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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1979)
Portland Observer Thursday, July 5,1979 Page 9 Portland Observer C IT Y ENG IN EER City of Salem, Salary ne g o tia b le . A d m in is tra tion of engineering divi sion involving planning, design, execution and “ control of all civil engi LEGAL A ID neering projects. Re- Paralegal — Housing and sponsiole for divisional Consumer Law. Starting policies development of salary $700 m o n th ly. capitol projects and re Good frin ge b enefits. solving ad m inistration W om en and Minorities and technical problems. are encouraged to apply Coordinates work w ith Send Resumes to C .L. other departm ents and Roberts, Room 900, 310 state officials when re S .W . 4th Avenue, Port quired. Prepare division land, OR 97204 budget, adm inistrative I reports and studies. Pro- A n Equal Opportunity j vide overall control of Employer project management and scheduling Experience CLERK T Y P IS T in civil engineer w ork M inim um typing speed and land survey methods 55 wpm . Will teach on as related to public works 3277 e q u ip m e n t. K e y plans and specifications. punch experience helpful, Ability to provide leader ship and establish effec excellent hours and em ployee benefits. Please tive office procedures. call 225-5272 for appoint A bility to ad apt e n g i ment. neering principles to va riety of public works pro B lue Cross o f O regon jects. R egistration as professional engineer by state of Oregon. Closing A n Equal Opportunity date: July 13, 1979. A p Employer ply: City of Salem, Per sonnel Dept., 555 Liberty R EV E N U E A G E N T I SE, Salem, OR 97301. S a la ry ra n g e $970- $1,238. Collect money A n Equal Opportunity prim arily by telephone Employer owed to the State, main tain records, work with public. Position offers LEGAL POLICY excellent career growth. P LA N N E R R equirem ents: passing Office of the Com m is score on written exami sioner, Oregon Bureau n atio n , kn ow led g e of of Labor. Unclassified co llectio n law , p ra c position . R esponsibili tice and principal, public ties include: serving as relation skills, ability to Irason between the agency review financial and legal and attorneys; develop papers, ability to com ing agency policy in areas m unicate orally ana in of W age and Hour and writing. Must be able to Civil Rights Laws; and work under stress. training sta ff. D em o n strated written commu To A pply nications skills and know Write and request formal ledge of APA required. ap plicatio n (form PD- Experience in staff train 100) by July 9, 1979 ing and conflict resolu from: tion, knowledge of Civil Rights, Wage and Hour Dept. of Revenue legislation and Court of Personnel A ppeals and hearings 404 State Office Bldg. p ro cedu res p re fe rre d . Salem 97310 E q u al opp o rtu n ity em p lo y e r. S alary range: An Equal O pportunity/ $18-23,000. Submit re A ffir motive A ction sûmes by July 13 to Per Employer ‘ ” sonnel Office. Rm. 469, Bureau of Labor, 1400 S .W . 5th , P ortland, C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D 97201. FIRE FIG HTER Monthly Rate: $1156.00 Starting; $1189.00 in six M E C H A N IC A L months; $1371.00 in one ENG IN EER year; $1456 00 in tw o (Research A ssistant years; $1574.00 in three U nclassified) years; $1622.00 in four To perform mechanical years; $1692.00 in five design and testing for a years. new oceanographic in JOB FINDER TEA C H E R A S S IS T A N T C H IL D D E V E L O P M E N T CENTER S ept. 1979-Jun* 1980 Qualifications: Bachelor's or Associate Degree with a major in Early Childhood Education or CD A Certificate; Experience in teaching young children ages 3-6 years; Must meet Fwdaral health require ments' Negative TD teat and medical examina tion: Must hold current Firat Aid Certificate. S a lary: « 4 2 »926 per month D eadlin e: July 12. C U S T O D IA N Graveyard shift. Full-tim e— temporary replace ment position. Possible permanent full-time. Qua lifications 2 years previous experience as a Custo dian; knowledge of cleaning methods, materials and equipment; ability to make repairs and adjust ments to structures and equipment; ability to fol low oral arid written instructions. S alary. $777 per month. M A IN T E N A C E M E C H A N IC