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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 2003)
(Elje ÿortlanô (Sbsrruer Page A6 Firing Ruled Unjust (A P ) — A federal ju ry has aw arded $332,251 to a form er O r egon State U niversity em ployee w ho said his contract w as not re new ed in retaliation for his claim s o f rac ial discrim ination. The all-w hite ju ry deliberated three hours after a three-day trial before aw arding the m oney Friday to R obert I. B row n, 63, w ho is black, for lost w ages and com pen satory dam ages. Jurors rejected a claim that his em ploym ent con tract w as not renew ed because o f his race but decided the univer sity had u n law fu lly retaliated against him because o f his racial discrim ination com plaints. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Tri-County M etropolitan Transportation D istrict o f Oregon (TriMet) is offering the public an opportunity to com m ent on its plan for FY2004 federal transit funding. TriMet will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 8, 2 0 0 3 at 2 pm in Conference Rooms A & B at 401 2 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 2 . The purpose of the hearing will be to discuss capital projects for which TriMet plans to seek FY2004 funding from the Federal Transit Administration. In FY2004, TriMet estimates that it will be eligible for the following programs: Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program $ 2 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 2 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 Section 5 307 Surface Transportation Program (STP) $ 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Section 5 3 0 7 Congestion, Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) $ 3 ,1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Section 3 0 3 7 Job Access and Reverse Commutes 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Section 5 3 0 9 Fixed Guideway Modernization (Rail Mod) $ 5 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 Section 5 3 0 9 New Starts (Wilsonville to Beaverton Commuter Rail) $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Section 5 3 0 9 New Starts ( Interstate MAX) TOTAL $ 1 1 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 7 8 ,4 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 8 4 ,9 0 0 ,0 0 0 August 27, 2003 Bush Rolls Past North Portland Protesters Confrontations rare with riot- clad police ( A P) — T housands o f boister ous but generally orderly protest ers angered by a range o f Bush adm inistration policies jeered the presidential m otorcade Thursday as it rolled into the gated U niversity o f Portland cam pus for a S2,000-a- plate fund-raising lunch. “How many children could $2,000 feed?” read one p ro tester’s sign. M arch organizers estim ated the crow d at about 3,500 protesters. The Portland Police B ureau said ten people w ere arrested on charges o f disorderly conduct, failure to disperse, interfering w ith a police officer and resisting arrest. Protesters burned at least one A m erican flag. There w ere no m assive confron tations w ith the scores o f black- clad police from six agencies in riot gear, a m arked difference from B ush ’ s visit to Portland last year to raise cam paign m oney for O regon’s R epublican Sen. G ordon Smith. On that occasion police used tear gas and non-lethal bullets to disperse dem onstrators in dow n- Portland police arrest a protester outside the University of Portland campus Thursday where President Bush was raising $1 million for his re-election campaign. (AP photo) tow n Portland. M arch organizers said police approached dem onstrators in C o lum bia Park after the m arch, took one w om an into the street and pep per-sprayed several people who tried to interfere. “I ’ve n ev er been to a protest b e fo re in m y life ,” sa id Jo el Spinhirne, o f Hood R iver, w ho op poses Bush. “I ’m ju st an ordinary m iddle-class guy, but things are killed your Iraqi honor student.” happening in an outrageous fash A nother said, “Somewhere in Texas ion. I read the paper, I w atch the a village is m issing its idiot.” “ I ’m m ad and I’m em barrassed. evening new s, and 1 ju st had to be W e ju st need to m ake clear that here.” P r o te s te r s m a r c h e d d o w n w e ’re not all supportive o f this re W illam ette B oulevard to the cam gim e and w hat it’s doing,” said pus as police, som e on horses, som e protester Jennifer M urdock, ofPort- on foot or on bicycles, looked on. land, w ho w as there with her 2- Som e w ore B ush m asks. O ne year-old daughter. M urdock said sign read: “ M y A pache helicopter she opposes the w ar in Iraq. The proposed Program of Projects is: Fund Match Federal Total $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 