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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
Cot warn, 48 PAGES PAGES 1 70 12 VOL. XXIV NO. 24. P.ORTL.VND, OREGON, STJlyDAY MORNING, JCNB lls 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BOTH NATIONS RGCEPT OFFER Roosevelt Will Bring About Peace. WILL NAME ENVOYS NEXT Armistice in Manchuria Then Follow. MAY 'MAKE TREATY IN JULY Rapid Success of Roosevelt in Bring ing 'Russia rind Japan Together Proves Wonder of All " Diplomats. WASHINGTON, June 10. Japan's ac ceptance of the President's "offer of Rood will" has reached the State Department In a cablegram from Minister Grlscom. Russia's reply followed later, but not In time to be deciphered tonight. It la ex pected that It will be made public tomor row. Jopan's reply reached the State Depart ment several hours ahead of Russia's. Had the cablegram from Ambassador Meyer reached here before the department closed, there Is a strong probability that bo? It would have been made public today. No word regarding their character can bo obtained, beyond the fact that Troth are acfptsmces. and both express gratitude of the respective governments for the Pres ident's offer of good-will. .An Interesting fact regarding the nego tiations of the last week Is the powerful Influence brought to bear upon Russia by France to accept the offer of the Pres ident lnd appoint plenipotentiaries to dls cus peace with representatives of Japan. M. Juftejat.d. the French Ambassador, was informed by the President of every move, and has kept Paris thoroughly In touch with the President's activity. Loyal i-upport from Paris has been given to the j President's efforts from the first. MAKES DIPI05IATS WONDER Rapid Progress of Roosevelt May Bring Peace in July. WASHINGTON. June 10. (Special.) Replies to Prcsldont Roosevelt's peace proposal were received by the State De partment today from Ambassador Meyer at St. Petersburg and Minister Grlscom at Toklo. on behalf of the governments to which they are accredited. Exactly Tshat form the responses have taken will not be known until Sunday night, when the President will return from Ills outing In Virginia. They will then bo made public. If these replies are in as unqualified form as It Is believed they are, a formal notification to each of the belligerents that the other has accepted the sugges tions of peace will be transmitted at once to the respective governments. This ac complished, Toklo and St. Petersburg will notify tholr commanding officers in the field to suspond hostilities pending pcaco negotiations. During these negotiations the troops will rest on their arms, pre sumably until the treaty of peace has been signed. In view of the striking progress made toward peace, some sanguine diplomats looked for an Immediate withdrawal of the Russian forces from Manchuria. But In view of the fact that either nation may withdraw from the peace conference at any time previous to the signing of the treaty, the general belief l.i that the ces uRtion of hostilities will no? be marked by the withdrawal of cither army. Local diplomats are fairly astounded over what they deem the marvelous re sults achieved by President Roosevelt. Although they looked for peace, they ex pected weeks of preliminary negotiation before the Incident could possibly attain the perfection It has. It Is expected here that after the declaration of an armistice Russia will continue her evasive methods of diplomacy with a view of maintaining her prestige and bearing down the in demnity claim of Japan. There may be many hitches before the final conclusion of the negotiations. It is conceded in some quarters that Japan may be forced to threaten a renewal of hostilities to bring Russia to fair dealing. But the consensus of opinion among diplomats of high and low degree Is that peace Is assured, that an armistice will be ordered within two days and that the reace treaty will be signed not later than the middle of July. INDEMNITY MAX BE BILLION Diplomats Begin to Calculate on Ja pan's Terms. LONDON. June 10.-(12:40 P. M.) The keenest Interest is manifested in President Roosevelt's note endeavor ing to bring Japan and Russia to an understanding. While the British Gov ernment is not taking any part in the negotiations. It is giving the most cor dial support to the President, of whose actions In the matter It has been kept fully Informed. Diplomatic and .offi-' clal circles speak In the highest terms of the diplomatic manner in which the President handled the matter, and are fully in accord with what they con sider to be the only way In which the difficulty could be overcome. The United States, not being entan gled in any way, was really the only country which could take action, but even President Roosevelt could not do Snore than enaeavor to start direct ne gotiations between the belligerents. Japan, It can be stated, refused to start the