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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1908)
IS THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 14, 1903. PORTLAND AGENTS "NEMO" CORSETS, GOSSARD "LACE FRONT" CORSETS, "ESTELLE" AND "LA GRECQUE" CORSETS "PERR1NS" GLOVES, "VUDOR" PORCH SHADES, BUTTERICK PATTERNS Second Week of "June White Days" atlEe Meier (3h Frank St ore r'.'JtS t "-'-.j in i, iijiiiimi MMMimmK-WM " WfMNi numi nil mm mm urn lnmuun i',n,w l.ii i u .1 j i v, iwmi'-i' jmii.ii ,... " v,:w-a at. , .iJi Infants' e Cloves men's vine Parasols j .u ' i! il " ' 1 ".'q. ' l.'H,mwy,"iji iii.n . Hum hm i hi '.m"l'-'t M1 1 "f ail .iiW- it -itfA'aii li 1 11 Tomorrow the second week of the Great 8th Annual "June White Days"- What a response and how great was the selling at the start-off of this timely white sale All week Ions the entire establishment has been a hum with shopping actiyityand the liberal purchases which everyone is making show that the offerings are proving just as good or even better than we had led our friends to expect Certain it is that better opportunities for profitable investment in worthy and beautiful white goods will not be offered for a long time to come Every careful and prudent shopper who sees the splendid varieties we have provided, notes the superb quality and freshness of our merchandise and figures the savings which can be made, will surely supply now all needs in white-wearing jipparel landjvhite household effects The June White Sale includes within its scope every white article in the store (A few contract goods alone excepted) In every department, in every nook and corner of this big establishment will be found bargains of the greatest importance to every economical buyer Mail orders promptly filled Women's Undermuslins White Wear Women's Handkerch'fs Women's White Hos'ry Men's WhiteFurnishings Men's W hite Kerchiefs Men's White Shirts Men's White Underwear Women's W h i t e Suits Ladies White Costumes Ladies' White Women's White White Dress Goods Beautiful White Silks White Cotton Goods Sheetings and Muslins White Table Linens Fine White Flannels Towels and Toweling Laces and Embroideries Women's Fine Whit Women's Fine White Women's White Underwear White Neckwear Men's White Oxfords for Summer Men's Dainty White Hats Women's E 1 e g a n t White Skirts Women's Beautiful White Waists Women's White Snow White Sheets and Pillow Slips Curtains Various Patterns Curtain Materials,-Fixtures, Etc. White Millinery Great Values Boys' White Wear Low Priced Misses' White Wea r Bargains Million Pieces of Undermuslins Night Gowns Ea. 39c to $75.00 Corset Covers at 19c to $25.00 White Petticoats 98cto $ 1 00.00 Drawers from 39c to $5.75 Pair Comb'n Garments $L39 to $25 Chemise at from 98c to $35.00 Trousseau Sets $7.50 to $100 French Undermuslins lh off Reg. Lingerie Waists June Sale Prices Our entire magnificent stock of high class Paris and New York lingerie waists on sale at unusually low prices during the June White Sale Dainty, pretty waists in mulls, batiste, Persian lawn, dotted Swiss and allover embroidery Beautifully made and trimmed Yoke effects in fine laces, maltese, venise and val, Irish crochets, filet, linen embroid ery, medallions, cluny, etc All the latest style sleeves Short and three-quarter length Best values in the city as follows: $5.00 Waists $3.95 $6.50 Waists $5.22 $7.50 Waists $5.95 $11.50 Waists at each $ 895 $ 1 5.00 Waists at each $ 1 0.85 $18.00 Waists at each $ 1 2.85 $20.00 Waists at each $15.85 $22.50 Waists at each $17.45 $8.50 Waists $6.95 $9.00 Waists $7.62 $10.00 Waists $8.25 $25.00 Waistsjat each $ 1 9.85 $28.00Waisbtjeach$2 1 .25 $38.00 Waists at each $28.45 $50.00 Waists at each $35.50 All popular priced