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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1982)
It's Georgetown all the wayl by A! M cOllberry The playoff» are here and we’ re down to the final four team» out o f the original 48 Georgetown, Hous ton, Louisville and N o rth C arolina are the only teams left. The playoffs bring joy and heart ache and mostly frustration to the forty-four teams left home to watch the final games on T .V . and wonder w hat re a lly happened to th e ir chances o f glory. W hen Georgetown came to play in the Western regionals you knew then the h a n d w ritin g was on the wall. The smart money figured that it w ould be great fo r Georgetown and N o rth C aro lin a to meet in the fin al game. W h at em otion! W hat great T . V . coverage the games would bring! John Thompson and Dean Smith’s boys would really give it their all. We had picked G eorgetown the whole year to win it a ll. W hy not? They have four seniors left from the back ; ears; in addition their great freshman Patrick Ewing would be seasoned a fter th irty games. A nd th e ir League, the Big E ast, is the strongest league in the country. Not the Pac-10. A .C .C o r Big T en . Folks, it’s called the Big East. The Big East consists o f Boston C ollege, Seton H a ll, Providence College, Syracuse, St, Johns, V illa- nova, G eorgetow n, C o n n ecticu t. A fte r all the years o f independent play the Eastern powers finally got sm art and form ed a League. The League brought great enthusiasm from the public, good T .V . expo sure and a forum fo r all the good North Carolina: All the way by Ron Sykes It'» Billy Ray "Dunk" Bataa aa ha air-lifts hl» way through the lana carrying Bullat defender* with him to make a Portland Trailblazer two-point play, while teammate Myehal Thompson await» hl* will and pleasure. (Photo: VIAnce Eaatar) ASTRO-DESTINY A R IE S M ar. I I - Apr. 1* Whot s«em»d hord latt week proves to bo a breeze thii week. Give thing» a second chance. G E M IN I M a , 21 - June 20 Ffappy timet this week. Frientb and family contrib ute to th , joy. Solitude will hove to take a bock toot. CA NCER J e n , 21 - J a l, 22 Romance it not running smoothly. Quarrels and mis understandings w ill moke It on impossible time. LEO Joly 22 - A o f. 22 It is sometimes the best policy to give the feelings of Others first priority. You can benefit greatly from this offitude. VIR G O A e *. 23 - Kept. 22 45. Money it o probtam. Coution it the watchword. If you went to tucceed you've got to make on effo it worthwhile. TALRLS Apr. 20 - M a , 20 The road to New Orleans will see N o rth C a ro lin a , H o uston . Louis v ille and G eorgetow n as the only travelers. O n M a rc h 20, G eo rg e tow n, the num ber one seed in the west, proved to be too much for the Oregon State Beavers. Led by seven- foot sensation Pat Ew ing, the H o - yas dominated the Beavers from be ginning to end, fin ally winning 69- O S U showed up at the M a rrio tt C en ter in P ro v o , U ta h , but they d id n ’ t come to play. This was not the well-oiled machine that Beaver fans were accustomed to seeing. Oregon State seemed to be awed by the presence o f Georgetown which caused numerous turnovers in the final half and led to their early bur ial. OSU seemingly ^tood around and let G eorgetow n score at w ill. But one should remember that this is a young Beaver team . A team that m any thought w ould finish a n y Portland Observer, March 26,1962 Page 11 Eastern H ig h School chippers to stay home;> T h ey p lay a d iffe re n t game in thé east, full court pressure and physical play under the boards. You can lose your front teeth pull ing down a rebound against the east ern style o f play. O regon State was in tim id a te d from the first moment o f play. The game against Georgetown was a les son in style that Oregon State was not ready for. A .C . Green and C onners and C om p an y are very good but the Pac-10 is not ready for the physical eastern game. Coach M ille r is b ril liant in strategy o f the game, but he can’t teach the intangibles that go with agressive basketball. I t ’s got to come from the heart. Y o u ’ve got to give it to get it, and th a t’s w hat Georgetown is about. Y o u cannot prepare a team fo r the second season as you do in the regular season. Coaches lik e Ray M ayer and R alph M ille r, a fte r all these years, have not grasped that yeti I t ’s money time, and N .B .A . con tract time. The peer pressure is at its greatest and who wants it the most will get it. Ihese are the things that bring greatness and championships in the second season. W e must stay w ith G eorgetown and hope that all o f our readers will enjoy the blooming o f the greatest big man ever to come down the pike, Pat Ewing. H e ’s going to be with us for a long time. Oive plaudits to John Thompson. He has a team that is ten man deep, and all are pulling for each other to bring home the golden ring. H ail to the victors! Hail to Georgetown! where from third to seventh in the Pac-10, but instead captured their third straight Pac-10 title. These young Beavers for sure are gaining valuable post-season experi ence. These Beavers w ill be back. Oregon State loses only s ix -fo u r guard Lester Conner from the start ing lin e-u p , and alrea d y C oach Ralph M ille r has signed a six-four recruit whom many think is the best guard coming out o f high-school in the midwest. Some have even pegged him as the next Lester Con ner. In the semi-final in New Orleans North Carolina should easily defeat Houston and G eorgetown should have little trouble w ith Louisville. L o u isv ille w ill run in to the same problem as Oregon State, no one to defense Ewing. In the fin a l. N o rth C a ro lin a ’ s Sam Perkins and James Worthy will be more than enough fo r G eorge town. The pick here is that Coach Dean Smith will win his first N C A A Championship. Kelvin Ranaay ia on th* run and gun as ha ahoota from the top of tha kay. (Photo: VlAnca Eaatar) Ox? I let your dreams and hopes gel tide-frocked. Nothing it impossible if you keep a goal in mind. L IB R A Kept. 23 - O rl. 22 You hove a tendency to vatcilote this week. Settle down or you're going to find yourself in o muddle. SCORPIO O rt. 23 - No». 31 The problem that has crapped up con be eased by frienrb and fam ily. G ive them a chance to help. O ld you know th a t h a m o - ptiiliacs. bum and shock vic tim s. and m any o th a r sick I people wouldn't have a chance without plasma M xj can help them ..a n d earn aome extra money, too W A FRtCMO. BE A PLASMA DONOR Plasma donors can safely give tw ic e a w e e k a n d re g u la r donors can »am over $1,000 a year The ideos and suggestions of others are worth listen ing to. Yaw con leorn much from the elderly. S A G IT T A R IU S Ne». 22 - D»c. 21 C A P R IC O R N Dor. 22 - Jan. IS No one it immune to jeolauty, but excessive jealousy con cause much grief. Don’t let it became an obsess ion. AQ UA RIUM Jon. 20 - Feb. IN A secret has been confided to you, and you are in a pickle because it it thought thot you hove reveal ed this confidence. PISCES Fob. IS - M or. 20 There con be mony delays and interruptions this week. You'll just hove to roll with the punches. Two locations 427 S .W . 11th 2706 S.E. 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