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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
THE 'SmJDAY OSEGONIAlf, POETLAiND, MARCH 19, 1905. 13, PORTLAND BOY WINS Awarded First Prize for His Essay. ELMER E. YOUNG THE VICTOR Oregon Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Selects His torical Topic as Subject for Contest by the Writers. The committee of the Oregon So clety of the Sons of the American Hevo lutlon has Just rendered its decision in the awarding of prizes for the best essays upon Revolutionary subjects. The offer was made last December and was open to all pupils of public schools in mu state. February 1 was the date of the close of the contest and at that time, more than 100 essays were re ceived. The subjects announced were: "The Quebec CamDaitrn" and "The Co operation of the French. How Brought About, anq the Results. Three prizes were offered by the society; one of ?25. one of $15 and one of $10, and in awarding: them the committee was governed by the historical accuracy, the manner of treatment, orthography, grammar, syntax and punctuation. The following committee has had the distribution of prizes in charge; Thomas M. Anderson, chairman, Port land: R. R. Rpelrnmn. 'Pnrtlnnil? W TT Chapln, Portland: D. D. Clarke, Port land; F. S. Dunn, Eugene, Or. The first prize was awarded to Elmer riiiis xoung, or tne Portland High School; the second prize to Miss Ruth Latourette, of the Oregon City High Scijool. and the third prize to Alberta Lucille Hart, of the Albanv Public Rohnni Honorable mention was also made of wie essays oi .uoria uiarit and Dorothy Moore. The first-prize essay: The Co-Operation of tho French. In that brilliant chain of events which led to the establishment of the United States as a free and independ ent Nation, nothing appeals more strongly to the natrlotie Amertpnn than the action of the French government in Decoming a party to the struggle for liberty. The cause was rooted In the deep resentment which France enter tained toward England since the treaty of 1763. It was the bitter fate of France to look oq, while England became the mistress of the sea, the greatest colo nial power on earth, and the dominant influence in European politics. The dawn of peace marked the end of the long struggle for colonial supremacy between England and France. "War had decided that America was to be ruled by Teuton, not Latin. By an Irony of Fate. Latin jealousy of Teuton became the instrument of elevating Teuton over Latin. The struggle just ended had been one of the most bril liant In England's history, the peace just begun the most triumphant. But England's gain was France's loss. France was fallen on the "grunsel edge." Her colonies lost, her finances demoralized, her navy shattered, her army disorganized. The hour called for a man and the great Cholseul, Min ister of Foreign Affairs, responded to the call. Earnestly engaged in rais ing his country from her depression, he kept a no less watchful eye on the de velopment of the English colonies in America, ever seeking an opportunity to strike a blow against the hereditary enemy. To this end he had sent an officer In disguise to America to report on the condition of affairs. His keen eye detected the flaw In English pol loy in the passing of the stamp act. Tower cites this as one of the most remarkable cases of foresight In his tory. Cholseul even reported to the King that the time was not far dis tant when the American colonies would throw off the yoke of England. Cholseul was little understood and less favored by the shallow monarch. It Is doubt ful whether America, had she risen at this moment, would have received any encouragement in France. But Jhe seed sown by the prophetic Cholseul was destined to bear fruit. The accession of Louis XVI In 177 brought a new ministry, with M. do "Ver gennes as the ruling power a man whose sole ambition was tho glory of France. He, like Cholseul, believed that the great ness of England was but a menace to France, and that the former indignities which his country had suffered at the hands of England must be avenged before France should again rise to greatness. Duller of vision than Cholseul. he was not quick to grasp the seriousness of the position into which England had fallen with her colonies, nor did the first out break in America cause any grave appre hension in the French Cabinet. But when in 1775 England began to transport large numbers of troops to America, the impor tance of the approaching conflict became, evident to Vergennes. Would the upris-" ing in the English colonies gh'o France tho opportunity of re-establishing her lost prestige? Eager and hopeful, Vergennes took steps to arouse the King to the ne cessity for action. At this period, the Impulse of liberty, the new spirit of democracy, was stirring the hearts of men throughout the whole world. Tho new movement animated the nobles, the writers, tho philosophers and the diplomats alike: it was the "genuine sympathy her people felt with the spirit of freedom abroad in the world. The quickenlngs of