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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1978)
Portland Observer Thursday Novevmber 9, 1978 Page 9 BANK — P o rtlan d O b s e rv e r JOB FINDER C IT Y OF P O R TL A N D A S P H A L T RAKER Applicants must be ex perienced in all phases of w o rkin g as a hot mix asphalt raker. S ta rtjng salary ia $1,158; $1,215 a fte r six m onths; and $1,310 after one year. In ad d itio n , the City provides a generous benefit program to per m a n e n t e m p lo y e e s w h ich includes paid vacation, holidays and sick leave. Tektronix Opportunities On call, temporary raletena work available both day and awini Sift, Pnor experience in food preparation anil w r\in p Helpful These jobs ran lead 19 permanent positions W e have immediate permanent openings for swing shift Keypunch Operators Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Familiarity with 129 IB M card punch or I nforex key to disc desirable APPLY P ortland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 P a rt Time Assembler No later than November 13, 1978. Part time positions available for electronic assemblye ork Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required Training will he provided A n Equal Opportunity Employer Cleric Typist Will perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties Average typing ability required C IT Y OF P O R TL A N D N U T R IT IO N P R O JEC T S P E C IA L IS T Range of approximately $ 1 ,4 2 5 to $1,595 per month. This is respon sible administrative work in the City's Aging Ser vices Unit of the Bureau of H um an Resources. Duties of the position in clude contract develop ment and modification; program monitoring and evaluation; agency site visits; report preparation and providing program orientation and technical assistance to program contractors. W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties Two years' secretarial training or experience required. Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or wnte to T E K T R O N IX . IN C . P O Box 500-P, Beaverton. OR 97077 An equal opportunity employer m f. Ttektronix C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D MANAGEMENT IN F O R M A T IO N S Y S T E M A N A L Y S IS • 1 ,0 2 4 a p p r o x im a t e monthly starting salary. This is an entry-level po sition involving system analysis. The position in volves th e c o lle c tio n , com pletion, monitoring end evaluation of a non com puterized M a n a g e m ent In fo r m a tio n System in the Bureau of Human Resources. The employee will be respon sible fo r id e n tify in g p ro gram m a lfu n c tio n s end system deficiencies and prepare reports with recommended corrective action. Applicants must have all o f th e k n o w ledges and skills iden tified on the supplémen tai application form. A p ply to the: Portland Civil Service Board, 510 S.E. M ontgom ery, Portland, Oregon 97201. A n Equal Opportunity Employer C IT Y O F P O R T L A N D PERSONNEL A N A L Y S T II This is professional per sonnel w o rk d oing position c lassificatio n , re c ru itm e n t, e x a m in a tio n c o n s tru c tio n , a d m in is tra tio n and v a li d a tio n . S a la ry starts at $1,746 and increeaes to $1,907 after 3 years. Requires full knowledge of public personnel/civil service administration in clu d in g c la s s ific a tio n , task analysis, EEO lews, recruitment and testing. APPLY P ortlan d C ivil S ervice Board 510 S .W . Mongtomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than November 20,1978 A n Equal Opportunity Employer E A R N E X T R A $$$ For th e H olid ays — Now l W e now have open ings fo r N .A .'s end orderlies, hom em ak ers end companions. Choose your hours end a s s ig n m e n ts in private hornet or faci lities. Good pay. In sured an d b o n d e d . Q u a lity C a re , 1133 S .W . M a rk e t, 224- 3247. EM PLO YM ENT S P E C IA L IS T P a rt-T im e The Port of Portland has an im m ed iate vacancy fo r a p e rm a n e n t p a rt- tim e Employment S pe cialist to interview a p plicants for clerical and n o n -s u p e rv is o ry p o s i tions. Working hours, 5 hours per day. Salary, $6.10 per hour. Requires work experience and/or course w o rk affording exposure to personnel management, employee selection or similar types of in te rp e rs o n a l c o m munications. Experience in e m p lo y e e selection h e lp fu l. M ust have previous experience de m o n s tra tin g a b ility to deal su ccessfu lly w ith many types of people. Apply in person 15th R , 700 N.E. Multnomah or send resu m e to : P .0 . Box 3529, Portland, OR. 9 7208. D e