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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1907)
9 THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 29, 1907. 3 WOWS) Supreme Values and Superb Assort ments Are Ready for Your Inspection in Our There is no way of refuting a positive fact--and it is a positive fact THAT YOU CAN BUY FURNITURE AND HOME FITTINGS AT THIS STORE NOW IN THIS GREAT EVENT, TO. BETTER ADVANTAGE THAN IN ANY OTHER STORE IN THE NORTHWEST. We are not offering you shopworn goods and remnants, but a warehouse full of brand new patterns from the world's best factories. You have our word that the prices are unmatchably low, and YOU CAN PROVE IT, AS WE HAVE ALREADY DONE 11:1 rT-Kiiv.-."'i i . I'jr" - tKR.-ND BRANCH R A. CUSKINC tt IOC o c ... at. . . - - Portland. Oregon. The Powers Furniture Co.. Portland, Oregon. . Gentlemen: ."' ,Ref erring to yours of recent date, ve are obliged to advise you that it will lie i impossible for us to renew your 'lease on warehouse at Front and Salmon Sts. , which expires Sept. 25th. Towing to other arrange ments made for this property. This must he final. Very truly yours. THE CHAS. H. LIIY CO. Per T Powers' Great Challenge Pricelist. We Allow No Store to Undersell Us Great Forced Sale THE GREATEST FURNITURE PRICE-LIST EVER PRINTED. THESE SPECIALS TOTALLY ECLIPSE PREVIOUS OFFERINGS. The accompanying letter ex plains our position. We must move our immense warehouse stock and we fully appreciate the fact that a move on such short notice means a great sacrifice. The people of Portland and vicinity will never again see such prices. GUARANTEE--THE POWERS STORE positively guarantees that every article advertised will be sold and every article is as represented Hardwood Chiffonier, $ll.SO Regular $17.50 value, white maple, mahogany or golden finish. Brass and Iron Beds Brass Bed, square tubing, satin finished; regular value $120; Forced Sale price . $76.50 Brass Bed, 2-in. continuous post, polet fin- !iCQ Cft ish; regular value $74; Forced Sale price.. Brass Bed, 2-in. post, polish or satin fin- OC ff ish; reg. value $.52.50; Forced Sale price.. P53vl Brass Bed, bow foot, satin and polished fin- Cft ish; reg. value $42.50; Forced Sale price. . . V" Iron Bed in cream and gold enamel, brass spindles in head and foot; regular $18 value; Forced t 1 O CA Sale price yliUv Upholstery Pieces Three-piece Parlor Suit, upholstered finish; regular $27.50 value; Forced price Three-piece Parlor Suit, in mahogany verona ; loose cushions ; regular value Forced Sale price Five-piece mahogany-finished Parlor velour; regular value $40.00; Forced price , Two-piece Parlor Suit, mahogany fi verona; regular value $48.00; Forced price , Two-piece Parlor Suit, mahogany fi verona; regular value $48.00; Forced v price . , Arm Chair, upholstered in silk velour, mahogany frame? J r7Ct regular $30.00 value, Forced Sale price.. plO. O Arm Chair, gold finish, upholstered in silk, damask; regu- OO 1 Cft Jar value $35.00, Forced Sale price P - Chairs and Rockers in velour, mahogany Sal: $13.75 finish, upholstered in $. '...$18.50 Suit, upholstered in sr!! $26.00 nish, upholstered in T. .$29.50 Iron Bed Specia! Exactly like cut ; regu lar value $3.50. Forced. Sale price , $1.85 For the Bedroom is Dressers in quarter-sawed oak, re maple ; regular value $32.50 ; mahogany and $21.75 $49.00 $21.50 $20.50 nish, upholstered in $33.50 $28.50 $8.75 $5.50 Oak Arm Rocker, spring seat, upholstered in genuine leather; regular value $13.50; Forced Sale price Weathered oak Rocker, upholstered seat and back, in Chase flJ'T Cft leather; regular value $14.00; Forced Sale price '. .Ovl Golden oak Rocker, spring seat, upholstered in velour; reg- dC J" A ular value $11.00 Forced Sale price .....ipO.OU Golden oak Rocker, upholstered in genuine leather; reg- 11 f ular $22.50 value; Forced Sale price J11-.UU Saddle seat Rocker, in quarter-sawed golden oak; regular C ?" value $18.00; Forced Sale price iplU.OU Golden osk Rocker, saddle seat, regular $9.00 value ; Forced Sale price , Chair or Rocker in solid mahogany, French leg, carved 1 ft Cfi back; regular value $29.00; Forced Sale price P , O.OU Mahogany Rocker, dull finish, loose silk velour cushions; lJQ Cf regular value $15,00; Forced Sale price J)I.Ovl Roman Seat, upholstered in verona, carved feet and arms; Q CA regular