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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
46 PAGES PAGES I TO 5 VOL; XXIV NO. 10. FIT FDR ANY KiN Inaugural Pageant at Capital. HONORS ROOSEVELT Parade Which Excelled All Ever Seen. STREETS LIKE FAIRYLAND Sea of Humanity Sees Presi dent Take Oath, FIREWORKS. WITHOUT 'EQUAL Cheers 'Like Niagara's Thunders Greet the President in a City to Which Art Has Given Transcendent Beauty. GOOD THINGS FROM THE PRESI DENT'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS. V are the heirs of the aces, .nd ret re have had to pay few of the penalties Which In old countries are exacted by the dead band of a byfcone civilization. Justice and generality in a nation, as In an Individual, count meet when shown not by the -weak but by the strong. TVe "wish peace; but we wish the peace of Justice, the peace of righteousness. We wieh it because we think it is right, and not because we are afraid. .Never before have mn tried m vast and formidable an experiment as that of admlnisterinr the affairs of p. contt-' nent under the forms of a democratic re ubltc. If Mt fail. tb ' cause of. free l-governaivt .thtusbjit 'to tforia will rock to ita foundailona. We bare faith' that we shall not prove false to the memories of. the men of the mighty pact. "WASHINGTON, March i. The moat brilliant and Imposing inauguration which the citizens of Washington have over pre pared has passed Into the history of the Republic. Theodore Roosevelt did not ride to the Capitol, hitch his horse to a shade tree, enter the building and take the oath of office booted and spurred. 'The tradi tional Jeff ersonlan simplicity was replaced by a pageant which has not been sur passed In the annals of tne Nation. ' For a week the District of Columbia has been the host of the Union. Term after Presidential term, her citizens, with out regard to party, unite with enthusi asm In preparing an Inauguration that shall fittingly show forth the National re spect for the Executive office. As for the unparalleled demonstration of today, the sole credit Is due to these citizens, the officials of the "War and Navy Depart ments and the officers of the Army and Navy. General John "Wilson, of the Army, chair man of the inaugural committee, was ably assisted by bis vice-chairman, George TruesdeH, and Commissioner West and the inaugural committee of 75 citizens, with Lieutenant-General Chaffee at the bead of Its military affairs and C. C. Glover responsible for Its finances. These perfected and carried through an Inaugu ration which, for variety of detail, com pleteness of every part and splendor of the whole, stands, without rival among Its notable predecessors. All Sections Take Part. It was the first National Inauguration since the Civil "War. The South sent up Its warriors and its state officials. Men who fought each other for years under different flags; men who fought together in the war with Spain under one 'flag; ex ecutive officers of the states who upheld the Stars and Bars, and those who stood for the flag of the Union, marched to gether in review before the President today, and fully 200.000 visitors gazed with wonder and enthusiasm at the District's handiwork for honoring Its President. The whole city was a garden blossom ing with flags. For a week great waves of color have been sweeping through all Its streets. Not only was the line of march artistically decorated to a degree never before attained, but no street in the city was without its National colors. Acting under a suggestion from the inau gural committee, the Board of Education had requested Its 50,000 school children to see that each one of their homes dis played the flag. It was a request re sponded to by an army of children. This apotheosis of the colors was one of the anost striking elements of a gigantic scheme for expressing kth National re rpect for the President. The committee on street decorations, street Illumination and parks and review ing stands worked together with artistic taste and transformed two miles and a half of the city's noted avenue into a fit ting highway for the Nation in its count less representative bodies to march as an escort to its President. Every square yard that was not black with people banked high above the pavement, crowd ing all the windows and fringing all the roofs, was brilliant with the National col ors, light and airy stands, conforming everywhere to elementary architectural rules" as to construction, painting and decorations, supplanted the huge and ur PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND VICE-PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS ARE sightly lumber piles which were formerly tolerated as outlooks for the crowds. The scene by day was magnificent; . by night,' under the committee's scheme of Illumi nation, the tremendous crowds wandered in falrylaria. Glories of Court of History. The President's reviewing stand In front of the White House was the cen ter of the Court of History, which ex tended blocks from Fifth street. On each side of the avenue were noted 'his torical figures in great numbers from the St. Louis Exposition. Among these were heroic statues of Monroe, Jackson, La Salle, Clark, Livingston, Narvez and oth er notable figures in the history of the Louisiana Purchase. "The Flying "Victory" and "The Genius of Architecture" were erected one on each side of the avenue at the east end of the Court of History, and the "Genius ot Sculpture" and the "Genius of Music" at the west end. Each figure is surrounded by group col umns 40 feet high, heavily festooned. Ar ranged on pedestals, at regular intervals on each side of the court, are triple bam boo poles from the Philippines. They are of a uniform height of 50 feet, each bears SUMMARY OF NEWS IN The "Weather. TODAY'S Fair; -winds mostly northwest. YESTERDAY 8 Maximum temperature, 60 deg.; minimum, 44. Precipitation, none. Inauguraxioa of Presides! Kooserelt. Oath of office taken and Inaugural address de livered at Capital. Page 1. Greatest of inaugural parades. Page 2. City decorated with unprecedented splendor. Page 1. Vice-President Fairbanks sworn In. Page 2. Fireworks and inaugural ball close the day. Page 12. National. Fifty-eighth. Congress complete business and adjourns finally. Page 8. The War la the Par East. Japanese rout 'Russian right and are near Mukden. Page 1. Kuroki also Wins victories and approaches city. Page 1. Kuropatkin burns his stores and prepares to fiee to Tie Pass. Page 1. Japanese land in Northeast Corea to besiega Vladivostok. Page 1. Foreign. Charcot's Antarctic expedition r turns. Page 12. Balfour loses another seat in Parliament. Page a. Car's rescript veil received by Liberals. Page T. "Warsaw anarchist blown up by his own bomb. Page 7. Politics. Argument on Colorado contest beglno. Pags 3. New York State Senators acenaed of grafting. Page S. Beef Trust Inquiry win continue. Page S. Commercial and Marine. Hop pool formed by Yakima growers. Page 15. New York stock trading on email scale. Page 13. New York banks surplus reserve reaches low figure. Page IB. fTheat closes with Improvement at Chicago. Page 13. California cured fruit market quiet. Peg IB. Eleven Oriental cargoes will be tnt -from Portland in -next two months. Page 14. Oregon's panaangtrs do tonight. Pass 14. t P0RTLAND, OREGON, SUiTAY MORNING, &&WSyZJ&W2A SW&YUE. ZXXW7VG- raZJ?V&? TY CAfJT0JLV t1Crf 7W SttZCftt? a hand-painted shield of a state or terri tory of the Union, and from the top of each floats the Stars and Stripes. The . flags were broken out on the poles by vet erans of the Spanish-American "War. The poles are connected by double laurel rope garlands bearing thousands of parti -colored electric lights. Artistically located on the court are massive urns, also brought from the Lou isiana Purchase Exposition, filled with giant palms. Scores of handsome palms constitute one of the decorative features of the court. Along each side of the Court of History handsome stands were erected from which spectators might view the in augural parade. Thus the court was transformed ' into a vast ampitheater. This triumphal pathway, along which the kings of the earth might have deemed it an honor to be conducted, was cleared and closed to cars and ve hicles at an early hour. The police management was perfect. It was a royal highway upon which the Presi dent early entered and proceeded to the Capitol. The Grand Army of the Republic, as Is its habit, insisted on acting as the (Concluded on Third Page.) TODAY'S OREGONIAN Padfle Coast. Initiative recommended for solution of normal school question. Page 6. Mrs. Stanford's will shows bequests of $5,125,- 000. Page 6. Washington legislature may aooa he without heat or light unless wood Is paid for. Page C Portlaad and Vicinity. Primary law as affecting elections in Portland ts upheld by the court. Page 9. Strike at the Fair grounds Is practically con fined to the Government building. Page 16. Coast mineral exhibit at the Pair will be a feature. Pare IS. Colonel C XT. Gantenbeln is ordered to report for examination as Colonel in-tbe volunteer service of the United States JLrmy. Page 8.