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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 2003)
XEht gortlanh (Bbseruer celebrates Black History Month 26.2003 Page B3 DMX and Jet Li Join Forces in ‘Cradle 2 the Grave Film about kidnapping and diamonds features a strong, multicultural cast "fe rT -an kfeU ; Leader. Thief. W arrior. Father. ' Arm ed w ith a potent co m b in a tion of charism a, street sm arts and m artial arts expertise, T ony Fait (D M X ) navigates the m enace o f the urban landscape w ith p assio n ate precision, taking care o f busi ness and his fiercely loyal crew o f p ro fessio n als (A n th o n y A n d e r son, G abrielle Union and D rag-O n) a dedication surpassed only by his lo v e fo r h is y o u n g d a u g h te r •V anessa (Paige Hurd). ■ A fter p u jlin g o ffa com plex heist |nvolving a cache o f black d ia m onds, Fait quickly com es fist-to- fist with Su (Jet Li), a T aiw anese governm ent agent w ho has p u r sued the extraordinary stones half w ay across the w orld. As lethal as he is relentless, Su is n 't ju s t h u n t ing dow n diam onds - h e’s hunting the ruthless Ling (M ark D acascos), his form er partner, w ho kidnaps F a it’s daughter in a ploy to ex- • th a n g e her for the stolen jew els. ' But w hen w ord hits the street .that Fait stashed the stones with ■ DMX and Taiwanese Intelligence officer (Jet Li) are in a race against the clock to find a precious cache o f black diamonds. his fence A rchie (Tom Arnold), the diam onds prom ptly w ind up in the hands o f a pow erful crim e lord (Chi McBride). His back to the wall. Fait mobilizes his crew , suspends his strict no guns policy and prepares to unleash every force at his disposal to save his daughter. But only Su knows Ling well enough to anticipate his every move - and after he dispenses with L ing’s operatives in an explo sive display o f martial prow ess. Fait realizes Su could be his best hope for bringing Vanessa hom e alive. A dversaries by cotie but allied by circum stance, the m aster th ief and the en igm atic agent jo in forces to w age w ar on their com m on en em y : Su to ex act rev en g e against the m an w ho once tried to take his life and Fait to rescue V anessa, the one person that he cannot live w ithout. The film opens nationw ide on Friday, Feb. 28. KMHD 8 9 .1 FM Get The Blues... Norah Jones Sweeps Grammies I Blues Festival * continued co n tin u ed (A P) — T he sultry ja z z sound o f new co m er N orah Jones seduced the m usic industry on its biggest night, beating out crow d favorite B ruce Springsteen as the G ram m y A w ards returned to his hom e turf. Jones earned five G ram m ys on Sunday, including album and record o f the year, and her disc w as responsible for eight trophies4>vec?IL A /U sc sh e'th o u g h t w oujd appeal only to ja z z purists has sold m ore than 6 m illion copies w orldw ide and becom e the talk o f the m usic business. “I feel really blessed and really lucky to have had the year I had, said the 23-year-old, w ho w as raised in Texas. , Jones, w ho em erged last year after signing w ith the tiny Blue N ote label, also w on for best fem ale pop vocal, best new artist and best pop album . T he song, “D o n 't K now W hy” w on song o f the year for songw riter Jesse H arris. The producer and engineer o f h er album also accepted trophies. . ‘Venus’ looks at race, class and gender il ™ Portland State U niversity’s T heater A td f departm ent w ill kick o ff their w inter season with S uzan-L ori P a rk ’s “ V enus,” a daring play that ex am ines the issues o f race, sexuality and gender. The dram a is the true story o f Sarah B aartm an, a young S o u th A fric a n w o m a n w h o b e c o m e s “ V e n u s H ottentot” in an 1810 L ondon freak show . T he p h e nom ena that results is the creation o f a full-blow n diva w ho received a high degree o f celebrity, only to have parts o f her body preserved and put on disp lay after her death. T he perform ance w ill take place at the L incoln P erform ance H all, 1620 S.W . Park A ve., on W ednesday, Feb. 26 through S aturday, M arch 1. For tickets, call 503-725-3307. Go to Paris without leaving Portland Until M arch 23, the Portland A rt M useum w ill feature ‘Paris to Portland: Im pressionist and Post-Im pression- jst M asters in P ortland C o llectio n s.’ The show in cludes 165 w orks draw n from private collections in the Portland area and has w ork by C ezanne, Renoir, Monet, G auguin, P icasso and prints by T oulouse-L autrec, am ongst others. ReparationsThursdays Dav id P ark's new band. The R epara tions, will play every Thursday night at 9 p.m. with DJ Chill and special guest performers and DJs at The Red Sea,318S.W . Third Ave. Admission for those 21 and older is $5. Coyote Tales The Tears o f Joy P uppet theatre will present ‘C oyote T ales’ on S at urday at 11 a.m . and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the W inningstad Theatre, 1111 S.W . Broadway. Fast paced and funny, ‘C oyote T ales' tells the story o f how C oyote got his nam e and how he gets him self in and out o f trouble with friends and foes. F or inform ation o r reserv a tions, call 503-248-0557. „ cWBF'' Since its inception, the event has raised more than $2 million and 700,000 pounds o f food for h unger relief. T he need this year is particularly acute since O regon continues to have the highest unem ploym ent rate and the highest hunger rate in the nation. For m o re in f o r m a tio n , se e w w w .w . Friday Freeway Blues ■ 4 pm to 6 pm Rhapsody in Blues ■ 6 pm to 10 pm 1 Blues Palace • 10 pm to 2 am percussion section, three saxo- phones, one trum pet, one vibra- phone, one acoustic bass and four "The Ailey performers are truly in a class of their own." readers. D oors w ill open at 8 p.m. and all ag es' adm ission is $5. For more inform ation, call 503- 331-0136. -Newsday The Sting Trio of New York O ne of the m ost preem inent ch am b er ja z z g roups in the world today will play at the First Christian Church, 1315 S.W . Broadw ay, on Saturday, M arch 1 at 8 p.m. C reated o v er 25 years ago, the trio features tw o o f its original m em bers. John Lindberg on bass and Jam es E m ery on guitar. T he new addition to the group is violinist R ob T hom as, a P ortland native who has not played locally since 1979. F or m ore inform ation, call 503-772-0772. p r e se n ts A L V I N A IL E Y A merican D ance T heater Michael Vlatkovich and Dottie Grossman As a part o f the New M usic at the M ississippi, im pro visational jazz musician M ichael Vlatkovich and poet Dottie G rossm an will perform at the M ississippi Pizza Pub, 3552 N M ississippi Ave. on Tuesday, M arch 4 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. There is a $7 cover charge. I JU D ITH JAMISON, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Masazumi Chaya, ASSOCIATE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Madam’s Suburban Salon 1631 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 & 5, 7:30 PM ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HALC • (503) 288-1053 Special Pedicure $25.0« A DIFFERENT PROGRAM EACH NIGHT, BOTH ENDING WITH AILEY’S MASTERPIECE REVELATIONS TICKETS: $18-$60 plus service fee. Discounts for students/seniors/ groups. PCPA Box Office, and all t i c k e t i n g * t o r outlets, including select Fred Meyer stores. 503-224-4400 I Love to do Feet. Info/groups 8 or more: 503-245-1600, EXT. 201 Conscripts On T hursday, Feb. 27 at D isjecta. 116 N.E. R ussell, there will be a performance o f ‘C onscripts,’ a work for voices and large ensem bles with w ords by John C rouse and m usic directed by Stanley Zappa. The e n sem ble consists o f a six-person O regon F ood Bank. Last year’s lineup drew more than 120,(XX) people to M cC all W aterfront Park and raised m ore than $300,(XX) and 115,(XX) pounds o f food. In addition, the Em pty B ow ls project, co ordinated by the O regon P o tters ^A ssociation ra is e d a m o ri than $16,062. ’ • ' ‘ * x . Jr Jazzy newcomer Norah Jones tries to hold all five o f her Grammy Awards. (AP photo) from Fm nt fr om F ront WWW.WHITEBIRD.ORG S p o n so re d Price effective Jan 28 - Feb 28, 2003 Call for appointment, or walk in by KEV LASER INSTITUTE PORTLANDAN C E S . com f fot AeMhelti Medicine i