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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1979)
Portland Observar Thursday, February 16,1979 Page 6 D ebutantes prepare fo r Links' 'S ta rlig h t C otillion' The G ra n d B a ll R oom o f the Sheraton H otel, Lloyd Center w ill be the setting fo r the second annual •‘ Starlight C o tillio n " presented by the Portland Chapter o f Links. Inc. on Sunday, February 18. ,979 at 9:00 p.m. A bow to society w ill be made by fifte e n lo ve ly Debutantes to over 1.500 guests and to the music o f Mel Brown. A ll o f the young ladies are seniors in the many P ortland area high schools. The 1979 D ebutantes are L isa Brow n, daughter o f M rs. Thelm a Brown and M r. Wendell Brown and escorted by Edwin Fauria; Maureen C havis, daughter o f M rs. A le th a Chavis and M r. Matthew Chavis and escorted by Larry Caldwell; Johnette E ve ry, d a u g h te r o f M rs . M a ry Goudy and M r. P h illip Every and es corted by T e rry Peterson; T ru d y G erald, daughter o f M r. W illia m Gerald and escorted by David Lewis; Terri Jamison, daughter o f M r. and M rs. A lonzo Jamison and escorted by A n th o n y N u n le y ; P a tric ia M cGuire, daughter o f M r. and Mrs. James M cG u ire and escorted by C le v e la n d H aynes; P a tti M ile s , daughter o f M r. and M rs. Harrison “ Miles and escorted by Steve Locke; M ichelle M itchell, daughter o f M r. and M rs. Edgar M itchell and escort ed by A ndre P ru itt; Lynn Renfro, daughter o f M r. and Mrs. James A . R e n fro and escorted by John G a rlin g to n I I I ; L o r i R eynolds, daughter o f D r. and Mrs. W alter C. R eynolds and escorted by Lance Brown; L o ri Smith, daughter o f M r. and M rs. H ilto n Smith and escorted by Dwayne H am m ond; Jacquelyn Solomon, daughter o f Mrs. Margret Solomon o f Portland and M r. Jack Solomon o f Los Angeles, C alifornia and escorted by John Tolbert; Freda W a lk e r, d au gh te r o f M r . James W alker o f Portland and M rs. Jeanet te W alker Mason o f San Francisco, C a lifo rn ia and escorted by B rian A m erican S tate Bank "T h e Bank that integration b u ilt " 2737 N.E. Union 282-2216 SERVICE & QUALITY MAKE OUR REPUTATION STEWARTS CLEANERS Drapery Cleaning Specialists Mon-Frl 8-5:30 Sat. 8 5 F A S T -Q U A L IT Y DRY CLEANING A N D LA U N D R Y SERVICE WE DO ALTERATIONS 2701 N.E. 7 th P o rtla n d , O r. 9 7 2 1 2 The PRODUCI C IN TIR of PORTLAND” U.S. NO NO. 2 O OREGON R IG O N RUSSIT RU POTATOES 20 lb. bag DRY ONIONS GRAPEFRUIT APPLES < WALMUT PRUNES 7 TEXAS PINK Participants In tha Links' "Spotlight Cotillion" pause for a momsnt during rehearsal to pose for a W a ld e n ; E m m a ly W illia m s , daughter o f M rs. M argret Carter o f P o rtla n d and M r. C harles I. W illiam s o f B uffalo, New York and escorted by A ndrew B a lw in ; and Joanne Winchester, daughter o f M r. and Mrs. Earl Winchester and escort ed by Kenneth Scott. The D ebutante C o tillio n is the results o f the efforts o f the L in k ’ s Services to Youth Committee, chair ed by M rs . E rnest H a rtz o g and com m ittee members M rs. Webster C. Brown, Mrs. Vernon Chatman, Mrs. H arold Gaskins, Mrs. George G u y, M rs . E v e re tt Johns, M rs. R om an Jones, M rs . H o w a rd M cElroy, M rs. W alter Sayles, Mrs. photo, (Staff photo: Abubakar) C.A. RED DELICIOUS W alter C. Reynolds, M rs. Sen Talley and M rs. Linzy Roy. The purpose o f the committee as put fo rth by our n a tio n a l o rg a n iz a tio n is ‘ ‘ The o rg a n iz a tio n is c o n s titu tio n a lly pledged and executes a national pro gram o f educational and cultural ac tivities in providing enrichment ex periences fo r youth who are educa tio na lly disadvantaged and culturally