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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1904)
THE SUNDAY OEEGOmAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 27, 1904. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Orersalan's Telephone. Counting-Room .......... j......-MaIn 687 MscaInfr Editor iLaln 630 Sunday Editor MalnC235 City Editor Main 1C8 Society Editor Main 6235 CompoBlng-Room ................Main 685 Superintendent Building - Rc 2828 East Side Office East 01 AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER (14th and WashtaS ton) Mutlnee 2:15, tonight at 8:15, Tne New Donynlon." GRAND THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M- BAICER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER (7th and Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 11 P. M. BIJOU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. LYRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7th Con tinuous vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. Reopen .Montgosiebt Bridge. Repairs to Montgomery bridge. In Lower Albina, were not completed yesterday, but will be the latter part of the coming week. Street-cars now run over It without transferring passengers. The part of the bridge aavllable for public use will be 16 feet -wide, which Includes the double tracks of the Portland Consolidated. The balance of the structure will be closed up and fenced off. It Is expected to fill up the ravine before more repairs are needed. "Work on "Union-avenue bridge over Sullivan's Gulch will commence the coming -week, and the force at work on the Montgomery bridge will be trans ferred there. Some heavy timbers for the TJnlon-avenue bridge are being deliv ered for the substructure. "Working on Big Power Plant. Work on the big power plant on the Clackamas River for the Oregon "Water Power & Railway Company is going forward stead ily. The dam across the Clackamas River and the 60-acre reservoir are big affairs even before anything is done toward In stalling the machinery, and gives an im pression that the plant will bo a monster uffair. It will .take considerably over a year to complete the power plant, and will necessitate the outlay of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The big reservoir will be used for storage of logs as well as for p ower purposes. In the dam to har ness the Clackamas River thousands of cubic yards of concrete will be used. More Arkests Made. As a sequel to the fierce street fight between Lillian Harper and Nellie Roy, early yesterday morning, the Harper woman and Frank Plone were arrested by Mounted Police man White late in the afternoon and were booked on charges of fighting. Pione was the man over whom the two women fought so desperately until they were arrested by Special Policeman Mc Atee at 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning, at First and Clay streets. Nellie Roy was arraigned before Municipal Judge Hogue on a charge of drunkenness, but was held pending the arrest of the other partici pants. Final disposition will be made of the case tomorrow. Extension of Belmont Street. The matter of the extension and widening of Belmont street from Rosedale Station to the summit of Mount Tabor will come up before the County Court Wednesday, No vember 30. on a petition circulated oy w. G. Howell, of the Mount Tabor Improve ment Association. There will be some opposition to this improvement. Realiz ing this, the Push Club, which Is very anxious that this street should be opened 60 feet wide to the end of the electric railway, has requested that a large dele gation be present in the court-room when the matter comes up. Chinese Restaurant Under Suspicion. The police have been notified to keep a strict watch on a Chinese restaurant lo cated at 209& First street. It is said that several white girls are employed in the establishment, and that at times things transpire there that would probably cause an officer to make arrests, should he drop in just at the proper time. The place will be kept under close scrutiny in fu ture. Detective in Mobd Trouble. A mes sage received by the local police yester day .from the officials at Spokane request ed that C. A. .Williams, the private detec tive, be held here until a gold watch he pawned to buy a ticket for home is iden tified. It is thought that it was stolen property. The prisoner is held here at present on a charge of the larceny of a diamond ring from Miss Joslo Davis. Slipped ' A