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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1980)
Portland Observar July 3. 1980 Paga 9 M ULTNOM AH COUNTY PROPERTY A N D ASSET M A N A G E R (Admin Specialist 2) $18,792 28,188 annually depending on ex p e r ie n c e . P e rfo rm s professional and a d ministrative work in area Portland Development Commission seeking in _ of Real Property, - . per- dividual to perform varied graphics functions * > sonal property, and fleet m anagem ent. Respon relating to commission protects Duties include sible for the designing preparing charts, graphs, illustrations, designing and im p le m e n tin g displays and signs; coordinating layouts for prin necessary policies and ted material; assisting in Multi Media presen procedures for three tations. separate operations. To Q u a lify two years of Mimmum qualifications: Thorough knowledge of related administraive or and experience in graphics design, printing work ex techniques, lettering, layout; ability to prioritize < » technical workload; other qualifications listed in official job ' p e rie n c e , in c lu d in g supervision. Desirable: description Application deadline: July 18, ,980. experience in the man agement of flee, operations. Knowledge of systems management and/or data processing techniques Experience working with com- Prepare cash receipts and-diebursement journals, monthly financial reports; post to general and ** missions and citizens escrow ledgers; reconcile cash records; light C groups. Ability to analyze data. Experience typing. Qualifications: Experience and training in resource allocation equivalent to 1 year college level accounting cour- I and budgeting. ses; 10 key by touch; typing 45 50 wpm. A p p ly for the above $937/mo. Regular raises, excellent benefits. position no later than 4:30 PM, Monday, July Portland Development Commission 14, 1980 ENGINEER. DESIGN 1500 S.W . Firs, Avenue ft C O NSTRUCTION 248 4971 $20,800 31,320 (salary An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity negotiable depending on Employer background and e x p e rie n c e .) E m p lo yee supervises and ad ministers the Engineer mg Services projects for the design and construc Fairview Training Center is recruiting for Director tion of public facilitis, of Resident Life Division to direct a staff of over primarily roads and 700 in providing training programs and activities sanitary and storm for more than 1300 mentally retarded residents in sewers, and performs 23 living units on campus. engineering design work on complex structural This position has major responsibility for policy engineering projects. To formulation, compliance with state and federal Qualify for this position ICF-MR regulations, program evaluation, staff all applicants must have: development and budget preparation and 1. B.S. IN Civil or Struc execution. tural Engineering. 2. Oregon registration as To qualify you must have a bachelors degree in a Civil or Structural human services discipline or equivalent respon Engineer, or able to ob sible technical or professional experience and at tain by reciprocity. 3 leas, 5 years mangement or professional super Four (4) years experience visory experience in a function related to a large in Civil Engineering in volving the design and human resources organization, including a, leas, 2 years of program experience in M R /D D . Salary construction of roads, rane: $24,444 to $31,212. Apply: Portland Observer JOB FINDER GRAPHICS SPECIALIST ACCOUNTING CLERK DIRECTOR I FAIRVIEW PERSONNEL 2250 Strong Rd. S. E. Phone: 378-5369 An Equal Opportunity Employer Closing date July 8. PART TIM E Piece work. W ebster, A m e ric a n 's fo re m o s t d ic tio n a r y c o m p a n y needs home workers to update local mailing lists. All ages, experience un necessary. Send name, address, phone number to: WEBSTER 175 - 5th Ave. Suite 1101 -1894 D New York, N.Y. 10010 Thousands of tree species, including highly valuable ma hogany, tea, rosewood and ebony, occur in tropical forests. QUANTITATIVE ECOLOGIST sewers, bridges, and structures, to include: (Forest Biometricien) two (2) years in bridge Post doctoral Research Associate position and structure design, available October 1, i960, to conduct research in and two (2) years of development of new biomass equations for Nor responsible experience in thwestern plant