negotiations until fully assured of the earnestness of Russia and that her proposals would be seriously consid ered. Her demands -will include an In demnity, on the amount of which the President is urging lenient treat ment. It Is considered here that Japan is entitled to on indemnity, and it is pointed out that, while the payment of an indemnity might affect the standing of Russia among the powers, It Is not so serious as the lose of ter ritory: besides, the payment of an in demnity would be forgotten sooner than the loss of territory, and would leave no feeling of revenge. Financial circles In London are of the opinion that the Japanese will de mand an indemnity amounting to about $1,000,000,000. that being their estimate of the cost to the Japanese joI the 26 months' fighting. This is considered In some quarters to be too large an es timate of the expenditures, which it Is thought to be nearer $600,000,000. It Is also understood that Russia now admits In principle that the demand for an indemnity is Justified. It is suggested that the terms of Japan will probably also include tho acknowledgment of a Japanese protectorate over Corca, the total Russian evacuation of Manchuria, the handing over ef Russian Interests on tho Liao Tung Peninsula and at Port Arthur to Japan, and the cession of the railroad from Port Arthur to Harbin. The question of tho Island of Sakhalin will also be raised. NEGOTIATE IN "WASHINGTON American Capital Chosen for Meet ing of Peace Envoys. WASHINGTON. June 10. From an au thoritative official source It is learned to day that It has been practically deter mined that the plenipotentiaries of Japan and Russia for the determination of peace terms will hold their sessions In Wash ington. CZAR INVITED INTERCESSION President's Action Taken ait Sugges tion of Russian Despot. BERLIN, June 10. The text of Pres ident Roosevelt's message on tho sub ject of peace to the governments of Russia and Japan Is regarded at the Foreign Offlco here as admirable In spirit and phrasing, and positive hope now exists of comprehensively early peace. The Russian Emperor, In fact. Invited the action of the Prosident, and had much to do with, the form that the President's representations took. Emperor Nicholas, through the coun sel of powerful personal Influences In Russia.- became disposed toward peace some days in advance of the Presi dent's action. It was recognized at tho Russian court and at this court also that no man In the world could so well make an appeal for peace as President Roosevelt. His known views, the detachment of the United States from the European system and tho good will Japan feels toward the United States mode the President the solitary statesman who could take such a step without either side dis trusting him or feeling annoyed by his solicitude. The conviction here is that Russia Is now ready for peace and seeks peace, and that the only differences insur mountable by negotiations which might arise He in the Japanese terms. BERLIN PRAISES ROOSEVELT Hope Tempered by Fear Russia May Renew Hostilities. BERLIN. June 11. (4:10 A. M.) The morning papers adopt a hopeful tone toward tho latest peace movement. They praise President Roosevelt's skill In choosing the psychological moment for making overtures to Toklo and St. Petersburg, . and say ho showed great discretion in handling the matter. The newspapers assume that the first step wll bo an armistice, of which the Generals at the front must settle the details. Hence it Is believed that considerable- time must elapse before a treaty of peace can be signed. Some fear is expressed that the Emperor of Russia may not yet be fully convinced of the hopelessness of the military sit uation in Manchuria and may decide to continue the struggle if Japan's terms are too humiliating. All the newspa pers, however, are convinced that the next military operation of the Japanese would make peace a necessity. If the battles at Tsu Island and Mukden have not already done so. They emphasize the renewed demonstrations against the war among the Russian people as calculated to irapell the Emperor to hasten peace. The Bourse, which has followed President Roosevelt's efforts through out the week with the keenest interest, cxpocts peaco. LONDON PAPERS PESSIMISTIC Expect Demand for Indemnity Will Wreck Peaco Prospects. S FECIAL CABLE. LONDON. June U. Despite the encour aging peace news that comes from St. Petersburg, Toklo and Washington, the newspapers declare that they are re luctant to regard cither peace or even a rumored cessation of hostilities as a cer tainty at the present time. Granting that the peace talk is sound, they say that the Russian Jingoes will get the -upper hand and that Japanese Insistency on a money Indemnity Is .roost likely to break oft all negotiations immediately. Notwithstanding the pessimistic view of the press, there Is a feeling in all circles that peace is likely, a