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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1978)
Portland Observer Thursday, June 22, 1978 Page 7 Invitation to Bid Portland Observer DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES PURCHASING DIVISION IttS Ferry Street S.E., S a les. Orogae “Aa Equal Opportunity Eaxpleyor" JOB FINDER Advertieeaent for Bida Minority Buotooaa Enterprise Fragrant Pursuant to the Dept. of General Services Administration Rule 125-03-031 the contract is designated to the Minority Business Enterprise Program. ? U by lhe department of General Services. 1225 ?7 l "' r E ' ^ * em’ all labor, “ nlU 3:00 PM T Wednesday. 28. I 978J r furmahing material and PD equipment to June perform Remodeling for the Dept. of General Services. 1225 Ferry St.. SE, Salem Oregon. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at the place and time stated above. Bids received after the time fixed for opening same will not be considered. Plans and specifications, including bid and contract documents, may be examined at the office of the undersigned; or Am* r 'can Citixens League. 327 N.W . Couch St.. Portland. OR. 97209 Urban Indian Program, 2326 N.W . Westover, Portland. OR. 97210 1 °^7lo?ot0rS Mana* * ment Association. 3933 N.E. Union. Portland, OR. «Ml»«« S 972*»eSt Min° rity Contractor* Assoc., 10 N.E. Graham, Portland, OR. .Contrartors' 3933 N E Union- Portland. OR. 97212 COSSPO, 3534 S.E. Mam St., Portland. OR. 97204 (Committee of Spanish Speaking People of Oregon) Sea Port Business Development O r .. 5329 N.E. Union Ave.. Suite 223 A Portland, OR. 97211 ^ O R 973W*r l ° r S E,IchanKe' 2256 Judson St. N .E.. P .0 . Box 12066, Salem. The provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes 279.350 through 279.354, relative to prevailing wage rates, shall be complied with by the successful bidder. Prequalification of bidders is waived due to the urgency of this project. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding th irty (30) days. D E P A R T M E N T O F G E N E R A L SERVICES Jan Yarnell Contracts Manager CHARGE Nl'RSE C IT Y O F P O R T L A N D 11-7 shift ACCOUNTING SECRETARY Tektronix Opportunities Food Service A ttendant On call, temporary cafeteria work available both day and swing shift. Prior experience in food preparation and serving helpful These jobs can lead io permanent positions Keypunch Operators W e have immediate permanent openings for swing shift Keypunch Operators Form al keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Fam iliarity with 129 IB M card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable P a rt Time Assembler Part tim e positions available for electronic assembly work. Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required. Train in g w ill be provided The responsibilities of the Marketing Communications Program Supervisor include planning and implementation of complete m arketing communications programs including trade shows. PR and media responsibilities You w ill be involved in the budgeting, administration, production and distribution process related to your programs You must have 3-4 years communications experience on either agency or client side, preferably in the electronics computer industry at t he account execut ive level Strong proven conceptual talents needed A b ility to work with and supervise agency personnel is necessary Good program planning skills and ability to work in support of company marketing personnel also required (.ommunicalam background should include media advertising collateral development, production processes, trade shows, audio visual media and measurement in research activities Salary is open Benefits include educational support, insurance end profit sharing programs Send detailed resume and salary history to W yla MikaJow. T E K T R O N IX . IN C ., P O Box 500. H 69. Beaverton Oregon 97077. an equal opportunity employer m /f/h Ib ktro n ix •trio ToifojttfMJ 1975 KZ400 motorcycle, disc brake«, electric start, $750 or best offer. 231 1804. 1977 Dodge Aspen, R /T , V-8, 4 speed, overdrive, AM FM stereo, and more. Excellent condition, $4,600 or best offer. 231-1804. TELEPHONE INFORMATION POSITIONS Unique P A R T T IM E job o p p o rtu n itie s w ith the Portland Internal Revenue Service Office. Duties in clude providing tax assis tance to the public. T rain ing w ill be provided. Starts at $4.28 per hr. Limited irregular hours. 2 years college or appropriate pub lic contact work experience necessary. I f interested re port to Room 315, 1220 S.W. 3rd on June 26th at 8:30 A .M . for a written test. IRS is An Equal Opportunity Employer TYPIST Min. 60 wpm; will be train ed for permanent part-time evening shift of word pro cessing center; training wifi be on latest equipment; m agnetic m edia b ack ground and knowledge of en g in ee rin g term in o lo g y helpful. Salary up to $4.25 an hour depending on quali fications. Reply to: Stevens, Thompson A Runyan, Inc. 5605 S .E . M ilw a u k ie Avenue P.O. Box 02201 Portland, Oregon 97202 S U R V E Y ( H A IN PERSON For the N A ACP 1978 Na tional Convention, June 1, 197b - August 31. 