waists reduced Great Lace Curtain BargainsThird Floor Two-pair lots of high-class white Lace Curtains, at remarkably low prices; Renais sance, Irish Points, Clunys, all made on the very best French nets. Handsome de signs, but remember, only two pairs of a kind. Best curtain, values ever offered. Reg. $5.00 Curtains pair $3.35 Reg. $7.50 Curtains pair $5.00 Reg. $10.00 Curtains pair $6.70 Reg$ 12.50 Curtains pr. $8.35 Reg. $ 1 5.00 Curtains pr $ 1 0.00 All Our White Curtains Reduced 45-inch Wash Chiffons, on sale at prices ranging from, the yard, 50? to $1.50 30-inch Persian Lawns, on sale at prices ranging from, the yard, 25 to 75 45-inch Mercerized Batiste, on sale at prices ranging from, the yard, 50 to S5 Dotted and fancy Swisses, 50c to $1.25. II Silk Mulls at the low price of 50c yard. Sylvia Lawns, at 50c and 75c the yard. Air Line Cloth, at $1.00 and $1.50 yard. Sale "Harvard Mills" Underwear "Women's Harvard Mills silk and cotton-mixed Union Suits, made in two styles: High neck, long sleeves, ankle length, and in low neck, sleeveless, knee length; the best T 1 CL" regular $2.00 values, special, suit.M JJ Women's Harvard Mills gauze Lisle Union Suits, five styles to select from; beautiful gar ments, Summer weight; all sizes; P rtyf great value at this low price, suit.M v Women 's Harvard Mills Silk and Cotton Vests and Pants; three styles in vests, ankle or knee length pants; come in all sizes; best Ql regular $1.00 values, special at, each.'' Women's Harvard Mills gauze Vests and Tights; high neck, long-sleeve vests, ankle and knet-length tights, all sizes; the best C regular 75c values, at this very price. J Women's Harvard Mills light-weight Lisle Vests and Tights; two styles vests, two styles of pants; regular 65c and 75c values, CTt on sale at this special price, garment. Seasonable Household Effects Basement 6-quart Galvanized Sprinklers, regular ; 50c value, on sale at, special, ea..39 8-quart Galvanized Sprinklers, regular COc value, on sale at, special, ea. .48 12-quart Galvanized Sprinklers, regular 8oc value, on sale at, special, ea..68 6-quart Tin Sprinklers, at, each.. 28 8-quart Tin Sprinklers, at, each.. 36 10-quart Tin Sprinklers, at, each.. 39 12-quart Tin Sprinklers, at, each. .48 Refrigerators, gas stoves, screen doors, window screens, ice cream freezers, lawn mowers, garden hose, and all seasonable household effects at very lowest prices. 2- gal. Water Cooler, $2.25 val.. $1.89 3- gal. Water Cooler, $2.50 val.. $2.06 4- gal. Water Cooler, $3.00 val.. $2.44 6-gal. Water Cooler, $3.75 val.. $3.06 8-gal. Water Cooler, $4.75 val.. $3.99 10-gal. Water Cooler, $6.00 val. .$4.99 Hose Reels, regular 90c value, ea..73 Regular 40c Hose Nozzles, for, ea. .31 $1.00 Fountain Lawn Sprays, e a.. 74 J 50c Spray Pumps, special, each..39 40c Refrigerator Pans, special, ea..32 Great special values in Silverware and Cut Glass, in the Big Basement Store. Oriental Rugs at One-Third Off A. sale extraordinary of 500 genuine Oriental Rugs every rug a gem. A magnifi cent collection just received from the largest and most reputable Oriental rug col lectors on the Continent; all sizes and kinds Kermans, Shiraz, Kazaks, Bokharas, Kurdistans, Saruks, Seraband and others. Every rug a masterpiece. Q'f'f Take your choice from the entire collection at one-third off reg. prices. . Every rug guaranteed; furthermore, we will allow you the privilege of exchanging your purchase for another rug inside of two years. On sale on the Third Floor. Crex Grass Matting Rugs, for porches, Special lot of Fiber Rugs at very special beach and country homes, at low prices: prices; great values. On Second Floor. 