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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1982)
Portlard Observer, March 25, 1982 Page 7 OBSERVATIONS FROM THE SIDELINES B Y Kathryn Hall Bogle by Kathryn Hall Bogle The Oregon Lung Association in vites you to join them in a very spe cial occasion to honor “ Women in the H istory o f Oregon” on Satur day, A p ril 17th, in the Grand Ball- roorji o f the Hilton Hotel. The “ Women in the History o f Oregon” (W .H .O .) dinner w ill honor the good works o f Oregon women who made outstanding con tributions between the years 1859 and 1920. C ivic organizations throughout the state have submitted recommendations to the W .H .O . committee for consideration. “ The festivities,” according to Kay Dean Toran, A ffirm ative Ac tion Director at the office of Gover nor Atiyeh, “ w ill celebrate women who have contributed to the quality o f life in Oregon.” Some of Toran’s time was borrowed by the Oregon Lung Association in order that she might chair the W.H.O. event. Clair Sagv works closely with Toran as project coordinator at the Oregon Lung Association o ffice in P ort land. Women who were active in Ore gon in the fields o f the arts, busi ness, community service, education, law, medicine or science and politics in the early years o f the state will be among the nominees. “ Each histori cal figure,” promises Toran, “ w ill be presented to the audience by a contem porary woman o f accom plishment in the same field.” • J.M. Gates was the speaker at the noon-time lecture to be presented at the PSU Smith Center ballroom on Sunday, March 21 by the Northwest Quilters. Gates illustrated her talk with color slides. Her subject was “ The Q u ilt as a H istorical State ment” “ covering the time from Colonial America to the Twentieth Century.” • Want to enjoy an evening o f rich color, beauty and fun and have something to take home with you, and still have a bargain? Then put a little aside to attend “ The Look of Elegance,” the 24th annual Ebony Fashion Fair presented this A p ril 23, 1982, by the Portland Chapter o f The Links, Incorporated. The show will again be at the Civic Audi torium. The “ take-something-home with you” is a one-year subscription to Ebony Magazine or a six-month subscription to Jet. You get a choice with your ticket of admission. • Friends here o f A licia Garcia Dawson are happy to hear the news o f her marriage recently to Colonel H. M inton Francis. The couple eloped from fam ily and friends in Washington, D .C ., and said their vows before M onsignor W illia m Moore in the Chapel o f the H oly T rin ity on the campus o f the U.S. M ilita ry Academy at West Point, N.Y. Col. Francis, a former U.S. as sistant secretary o f defense under President Ford, is a 1944 graduate o f West Point and presently serves on its board o f trustees. The wed ding ceremony was an evening can dlelight mass with members o f the board and their wives fillin g the guest list. General Frederick Smith OLD TOWN MERCHANTS Coupon FRAME FACTORY il F 4 s $5.00 OFF Any Framed Picture in stock at Hurtis Hadley shows elaborate wedding cakes at his M ilwaukie Pastry Kitchen. and Mrs. Smith stood as witnesses for the service. It was a double ring ceremony with the couple exchang ing vows they had w ritte n them selves. The bride wore a gold tussah silk suit and carried a hand bouquet o f fresh violets. A reception is planned fo r the near future when the newlyweds will be at their home in Washington Rock Creek Park. • Hurtis Hadley invited all old and new customers to his celebration o f the fifth year o f business at the M il waukie Pastry Kitchen. The celebra tion is to be a week-long event be ginning Monday March 22 through Friday, March 26. Free cake and coffee w ill be dis pensed every day from noon to 5 pm during this week. Hadley is noted for his decorated cakes and party fare. There may be a chance to munch a bite along with a celebrity or two as M ayor Burgess o f M il waukie, Commissioner Charles Jor dan o f the C ity o f P ortland and other public personalities are ex pected to drop in to help celebrate the occasion. X i 1 v > î . - X . s : ■■ $9.95 and over 1-- 4^-4 i-L 1. — LX1-11- Offer Good Thru April 30th, 1982 211 N.W . Davis P ortland, Oregon 97209 (503) 228-1340 Buzz's Couch St. Place 101 N.W. 2nd ( & Couch, Fine beer, wines & light dining Hours: 11:30 am-1 am (except Sunday) Buzz W illits announces the opening of his ta v e rn /re s ta u ra n t n ' In tro d u c to ry Prices Chicken basket with potato wedges & salad, Vi-ch ckeri $2.65, ’/?-chicken $3.95 a-la-carte with chips, %-chicken $1.75, Vi -chicken $2.95 Hot Foot Chili Bowl with chips $2.50 Salad Bar with o jr spicy house dressing $1.75, refill $1.00 Gree t Nacho! (Feeds 1-3) $3.50 ★★★★★★★★★★ from : P Ci LIS London Los Angeles FOR THE BEST I, STYLING i IN TO W N S E E ... Models attired in strikingly bold sweaters at the 24th Annual Ebony Fashion Fair. Frison teaches unlimited Resale Clothing "F irs t Q u a lity TF ip Second 1 im e A ro u n d Women's. ( h ild re n 's ( lo th in g and H o u se ho ld Item A l L SlZfcS A V A R AHI 1 ( o n sig nin e n ls Ar r epted (Q uality M en handiM* Only) By A p p o in tm e n t Please 281-9418 2406 N.E. Union Ave P arking O n N F Sa< ra m e n to St M ARIE ★★★★★★★★★★ Local a rtist Henry Frison w ill teach drawing and painting through Portland Com m unity College’ s community education program this spring. The seven-week evening class w ill be held at Irvington School, 1320 N.E. Brazee, begin ning Tuesday, March 30. Class times are from 7-9:30 pm and tu i tion is $18 per person. Students will learn basic drawing and painting techniques and will ex perience a variety of media and sub ject matter. Rose Jewelry Fine J e w e lry M a n u fa c tu rin g Gold, Diamond, Rings, Watches, and Repairing 625 S.W. B roadw ay Portland, Oregon 97208 (5031 224 6640 j Sassanax Hair Designs Ltd. HOURS: TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY, II a m. 3p.m 5 2 6 S .W . P a rk A v e . P o n la n d , 2 4 1 -9 4 6 2 2 4 1 -9 4 6 3 the Morgan-Park B u ild in g I