condition that will be everywhere welcomed. The Observer's terse comment Is: "We must not be sanguine of the success of Roosevelt's efforts." The Sunday Times declares: "We do not believe Japan's terms are unreasonable on the main point that she Insists upon a guarantee of her future position in the Far East. It is inconceivable under cer tain circumstances how she can expect to see that her Just claims are allowed." NEXT MOVE IS AN ARMISTICE When .Plenipotentiaries Are Named, 'Hostilities Will Cease. WASHINGTON, June 10. Officials In Washington who hare been closely fol lowing the negotiations conducted by the President to bring about peace between Japan and Russia expect that the next move will be a request for an armistice, and it is not thought that hostilities will continue after plenipotentiaries are named to arrange peace terms. It Is thought here that the United States Government will be the medium of communication until some diplomatic channel Is estab lished be twees the belligerent nations.- TRRVEL1NG MEN HHE THEIR -Off Hold. Big Parade .and Attend the Exposition by, the Thousands. ARE BANQUETED -AT -INN After, the Formal-Exercises of 'the Day. the Knights "or lilxc Grip Gather " at ' tho -Bridge of Nations.' Yesterday .was Traveling Men's day at the Exposition, and ' the 'knights . of -the grip thronged the grounds. 2000 -strong. They paraded in the morning, attended the exercises in' the Auditorium in the afternoon, and after' a banquet' at tb'e" American Inn, hit the Trail in the eve ning. Portland's reputation as the Rose City was sustained by the mighty procession that marched through the streets yesterday morning. For each one of the 250) travel ing men that had a place in the long lino wore In his buttonhole the favorite flower. Every shade and color were on display. The visitors came from all parts of the Northwest, and Eastern States as well. They poured Into the city all day Friday, and when the sun rose over Portland yes terday morning It found a mighty host on hand for the great celebration. Big dele gations came from Seattle, Tacoma and other Puget Sound cities. San Francisco was here with her quota, and men from Butte, Helena and Salt Lake City as well. All parts of the country were repre sented. Parade or Traveling Men. The column started from the Custom House promptly at 10:30, with a platoon of police, and De Caprlo's Administration Band In. the van. Behind followed squad after squad of traveling men. In a never ending line. Some! rode in carriages, but these were officers, or those who were too feeble to walk. Major Charles E. McDon nell acted as grand marshal, aided by Harvey Lounsbury and Charles Dick. After touring Sixth, Morrison, Third, Washington and Park street, the parade finally reached the Cuttom-Hoose again, where it was dismissed and the members Instructed to proceed to the Fair grounds. From the way the visitors poured la through the Exposition gates. It was soon apparent that all attendanc records would be broken. Everywhere the badge of the traveling man was to be seen, and on every hand preparations were made to welcome the visitors. Exercises in Auditorium. Promptly at 2 o'clock the exercises In the Auditorium began, the opening num ber of the programme being a selection by the Administration Band. Immediate ly following. President H. W. Goode de livered an address of welcome, bidding the visitors avaH themselves of every op portunity to enjSy the facilities of the Ex position. C W. Ransom, master of ceremonies, then made a sbo'rt'replyand thanked Mr. Goode for his solicitation in behalf of the travelers. Then the Western" Academy Glee. Club sang two selections, .which were 'roundly applauded. Governor Chamberlain, In a characteris tic address, extended a second welcome to the traveling men. telling of the part the state -had played in the Exposition. There was more miulc after the Governor's re marks, and then R. C. Star. National president of the" Travelers' Protective As sociation, captivated the audience by his clever .story-telling and his well-worded remarks on the part that the traveling man had played In the commercial stage of the world. Senator Fulton Speaks. Senator Fulton concluded the speech making with a witty address on "Tbe Drummer." Although the audience had been enthusiastic before, it now broke Its bonds, and threw dignity aside. Mr. Fulton-spoke as one of boys, and won his way to every heart. The next feature of the day was the gigantic dinner given at the American Inn by. the local traveling men to their vis itors. Covers were laid for 7S0, and a most enthusiastic time was had. For nearly two flours speeches and toasts were the order, of the day. and then the boys made their way to the Trail. The rest of the evening was spent In the wildest frivolity. The band entertained hundreds of visitors, while the Illumina tions and fireworks held the attention of .many.' Still others, probably all the rest, wandered back and forth across the -Bridge of Nations, Inspecting the various attractions that beckoned from every hand. Each of the travelers was provided with a passbook, and all did their best to get rid of the coupons. Finally the lateness of the hour put an end to the festivities, and the sightseers made their way homeward, with fond recollections of the day and its celebrations. 