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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1978)
Portland Observer Thursday, July 13, 1978 Pag« 5 Portland Observer IN V IT A T IO N TO BIO Sealed Proposals for sewer system rehabilitation addressed to the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Burley, Idaho will be received at the City Hall. P .0 . Box 1090, Burley. Idaho 83318, until 8:00 p.m. local time, on the 17th day of July, 1978 and then will hr- publicly opened and read. The work contemplated consists of rehabilitation of portions of the existing Burley Sanitary Sewer System including cleaning and sealing of approximately 9050 lineal feet of sewerline, sealing manholes, repairing sections of broken pipe, repairing tap ins and associated items. Plans and Specifications may be examined in the Burley City Hall or at the office of the Engineer, CH2M H IL L . IN C ., 700 Clearwater Avenue. P .0. Box 8748, Boise, Idaho 83707. A copy of the Documents may be obtained at the Engineer's office upon payment of $25 for each Document. The full amount of the deposit will be refunded if the Documents are returned in good condition within 15 days after bid opening. JOB FINDER Tektronix Opportunities Food Service A ttendant On call, temporary cafeteria work available IK>th day and awing shift Prior experience in food preparation and serving helpful These jobs can lead to permanent positions. Dated this 12th day of June, 1978. C IT Y O F B U R L E Y , ID A H O By Chuck Shadduck, Mayor Keypunch Operators We have immediate permanent openings for swing shift Keypunch Operators. Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Familiarity with 129 IB M card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable IN V IT A T IO N TO B ID Sealed Proposals for Sewer System Rehabilitation, addressed to the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Nampa, Idaho will be received at the Nampa City Hall Council Chambers, Nampa, Idaho, until 2:00 p.m. local time, on the 14th day of July, 1978 and then will be publicly opened and read. The work contemplated consists of rehabilitation of portions of the existing Nampa sanitary sewer system, including cleaning and sealing of approxi mately 25,500 linear feet of sewerline, replacing approximately 30 service connections, sealing manholes, repairing sections of broken pipe, and associated items. Plans and Specifications may be examined in the office of the Nampa City Engineer, 203 12th Avenue South, Nampa, ID . 83651, or at the office of the Engineer, CH2M H IL L . IN C ., 700 Clearwater Avenue, Boise, ID . 83707. A copy of the Documents may be obtained at the Engineer's office upon payment of $25 for each Document. The full amount of the deposit will be refunded if the Documents are returned in good condition within 15 days after bid opening. Dated this 12th day of June, 1978. P a rt Time Assembler Part time positions available for electronic assembly work. Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required Training will be provided Clerk Typist W ill perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties Average typing ability required W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Two years' secretarial training or experience required Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary. Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan. Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to: T E K T R O N IX , IN C .. P.O. Box 500 P. Beaverton. OR 97077. An equal opportunity employer m /f. CITY OF NAMPA. IDAHO SECRETARY Resumes are being ac cepted for the position of Secretary for the Non- S e x is t C u r r ic u lu m Development Program of the Northwest R e g io n a l E d u c a tio n Laboratory. Typing 60 wpm, some shorthand or equivalent, experience w ith filing systems. Resumes will be accept ed through August 3. Send letters of a p plication with resumes to: Brenda J. Green Personnel Officer N .W . Regional Educa tional Laboratory 710 S.W . 