deprived. The talented c h ild w ho needs a helping hand receives aid. Youths at both ends o f the spectrum are o f u tm o s t co nce rn . I t is the m a n ife st b e lie f th a t o u r greatest treasure and our greatest hope are the youth o f today who w ill be the leaders o f tom orrow . Wherever L in k women live and w ork no rose is born to blush unseen and lose its sweetness on the desert’ s a ir.” The Portland Chapter also presents to the com m unity an A r t Festival every tw o years, sp otligh ting both the visual and the perform ing arts. The a n n u a l sp o n s o rs h ip o f the E bony F ashion F a ir is o u r fu n d ra is in g event, w h ic h aids the organizations national support o f the U n ite d N egro C ollege F u n d and many w orthw hile local institutio ns who’ s prim ary function is to serve the many educational, cultural and physical needs o f the young people o f the Portland area. DRIED ITALIAN Rag MEATS a 69* b.............. PACIFIC COCKTAIL ZINETTI SHRIMP Posta Products i-ib SUIM VALLEY HOT KOSHER GREEN OLIVES 2i « . $129 I JAR PKG GROUND VEAL $149 $2’8 Singer's Sausage Haus Excellent for the weight watcher! IN PKGS of POLISH RINGS 10 lb s . or more Less than 10 lbs by R uth Spencer M r. and Mrs. W illiam Law enter tained the m onthly meeting o f the Oregon-W ashington Football C lub February 1 Ith . The H igh School Youth Group o f M aranatha Church is sponsoring a bowling and pizza party this Satur day, February 17th. the chronically m entally ill o f our com m unity are invited to the Parish H a ll, Wednesday, F ebruary 21st, 7:30 p.m . at St. P h ilip Episcopal Church, 120 N .E. K n o tt Street. M rs. Tressie D ix io n was the honored guest at a surprise birthday party given by her sister, Ms. Je rri Warren, in Salem, Oregon, February 11th. The "C o a ls o j F ir e " a singing group from Shiloh Temple Church in Oakland, were guests at the Marana tha Church, Sunday, February 11th. The Reverend John G a rlin g to n is Pastor. The Commerce Departm ent’ s cen sus c lo c k shows th a t the U .S . p o p u la tio n reached e x a c tly 220 m illio n on February 5th, at 10:45 a.m. EST. By o ffic ia l estimates the p o p u la tio n rises by one every 19 seconds. Mrs. Bobby Nunn and her mother, M rs. O phelia H a rris, are vis itin g relatives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. eeeeeeeeee Members and friends o f St. P hilip Episcopal Church who would like to learn about or participate in helping Ms. Evie Chamberlain, first grade teacher at C atlin Gabel School, has impressed her class and their parents w ith her a rtific ia l roses art project. Ms. C ham berlain is considering m arketing her roses. Our G eneral O ffice has m oved to 700 N.E. Multnomah Lloyd 700 Bid. #400 231-4726 Peggy Graves Personal & Business Insurance Illegal drug use, once confined to back a lleys and va can t lo ts has moved to M ain Street, U .S .A . From the paneled offices o f presti gious law firm s to the asphalt play g ro u n d s o f ju n io r h ig h schools, Americans by the m illions are tu rn ing to drugs fo r m om entary relief from the strains o f 20th Century life. D r. R obert D uPont, form er head o f the N ational In stitu te on Drug Abuse, believes that drug abuse w ill be one o f the continuing problems o f human existence. D EN TA L IN S U R A N C E is a valuable asset. . . your health and appearance C O M P L E T E C O O P E R A T IO N ON A L L D E N T A L IN S U R A N C E C L A IM S WE HANDLE ALL THE DETAILS OF COMPLETING YOUR CLAIM FORMS no a p p o in tm en t needed Come in at your convenience PARK FREE - A n y Park n Shop Lot HOURS: Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dr. Jeffrey BRADY, Dentist 8 W. 3RD ft YAMHILL