- EU Johns citizens urge W. V. Jobea to rua for Mayor. Page 10. , Northern Pacific the probable purchaser of 'Co lumbia River Jfc Northern Railway. Page 10. Negro editors 'are at war. Page IB. Bankrobber J. I. Klngsley twice seen at Ms home within the past few days. Page 0. "Hero" Loeb. of Manltou, finds "grafting" less easy in New York even than in Portland. Pare 11. Chief of Police wants ICO patrolmen. Page 10. Qtlxens are united for a city beautiful. Page 11. School IMrector says Portland teachers are wen paid. Page 11. Features and Departments. Editorial. Page 4. Church announcements. Page 28. Classified advertisements. Pages 36-31. Wedding presents; a comedy of today. Page 35. Andrew Carnegie, the freest-handed million aire the world has ever known. Page 82. Story frcm real life stranger than fiction. Page ST. Tales from Dickens. Page 40. College life of a Stanford woman. Page S3. How the other half of the world lives. Page sj Return of Sherlock Holmes. Page 42.' " . Message to American girls. Pag 31. Peck's Bad Boy. Page. 43. Social. Pares 20-21. Dramatic. Pace 18. Musical. Pare 19. Xoasehold and Cashless. PagaSa. HEAD OF THE NATION President Roosevelt Installed Amid Plaudits." - '! MULTITUDE SEES CEREMONY' He Swears Fealty to the Constitution Amid Scene of Brilliant Splendor and Is Hailed -With the People's Love. WASHINGTON, March 4 President Roosevelt took the oath of office before a vast gathering of the people-he has been elected to serve. The attendant scenes were not unusual. Inaugurations from the time the east front of the Capitol first became the setting for the ceremony have been much the same. Many of the central figures have officiated In like ca pacity on other occasions when Presi dents have acceded to the highest office in the gift of the American people. Chief Justice Fuller, in administering the oath, repeated a solemn function he per formed four times today his last. Yet. with all this repetition, nothing was jaded and everything appeared new. The great crowd assembled for the crowning event of a day full of fea tures, cannot be estimated even by com parison. It extended far beyond the reach of the voice, and was sq densely packed as to carry the stage out of the sight of many. The Capitol plaza, re sourceful in accommodating the thou-' sands eager to view the ceremony, was completely filled. People came by its nu merous streets and avenues, which. Ilka so many yawning, ravenous maws, greedily swallowed the throng until every coign of vantage was occupied. The trees, barren' of foliage, carried their hu man burdens on limbs capable of bearing the weight of man or boy, and so far away as the terraces and marble steps of the Library of Congress thousands stood. Hours before the ceremony could bo expected to take place the people sought the most advantageous positions. They came by every means of conveyance, car riages discharging their occupants blocks away, and cars in steady stream unload ing their passengers within the prescribed area from which the unlicensed vehicles were excluded. The number of convey ances of all kinds was totally Inadequate to meet the demands of the public. The scene was one of remarkable ani mation. Those who sought places main tained a running' fire of raillery -and pushed and jostled each pther, -the sound of their, voices mingling with the shvX 2 fling of feet on the asphalted plasa. It as a cosmopolitan public. Varied and in J elusive, taking In those, "who from force 'cf clrcasutaaees xad. Is, sit . ic .'syartunity.; MARCH 5, 1905. INAUGURATED WITH were- unable to gain desirable places to view the grand' procession that was to follow. . ' Gathering of Representative .Men. Although the ceremony differed little from those that have preceded It, in the great sea of spectators probably there was a larger number of representative Americans than any Inauguration has brought to "Washington. The .Eastern states were rivaled In point of attend ance by reason of President Hoooevelt's. great popularity in the Middle and Far West. Delegations were present from every one of the insular possessions. Many of them had never seen the capital, and, to a large number, the inauguration of - tho President was wholly strange. During the hours intervening between the gathering of 'the crowd and the cere mony there was no letting down of the tension of interest. The passing of a uniformed horseman was sufficient to call" forth cheers, although in some sections the multitude showed signs of restless ness. This was true particularly on the outskirts of the throng where, pressed by constantly arriving recruits, many strug gled to get nearer to the point of Inter est. The effect upon the densely packed multitude was a continuous surging back ward and forward a turbulent sea of hu manity. The rendezvousing of the troops, com mittees and civic societies, entertained the crowd throughout the long wait in cident to the schedule.