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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1996)
Li-Â*iàAl 1 M—, 'v o x -«•A < - t; y < / ‘ »r i. - ’J h HIB h S nm - >• I'ÂWBT t W Ü I Î Editorial Articles Do Not Necessarily Reflect Or Represent The Views O f The JJortlattb © bseruer ”T<* a *t Tuesday. Reverend Jesse Jackson (NR C ). (c) harassing on the basis o f sex a class of female employees by creat President Patricia Ire ing a hostile and abusive work envi land (NOW), and Reverend Willie ronment based on unwelcome sex- Barrow (PUSH) led a delegation based comments and conduct; of Rainbow. (d) failing to take immediate and N O W and PU SH leaders who met appropriate corrective action in re with the Equal Employment Oppor sponse to complaints or other notice tunity Commission (E E O C ) in the o f sexual or sex-based harassment Chicago District Office. n recent weeks I have server news paper were aware o f the and/or retaliation; Jackson and Ireland affirmed their . pointed out the mani- grow ing crescendo o f the attacks on (e) retaliating against a class o f C test fears and machina support for the E E O C ’s class-action the will-documented place in history female employees who have opposed suit against Mitsubishi for fostering tions o fth e racist pretenders to o f people o f color And their stated practices made unlawful by Title V II; a hostile work environment that per the historian’s Craft; Ravitch, realization that it is more important and mitted widespread sexual harassment I Lefkowitz, Hernstein, et al. than ever, now, for their children to (f) causing a class o f female em of female employees Jackson and It is unfortu be motivated by ployees to resign their employment Ireland noted that their; organiza nate that several nority auto dealers. A s o f last year, o f knowing both their the U S. District Court for the Cen because ofcontinued sexual and sex- tions have often been strongly criti o f th is ben, 511 Mitsubishi dealerships in the past and their ca tral District o f Illinois, on 4/9/96, based harassment and retaliation, thus Sy cal o f E E O C in the past, but in this would confuse U.S., only 34 are listed as owned by pabilities for the taking action under Title V II o f the constructively discharging them.” Professor case they urged the agency to stand the issue by sug minorities-and zero o f these are A f future. C iv il Rights Act o f 1964, as amend These are very serious charges, McMnley firm, and withstand the political and gesting that we rican American! Mitsubishi Motor And it was re ed, and under Title I o f the C iv il and Mitsubishi Manufacturing should Burt I "assess the char- economic pressure the company is Sales now states that under their two- warding that the Rights Act o f 1991, “to correct un not be allowed to intimidate its way | acter o f A ch il bringing to bear. year old dealership diversity pro readers credited lawful employment practices on the clear of them. No woman should Rainbow, N O W & P U S H then les or study the virtues o f Athenan gram, minority dealers have grown me with a generation o f revealing the basis o f sex and retaliation and to have to put up with this ty pe o f be held a press conference to announce democracy" through the good aus to 43—22 women, 8 Hispqnics, 7 sources and documentation o f black provide appropriate relief to a class havior on the job. Honoryour mother plans for"informational pickets” this pices o f a book by Bernard Knox, Asian Americans. 3 Native Am eri history that have been deliberately o f female employees who were ad th is M o th e rs’ D a y --s a y no to past Mother's Day weekend (5/11 & "The Oldest Dead White European cans, and 3 A frican Am ericans. ignored or perverted by racist writ versely affected by such practices.” Mitsubishi. 12) at select Mitsubishi plants and Males” (serous). (Mitsubishi does not stand alone with ers and teachers; stated this last week, According to the E E O C complaint, [A related point: the E E O C is try dealerships across the country. [The There is nothing wrong at all with this poor reco rd -o f 10,485 foreign and despite the protestations o f the from at least 1990 until the present, ing to handle its district caseload in Chicago- & D .C -area pickets was h is “insightful reflections on the rich auto dealerships in the U S. last year, revisionists (“New National Stan Mitsubishi has “engaged in a pattern Illinois with only 9 lawyers, down Saturday. 