liberty were strong in French breasts; the foremost writers, Vol taire and Rousseau, believed in represent ative government," says Sloane. Political Jealousy alone could not have impelled Franco to ally herself with the colonies; on the other hand, the philosophers and patriots of England were the envy of those of France. In his "Epochs of Mod ern History" 2dr- Malcolm Ludlow says: "France was compelled to look up with longing eyes to England's political liberty, her untrammeled science, her freedom of speech and thought. What if to such a France there should be revealed another England, still freer than the one already known, still bolder in speech, and withal breaking out in a llfe-and-death struggle with the England of the Old "World? Would not such a struggle arouse in the hearts of Freuchmen a feeling of bitter hatred for the older England, and a feel ing of admiration and pity for the new?" Vergennes had a shrewd perception of the signs of the times. Seeing tho possi bility of a war with England, with mas terly diplomacy he hastened to strengthen the family compact by which Cholseul had united the various branches of the Bour bon family. Potnting out to Carlos III the extreme danger in which the Spanish West Indies were placed by the presence of a large British army in America, he secured tho favorable attention of that Monarch to the "common interests of Spain and France, in aiding. Uie colonies against tho mother country." in a dis patch to the French Minister at Madrid, dated August 7. 1775. appears the first direct intimation that Vergennes Intended to intervene in behalf of the colonies. When, a few days later, England issued her famous proclamation of "Rebellion." he realized that the opportunity was ripe. It was a time for action; France should no longer remain passive. If she wished to retrieve her lost glory, it was now or never. A secret agent was dispatched to America. Following up the opportunity, Vergennes now presented his "Reflexions" to the King. The Minister's great argu ment lay in the belief that the rise of France depended on the success of tho American Revolution. Toward the close of 1775 he presented another paper show ing tho benefits to be derived by France from an effective co-operation with the colonies, and containing a discussion as to the nature, the proper time and val uable results of French assistance; and shrewdly urging that-quiescence would prove disastrous to France. The "Re flexions", of Vergennes at least secured the "royal acquiescence to the pro gramme." HeaiPwhlle the colonies fought their life life and, death struggle, no helping band stretched out to save. Special commis sioners and secret agents brought pleas ant words, but substantial aid had not materialized. Hope was revived by a long letter from France In September. Li6, stating tbo favorable attitude of Ver gennes, promising arms and munitions of war, soldiers and military engineers. Congress determined to send an embassy to the court of Louis XVI. On the first ballot Franklin was chosen by unani mous vote. On hearing the result, ho is said to have turned to a friend with the remark: "I am old and good for noth ing, but. as the storekeepers say of their remnants, 'I am but a fag end, and- you may have me for what you please.' " Ar thur Lee and Silas Deane. already in Europe, were named his colleagues. Franklin's arrival in Paris was a com plete surprise even swift rumor had not preceded his vessel. But this served only to heighten the enthusiasm of "his recep tion. Never did a heartier demonstration await a returning French hero than that which greeted the grand old patriot. Hera .was a man. now three score and ten. who, though he had grown old in the service of his country, risked his life and fortune in a last great mission for the THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN SIX MONTHS POE 75 CENTS. In order to advertise the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, tie City of Portland, the State of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. The Oregonian will niail the Sunday edition to any address EAST OF THE ROOKY MOUNTAINS six months for 75 cents. This is less than the cost of the white paper and the postage, which The Oregonian "will prepay. Orders from easiness houses or individuals in other cities in Oregon and Washington who may avail themselves of this exceptional offer will receive prompt attention. This offer expires by limitation June 1, 1905. THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. Circulation pepartment. cause of liberty. To the French people he was tho very embodiment of patriot Ism and practical wisdom; he was Franklin the hero, and champion of lib erty. -for which all France was yearning. The effect of his arrival was electrifying among the fashionable set of Paris. The best society crowded about the old man to pay their respects. Their admiration approached .folly. "Gentlemen wore Franklin hats, ladies kid gloves were dyed of a 'Franklin hue, and 'cotellettes a la Franklin' were served at fashionable