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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 2004)
May 19. 2004 Page B6 w S 4 * l> > , C Twins Need Devoted Family CRIME STOPPERS = ( 503) 823 HELP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97204 Shooters Escape Scene Fragile kids among many needing adoption Holliday was left sitting in his car, where police found him. The suspects ran off on foot. The first suspect is de scribed as a black male, about 17 to 20 years old. He is approximately 6 feet tall, 200 pounds. He was w e a rin g b la c k , baggy sw e a t p a n ts, a b la c k sweatshirt orwindbreaker, The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, would like your help in solving the murder of R o b e rt O rla n d o Holliday, 24, who died o f a gunshot wound after being shot on Fri day April 9, at about 9 p.m., in the 6700 block o f North V ancouver Avenue. D e te c tiv e s sa id Holliday was sitting in his car, talking to two black males who were outside his car. He pulled off the street into a d riv e w a y on Vancouver. The two approached his car again, and multiple shots were fired. Robert Orlando Holliday and a black baseball cap. The second suspect is described as a black male, about ,7 to 20 years old. He is about 5 feet 10 inches and chubby. He was wear ing black baggy pants and a black windbreaker. Detectives would like Twins Brooklyn and Brianna, age 23 months. getic toddler w ho is rarely up set. Having recently learned to w alk, she enjoys roam ing the house and playing with pots and pans. Brianna is acharm ing red head and loves to be with people. Brooklyn has begun to vocal ize m inim al vowel sounds but Brianna is still limited to cooing. neglect. Bom at 24 weeks, these twins T heir foster m other states that have m any m edical concerns. although they are not speaking, Both girls have weak immune it is clear that the tw ins recog system s and cannot be exposed nize and respond w arm ly to fa to crow ds. Brianna is fed exclu m iliar faces. She feels that they sively through a feeding tube, are very em otionally adaptable and it is possible that Brooklyn and will bond well to their new will eventually require one as family. For inform ation about adopt well. Brianna also utilizes supple m ental oxygen, as needed. The ing these tw ins or to learn more tw ins have delays in their fine about becom ing an adoptive or m otor skills, w ith Brianna also foster parent, contact the S pe d elay ed in h er g ro ss m otor cial N eeds A doption Coalition or the D epartm ent o f Fam ily m ovem ent. Brooklyn is a happy ener Services at 1-8OO-331-O5O3. Bubbly tw ins, Brooklyn and Brianna are m edically fragile and need a family devoted to providing the intensive care that they require. They are am ong approxim ately 3 0 0 O regon chil dren are available for adoption, generally because o f abuse and to talk to anyone with information about this case. Clues Sought in Unsolved Murder The Portland Police Bu to a h o s p ita l b u t d ie d . Shortly before he was killed, reau, incooperation withCrime Stoppers, would like your help Strickland was at a party in north in solving a northeast Portland east Portland. T he party was cro w d ed and at som e point murder. Isa ia h S tric k la n d , 17, Strickland got into a fight with w as fo u n d s u ffe rin g from another person. Detectives have a g u n sh o t w o u n d on N ov. spoken with people who w it 2 at 7 ,h A v e n u e an d F re nessed that fight. A fte r le a v in g the p a rty , m o n t. H e w as tra n sp o rte d Strickland and others met up with a group of people at Northeast 7th Avenue and Fremont. There was another argument and Strickland was shot. Detectives would like to hear from someone present at the time o f the shooting. They would also be interested in talking with anybody else with informa tion about this shooting. Isaiah Strickland Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000fo r information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, any you need not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-HELP. No Arrests Made in Fatal Stabbing P ortland police officers re sponded to a call o f a stabbing victim on Thursday, April 29 at approximately 7:50p.m. in the area o f N ortheast 121st Avenue and N ortheast Halsey Street. Officers and medical personnel arrived and found 23-year-old Enrique Rodriguez-Borja suffering from apparent stab wounds. The area o f 125th Place and