value $16.50; Forced Sale price JJ.OU Roman Seat with back, seat and back upholstered in verona; regular value $27.50; Forced Sale price Mahogany finished Rocker or Arm Chair, upholstered seat; regular value $22.50; Forced Sale price Saddle seat mahogany Rocker, shaped leg, carved back; regular value $28.00; Forced Sale price : $15.50 $13.50 $15.75 A Sideboard for $14.75 Oval French bevel mirror, golden finish. Dining-Room Pieces 6-foot oak Tables, square tops, weathered or. golden tQ "TrS finish ; regular value $16.00 ; Forced Sale price O Round Tables, 6-foot extension, 45-inch top, quartered golden oak; regular value $29.00; Forced Sale CI fi CH price iplO.OU 8-foot quarter-sawed oak Extension Tables, 45-inch round top, finished golden; regular value $38.00; Forced JJO1 Cft Sale price. . . . p4t.OU Mission Dining Tables, 6-foot extension, early English oak; reg. value $41; Forced Sale price. Golden oak Buffets, with glass front and French bevel mirror top ; regular value l2a?fP.r::d.$ i9.oo Buffets, in q u a r t e r-sawed golden oak, mirror top and glass front; regular value $38 pSe.8?1.6... $24.00 Buffets in quarter-sawed oak, finished weathered ; bent , glass front; regular, value $36.50 ; Forced dJOQ CA Sale price iftOJJ Buffets in quarter-sawed oak, finished golden or weathered; regular value $37.50; Forced only .PriT.e..... '$24.75 Buffet in weathered oak, mission design, canopy top ; regular value $52.50; Forced ony.p.r!c.e:.... $34.50 Weathered oak China Cabi nets, mission design; regu lar value $38.50 ; Forced Sale 5e. . . $26.00 Princess birdseye Forced Sale price. Dressers in mahogany, birdseye and quartered oak; regu lar value $82.50; Forced bale price, only , Dressing Tables in golden oak and mahog any: reg. val. $33.50; Forced Sale price.. Xapoleon Beds in mahogany, oak and birds eye maple ; reg. $30 value ; Forced Sale price. Brass Beds, polished and satin finished; CO 7 Etf) reg. $42.50 value; Forced Sale price only. . Y ' v Full Napoleon Beds in genuine mahogany; CttQ Cf) reg. value $85; Forced Sale price only pJJ.Jvr Dressers in golden oak. birdseye maple and mahogany; regular value $38.00; Forced Sale $24.00 price ' r Dressers, 30x60 circle French bevel mirror, all woods; regular value $45.00. . Forced Sale $29.00 price . Dresses in oak, birdseye maple and ma- CI Q hogany ; reg. val. $31.50; Forced Saje price. . . V 1 Genuine Mahogany Dressers, full swell front, oval French bevel mirror; regular $27.50 value; Forced jJ17 "7tj Sale price Golden oak Dressers with oval French bevel mirror, swell top and top drawers; regular value $21; tfl O Cf Forced Sale crice... ipiO.OU 1 Dresser This Dresser is made of thoroughly seasoned ma terial, has shaped top and top drawers, oval French bevel mirror and finished golden; regular $12 value; Forced Sale flJQ QC price PO.i7J TERMS ON SPECIALS STRICTLY CASH Buffet This buffet is made of finest quartered oak, finished golden or weathered; regu lar value $36.00; Forced Sale price, $23.50 Mahogany Dressers, full swell front, shaped French bevel mirror; regular $37.50; Forced Sale price, only.... $24.50 Library and Den $21.00 Den Table, weathered oak, Spanish leather top; Forced Sale price $35.00 Bookcase, double door, early English finish; Forced Sale price, only $54.00 two-piece Library Suit, consisting of settee and. arm chair, up holstered in genuine Spanish leather; Forced Sale $27 00 nrice r $25.00 Settee, laced leather seat and back, weathered oak; Forced Sale price Mission Library Desk in weathered oak, book shelves be- ff low: regular value $12.00: Forced Sale price .P 'VHJ Ladies' Writing Desk, weathered finish, copper trim'd; regular $19.00 value ; Forced Sale price ,$14.50 $22.50 $15.00 $11.50 Couches upholstered in Chase leather, full steel con- regular value $30.00; 1-orced Sale price Couches, struction ; Couches, upholstered- in Chase leather, full steel con struction; regular value $46.00; Forced Sale price Mission Frame Couches, Chase Spanish leather, weath ered finish ; regular value $30.00; Forced Sale price Oak Frame Conches, upholstered in pretty velours; regular djy 7tL value $12.00; Forced Sale price P Couches upholstered in genuine leather, full steel con struction; regular value $60.00; Forced Sale price $11.50 $21.50 $18.75 $39.50 HeatlngStoves $1.00 Down $1.00 Week Furnish Your Home on Our Dignified