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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1981)
Paße 8 Portland Observer, November 25,1981 entertainment HAPPENINGS Getting Ready For The Holidays Special — ENTERT A IN M t N 1 All A t Harry's Mustache S till T h e B eat C u rl In T o w n A t T h e Beat P rlc e lll Call Now 2S4-1897 w ith th ia ad Roland W h ite , along with brother Clarence— long-time guitar great with the Byrds— was the originator o f the Kentucky Colonels. Roland brings years o f musical experience to C ountry Gazette: he worked several years with B ill M onroe. Lester F la tt, and Hee H a w ’s Grandpa Jones. Roland plays mandolin and guitar and is featured on his solo album, Z Wasn't Born to Rock and R oll A lan M u n d a is considered one o f the nation's leading innovative banjo players. Besides work with Country Gazette, Munde has recorded or per formed with such notables as Jimmy M artin, Red Allen, Clarence W hite. Vassar Clements, Linda Ronstadt, Sam Bush, Bobby Hicks, Gram Parsons, and the Flying Burrito Brothers. Munde has also published several volumes o f banjo music featuring original compositions and arrangements o f tradi tional tunes. Transcriptions o f his music have appeared in several banjo in struction books. J o e C a rr, guitarist, mandolinist, singer and emcee from For, W o rth , * \ s M l STARPOINT Since bursting upon the scene like a supernova two years ago, Starpoint has kept its growing legion o f fans wanting more. Now Starpoint has re turned with a third Casablanca LP entitled “ Wanting Y o u .” Four o f the six Starpoint members are brothers— Ernesto. Orlando, Greg and George Phillips— who discovered a passion for music at an early age while growing up in Baltimore. As teenagers, the Phillips brothers found a kindred musical spirit in Kayode Adeyemo, who brought a wealth o f influ ences to their sound, from Michigan to Barbados to Nigeria, all areas where the well traveled Adeyemo had once made his home. Vocalist Renee Diggs rounds out the outfit, with the present line-up including Ernesto on guitar, Orlando on bass, Greg on drums. George on keyboards and Kayode on per cussion, bass and timbales. Together they formed a senes o f bands, playing all over the Baltim ore/ Washington district. Known as Lycindiana when they first started per forming in 1972, the group appeared up and down the east coast, doing as sorted session work for both Motown and A ll Platinum Records. In 1978, the group became Starpoint, and after a continual sharpening o f their en semble skills, inked an agreement with Casablanca Records. They hit big right away with the debut single, “ I Just Wanna Dance W ith Y o u ,” from their self-titled first album. Their second LP, “ Keep On It ,” generated a hit single with the title track. Whether it’ s the heart-rending ballads (such as “ Angel” or “ Break Up To Make U p ” ) or the steamy uncompromised funk and soul Starpoint is famous for (such as the first single, “ W anting Y o u ” or “ Do W hat You Wanna Do ’), “ Wanting You” doesn’t fail to leave listeners wanting more. Produced by Lionel Job, “ Wanting You” displays more o f the ferocious musicianship that has kept the Starpoint legend ever growing. “ We simply strive for the best,” claims brother Ernesto. On “ Wanting Y o u .” Starpoint has achieved just that. 1406 N .E . B ro a d w a y , « Starpoint Makes Big Achievement A < in R«0MONOW $ 2 5 H W C U 1R ^.20N O W * I U M e e t th e C o u n try G a ze tte Butch Coor» at a In Loa Angelaa I Studio Ona party w ith Melba M oore, A.,8 88 88 8 8 88 88 8 88 g 88 1 Rv Ï • CHICKEN 11 • 11 A’l ; I u u » m e° 8 8 8 8 8 8 g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 °g. 3 L ocations T o S erve You: Texas— w orked in Texas bluegrass for five years and led many p rize winning bands. He joined the ranks as a professional several years ago, and since has lent his stylish support and tasteful sense o f humoi to Roanoke of Fort W orth and since I9 77 , to Country Gazette. C arr has published two volumes o f mandolin music. JazzGrass Solos and M erlin's M agical M a n dolin Method. His playing is featured on his solo album. Otter Nonsense. M ik e A n derso n, acoustic bass