dinners," says Fiske. Yet such flattering attentions merely amused him. He was the1 same Franklin as of old. tne repre sentative of a plain, fearless' and pa triotic people. His cheering presence, his countenance, his demeanor all expressed a perfect confidence in tho ultimate tri umph of the colonies. This the man or whom Turgot was proud to say; "Brlplut caels fulmen, sceptrumque tyrannls." The campaign of 1776 was a dismal fail ure: the battle of Long Island had been fought and lost, and New York was in British hands. Tho behavior of tho troons was bad in some instances, and many of tho best officers were killed. These events cast a gloom over the whole country the outlook was dark for tne colonies. These failures produced almost the same effect in France as in America All was gloom and apprehension. Ver gennes had reason that the restoration of France lay in the success of the Amer ican Revolution, and he was but waiting for the time when he could depend on the colonists for an effective co-operation. France was yet in a state of bankruptcy; the colonies had nothing. Tho risk was great. France was playing a gambling game. The long succession of defeats which the Americans had suffered was discouraging to Vergennes; he was long ing for a victory, something which would make him feel as if tho Americans were on the road to independence. The hope of Franco lay In a successful America; but should she ally herself with the colonies only to see England triumph In the end, it would mean her ruination. The fer vent LaFayette abandoned home, fortune, everything to enlist in tho cause of lib erty, and against the remonstrances of family. King and court, set sail for America. But the darkest hour precedes the dawn. On December 4, 1777. there came glad news from across the sea "General Burgoyne and his whole army are prisoners of war!" Franco went wild. Victory! The flower of tho Brit ish army in American bandsl Franco no longer concealed the intention of openly allying herself with the colo nies. Tho colonists had proved their ability did it not mean a successful America? Saratoga was tho focaV point of the Revolution. News of tho great British defeat had caused a com plete somersault in Lord North's pol icy. Parliament was ready for concil iation, and to this end dispatched three commissioners to Congress. Frank lin's diplomacy found its opportunity. Should France neglect the opportunity to intervene in behalf of the colonies, England would conciliate. Herein lay tho importance of Saratoga. On Feb ruary 6, 1778. the American envoys at tached their signatures and seals to three documents 'the treaty of amity and commerce." the "treaty of alli ance" and a "secret article" providing for tho admission of Spain into the compact whenever that tardy power should desire it. No longer Is tho struggle to be confined to tho arms of Great Britain and America. Hence forth it becomes' a world struggle. Ancient Jealousy and hatred of En gland, the popular wave of democracy, the victory of Saratoga with its out look for France the promises of con ciliation by Great Britain, the man for the hour. Franklin, with diplomacy to make proper use of the opportunity; the resolute independence of the colo nists and the generalship of Washing ton these were the forces which jrava the turn to the wheel and led to French co-operation, the climax of the war. But "the mills of God grind slowly." Two long years have elapsed since the Joyous news of Saratoga was first spread broadcast over the world, and the people have as yet failed to see the consequences of that great event. The alliance has accomplished little from a military point of view. Tho French fleet, under D'Estaing, whose help America needed so surely, had failed in the Joint expeditions against New York. Newport and Savannah, nor had Washington enjoyed th co-operation of any French land force. The un popularity of the alliance increased dally; late events had seemed to Justify the mistrust - in which it was held. American had no love for Frenchman; the "treaty with France was Indeed a marriage of convenience rather than Of affection." as Fiske has. phrased it. Now Englanders were bitterly op posed to an alliance with the despotic power, whose cruelties in exciting the Indian? against them In former wars they well remembered. The American soldiers did not take well to the thought of being commanded by for eigners; thero were constant disputes; even the French officers quarreled among themselves. Add to this a general snpineness among the Ameri can soldiers, caused by outside aid, then the result becomes apparent. Though in an Indirect way the alliance was helpful in neutralizing much Brit ish energy and in turning it aside from the colonies to Europe, yet these bene fits aro inconsiderable as compared to the many defects. This state of affairs might have continued until England triumphed over the colonies had not the generalship of Washington proved the means of deliverance. When Corn wallis had retreated to Torktown, .closely followed by the skillful Lafay ette, Washington