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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1982)
Page 6 Portland Observer, March 25, 1982 Fashion Page L o o k to the Portland Observer fo r Easter and Spring Fashions ienced this encounter, one treatment w ill ensure your eventual return. Fashion and grooming from head to toe L o v in g and caring fo r thy self portrays a personal dimension easily received by others. I ’ ve constantly m a in ta in e d that to ta l beauty and body care frames our a ttitu d e fo r everyday liv in g . Feeling be a u tifu l projects not only a confidence that radiates lo o k in g good but also w h a t’ s held w ith in . Pride, profes sionalism , knowledge and love for oneself creates a fo rm u la fo r our own personal development. I ’ m saying lo o k a ro u n d , see w hat’ s available, take advantage o f some services that w ill benefit you . or all. Take time to learn correct body m aintainan ce fro m p ro fe s sionals to ensure your con tin u in g body care program at home. The featured photos and comments are o n ly h ig h lig h ts o f a fu ll-s e rv ic e salon. PEDICURE Relax to the warm, swirling, med icated or scented waters o f the pedi cure bath. A fte r soaking your feet, the callous is gently removed, the toenails and cuticles are treated and trimmed. A rewarding, sensual, re laxing foot and leg massage is given, excessive leg hair is removed and most inviting are the warm oil elec tric booties that give the final assur ance our almighty tired feed have re ceived. The deep penetrating oils o f this w onderful Encounter. Shaped and painted toes are now ready to be seen in those beautiful new spring sandals. FACIAL The h o u r-lo n g deep pore clean sing facial consists o f a relaxing massage o f the top torso. A d d itio n al aspects o f this clean sweeping treatment are a skin analysis, steam ing, thorough cleansing with protec tive creams keyed to individual skin types. O ur salon recommends a re peat performance every fo u r to six weeks to m aintain a supple, healthy com plexion. Take advantage o f complementary skin analysis. This experience could be the key to your “ at home” personal skin care p ro gram. It can be preventive in your purchasing another labeled item to gather dust on your bathroom shelves. Spend a little bit more and take the time to listen. . taking care now may be linked to your look o f the future. MAKE-UP The relaxation o f the day reaches its clim ax in the m ake-up session. Everyone is discovering the beauti ful effects o f my cosmetic line, Cobi C o lle c tio n . P re tty colors fo r all faces create d iffe re n t intensities in all color ranges. Light or heavy ap plication is clearly seen and the ef fects are lasting. In keeping w ith trends fo r summer, color patterns used are pinks to fuchsia, gold to deep rouge, kh a ki and moss. O ur foundation is unm istakably viewed with a flawless finish. Whatever cos metic is used, ladies, make sure it is o f a texture not easily rubbed o ff. Most men com plain about the face colors left on their clothing. Test the products, ladies, to assure the return o f your favorite suitors. Interstate Tax Service Are you paying too much to have your income tax return prepared? We offer competent service at economical prices. • Personal Returns • Business Returns • Out Of State Returns Open 11 am-5 pm. Call fo r appt. ELECTROLYSIS Removal o f unwanted body hair is a newer adventure most women and men are skeptical o f receiving. The electrolysis system method was, I must admit, a bit frightening to me also, but re a liza tio n o f what the process entailed , soon put me at ease. W ith this service, you can re move unw anted hair fro m eye brows, face, b ik in i line, thighs and anywhere else on your body. The process involves the insertion o f a fine needle-like instrum ent into the base o f the hair follicle. An impulse o f e le c tric ity is released, and w ill e ve n tu a lly, w ith repeated tre a t m ents, k ill the h air ro o t. You feel only a m ild tin g lin g sensation. We are fin d in g more privacy is related to this treatment. Unwanted hair in some ares is a proven personal em barrassment do something about it Benefits are smooth and beauti fu lly bare. The most common process used is hot wax fo r hair removal. One may be a bit pensive about it, but the ef fects are long-lasting. Our treatment rooms are p a rticularly busy during sum m er. W ith the return o f the swim suit, the b ik in i line wax is ne cessary and also the leg treatment is a favorite. 