Full-time Qualifications: High school graduate or equivalent; 2 years experience as Maintenance M echanic; knowledge of general maintenance procedures, tools and materials; hold a valid dri ver's license. This position involves performing a variety of maintenance duties and routine repair tasks including remodeling and new construction that will assist in the smooth and continuous func tion of college buildings and mechanical facilities. Salary: $ 965month. V O C A L M U S IC IN S T R U C T O R Masters Degree from an accredited college with emphasis in vocal music. Minimum of 3 years suc cessful teaching experience at the secondary or college level, or its equivalent. Must be able to recruit, organize, instruct and prepare student groups for performances in the following areas: college choir, swing choir, private vocal instruc tion, and teach other music and/or related class es. S ta rtin g D ate: September 10, 1979. S alary $7,103. D eadlin e: July 21. B U S IN E S S IN S T R U C T O R /A S S IS T A N T W O M E N 'S B A S K E TB A LL C O A C H . A S S IS T A N T M E N 'S T R A C K Ô IN T R A M U R A L S D IR E C T O R Full-time, 9 months per year. Must have Master's Degree in Business. Successful experience as in structor of business courses Successful coach ing a n d /o r playing experience in a variety of sports. Must be able to instruct classes in the bu siness administration/business/business techno logy curriculum. Courses most likely to be taught would be accountmq courses. Serve as women's assistant baskettx.:. coach, men's assistant track coach, and intramural director. Responsibilities include assisting in coaching, recruiting, scouting, conditioning, and training of team mem bers. S ta rtin g D a ta : September 10. 1979. S a la ry : $14.184-$ 1731«. D eadlin e: July 20. G E N E R A L E D U C A T IO N IN S T R U C T O R To teach 20 hours per week for 11 weeks Septem ber 24-December 14. Prepare high school drop outs to take G .E .D . examinations. Classes are sponsored by Clackamas Community College in cooperation with the Clackamas County Youth Commission. B.A. or B.S. degree. Experience in teaching problem students preferred. S ta rtin g D a ta : September 24, 1979. S alary: $14.51 per hour or $3,148 for the 11-week term. D e a d lin e : S July 21. B U S IN E S S IN S T R U C T O R /W O M E N 'S H E A D T R A C K -C R O S S C O U N T R Y C O A C H . R E C R U IT E R W O M E N 'S S PO R TS Full-time, a months per year. Instruct classes in the business adm inistration/business tech n o logy/supervisory training curriculums. Serve as women's head track and cross country coach and be responsible for coordinating recruiting for all women's sports. Responsibilities include coach ing, recruiting, scouting, conditioning and training team members, recommending budget, sche duling and equipment needs. Bachelor's degree, preferably with a major in business. Successful experience as an instructor of business courses in the pest five yesrs. Two years successful ex perience within the past five years, in occupation directly related to courses most likely to be taught Three years of successful track coaching exper ience preferably at the college level. S ta rtin g D a te : Sept 10, 1979. Salary: $14,184-$17,316. D eadlin e: July 20. Contact; Community Col kg« Personnel Office 19600 S Mollalla Ave., Oregon City, Or 97046 «66 2631, Ext 318 Clackamas Com munity College is A n Equal O p p o rtu n ity/A ffirm ative Action Employer W ANTED T h re e records: Som e thing Else by Miles Da vie, Cenncnbell Addiey; Truth is on its Way. by Nicki Giovanni; Sophis tic a te d L a d y , by Lon D on ald so n . B uy. W ill pey premium price. 