1978. Salary: $700 per month. Qualifications: Office ex periencm is required or edu cation indicating a potential for this position: a know ledge of business English, spelling and punctuation; an ability to handle and schedule inquirers and in form ation seekers: an ability to take oral dictation accurately, type efficiently, and prepare reports and correspondence; and must meet C E T A V I require ments at the time of appli cation, Le., unemployed during the 15 weeks im mediately preceding and a member of a family which has a total annual family income equal to or less than the lower living standard income level established by the Bureau of Labor Statis tics for the applicant's fa mily size. Contact Tom Kennedy, 249-0330. Is Your Career in Good Hands? Expansion has resulted in career opportunities in our Tigard Office. Positions available: CLAIM ADJUSTERS/REPRESENTATIVES - Deal with Public, make decision*. SALES PERSONS - Become a Professional insurance agent. W ill perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties Average typing a b ility required. W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Tw o years' secretarial training or experience required. Above average typing a b ility, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary. Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan. Apply at Tektronix In dustrial Park or write to; T E K T R O N IX . IN C ., P .O . Box 500-P. Beaverton. OR 97077. A n equal opportunity employer m /f. Ifektronix CXMMT TfD T O f aCZLLfOCX communication skills. If qualified, send resume and academic transcript to Port of Portland. P.O. Box 3529, Portland, OR. 97208. Au Equal Opportunity Employer Iguladad de Oportunidad en Empleo An Equal Opportunity Employer MACHINIST We are-currently In need of skilled operators for the following machines, must have at least 3 years work experience preferably In a job shop. Must be able to work any shift. Vertical Boring Mill Horizontal Boring Mill O.D. Grinder I.D. Grinder M illing Machine Engine Lathe Turret Lathe A major Portland based utility is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Compensation Analyst in the Salary Administrative Section of Human Re sources. This opportunity will involve administration of salary scheduling and merit control programs as well as substantial analyti cal work with survey inputs and report analysis. Posi tion requires a degree in a related field or the equiva lent training and know ledge plus a minimum of 2 years experience in several phases of the compensation field. Contact or send re sume to Ron Doan, Recruit ment and Staffing Coordi nator, 920 S.W. 6th Ave., Portland, OR. 97204, (503) 243-4355. W ilsey A Ham All positions have opportunity for growth in promo- tiona. Good salary with excellent benefits. 2800 NW Front Ave. Portland, OR. 97210 (503)226*5530 An Equal Opportunity Employer N A A C P Planning Commit tee is announcing a job opportunity for youths and adult workera for July 3rd- 7th. Employees are needed for restaurant and cocktail lounge positions. If you are in te re s te d , contact im mediately Gordon O'Con nor. Red Carpet Catering 2358771. There will be other concession stands where employment will be available. 222 S.W . Harrison 84 Portland, OR. 97201 227 0455 Interested? Call 620 3400 12323 S.W. 66th Avenue, Portland Affirmative Action Employer M /F /instate INSURANCE COMPANIES Aa Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer We are seeking an accountant with a degree and three years' experience in computerized accounting systems, financial analysis, and management reporting, preferably in a m arketing/ manufacturing environment. The responsibilities of the position include analysis and evaluation of budgets, analysis of expenses, preparation of reports for corporate level management, and preparation of special financial studies. The position offers an attractive salary plus profit sharing programs and an outstanding benefits package. Please send detailed resume and salary history to Larry Green. T E K T R O N IX . IN C ., P.O. Box 500, V70, Beaverton, Oregon. 97077. an equal opportunity employer m /f/h DRAFTING AND DESIGN TECHNICIANS Experience required in preparation of plans for sewers, water systems, water and sewage tre at ment plants and pump ing stations. Salaries: up to $1700 per month depending upon qualifications. Excellent growth potential and fringe benefits. Ttektronix C O M M T T C D TO EXCELLE N Œ An Equal Opportunity Employer FILING C'LERK/TYPIST Minimum 55 wpm; willing to be trained as relief PBX operator; mail clerk and other minor duties; excel lent advancement opportu nities and fringes. Reply to: Stevens, Thom pson, & Runyan, Inc., 5505 S.E. Milwaukie Ave., P.O. Box 02201, Portland, 97202. A ccountant Send resumes to: CITY OF PORTLAND Stevens, Thompson & Runyan, Inc. ENGINEER IV: PUBLIC WORKS 5505 S.E. M ilwaukie Ave P.O. Box 02201 Portland, Ore. 97202 WANTED PART TIME $2,142 mo. to start Child care workers to care for children while their Engineering positions in mothers attend Oregon the Public Works Depart Women’s Conference June ment, including the Bu 23rd, 24th, 25th. $2.30 an reaus of Sanitary Engineer hour. Contact Donna Po ing and Street and Struc well 238-4320 or Carla Os tural Engineering. W ork born 289-5746. involves professional de sign, project management and supervisory work in project areas such as sani SURVEY