a d lin e fo r receipt of applications is 5 pm, Friday, Nov. 17, 1978. APPLY P ortland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than November 13, 1978. A n Equal Opportunity Employer C IT Y O F P O R T L A N D E N G IN EE R I: C IV IL $1,475 approx, m o. to start. Entry level techni cal civil engineering work. Performs design, field and analytic work in e ith e r s tre e t, sanitary or w a te r service e n g in e e rin g . M u st m eet knowledge and skill re q uirem en ts listed on S upplem ental A pp lica tion Form to be filled out at tim e of application; m ust possess EIT or q u ality on su bstitu te exam ination to be a d ministered by the City. A n E qual Opportunity Em ployer W O R D P R O C E S S IN G A S S IS T A N T The Port of Portland has an im m ed iate opening for a W o rd Processing Assistant. Starting salary $ 8 ,3 0 0 . S alary range • 8 , 3 0 0 $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 . R e quires formal training or experience in secretarial skills; excellent spelling, g ram m ar and p u n c tu a tio n skills; and 50 w p m ty p in g . Excellent opportunity to learn and ad v a n c e in w ord p r o c e s s in g fie ld . T rain in g p ro vid ed in operation of Vydec word processing eq uip m en t. Good benefits. Apply in person Personnel Office, 15th FI, 700 N.E. Mult nom ah or p h o n e 233- 8331 Ext. 435. All sp- p licatio n s m ust be received by 5 pm , Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1978. A n E qual Opportunity Em ployer G IA N T F U N D R A IS IN G O A R A G E 8A LE Large b smsN eppliancee. household goods, auto parts, misc. 9 em -4;30 pm. S et., Nov. 11, 5804 N. Missouri, just off 1-6 N. Kitlingeworth. APPLY Portland Civil S ervice Board 510 S .W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 OPEN C O N TINU O U S A n Equal Opportunity Employer : i j | C IT Y O F P O R T L A N D B U IL D IN G PLA N E X A M IN E R Review building plans for compliance with codes; m ake c alcu latio n s of areas, stresses; approve permits; advise builders on code requirem ents. A p p lic a n ts m ust have e xp erien ce or training which developed know ledges and skills required to e v a lu a te building plans and apply code re q u ire m e n ts . S a la ry starts at $1,331 with an nual increases to $1,563 after three years. Many em p lo yee b e n e fits in clude paid health, dental and life insurance. APPLY P ortlan d Civil S ervice Board 610 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland. OR. 97201 No later than November 10, 1978. A n Equal Opportunity Employer H IG H W A Y E Q U IP M E N T M E C H A N IC A L E N G IN EE R To do research, w rite e q u ip m e n t s p e c ific a tion s, design special e q u ip m e n t, p re p a re m e c h a n ic a l d ra w in g s and p e rfo rm related w o rk , headquarters in S alem . R equires M .E . degree and 3 years ex perience or acceptable equivalency. Apply Per sonnel Operations, 411 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. — », PROOF MACHINE OPERATORS 10-Key Adding Machine Skills Preferred. Will Train On Proof Machines. Free Parking, Employee Cafeteria Excellent Benefit Program. [ S C H E D U LE S : Part-time — 3:30 pm to finish, 3-5 nights per week Mon-Fri. S A L A R Y : Part-time trainees — $3.15 hr plus I 7 !6 % for night differential. Apply Personnel Dept. 1 0 -2 :3 0 pm U X NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON A n Equal Opportunity Employer U.S. BANK P LA ZA -666 S W OAK E V E N IN G N U R S IN G S U P E R V IS O R Full-tim e, M o n d a y -F ri day, evening positions availab le at p rivate psychiatric hospital with dynamic behavioral pro grams. Supervisory e x perience required — will be responsible for tw o units, consisting of 66 beds. R EG IS TER E D NURSES F u ll-tim e p s y c h ia tric staff nurse positions for night shift. Psychiatric experience preferred. M E N T A L H EA LTH T H E R A P IS T Applications are being a c c e p te d fo r fu ll-tim e positions on evening and night shifts. Bachelor's degree in psychology or related field w ith one- year experience in psych required. O C C U P A T IO N A L T H E R A P IS T A S S IS T A N T Part-time position avail able in in p a tie n t p sy c h ia tric h o s p ita l. Ex p erien ce in te a c h in g crafts in a psychiatric or h ealth re la te d setting required. W oodland Park M en tal Health Center 1400 S.E. Umatilla Portland, OR. 97202 234-5353 ext . 