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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 2004)
PageB2__________________________ Slip' Jlnrtlanh (Dbseruer__________________ Focus ¡PARTNERSHIP /S r n -n fi« ? S u b ito m i A butt (h o n fin g l i m < Helpline (Make The Call): 8OO-923-HELP l.inea de Ayuda (Spanish): 877-515-7848 Youthline (Teen Helpline): 877-553-TEEN Center Celebrates with Display o f Northwest Artists Buck Braden 's “Streetcar of Desire. " Allen Schmertzler's “The 35th. My Second. " > Artists Featured at Alberta Gallery Talisman Gallery, 1476 N.E. Alberta St., will feature the work o f B uck B ra d e n and A llen Schmertzler beginning with a Last Thursday artist’s reception from 5:30 to 9 p.m. on April 29, and April 212004 continuing with showings though May 23. Braden’s work was inspired by Tennesee W illiam s’ "A Street- car N am ed D esire,” where he explores the foundation o f hu- man existence. S ch m e rtz le r’s "M y P resi dent and M e” w as m otivated by te n p r e s id e n ts , fro m D w ight E isenhow er to G eorge W. Bush. HI 'H US ll\ IVIIIM, MU VEHICLES 111 lllf lliiHIIIS I.HIIIM, HIM H ill HfKS JJJortlauh ODhseruer W o r ld »r A u t o s 2004 Infiniti AWD G35 Tested V ehicle Inform ation: Price $37,160, Engine: 3.5 liter D O H C 24-valve V6, T ran s mission: 5 speed auto w/manual shift mode. The Infiniti G35 offers a se dan with a high level o f sport- luxury. It conveys an ag gressive im age o f s tre n g th , p o w e r fcp In fin iti’s goal w as to build a T he interior o f the vehicle high level o f driving perfor also o ffe rs sty le w ith a t- m ance. A cceleration is strong shaped instrum ent panel. The and the phenom enal m idrange s p a c io u s c a b in is ro o m y torque is som ething not often enough forali passengers. The found in this class o f car. M ost rear passengers will find leg- vehicles room adequate enough for an adulL T here are n o trim levels to choose from ; it com es dow n to and speed. This w h e th e r you the smallest sedan w a n t le a th e r in the Infiniti fleet upholstery. as well as the price leader in If you are shop the line starting at a base price in this class offer 220 hp w hile ping for a luxury sport sedan, o f $31,900. As expected; the the G 35 is 280-hp. T he sport- this is one you will w ant to G35 offers an exhilarating ride. tuned suspension offers one an check out. It is fast, afford T he new standard features for incom parable handling to the able and stylish. It should sat 2004include heated exterior mir best in its class. Y ou are likely to isfy the m ost pow er-hungry rors, heated front seats, 17-inch find y o u rse lf looking for an ex driver. The perform ance equa wheels, and a tire pressure moni cuse to take it for a drive along tio n s get b e tte r w hen you tor system. w inding curves o f the road. check it out. “Fantasies are Never So Real," an oil-on-canvas painting by Melinda Thorsnes, is one o f the many works to be displayed at a special art show on Thursday at Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research in north Portland. Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research in north Port land is holding an art show to celebrate its 4O'h anniversary on Thursday, April 29, from 6:30 to 9:30p.m. The public is invited to attend the celebration at 3800 N. Inter state Ave. and view more than 75 paintings and other works of art created by 42 Northwest artists during the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s. More than 20 of the artists are still living and have been in vited to be honored at the event. These works, today known as the Saward Collection, were pur chased for display in Bess K aiser M edical Center and local Kaiser Perm anente m edical offices by Virginia Saward, wife o f the C en ter for Health Research ’ s founder, Dr. Ernest Saward. Virginia Saward was an accom plished painter who was very ac tive in the Portland art scene dur ing the 1950s and 1960s. Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research was founded in 1964. It is a not-for-profit research institute whose mission is ad vancing know ledge to improve health. Contemporary Cuban Prints This print by Alejandro Sainz is part of Cross Currents Gallery's Cuban artists exhibit. The work o f Nelson Dominguez is on display at Onda 's new Cross Currents Gallery. O nda's new Cross Currents past five years. from dark to colorful. G allery, 2215 N.E. A lberta St., Two of the prints shown are by This large exhibition is presented exhibits a large selection o f C u C uba's talented Minister of Cul in collaboration with the Cuban Art ban artists working in a variety of ture, Abel Prieto. Space in New York City, where the print techniques, including wood- Full of the spark and energy of show recently completed its run. c u ts, lith o g ra p h s and screen the Cuban society, the subject The exhibit opens on Last Thurs prints. Almost all of the works in matter varies from serious to hu day, April 29 with a reception from the exhibit have been done in the morous, from intimate to political. 6 to 9 p.m. WATER BODIES Babywearing Ne* Mus’c Ensen M ilagros, 5429 N.E. 30lh Ave., presents the Rebozo Way Pho tography Show, depicting tradi tio n al b ab y w e a rin g in L atin America. These striking and impressive photographs are on display be ginning Last Thursday, April 29 through May 23. The show presents women and girls carry ing babies and toddlers in traditional baby sling carriers, known as Robozos. The photos are set in the Mexican states of Women from Latin America hold their children close in traditional O axaca and Chiapas, as well as baby slings. Guatemala. The show is both cul babyw earing in traditional Latin on Last Thursday. For more in tural and educational, by dem on American countries. form ation. call 503-493-4141 or strating the beauty and variety of A reception is from 5 to 8 p.m. visit w w w .rebozow A DAZZLING EVENING OF JOYOUS DANCE, INVENTIVE FILM AND EXHILARATING LIVE MUSIC! BODVVOX ARTISTIC DIRECTORS JA M IT HAMPTON A ASHLEY ROLAND 3RD ANGLE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR RON BLESSINGER THURSDAY-FRIDAY 7:30PM Seniors from Community to Perform Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall Tickets: $18-$39 plus service charge. Discounts for students/seniors/groups. www dances PCPA BA x Office and all outlets 503.224.4400 Groups 8 or more, 503.245.1600, Ext. 201 1 White Blrd/Tiffany « Co. New Work* Fund Cemmitiien . 9 “Steal Away" is the hilarious nity women who are not trained folks. tale of five African-American se professional actors, whose ages The show is at the IFCC Theatre, nior women who came to some very range from 60 to 85. For several of 5340 N. Interstate Ave. on Mon creative ways to fund the college these actors, this will be their first day, April 27 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 education of young black women stage experience. and three cans for the Salvation in the depression era, at a time when The production by Ramona King Army Food Pantry. college was not readily available to is presented as part of IFCC's Sto For more information, call 503- them. rytellers Readers Theater, a pro The cast iscomprised ofcommu- gram to bring theater to every day * <9