player, singer and songwriter, is the G a zette’s youngest member. He is a product o f the same Texas school o f music that produced Bob W ills and W illie Nelson. Anderson began his career as one o f the Sunset Harmony Boys. Alter a stint as a music store proprietor, he worked w ith Joe C arr in Roanoke before C arr and Anderson joined Country Gazette. Anderson’s tasteful playing and good tone pul him in de mand as a sideman in numerous recording sessions. The Gazette performs many o f M ike’s original tunes. For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n C o n ta ct N o rth C o un try P ro d u c tio n * 241 2575 \ 2320 S.E. 82nd Ave. 774 9651 ! I i across from the Galleria ■ Proline now offers a ■ 917 S.W. Alder 224-8101 ■ ■ S U P E R C U T ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ I A Little Family Talk PRO STYLE SHOP J I J J » 3120 N.E. U nion Ave. 281 2628 5949 N.E. U nion Ave. 283 9542 H arry's M u s ta c h e is proud to ann o u n ce the firs t Po rtlan d a p p e a r a n c e by b lu e g ra s s w iz a r d s C O U N T R Y G A Z E T T E . T h is in c re d ib le q u a rte t w ill ap p ear for th ree n ights. Tuesday thru T h u rsd ay. D e c e m b er 1 st-3 rd . a t H a rry 's M u s ta c h e . 19195 S M o la lla . O re g o n C ity . Tickets $4. Show s: 8 30 pm . Under these conditions ONLY *No appointment *First available operator only J (present this coupon with visit) *!■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■---------- Earth, W ind and Fire’s Maurice White may have a busy concert and re cording schedule with his hit Columbia Records act, but he can always take time out to listen to the public and his fans. During a recent visit to C h i cago. W hite had the chance to chat with a mother and son he met at the Afro-American Family and Community Services, a comprehensive commu nity services organization supported by the National Black United Fund. Recently named to the Fund’s Board o f Directors, Marice visited Chicago to see the type of work done by the organizations supported by the Black United Fund— the larges, Black charity organization in Am erica— and ex press h.s support for the Fund’ s goals. From the look o f the smiles all around, it teems that Maurice enjoyed visiting with one o f the many Black families aided by the Family and Community Services, and is most pleased with the operations results. V, What a way to go!! RESTAURANT 728 N.E. DEKUM STREET 283 0009 Put Yourself in a m ellow m ood w ith V elvet. Presented by P o rtland A lu m n i C h ap ter o f Kappa A lpha Psi F ra te rn ity G ala H arvest Fest D ate: N o v. 28,1981 T im e: 10 P .M . to 2 A M . Place: S h erato n A irp o rt In n , 8236 N .E . A irp o rt W a y P o rtlan d , O regon Chae's Wigs 10% Free Gift off reg. price with the purchase of any new w ig while supply lasts ^4 Located in Newberry's * all wigs in stock yd Center 288-3( Open Monday-Saturday 7am to 7pm Up In Arms W ith Baby Although norm ally boosting the perform ance o f C o lu m b ia recording stars Earth, Wind & Fire with his fiery bass playing, Verdine White gives a baby a lift during a recent visit to Chicago’s A fro-A m erican Fam ily and Community Services, where the presence o f Verdine and his brother M au r ice gave local residents another kind o f “ boos, ” Touring the Chicago facil ity after announcing their involvement with the National Black United Fund — Am erica’s largest Black charity organization— the Whites were getting a personal look at the work done by the type o f community organizations the Fund supports. O ffe rin g a whole range o f child-care, fam ily and com munity services, the Chicago A fro-Am erican Family and Com m unity Ser vices organization has been able to aid many members o f the local Black community, including the youngster pictured with Verdine above. Utilizing their positions as members o f the Black United Fund’s Board o f Directors to call attention to worthy causes in the Black com m unity, M aurice and Verdine are obviously proud to be working on such a worthwhile project, as Verdine’s delighted expression should tell you. OBBEBS-TO-fiO BELI CASE POP-II 0¥E I MEATS PABTT PLATTEBS CATEBIIG The Deli W ith A Dift _ _ Catering Through The Holidays