366 E qual Opportunity Em ployer We encourage minority applicants FILE C LER K - N o Experience Large Insurance Com pany seeking an in dividual able to learn functions o f sorting, filing and making in te r-o ffic e deliveries. Must be able to stand, w a l k /a n d /o r sto o p for sustained periods. This p osition offers o p p o rtu n ity fo r a d vancement and excel lent benefits. Easy ac cessib le d o w n to w n location. For an Interview ap p o in tm e n t, c o n ta c t H elen A lb re c h t — P ersonnel 2 2 6-3761 Ext. 240 between 8:30 and 10:00 a .m . and 1:30 and 2:30 p.m . FIREMANS FUND A n Equal Opportunity Employer M / F ELECTRONICS Floating Point Systems, Inc. has openings for the following: E LE C TR O N IC S P R O D U C T IO N BUYER Im m ediate opening in our Purchasing D epart ment, for an aggressive individual with a minimum of 2 years experience in buying electronic compo nents and fabricated parts. Successful applicant will be self-motivated, cost conscious and have a thorough knowledge of purchasing procedures. IN V E N T O R Y C O N T R O L P L A N N E R Individual responsible for schedules and inter facing with other departm ent. M ust have 2-3 years inventory control experience including MRP and preferable in an electronic/com puter com pany. S E C R E TA R Y To work in a busy high pressure department. Re sponsibilities include: typing correspondence from dictation machine, prepare presentation, set up filing systems. Must type minimum 65 wpm . Suc cessful experience as a secretary, knowledge of electronic/computer terminology desirable. R E C E P T IO N IS T Greet visitors, handle busy phones and type. Duties include: correspondence and filing. Must have one year m u lti-lin e e x p e rie n c e , typ e minimum 55 wpm. F LO A T IN G P O IN T S Y S T E M S , IN C . 10796 S .W . C ascade Blvd. P o rtla n d , O rego n Just across Highway 217 from the S .W . corner of Washington Square. E C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D T R A IN IN G b EM PLO YEE R E L A TIO N S C O O R D IN A T O R This is professional per sonnel work directing an e m p lo y e e t r a i n i n g program and doing labor contract arbitration, and s a la ry a d m in is tra tio n typ e w o rk . S alary is $ 2 ,0 2 8 per m o n th . Requires skills in training, labor contract w o rk , a rb itra tio n and salary administration. C ITY OF P O R TL A N D T R A F FIC ENG IN EER $1,847 per mo. to start. Professional traffic engi neering w ork w ith responsibility for anslyz ing, designing intersec tion, streets and traffic control devices. Em ployee expected to make in d ep end en t decisions on technical aspects of major traffic engineering projects in accordance w ith reg u latio ns, o r dinances, standards and procedures. Assignments are in either Operations APPLY or Signal Division of P ortland Civil S ervice B u r e a u . A p p lic a n t s Board should have knowledge 510 S.W . Montgomery St. o f tra ffic engineering Portland, OR. 97201 principles and practices, traffic control equipment No later than November design, o peratio n and 20, 1978. construction techniques, plus skills in analyzing A n Equal Opportunity and modifying design of Employer streets, intersections and traffic control devices, c o n d u c tin g t r a f f ic studies, interpreting and preparing tra ffic e n g i A S S IS T A N T COOK neering designs and On Call specifications. Responsibilities: Fill in for cook and assistant APPLY co ok, in g red ien ts as sembly and salad m ak Portland Civil S ervice Board er. Must be experienced in institutional quantity 510 S.W . Montgomery St. cookery and follow re Portland, OR. 97201 cipes. S alary range: $4.16 to $4.67 per hour. Apply between 9 am to 2 pm. Employee Relations Good Samaritan Hospi tal b Medical Center 2183 N .W . Northrup A n Equal Opportunity Employer I P U B L IC U TILS . SPEC. Portland, OR, $15,920 to $23,067 per annum. 5 /6 yrs. exp. and educ. req'd. Experience in Public Utils, req'd. For infor call US Civil Service Job Info Cntr, Portland, OR, 221-3141. Outside Portland, call toll free 800 452 4910. A n Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer Subscribe to "Prison", a p r is o n e r ow ned newspaper that tells the story from our side. $6 a year, $100 a life tim e . "Prison" needs writers, poets, artists and most of all you. Send a check or m oney o rder to: D onald D a n fo rd , Box 32323, 2605 S tate S tre e t, S alem , OR. 97310. She’s unmarried. She’s pregnant. She needs help. She should call 221-0598 B irthright K IT C H E N HELP Our cafeteria is in need o f K itchen H e lp -D is h washer. Person enjoying this type of work please give us a call 643-7661. free confidential counseling for pregnant girls Mayer Building at 1130 S. W . Morrison friend o friend help ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas I,. Strayhand. Minister H U G H E S M E M O R IA L U N IT E D M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H B I ■ ■ FlOATWCNin SYSTEMS, MC. «V Dial-A-Praver 284-0684 Church School 9:45 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Office 281-2332 Specializing In Individual • Marriage and Family * Group Therapy “The Church Where No Stranger Feels Strange” A n E qual Opportunity Employer M / F / H BRANCH M ANAGER I, II, and III State of Oregon, Adult and Family Services Di vision is now accepting applications for Branch Manager positions. The Branch M anager is re sponsible for the super vision and management of an office that provides fin a n c ia l and m edical assistance to individuals and families and social services to adults within the area served. Salaries m ay range from $1300 monthly - $2108 monthly based upon the size and complexity of the Branch Office. A n n o u n c e m e n ts an d ap p licatio n s fo r these positions are available at: 136 State Office Bldg. 1400 S .W . 5th Ave. Portland, OR. 97210 W e are an Equal Oppor tu n ity /A ffir m a tiv e A c tion Employer. DSHMNCI COMMItm 121 S .W . Salmon — Suite 900 Willamette Center Portland, OR. 97204 A n Equal Opportunity Em ployer M / F U n ite d W ay The U .S . Civil Service Commission is seeking ap plications for: Clerk, Diet. Mach. Trans., GS 3 /4 , Portland; D ata T ra n s ., G S -3, Portland; M ed . Radiology Tech., GS-5, Oregon b Washington; Med. Technologist (general), GS-7, Oregon b W ashington; Stenographer, G S -3 /4 , Portland; T est M o n ito r (p a rt-tim e ), G S -2 , P ortlan d ; Telephone Operator, G S-3, Portland; Typist, GS- 2 /3 /4 , Portland. Salaries: GS-2 - $7,422 GS-5 - $10,507 GS-3 - $8,386 GS-7 - $13,014 G S-4 - $9,391 For more information call the Federal Job Infor mation Center In Portland Metro area, dial 221- 3141. Other locations in Oregon cell toll free 800 462-4610. From Southwest Washington cell toll free 800-642 9027 A^Equa^p^ortunit^m^lo^ei^ A D J U S T O R T R A IN E E M u s t be s e lf-s ta rte r, pleasing personality, 2 years college preferred. Job requires good oral and written communica tions. M ust have good driving re c o rd . If in terested cell Hal Adrian fo r m ore details 643- 7661. A n Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCH A S S IS T A N T U nclassified B.S. in Chemistry or Bio chemistry. Research po sition dealing with sele nium metabolism in lambs. Annual salary of $9,804. Send resume and list of references to: Dr. Phillip D. W h ang er, D ept. of Agricultural Chem istry, Oregon State University, C orvallis, O R . 97 3 3 1 . OSU is an E qual Oppor tu n ity / A ffirm a tiv e A c tion Employer and com plies w ith Section 504 R eh a b ilita tio n A c t of 1973. R ES E A R C H A S S IS T A N T U nclassified B.S. in Bio-chemistry or equivalent. Responsible position d ealing w ith metabolic inner action of fluoride and cadm ium . A nn u al salary $ 9 ,8 0 4 . Applicants send resume and th e nam es of 3 references to: Dr. Phillip D . W h ang er, D ept. of A gricultural Chem istry, Oregon State University, C orvallis, O R . 97331. O SU is an Equal Oppor tu n ity /A ffir m a tiv e A c tion Employer end com plies w ith S ection 504 R e h a b ilita tio n A c t of 1973. AUSTIN V. «AY MINISTER 111 N .E. F A ILIN G ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor 281-4429 Masses: 5:00 p.m. Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a.m. Choir - Sunday 12:00 p.m. Folk - Sunday ST. ANDREW CO M M UNITY SCHOOL 4919 N.E. 9th Ave.. Norita Kelly. Principal Phone: 284-1620 Grades 1 through 8 New Hope Missionary Baptist Church REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning W orship i0;30 a.m. Evening Service 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 7:00 p.m. Communion 1st Sunday 5:00 p.m. Wed. - Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Friday -• Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday 7:00 p.m. Prayer and Pastor Phone: 281-6476 Church Phone: 2814)163 3 7 2 5 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 2 7 You are Welcome to W orship at T H E ARK OF 9A F E T Y CHURCH OF GOD PENTECO STAL, INC. “A warm spelt of lellowahip always” The Honorable Bishop U.V. Petersen, D.D. “The Holiness Preacher,” Pester S1$am H ilfa m “Nhewars at B tu d a g i Broaden«” R 6 A R IS M f i j o a m ili » p m t iM p m fcVeugeBetie Worship * S.OOpBr TveedayPrtday NeetfVujfcfrarer Tuesday: Bible Bead/ Jr. Church Wednesday: Chair Rehearsal 1 7:30 h a 7:00 pan Frldeyi “Tha Paster Speelte” *4 NE » T a p Truth »1-0499 I , À 4 7 : » pm