was quick to grasp the situation. He saw the elements which might lead to the destruction of Cornwallis and ultimately end the war. He had at last found the niche wherein tho French aid might at. De Grasse had just arrived with a pow erful fleet from the West Indies, and Lafayette had proved himself a worthy antagonist to the ablest of British Generals. Washington! plan was exe cutcd. It is needless to pause upon the ' result. The circumstances of Corn wallis surrender are known to every American and the deeds of the gallant victors dear to every heart. This, the one instance where French aid was in dispensable; Washington, the one Gen eral who could have dealt the crush ing blow. The American Revolution was a world struggle. It proved that man could be sclf-gove.rnlng. It is vain to gush over the unselfish nobility of France. As France was a self-seeker, sho reaped no ultimate advantage; as Franco was an Instrument in the di vine hands of Providenco to establish liberty and equality, the world was the gainer. She only helped to elevate the c ; Saxon above the Latin. Let all tho world be grateful for the Instrument and for tho blessing it wrought. ELMER ELLIS YOUNG. Portland High School. Eleven Women Are Arrested. In order to enforce police regulations in the North End district, 11 women were arrested last night by Patrolmen Burke and Daly, and charged with vagrancy. All were released on ball of S3) each. They will have hearings in the Municipal Court tomorrow. Evidence againt tho women was se cured by a special detail of policemen, dispatched in plain clothes by Chief Hunt. Officers went about through the district all of last week investigating conditions and reported yesterday to Chief Hurft! The arrests of last night followed. Although much has been said concern ing women being in saloons commonly termed "combination-houses," the police have not found any. It is said this reg ulation is being etrictly observed. Counties WIH Own Exhibits. At a meeting of tho Lewis and Clark State Commission last night it was de cided that county exhibits should remain tho property of the counties collecting them. The commission has been empow ered to pay half tho cost of collecting county exhibits, up to $1000, tho exhibits when collected to belong to tho commis sion. The commission, however, believes that the counties could make better use of the exhibits after tho Fair than tho state, so It has decided to adopt the fore going plan. New Depot for Butte. BUTTE. Mont. March IS President Elliot, of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, who is in the. city at tho head of a party of the high officials of tho SwtS&i 5daI,3r announced tonight that within the course of a month's time work would be begun on tho new depot in Butte, the station to be used Jointly by the Northern Pacific and Oregon Short Line Companies. The Elliot party is on a trip of inspection of tho Northern Pa cific system. Bag-Punching Contest. Henry S. Stark has accepted the offer of Louis Geisler. of Rochester, N. Y. to hold a bag-punching contest for tho cham pionship of the world for a purse of $2500 tho contest to be held here next Summer! Arrangements will bo made, if possible, to hold it at the Fair Stark gave another exhibition of bag punching at the Mult nomah Club last night. This week he. will travel on Puget Sound, but will return Friday to begin training for the contest with Geisler. Mr. Thomas and the Labor Press. PORTLAND, March IS. (To the Editor.) The statement in E&tcrdiy'a Oreprolan, where in George B. Thomas, who is accused of bribery la connecUon with the construction of Use drydock U made to appear as manarer of the Portland Labor Press. Is not correct. Permit me to say that Mr. Thomas ia not connected with the Labor Press in any manner, nor has he been Identified lr any way with the paper for a whole year. QDOKGE K. IT CORD. Manager Portland Labor Presc Brighfs Disease and Diabetes News. Law Offices of , Henley & Costello, t San Francisco, March 12, 1905. To the Legal Profession of Oregon: I was a witness to the following: Two years ago Professor Tost, of Palo Alto, who was in an extreme condition duo to Brlght's Disease, came to my office with his physician (who nad diabetes) to meet a party who claimed cures had been discovered for these fatal diseases. The facts cited were astounding and both went on the treatment. To the amazement of us all both recovered, and the physi cian ic now using the treatment In his practice. Learning that my old law partner. Judge R. R. BIgelow had Brighfs dis ease, and that his case was looked upon as hopeless by his physicians, I told him of It. It resulted in his complete recover'. As to the curability of Brighfs disease and diabetes. X have no more doubt about it than that I am living. BARCLAY HENLEY Tho above refers to Fulton's Com pounds, the onlr cures known for Brighfs disease and Diabetes. Woodard. Clarke & Co ar the-local agents. Send for pamphlet. When to suspect Brleht's Dbase Wv. nets or loss of weight: DufTv ankw hind. or eyelids; kidney trouble after