species. charge of projects to in Requirements: Ph.D. in quantitative forest c lu d e s u p e rv is o ry ecology, forest biometry, or related responsibility for the forestry/biology area; strong quantitative work of a variety of background in data processing and management design, construction and of large data sets Salary $16,000 20,000/year engineering support per depending upon qualifications and experience sonnel. Closing date: September 15, 1980 Send resume, A pply for the above three letters of reference and transcripts to: position no later than Dr. John C. Gordon, Head, 4:30 PM, Friday, August 15, 1980 Department of Forest Service CORRECTIONS Oregon State University OFFICER Corvallis, OR 97331 $1,298 per month. This is OSU is an Affirmative Action equal Employment work in the custody care Opportunity Employer and complies with Section and humane treatment 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. of adult male or female inmates in a jail or other CITY OF PORTLAND detention environment. ENERGY C O M M U N IT Y E m p lo y e e s c o n tr o l, CONSERVATION RECREATION monitor and supervise Portland Energy Con COORDINATOR the movement and ac servation, Inc., a non $1,345 to $1,511 tivities of the inmates. Professional work in p r o f it c o r p o r a t io n The provisions of safety planning and coor established by the City of and security, health and dinating leisure services Portland announces the welfare, and interaction at the community level. following positions: with inmates will be filled ENERGY Will be assigned to from the results of this CONSERVATION community schools and examination. See the CENTER M ANAGER community centers and s u p p le m e n ta l in f o r will plan, develop and mation sheet for more ENERGY evaluate physical fitness detailed information on CONSERVATION activities, crafts, fine and duties, conditions, and SPECIALIST performing arts, senior further qualifying fac citizens and special tors. To Q u a lify ap IN D USTRIAL recreation classes and plicants must be 21 years C O M M ER C IA L events and community of age, authorized to SECRETARY events. Will assess drive in the state of c o m m u n ity n e e d s , Call 248 4579 to receive a Oregon and have either research new develop job description and ap two years of college level ments in leisure services, plication. The n ew training in corrections, recruit and supervise d e a d lin e fo r all a p la w e n fo r c e m e n t, staff, assist in program p lic a tio n s Is July 21. psychology, sociology, 1980. This is a one year administration and main social work or related position, with extension tain program records. fields OR a high school dependent on future APPLY equivalancy and one f u n d in g . S a la r ie s Portland Civil Service year of work experience negotiatable 510 S.W Montgomery in a correctional program Equal Opportunity Portland, OR 97201 or social service related Employer No later than Monday, work. Applications for July 7, 1980. Women the above position are and minorities are en being taken con couraged to apply. tinuously. W h e re to An Equal Opportunity apply: Employer M ultnom ah County Personnel Office ONCOLOGY 426 SW Stark, 7th floor NUR SE/ED UC ATO R Scientific applications programmer wanted. Ex Portland, OR 97204 CLINICAL cellent capabilities in Fortran IV essential. Some Phone: (503)248 5015 SPECIALIST knowledge of machine languages and real time An Equal Opportunity Join No. W est/Alaska operating systems desirable. $13,000-14,000 per Employer r e g io n a l t r a v e lin g year. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, in faculty. Teach com cluding the names of references to: CITY OF PORTLAND munity nurses cancer HEATING INSPECTOR nursing. Masters degree Dr. Enoch W. Small To check new and required Oppty. to Department of Biochemistry altered furnaces, heat travel Er utilize your and Biophysics, pumps, commercial and s p e c ia l k n o w le d g e in d u strial v e n tila tio n Oregon State University Exercise creativity b systems and air con- ! Corvallis, Oregon 97331. curriculum development, ditioners for proper in- , teaching Er clinical prac Closing date July 7, 1980 Oregon State University stallation meeting code tice skills. Send letter of is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Em r e q u ir e m e n t s . J o b application Er resume to: ployer and