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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1912)
SCENES AT KOSEBURG'S STRAWBERRY CARNIVAL. BLAZE OF GLORY ENDS BERRY FETE :- i , .i . .1 I ' : -r-ti ! X .' ? Roseburg Streets Scintillate in Closing Hours of Most Brilliant Affair. GRAND BALL IS WIND-UP Prominent Men of Stcte Parade In Masked Carnival and Aid in Slak ing Fourth Annual ETent Greatest In History. F.OSEBl'BO. Or- May IS. (Special.) With the builnpn streets of the city ablate with hundred of colored In candescent lights and a good-natured throna of several thousand people par ticipating In the grand masked car rival. Koaebura tonight closed the fourth annual is. raspberry and Rose Carnival, after the most successful event In the history of the city. Today was set aside for the farmers, and as early as t o'clock this morn inn the streets were crowded with people from the rural districts. Of these many came from the most Isolated sections rf the s-ounty to assist In celebrating Wuglas County's annual event. Fol lowing; the arrival of the early morn lag train, which carried Its full quota ( carnival visitors, band concerts were h-ld until noon, when the guests were riven an opportunity to partuke of iuntheon. Horsewoaaea Fealare I'arade. The afternoon programme was varied, in. Iiitiing a baseball game between Itoaeburg and Wlnstons. the hlsh dive, b-illoon ascensions and. superior to all. the parade of livestock. In the latter nere some of the L'mpqua Valley's m..t valuable horses, including an array of high-bred anlmuls from the Konaday Stock Farms of F. K. Alley. 3I.ny comic features also helped to rell the parade, as did a squad of Ko-'eburg young ladles on horseback. It Is said that the parade represented livestock to the approximate value of ITS. DUO. Following the parade the crowd as sembled near the Commercial Club moms, where they were entertained by band concerts during the remainder tt the afternoon. Tonight the business streets of the city are a mass of arood-natured hu manity, all bent on participating In the J. nitration attendant to the closing of strawberry festivala In this city, other a' tractions tonight were band concert, a rran.l nnal ball at th Armory and. Wst but not least, a farewell reception to carnival visitors leaving the city on the midnight trains. rmlsrsl Mrs Attrad. mong the men of state-wide promi nence who were In attendance at tha carnival today were Ben Celling and W. Harry Unr. of I'orlUnd: Hen ol rntt. fecretary of State; and Tom Kay. Mat-j Treasurer, of Sal I em. In speak ing of the three days' entertainment tnmght Ben Selling said: "I never had any Idea of the im portance of the I'mpqua Valley until inv present visit. You have a grand climate, substantial resources, fine or rliurl districts nnd a class of people thrt rannot be excelled for their hos pn'tty. You may rest assured that I sill return to your city at a future late.'- According to figures made public by the carnival committee tonight more a: rj-.w berries were consumed during the pav three days thsn during all former festivals held In this city. t lark C lark .viase area's Pksts. The excellent photographs of the f'.oxhunr strawberry carnival queen ar.. her attendants, which was printed en ptge i of The oregontan Saturday, oas made by Clark ft Clark, photo graphers, cf Roseburg. Through error he published credit line attributed it to another photographer. OREGON PIONEER IS DEAD William ("hart-hill. V ho rr-rd Plains In Ox-Cart, Pies. COTTAGE liROVK. Or.. Mar 1. (Sp-!al. The funeral or William Churchill, head of one of the first doien families to settle In tn-egon. was held here Thursday morning from the Chris tian Church. V. K. lioven officiating, l-eath occurred May 1 Z from paralysis. Mr. Churchill had passed his 7th birth iar and was In good health and his mm. I sound up