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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1982)
Page 10 Portland Observer, March 25,1982 Th« Equitable U fa A u u ran c « Society of th« United States > S W Hall Btvd . Beaverton. Oregon «HX» Sport Talk SANDRA K. BELL Agant Little League try-outs will be held Satuday, M arch 27, 1982 at Penin sula Park from 9 am until 12 noon. Those signing up are asked to bring their birth certificates or their par ents. Those boys living in the Irving P ark d istrict who wish to play should sign up at Peninsula. The Sportsmen and Irvin g boundaries are now one— the result o f a merger between the two. Linle League begins this Saturday in local parks. The N a tio n a l A A U basketball tournament will take place M arch 25-28 at D avid Douglas H igh School’s two gymnasiums. Play will begin M arch 25 at 3 pm , and the final game is scheduled for Sunday at 4 pm. This year's field is loaded. A ll four o f last year’s tournament final ists are back. The finalists include O h io ’ s Custer brothers who took second last year. M arathon O il rep resenting Chicago, D etroit, M ich i gan’s Burger King and the Pacific N orthwest's own defending cham pions, Seattle’s Brewster Packing. The four-day series will bring such ex-pros as Frank Sanders, form er Boston Celtic and Kansas City King; T alvin Skinner, ex-Seattle Super sonic; and Darnell H illm an, ex-Los Angeles Laker. Top Collegians include Dan Cald w e ll, U n ive rs ity o f W ashington; Dave W estley, C reighton U n iv e r sity; M ike Clark, University o f Ore gon; Ron Baxter, University o f Tex as; Bill Reynolds, Northwest Louisi ana; and Bill McShane, Tony M a r tin, and Ricky Lee, all former Ore gon State U n ive rs ity players. McShare, M artin and Lee will repre sent Advanced Control Technology— Portland. This is a national tournament and should be well worth the price o f ad mission. W here have you gone D avid Thom pson, D av id T h o m pson, where have you gone charm ing David? It would be nice to say that David Thompson, 6-4 guard, o f the Den ver Nuggets has gone to take his na tu ral place among the elite o f the N B A , but presently that just is not the situation. W e all remember the lithe young all- A m erican and col lege player o f the year that burst on the N B A scene a fte r a most illus trious career at N o rth C a ro lin a State. W e also remember how David and and his NCS teammates denied U C L A and Coach John W ooden the 1974 N C A A cham pionship by beating the Bruins 74-71. Thompson had many great nights but who will ever forget A p ril 9, 1978, the last game the Detroit Pistons would play in Cobo Arena before their journey to Pontiac Silverdome. Thompson was in a neck-to-neck finish w ith George G ervin fo r the N B A scoring title. Gervin was the eventual winner, but what David did then was spectacular. He shot 28-of- 38 from the field, l7-of-20 from the line, set an N B A record with 13 field goals in his 32-point first quarter, had 53 at the half and finished with 73, a figure only surpassed by W ilt Chamberlain’s 100-point effort. I t ’ s hard to forget a one-man ef fo rt lik e that and I ’ m sure D avid Thompson won’t forget either. The question now is, “ W h y D avid Thom pson is held q u ietly in the background while Denver makes 4s 643 9300 Sptetalizm t in Ihu/M itii by Ron Sykes, Sports Editor run for the playoffs? David has had a lot of problems, the First o f which was “ the contract,” that eight hun dred thousand whopper that David signed a fte r the 1978 season de signed primarily by Denver to keep the rest o f the N B A predators away from their young star. That contract led to many ill feelings among team mates and fans. Many will say that “ the contract” led to Thom pson’s demise. After “ the contract,” David was beset by injuries. He overcame the first, a bad heel in 1980 that caused him to miss all but th irty -n in e games. Thom pson bounced back momentarily last year to reclaim his stardom with the Nuggets and one would think that the nightmare was over. Not so. The 1982 season saw D avid nagged with injuries causing him to miss twenty o f the team 's first thirty-five games. He was later fined for missing piactice and rumor had it that he was fighting a drug prob lem. Thom pson is again healthy but under Coach Doug M o e ’s system, Thom pson's scoring is no longer needed. You see, David is a guard and Moe depends on his front line o f Dan Issel, Alex English and Kiki Van de Weghe to do the scoring. W hat M oe demands out o f the backcourt is good defense and ball h an d ling . N ew ly acquired T .R . D u n n , fro m P o rtla n d , has been super in the backcourt and has emerged as the team’s top rebound er and ballhandler. Thompson now Finds himself in a situation not unlike that o f P o rt la n d ’ s B illy Ray B a te s .. no m in utes. Treat A Kid To Popeye's Famous Fried Chicken W e honor all chicken-coupons Hil My name is Orlanda. I'm smiling because my Mom is bringing home some Popeye s Chicken ! love Pepeye ■ Chicken, Pooeve's has everything I like - corn dogs, pop, french fries and chicken tacos Put A Smile On Your Kid's Face! 3 Locations To Serve You; 3120 N E. Union Ave. 5949 N E Union Ave. 283 9542 28 , 2628 2320 S E 82nd Ave 774 9651 GOLD EAGLE FISH MARKET 5626 N .E. Union T The problem: No speed in the backcourt by Ron Sykes As the N B A season draws to an end i t ’ s becoming more and more evident that Portland cannot win. Not only will this team not make the playoffs, but this 1982 team will not finish above .500. Why then? There is one reason that we all are aware o f, and there’s one that’s seldom if ever discussed. I t ’ s been w idely discussed that this Blazer team is lacking the domi nant force in the