- The various or ganizations arriving by different routes passed Into the narrow defiles which the police kept open, the brilliant uniforms of the troops, the bright sashes of the committees and the rich caparisoning of the horses lending themselves to a ka leidoscopic, panoramic effect. Cheers upon cheers greeted the constantly shift ing picture As rapidly as the troops arrived they took the positions assigned them: The military esoort stretched far to the left, and consisted of all branches of the ser vicehorse, foot and artillery. To the Tight were grouped division after division If state troops, and in different places of honor the other organizations took their stand to await the signal to move. The tramping of feet, galloping of horses, the hoarse orders from chiefs and marshals and rattle of accoutrements and occa silnal bugle calls contributed to a pande monium of sound to which the public Is unaccustomed at such close range.. Where the President Took the Oath. The movements of the gathering troops and organizations were not all the crowd had for its entertainment. Directly in its front preparations were in progress for the inauguration itself. A monster stand in the form of an open amphitheater had been erected on a line with the rotunda of the Capitol, and there decorators were engaged in arranging for the ceremony, and ush ers busied themselves learning the sections to be assigned to the various officials and distinguished guests. ' The' stand itself was of symmetrical architectural proportions, on a differ ent plan from those used la fprmer years. For this occasion 'It had been built n the form of a semi-circle in- xllainjc ' to .& level platforsa, walekj GREAT POMP was placed a pavilion for tho Presi dent's personal use. The amphitheater accommodated nearly 7000 persons. Jutting out from the main entrance. the platform, with its decorations of flags, bunting, palms and flowers, was In brilliant contrast to the naked purity of the stately Capitol, on which, by act of Congress, no decorative draping- Is permitted. Some time before the beginning of the inaugural ceremony several thou sand persons holding tickets entitling them to seats on the .stand began to take their places. By 12 o'clock the human garden, which had flourished in the Senate and House galleries, was transplanted to the open-air amphi theater. The brilliant cpatumes of the women gave to the scene the finishing touch of color. Added to the acre of people seated, who looked down upon 10 acres standing, were hundreds banked upon every projecting ledge of the Capitol and filling the windows. At about 1 o'clock the official party came through the main door. Cheers were sent up from the enthusiastic multitude, all eyes were directed that way and strained to get the first glimpse of the President. Shouts of "There he is!" were heard frequently. but the city was sounded in false alarm Official Party Emerges. The official entrance was dramatic All except those who were partici pating in the ceremony were seated. When the Justices of the Supreme Court, with the exception of Chief Jus tice Fuller, emerged from between the Corinthian pillars and marched down the sloping carpeted aisle to their sta tion tljey were greeted with applause. The Justices wore their robes and skull caps. Then came tho members of the diplomatic corps in their gorgeous uni forms, and they evoked thunderous ap plause. Led by Count CassinI, the Rus sian Ambassador, and dean of the corps, and followed by the others In order of precedence, they took seats on the right of the stand. Strolling In after them came, members of the Cab inet, Senators and Representatives in Congress. Throughout this scene the demeanor of the multitude was that of Interested expectancy. The enticing prospect ot seeing gorgeous and stately pageants In review detracted in no manner from the keen interest in the less brilliant programme In Immediate prospect. The attraction responsible ror the assem bly of so vast a throng was .demon strated by the tremendous burst of ap plause which heralded the President's approach. Sea of Cheering People. Taking aa a signal the arrival of Mrs. Roosevelt and a party of friends, and a moment later of