way With Famiit. John White, who is wanted In Eastern Oregon on a charge of horse-stealing, had a wife and children in St- Johns. He quietly slipped In to St. Johns and then slipped out "with his' family, leaving a saddle which is part of the alleged stolen prop erty. Marshal C. R. Organ got a tip as to his movements, but White managed to leave without being caught Worked Havoc With Barbers. The State Board of Barber Examiners has been having a pleasant little trip through Eastern Oregon looking up whisker and poll trimmers who were not worthy of plying-the trade. They nailed 15 barbers who wouldn't do, and closed three shops operating without a license. They have returned much satisfied, filled with a sense of duty well done. Building Ferry Landings. Ferry landings are being built for the second Albina ferry. At the footof Randolph street plies have been driven, and the scrapers are preparing tho incline for the plank. Randolph and River streets are to be improved to the landing. Bridge Lights Uncertain. Tenders on the Burnslde bridge at night report that the electric lights are very uncertain. especially In the early part of the even ing, when there Is a great crowd of pe destrians, street-cars and teams, and when they are needed most. Anti-Cigarette Mass Meeting. An anti-cigarette mass meeting will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock In the HUrh land Congregational Church. Rev. W. R. Struble. who is conducting the present crusade, and others will address the meeting. Erecting Water Tower. J. Buckson, who owns tho water plant at Troutdale. is completing a tower and reservoir on a high place, which will increase the pres sure and furnish water to part of Trout- dale not before reached. Special, salo of Oriental rugs. This beautiful collection of Oriental rugs will be sold, regardless of values, at 349 Mor rison st., bet. 7th and Park, K. J. Phlllp- pas, importer. For those who failed to obtain seats on Thursday Richards will serve another Thanksgiving table d'hote, 5 to 8:30 P. M. today, ?L00 per cover. Cor. Park and Alder. Steamer Redongo sails for San Fran clsco Sunday afternoon. Cabin, $12; steer age. $S. Elegant accommodations. Thompson's office, 12S Third street. - Steamer Redongo sails for San Fran cisco this afternoon. Cabin, $12: steerage, ?s. Elegant accommodations. Thomp son's office, 12S Third street Sunday Dinner. The Calumet Restau rant serves best meal In town, 50c, 4:30 to S P. M. 149 Seventh, near Morrison. Berrt SteauhaL, college styles and latest designs in clothes for young men. 23 Russel bldg., over Steinbach's. Dr. Esther C Pohl has returned from Europe and will be in her office, 216-217 Falling Building. Messrs. Murdoch & Moser, lawyers. nave removed to 515-517 Fenton building. M sixth street Free dispensary for worthy poor, Tues. Thurs., Sat. 1 P. M.. St Vlncenfr Hosp. Renew your magazine subscriptions tnrougn the J. K. GUI Co., 3d and Alder. Finest chrysanthemums, carnations, flo ral pieces, reasonable. Burkhardt" s, 23d-G. Special Xmas exhibition Japanese lin ens, brasses, etc. Par. G, Hotel Portland. C C Newcastle, dentist. Mohawk bldg. MyJ How Wooster's candy trade grows. Dr. C W. BArr, Dentist, 817 Dekum. Dr. Swain, Dentist. 715 Dekum Bldg. ?mc S, S. SUcx ier ubcrijU," Elks' Memorial Service Sundat. The annual memorial services of the Elks will be held at the Marquam Theater next Sunday and a committee composed of Ralph W. Hoyt. D. M. Dunne, George Otten, Sandford HIrsch and W. A. Hart is busy completing the final arrange ments. G. C Fulton, of Astoria, will de liver the eulogy, and Rev. E. L. House, of the First Congregational Church, will make the address. Hallie Farrish Hinges, of Salem, will sing, and a quartet com posed of W. H. Boycr, H. W. Hogue, D. J. Zan and W. A. Montgomery will ren der vocal selections. The Marquam Or chestra will play. George Otten has the Btage decorations in charge, and Sand- ford HIrsch will arrange for ushers. One Passes Out of Nineteen. Out of the 19 young men. some of them experi enced office men, who took the Civil Serv ice examination for Deputy City Auditors ana clerks, only one has received the re quired grade. All the others fell down, mostly through carelessness. The suc cessful man is Edwin W. Jones, and his, grade is 84.45 per cent The examination' included rapid calculation and copying from rough draft as well as the ordinary branches. For the rough-draft test sev eral sentences had to be disentangled and properly arranged