Northeast m e d ic a l a s s i s t a n c e fro m a subject was transported to a local Sandy Boulevard, involving sev p h one booth. Detectives do believe the inci hospital. Rodriguez-Borja died on eral people. dent to be gang-related. D u r in g th is a l t e r c a t i o n , M onday, May 3 as a result of his Anyone with inform ation re R o d rig u e z-B o rja w as stab b ed . injuries. garding this case is asked to call A n o th er in d iv id u al p laced the Homicide Detectives are con Detective Rich victim into th eir v eh icle, in te n d ducting an investigation. They Austria at 503-823-0449 or De- have determined that an alterca ing to tra n sp o rt him to a h o s p i tecti ve Steve Ober at -503-823-4033. tal, but sto p p ed and c a lle d fo r tion occurred at a bus stop in the Another Diva Voted Off ‘American Idol’ (A P) — A nother diva bit the dust on “A m erican Idol” with the shocking ejection o f La Toy a London. London kept sm iling even as the crow d booed in reaction to h er rem oval from the Fox TV singing competition. “ I ju st w ant to thank you so m uch, thank you for believing in m e,” the 25-year-old said be fore belting out one o f her best songs from the series, “D o n 't R ain on M y P a ra d e ” from “Funny G irl.” T h e s h o w ’s ju d g e s w ere m ore candid in their reactions. “ I think A m erica got this one w rong this w eek.” Paula Abdul said. “ I think it’s a travesty,” ech oed Randy Jackson. La Toya London performs May 5 on Fox TVs ‘American Idol. ' The ju d g es play an advisory role after helping w innow the field o f 70,000 applicants to 32 semi finalists and then, with view ers, to 12 finalists. The audience takes charge from there until the w inner is picked. C lassifieds / B ids A Parent’s Priority A retired officer from the by aw ard-w inning investigative Los A ngeles Police Departm ent journalist C huck W hitlock. M ares is a child safety con and form er international body guard from V ancouver, W ash., sultant and public speaker at w ants to share w ith parents events throughout the Pacific some o f the lessons h e’s learned. N orthw est. His level o f experi Benny M ares’s book “Child ence and professionalism strike S afety 101” is an e sse n tia l ju st the right tone for approach parenting guidebook offering ing this sensitive but extrem ely more than 101 safety tips for im portant topic. For m ore infor v is it protecting your child from dan m a tio n , gerous situations and from those w w w . The seeking to harm children. The forew ord to the book is w ritten b o o k is on am . s a le no w at Animals Heal at Local Children’s Ward Students from two area elem en tary schools are creating a set o f large anim als for the children’s ward at Legacy Em anuel H ospi tal in north Portland as part of H ealing A nim als, Big Art; By C hildren, ForC hildren. Eight anim als will be added to an existing large set, w orn with age, at Legacy Em anuel Hospital as part o f a healing project with the help o f The C ore Source: C en ter for Leadership and Innova tion. “T o continue this wonderful form o f com fort and healing. I am partnering with Em anuel Hospital and tw o elem entary schools to create eight additional anim als to expand this w ondrous anim al m e nagerie,” said C arolyn Cam pbell from the C ore Source. H lAPpy appy RI bthdav « A set o f large animals at Legacy Emanuel Hospital's children's ward adds eight new critters with the help o f artists from local elementary schools and The Core Source: Center for Leadership and Innovation in northeast Portland. Entertainers Nominated for BET Awards (A P) — B eyonce, D enzel W ashington and V enus W ill PARKING FACILITY Operator can iams are am ong the nom inees for the 2004 Black E ntertain ment Television A w ards on June Immediate full time and part-time openings. Seeking dependable, well groomed, positive individuals $8.00 + starting wage • Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drugtest/Background check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland. ► I R uben out to the Isley Brothers, w ho will receive a lifetim e achieve m ent award, and Danny G lover, w ho will be honored for his hu 29. which honor m usicians, a c tors and athletes. M ultiple nom inees included Beyonce, O utK ast, U sher, A li cia Keys and last year’s “ Ameri- I d o l” w in n e r , Studdard. Special honors will be doled Beyonce Knowles m a n ita r ia n w o rk . A c tre s s M o’Nique is the cerem ony’s host.