to a week before his ileath. Mr. Churchill was bora in Kentucky, moving to Illlnola and Iowa, being mar led in the latter state. In lsil Mr. and Mrs. Churchill and two children l rinr J the plains with ox team. Mr. Churchill lived in Illinois dur !rg one of the famous Uncoln cam paigns and liked to recall the happen ing and speeches of those stlrrtng Times. A wulow aad six children sur vit c hlra. The children are A. I. I'hurchlll and Mrs. I- C. Knox, of Cot tage (it-ore; J. S. Churchill, of Marcola; II. II. Churchill, of Santa Rosa. Cal, and Mrs. C. Alley, of Roseburg. GEOLOGISTS START TRIP si orients Will To-t Dook Knowledge by ttrld Excursion. CRKilOX AORlaXTl'RALCOI.LECE. Corvallls. May 1. lSpeclal. The ge vcgtcal hammer has been substituted for t'.ie text book by the senior class In economic geology at Oregon Agri cultural College and the fourth-year ni-n. accompanied bv professor H. M. -rks and Instructor 8. W. French, left yesterday for a field trip to South ern Oregon, where they will have op portunity to app'y taelr text book lore to the Identification of varloua forma tions and substancea as they occur In Nature. A special study will be made of the Roseburg Quadrangle." a section of trie I. S. ideological Purvey, which has been carefully worked out in detail by the Government men. Thomas IWojd Ixc Life at Kelso. KKUSi. Wain, May 1. (Special. Thomas T.oyd. a logger. 4 years old. In the employ of the ostrander Railway Timber Company, at Ostrander. Wuh. was Instantly killed this morn ing on the urTer Ostrander while mak ing a coupling on a loaded logging train. Boyd s skull was crushed be tseen the timbers which protruded over the ends of the car a He had been In the employ of the Ostramler Rail way Timber Company for 3 years. He leave a wife and four children. Funeral services will be beld at Stockport. a -y.n If H. i,ail , . v' t h II" . -a. s -1 -VT I i r-u ' m-r .vv.-.-. . .vnsr.-rrr-r-T-rx&u-r -s'rassaaars'-ae-l f -i r "Sf - -. ' ' , Vtfg ' . ' ' 'c'lJv - l-et -r- 7f- r 1 ; . .. ; - ' V- r n ? J K: 11 ' ' y ' K : : n -r ink T;14tefc4't! 'Ariiir i(A-lbi SH ' vv . . ..... ' v. ' .. Photo ty Clark & Clark. Boeebarg. 7 LIVES IN DANGER Barge Pounded From Anchor age in Columbia. BRIDGE WORK HINDERED Heavy Spiked Cex-kinRS Sweep Down on Craft Making Borings for Pacific Highway Span Krora Portland to Vancouver. VANCOUVER, Wastw May IS. (Spe cial.) The Uvea of seven men were endangered, the barge Tomcat was swept almost to the big steel draw bridge and a four-inch pipe used in making a-'orlngs for the preliminary, surveys of the racldc highway bridge across the Columbia River between Vancouver and Tortland was snapped ofT at Il:0 o'clock today, when the barge was struck by the heavy decking of a bridge, which had been washed out by the flood waters. The Tomcat. "a big barge, towed by the Lu Frieda and in charge of Captain J. O. Winters, is making borings in the bottom of the river where the piers of the bridge are to tae placed. The craft was anchored In the middle of the Co lumbia yesterday and today. Two anchors were thrown out up stream and one down stream. The heavy timber of the decking of a small bridge, spiked together, came floating down the river, caught the anchor lines and were car ried against the barge. The four-Inch pipe, with a two and a half-Inch pipe Inside of It. had been forced feet below the bottom of the river. When the timbers struck the pipe and the end of the barge the sm-tft current against the decking snapped the tubes and tipped the barge until one end was eight feet out of water. Anchors were dragged and the barge, with seven men on IV was carried lo0 feet down stream before It could be released. Tbe Tomcat was brought to the city dock. It will be necessary to drive another plpe Body of Xehalem Fisherman Found. ASTORIA. Or.. May IS. (Special.) The body of Peter