out of the mass or in terlineations and corrections appearing: on the draft In spelling the word "naph tha" was one of the pitfalls. Mrs. Sylvia W. McGotre, who Is ar ranging to give an elocutionary recital for the benefit of the. Ladles' Aid Society of the First Baptist Church, on next Tues day evening, is an artist In her line, which Is the telling of negro dialect stories. Mrs. McGuire Is a Southern woman, hav ing been born and brought up in Ken tucky, and has imbibed all the quaint hu mor of the Southern darkey, being able, to correctly interpret their dialect and char acter from the fact, as she puts it "that the dialect Is a part of her mother tongue." Hear her at the White Temple, Tuesday evening, November 29. Admis sion, 25 cents. Cannot Locate Relatives. Sam Le- mey died in a Tacoma hospital Sunday, November 20. Efforts of Undertaker Con rad L. Hoska, of that city, to locate rel atives of the deceased man proved futile, but it Is thought a cousin lives in Port-. land.- Lemey was a native of France, was about 4o years old. and was in the em ploy of the Cascade Timber Company, a branch of the Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company. It is the desire of the under taker named to hear from the cousin. If possible. New Statue of the Virgin. The hand- some new statue of the Holy Virgin Mother which has been received from Italy for the Cathedral has not been placed yet and will not be unboxed un til the latter part of the week. After high mass today, the 40-hours devotion begins, ending Tuesday evening. A week from the comlns Thursday. December 8. the feast of the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated, and the new statue will be dedicated at that time. A wonderful discovery. The Dew- method of photography. The violet ray lamp. Quicker than daylight Mr. Aune, tho photographer, saw this lamp at the St Louis World's Fair, and at once se cured the same at great expense, and is now using it in all his work. This is the first time in the history of photography that any means have been discovered whereby high-grade portraits could be finished by artficlal light Studio. 169 7th. The famous collection of antique Orien tal rugs now on view at George Baker's auction-rooms, corner Alder and Park streets, has been pronounced by all con noisseurs the finest ever brought here. The auction sale commences Monday, Nov. 28. at 2 and 8 P. M. As this is a consignment put in our hands for abso lute sale, it presents to rug-buyers a great opportunity. You are invited to visit the Ladies' Home Journal art booth at the bazaar which takes placo on tho evening of Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 209 Caruthers st The pictures will be sold to the highest bid ders. We receive the entire proceeds. Inventory of Estate Filed. The in ventory and appraisement of the estate of Thomas A. Wood deceased, was filed in tho County Clerk's office ysterday. showing property valued at $10,614, includ ing 51200 cash. Sirs An order for one of Gurney's tail ored gowns will be a profitable invest ment to you, and a most agreeable and satisfactory present to your Mrs. and Misses. Gurney, Ladles' Tailor, Mohawk building. - $40 Per Month and Better will be paid to good hustling boys over 15 years of age. Package delivery work. Apply at once to City Messenger & Delivery Company, 106 Sixth street Examination at the Library. An ex aminatlon for library assistants will be held on Saturday, December 3, at 9 A. M, For further Information please apply at thee Library. Notice Anybody with a few thousand dollars that wants well established busi ness paying 25 to 50 per cent above store, living expenses, address X 99. Orcgonlan." Keramic exhibit and sale, Dec 1. 2 and 3. Room 22. Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Any coupon ever bought good until Dec. 15th. Rembrandt Studio. Dance Woodstock Hall, Nov. 30- Prize. Wooster, the fat Havana cigar man. Holiday candles, Thompson's, 353 Mor. Wajjted, 500 hands. 