1EM OF THE DESERT EMPTY STAGE WITH EXHAUSTED HORSES KOUD. Driver-and Wealthy Mlneeiraer's Wife Believed to Have Perished la Southern Callforala. 8 AN BERNARDINO. CaL. June 10. (Special.) Sheriff Ralphs left tonight tor Manvel. In response to a telegram from Deputy Sheriff Preciado. stating that min ers had arrived with the Information that Oscar Wilcox, a stage driver, was wan dering about insane on the desert, or was possibly dead. His stage and team ' x -vw M- - ir.,.. horses being oir-thcir last 1.xsv xV4-" wllcox left here Tuesday morning- with one passenger, 3Irs. Charles nenry, wire of a wealthy mine owner, bound for Gold Mountain, CO miles north of here, where her husband Is superintendent of the company. The stage should have ar rived at Gold Mountain that afternoon, and Wllcox have started on the return trip Thursday morning, being due to reach here last night. Mrs. Henry has not been heard from. Her relatives leave with the Sheriff tonight to institute a search Box S. the stage station where Wllcox was seen yesterday. Is 40 miles out of his course. The Arrow Head Stags Com pany, by whom Wllcox Is employed. Is at a loss to account for his presence near Box S, and share the fears of the officers that another desert tragedy has occurred. RUSSIA PREPARES TO CAPTURE THE DOVE JAPAN WILL ASK ' GOOD GUARANTEE Will Bind'Russia to Strict Ob servance of Treaty When Signed." LOOKS TO POWERS TO HELP Peace 3Iust-Nbt Be Used for Prepar ation for Renewal of War. Trusts Roosevelt for Czar's Good Faith. S FECIAL. CABLE.. TOKIO. June ll.-On the ability of Rus sia to offer a sufficient guarantee that she will live up to any treaty of peace ar ranged hinges Japan's willingness to bring the war to an end. This statement Is made on the authority of one of the best-known Japanese statesmen, on con dition that his identity be kept unknown. "Japan wants peace," he said, "but she will not be made a fool of by Russia. That nation must agree to keep her hands off the Far East for a long term of years, and her treaty must contain some clauses which effectively preclude her resuming hostilities when her army and navy are re habilitated, and such clauses must be of such character that they cannot lightly be disregarded. Even at the present time, when her navy has been completely wiped off the face of the waters and her army has been disrupted and placed on the de fensive at all points, we hear from our secret agents In St. Petersburg that the advocates of a war policy urge the Czar, If he feels that he must subscribe to peace terms, to refuse to commit Russia to any. policy of disarming that -would prevent the execution of contracts for new war ships of all classes which were made with German and American firms of shipbuild ers. They hope that Japan, will be so flushed with her success that she will be dragged into a conflict with .the United States and France, and that Russia can then seize the moment to again enter Manchuria and resume .her sway over China. Make Powers Enforce Treaty. "To prevent.thisJgpanwm.aak. that the terms of peace be'sHute'So y-bita .that! the powers will bo compelled to make Russia live up to her obligations, no mat ter what complications shall arise In the future Of course, Japan will not Insist on any agreement for disarmament that would bo preposterous. Inasmuch as It would bring a protest from France and Germany, but she can so tie Russia's hands with positive promises that she will reduco to a minimum &ny chance that the new Rcssian navy or army shall ever be directed against Japan or her commerce. "When the United States Minister to Japan. Lloyd Grlscom. on Friday, present ed tho note of President Roosevelt to Baron Komamura,' the Minister for For eign Affairs, that officer took care to lm- OF PEACE Press rton Mr. Grlscom the fact that Japan placed great confidence In the act or the President of the United States, and his position precluded the chance of any trap being sprung that would Involve either of the belligerents.' I understand among other things Baron Kamamura said to the American representative: Values Guarantee of America. "Japan feels that thl3 offer Is made in all seriousness, with but one object lnvlew, and that 13 putting an end to bloodshed. It will have our most se rious consideration, because of its or iginating with such a source and we feel that the terms of peace that may be. arranged' will be carried out. Inas much as they will be to a certain cx tene guaranteed by the United