283- 2486. G IV E P reying fo r fin a n c ia l HELP to get our church off the ground and into m o tio n . A ll d on atio ns GRATEFULLY accepted and prayed o ver W ill acknowledge ail. Send ell donations to: Universal Life Church c / o R ev. Julius D. Snowden P .0 Box 3787 Eugene. OR. 97403 / W A G N ER M IN IN G . IN C JO U R N EYM A N W ELD ER W e are seeking jo u r neym an w eld ers w ho are experienced in the operating of semi-auto matic welding machine Must be able to rUn 1 /B cord wire and .046 hard w ire. M u st be able to ! read and interpret blue prints. W e offer excel- i lent working conditions and good benefits. A p ply personnel o ffic e , W a g n e r M in in g , Inc, 4424 N .E 168th, Port land, OR. An Equal Opportunity Employer strument. B.S. degree in The City of Portland of- mechanical engineering fers career opportunities 1 Or 2-3 years of college w ith the Portland Fire training and 2-3 years D e p a rtm e n t. A p p lic a e x p e rie n c e . Seagoing tions may be filed at the experience desirable. S a P ortland Civil S ervice lary range $1 6 ,0 0 0 to Board Office, 510 S .W . $22,000. Send resume Montgom ery S t., Port and names of three ref land, Oregon, Monday, erences by 9 July to July 2, 1979, thro u gh D ouglas R. C aldw ell, Monday, July 16, 1979. School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Applicants must be 21 Corvallis, Oregon 97331. years old prior to e m p lo y m e n t, and be no Oregon State University older than 25 if a non A n A ffirm ative A c tio n / veteran and 30 if a Equal Opportunity Em veteran; must be in good p lo y e r com plies w ith physical condition and Section 504 of the Reha able to meet all estab bilitation Act of 1973. lished medical require ments. C ITY OF P O R T L A N D The Portland Fire D e C IT Y P LA N N E R III - partment offers excellent Z O N IN G B CODE em ployee benefits, in A D M IN IS T R A T O R cluding: pension, family $1,714 approx, m o. health and dental, vaca P ro fe s s io n a l p la n n in g tion, sick leave, and life work involving enforce insurance. ment, implementation B research concerning land Larry H arp er, Fire use regulations. Respon Bureau Recruiter, will be sible for development B h o ld in g p r e p a r a t io n presentation of reports & workshops every Satur recom m endations p e r day, starting June 30, taining to land use is 1979, and running sues. W ill explain land through September 22, use codes, policies & 1979. They will be held at procedures to applicants P o r tla n d C o m m u n ity & public; research, pre College, Stadium C en pare & present reports; ter, 1736 S .W . Alder S t., | m eet w ith individuals from 10:00 a.m . to 1:00 and groups concerning p.m . In order to increase applicatio n s; and p e r your chances of success form special studies & on th e e x a m in a tio n , analyses. W ork is p e r these work shops are a formed under general di must. rection of Chief Planner. A n Equal Opportunity Employer W» can't - A * ------- a to it. \ M A T E R IA L SER VIC E | C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D CENTER H E A R IN G S Full time openings avail OFFICER able on day and night $1,177 ap prox, m o. shifts Responsibilities Compiles verbatim tran in c lu d e ' d e c o n ta m in a script of public hearings tion, cleaning, assemb such as City Council soo ling and sterilizing all re- •ion«. Typed minutes are p ro c e s s a b le su p p lies. prepared from notes or Distribute sterile and non- m achine sh orth and in sterile supplies through combination with tapes. out the hospital. APPLY A ID E Portland Civil S ervice i Will train. Manual dex Board terity necessary to handle 510 S W . Montgomery St. and m anipulate eq u ip Portlana, OR. 97201 ment, supplies and m a terials. $4.31 an hour. OPEN CONTINUOUS T E C H N IC IA N Must be knowledgeable in asep tic techniques. Sterilization and decon tam ination procedures. Central service aide train ing helpful. $4.46 hr. Apply between 9 am to 2 pm. Employee Relations Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center 2183 N .W . Northrup A n Equal Opportunity Employer A n Equal Opportunity Employer UTILITIES INSPECTOR, S U P E R V IS O R City of S alem , $1344- $1718. Responsible tech nical enforcem ent, a d ministrative and super visory work in the cross- connection control, and in flo w in filtration p ro grams of th e Public W o rk s D e p a r tm e n t. Three years as a journey man plumber or equiva lent c o m b in ation of experience and training. O re g o n J o u r n e y m a n Plumber's Certificate of c o m p e te n c y , O re g o n Class A P lum bing In spector Certification or ability to obtain. Closing date: July 27, 1979. A p ply: City of Salem, Per sonnel Dept., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR 97301. A n Equal Opportunity Employer Shipper/ Receiver Opportunities at Intel Intel. A very special company with a history of