2-3 Day Service Short Form Long Form 1040A &40S (including earned income credit 1040 & 4 0 Sch. A —Deductions Sch. B —Interest etc. $10°° HAIRCUTS “ It's the cut that counts.” That has been my continuing slogan dur ing my many years in business. A woman’s hair should look attractive from every angle, placing top p rio r ity on the essentials o f a good look ing cut. There’ s no one correct length for hair now, but the trend is tow ard shorter hair or long short hair. Softness around the face, lay ering o f the top and crown area w ill im p a ir f l u f f and cu rl. Touchable and caressing hair is suggestive, la d ie s ... .Professional, deep pene tra tin g c o n d i'io n in g treatm ents done regularly are basic to your hair care program . The modern day woman receives chemical services that w ill ease her lifestyle and en hance her hair texture. H air color is also a must fo r some. It can remove years from your age and in these times, why announce your age. Each client is to ta lly serviced w ito emphasis on her particular in d iv i dual needs. Everyone should have their own unique look. Our models, Brenda, Claudia and Christina, ad d itio n a lly , spent an hour receiving their own charted make-up tech niques lesson. Same Day Service (interest with exclusion) Since 1966 • Licensed Tax C onsultant NAILS Your manicure is one o f the more im p o rta n t services. Y o u r body is v is u a lly seen fir s t, but yo u r firs t body encounter w ith others is through your hands. Poor skin tex ture, dry, un-trimmed cuticles, dirty fin g e rn a ils , unshaped nails are a dead giveaway to poor body care. There are m any avenues to take when ve n tu rin g in to nail care. A preferred treatment for men is an oil manicure w ith the intense relaxing electric mittens filled with penetrat ing conditioners. Nails and cuticles are trim m ed and treated & then painted w ith clear polish or simply buffed. Women, on the other hand, can bo beyond the basics to the u lti mate. . .silk wraps, sculptured nails, tips and p o rce la in painted nails. H ow can you expect yo u r long- awaited ring or rings. . unless!! MASSAGE The o n ly problem w ith this ser vice is the d iffic u lty in getting the client ou, o f the room , as this ser vice is to ta lly relaxing. The h o u r long service o f body cleansing and oil massage begins on the face, neck and shoulders and eventually ends at the toes. An occasional “ ouch” w ill occur but i f you’ ve never exper- $24°° and up CLOTHING 5510 N. Interstate Ave. C ontinuing on to a total groom ing process, I recall my happiness in receiving my first modeling assign ment at age 18 fro m the C lothes Horse. The beauty o f the clothes then, prevails now, as seen w ith the glorious acceptance o f grooming my models in attire from their summer line fo r work and leisure. Textures o f silk and suede were dominant and as seen, patterns are soft and the fa b ric flo w in g . Je rri W ard W om en’ s W ear, buyer and fashion con sultant, dresses the models w ith her to ta l expertise. She states, when buying, buy the best— purchase one item at a time and add on. Quality is an affordable item w ith investment buying. The blazer and jacket shown are wearable for several sea sons. Also, accessories are collectible item s. Beige and w hite shoes w ith lig h t and w hite nylons shown are fro m Holmes Shoe Co. The story featured this week is sim ply an ex am ple o f what you can do to feel and look good. P rioritize your bud get and work accordingly. Beautiful women fin d a w ay. Remember lo o kin g good is not an accident, it requires a certain knowledge. N E X T W EEK— Health and Fitness. Portland, OR 97217 • 283-6014 ■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ •■ g ■ • I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I I : Vacuum Cleaner Headquarters ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3 ■ Sales - Service - Supplies For All Makes and Models (One B lock N orth of B roadw ay on Union) EUREKA ELECTRIC CO. 1804 N.E. Union 287 9430 ■ ■ •i Newberry's Lloyd Center Coffee Shop Open 7 am-3 pm Breakfast Special Cafeteria 2 eggs. Hash Browns, Toast 99C Sunday Buffet 12-4 pm Featuring Turkey - Fried Chicken - Fish Spanish Potatoes Spaghetti 4 Salads Dessert and Drink Open 11 am-5 pm Mon. thru Sat. Daily Dinner Specials Thurs: Scalloped potatoes and ham Fri: Baked macaroni and cheese Sat; Swedish meat balls Mon: Chicken fried steak Tues: Sweet ft sour meat balls Wed: Sauerkraut and franks includes either Tossed Salad or Potatoes and Vegetable $225 Newberry's Lloyd Center Coffee Shop Jerri W ard sho w in g spring fashions at tha Clothes Horse (Photos R ichard B row n! 1420 Lloyd Center • 288 6353