States. Japan Is, as she was from the ready to appoint plenipotentiaries to treat exclusively with Russia on this matter, which should be one entirely between the two nations.' "If that is the attitude of Japan, and I feel assured that my information is correct, there can be no question that active hostilities are at an end. Japan will .meet Russia more than half way and all that nation will have to do will bo to Indicate that she is in earnest and that there will be no attempt at trickery Indemnity of Course. "Of course, she will have to pay an In demnity, but that shbuld be easy. Rus sia Is deeply Involved, but there are a number of monopolies . held by the gov ernment that can be disposed of for a sum more than sufficient to wipe out the war debt without further taxing the peo ple. You must remember that Japan has been under an enormous expense, and that the indemnity demanded will not re imburse her, but will permit the govern ment to reduce the taxes that have been (Concluded on Page 3.) CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. TODATS Partly cloudy with slightly lower :emperature. Westerly winds. "YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. S3 deg.; minimum. 04. Precipitation, none. The War In the Far East. Both Russia and Japan accept President's aid In making; Pace. Page i. Xegotiatlona will be earned on In Washing ton. Pace 1. Armistice will follow appointment of envoys. Page 1. Russia informed or Japan' terms. Page 1. Japan will ask guarantees for observance of treaty. Page 1. All Europe- Joins in praise of Roosevelt. .Pago 1. Foreign Franco ana Germany rivals for empire la Africa: Paga Monarchies may coerce Norway to prevent founding oi republic Page 2. King Alfonso's farewell to England. Page 8. Officer of detectives shot in Russia. Page- 1. 'Xatiaaal. Paga 0. ST ' ' TaTt takes evidence an asphalt trust's pay ment to Loom Is- Page 3. Salaries of Oregon Postmasters raised. Page 2. Domestic. Blgelow, the banlcwrecker, sentenced. Page 0. Morton takes charge of Equitable affairs. Pago- 8. Rioting renewed In Chicago strike. Page 8. Automobile Jumps In river at Chicago and drowns three persons. Page 2. Jury out in Holman murder trial In Missouri. Page 9. Sport. Entries for Hunt Club meet. Page 18. Sports at the Fair. Page 16. Los Angeles defeatsFortland: 5 to 3. Pare 16. Oregon Agricultural College wins intercol legiate track meet. Page 16. Uncle Cft trley captures St. Louis Derby and $10,000 purse. Page 10. High School wins lnterscholastic ' pennant. Page 9. Few favorites win at The Meadows. Page 17. Fltzsimmons age counts against him. Page 17. Many athletic events planned at the Expo sition. Page 17. Kerrigan and Kelly the stars at Exposition games. Page IS. Pacific Coast. Heney says California land frauds are worsa than those In Oregon. Paga 3. Norman Williams sentenced to be hanged July 21. Page -I. Publicity concernlng'lease of state land will add to Washington's coffers. Page 4. Chicago restaurateur finds eloping wife and partner in San Francisco. Page 3. Spokane grand Jury will investigate alleged corruption in city and county. Page 5. "Lord Be&uchamp." late star in San Fran cisco society, is wanted by the police. Page 5. J. W. and J. T. Consldlne buy control of the Star vaudeville circuit. Page 5. Commercial xntl Marine. Large transactions under way In hop mar ket. Page 34". Local produce markets active. Page 34. Government crop report shows wheat in good condition. Page 34. Firm close of Chicago wheat market. Page 34. Settlement of Equitable dispute stimulates speculation in stocks. Page 34. Unexpectedly favorable bank statement. Page 34. Cruiser Uarblehead arrives after stormy pas saga cp coast. Page 19. - New lightship off Cape Mendocino. Page 19. Xewis and Clark Exposition. Traveling- men have their day at tho Fair. Page 1. Three cities celebrate at the Exposition. Page 10. Attendance at the Fair yesterday 19,383. Page 10. Portia&d and Vicinity. Japanese and Americans exchange expres sions of good will at banquet at Hotel Portland. Page 13. Oregon land-fraud trials will soon begin. Page 13. Barber, despondent through drink, ends his life. Paga 15. Taxes too high now says Lents Grange. Pago 14. Woman sues to recover valuable lots. Page IX. Detective Welner resigns. Page 14. Street railway- is sold. Page 14. Realty Is In great demand. Page 19. Shake-up on police 'takes place. Page 14. Featare ad DeyartiaeBta. Editorial. Pag 6. CUsslfitd advertisements. Pages 19-23. What would you do if you were broke J - Page 39. Charles Dana Gibson's cartoon. Page 41. Frederic J. Raskins' letter. Page 44. The only woman tugboat mastenPage 40. Heirs apparent to American money thrones. Page 38. Dr. Newell Dwlght Hlllis sermon. Page 48. Raffles. Page 4C Oscar's Ideas of a lata supper. Paga 0. Fle-reace Nightingale talks pf .nurses. Page 40. Eectet Page 28. Dramatic. Page 28. XsMicaL. Page 27. HnhsiM saa fasfeloaa, Pagss 42-43, WILL NEGOTIATE li WASHINGTON Von Rosen and Taka hira, Peace Envoys. JAPAN'S TERMS ARE FAIR Indemnity Will Cause Greatest Difficulty. CZAR THANKS ROOSEVELT Imperial Council Almost Unanimous for Pcaco "When President's Dispatch Opened "Way to Negotiations. 