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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1980)
Portland Observer June 12, I960 Page 9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 8 N EW C O N S TR U C TIO N A N D /O R S U B S T A N TIA L REMARH IT A T in s i DETAILED N O TIFIC A TIO N OF FU N D A V A IL A B IL IT Y NO OR 18 0043 A LLO CA TIO N AREA Portlend S M S A l. llo f C le ck e m .,. Multnom ah end W M h,ng,on C o u n t» , in the State of Oregon and Clark County, State ot Weshingtonl The Departm ent of Housing and Urban Developm ent will accent Preliminary. newly-constructed .n d /o r Subatent»! R.hebilitatton housing under Assistance Paym ent! Program to be located in the Portland S M S A The estimated cost of the project is approximately 98,600 000 Federal par ticipation will be approximately $6,200.000 and the local share will be ap proximately $2,400,000. P d . ^ n £ y4 A copy ot the application for a federal grant for the project, together with an analysis ot the environmental impacts of the project, and the Transist Development Program, are available for public inspection at the Tri-Met o f fice, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. ° HT nfl A8— ,PHA)— coniTaci Pukuani Io an Annv^g^onSnbutiwigÇ^yûacl'yiiii* ** .he PHA T h . t ^ n n m g d a ,, to, acceptance o , Preliminary P roposta lo , p r o n t a for , h . „ d e rly /h e n - ¡ Ä S July 22. ,980 X S X Ä T h . Dapartm an. m a ^ X n Change the deadline . you Will be n o t i f y * ? ■» ó r. X d T ^ ... ~ ........ * P' 0 p 0 “ 1* 68 (* c8p'8d ° ' • X* nd ,he d M d "n8; " * d8c' * ° " <» rn»d» to Proposals for family and large family protects will be ...... . the last date on which such p ro p o M l. w,!l be a c c . ^ w T £ g i n n i n g June 16. 1980. and large family proposals received during the same m onth will be di w e « L J * " * * m ilV * n d necessary, ranked against each other Perference w ill n . . , 7 * * 7 proc88S8d ln • 0 rOuP »nd. it Is of 50 u n it, or less) and partially assisted fsmilu *0 ,,m ilv Pfof»cts (projec which 20 percent or fewer are assistedl P * Pro,8cU ° ' m 0,e ,h» n 50 units ot tormetton^re contained^ At the hearing, Tri Met will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and environmen tal aspects of the project. Interested persons may submit oral or written evidence and recommendations with respect to the project. f o Z t ’ n ! ’ pec,' ,ca,,° ns ma* be ° b' a'" a« at the above address For additional in- formation telephone Buyer at numer listed , C ontract Authorities in the am ount ot .1 2 0 9 6 0 » 4 5 1 5 6 0 a n d « lu a e n available to provide assistance fo r a n a a n m . t ^ r i a . « . ' 8nd ,J 9 4 A V » '» being made units,. 1 06 unita tor other fa m ilie s i t n r ? i a . i ^ U n 't8 ,P ' '8 ' 0 8 13 Of mors bedroom collection system. The grants for analysis, staff training, equipment procurement (ticket printers, validators, and ticket vending machines) en No persons, families or businesses will be displaced by this project, there will be no significant impact on the environment, and the project is in con- ormance with and is a part ot the Transportation Improvement Program of the Metropolitan Services District (METRO) and is in conformance with the comprehensive land use planning for the urban area. The project is curren tly under review by the A 95 Clearinghouse. INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland Oreoon 97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated DATE June 9. 1980 Tri Met intends to apply tor a combined Section 3 (Capital) and Section 6 (Demonstration) funds to demonstrate and introduce a seS s e ^ X e forcement personnel, equipment maintenance personnel, and support elemen s required to implement the program over a four 14) year period The self service system of fare collection will enhance the introduction of higher capacity transit vehicles (articulated buses and LRT) and is an- mm fedU,Ce ’ ? ! C0S‘ °* operat,n9 ,he tran»'t system in comparison with the conventional fare collection system currently in use C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D P U B L IC N O T IC E Nonce is hereby given that a public hear,ng will be held by the Tr,-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tn-Met) a i the Water S .