complies with Section 504 of the requires knowledge of Dr. Gall Hongladerom Rehabilitation Act of 1973. these systems and of the Fred Hutchinson code requirements for Cancer Research their installation. Salary CITY OF PORTLAND Center now starts at $22,942 GRANTS ANALYST 1124 Columbia St. with periodic increases $22,610 to $23,982 Seattle. W A 98104 to $24,232 after one year P ro fe s s io n a l g ra n ts and may be raised after analysis work providing July 1. Many employee f in a n c ia l te c h n ic a l benefits include paid assistance to managers vacations, holidays, sick through the post award Excluded information Representative A to con leave, health and life in and grant operations and duct the State Parks and Recreation Division's r e p o r tin g s ta g e s . surance. legislative public information and parks con APPLY Responsibilities include Portland Civil Service stituency programs and related work. Requires explaining procedures 510 S.W . Montgomery equivalent to BS degree in journalism or related for the allocation of and two years of newspaper, magazine, television Portland, Oregon 97201 costs to be included for or radio journalism. Salary range $1,249 - $1,596 No later than Monday, grant projects, advising monthly. Apply: July 7, 1980. W omen managers of procedures for meeting federal, state and Minorities are e n couraged to apply. and city fiscal Executive Deportment An Equal Opportunity requirements as well as Personnel Division Employer other legal compliance 775 Court Street matters through final Salem, Oregon 97310 grant close-out. Must A n Equal Opportunity Employer have knowledge of federal grant regs, CITY OF PORTLAND b ud g eting p ra c tic e s , SYSTEMS M A NA G ER g ra n ts a c c o u n tin g Approx, annual $27,893 procedures and inter to $30,929. Organize a preting complex legal c o m p u te r based documents. [To write research and instructional programs m a n a g e m e n t in fo r APPLY design Data Base Management applications and mation center for the Portland Civil Service use of Data Base Mangement Systems, assist Portland Bureau of 510 S.W Montgomery faculty with programming, w rite technical W ater Works. Recom Portland, Oregon 97201 docum entation, teach computer workshops. m end e q u ip m e n t No later than Monday, BS/BA in Computer Science or related field with acquisition. Develop and July 7, 1980 Women upper division course work in computer Science, supervise a staff of and minorities are en plus one year experience as computer program programmers, operators, couraged to apply mer. Annual salary: »14,00 - »16,000. Faculty rank and data entry person A n Equal Opportunity is Research Assistant (unclassified) Send resume: nel. Employer [before July 14, 1980 to: APPLY Portland Civil Service Jo Ann Baugham 510 S W. Montgomery Computar Portland, Oregon 97201 DISCREET Oregon State University No later than Monday, PERSONAL Corvallis, OR 97331 July 7, 1980 W omen INTRO DUCTIONS OSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action and minorities are en Plamates International Employer and complies with Section 504 of the couraged to apply. P.O. Box 4402 Rehabilitation Act of 1973. An Equal Opportunity Mountain View, CA Employer ................................... ...................... SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMER INFORMATION REPRESENTATIVE A Boi^r Rvpoir PSNS Ettb 1891 CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITIES Experienced Journey/Limited For work on Submarines, Aircraft Carriers and other types of surface vessels • Electricians (marine) • Boilermakers (boiler repairs) «P ipefitters COMPUTER PROGRAMMER • Insulators (pipe coverers) U S Citizenship Required All federal Civil Service Benefits. Liberal vacation allowance, paid sick leave, p a rtia lly e m p lo y e r fu n d e d life b h e la th in su ran ce programs, excellent retirem ent plan. For M ore Inform ation: Call toll free 1 800 426 5996 (You may leave a message at these numbers outside of our working hours. Messages recorded after w orking hours.) OR M A IL RESUME TO: PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD ATTN: Code 170.2 (PR) BREMERTON. W A 98314 J M U L TN O M A H COUNTY REGISTERED NURSE CORRECTIONS $1,197 - $1,691 monthly. (Pay levels are deter mined by a number of factors which include post graduate educa tion, work experience and overall proficiency on the job.) Performs p ro fe s s io n ;! nursing duties for incarcerated persons at various Coun ty correction facilities; specific duties involve physical assessments, sick call, medication and treatment rounds Ap plicants must be available for all shifts and weekends on a rotating basis To Q u a lify 1) Graduation from a school of professional nursing with ac creditation at time of g r a d u a tio n . 