6 by 9 feet, regular $5.50 value, $4.45 6 by 9 feet, reg. $7.50 values, $5.85 8 by 10 feet, regular $8.50 value, $7.65 8 by 10 feet, reg. $9.50 values, $7.05 9 by 12 feet, regular $11.00 val., $8.45 9 by 12 feet, reg. $12.00 values, $9.25 Regular $25 Silk Suits $10.85 - Wl $12.50 Skirts $4 85 Another great special lot of -women's Princess Jumper Dresses in rajah silks, taffeta silks, mes saline silks and foulard silks; the waists are K tucked or pleated with yoke of Val. lace; sleeves i of lace ruflles or same material ; the color assort- "ment includes tans, navy blu.3, black, mulberry, browns, checks and stripes. Handsome assort- .ment to select from: Values, up to $25.00. An advantageous purchase enables us to offer you your unrestricted choice at, the Si j f ft 1 suit; take advantage of low price. N tJJ Great sale of 500 Walking Skirts in alpacas, serges and Panama cloths, made in pleated or . plain flared effects ; trimmed with bias folds and strapped; others have taffeta silk bands and folds ; black, navy, brown, leather and Copen hagen; values in 'the lot to $12.50; C A your choice while they last at, each. Women's Khaki Suits in new styles and effects just what you want for mountain and beach wear. Prices all the way from... $5.00 to $25.00 Complete new stock of women's, misses' and, children's Bathing Suits, in flannels and alpacas; all the newest and prettiest styles at all prices. Bathing Caps and Shoes, large variety, all prices. Women's and misses' Riding Habits and Skirts. Entire stock White Skirts at "June Sale" prices. Regular $1.50 Rajah Silks for 98c Yard 2500 yards of colored Rajah Pongee Silks, plain colorings, stripes and figures; in browns, navy, pink, old rose, Copenhagen, black and green; desirable silks QO for waists and suiting; regular $1.5J values, at this exceptional price, yard. Great special sale of 250 Japanese Silk Parasols, hand-painted effects, in floral de signs; pink, blue and white; very pretty and dainty, with the new hot- CO AS weather costume. Regular $3.75 values, on sale at this low price, ea.P" Three Great Suit Specials mti mm large MmMMmmXXetfA and Three immense lots of women's Tailored Suits at ridiculously low prices 'this week All new, up-to-date apparel in plain tail ored and fancy styles A very assortment of handsome suits to select from Lace, silk, braid trimmed with fancy vest effects or rich plain tailored garments Tight-fitting or semi fitting Two and three-button cutaway coats, also kimona and mandarin sleeve effects Skirts full pleated with folds and gored Materials of voile, chiffon and Panama cloths, serges and fancy worsteds All the leading colors Stripes and checks- Tailored suits of the latest fashion and best manufac tures By far the best values the season has of fered You cannot afford to pass by these very unusual values in suits -Entire stock of White Suits on Sale at June Prices $20 SUITS $12.45 $25 SUITS $16.85 -$40 SUITS $18.45 Miiiion Cakes Soap Prices Cuticura Soap, special at, cake..l6 Armour's Monster series of Soap : Glyce- i Packer's Tar Soap, special, cake.. 16 rine, Hazel Cream, Buttermilk and Turk- j Pear's Soap, on sale at, the cake..14 ish Bath saps, all at special, eake.4 Woodbury's Facial Soap, at, cake..l6 Transparent lyccrine Soap, cake..4 Ro-ers & Gallet Violet at cake "IOr La 1 remiera Castile Soap, per cake. .7? "oBers &, pallet, V lolet, at, cake. . 2 ,b ban. n of mf)Uled Castile. .12 Cashmere Bouquet Soap, per cake..l3 Conti Castile Soap, 4-lb. bars at.. 59 Pond's Extract Soap, at, the cake. .16 35c and 25c boxed Soap, 3 cakes.. 19 Palm Olive Soap, special, the cake.. 8 Jergen's fine Toilet Soaps, 8 cakes. 28 Life Buoy Soap, special, the cake..4 Jergen's Rose and Violet, 3 cakes. 12 Fairbanks' Tar Soap, at, the cake.. 4 Meier & Frank's Hotel Soap, 12 cakes, Jergen's Old-Fashioned Soap, at... 8 on sale at this special low price.. 