ST., PORTLAND, OREGON TAKE ELEVATOR TO 2ND FLOOR 3RD ST. ENTRANCE PRICES G O O D TH R U SAT. FEB 1979 SHERIDAN FRUIT Co. s E. U N IO N & O AK 2 3 5 -9 3 5 3 The U.S. Department o f Health, E d u ca tio n and W e lfa re has pre pared a new booklet to help con sumers sort out what is the best in surance fo r the cost. The booklet is available w ithout charge fro m the Consum er In fo r m ation Center, Departm ent 582G, Pueblo, C olorado 81009. W ORDS OF T H E W EEK Kenneth Dixson the only Black at torney who has an o ffice in the Black com m unity said: “ There are white- c o lla r, b lu e -c o lla r and n o -c o lla r people, and i t ’ s m ostly the no-collar people who end up in ja il. A dispro portionate number o f those who go to ja il are Black,** said Dixson. The United Negro College Fund’ s Behind the Wall . . . UNION OR COMPANY Annual Patrons Dinner is scheduled fo r February 22nd, at the Red Lion M o to r Inn at Jantzen Beach. C o n tri butions are $25 per person, or $150 fo r a table o f eight. (Continued from Page 4 C olum n 6) concern about the te rm in a tio n o f lock-dow n status and the return o f norm al operations. N orm al opera tio n s w ill be re sto re d when the safety and security o f this institution is no longer com prom ised by the threat o f illegal activities. Again, to rem ind you o f the legiti mate channels previously referred to • sealed letters to the Superinten d e n t’ s O ffic e ; G o v e rn o r’ s O ffic e ; Legislators; M r. W atson, A d m in i strator o f Corrections D ivision; the Public Defender; Oregon Prisoner’ s Legal Services; M r. Hegstrom, D i re c to r o f D e p a rtm e n t o f H um an Resources; Ombudsman fo r Correc tions; the Inmate Legislative C om mittee; State and Federal Courts. The interviewing o f inmates w ill be completed sometime Saturday after which 1 w ill review the findings w ith my adm inistrative staff. I w ill make an announcem ent on the inmates radio Sunday regarding returning the institutio n to norm al operations. Continued screaming and yelling and breaking o f w indow s w ill do nothing but delay this process. H .C . Cupp, Superintendent “ForYfears I’ve Pelt That Radial Tires Ought To Be Standard Equipment. Now They Are, On Every Car Chrysler Builds In The U.S’.’ Neil Armstrong “ I think radial tires are too important to be an op tional extra. Compared to conventional tires they give better puncture protection, better traction, longer tread life; and because they roll easier, they cut fuel consumption “ That’s why Chrysler engineers now make radial tires standard equipment on every model of every car Chrysler Corporation builds here in the U.S. “ Chrysler is the first U.S. car company to do it It’s one of many things that impressed me about Chrysler Corporation, and the way they’re meeting the driving needs we all have today. ” Big cars, midsize ears, little cars, Chrysler's projected 1979 across-the-board average was 20 estimated miles per gallon * better than Ford or GM Chrysler uses galvanized steel for protection against rust and corrosion. Chrysler redesigned the full-size c a r- and gave it 17 est. miles per gallon.’ Galvanized steel in many key parts and a 7 step dip-and-spray process, help Chrysler Corporation cars light rust from the in side out Chrysler has the best average gas mileage of the Big Three. Designed to perform efficiently on a fuel-saving 6 With a unique automatic transmission torque converter with VH that improves city and highway fuel economy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chrysler. Dodge. Plymouth. W v e Sized Dp What America Needs. •EH5 e»t. mpg Use this number for comparisons Your mileage may differ depending on speed, tnp length and weather I