^ w V a Um M <AHd',Or,,Um’' 18W S W 6lh Avenue' Portla" d . Oregon at 10 JO a m Monday. July 14, 1980, for the purpose of considering «project for which financial assistance ,s being sought from the Urban Mass Pam tm ™ nJ Sd a,l° n' PUrSUan‘ ,0 the Ufban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, generally described as follows X a ^ X V land Area Office. Cascade t Number 221 » 7 7 p S ? 4 w 7, c 7OP°“ ' ° ' h #' *PP"C8 b '8 When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check cashier s check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an gTaran tv T h a u h e X h V s ' ' 10%' a" re9a,a amount ° f tha b'd as S r t S d be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal to revoke his otfeHo’ r an 38 hqu'da,ed damaBes should the bidder seek cVv Ldhm bZ r,V feaSOn n° ’ au,horized bV la * and not consented to by n n vX i , irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance ot the contract in the event the said contract is awarded to him RIMI^ ATI° N No Proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder r r, ? AHlrma,lve Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3 100 !he mouîrert d ° f POr,'and A" b,dderS not curren,|y certified should file o f th « C.w Haï S S S w 7 fn, h ï ° n W',h phe C° n,raC' C° mp"ance Division. Room 209, y Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97204, 248 4696 at least five B D N O Pr,° r '° ° B'd ° Pen,n9 Fa"Ure *° dCh,eve certification by the B,D N o description bid opening D ate 115-A '" S W T bOm ,h8 Pp" S W S“ ’ h Av8nu8 Portland. Oregon 97204, Phone 8' REBID This Notification may be cancelled if the Departm ent decides in authority, you will be notified if this occur. ? ° d ' reallocate any unused contract 118 SECTION 8 N E W C O N STR U C TIO N D ETAILED N O TIFIC A TIO N OF FU N D A V A IL A B IL IT Y NO. OR16 0042 A LLO CA TIO N AREA: Eugene S M S A Date: June 6, 1980 154 The Departm ent ot Housing and Urban Development will accept Preliminary Prooosals fo r new y c o n ,tru e ,e d housing unde, the Sect,on 8 Housing Assistance p ’ y X n t a P ^ . m ^ o ^ 156 TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON located in Eugene S M S A (ell of Lane County). Paul N. Bay, Executive Director Planning and Development 2 n n,.r^ ' n U' hO,”V ,n 0 * • m oun* Of ” ,6 403 8nd 8 •P“ » ' »location to meet the Areawide usingOpportunity Plan of »271,000 are being made available to provide assistance for an to X 10 « " v .n o u . h o u s e h o l c X X Program to be H° us'"S Authority of Portland will accept proposals no later than 4:30 .M ., 7 July 1980 at 1605 N.E. 45th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97213 for the following: Analysis of the existing and potential effects ot scattered site public housing projects on racial integration objectives in elementary schools Complete information on content of proposal and procedural aspects and method of selection available at the Housing Authority of Portland Call Anita L. La Russo, (503) 249-5579. )* V When submitting proposals please include four (4) copies. Proposals may be submitted by private owners or Public Housing Agency IP H A I owners for m o n « t ^ n.,' ‘ C,l?B W',h H U ° ' ° ' b* P H A * ° " beh‘" ’ pr,V#' 8 Owner’ * ' « ’ * hom ' h» PHA proposes to contract pursuant to an Annual Contributions Contract with H UD Proposals for family and large family projects will be accepted beginning June 13 , 980 and n rn n Z '° 4cc8p,8d p" ‘ " P "> • August 1, ,980 All family andI l.rg ^ a r n d y furm LIVING GLOVE MURINE percent o ^ r aT a^ T ,,d ’ * m "V P' ° ” C” ' PrO,eC,’ ° ’ “ U" " 8 WblCb 20 to,sh nU ohh(-’ .U,MnC,en, COn,,aC' * U,h<>f',V " n° ' P' 9“ n,,V 8v8"8b'8 ’ und ">8 p h -«» c o v e d by this notification w e expect it to become available Accordingly, proposals received in re S c o rn s ava 'ta b T “ ,IOn ’ <"eC' 8d Labor, Matériel b Equipment for Water Quality Inlet Tower. For information call Canton Chayer, Ass t Pur- 158 Furnishing Paper Recycling Program. Phase I. For infor mation call Harold Vaughan, Purchasing Mgr.. 248-5375 Special Prequalification of Bidder Required. Smol M»d Large •1.93 Vetee *2. H Vebe TAMPONS $1.28 Hi. •1.M •1.48 j for STATFIH ......................... . « CAREFREE PANTY SHIELDS 12». M.