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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1981)
Page 6 Portland Observar, December 3, 1981 OBSERVATIONS FROM THE SIDELINES B Y Kathryn Hall Bogle some heroic things in bronze. He also has metal wall-hanging pieces, exciting in th e ir faith fu lness to movem ent and some smooth examples o f landscapes serene and magnificent. These are a bit expen sive for a stocking g ift, although if keeps statistics on the h irin g and promotions for Equal Employment I Opportunity Reports. Her list o f ac complishments is long. One o f the greatest is she "responds to employ ment inquiries by m ail, w alk-in or phone.” Super woman! O n g o in g P ro g ra m A im e d a t D is o r ie n te d W o m e n — recently separated, widowed, or divorced. PCC job placement office will sponsor a career and life planning workshop for displaced homemakers beginning No vember 30 with sessions continuing through December 3 at the Friendly House Community Center, 2617 N W Savier, Portland. Enrollment in the next workshop is limited to 30. Information and regis tration questions should be directed to Careers at the Portland Community College Sylvania Campus, 244-6111. Annette Barnea and Howard Washington announce their engage ment at a recent Kwanzan party. A t the Kwanzan p arty , A nnette Barnes, a teacher at H a rie tt T ub- man M id d le School, and H a ro ld W ashington, a v ice-p rin cip al at Tubman, told o f their engagement. The couple will become one some time in January o f 1982. y Frank Sarpy and Edythe Caw- thorne at Kwanzan party. Rosa Lee Carson, president; M au - della Ramsay, secretary and Cartez Penix, treasurer. Members are liste- ed as Edith Anderson, Bennie Blan ton, Linnie Black, Archie Bonner, Carolyn H in to n , Eula M urray and Marie W alker. • The Rev. Alcena Boozer, deacon at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal C hurch, counted 50 persons from the Burnside community who sat as guests at the Thanksgiving dinner table in the parish hall o f St. Philip on T u rkey and Thanksgiving Day. The Episcopal Church W om en, to which all women in the church auto m a tic a lly belong, were the h a rd working hostesses for the celebra tions. The Rev. Boozer is now in New Y o rk C ity at N a tio n a l Episcopal Church headquarters there. She is a member o f the National Task Force o f 20 concerned persons from dio cese around the country gathered for two days o f brain-storming. "T h is is our first m eeting,” said Deacon Boozer. “ We are seeing that is is urgent ’ o discuss the c ritic a l need to attract more Black persons into the ministry o f our church. St. Philip in Portland has been search ing for a minister for some time and we are vitally concerned. The Task Force will discuss in detail the 'how* The Kwanzans, a women s club w ith 25 years o f o rg a n iza tio n , started o f f the w in ter season's round o f parties with an inform al and friendly champagne a ffa ir at Prince Hall. The twelve members o f Kwanzan played hostess to about 75 guests o f recruitment, the training and the who came through a downpour o f deployment o f Black ministers. We rain to relax and enjoy each other at want to publicize our need and we the old hall. Prince H a ll, the home welcome public interest in our o f the Prince H all Masonic Lodge, search for answers.” has provided social conveniences to The Rev. Boozer w ill be guest all racial groups for more than fifty minister at St. M argaret’s Episcopal years and it echoes the footsteps, the Church in Dayton, Ohio, before her dancing steps and the music and return to P ortland. The Rev. W il laughter o f fo u r generations o f liam ("F ath er Bill” ) Wetzel, former Black Portlanders. minister at St. Philip, is the minister Emma Chiles is current president at St. Margaret. o f K w anzan. O th e r members are • A rie R andle, M a ry F u lle r, M a ry S till planning your g ift list fo r Smith, Maude Young, Audrey Ellis, Christmas? You might think o f an Angie Richard, Genevieve M a rtin , art piece by a local Black artist. Hazel Motley, Edna Porter, Pauline Countee and Bernadette Plummer. Philemon Reid was a featured art ist at the B roadw ay