $27 50 Oxi'J m It h Carlton Axminster 1J no uxl' Saxony Axmtnster 18.00 oxil' Axmtnster, very s:iirhtly used... 10.5O !x!2 Wilton velvet lfl.75 0x12 Wool and fiber rugs. reg. $10... 7. 50 0x13 Slightly used Hlghsplre Brussell 8.00 Many other bargains In new and used rugs ana carpets. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 First. MASSIVE Colonial design chiffonier, male or select mahogany. te.-utiruily mstchen. has heavy plank top 58x22. with cross band veneer edge, large French plate mirror 38xl?6. has 5 long, roomy drawers, which are oust and mouse proof construction don't miss this snap; as good ss new worth $85; for $33.50. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 1st St. NINE fine matched? oak arm restauran chairs. Would cost you new each We will sell the O for $20. A full lln of useo restaurs nt gas and other stoves and ranges, dishes, tables, chairs, etc.. at won derfully low prices. Terms arranged Gevurtz Furniture Co., 185 to 101 First st At th big electric sign. GiiKATEST of all rua specials: we have number of heavy quality room-size woo nier rugs xi:. which are or exc-'puor.-i value; the best of colorings and patterns can be seen In this lot; If you want a bar gain In floor covering take advantage of this price : regular $10.5O values at $7.75. MISH FURNITURE- CO.. 184 1st St. HANDSOME little Buck range, slightly used, nice and bright. In splendid condi tion, for $22 50. Over loo slightly used ranges to pick from, very cheap. We guarantee them. Gevurtz Furniture Co.. 1K5 to 101 First st at the big electric sign. A VERY massive $45 untfold bed davenport, upholstered in best quality chase leather over oil-tempered springs. Has Wegant solid oak frame with 4 -Inch post, and fine cotton felt mattress, used only 2 months; special pries, $25. Mish Furnl turaCoM 184 1st st. FURNITURE for modest pockets. Complete line of fine usd furniture, stoves, ranges, st very low prices, and terms arranged. Here's a combination that can't be beat In this town or anywhere else. Gevurtz Furniture Co.. 185 to 191 First St., near Yamh III. Look for tiio big- electric sign. HERE is your opportunity to buy very fine dining-room chairs at less than H price; solid quartered golden waxed oak chairs, full box seat construction, best quality Spanish leather slip seats; chairs that sell elsewhere for 4.5, our price $2.75. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 iat St; FINE Mason rolltop desk, sanitary base. In golden dull finish. Full quarter-sawd oak. and massive swivel chair to match. Right up to dats. Cost $75. Absolutely same ss new. $40. Gevurtz Furniture Co., 185-101 First st near Ysmhlll. Look for the big electric sign. A VERY attractive Colonial library table, built of genuine mahogany, dull finish ; slse of top Is 26x42. heavy Colonial legs and low under shelf, drawer Is finished Inside, trimmed with sightly wood knobs: this table Is worth 135; special offer $16.5. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 1st St, 2-INCH continuous post, genuine brass bed, luxurious coll spring, oil tempered, and 50-1 b. Imperial rolled edge mattress, only used a short time; cost $5, for $20 50. one only. Oevuc,tx Furniture Co., 185-191 First St., st the big electric sign. FI N solid quarter sawd ' oak, 4S-lnch. S-f oot round extension tsble. 1 2-inch ped estal, furnished In beautiful golden oak and 6 solid oak chairs to match, cost new $51, for only $25. A rare bargain. Mlsh Furniture Co., 184 1st st. A BEAUTIFUL new triple mirror. Adam period dressing table In old Ivory enamel; top Is 20x36, center mirror 14xJ4 and side mirrors are 8x20; this is ons of the latest type of tables made; a $35 value for $24.50. MISH FURN1TUHE CO.. 184 1st St. $80 MAHOGANY combination writing desk and bookcase, curved glass front It is some beautiful piece. Come In end have a look at It. For quick sale, $35. Owl Furniture Co.. 204 1st St. CONGOLEUM. the best grade to bs had; Just slightly damaged at one end in transit; In very choice patterns for kitchen, dining or bathrooms ; regit .ar qu.n.iy. .v.v- aru. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1H4 1st St. SOUTH BEND malleable coal or wood range, as good as new, 6 holes, polished top, 18 Inch oven; $37. Owl Furniture Co., 204 First st. , MUST be sold Sunday, furniture of 5-room house; Winter potatoes, 2 dogs, laying hens, cannsd fruit and wood ; house for rent. $7. on carllne. Call Sellwood 273 FOR SALE Second-hend oak and mahog any office furniture of all kinds; filing cabinets and safes. Kllham Stat'y & Pt'g Co:. Fifth and Oak. WINDSOR folding bed. black walnut, large mirror front, a beauty; original cost $85; our i tee $15. Owl Furniture Co., 204 First st. BUFFET, chiffonier parlor set. Morrte chair, rng. bed ; all or by piece. Apart ment 7, Keystone Apts.. 11th and Jeffer con. FLuMTLRK of a 6-rooro house for sale very c.ieap; house for tent. Call at 24 10th St. : DAVENPORT, large chair to match, read ing lamp, other pieces of furniture; leav ing city. 166 N 23d st. FURNITURE of 16-room apartment -house ; must be removed at once. Mak offer nm E. Hawthorne. Phone Emt oO:4. OAK dlnins- set. rsnge. Iron oed. outfit, dresser and rug. cheap. 1453 Union ave. North. WHEELER A WILSON, tailor's sewing ma chine, in fine working order, for quick sale. $8. Owl Furniture Co.. 204 1st st. COM PLETE furniture of 4 -room cheap. 315 E. Washington. house. FURNITURE 7652. for sals cheap. Call Tabor 5-ROOM flat, completely furnished, furni ture for sale. 400 Yamhlllst- FU RN ITU RE of 5-room bungalow for cheap. Call 403 East 34th st. FURNITURE of 8-room houss. 368 Colum bia, Phone 839. Rent $15. FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. HANDSOME Jacobean dining set. comprising dining table. 5 splendid chairs and carver to match, upholstered in genuine Spanish leather. Usual price In the high rent dis trict. $75. Our price $49. 50k. Brand new. Gevurtx Furniture Co., 185 to 101 First st. Look for the big electric algn. Terms ar ranged. ELEGANT 3-piece mahogany parlor suite, very artistic design, upholstered In beau tiful silk brocatelle. This suite cost new $115. Our price oniy $;;;.. Mish furniture Co.. 164 let st. 1 AM leaving here, must sail at once, large take-down oak wardrobe; cost $28.50. "ill take $12.50; also imitation leather couch, $0. Call this A. M. 653 Wash. at. Main 837, No dealers PORTABLE range, small slse; Just the range for restaurant or small hotel ; 24- inch oven, double doors. In fine condi tion, $35. Owl Furniture Co.. 204 1st sL FOR SALE CHEAP Monarch range, used four months. Marshall 2O0-L Dogs, Birds" and Pet Stock. CANAKlEa and other cage birds. Kittens. pups. pets, cages, foods, remedies and sup pi es. Illustrated bird and pea catalog free. Koutiedge, 145 Second St., near Alder. AIREDALE winning 60-Ib. stud by Co. Illuminator. McKenna Park Ken no:. McKenna ave. and Lombard at.. St. John carllne. Col. 56, AT STUD Registered A. C. A. Persian cc orange ana o.acc, Kittens cheap. iui9 East 32d st. North. Woodlawn 2275. WANTED Black water spaniel puppy ; could give temporary homo to purebred female. Box 79, route 3. Vancouver. Waaly. LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEsT LA DP IX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OJl. FINE female canaries very cheap. Tabor WANTED Brlndle Boston bull pup, mala; no i eillpree necessary. D 907, Oregonian. FOR SALE One male, one female pedl- grced English bull pup. Tabor 578. PEDIGREED bull puppy for sale cheap. Ta oor .oi. Do- Aiaiworin ave, LOVKLV singing canaries, also cages j nd breeding cagi s. East 1470. muli i 1-YEAR-OLD well-tamed French poodle for a;e. can 33o atn st. or phone Mar. 1748. WANTED A Yorkshire or Cocker Spaniel dog. East 4150. FOR SALE- -Female French poodle. 04 N. bth st. Poultry. 12 WHITE Leghorn pullets. Just starting to lay. and wire netting for yard, cheap. TO KX Z Purebred white. Wyan s for cock or yearling hens. 3. Vancouver. Wash. OOLttt Box 7 l.!rtork. AUCTION SALE, Mlla north of Koekwood, Or., reached by Ml. Hoou car. Thursday, Jan. 4. 10:30 A. M. ; it horses, 10 cows, 2 calves, bull. 4 wagons, 2 ouggies, harness. 2 cultiva tors, disc, low-.u. plstiorm scale, large amount small farm machinery. Terms, under $10. cash, over $10, 6 months' time. MARTIN MLLTHAUF, Owner. W. S. WOOD. Auctioneer REGISTERED JERSEY. A rare chance 'to get a good foundation cow direct from breeder at a price you can afford to pay for family cow. Your choice from small herd, ages J mos. to 5 years Tuberculin tested. .N 09d, Oregonian. DON'T fail to attend the great big auction sale, all kinds of milch cows, horses, har nesses and vehicles; sale wilt take'piace Tuesday, the 2d, 1917. l p. M. sharp, rain or shine. 