211 4th st, city. MUSIC IS FUEHISHED. During the reception days at Eilers Pi ano House this week and part of next. informal concerts will be given each af ternoon, the hour being from 3 to 4 o'clock. The programmes -arranged are very se lect and popular. The instruments used are to be the Aeolian Pipe Organ, the Metrostyle Pianola and the Orchestrelle. SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. By the only Goodyear machine In Port land. Neater and better than hand work. Only best material used. Work called for and delivered. Schwlnd & Bauer, 263 Yamhill, between Third and Fourth. Phone Red 29551 when we have lots of time and you won't have to hurry. Our stock never was larger, and we are dally making up pretty designs In diamond cuff buttons from $4.00 up; diamond stick' pins from $5.00 up; diamond studs from $4.00 up; diamond brooches from $5.00 up, and beautiful diamond rings from $10.00 up to $500.00. Remember they -will sever be cheaper. SPECIAL DESIGNS in diamond Jewelry made up on short notice. We can manufacture anything 1b oar line. 20th CENTURY DIAMONDS HAVE TO IT EVER SEEN THEM? Some jewelers say they are too high. WhyT Simply because they haven't any. We carry- nice stock. t mi, V I WALTER REED THE 133 SIXTH STREET ytt REPAIR AND RECqyjER We are the only house on the Pacific Coast carrying a large assortment of handles and umbrellas at these prices. We sell the handles and umbrellas separate and -would be pleased to have you call and see this special line, as well as our medium-priced goods. Exceptional values at $7.50 to $25.00 each. Umbrellas Without Handles in gloria silk, Russell silk, all silk and pure silk from $1.75 to $12.50 each. The best bandies last a lifetime. ALLESINA TWO FACTORIES; 286 WASHTXGTON' STREET. 309 MORRISON" STREET. JAPANESE AND CHINESE CURIOS WE ARE OPENING A LARGE SHIPMENT OF GOODS, l&CIiUDING A GREAT VARIETY OF HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE Just the thing for Christmas presents. Persons having friends in the East will And most appropriate novelties In our store to send them as Christmas reminders, and if our friends will call now and make their se lections before the rush Is on we will be able to give them the very best at tention. WE HAVE THE VERY BEST GOOIS TO BE HAD at the very lowest prices a fact we can demonstrate to all who favor us with a call. THE WESTERN IMPORTING CO. Tel. Main 3042. Chas. B. Young, Pres. 163-110 WHERE TO DENE. - All the delicacies of the season at tha Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart ments for parties. 203 Wash., near 6th. Sunday chicken dinner will be served at the Ohio. 130 11th St, from -1:30 to 6:30. Price, 50 cents. The Empire will serve a special. Sun day dinner today, ll:20o 7:30. 192 Third street. Genuine French dinner with wine, E cents, at No. 93 Fifth street, near Stark. Special chicken dinner today at Perkins Restaurant, 35 cents. D. M. Watson, prop. RATH & SANDYS Will serve an elegant chicken dinner to day. Music In attendance. Regular prices. 143 First street. Phone Main 235. Desire Dammier's Arrest. A second telegraphic recjuest for the ar rest of George H. Dammler was received late yesterday afternoon from Seattle, where. It Is alleged, he passed another worthless check. Detective Day Is look ing for Dammler. It was only three days ago that he was 'Arrested on Instructions DURING THIS MONTH AND UP TO DECEMBER 25 WE WILL CLOSE OUT OUR FALL STOCK OF BOYS' AND CHIL DREN'S CLOTHING. TO ACCOMPLISH OUR AIM, WE WILL START IN WITH ONE OF THE BIGGEST SACRIFICE SALES WE HAVE YET MADE DURING OUR FIFTEEN YEARS' , CAREER IN THE CLOTHING BUSINESS TN PORTLAND. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG; BE IN LINE AND COME AT ONCE. HERE ARE THE PRICES: CHILDREN'S SUITS, FANCY CHEVIOTS 'OR WORSTEDS, EITHER NORFOLK OR DOUBLE-BREASTED: FORMER PRICE $2.50; REDUCED TO $1.85 FORMER PRICE $2.75; REDUCED TO , $2.15 FORMER PRICE $3.50; REDUCED TO .....$2.85 FORMER PRICE $5.00; REDUCED TO $3.45 FORMER PRICE $6.00; REDUCED TO $4.95 , THE CUT IN PRICES IN BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS IS SAME AS IN SUITS. Famous Clothing Company Cofner Morrison "and Second Sts. YES, YOU CAIN Have Any Article in Our Store Laid Aside for Christmas WHY NOT begin buying early and have plenty of time in which to make a selec tion, besides having- a large stock to pick from? LOOSE DIAMONDS MOUNTED 1VHY NOT LOOK! at our diamonds now. JAEGER BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 290 Morrison St. "THE LIMIT 99 We hate to use slang, but ordinary language falls to do Justice to our magnificent dis play of Parisian Opera Glasses. Just the thing for Merry Christmas. OPTICIAN OREGONIAN BUILDING HOLIDAY iiiMDnm i ac U flUIXLLLrtJ $35 to $100 EACH BEST IN THE LAND Fifth Street, Opposite P. O. Square. JQtmes M. Kan, Gen. Manager. from Seattle for the same offense. He managed to settle that caso out of court and was released. He is a promoter,' for merly of this city, but now of Seattle. ADMIRED By all is the holiday stock of pianos at the warcrooms or SOULE BROS, PIANO CO. These instruments combine 'the great requisites of a piano Tone and Touch with, the latest creations in art cases and beautiful veneers. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS, 372-374 MORRISON ST. Corner of West Park. Men's Our Gigantic Overcoat Sale TOMORROW, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Such tremendous reductions Portland has never had at this season of the year Select Christmas Goods Now COAL I Coal That Is CoalNot Coal That Is Rock f Don't be fooled, but buy Great western Sootless Coal for f your Range and Heater. A full consignment of this fam I ous coal has just arrived at our yards. Washed Lump $6.00 delivered Washed Nat $5.00 delivered Full welg&t guaranteed, 2000 lbs. W. A. HILLIS, Exclusive Agent. I 441 Hoyt. Phone Main 948. JAPANESE Just received, a very large ship ment of Curios, consisting of the lat est New Brass ware. Bronze, Silver Cloisonne, Ivory Carvings, fine Deco rated China Tea Sets. Va3es, em broldered Screens, Ladles' and Gents Robes and Jackets, Silk Handker chiefs, etc Also will positively close our entire stock of Toys. ANDREW KAN & CO. 287 Morrison St. COAL WE SELL ALL THE LEADERS DIAMOND AUSTRALIAN ROSLYN NEW CASTLE WASHEDNUT BLACKSMITH Fall Weight and Prompt Delivery KING COAL CO. Froat and Kearney Sis. Main 1425 EDUCATIONAL. Miss Harker and Miss Hughes' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AT 7ALO ALTO. CAUFOSNIA. Prepares stria for coll est. Stanford leetaeec open to t84enbk PleaaaM mm me. Hotm b&ck ridtef. tennis aac wfcceUar. One boor rid to Ban Francises. Term fcsBa Agvt XOXEOFATKIC KJB1BIISS Comitate Ca4lse fs- WOOBAKO. erjjgKM CO., rrtfcV Or, Finest Apparel Every endeavor of our buyer, Mr. Steinbach, has been bent toward the lifting of men's dress to a higher level, to create a deeper appreciation of its function. m To this end he has had all our garments made by New York's greatest manufacturers, who engage none but the better-class of tailormen upon the work of making men's clothes. By his sugges tions and their talent and cleverness they have given to every line and curve a value, a meaning. , In short our clothes express what fashion funda mentally stands for. No exaggerated types, but the accepted conceptions of men of taste and refinement. ens Sack Suits Single and Double-breasted Models $1 0, $1 2.50, $15, $1 8, $20 to $35 Cravenettes and Uopcoat? $10 to $35 The ideal suit for professional and business men $32.50, $35, $38 ' .I'm CUMLASS There are few who can resist fjia charm of -the exquisite pieces of. crystal glass comprlsefl in our assortment. The designs are new, the cat ting are rich and deep and the prices- extremely reasonable. The beauty of Cut Glass depends upon its brilliancy that depends upon the design, depth of cuttings and quality of the glass. "We sell only the best and our assort- .V- ScFfTFlC dt ment Is large. 2S4 "Washington st., between 4th and - 2 STORES 312 Washington "ear SUtb and 293 Morrison Oar patent rnst-proof timbrel- C- e( laa with, gloria covers P Otzr TOst-BTOo and wind-proof tar frame umbrellas, Union qq Repairing and Recovering a $1 SaaFraacbco,CIlfora!3 i'jv ft Or.a can xelmsra foreas's V ft !f asniTiHb Haiti SU FrantI Yj ft $150 ?SSL $150 s&BA SHOES Smoking Jackets Laid Aside fflAMPACTURING-GPTICtAHS- 3th. ' POKTLAMDiOfEfa TFFTH special 1 LL 111 CUTRATES Boston Painless Dentists Are now givlne their annual CUT RATE PRICES on all dental work. Tha charges are less than college prices, and all work done by our painless sys tem and by specialists of 12 to 20 years experience. NO STUDENTS EMPLOYED. TEETH extracted. fiUed or crownad absolutely without pain by our secret preparation applied to the gums. TEETH n-HOUTPWTLs PECIAETT Extracting- Free. Examinations Free. SllTer FUllnsa 35cGold Fillings 75 Gold Crowns . ..$3.C!Full Set Teeth... $3.9 ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. Have your teeth, extracted without pain and replaced with new ones the same day. Come in at once and take advantage of low rates. Be sure you are In the right place. Boston Painless Dentists Flftn and "Merrlsen Street. Entrance 291 Morlson Street. largest Dental concern in the world. Qchwab Printing Co. BEST WOUK. RZJSOXABLR PRICXS 2 4 711 STAR X STRUT FOR WOMEN Never Disappoint Equal, q Every Need High Art Construction Modish Designs, AND YOUR FOOT FITTED 283-285 Morrison Street