G a lle ry (825 N .E . Broadway) last Saturday. The The third annual Christmas Tea gallery is a pleasant place to browse. o f the Usher Board was an event o f Atm osphere is quiet, carpeted and Sunday afternoon on November 29 home lik e . Rooms are small and at St. Andrews Community Church lend an intimate and personal feel out on 30th and Ainsworth. ing for the shopper. The social hall o f the church, A m ong the impressive oils and decorated handsomely w ith white knife-palette paintings by Philemon Christmas tree with ornaments and Reid are some small treasures cost C hristm as packages, held a con ing far less. His original Black His tinuous flow o f members and tory Series is now available in prints friends o f the church who each put and these reproductions come at a down a " little green" in the silver com fortable "u n d e r-th irty ” dollar offering tray for the sake o f sweet price. Look in the bin near the door charity. Table for tea delicacies were for other reproductions. Some nice skirted in red and white netting, a things in there to give lasting satis warm fire burned in the fireplace faction. and hot coffee was poured gener Over at Al Goldsby Studio at 825 ously. A real C hristm as card set N o rth K illin g s w o rth on Sunday, ting! Dec. 6, you are invited to an Open Chairm an o f the Usher Board is House from 3 p .m . to 7 p .m . A l H u lo n M o tle y . O ffic e rs include G o ld sb y, m etal scu lp turist, has GOLD EAGLE FISH MARKET 5620 N .E . Union M o n -F ri 10-7 S a t- S u n 11-5 Tel: 287-2060 • 287-6075 9 „vV you have been planning an art pur chase for some time, you might con sider one o f these. They are some thing to remember. G oldsby also is fam ed for his " d o t” pictures— an interesting tech nique. Cost is reachable. EXODUS â äluca/u n a / a r u / i/in e r t/ ^‘rn/e-t 1639 N .E. A lberta PORTLAND. OREGON 9721 1 234 7997 From the Front Door by Tom Boothe r ZOE WILSON Zoe W ilson o f Salem has been tapped to be in the 1982 edition o f " W h o ’s Who in the W est." Daugh ter o f M r. and Mrs. Artie L. Wilson o f Portland, Zoe has lived in Salem for some time working in state gov ernment. Currently Zoe is Personnel O fficer in the Oregon Department o f Transportation. In her capacity as personnel o ffi cer Zoe recruits " n o n -tra d itio n a l” employees; she interprets personnel rules, laws, policies, union contracts to management and employees, and NARVEES HABERDASHERY E M P O R IU M From the front door, on Saturday morning, December 5, 1981, at 10.00 am members of the Exodus Clean Team's performing group will be practicing the dress rehearsal of their performance "In Search of Pride." The performance "In Search of Pride" consists of music and songs short skits, monolog stories, poetry and dance, all of which is original material composed and developed by members of the Exodus Clean Team. The children of the Exodus Clean Team invite you the public as neighbors and friends to come and preview and critique their performance. This performance will be presented at the Exodus auditorium located at 17th and Alberta on Saturdays and Sundays, after which it will be scheduled for schools, social agencies, local community centers and church groups. I w ill publish the date, tim e and location of each perform ance of "In Search o f P rid e " as they are scheduled. But fo r righ t now , come ou t Saturday morning and give the kids your vote of confidence at: 1635 NE Alberta. Saturday, December 5, 1981, at 10:00 a.m. BUFFALO F IS H ...................................................... $1 gg/lb C U LTU R E D PR O TEIN FED C A T F IS H ............. 62.59/lb The latest in m en's and wom en's fashions (hats, caps, scarfs, gloves & acces. I G A R .......................................................................................... .. G 0 ° ............................................................................................ N E W O R LE A N S O Y S T E R ................. ................. 61.99/Jar Flown in daily from Louisiana at a low low price. W a have D M SO NARVEES HABERDASHERY E M P O R IU M 3619 N.E. Union Ave. 10 am 7 pm M o n . thru Sat. Presented « ■ comm unity service by the H o u m of Enodus