3 7 5 ,0 0 0 5 3 0 7 20 .00 % Martian Opposition $ 3 6 ,6 2 5 ,0 0 0 5 3 0 7 20 .00 % Spectacular view of the Red Planet $ 6 ,6 2 5 ,0 0 0 5 3 0 7 20.00% $ 3 ,6 2 5 ,0 0 0 5 3 0 9 2 0 .00% $ 6 ,6 8 6 ,7 2 7 STP 10.27% Transit Tracker Project Bus Preventive Maintenance $ 2 9 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 Rail Preventive Maintenance $ 2 ,9 0 0 ,0 0 0 Rail Preventive Maintenance $ 5 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 Rail Preventive Maintenance $ 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Rail Preventive Maintenance Total: $14,200,000 $16,936,727 Job Access & Reverse Commute $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 3037 50.00% Transit Development Program $ 2 ,1 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 7 8 0 ,1 1 8 CMAQ 10.27% $ 2 ,6 7 4 ,6 9 1 CMAQ 10.27% $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 5309N S 40 .00 % $ 1 1 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 4 6 ,8 7 4 ,2 1 5 5309N S 20.34% Region 2 0 4 0 Initiatives/TM A/TDM $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Wilsonville to Beaverton Commuter Rail $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Interstate MAX Project TOTAL $ 1 8 4 ,9 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 2 4 0 ,2 6 5 ,7 5 1 This table shows the plan for the maximum expected amount. If less funding is available, the federal Involvement in these projects will be reduced. Transit Tracker: “ real tim e ” displays showing when the next bus or train will arrive at about 4 0 bus shelters and rail platforms. is Preventive M aintenance: partial funding of TriM et’s bus m aintenance costs for FY2004. Rail Preventive M aintenance: partial funding o f TriM et’s rail m aintenance costs fo r FY2004. lo b A cce ss& Beverse. Commute: funding for sixth year of program. IcansaQttatiQn_Deyelopmen.t Program: bus replacem ent, bus shelters, stream line treatments. gion 2Q4Q Initiatives/TMA/TDM: TriMet administers these funds and contracts with groups such as transportation management associations to expand the core TDM program to focus on areas of regional significance (such as regional centers, industrial areas and the central city) in the Region 2 0 4 0 Plan. Isonville to Beaverton Commuter Rail: funding to complete final design. Interstate MAX Project: funding to support the next phase of construction of the project. Mars will put on a special show in late sum mer, and the O regon M u seum o f Science and Industry will sponsor a special sky w atch party for the event. OM SI will join the local astronom y groups for a special Mars Viewing Party, Saturday, Aug. 23 from 8:30 p.m. to m idnight. M ars will not only be in direct alignm ent w ith the sun and Earth, an o ccur rence referred to as the M artian O p position, but it w ill a ls o be closer to Earth I th a n h u m a n - | kind has ever seen. “ T h a t’s b e cause o f the p lan e ts ’ elliptical orbits,’’ said Jim T o d d , O M S I M urdock P lanetarium m anager. “They do not orbit in perfect circles, so it takes 60,000 years for Earth and M ars to m eet up at their closest possible point,” he said. The M artian Opposition will take place during the last w eek o f A u gust and the first w eek o f S eptem ber, w ith the closest approach o c curring on W ednesday. Aug. 27. T he opposition happens w hen the p lan ets’ orbits place M ars at the outer end o f the alignm ent, w ith the sun at the other end and Earth in the m iddle. W hen view ed from Earth, M ars appears in nearly the exact opposite direction from the sun, m eaning that M ars is highest in the sky at m idnight w hen the sun is at its low est below the horizon. Todd said that because Mars will be fully illuminated by the sun, it will berelati vely easy to make out features on its surface with a large telescope, such as those available at the M ars Viewing Party. “Mars will ap pear exceptionally bright, and its orange color w ill be rather co n spicuous, no m atter w hether you see it from a rem ote area o r a bright city,” he said, “but to see its m oun tains, valleys and other terrain, y o u ’ll need the aid o f a pow erful telesco p e.” V olunteers w ill set up several telescopes for the M ars V iew ing Party, and Todd will present infor m al talks throughout the evening. For m ore inform ation, call 503- 797-4610. Welcome to the Neighborhood Portland Observer Publisher Chief Charles Washington (from left), City Commissioner Jim Francesconi, his wife, and Korean- American and north and northeast Portland businessman Jack Chung gather for Chung's grand opening of the Interstate Bar and Grill, formerly the Shamrock Restaurant on Interstate Avenue and Skidmore Street. Dean Promises Jobs (A P ) — D em ocratic days after President Bush