Olson, who was drowned In the Nehalom River a short distance below Vesper the afternoon of January 19. was found last evening ly ing beside an old snag on which the clothing had caught. Olson was a na tive of Sweden, and had been residing at the home of Carl O. Anderson, a Nehatem Valley rancher. for several months. He fell from a skiff as he waa placing a set net. Sclileef Property Sold. COTTAGE GROVE. Or- May 18. (Special.) The Schleef property, at the corner of Muln street and the river, was sold this week to J. S. Milne. Before- ordering cordwood or clean country plahwoncl, nPK r.mrTe.n. WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF Hotel Gratton "On Willamette" " And cordially invite an inspection by the public. The Hotel is thoroughly modern and in connec tion there is a first-class Grill and Buffet, Private Dining-rooms and Family Liquor Store. Our service and cuisine are unexcelled and we solicit the patronage of all who desire comfort and courteous treatment. Rates very reasonable. Fine autodrive via Division St. to 52d St. from Portland to Milwaukie, "On the "Willamette." Joseph Mendel, Proprietor, Milwaukie, Oregon HOTEL if MULTNOMAH I 1 1 t -1 I -- n t-r -J aaJ 3ta5 -I r 3 " apa&fiS! PORTLAND 01I60N In slse, appointments, service and fireproof quality of the building the leading hotel In Portland, the Multnomah, offers to the discriminating traveler every comfort and convenience fouud only In the best hotels of the Kast. Nine stories of steel and concrete, with 7IS rooma sr.d suites, palatlally furnished, with rates from tl.50 to $5 per day, European plan. Motor 'busses meet all trains and Humeri. IL. C BOWER. Maaager. J. M. BKOWNELL, Aaat afgr. The Five-Year Guarantee "We were the first to guarantee an elec tric flatiron. True, 'twas for 6 months only, but soon we followed with a new model and a two-year guarantee. NOW Heating element in our 1912 Model "H" H0TP0INT is Guaranteed 5 Years Electric Flatiron Exchange Offer If you have an Electric Flatiron made by the Pacific Electric Heating Company, no matter how old it is, no matter what its condition is, no matter if the guarantee expired long ago, no matter if it is just so much junk, if you have the bottom you can exchange it for an improved 1912 MODEL II0TP0INT with the heating element guaranteed for five years on these terms : . Take the old iron to your lighting company or to any dealer named below and they will accept it as 2-5 payment for an improved H0TP0INT Electric Iron, which sells regularly for $3.00 In other words your old iron and $3.00 will entitle you to an Improved Hotpoint Electric Iron the handsomest, most efficient, and greatest labor-saving iron made. the old was good the new is better Vast improvements have been made in Hotpoint Electric Irons during the last few years. "While the old Hotpoint Iron was the best in its day, compared with the 1912 Model it U a clumsy affair and unhandsome. The Improved Hotpoint is a beauty in appearance and is the most efficient iron made today. It's more economical, too; con Fumes less electric current. . .. the hot point In ironing damp clothes the point of the iron becomes cool, which is a disadvantage, so we madeour iron with a heating element that would keep the point hot, hence the name HOTPOINT. -the cool handle Every 'woman who has ever ironed knows the comfort value of a cool handle no burning the hands no holder to bother with. The Hotpoint iron has an asbestos pad in side the iron which positively deflects the heat from the handle toward the sole of the iron where it is needed. -the attached stand Think of the continual wear and tear on a woman's strength and nerves when she has to lift the iron from the stove to the stand and from the stand to the board hundreds of times a day. No lifting with the Hotpoint iron the stand is attached just turn the iron upon end. No lifting, no trouble, fine! Ask the woman who knows. v Any of These Dealers Will Make the Exchange for You Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, Electric Building PORTLAND, OR. Avery 4 Co.. 48 3d st. Benton. A. A.. Fum. Co.. 548 Tenlno. Bulterworth-St. Helens Co., 464 Wash. Bridges. T.F.Hdw.i Fur.Co. 1581 E. 13th Burrer. A. B. ft Son. 42 3d ave. Bottemlller. E. H-. 