240 E. bth st corner Haw thorn e. WANTED GOOD FARM TEAMS. H.a e good lot. Album ave., Kenton, hard surface and alt Improvements paid. For bargain, call Broadway 2402 or East 6.'tT.4. CHAMPION butter cow. fresh 3 weeks; heifer calf, test 6 per cent, milking 40 lbs. also brlndle cow, fresh, milking 36 lbs. Tske fat cows In exchange. 95 E. 30th. c t. Wash. SHEEP. Win sacrifice 2ooo lambs and yearlings; free rsngs and easy payments. 204 McKay bldg. FOR fresh dairy or family corns The Port land Cow Market. Graded fresh cows sold and exchanged for dry rows or strippers. 274 East 7th st., at Hawthorne. DEAD animals handled; $5 and up paid for dead cows, cash paid for dead ana down-and-out horses. M ilwaukie 69J. KK ESH cox . milking gallons dstly, and 1 high-grade Hnlsteln bull. Emll Aalt, Barton. Or. Estacada line. SEVERAL high-grade Jersey heifers and bull; also two fine collie puppies, at bar galn. E. Snowden, McMlnnville, Or. Ft K B A UB- Fresh Jersey cow, tuberculin U-ated. W. H. Cleveland. Greshsm. Or. I'hi.v.' 171. THKEE cows With calves, three and four days oin. i i . ooth ave, Mr land station. Mount Scott car. FRESH COW for sale cheap. Russell st. Inquire 260 WILL pay cash for fat or dry cows. Phone East 3506. HOLSTEIN and Durham dslry cows. Bruce. Union Stockyards. Terms. .Yia-hiner. 88-FT.. 18-IN.. double leather belt. A-l con dition. 2 tandem compound engines. 335 H. P. 8-lnch two-step turbine pump. International : . water heater. Box 42S Hillsburo. Or. FOR SALE 1 heavy duty "Fllr sc Stow ell" 2x24 engine, 23 h. P.; In good con dition; less than half original cost. BAYS1PE IRON WOR KS, Everett. Wash. FOR SALE or trade. 1 slightly used 2-H. P. stovr gasoline engine. AB 904, Ore gonian. I.aiic-hr-1 and Moats. FOR QUICK SALE. Best-built, cosl-st houseboat on the river- modern in every respect: 4 rooms and oat h, furnished, down to the small est detail; electric lights. Bull Run water and phone; worth $V.v: my price $575. $250 cash, balance $25 par month 1f taken before Jan. lo. No. 52 Willamette Moor-ag-. Sell. 106 or Main 7181. local 6. Ask for engineer. Al 70-FOOT steamer hull. Address U. M. Montgomery. I ox 761, city. WANTED Houseboat: must be bargain. Wood awn 881. P O0O. Oregonian. RACY type bug to trade for launch, or cheap. Main 3716. lo-FT. runabout hull. $2 Wdin. 397. T pew rltera. TYPE WR ITE RS. SELECTED STOCK Rofr buying get our prices on re built typewriters from our selected stock, fullv ruaranteed. very easy payments; machine sent on week's examination free of charge. Rehullt Department. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. $25. Underwoods. $27.50, $S0. Hovel. $32.50. Remington. No. 10, $40. Smith Premier, No. 5, $15. Oliver, No. 5, $25. Oliver. No, 5. $23.50. Also Remington, not rebuilt. All machines guaranteed. B. W. PEASE CO., 110 6th $1$. it. ALL MAKES Gusranteed machines sold on easy terms. Visible models rented, $2 per mo.. 3 mos., $5.50. Initial reut applies on pur chase, bend for new Illustrated price list. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St., Portland. Or. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 no.; $7.50 fur 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. Was can save from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. S21 Wash st. F K SALE Remington typewriter. No. 10, In A-l cond It Ion ; no reasonable offer re - f used. Phone Marshall 2440. REMINGTON standard typewriter for ssle or what have you to trade ? C M0, Ore gonian. - NO. 10 REMINGTON typewriter In good condition. Will take part in groceries or fu 1. Main 5354. NEW. rebuilt, aecor.d-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co . 231 Stark st. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 22S5. E. W. Pease Co., agents, lio 6th st. Automobile. WHITE 30. 3-pnesenger. 1012 model. In very good condition. $450: will give terms or take your car as part payment, or what have you to trade? A 51 063. Oregonian. 1010 CHEVRELOT. run very little, new. $425, terms. 525 Alder st. like FEDERAL ONE-TON. In good shape, $700. terms. 363 Oregon. East 7222. DENBT 1-ton truck, slightly used. Oood condlilon. TTms. Owner. AN 5, Oregonian. CHALMERS 5-pass. for roadster, bug or clear real estste. L W0, Oresjonlsn. HUPMOB1LE. 5-pss.. Warr. n. 5S N. 231 si $130: FOIi Al SALE Cheap, condition. A H M " U r adster. .'. Oregonian. MUST SELL 1017 Maxwell touring oar at once. AB 003. Oregouixn.