5/11. es and continued relevance o f the only 161 were minority-owned, with dards for Teaching History Win and practice o f unlawful employ from 14 only 5 years ago. “This past Saturday and Sunday culture o f the Greeks.” In the sense only 21 owned by African Ameri Praise") that I was the first to docu ment practices at its Normal, Illinois D u rin g the R o n a ld Reagan/ we launched a Mother's D ay’s pro that there was nothing overtly fretful cans.) ment for them that the Greek facility...including: Clarence Thomas Era, there was a test and day o f action against I in the respective elevations to the Jackson called these numbers a “founders o f western civilization (a) sexually harassing a class o f conscious attempt to dismantle the M itsubishi,” Patricia Ireland ex I bestseller listso f’Closing The Amer “disgrace,” and urged African Amer originated the practice o f taking female employees because o f their E E O C ’s power and staff, in order to plained. “Not only are they intimi ican Mind" (Bloom, 1987) or "C u l ican, Latino, and female car buyers scalps -- continued through the cen sex by creating a hostile and abusive curtail its effectiveness. But the dating the women who work there, tural Literacy" (Hirsch. 1988). Or to “close their purses and wallets to turies o f European Warfare (detailed work environment based on unwel E E O C has also suffered during the they are using the thought o f an im have we m issed someth ing important Mitsubishi” until the company reach on public television re’ “ W arOfThe come verbal and physical sexual con Bush and Clinton years, and contin pending settlement to divert atten here? Is i, that we cannot see the es a fair settlement with its female Roses”, etc.) duct, including sexual graffiti, sexu ues to lose ground. tion away from the greater issu e - forest because o f the trees in the way? employees, and opens up its corpo The American Indian was de ally derogatory and explicit com This must stop. This Mitsubishi sexual discrimination and harass Have we forgotten that “eternal vig rate doors to include all Americans. scribed as "barbaric and savage” , ments and innuendo, and unwanted case is critical to all working women, ment.” ilance” required for survival o f an Last week, A F L - C IO President but the “New National Standards groping, grabbing, and touching; and w ill send a clear message about Rev Jackson called for “econom underclass? (“ The Disuniting o f John Sweeney also publicly protest For Teaching History” do not place (b) sexually harassing a class o f sexual harassment to every corpora ic sanctions against Mitsubishi until I America,” ). ed Mitsubishi’s actions” “ We con the true spin on these facts; that the female employees because o f their tion operating in this country. its policy o f exclusion ends.” Jack- Some African Americans have demn the actions o f Mitsubishi man greedy English and French in mor sex by conditioning their employ The E E O C must get the resources son noted that the firm had allowed been perceptive enough to sense, if agement in depriving the women who tal struggle for the lands o f a new ment, benefits o f their employment, it needs to battle this giant multina the harassment and intimidation o f not articulate, the fact that for the have brought charges against them continent taught this Savagery to and/or terms and conditions o f their tional. The President & the Congress its female workers, while its motor past decade there has been an in o f their right to due process free o f their Indian mercenaries so as to employment on their acquiescence must make E E O C more o f a priority sales division also has a poor record creasing angst or racial unease intimidation.” keep count on the number o f “dead in sexual harassment and/or sexual in future budgets.] o f providing opportunities for mi- among the majority population. The E E O C filed its complaint in relationships; white European males” generated. Blacks are beginning to look under The payment could be as high as the surface o f these classical mod 50c per scalp. els o f Plato’s Pond’ -- these cul Several parents said they had ture-drenched bestsellers ostensi steered their youngsters into the bly designed to revive a faltering medical field after I cited the book American engagement with the very by British physician, D .T. Atkinson, foundation o fcivilized society. But, “ M agic M yth and M ed icin e ” , bv B ernice P owell J ackson tenced for Candance’s murder, end “she was just an Indian. Her life color. there’s a problem. Fawcett pb. 1956 (“The Greeks few months ago I was in ing 15 years o fa fam ily’s pain o f not d id n ’t co u nt as m u ch ,” said While some native Am ericans The'tabloidhistorians’ have made were notorious thieves” ). Like the /A Aberdeen, South Dako- knowing who had raped and killed Candace’s niece Polly in an inter now work in the town’s stores, many a farce o f the scholarly craft o f histo respected European historians. ta talking about racism their daughter. It was only last year, view with the New Y o rk Times. Indians still find themselves followed riography by violating its key tenets; and how it survives today, espe B reaste d , Erm an and E b e rs, when Mr. Scherr’s cousin, James That’s what many native Am eri when they go shopping. Said one omitting key source or else deprecat cially in the criminal justice sys Atkinson documents that ancient Stroh, confessed to taking apart in cans on the