761 Thurman St. Backus & Morris. !3J Morrison St. Columbia Hdw. Co., 104 4th St. Comet Electrlo Co.. 411 Morrison St. Carr. J. M. & Son. 11 Kllllngrsworth. Davton Hdw. Co., 1st snd Taylor sts. Erl'ksen Hdw. Co.. 654 Williams ave. Edwardx Co.. 18S 1st t. Grand Electric Co., 127 Grand are. ALBAJNY, OR. Albany Hardware Co. Barker Hardware Co. Hulbert-Ohllng Hardware Co. Oregon, Power Co. ASTORIA. OR. Pacific Poser ft Light Co. Astoria Hardware Co. Klsher Bros Co. Kord Htokes Hardwsre Co. Steel & Ewart. COB V ALMS. OR. Armltage A Cole. W. H. Currln. R. h. Huston. Oregon Power Co. J. R. Smith as Co. FOREST GROVE, OR. Goff Brothers. W. O. IVagner tt Son. Weltsel & Holllnger. G RES HAM. OR. Metzger Brothers. Bhaituck Lindsay. Sterling ft Kidder. HARRISBI'RG, OR. W. F. Shelley. HILLS BOBO. OB. Owl Electric Co. Hlllsboro Mercantile Co. Percy Long. Nelson Hdw. Co. Honeyman Hdw. Co.. 4th snd Alder. Hansen Hdw. Co.. 1565 Macadam Bd. Hendricks. J.A.Hdw.Co., 28th&E.Glisan. Jenning. Henry & Sons. 2d and Morrison Kennard Adams. 539 Williams ave. Kern Park Hwd. Co., Kern Park Sta. Knight. E. L. & Co.. 291 E. Morrison. . Morrison Electric Co.. 351 E. Burnside. Meier & Frank Co.. 5th and Morrison. Main Electric Co., 361 E. Morrison. Olds. Wortman ft King. Oregon Hwd. Co.. "0-72 3d St. Ormsby, G. A.. 1366 Hawthorne ave. Oregon Elec. Co., 1009 V4 Belmont at. HOOD RIVER. OR. Bailey ft Colby. Blowers Hardware Co. E. A. Frans Co. MI LWAUK1E, OR. Kelley Hardware ft Paint Co. NEWBERG. OR. Christensen-Larkins Hdw. Co. J. B. Mount. Yamhill Electric Co. OREGON CITY, OR. Frank Busch. C. V. Frederick. D. C. Ely. C. G. Miller. Pope ft Co. PEXDI.ETO', OR. Pacific Power ft. Light Co. RAENIER. OR. C. A. ?'utt. E. W. Kearns. SALEM. OR. Portland Railway. Light ft Power Co. Electric Fixture ft Supply Co. Electric ft Gas AppUanca Co. H. H. Hunter ft Co. , Bay L. Farmer Hardware Co. . Salem Hardware Co. Spencer Hardware Co. Welch Electric ft Fixture Co. Willamette Hardware Co. Paul. B. W., 867 Sandy Road. Powers Furniture Co., 3d and Yamhill. Robertson, A., 68 5th St. Reed Hdw. Co.. 391 E. Burnside St. Roland Bros.. 838 Union ave. Stubbs Electric Co.. 61 6th St. Setlwood Furniture Co.. 1640 E. 13th St. St. Johns Hdw. Co.. 102 X. Jersey. Trlnler Hdw. Co., Kenton Sta-tion. Union Gas Mantle Co., 2S2 Yamhill St. Woodard, Clarke Co., 4th&Washlngton. Western Electric Works. 213 6th St. Walsh, M. J. Co.. 311 Stark st. Wall. A. F. Hdw. Co.. 1055 E. 13th St. SEASIDE, OR. Seaside Telephone ft Supply Co. SHERIDAX, OR. Yamhill Milling. SILVERTOX, OR. T. E. Preston. Power ft Light Co. THE DALLES, OR. Pacific Power ft Light Co, Edw. C. Pease Co. Malar ft Schanno. Lane ft Sexton. Walther Williams Hardware Co. WOODBCRN, OR. Emmett ft Cornell. Peter Chappelle. CAMAS, WASH. McMaster ft Co. Parker Electric Co. VANCOUVER, WASH. Portland Railway. Light ft Power Co. - Bennett Hwd. -Co. M. R. Sparks. E. P. Youmans. , WHITE SALMON, WASH. Pacific Power ft Light Co. WALLA WALLA. WASH. Pacific Power ft Light Co. Pacific Electric Heating Co.,Ontario,California Vancouver Chicago New York Toronto Your Old Iron new 1912 model ZtfJl. HOT-POINT IRON gX .93.00 if you return your old modol Hot- "" Point Iron, we will accept your old. iron in exchange, regardless of its con- at ditlon. r u k SStS. f$ln STUBBS ELECTRIC COMPANY HAKDWAKL LU. Headquarters for Electrical Cooking and Heating Appliances, 104 Fourth St, Between Wsh- Corner Sixth and Pine Streets. J ington and -tark " ' j ' " ' '