third month; urine mar show sediment: faiilnsr vision? drotrtlassi. One cx mere cf, these. SEEK ERRING WIFE Police Are Looking for Woman Vho Eioped, MRS. ALBERT KINYON WANTED Abandons Husband and Babe In Cal Ifernla to Come tox Portland With a Stranger Employed at the Exposition Grounds. Somewhere, within the limits of the city of Portland there Is believed to be a woman who deserted a husband and babe In San Bernardino, Cal., to elopo with a man who is an employe at the exposition grounds. The local police nave been notified by tho San Bern ardino authorities to watch for tho guilty persons. The sorrowful hus band In San Bernardino Is using every means to locate his erring wifo and tho mother of his baby. On March 11, Albert Kinyon, a me chanic employed In tho Santa Fe shops at San Bernardino, found upon return ing to his home after tho day's work mat no was without a' wife. Kinyon's aged mother was holding in her arms a crying babe, which had been returned home by a messenger boy hired by the younger Mrs. Kinyon for that nurnose. The baby 13 a little girl Just learning to cau ner xatner and mother by oiame. Two years ago, while on a visit to Los Angeles, Kinyon met Miss Kate Laurent, married her and took her to his mother's home In Ban Bernardino. Later they set up housekeeping in H street. Married life turned out to be a failure in their case, and before long tne shadow of "another man" fell across the threshold of the family. Things went from bad to worse until on the afternoon of March 11 Mrs. Kin yon stopped at tho bouse of a friend, rang for a messenger boy, and when the boy arrived gave him her 9 -months- old girl baby. "Take the baby home," she said, "and tell them I got drunk and felj. down." The boy took the baby and departed. finally handing the child to Kinyon's mother with the message from the wife. Mrs. Kinyon notified het son, knowing full well that the message was a He, as her daughter-in-law was never known to drink. The son re turned from his work and began a search, to find that his wife had re ceived a telegram from the other man in tho case and had left on the evening train for ixjs Angeles. The woman was traced to Los Angeles, where it was discovered that she had met the man and that the couple had taken a train for San Francisco. From .the latter place they departed, having purchased tickets for Portland. There Kinyon learned that the man was to be em ployed at the Exposition grounds. Ho could not learn the man's name or in what capacity he was to be employed in this city. Kinyon returned to his home in San Bernardino, communicated with the police, and at their suggestion notified the police department here. He also stated that he would be in Portland as soon as possible, and he is expected within a few days. In the meantime the police are looking for the couple, of whom they have excellent descrip tions, and are awaiting the coming of the husband and father, when a vig orous search will be made throughout the city. Outgoing trains and boats are being closely watched. The man may be one wanted In Los Angeles for a more serious crime, and for this reason special interest is given the case. Tho little city of San Bernardino has for the time being forgotten its fruits and Its flowers and Is extending sym pathy to Albert Kinyon, who is well known and unlvorsally respected among his associates and fellow-employes. His parents have lived in San Bernardino for years, and the boy was raised there and is known as an hpn est and conscientious man. -He declares he will follow his wife until he, finds her, and that ho will hen compel her to return and do her duty by their child. FAIRBANKS ON ASBITRATION Vice-President Speaks to Ohloans, and Is Boomed for President. NEW YORK, March IS. Vice-President Fairbanks- was the guest of honor tonight at the Nlnteenth annual dinner of the Ohio Society of New York at the Waldorf- Astoria. Others at the speaker's table were Brigadier-General Frederick D. Grant, IT. S. A., Major-General James F. Wade. TJ. S. N., and Andrew Carnegie. The health of President Roosevelt having been arumc vice-fresiaent iairbanks was introduced. Ho referred briefly to the necessity for a strong Army and Navy, wnicn, ne saia, wouia prove a guarantee of tranquillity. As to arbitration, he said: "Tkie American people hold to the doc trine that international difficulties should be settled by some other means than by an appeal to force; than by a resort to the cold and merciless arbitrament of arms. We believe that the time has come in the world's progress when international differences, as a rule, can be determined in the high court of reason. While we re joice in our heirship to the glories and honors or a common state and a common country, we do not share an allegiance to a common political party. Nevertheless. I believe that, without any ..suggestion of partsersnip, 1 interpret tne sentiment of all who are assembled hero tonight, when say that President Roosevelt has ren dered the cause of International arbitra tion lasting services. Differences have arisen