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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 2004)
August 4, 2004 ^ ^ ß o rtla n h (©bseruer More Minority Organ Donations supports an increase in m inority d o nors year-round. a beautiful granddaughter to know and On Aug. 7 and 8, Fam ily o f O ne will love. I’ve got a second chance, so I live set up a display at the H om ow o F esti each day like it's my last.” val o f A frican Arts to provide in fo rm a A lthough A frican A m ericans need tion about organ and tissue donation. all types o f organs, kidneys top the list. The event runs in the Portland State C urrently, more than 23,000 African U niversity South Park Blocks in d ow n A m ericans are w aiting for kidney trans town Portland. plants. Statistically, A frican Am ericans "U ltim ately, it’s about com m unity have the best chance o f being m atched m em bers helping their ow n in the m ost for a kidney transplant if the donor is precious o f w ays— by donating life,’ also black. A frican A m ericans are d is said W arren Becker, m anager o f p ro proportionately affected by illnesses gram s for O regon D onor Program , a that can lead to the need for dialysis or supporting m e m b e ro f Fam ily o f O ne. a kidney transplant. The lack o f avail Included in the Family o f One display able organs m eans longer transplant will be the Threads o f Life quilt. The w aiting periods, years on dialysis, and handmade quilt isdedicated to the memory som etim es death. o f those who have given the gift o f life, H ere in O regon, Fam ily o f O ne, a sight and mobility and celebrates the coalition for A frican A m erican organ, lives of transplant recipients. tissue and bone m arrow donor aw are F o r m o re in f o r m a tio n , v is it ness and kidney disease prevention, w w w .fam continued born fro m Metro New Director for Latino Network continued p assio n fo r h er w ork in the L atin o c o m m u n ity ,” said Sten. Jo h n so n ’s Peruvian heritage points to the grow ing diversity o f O reg o n ’s L atino com m unity, w hich is not ex clu sively o f M exican origin as is som e tim es assum ed. U nder Jo h n so n ’s lead e r s h ip , th e L a tin o N e tw o rk w ill stre n g th e n its g ra s s ro o ts c a p a c ity building efforts in o rder to bring about positive change on issues such as ed u cation reform , youth violence, im m i grant rights, and com m unity w ellness. fr o m M etro lie administration and international stud ies from the University of Oregon. Prior to working with the Network, she served as policy staff and community liaison for former Multnomah County Chair Beverly Stein. “ I th in k this is a g rea t d ec isio n on th e p a r t o f th e L a tin o N e tw o rk . Jo h n so n w as a v alu ed m em b er o f my team . She is w ell o rg an iz ed , has tr e m endous follow thro u g h and g reat B&B T-Shirt u< M mì 204NKillingsworth(VancouverSt.) Pörtland,OR972l 1 bandbtshirts@ p io /e ftn « » h llrlu » »all! cto r ( //toui CMSTOIA P R IN T ID □ A R M * NTS M O U S E PAOS PUZZLES E M B R O ID E R Y SILK SCREEN NUMBERS Q U IC K GIFTS 5 0 3 x 8 4 1 8 1 0 phone $03 X84 1910 (ax )rrj( continued Page B3 breastfeed t o fr o m M etro “ By h ig h lig h tin g th e c o n s e quences o f not breastfeeding and pro viding necessary support, m ore p ar ents, including fathers, will be co m pelled to give breastfeeding a try and stick with it for six m onths and b e yond. This could potentially change the health o f our nation in one g en eratio n s,” said A m elia Psm ythe, d i rector o f Nursing M others Council o f O regon. The council is launching a cam paign with public service announce m ents and outreach geared tow ard com m unities o f color. At the co n fer ence, m em bers discussed the m edical risks o f not breastfeeding, w ays to e lim in a te r a c ia l d is p a r i tie s in b reastfeeding rates, p are n ts’ first hand experiences about w hat hinders and supports nursing and honored local hospitals for their prom otion efforts and em ployers friendly to nurs ing m others. O re g o n b o a s ts th e h ig h e s t breastfeeding initiation rates in the country, more than 89 percent o f new m others start out nursing their b a bies. C lose to h alf discontinue well before their child is six m onths old, the recom m ended length o f tim e for optim um health benefits. For free breastfeeding advice, visit w w w .nursingm or call 503-282-3338. Jovan Young h o ld in g h e r daughter. Denali. ^***1 » » * * * ¥ » T t l fT Postal Service Honors Jam es Baldwin JAMES BALDWIN A «■ til I ItC '»-IRK/ 1 V i FOT,-ia e 3 r«n < **«««««« i . A * A CCB811ÒÓ03 , The Jam es B aldw in trib u te is the 2Cfh sta m p by the U.S. P ost O ffice in its Literary A rts series. Well-known author James Baldwin, whose works explore race relations, as well as the arts and human relation- ships, was honored Tuesday when the U.S. Postal Service dedicated a new com mem orative postage stamp in its Literary Arts stamp series. "His writings are a demonstration of his love for all o f us. Baldwin wrote with great honesty and passion. You can almost feel his need to explore the hard truths o f our so ciety ,” said Henry Pankey, a postal service executive, who dedicated the stamp in New York. BUSINESS directory REMODELING. CERAMIC TILE INSTALL HOME REPAIRS. DRY'ROT, FENCES. DECKS, ECT, OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 8 -1 1 0 3 FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 STATE FARM RON BECK Ph 503-624-5008 Fax -503-624-0322 Pgr 503-204-9003 8301 Shakespeare Lake Grove, OR. 97036 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME 0FF1CES:BL00MIN0T0N, ILLINOIS $34.99 ERNEST J. HILL, JR. 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