Vice-President Fairbanks and his escort, the applause subsided to await the coming of the man of the hour. Suddenly the crowd on the stand began to cheer. This was taken up by those Immediately fn front of the platform. The miliary present ed arms, the committee uncovered, and soon the great sea of people was wav lng hats and flags and shouting itself hoarse. President Roosevelt came forth from between the massive pillars rulctly and composedly. He was escorted by Chief Justice Fuller, with measured tread In harmony with the dignified step of the Chief Justice the President advanced In stato down the long aisle jCCeaoUdd.:oa Page J3.J PRICE FIVE CENTS. ITS FULL IS HEM Japanese Within Sight of Mukden. CZAR'S MEN DIVIDED Nogi's Army Pursuing to Gates of City. OPPOSING FORCE ROUTED Kuropatkin Burning Stores ancf Preparing to Flee. POUNDED BY THE BIG GUNS Japanese) Beat Back His Army- ari Both Flanks and Annihilate Two Divisions Terror -In St. Petersburg. NTUCHWANG, March 4. (noon), "via, Tientsin. Arrivals from "the Mukden, road report that the Japanese are en veloping the city and that Its fall he imminent. A strong force is moving southeast from Fakumen. General Nogt Is advancing north along the. LlacV river. The Japanese on Friday cut off ai Russian division, four sotnias of Cos sacks and 26 guns, endeavoring to re-t gain Mukden. Tho Russians were routed and they retreated toward Tler Pass, abandoning, their wounded. The Japanese raid on Sinmlntin dryw reinforcements from the Russian sta-i tlons on the Mukden trail to the city, whlcn Is threatened, arid all cfro'aul--posts had been recalled to strengthen its defense. At 10 o'cock this morning- a Russian division encountered Japanese scouts near Laoplen 12 miles from Mukden. The Russians slowly advanced two mlle& over a scrub-covered plain. They then, encontered an increasing force of Jap anese advancing In the face of a driv ing dust storm. At close range 30 gum began discharging shrapnel at the Rus sians, who, becoming demoralized were ordered to retire to Tie Pass. Thei Rudslan retreat, which began at Sj. o'clock In the afternoon, developed Into a rout. Two hundred wounded were left on the field. The Japanese were not lrt sufficient force to envelop the Rus sians and a running fight toward thai north followed. The Russians, It is reported, lost five officers and 200 men killed. The Jap-, anese loss is unknown. GREAT VICTORY OF JAPANESE Whip Two Divisions in Detail and Capture Much Ammunition. GENERAL. KUROKL'S HEADQUAR TERS IN THE FIELD, March 4. via Fu s an. The Japanese have gained a signal victory beyond the Hun Rlver, defeating In detail two divisions of the Russian Six teenth Corps, recently arrived from Eu rope, with great slaughter, and capturing huge Quantities of ammunition. The Rus sians still hold their main line of de fenses. The Russians, fighting stubbornly be tween midnight and daybreak, made four attacks in heavy force against the contin gent of Japanese which gained their first line in front of Waitac Mountain Thurs day night. The Japanese maintained their foothold and. repulsed the Russian attacks, inflicting heavy losses on the Russians. The Japanese held the ground two "nights and one day,. In weather below freezing. The morale of the- Japaneoe troops "Is splendid. KUROPATKIN'S VERSION OF IT According to Him Japanese Were Re pulsed on All Sides. ST. PETERSBURG, March 4. Two lengthy dispatches received from General Kuropatkin, respectively dated March 2 and March 3, detail the movements of troops In various directions. The dispatch' of March 2 says: "The enemy by vigorous offensive tac tics conducted a turning movement on our right flank before the villages of Sak hotun and Unzlatun. After a "Strong pre paratory cannonade they attacked, but were repulsed with great loss. VJ "The Japanese vigorously attacked the Gaotu Pass position and took one of our entrenchments, from which they were dislodged by our counter-attack, but' we finally abandoned this entrenchment be cause it was entirely destroyed. "The Japanese today several times at tacked our detachments-on the. left flank, and at about IP. M. carried the heights In the center of our position. Our troops, however, counter-attacked, ' dislodged the enemy and gained a footlng ori the crest of a neighboring hill. - "Our detachment near the Village of Kudlaza, after repulsing five violent at tacks and inflicting great .loss, assumed jhe offensive." ' The dispatch of March 3 says: "The offensive movement commenced ,in the evening of March 2 .agalnstthe Jap-., Concluded, ca Page- ves.).