among eminent statesmen with re spect to details, and tho cause of arbitra tiop has been given an impetus by the President which is world-wide in its ef fect." Ex-Congressman Charles A. Towne. in his speech, created great enthusiasm when he prophesied the election of Vice- President Fairbanks to tho Presidency in 1S03. TOBACCO TETTST STOS I0TTEBY Jerome Begins Prosecution for Con ducting Guessing Contests. NEW YORK. March IS. District Attor ney Jerome has brought suits aggregating 7,wu against tne American Tobacco Company, the Continental Tobacco Com pany, the American Cigar Company and the Florodora Tag Company, all subsidi ary companies of the American Tobacco Trust, for alleged violation of the lottery laws of the estate. The suits grow out of guessing contest t organized by the concerns. About a year ago tne companies offered .li-,000 to those who made the nearest guesses to the number of cigars of certain brands which would be taxed within a stated period of time by the Federal Government. Later they offered $115,000 to those who made the nearest guesses of Jhe actual num ber of votes cast for the winner of the last Presidential election. According to the section of the penal code under which the suits are brought, even "though the prizes offered have been paid, the companies must again pay tho money, this time to the County of New York, should the District Attorney win the suit. ' WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT FULL VALUE ABDOMINAL "Woodlark Abdominal Supporters Linen $2.50 "Silk $3.00 Young's Rectal Dilators Are sold under a positive guarantee to cure Piles, Constipation and all kindred rectal troubles. No experiment, but a success. Price per set $3.00 Send for descriptive book. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS. 4TH AND WASHINGTON STS . ROBBED OF HIS OFFICE ALVA ADAMS DENOUNCES COLO RADO REPUBLICANS. Issues Scathing Address to People, Which Will Be Backed by Pro test From Democratic Side. DENVER, March 18. Democratic mem bers of the Colorado General Assembly are preparing: a protest against the action of the majority of that body In deciding the Gubernatorial contest In favor of James H. Peabody, the contestor. after he had agreed to resign and permit Lieutenant-Governor Jesse F. McDonald to become Governor. The protest -will allege that the seating of Peabody, when It was known that his resignation had been placed in the hands of W. S. Boynton to be filed within 24 hours after his Inaugu ration, was Illegal and that therefore Governor McDonald Is not entitled to his seat. The protest will be filed when the Joint convention meet3 next Tuesday to receive the report of the committee ap pointed to Investigate Senator Morgan's bribery charges. Ex-Governor Alva Adams, who was ousted from office by the General As sembly, Issued an address "to the people of Colorado" tonight. It consists of about 5500 words and reviews In scathing terms the various steps In the contest by means of which he was unseated. Following are extracts from tne address: Foiled In their attempt to override tha Con- stltatlcn asd hold Peabody in his seat, a take contest was lnaururated. This failed of 1U purpose, aa enough Republican members would sot forfeit their manhood by voting for a man that the testimony, as well as to elecUon returns, aald was not elected. It -was clear that Peabody could sot be seated. A sew scheme must be devised, so that ceteris of Christian utility statesmen Hearses, Sheedy, CbappeU and -Brans met In the Majestic build- THE GREATEST FLESH-STRENGTH-PRODUCING PRO DUCT KNOWN TO MEDICAL SCIENCE v Appetizing, Nourishing, Gently Stimulating, Flesh-Forming Blood-Making Build up the condition of the Blood, and you build up the con dition of the fundamental force ef the body. Blood degeneracy denotes alack of power to resist disease. A weakened condition of the blood leaves the system an easy prey to pulmonary affections and kindred complaints. OZOMULSION The jiew Life-Savins; Feed that Prevent Disease, Preserve , Health aad ProIeBsas Life, is the vital force which restores the blood to its normal germicidal potency. I3 of quick absorption and rapidly fuses with the circulating: fluid. Consequently it is of -quick and IMMEDIATE VALUE For weak. thin, pale-faced, consumptive people and all suffer ing from Colds. Bronchitis. Weakness of Lungs, Chest or Throat. Catarrh. ' La Grippe, Pneumonia. Consumption. Wasting- Diseases of Childhood and during- convalescence from exhaustingr-diseases. TPIAI RflTTI f PDPP Sent by mail to any reader of The Portland Oregonian on request, so of life can test It for themselves and see what OZOMULSION will do All Druggists. Two sixes, 50c aad $1.00 the bottle. OZOMULSION CO.i'98 PINE STREET. Elastic Hosiery Made to order from fresh rubber and i pure silk by an expert kind you should wear. We Knit to Fit "We also manufacture Abdominal Supporters and Bandages, Obesity Belts, Shoulder Caps, "Wristlets and Trusses. Anklet S1.75 to $2.00 Leggius $2.00 to $3.00 Two-third Garter Hose. ; $2.D0 to $3.50 ce Hose .