p re s id e n tia l c a n d id a te visited P ortland to raise H ow ard Dean prom ised $1 m illion in cam paign to create jo b s and con money. dem ned President B ush’s T he tim ing o f D e a n ’s environm ental policies at trip underscored the close Democratic a rally in dow ntow n Port political balance in O r presidential land on Sunday. egon. Bush barely lost O r candidate W e need a president egon to Democrat AI Oorq Howard Dean w ho cares about jo b s and in the 2000 election, and infrastructure, not about tax cuts the state is thought to be com peti tive in 2004. for the w ealthy,” D ean said. The former Vermont governor’s D ean condem ned the B u sh ’l four-day, 10-city “ Sleepless S um H ealthy Forest Initiative, w hich th^ m er T our” cam e to O regon three president prom oted during his visit. -I 40 Years Later, i King’s Words Remembered African American Health Coalition, Inc. In FY2OO3, TriMet also became eligible for the following programs: Section 5 3 0 9 Bus-Related Allocation $ 2 ,9 1 6 ,0 8 7 Section 5 3 0 7 Surface Transportation Program (STP) $ 1 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 Section 5307 Surface Transportation Program (STP) $ 4 6 0 ,0 0 0 Section 5 3 0 7 Surface Transportation Program (STP) $ 4 8 5 ,3 2 9 Section 5 3 0 7 Congestion, Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) $ 161 ,8 8 1 Section 5307 Congestion, Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) S 4 0 ,0 0 0 TOTAL 1st Annual Total Fund ^ 4 8^ $ 5 ,5 6 3 ,2 9 7 The Program of Projects was: Federal I Martin Luther ; King Jr. ad dresses marchers during his historic speech in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 28, 1963. t o Match f.l IHB Rad Preventive Maintenance (STP) $ 2 ,4 4 5 ,3 2 9 $ 2 ,7 2 5 ,2 0 8 STP 10.27% Bus Purchase (CMAQ) $ 2 0 1 ,8 8 1 $ 2 2 4 ,9 8 7 CMAQ 10.27% $ 2 .9 1 6 ,0 8 7 $ 3 .6 4 5 ,1 0 9 5309 20 .00 % $ 5 ,5 6 3 ,2 9 7 $ 6 ,5 9 5 ,3 0 4 South Corridor PE (Section 5 3 0 9) TOTAL All projects have been selected through TriMet’s planning process, which incorporates public involvement, and are included in the M etropolitan and State Transportation Improvement Programs. These p ro je c ts c o n fo rm to c o m p re h e n s iv e la n d use and transportation planning in the area. The Wilsonville to Beaverton Commuter Rail Project will displace tw o business properties on SW Lombard north of Canyon Road, and potentially one business property in the Washington Square area. At the public hearing TriMet will give interested persons or agencies th e o p p o rtu n ity to c o m m e n t on th e social, econom ic, and environm ental impact o f the projects. Comments may also be subm itted to TriMet's Finance Administrator as described above. TriMet will provide a sign language interpreter for anyone who requests it at least 4 8 hours before the hearing by calling 503- 9 6 2-4831 or TDD 5 0 3 -9 6 2 5811, Monday through Friday, 8 :0 0 am to 5 :0 0 pm. September 6.2003 Jota os for Ibo 1st Anooal WoHeots WHhin RtACN Walk Sot. September 4, I M 1 I Wolk the l.S or 4-milo w a r»». The walk begins at 9:00 a.ak Othor event activities bafta at 8:00 a.m. Ftr Mre WMmflM For atoro information abaaf participation or to volunteer contact tho African Amerissa Health Coalition, tac. at S 0 1 -4 1 I-1 IM , t HiioM|» If you want information regarding the Program of Projects detailed above, contact TriMet’s Finance Administrator as described above. Any am endm ent to any program will be duly advertised to the public. Where Start and finish at I ft. Vancouver aaa a Tho porpora of tho wol I it to calabroto oar community s bocdl^t ocs I tastala ongoing free phytical activity ciacco for African ^Incaricane In tho Portland motto i Ehfiry tntry foe is S IS par pc R aatoi • (throe Aan rat c het la C stawtaaWi Health 4 n Park, locatod at i in Portland, OR. 4 (A P ) — U nder a bright blue sky, about 1,000 people gathered S atur day in front o f the granite steps o f the Lincoln M em orial to celebrate M artin Luther K ing Jr. ’s “I H ave a D ream ” speech, delivered at the sam e spot four decades earlier. The event drew people w ho rem i nisced about the civil rights leader’s w onts the highlight o f the Aug. 28 ,1 9 6 3 , M arch on W ashington — as w ell as protesters angry about econom ic and health care policies that they said disenfranchised the poor and m inorities. “T he focus o f that day w as 3 prom ise, the prom ise o f equal pro-; tection under the law for all citizens, the prom ise o f equal access to edu cation,” Jesse Jackson said in an interview on the M all. “The p ro m ises o f evening the playing field have been broken.” Som e people waiting for the rally waved American flags while others carried placards with the peace sym bol and protested the w ar in Iraq. +