25 j j, 1 3.00 Chamois Gloves $ 1 .93 Pr. take ad- C 1 Q'l vals., pr. V 3000 pairs of white and natural Chamois Gloves, full 16-button lengths, all sizes, 5V-J to 7; chamois gloves are very popular in Eastern fashion cen ters, and you'll do well to take ad vantage of this offering; $3 2000 pairs of the highest grade Long Chamois Gloves, Perrin's and other leading makes; white and natural; best regular .$4.00 val- C. 7 ties, ou sale at this low price, pair.S" 1000 pairs women's Soft Gauntlet or Saxe Cuff Chamois Gloves, with strap at wrist; just the glove for riding, driving and walking wear; all sizes, 5V3 to 7; the best, regular $2 4? 1 ApL values, on sale at, special, the pair. V 1000 pairs of Gauntlet Chamois Gloves in white and natural, stiff cuff; best regular CC 1 3 $2.25 values, on sale at, special, puir.S Entire stock of white Silk and Kid Gloves on sale at June White Days prices. Look to your needs. White Parasols on sale at special low prices. White Belts and Neckwear on sale at June prices. Some Great Special Handkerchief Bargains Real French hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs beautiful and dainty designs, Vs and -inch hemstitching grandest values ever offered at the following low prices: $3.00-$4.00 vals., $1.78 ?5.00-?7.50 vals., $2.98 $10.00-$15.00 vals., $4.9S Magnificent line of Handkerchiefs suitable for graduation gifts. Let us show you. All Madeira and Appenzelle hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs on sale at low prices. 1000 dozen women's Starched Tailored Collars, all new styles; sizes 12 to A 14; best regular 25c values; buy all you want of them at this low price, ea. "V $2.50 Waist Fronting 98c Yd. Sensational June White Sale bargains in Laces and Embroideries Our entire mammoth stock of fine mer chandise inarkeagreadjreduced prices Here are a few of the offerings 2000 yards of 27-inch Swiss Embroidery Waist Fronting dainty designs in filet and French embroidery; regular values to $2.50 QQa a yard, on sale at this low price, yd. JV 5000 dozen French Val. Lace and Insertion, V2 to 14 inches wide; dainty patterns; best regular values up to 80c per dozen O C yards, on sale at this low prize, dozen. J Round. Thread Val. Laces and Insertion, for waist and sleeve trimming ; to 3 inches wide very beautiful designs; great bargains, on sale at the following prices let us show you: Values up tq20cyardat 9cyard Values up to 45c yard at 1 2c yard JA, OfTon rea "sn Crochet Laces, suitable for lingerie gowns and trimming J purposes, in all grades, at one-third off the regular selling prices. Real Cluny Laces and Insertion on sale at, special, the yard, 19c, 42c and 79 100,000 Towels At Very Low Prices Hemmed Union Linen Huck Tow- Qf All Bed Linens at "June Sale" prices, els, good size, 12c values, each. 1000 doz. Bleached Turkish Bath Of Hem'd Union Linen Huck Tow- 1 TWelS' bCSt 15 ValU6S' each'- els, best 18o values, at, each. Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 1 ,, TT . T. m . Dest 20c values, on sale at, each. &V Hem'd Union Linen Huck Tow- "I Op Hemstitched Turkish Bath Tow- Ifl. els, best 2oc vals., on sale at, ea. e,Sj best 25c values, special, ea. " Hemstitched Linen Huck Tow- Ofip Hemstitched Turkish Bath Tow- tjC els, the best 35c values, at, each. C els, best 50c values, special, each "Wells" all-linen, extra heavy hem- Sheets, Pillow Cases, all lines of Bed and stitched Huck NTowels, grass- 'lJ, Household Linens, on sale at June White bleached, 50c values, at, each. Days prices. Take advantage of sale. Ladies MfVhite Footwear Ladies' White CI oves Children's White Wear Elegant White Blankets White Veilings Greatly Reduced White Belts and Bags Low Priced White Hosiery, Garters, Etc.