3T. PETERSBURG, June 1L -Representatives from Japan and Russia will meet In Washington to discuss peace terras. This fact Is certain. The Russian representative will be Baron von Rosen, the Japanese representative will probably be tho present Minister to the United States, Mr. Takahlra, although there Is a chance the Russian government may ask that Japan namo some one of Von Rosens rank. That Is all that Is admitted at the Russian capital up to the present time. It Is all that Is likely to be admitted until the- plenipotentiaries actually meet. It Is understood that the Japanese terms of peace, as already unofficially communicated, are In every way accept able, with the exception of the indemnity proposition, and that will eventually be conceded, should it be absolutely Insisted upon by Japan, although the Russian rep resentative will oppose It to the la3t. It is considered likely that, should Japan continue to Insist that tho Man churian Railway be turned over to her, she cannot refuse to reimburse the Rus sian capitalists who have put up money for the development of the railways. The Russian government feels that a frank Interchange of views between men having the best Interests of the two countries at heart will be likely to result in- mutual concessions that will eventuaUy-.endIn.thi adoption of a. hard-and-fast treaty be tween Russia and Japan. NEW ATTACK OX GOVERNMENT Radicals Now Condemn It for Suinj for Peace. ST. PETERSBURG. Juno 10. (10:32 P. M.) The radical press, which hounds the government, no matter which way It turns. Is promptly seeking to take ad vantage of the new situation created by the possibility of peace. Although for months it has been preaching peace and the abondonment of the whole of the ManchurJan adventure at any cost, it has already veered around and pretends to ho horrified at the fact that. Russia can contemplate the possibility of surrender ing her position on the Pacific and pur chasing peace at the price of an indem nity after the sacrifice, of millions of the people's money and thousands of people's lives, and declares that only the people shall decide whether the country shall submit to this humiliation. These tactics will produce all the more effect since so far as the Indemnity goes the radical papers undoubtedly reflect the views of the masses of the Russian peo ple, as well as those prevalent in offi cial circles. The status of Vladivostok and the question of an indemnity are sure to be the main obstacles to an agreement once the belligerents are brought togeth er, but the criste for which the solid ele ments of the opposition are waging war against the government, constitutes the chief danger. Solemn words of warning such as those uttered by the Moscow Zemstvo ists and the Mayors of the principal cities who Joined With them in the all-Russian Zemstvo Congress cannot he lightly thrust aside, although the government Is getting accustomed to hard words. The organization known as the League of Professional Leagues yesterday at Moscow threatened to translate Its words into acts unless the government yielded, and. resolved not only to Inaugurate a strike of all professional classes, hut to arm in self- defense. Its members also bound them selves not to testify at political trials, and to provide for each other's family in case any of the members suffered ar rest or exile. Months ago M. Witte, President of the Committee o'f Ministers', said to the correspondent of the Associated Press that "there will bo no internal crisis now or while the war lasts. The crisis will come when the war ends.' His words seem like a prophecy. ACCIiAIM ROOSEVELT'S ACT. Russian, Statesmen Admire His Di plomacyProbable Future Course. ST. PETERSBURG, June 10 (3:15 P. M.). The text of President Roosevelt's personal appeal to the sovereigns of the warring- countries to arrange a meeting of the plenipotentiaries for the purpose of agreeing on terms of peace, which arrived here this- morning, rent the veil, and for the skeptic at St. Petersburg- who refused to believe President Rooseveltfs efforts could suc ceed, it came like a bombshell. It is a diplomatic triumph of the first magnitude, and the diplomats here make no attempt to conceal their ad miration for the New TVorld brand of diplomacy, which acts while the re mainder of the world thinks. The formal replies of Russia and Japan are expected to be transmitted through Count Cassini, the Russian Ambassador at Washington, and M. Takahira, the Japanese Minister at Washington, but the situation Is such at this hour as to leave no doubt of the acceptance of both,, and that ths (Cssclttiac b Pax 3.