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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1978)
Page 8 Portland Observer Thursday. November 9 1978 J by Ruth Spencer Mrs. Geneve Jones returned from an eight day tour o f Hawaii this The Black P o rtlan d Firemen requested that their m andatory United Way annual contributions be donated to the Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation. •••••••••• Unk June Brown. Link Geraldine Christian (Vice President of Links and Chairman of Annetta T. Brown Memorial Scholarship Award; Link Lois Sayles (President of Portland Chapter of Links) and Vernon Chatman. Portland Urban League, at banquet honoring Link scholarship winners. Links award scholarships Three freshmen students o f the University o f Portland received The Annetta T. Brown Memorial Book Awards from the Portland Chapter o f Links on October 20. 1978 Gayle Garlington, a graduate o f Wilson High School 1978, is interested in Business A d m inistration; Janet Miner, a graduate of Monroe High School in 19’ 8, is interested in Business Administration and Ac counting; and Katheryn W ilson. a 1978 graduate o f Franklin H igh School is pursuing Pre-Nursing. Vernon Chatman o f the Urban League directed the location and selection of students worthy of the awards A buffet luncheon in the Student Commons at the University of Portland was the setting for this event. The checks were presented by Lois A. Sayles. President of the Port land Chapter o f Links. Also attend ing the luncheon were Dean Harold G . Westby, Vice President fo r Student Services; D r. Donna J. C o rle tt. Associate Professor o f Education; Spencer Barret J r., a graduate o f Jackson High School and President of the Black Student U nion, Link Geraldine Christian, Vice President of Links and Chair man o f The A n netta T . Brown Scholarship Committee; Link Car men W alker, Financial Secretary of Links and Ebony Fashion F air Chairman; Link Mildred Reynolds and Link June Brown. Daughter leader visits Portland A recent visitor to to our City, EM. A lfrem a Y. H ip to n o f East St. Louis, Illinois, president of Illinois- Wisconsin State Association Auxiliary. Grand Auditor of Grand Tem ple. State D eputy, G rand District Deputy, Southern District of Illinois, president of Daughter State Presidents Council of the I.B .P .O . Elks of World. was entertained on Friday evening, October 27th at the home o f Brother A lfo n z ia and Dt. Annie B. Holland Dt. Holland is past president o f the Northwest States Association and is currently director of Education of Oregon. Those joining in entertaining Mrs. Hampton were Dt. Ora Lee M artin. D t. Ruler o f D ahlia Temple; Eh. Mane Walker, Financial Secretary; Eh. A lb erta L . R andolph, Past District Deputy of Oregon; Eh. Elsie McBell. District Deputy of Oregon; Dt. Ruth Jackson, Loyal Dt. Ruler of Louise Thomas Council; EM. Ret- ta Taylor, President o f Education Committee; and Eh. Peggy Warren, Queen o f the N orthw est States A ssociation, all o f P o rtla n d ./ Oregon. Mrs. Hampton was in our City at tending the N atio n a l A d u lt Education Conference as o k o f the Illinois delegauon. In addition to all o f her other duties, Mrs. Hampton is Treasurer o f the Illin o is A d u lt Education Association, member o f the Depart ment o f Corrections, State o f Illinois School Board and is Principal o f the East St. Louis Adult Evening High School. She stated that she enjoyed visiting P o rtlan d and looks forw ard to reluming. On leaving Portland, she will be going to Chicago, Illinois to attend an Executive Board Meeting o f Daughters o f Illinois. Wisconsin State Association, I B P.O .E. o f W . Cambric homecoming speaker Hughes Memorial United Metho dist Church will hold its Homecom ing on November 12th at 3:00 p.m. Reverend C o rtlan d t C am b ric, form er Pastor, will speak at the 11 XX) a.m. and 3:00 p.m. services. A Communion Service will be held on Friday evening. November 10th, at 7:30 p.m. and a dinner on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to all functions. The church is located at 111 N .E. Failing. The R fveren d John Jackson, Pastor o f M ou n t O livet Baptist Church and President o f the Port land N A A C P has returned from a ten day m inistry in Tacom a. Washington. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 requires that all educational institutions that receive funds from the Office of Education. Department o f Health. Education and Welfare, must afford parents of students under eighteen years o f age (or an eighteen year old student) the right to inspect and review the educational records kept by the school system on that student; the nght to challenge or request the removal or modification of materials felt to be inaccurate, misleading or inappropriate; the right to limit the number and type of individuals who will be able to see the students' records; the right to receive a list of those individuals who have been permitted by school officials io see a students records; the right to be notified every time a students’ re cords are turned over to a court by judicial order or subpoena, and the nght to be informed by school of ficials o f the prov ision o f this act . . . Have you been informed? •••••••••• Reverend Edsel D . Goldson, President o f A M A is being trans ferred to Grace Memorial Methodist Church in Seattle. W ashington. The A M A held an Appreciation Awards Banquet last Tuesday night at Bethel A M E Church. Community Service Awards were given. Emanuel Pans, former teacher, is Center Coordinator for the North Medication Center, 6313A N. Lom bard. The com m unity - based M ed iation Center is designed to resolve neighborhood disputes at the community level. It is an alternative non-judicial free service. The project is administered by the Metropolitan Human Relations Commission. The Reverend John H. Parker, Director of Prison Ministries, Inc., is actively involved in: seeking a suitable place as an emergency housing facility; striving io help men and women meet their individual needs; and encouraging Albina churches to become involved in visit ing prisons and other institutions. The M oore Community Center located on M oore Street at Killingsworth, is offering an after school program with classes in swimming, karate, creative dance, arts and crafts and others. Program Director is Liz Taylor. The Oregon Association o f Colored Women's Clubs selected the Highland United Church o f Christ’s Annual Community Dinner, Novem ber 11th, as their November Service Project. The club women w ill furnish homemade dishes to compliment the turkey; and assist in serving the din ner. Mrs. Betty Thompson and Mrs. Carrie Cannon are O A C W Project Chairmen. The Reverend Samuel Johnson is church Pastor. •••••••••• Vancouver Avenue Baptist Church Junior Choir will sing at the YW C A Harvest Festival. 1111 S.W . 10th Ave. November 12th at 2:30 p.m. Director is Barbara Pilot. Mr. O.J. Gates, Executive Direc tor of the City-County Commission on Aging, is hospitalized for a minor heart attack. He became ill Tuesday evening, October 31st, and entered a hospital the same night. He is im proving. The Delta Mothers Club Annual Waffle Breakfast will be held at Mt. Olivet Church on November 11th, 9:00 a.m. to Loo p.m. Peggy Joseph has been named a Delta Patron. ( AI.DW I I LS COLONIAL M< >RTl ARY personal service to families o f all faiths. S .k . 14th al Saneh R h d 4» Burn%»4» P itriU o X O R IM» * « NN-MI Hefe grabbed your tax dollars for hydro dams. Then denied you cheaper electricity. ** began 35 years ago with the genesis o f the most awesome hydropower network in the world. By Congressional law. the idea was simple: electricity from the Northwest s taxpayer-built dams would go first to rural and domestic users people like you in your homes. But times changed, and so did the interpretation of the Federal law Today, it doesn t matter that your taxpayer dollars built these dams. If you re a residential customer of Pacific Power or any other investor- owned utility (as about two-thirds of the homes to the Northwest are), you re denied access to this less expensive electncity What you get instead are higher hom e electric bills. "fo cut your home electnc costs. Pacific Power s been fighting for access to federal hydropower all the way to the courts. Now. leading m em bers of Congress have recognized that legislative action can and should bring you your share If you re a custom er of an investor-owned utility like Pacific Power, proposed legislation can mean a 20% cut to hom e electnc bills. Im m ediately And more cost cuts will come. F m a ly customers o f all utility companies, investor-owned and public alike, will equally share the hydropower tax dollars generate. Don Frisbee. Pacific Power s Board Chairman, testified before Congress to response to proposed legislation. If you d like to read what he had to say, just ask one o f the people in your Pacific Power office for a copy of his statem ent And make sure your Congressman knows where you stand: Taxpayer dollars built the dams. Taxpayer hom es should share the benefits. Reallocation of federal hydropower, through Congressional action, is the way to d ip his wings The People a t Pacific Power. Working to cut your energy costs down to size. Services personalized to your family's lifestyle... and finances For complete detail», call or Mop et any of our convergent locations You'll find tbet we are sensitive to your need»— as we have been to Portlend ’ am iiiee for m o 'e than 40 years Credit terms and trust planning available r/w t n i rrus Mortuary • Crematory • Calcinatory Gateway N. K illin g » w o rth N.E Haisey at 106th 258-0606 N Lombard 3018 N Lombard 283 0525 Demand that your Congressman clip his wings. 430 N. KiHingswortb 2 8 3 -1 9 7 6 Southgate 10305 S E 82nd Ave 777-1485 I 232-4111