2nd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST CETA II position, 2 years general clerical experience. Typing 50 wpm, clean neat appearance, mature personality. An Equal Opportunity Employer, minorities encouraged to apply. Sea-Port Business Development Center 5329 N.E. Union Portland — 284-3363 One attorney and a sup port staff person will be hired at this time, with the Central Office p ro vidin g le g is la tiv e , a d m in is t r a t i v e a n d litigation backup. Salary is negotiable, depending on experience with excellent fringe benefits. Resumes should be mailed to Oregon Legal Services, 2328 N .W . E v e r e t t , P o r t la n d , Oregon 97210, attention: Shirley Hawes. NORTHWEST MINORITY CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION CITY OF PORTLAND ANNEXATION COORDINATOR $22,194 yr. to start ASSISTANT BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR LINE DISPATCHER Major carrier accepting applications for position of Line Dispatcher. Must meet the following minimum requirements: R e s p o n s ib le fo r $1120-$1429/month, par developing and m ain taining annexation policy ticipates in the main tenance and care of the for approval by the City physical plant for j - Pass Company Physi Council. Supervises a cal Washington County, ex small staff of perience in building , -- Good Previous Work p r o f e s s io n a l and Record. sup technical personnel. A ! * m a in t e n a n c e plemented by experience i -- Minimum 3 years thorough knowledge of Supervisory Experience in preventive maintenance ' the objectives, prin -- No Felony Convic program , engineering ciples, practices and tions techniques of an degree desirable or equivalent combination n e x a t io n p o lic y Qualified applicants ap of experience and development is required. ply at: tr a in in g . A p p ly See the application East Texas Motor Freight Washington County Civil packet for a complete list Lines, Inc. Service, 150 N. First of the required 2825 N .W . Yeon Avenue, Room 305, knowledges and skills. Portland, Oregon 97210 Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. Women and minorities An Affirmative Action urged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer, women and Employer M /F members of minorities APPLY urged to apply. Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than July 28, 1978. Receiving applications An Equal Opportunity for YOUTH EM- ; Employer PLOYMENT RECRUIT ER. Call 281-0015, 10 N.E. Graham. CETA VI secretarial Applicants must be be position with Senior Law tween 16 and 22 years of P ro je c t im m e d ia te ly age. Preference given available. $650-3750 per North and Northeast month depending on ex area residents. perience. Qualified older workers are encouraged Salary - $833 per month. to apply. Call 284-9411. You are W elcome to M orship at T H E ARK OF S A F E T Y CHURCH OF GOD PEN TE C O S TA L, INC. “A warm spirit of fellowship always" The Honorable Bishop U.Y. Peterson, l).D . "The Holiness Preacher.” Pastor T u fad a y : Bible B a n d /.lr. Church 7:30 pm M ednesdav: < 'hoir Rehear aal 7 0 0 pm Friday: “The Paator Speaka" 7:30 pm 84 NE Killingaworth 181-0499 Come to Marlboro Country Advance your career by joining one of the nation's most highly rated companies. Philip Morris-USA and its line of fast-moving products — Marlboro, Benson & Hedges, Virginia Slims, Merit — all presold with hard hitting consumer adver tising, is your ticket to moving ahead in sales. Get on the Philip Morris team and begin now to earn a good salary, plus car, full benefits, training, opportunity for advancement. If you have a high school diploma and a valid driver's license, we'd like to talk with you. Ad ditional education and sales experience are plus factors. Apply in Person Monday, July 17th Between 3 PM & 8 PM At The Red Lion Inn 310 Southwest Lincoln Portland, Oregon P a r t - t im e f a c u lt y position in Resource Recreation Management available 9-15-78, 1-1-79, and 3-25-79. Experience and qualifications in re s o u rc e re c re a tio n management and suc cessful teaching ex perience at the university level. Salary commen surate with experience and assignment. Send letter of application, qurriculum vitae, tran script of previous univer sity work and three let ters of recommendation to: As a market analyst in our Information Display Group you will be responsible for developing government market opportunities for Tektronix computer graphic products. You will gather information and develop marketing programs spanning Federal. State and I-ocal government agenices. Tektronix computer graphic products are recognized as the first choice in graphics terminals, plotters and hard copy units. Experience in government marketing of similar computer products with knowledge of secondary research sources and skills are required Formal marketing training with an MBA preferred. Salary is open Benefits include liberal insurance, profit sharing and educational support. Send detailed resume and salary history to Art Andersen. T E K T R O N IX , IN C ., P.O Box 500. X77. Beaverton, Oregon 97077. An equal opportunity employer m /f/h Tfektronix I ASSISTANT PAYROLL CLERK & SPECIAL