unduplicated achievement and a commitment of providing good people with a genuine opportunity to put their talents to work —and be rewarded for it. The expansion of our Portland area facilities has created the following opportunities to become involved in an informal, highly positive, and most important, professional environment. Shipper You will package, label and prepare shipments for transportation by air and surface modes; provide document preparation including airway bills, manifests, Master bills, domestic Bills of Lading, and shipper certifications of compliance on hazardous material ship ments; as well as interface with accounting, purchasing and mar keting management areas. Requires a minimum of 1-2 years' prior shipping experience plus exposure to the shipment of hazardous materials and experience in the semi-conductor industry or other fast paced industry desirabie. Receiver You will receive supplies and equipment, compare physical count, identify condition with information shown on documents, com plete entries on receiving documents to verify quantity, condition and status, maintain warehouse document files, issue and transfer supplies and equipment, inventory stores, and operate material handling equipment. Requires a minimum of 6 months experience in a receiving, stockroom or warehouse environment plus the ability to write a n d/o r print legibly. Some experience with lift trucks is necessary. Intel offers complete medical and dental coverage, paid vacations and holidays, a credit union, tuition reimbursement and a stock purchase plan. C IT Y OF P O R TL A N D Please mail your resume or apply in person to Intel Corporation, P A IN T E R Dept. 27BK, 3585 S .W . 198th Avenue, Aloha, Oregon 97005. An $1,725 approx, m o. equal opportunity employer m /f/h . Skilled work at journey man level preparing ft painting interiors & ex A n Equal Opportunity teriors of structures, Employer using brush, roller or spray gun. May involve Purchasing work in high places and knowledge of use of lad- I BUYER ders, scaffolding, swing Responsible for procure scaffolds & bosun chairs required. Work also in- I ment of mechanical and production parts, includ eludes varnishing, stain OREGON ing sheetmetal and con ing & shellacking fu r W A G N ER M IN IN G . INC M E C H A N IC A L TELE P H O N E nectors. Involved w ith nishing, doors, m ould- | E N G IN EE R IN F O R M A T IO N vendors; insuring a d e ings & floors; mixing ft The Oregon Department M A C H IN IS T P O S IT IO N S quate service, delivery, matching paint colors; JO U R N EYM A N Unique Part T im e Job; inventories, cost effec of Transportation has an and other varied duties. opening in its Bridge De W e are seeking journey With the Internal Reve tiveness. A pply 3601 Position available now is nue Service. $4.51 pe S .W . Murray Blvd., Bea sign Section in Salem for man machinists who can for approx. 5 to 6 months hour. Limited irregula verton or send resume to a Mechanical or M etal set-up and operate lathes, per year work. Transfer hours prim arily Dec P.O. Box 23489-18, Port lurgical Engineer with ex- mills and can read and to a full year permanent ji perience in welding and interpret blueprints. Also through Apr. providing land, OR. 97223. position may be made tax assistance by phom non-destructive testing we are seeking journey Floating P oint when one becomes avail to the public. Paid train of steel structures. The man machinists who are S ystem s, Inc. able. ing pro vid ed . 2 year: m inim um qualifications thoroughly faimilar and are a BS in Mechanical experienced w ith N .C . public contact experieno APPLY, A n E qual Opportunity equipment. W e offer ex or college required. or M e ta llu rg ic a l E ngi P ortland Civil S ervice Employer neering plus four years cellent w orking c o n d i Board tions and good benefits. For information and tes experience. Registration 510 S.W . Montgomery St. M a n —age 36 in prison preferred . S tartin g sa Apply personnel office, ap plicatio n w rite to Portland, OR. 97201 with no family or friends lary range is $17,000 to W a g n e r M in in g , Inc, Contact Rep., P.O. Bo w ho care. W o uld like $22,000, depending on 4424 N.E. 158th, Port 3341, Portland OR No later than M onday, very much to hear from qualifications, plus full land, OR. 97208. July 9. 