«5 Vetee n ^ t Ä X ^ '™ Please take notice that pursuant to OAR 127-20-030, Tri-Met intends contract with Special Mobility Services for the following services: I All operators who can meet the above capabilities are invited to submit their qualifications. Such qualifications shall be mailed to or delivered to Ann McFarlene Tri-Met. 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland. Oregon 97202. and must be received by Tri-Met on or before June 18, 1980. STORES Paul N. Bay, Executive Director Planning and Development Division A LLEN T E M P L E CM.E C H U R C H H U G H E S M E M O R IA L U N IT E D M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundaysl Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister REV. AUSTIN V. RAY, MINISTER 111 N .E . F A IL IN G Church School 9:45am Office 281 2332 Specializing In Individual • M arriage and la m ily • Group Therapy T h e C h u rc h W h e re N O S tra n g e r Feels S tr e n g e " N E W H O P E M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T C H U R C H REVEREND A . BER N AR D DEVERS, PASTO R THE C HURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday W ed - Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday — Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday 9 30am 10 30am 7:00pm 5 00pm 7:30pm 7 00pm Prayer and Pastor Phone 2 8, 6476 Church Phone: 281-0,63 You are Welcome to Worship at 3726 N. G antenbein A venue, Portland, Oregon 97227 T H E A R K OF S A F E T Y C H U R C H OF G O D IN C H R IS T "A warm spirit o f fellowship always” The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson, D.D. "The Holiness Preacher," Pastor r undey: Sunday School Morning Worship 9 15em t t : ,5 e m "Showers of Blessings Broadcast" KLIQ 1290 1 3 » YPW W Evangelistic Worship Tuesday Friday 4:30 6:30pm 8 00pm Nooe Day Prayer ST. A N D R E W S C A T H O L IC C H U R C H 806 NE ALBERTA STREET 281 4429 Reverend Bertrem Griffin, Peator Tuesday Bible B an d/Jr. Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Fnday The Pastor Speaks ' 7:30pm M ae 5 00pm V ig il-S a tu rd a y 10 OOern Choir — Sunday ,2:00pm F o lk -S u n d a y 7:00pm 7:30pm ST. A N D R E W C O M M U N IT Y S C H O O L 84 NE Kiltingsworth 281 0499 4919 NE 9th Ave Norite Ketly, Principal -r.’T- r»y| • 4 h. • r . to PinOW « h spec,a' ,ransP°rtal'on services for elderly and handicapped in Washington County and Western Multnomah County The service would be using litt-equipped and provide door to service. Approximately 145,000 rides would be provided annually I he operator must have radio dispatch capability. OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9AM-6PM Dial A Prayer 284 0684 W orship 11 00am ~ P U B L IC N O T IC E 88' $1.38 3716 N.E. UNION AVE. ’" ' deC,dM '° r9’ "OC8'8 *ny — 40. Fre-Pr»ced Reg Herbot 80« Vetee % 07/15/80 07/08/80 W E S T E R N S T A T E H O S P IT A L Bid Package No. 2 S teilacoom , W a sh in g to n Bids June 18, at 8 O 'clock P .M . Donald M . Drake Co. 1740 N.W. Flanders Portland, Oregon 97209 226-3991 POWDER $141 30i 1 1 0 Vokr. Z »om.ES 88' 06/17/80 are an Equal O pportunity Employer and request Sub-bids fro m at! County sub-contractors. show .» io seown MAXI-PADS “ WSWSA8U TOOTH BRUSH /711/iw» moomant 4 P,M> 06/20/80 ’ Und'n8 ° n'V ” * uH,C"’n' COO,r' ct 8u,h° '" V d o e , rumi MASTIC TIN S i! mi?'« Da,a En,rV & Ed,‘ Sys,em For '"formation call Bill Morrissey, Buyer, 248 4486 10% Bid Suretv f t Special Prequalification of Bidder Required V M Fy’ " ^ i n g Closed Circuit TV System, for information call BUI Morrissey, Buyer, 248 4486. 10% Bid Surety Re- quired. 06/17/80 ?»nk^ rec8l''ed du niB 'he same m onth will be processed ,n a orouo and if necessary ranked against each other Preference will be given to smell family projects IPorjects ot 50 '"»buctions and forms tor submitting a Preliminary Propow l and other applicable program in RUNYAN'S : :• STORE Labor, Material b Equipment for Portland International Raceway Concession Stand b Restrooms. For mforma tion call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety Required. 157 74^ 13 ° ' roo'’ btxlroomsl with contract authority ot »76 603 and /4 units for other families with contract authority of 1310,800 R E Q U E S T FO R P R O P O S A L Furnishing Annual Supply of Street Lighting Equip ment. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer Q*?.4191- 10% B'd Sura,y & Special prequalification of Bidder Required. 07/15/80 • «