2) Possession of a current license to practice as a registered professional nurse in the State of Oregon. Applicants may be examined but not employed prior to ob taining a license O p e n in g s o ccur regularly in various corrections facilities, in cluding the Courthouse jail, Rocky Butte jail and Claire Argow Center. Applications will be taken on a continuous basis until a sufficient number are received to s c h e d u le an examination. W here to apply: Multnom ah County Personnel Office 426 SW Stark, 7th floor Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 1503)248 5015 An Equal Opportunity Employer BROADCASTING DIRECTOR The Oregon Commission on Public Broadcasting is seeking an executive director for the develop ment and operation of the Oregon Educational and Public Broadcasting Service. Minimum qualifications: Five years (5) years administrative experience, and educational experience Ap plication deadline November 1, 1980 Appoin tment will be effective after January 1981. COM PETITIVE salary and full state employee benefits Candidates tor this challenging position must mail complete applicant resume, college transcripts, and three page statement of candidate's philosophy regarding the public broadcasting system to: Oregon Commission On Public Broadcasting c/o Dr. I. S. Hakanson Screening Chairman, Umpqua Community College P.O. Box 967 Roseburg, OR 97470 (503/672 5571) An Equal Opportunity Employer M EDICAL A SSISTANT INSTRUCTOR NURSING LAB INSTRUCTOR Length of Employment: 75%, 9 months per year Additional work may be available on a quarterly basis. M inim um Selection Criteria: Bachelor s Degree, preferably in Nursing, plus | current RN licensure in State of Oregon. Starting Date: September 15, 1980 Salary Range: | $15,780 $19,428 (80 81 Faculty salary schedule), I initial placement based on educaional background | and experience, plus benefit program Application Deadline July 7, 1980 (postmarked by) JO U R N A LIS M IN STR U CTO R / PUBLICATIONS ADVISOR Length of Employment: Fall Term 1980only (Temporary Replacement) M inim um Selection Criteria: Master s Degree required in Journalism or Com munications and/or three (3) years experience on a newspaper or other publication, or teaching I journalism courses. Salary: Paid from part-time salary schedule (Approx 14,000 $5,000 tor Fall term) Starting Date: September 15, 1980 Application Deadline July 7, 1980 (postmarked by) INSTRUCTOR FOR VIDEO A U D IO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Length of Employment Full time, 9 months per year M inim um Selection Ciiteria A Baccalaureate Degree in Mass com munications, Communications Technology or the equivalent experience in sound Starting Date: September 15, 1980 Salary Range $15,780 $19,428 180 81 faculty salary schedule) initial placement based on edcuation and ex perience, plus benefit package Application Deadline: July 20, 1980 (postmarked by) C ontact C l A^M as Community C o lk g « Personnel Office 19600 S Mollalla Ave , Oregon City, Or 97045 667 8400, ext. 318 Clackamas Community College is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer FINANCIAL CONTROL MANAGER Tri-Met, the regional public transit district, has an opening for Manager Financial control. The position is responsible for the administration of Tri-Met financial funds and fixed assets. Respon sibilities include the collection of revenues, cash flow management, investment management, and development and supervision of a fixed asset con trol system A degree in Economic - Business Administration Accounting or equivalent experience is required, plus a minimum of three year’s experience in, financial management. A knowledge of federal, and state regulations as they apply to financial, management within a public agency is necessary. Salary from $26,085 Submit resume no later than July 12, 1980 to: Tri-M at Employment Office 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue Portland, OR 97202