1979. someone, for this would i frin g e b e n e fits . A p p ly erase some of the lone j Personnel O p eratio n s, A n Equal Opportunity IR S is an Equal A n Equal Opportunity liness that I am faced 411 Transportation Build Employer Opportunity Employer Employer w ith . A nyone please ing, S a le m , O regon write: Benjamin Jones, 97310. P.O . Box 607, Carson City, Nevada 89701. A n E qual Opportunity Employer BANK CAREER OPPORTUNITIES With the NW's Fastest Growing S&L Teller Trainees Seeking candidates with light typ ing and cash handling experience. Part time and full time openings throughout Portland metro area. I Mortgage Loan Quality Control Clerk I Knowledge of proper mortgage loan docu m en tatio n and good analytical skills are needed to qua lify for this growth oriented posi tion within our loan service de- I partaient. Returned Items Specialist Responsible for daily control and processing n f returned item s. Banking or S & L background with a minimum of 1 year's experience I in working w ith returned items [ required. Tran spo rtatio n is re quired for some travel in local area. Excellent future growth potential. You can receive the best compen sation and benefit package in the industry. Join our team and ex perience the personal and profes sional growth you've been waiting J fort Apply in person 10 3 Monday- Friday, or call 231-4660. APPLY P ortland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR 97201 No later than Monday, July 9, 1979. SHIPPER • 1 f l M Darts (Between Sth and 9th on Devio) o n e r ili aeaewioaawwMe JOBS & training D IR E C T O R OF A C C O U N T IN G $ 1 ,6 4 4 /m o . E x c e lle n t benefits. Four year d e gree w ith major in ac co u n tin g ; 5 years of complex experience with accounting systems; 5 + years experience in fund/grants accounting; 1 + year experience with EDP systems. D e s ig n / m odify accounting sy- | stems to com ply w ith Dept. of Labor and ac counting principles; de- I sign audit program; de- | sign internal control sy stem; troubleshoot ac- I counting system. To ap ply: need not be CETA eligible m ust be a v a il able for personal in ter view. Resume to: Mult W ash C E T A C o n s o r tium, 806 S .W . Broad- w a v , S u ite 3 25, P o rt land, OR. 97205. REFER TO JOB 4BK-87. Closes | July 13, 1979, 5pm. WHAT: Training and placement program tor production jobs with maior elec tronics company new to Portland jobs related to growing slicing polishing silicon crystals WHERE: Training at Portland Community College, jobs on St Helens Road near St John's Bridge WHEN: First phase training starts August 1 taking 16-32 weeks, depending on job, full-time johs start March 1. i960 WAGES: Eligible trainees receive training allowances for training program starting wages vary depending on job HOURS: Plant will run 3 shills daily. 7 days a week, employees work rotating shift schedule ELIG: No experience required To be eli gible to apply for training program you must be • unemployed or underemployed • 18 years of age or older. • a U S citizen or alien with work permit • with-in U S Dept of Labor low- income standards • a resident of City of Portland BRING: A n E qual Opportunity Employer • Social Security Card. • Proof of last 6 months family income. • Proof of Residency/Address. Clerical Oregon Saw Chain Divi sion has several clerical openings in th eir M i l waukie plant. These po sitions req u ire good c o m m u n ic a tio n skills, m a th e m a tic a l a b ility , some positions involve typing and other clerical I skills If appropriate also bring • Alien Work Permit. • Unemployment Claim Card. • Public Assistance Card. • Veteran Status Papers Call 248-5878 to learn more about documenting your eligibility APPLY: In te re s te d in d iv id u a ls may apply between 8am and 2:30pm Mon-Fri at | 4908 International W ay, Milwaukie, OR 97222. OMARK INDUSTRIES Applicants must bring documents to verify eligibility items should include Call the Training and Employment Division of City ol Portland. 248-5848 or come to 310 SW 4th 2nd floor. Board of Trade Building, to arrange intake appointment Ap plications open through July 16 Minorities, veterans, displaced homemakers, women, handicapped urged to apply The Training a Employment Ctvtaton la an Equal Opportunity Agency I