middle, and, now, it’s so apparent that this team is miss ing speed in the backcourt. To see the problem all one has to do is first turn to the college game, the game that is widely recognized as the scoring ground for the pros. As we watch the 1982 n atio n al collegiate Division I championship unfurl we recognize one thing imme diately. . .the best 16 teams all had one thing in common. No it wasn’t the dominating center, but speed in the backcourt. And that friends is what is hurting Portland the most. Remember the “ 7 6 -7 7 ” cham pionship team? W ell, that team only really came into it’s own when Cap tain Bill W alton asked Coach Jack Ramsay to use silver-q u ick John Davis for the injured Dave Tw ard- zik instead o f the experienced but lead-footed Larry Steele. It was then that these Blazers became red-hot- and-rollin’ . N ow , I ’ m sure some people will not w ant to believe this but here comes anyway. The b elief here is that it is Jim Paxson that is hurting most o f all. Sure Jim is consistent, he’s in te lli gent and all those good things. Paxson can deliver the jumper as steady as a popcorn machine turns out popcorn. But Jim does not have the speed so necessary for big minutes in to day’ s N B A . Paxson would be b ril liant as a sixth man, because he is a steadying influence. Today’s game depends so heavily on tra n s itio n , and tran s itio n de mands speed. Come playoff time just watch the teams that are going som ewhere. They will all have one thing in com mon— speed in the backcourt. Sure, some w ill say what about the Celtics, the hottest team in the N B A , don’t they start slow-footed Chris Ford in their backcourt? And a re n ’ t they the team w ith the best N B A record? Sure, Ford is a starter, but the key here is the word starter. Boston only PEOPLE TO PEOPLE SERVICE (ENTERPRISE) Can help you earn and save money plus be satisfied with our service. ♦ O ffer: 3 D iverse A reas of Sales and Service. A ll products 100% m oney-back g u aran tee, w e order and deliver. For in f o r m a t io n c o n ta c t: John Oliver (206) 892-8607 Vane. W A Herbert Oliver (503) 2864179 Pttd, OR M ix -I-G o Qaa fuel treatm ent save» you: • energy • m o n ty • cleans spark plugs b angina while you drive • prolongs angina I f a and much, much m ore . . ORDER & DELIVER A complete line of household and personal care products that are of excellent quality. A laundry detergent ( SA 8) that is second to none in the country. To use it, is to believe it. S lick 50 Car Insurance Averages batw ean *200 *600 a year for m ost drivers Insure your car angina from w earing out for lass than *30 00 w ith only ona application of slick SO . Q u a lity C a rp e t Installed Low Cost Includes Al Carpet & Tile Installation BI Kitchen Floor Installation Cl Bath Floors D) Quality Floors Armstrong, Congoleum, Biscayna, Mannington flashes Ford, then Henderson and M .L . Carr comes to the rescue. When things are going bad some times a lineup change will help. Per haps Ramsay should start to try a different combination in the back court. Kelvin Ransey appears to be solid. Maybe a new running mate at the o ff guard. Billy Ray Bates is a pressure player, Billy is so produc tive. The Blazer ship is sinking slow- ly, even the fans are now beginning to jum p ship. Ramsay is the ship's c a p ta in .. he makes the decisions, but if he waits too long this ship will surely sink.The damage is there, the damage controlman. Billy, is w ait ing for the call. Let's hope that the Captain (Ramsay) acts soon. BUFFALO F IS H ...................................................... 8 1 5 9 /lb C U LTU R ED PRO TEIN FED C A T F IS H ............. 82 59/lb G A R ........................................................................... 82 25/lb G O O .......................................................................... 81.69/lb NEW O RLEANS O Y S T E R .................................. 81 99/jar Flown in daily from Louisiana at a low low price. W e have D M S O ®l EXODUS educaAs n a / a r u / Is t/m e n / en/*4 1639 N.E. A lberta PORTLAND OREGÙN 9721 1 294 7997 QUADRIPARTITE MENTAL-FITNESS Ethanol Solatron Energy Research Laboratories 3536 N . Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon 97212 One o f the essential tools needed to assure success in any relationship is a good set o f Human Relation Communicators. Here are four basic communicators, when used together w ill improve success in every relationship, every time. (1) CLEANLINESS Strive for a clean spirit, a clean mind, a clean body and clean property. (2) C ARING Strive to sincerely care about what you do, especially with others. Be concerned about responsibilities and accountability. (3) COURTESY Strive to be courteous, respectful and understanding in all o f your relationships with others. solar CAR & FURNACE FUEL Low as 10C Per Gallon! Beat high petro pricesl M ake your ow n lo w -c o s t, prem ium - grade fuel w ith n ew backyard Solar Still. Build it from easy to- fo llo w plans in 4 -6 hours for about 840.001 Amazingly efficient home ener gy factory" costs nothing to op e ra te , uses raw m aterials you grow or buy at low wholesale, to produce Aquahol (not Gasohol). Blend o f 6 0-70 % ethyl alcohol, 3 0 -4 0 % w a te r, is s a fe -m a k e s cars & furnaces run cooler, last longer. Only m inor mechanical adjustments required. Thousands o f A m ericans are brewing their own fuel. Now, so can you. Plant a garden and pow er your cart. Send 81.00 (refund able) for c o m p le te , fa c t-fille d "H ow -To-D o-lt” Reportl (4) COMPLETENESS Strive to complete w-hat you start for good; be concerned about your Honesty and Integrity. Knowing and Understanding these four Communicators are in part what Q U A D R IP A R TITE M E N T A L - FITNESS is all about.