Standing Rock Reserva resident in the same New Yo rk Times ing other quite valid sources should tem. The day after I returned I African medicine in Egypt and the the rape and murder that the case tion felt — that local law enforce article. “Things have gotten better they present facts that are culturally learned of a case only miles from Sudan antedated that o f the Greek began to break. ment officials had not really tried to around here. W e’ve moved into the unacceptable - like the race o f com where I had been in which race in Scope and sophistication -- m il Mr. Stroh only confessed because find Candace’s murderer. Then, af 1970’s.” peting protagonists on the world stage. plays a critical role. lenniums earlier in organizing the he was caught in a bitter di vorce and ter the arrest when 100 residents o f Many Indians feared that a guilty Last week, I told o f Lefkowitz’s re It’s the story o f Candace Rough medical specialties and boards’ a family member told the authorities Mobridge signed a petition to lower verdict would be impossible. And jection ofGreek and Roman testimo Surface, an 18 year-old Sioux, who for certification o f practitioners, what had happened. At his hearing, Mr. Scherr’s bond of$200,000, many while some are undoubtedly unhap ny that the Africans originated let lived on the Standing Rock Indian and supervision o f written prescrip- Mr. Stroh said he had told a number native Americans were angered. It py that Mr. Scherr did not receive ters, mathematics, astronomy or that tions (on exhibition in w orld’s Reservation. Her badly decomposed o f people what had happened -- that seemed once again that a native death or life in prison, Candace’s the great library at Alexandria, Egypt museums). body was found along the Missouri they had raped and shot Candace in Americans life was not as important mother wanted only forthe men who was important (see her racist polem- River in 1981, after she had been The vaunted Hippocrates is a pasture after a drunken teenaged as a white one. did this to her daughter to be put I ic, “ Not Out o f A fric a : How missing for nine months. She had shown to have built ’Greek’ medi party. Lik e many towns near reserva away. “ We want justice. We don’t Affocentrism Became An Excuse To been shot five times in the head and cine on the African foundation; the But no one told the police the tions, Mobridge lives with difficult want violence,” she said. Teach Myth A s History” , Basic back and raped. Her murderer had Greeks having even adopted the truth. Mr. Scherr’s fam ily is a well- race relations. Like much o f Am eri Maybe now Candace can rest in Books). never been found. Egyptian symbol for the healing respected one in the neighboring ca when it comes to questions o f peace. But the issues o f racism for It would seem that these “tabloid arts, the intertwining snakes ofthe This week 31 year-old Nicholas town o f Mobridge, where the sports race, there are differing perceptions native Americans seem to be here to historians” would have sorely tested Scherr was convicted o f and sen “Caduceus”, with the wings on top. arena is named for his family. And, in the white and communities o f stay. the patience (and conscience) o f the Next week: My “Summer Read real' historians on the college and ing List” o f the best in easily avail media circuits - but their more legit able documented black history from imate ivy towercolleagues have failed ancient to modem; especially what he death of a high profile to chastise them, let alone disown who served a term as Chairman o f the the revisionists/standards people o f operation as a politician, he was a African American like them. It was reassuring to find how Democratic National Committee want to remain hidden. It is cultural consummate pragmatist. Party, Ron Brown the pragmatist was Ron Brown, inevitably many readers o f the Portland Ob- Brown parlayed these connections into warfare and history’ is a weapon. A s Jackson’s Convention Manag once again at his best. In essence his provokes d is c u s s io n /d e b a te a highly profitable stint as a Washing er, it appeared to me that Ron Brown’s prescription for winning the White about his legacy. ton lawyer and lobbyist. He was well mission was to prevent Jesse Jackson House was to make the Democratic Was he a champion o f the inter on his way to becoming a Washington and the liberal-left-progressive con Party more Reaganesque in its plat ests and aspirations o f African Am er insider and what Harvard political sci stituencies o f the Rainbow Coalition form and policy perspectives - tough icans, people o f color and poor and ence professor Mart in K i Ison describes from bolting the Democratic Party . In on crime, hawkish on defense, pro (USPS 959-680) working people, or was his success as a “transethnic” (race-neutral) politi that sense his allegiance and loyalty welfare reform, fiscally conserva OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION essentially a function o f his service cian. was more to the Democratic Party as tive, less liberal and less visibly in Established in 1970 to the Democratic Party establish When I next encountered Ron an institution than it was to the vision fluenced by the Rev. Jesse Jackson. ment and the corporate/commercial Charles Washington-Publisher Brown, it was in my capacity as E x and politics o f Rev Jesse Jackson and In that regard Brown proved to be interests in this country? The PORTLAND OBSERVER is located at ecutive Director o f the National Rain the Rainbow Coalition. Ron Brown much closer ideologically to the 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. I was first introduced to Ron bow Coalition and subsequently as executed his mission with great energy moderate-conservative Democratic Brown in Youngstown, Ohio by the Portland, Oregon 97211 Deputy Campaign manager o f the and skill. The restless Rainbow forces Leadership C o u n cil, which B ill Director o f the Urban League there 503-288-0033 * Fax 503-288-0015 Jesse Jackson for President Cam were contained and Jesse Jackson re Clinton helped to found, than to Rev. when Ron was the Director o f the paign in 1988 Brown was among the mained inside the Democratic Party. Jesse Jackson. Deadline fa r all submitted materials: National Urban league’s W ashing inner circle o f advisors that Rev. In my view, Ron Brown was rewarded Articles:Friday, 5:00 pm Ads: M onday Noon More important than ideology for ton Bureau. He was very personable, Jackson convened periodically to for this exemplary performance by Ron Brown, however, was winning, POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Portland Observer, and I immediately recognized him as discuss the strategy, tactics and di being selected the first African Amer and his formula/strategy for captur P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. a man with exceptional skills and rection ofthe campaign. Though Ron ican Chairman o f the Democratic Na ing the White House for the Demo Second Cla ss postage p a id at Portland, Oregon talent I had further occasion to inter Brown had a reputation as a risk tional Committee crats did indeed prove to be success The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts act with him during his tenure with taker, he steadfastly refused to ac ful. As Chairman of the Democratic and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned. If the Urban League, but I mostly cept the overtures o f Rev. Jackson to accompanied by a se lf addressed envelope. A ll created design display watched from afar as Ron Brown manage his campaign, apparently ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and can not be used in ubscribe to ariT e JPortlattb (Obserucr skillfu lly positioned him self to be a viewing the management o f an un other publications or personal usage, without the written consent ofthe player within W ashington’s legal I he Portland Observer Can Be Sent Directly To Your Home For Only $30.00 wieldy Jackson campaign as too much general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f Per Year Please Fill Out. Enclose Check Or Money Order. And Mail To: establishment and Democratic Par o fa risk. After the extraordinary suc such ad. © 1996 T H E P O R T L A N D O B S E R V E R . A L L R IG H T S ty S ubscriptions cess o f the cam paign, however, R E S E R V E D , R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T W IT H Early on he was a protege o f the Brown readily agreed to take over T he P ortland O bserver ; PO B ox 3137 O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D . Kennedy’s, eventually being tapped to the reins o f the campaign as Jesse P ortland , O regon 97208 be Deputy Campaign manager for Subscriptions: $30 00 per year Jackson’s Convention manager. Far Name: _________ _______ _ _ ___ The Portland O bserver-O regon’s Oldest African-Am erican Publica- Senator Ted Kennedy’s bid for the from being a risk taker in this in Address: ___________ _____________ t ion—is a member ofthe National Newspaper Association-Founded in Democratic nomination for president stance, Ron Brown's decisions as it City, State 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated in 1980. He subsequently became con relates to the Jackson campaign of Zip-Code: __________ ____________ nected with Robert Strauss a promi Publishers, Inc, New Yo rk, N Y , and The West Coast Black Publishers 1988, revealed what I consider to be nent attorney and Washington insider Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. an essential dimension o f his mode T hank Y ou F or R eading T he P orti ani ) O bserver 11^ y p e r s p e c tir e s C O A L IT IO N Honor Thy Mother: Say No To Mitsubishi! What Is History, Anyway? Conclusion 31 Civil Rights Journal Murder, Race And The Quest For Justice V a n t a g e P o i n t : The Legacy Of Ronald H. Brown ® ........... ........................ (Tlti' JfJartlatti» (Observer S