$5.00 to $6.00 Send for Measurement Blanks. BELTS lor 'Wednesday evening and gave birth to the last -plan In the lmoble conspiracy of stealing the Governorship. Representatives of the antl P.eabody Republicans wera Invited. A resigna tion of Peabody was ottered, and the voucher of the political purity quartet was given that It was renulss, and that he would abide by It. A man who had held the great office of Governor 00 debased himself aa to promise to resign, at rnmrnsrid If they would seat him but for a day. This resignation Is a confession that he was not elected, and one that an honest man asd honestly elected would rather die than give. "We expected fan- play; Instead, the majority of tha Legislature has bowed to the dictates of corporations who bad selnsa need of the Gov ernorship. The greatest anarchists, and tha most dangerous, aro often tho no-party, no conscience beads of great corporations, who use the money and influence coming from the fran chises and privileges that are the gifts of the people to control legislation, to dictate the per sonnel of courts asd officials, to corrupt the ballot. The 600,000 Democrats and Republicans In Colorado are honest. They stand amazed at the crime committed by their representatives, and they ardently wait the hour and the day when they can rebate the crime and those responsible for It. A legislature cannot repeal the decalogue. A majority cannot moke stealing respectable. Integrity Is the polar star in the moral firm ament, and the state or Individual that does sot aaUhy it will coma to wreck. Had this contest been tried upon merit asd evidence, it would have been dismissed at tha end of the contestor'a phantom testimony. Faith in a two-third partisan majority was all that kept it alive. Ko honest cause should require the means employed. Their overwhelm ing political majority was a guarastee that, had their case been half-way fair and decent, there would have been no need to employ money, coercion, lobbyists; no occasion to threaten Re publican, members with eoclal ostracism, busi ness ruin, political oblivion, or to present tricky resignations. It was a dlehonorable victory, dishonorably won. Let those responsible look over the cost In cash asd In deed, and see If they dare glv'a the- account to the public, eye. I want to stand an honest mas before the people of Colorado. Better a hundred times a private citizen than hold the highest office by such x title. The stolen Presidency added no luster to Rutherford B. Hayes. A stolen Gov ernorship will bring only reproach and disaster weaver. The only HEARING APPARATUS Everything for the Deaf Conversational Tubes, Loudon Hearing' Horns, Audiclares and Ear Drums. Prices from $2.00 up. Send for catalogue. Cameras Now Is Your Time to Buyx 25 Per Cent Discount on all Century Plate Cameras. 331-3 Per Cent Discount on all Eastman Plate Cameras. We Carry Everything in the Photographic Line. FREE I FREE I ! From now until April 1st we will, . develop ail films bought at our store Free of Charge. to Colorado and Republicanism. Tha theft U to tha thelf and comes back mast to him. VICTIM OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Woman Given Loathsome Disease by One of Its Votaries. NEW YORK, March 18. Counsel for the New York County Medical Society today made public the arrest of Mrs. Brownii Rathbone Weaveraon, alleged to be th wife of a well-known Christian Scientist, on tho charge of practicing medicine with out a license, the case he alleges belna one of unusual criminality In Its method of treatment. The victim of the treat ment, the officials say, Is Mrs. Eahle, an aged woman who was suffering; from paralysis. Continuing, he said: "The treatment started after two stages, of which It is not necessary to go into details. Mrs. Bahlo was removed to a hospital yesterday, a victim of one of tha most loathsome diseases known to science. Her condition Is critical and she Is no I expected to live many days." A Few Suggestions for Oklahoma. WASHINGTON, March 13. The execu tive council of the American Federation ol Labor concluded its labors today and ad journed sine die. Resolutions were adopt ed providing that the Federation sake every effort to have Incorporated In tha constitutions of Oklahoma and Indian Territory when they become states pro visions for the eight-hour law, the health and safety of employes In factories, smelters, mines and on railroads; for the Initiative and referendum and Imperative mandate; Just protection for the rights of labor; employers' liability, also provisions that the right to recover damages for injury or death shall not be abrogated or the amount recoverable made subject tn statutory limitations; that the power oi the civil authorities never be exercised by the military; and that the Legislature prohibit by enactment employment o'f con vict labor outside of prison walls, except In public, work under direct control of "the state; political or commercial control of employes and requiring corporations first to secure a state charter. that Invalids in every walk for them. NEW YORK - 1 r