PROJECTS ACCOUNTING CLERK Full-time. Requirements: Typing 40 wpm, efficient operation of 10-key add ing machine/calculator, basic understanding of accounting procedures, minimum of 2 years prior experience in payroll. $679 per month. DEVELOPMENT OFFICER RECREATION COORDINATOR II (Developmental Disabled) City of Salem, $4.91 $6.21/hr. Instructs, su pervises, teaches and coordinates programs for Special Population in Salem area. Knowledge and experience of prin ciples and practices of s p e c ia l p o p u la t io n programs. Possession of Basic First Aid Card. Knowledge and ex perience in methods and techniques used In recreation work. Ability to plan, direct, coor dinate and lead activities with various age and in terest levels. Closing date: 7 /2 1 /7 8 . Apply: City of Salem, Personnel Dept., Room 225, 555 Liberty St., S.E., Salem, Ore. 97301. RECREATION COORDINATOR II (Interpretive) SECURITY OFFICERS Responsible for affecting secure and safety proce dures for protection of e m p lo yees, p atie n ts , visitors and hospital as sets. Affirmative Action Employer Full-time. Requirements: BA or BS Degree required in Com munication or Business I A dm inistration, or 2 years validated exper- I ience in institutional development at the Col lege or University level. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (To the Dean of Instruction) Prefer some college related courses in se curity and loss preven ! tion. At least 3 years se- Full-time. Requirements: Masters Degree in Public c u r it y e x p e r ie n c e Ad- preferably in hospitals or or Educational with a public oriented fa ; ministration. Industrial or Com cility. Must be able to Relations write clear, concise and munications. Applicant c o m p le t e r e p o r t s . must demonstrate good Drivers license w ith communications skills, s a t is f a c t o r y d riv in g both oral and written. record. Willing to work Applicant should have in Ad varied shifts, holidays experience and weekends. Com ministrative role with special emphasis on per petitive salary. sonnel relations and of Apply between 9 am to 2 fice operations. Starting Date: 9 /1 /7 8 . Salary pm. Range: $19,860-$21,564. A pplication Deadline: Employee Relations 7/28/78. Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical C o n ta c t: C la ck am a s Center C o m m u n ity C o lle g e , 2183 N .W . Northrup 19600 S. Molalla Ave., Oregon City, or call 503- An Equal Opportunity 656-2631, Jim Painter. Employer City of Salem, $4.91- $ 6 .2 1 /h r . In s tru c ts , supervises, teaches and Resource Recreation coordinates program for Management SECRETARY greenhouse, nature trail Oregon State University and Implements 3rd and Corvallis, OR. 97331 Figure-oriented person, 4th grade school Inter accurate typing in p ro g ra m . Oregon State University p r e t iv e is an Affirmative Action Knowledge and ex cluding numbers, to Equal Employment Op perience of principles learn log accounting. L u m b e r b a c k g ro u n d practices of portunity Employer and and complies with Section greenhouse operation, useful. Salary $600-$800 504 of the Rehabilitation historical and in ter depending on experience plus excellent fringe p r e t iv e p r o g r a m s . Act o f 1973. Possession of Basic First benefits. Send resume Aid Card. Knowledge to: Classified A, P.O. EDUCATION CITY OF PORTLAND and experience of Box 3137, Portland, OR. methods and techniques 97208. Resumes are being ac RESEARCHER ENGINEER I: CIVIL used In recreation work, cepted for the position of An Equal Opportunity Specialist I, Evaluator, $755 month. PROJECT: ability to plan, direct, $1476 Approximate Employer coordinate and lead ac for the N on-Sexist D o c u m e n t re a s o n s monthly salary to start. tivities with various age Curriculum Development women do not report and interest levels. Program of the North sexual assault. 48 hr. Closing date: 7 /2 1 /7 8 . Entry level technical civil west Regional Educa CLERK TYPIST engineering work. Per preference given to Apply: City of Salem, tional Laboratory. forms design, field and veterans. T A S K S OF Personnel Dept., Room THIS PROJECT: Do sur 225, 555 Liberty S t., Statistical typing, filing Applicants should have a analytic work in either vey to elicit responses S .E ., Salem, Oregon and some accounting bachelors degree in street, sanitary or water duties. Salary $700-$750, e d u c a t io n , d e m o n serv ic e e n g in e e rin g . from women who were 97301. e x c e lle n t b e n e f it s . Must meet knowledge strated skills in the area assaulted and chose not M inorities are en and skill requirements