Credit System Jewel Ranges $1.00 Down $1.00 Week FIFTEEN-YEAR GUARANTEE Furnish Your Home on Our Dignified Credit System SAW BUR1LS0N IN OREGON Suspected Man Said to Be Hiding in Woods Xear Florence. SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 2S. (Special.) Still pinning; their faith in the report that Frank Covington and Charles Buril aon, charged with the murder of Coving ton's young wife, whose body was found in a trunk at Alkt Point last Sunday, are passengers aboard the Steamship Santa Clara bound for Katalla, the police of this city are anxiously waiting news from the Alaska city. It was confidently expected that word would have been re ceived before this, but it may be that the Santa Clara has been delayed. Charles Martin, a. logger, told the po lice today that he is positive that he saw Burilson on a stage between Florence and Eugene, Or., four days ago. Flor ence is about 60 miles from Eugene and is an ideal place for a man to hide him self. Marti., however. Is of the opinion that Burilson was seeking a lumber schooner, as he had a short conversation with him at an eating house along the road. Dur ing the meal Burilson. If it were he. was sullen and morose and constantly watched the door. Covington was not with him. The suspect asked Martin sev eral questions about the country and the chance of getting aboard a schooner at the coast. The chief of police ha,s wired the peace officers of both Eugene and Florence, but there is little hope of apprehending Bur ilson, as the country is a wilderness and there are no officers in the immediate vicinity. BUYS OWX CLOTHES FIRST TIME Linn County Farmer Breaks Habit of Letting Wife Select Them. ALBANY, Or.. Sopt. 28. (Special.) Since he was married. 18 years ago, George E. Phllippi, a weIl-..nown farmer residing near Waterloo, had never se lected a suit of clothes for himself until yesterday. He had clways worn what hi wife selected without complaint. The habit grew on him until he hated the thought of selecting 'his own clothes. Mr. Phllippi and his family were In this city r-aterday on their way home from the hopyards. and Mrs. Phllippi . was so anxious for her husband to break the rule of years and select a suit for him self that she offered to pay for It from money she earned in the hopyards If he would pick It out. So while his wife pur chased goods for herself in one depart ment of a local store. Philippl went into the clothing department and selected a suit. But his wife didn't pay for it after all. for he found the unusual experience so satisfactory that he insisted on -laying for It himself. HIRES MAN TO BEAT WIFE Seattle Husband Forbidden to Touch - Her by Court Order. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 28. (Spe cial.) Fearing; to act himself because of a Superior Court order which en Joined him from in any way Interfer ing with his wife. Stephen Ougelberg er sought the services of a friend,. and. going- to the woman's apartments, urged the friend on while the latter administered a severe beating to Ber tha Gugelberger. The- Gugelbergers have been con ducting a rooming-house at 1423 Sec ond avenue, and about a month ago the woman applied for a divorce and a distribution of the property. She told the court that she was in fear of Injury at the hands of her hus band, and an order was Issued forbid ding him to go near his wife's apart ments. . On the night of September 20, how ever, according; to allegations made by Mrs. Gugelberger In court this morn ing. Gugelberger, accompanied by Wll lam Collsh, entered her apartments and Colish attacked her fiercely, try ing to throw her downstairs. He also struck her about the face and head repeatedly, and all the time Gugel berger stood by, laughing and urgl. g Colish on. Cider Mill In Albany. ALBANY. Or.. Sept. ' 28. (Special.) Al bany's latest Industry Is a cider mill, which began running this week. J. D. Stedman, who recently came to this city from Ohio, has established the mill and is operating It. The plant Is located at the mouth of Pennywinkle Creek, in the eastern part of the city. Turns Ankle on Gridiron. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Or.. Sept. 28. (Special.) Louis Pinkham. the big guard on Oregon's team of last year, turned his ankle during football practice last night so that he will toej out of the game for a few days. - n i