of evaluation. Samples to report; Docum ent j couraged to apply. listed on Supplemental of completed evaluation Resumes should be Application Form to be reasons why women do documents will be SECRETARY subm itted to Shirley filled out at time of ap not report from the requested in interview. I Hawes, Oregon Legal plication; must possess survey, and Hotline $725-$964 per month, Service, 2328 N .W . Resumes will be accept EIT or qualify on sub statistics; Provide up stitute examination to be dated information about with excellent fringe Everett, Portland, OR. ed through July 27. administered by the City. laws and police b en efits. C hallenging 97210, telephone 223- Send letters of a p Women and minorities procedures to women; and responsible position 7502. r e q u ir in g e x c e lle n t urged to apply. plication with resumes and Send final report typing, clerical and short to: and recommendations to hand skills. Two years APPLY Police, M edia, CETA, recent secretarial ex CITY OF PORTLAND Brenda J. Green District Attorney, Crime perience. Ability to deal Portland Civil Service Personnel Officer Prevention, etc. effectively w ith the PLANNING DIRECTOR Board N .W . Regional Educa public is essential. Send 510 S.W . Montgomery tional Laboratory $34,900 yr. Minorities are en- resume to: Personnel Of St. 710 S.W . 2nd Avenue fice, City of Lake Portland, OR. 97201 couraged to apply. Portland, Oregon 97204 Administers City plan Oswego, 348 N. State No later than July 17, Apply 522 S.W . 5th, 6th St., Lake Oswego, OR. ning agency for landuse, A n Equal Opportunity 97034. zoning, transportation, 1978. Employer floor - 224-7125. neighborhoods, c o m prehensive plann ing . Supervises professional, FILING CLERK/TYPIST technical staff. Constant contact w ith public, New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Minimum 55 wpm; citizen groups, media. REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR willing to be trained as Women and minorities THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED relief PBX operator; mail urged to apply. Sunday School g :30 a.m. clerk and other minor Morning M orship |g 30 a m . duties; excellent advance APPLY Evening Service 2nd. 4th and ment opportunities and 5th Sundays 7: 00 p.m. fringes. Reply to: Portland Civil Service (om m union 1st Sunday 5: »0 p.m. Stevens, Thompson & Board Med. - fa m ily P rayer Meeting Runyan, Inc., 5505 S.E. 510 S.W . Montgomery and Bible Study 7: 30 p.m. M ilwaukie A ve ., P.O. St. Friday Brotherhood Box 02201, Portland, Portland, OR. 97201 Fellowship Service with 97202. Morning Star 3rd Sunday 7: 00 p.m No later than July 31, Prayer and Pastor Phone: 281-6476 An Equal Opportunity/ 1978 3 7 2 5 N. Gantenbeln Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 2 7 Full-time, starts 9/18/78 R e q u ir e m e n t s : BA Degree in Early Child hood Education. Ex perience in teaching young children ages 3 6. Education a n d /o r ex perience with handicap ped children verified. Must meet Federal health req uirem en ts $871 per m onth. A p p lic a t io n d e a d lin e : 7/21/78. COMMITTED TO EXCXtLENCE Dr. Edward H. Heath Church Phone: 28| 0163 ♦ Government Computer M a rk e t Analyst Portland Area iiN M i n o m i m i im i Oregon Legal Services is seeking an attorney with as much Indian law ex perience as possible to begin a program of legal assistance to Native Americans in Oregon. This is an exciting oppor tunity to help share an important new program. Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am Morning M orship 11:15am “Showera of Blessings Broadcast” K G A R I55U 11:30 am 12:30 pm YPBC 6:30 pm Evangelistic Morship 8:00 pm Tuesday-Friday Noon Day Prayer SALES REPRESENTATIVE Equal Opportunity Employer, m /f/h Ttektronix By Larry Bledsoe Director of Public Works TEACHER ASSISTANT (Child Development Center) An Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F NURSES Following positions are available at in-patient psychiatric hospital. UNIT NURSING SUPERVISOR Days, M onday-Friday, Psychiatric supervisor experience required. REGISTERED NURSES Full-time staff nursing in evening and night shift. MENTAL HEALTH THERAPIST Full-time position for evening and night shift. Bachelors Degree in psychology or related field w ith 1 year ex perience required. Woodland Park Mental Health Hospital 1400 S.E. Umatilla Portland 97202 234 5353 An Equal Opportunity Employer -Irà She’s pregnant. She’s deserted. She needs help. She should call 221-0598 B irth rig h t free co n fid e n tia l co u n selin g lor pregnant girls Mayer B u ild in g at 1130 S W M orrison