CREW CHIEF tary and storm sewers and arterial and neighborhood Able to perform boundary streets. Includes design, re survey, construction stak search analysis, program ing, topographic survey and construction planning, Minimum 1 year exper specification review and ience. Must be familiar budget preparation. W IL D T H E D O L IT E and electronic distance meters. Applicants must be regist Starting pay $5-$6 hour ered as Professional Engi depending on education and neers in the State of Ore experience. gon or be eligible for recip rocal registration. Speciali Wilsey & Ham zation in Civil Engineering 222 S.W. Harrison 84 preferred. Candidates Portland. OR. 97201 must meet the minimum 227-0455 knowledge and skill re quirements as listed on the Affirmative Action Supplemental Application Employer M/F Form. The examination will con sist of an interview weight ed 100%. Only those most qualified, baped on a review of the Supplemental Appli cation Form will be invited to the interview. A PPLY P o rtlan d C iv il S ervice Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than June 30,1978. An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND TYPIST CLERK *645 approx, ma. to start Routine clerical work, in cluding typing, filing, act ing as receptionist and tak ing phone calls. Applicants must have knowledge of business English, spelling, grammar, basic math and skill in dealing with the public, and must also type 40 wpm. The exam will consist of a w ritten test weighted at 60% and a typing test weighted 40%. APPLY BINGHAM-WILLAMETTE COMPANY Able to perform chaining with steel tape for boun dary surveys, construction survey and topographic surveys. Skilled in the use of level rod. Minimum ex perience 1 year rear chain person, 1 year as head chain person, preferably w ith educational hark ground in engineering or survey. Starting pay $4 $5.50 per hour depending on qualifications. CLERICAL TYPISTS - Full-time position* available. Clerk Typist H U M A N R E L A T IO N S Intermediate rehabilitation | Department of Finance and S P E C IA L IS T unit. Minimum one year Administration, $828-31056 progressively responsible Approx. »95« mo. to start /p e r month. 5 yrs. exp. in LIBRARIAN, MAP experience in medical sur office work with consider D E N T IS T gical areas. able knowledge of account Responsibilities: Catalog Performs research and ing and/or bookkeeping ing and reference service analysis relating to human DENTIST I REGISTERED NURSES relations and civil rights. practices and secretarial for map department. Re (Unclassified] 11-7 shift skills. H.S. grad, supple quired: MSLS; one year Gathers, interprets and mented by college or busi academic library exper $1770-2372 monthly. Per analyzes data from many Full time, part time and sources and presents find ness school se c re ta ria l ience with six months L.C. forms professional dental float positions available for ings in w ritten and oral trng., or equiv. comb, of cataloging experience. Pre health care work in nurses. Minimum one year reports. exp. and trng. Last filing fer map library experience county dental clinic. Addi general hospital experience date, June 30. 1978. tional responsibilities in in addition. Rank: Instruc required. Excellent bene Applicants must have ex I elude assisting in the ad tor. Salary: $12,000-12,500. fila. ACCOUNTING CLERK ministration of the clinic perience. training and edu Application deadline: July program of dental services cation related to the know 14,1978. Oregon State Uni Apply between 9 am to 2 ledges and skills identified J $788 $1006/per month. 3 and providing professional versity Library, Corvallis, pm. yrs. exp. in responsible Oregon 97331. A a Affirm a assistance to dental assis on the Supplemental Appli bookkeeping work, H.S. tive Actioo/Equal Opportu tants and other clinical sup cation Form. Employee Relations grad, preferably supple nity Employer That Com port staff. To Qualify appli Good Samaritan Hospital & mented by college or busi plies With Section 504 of cants must be in possession A PPLY Medical Center ness school trng., or any the Rehabilitation Act of of a current license to prac 2183 N .W . Northrup equiv. comb, of exp. & trng. 1973. tice in the State of Oregon Po rtlan d C iv il Service 229 7465 Last filing date, June 30, A N D be a graduate from an Board 1978. accredited dental school 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Aa Equal Opportunity with a D.D.S. or D .M .D . Portland. OR. 97201 Employer Degree. Apply Washington County STAFF ENGINEER I Civil Service, Room 305, No later than June 27.1978. 150 N . First Avenue. Hills The Port of Portland has TO A P P L Y : Multnomah boro, Oregon 97123. An An Equal Opportunity immediate vacancies for County Personnel Division, Equal Opportunity Em Staff Engineer I. Requires 426 S.W. Stark, 7th Floor, Employer ployer, women and mem Bachelor's Degree in Civil Portland, Oregon 97204. bers of minorities urged to or Mechanical Engineering Phone: (503) 248-5015. Ap apply. or equivalent experience, ply not later than 4:30 p.m., plus good w ritten and oral Friday, June 30, 1978. Marketing Communications Program Supervisor SECRETARY MAIL A SUPPLY Employers Insurance of Wausau has an entry level position now open for a Mail & Supply distributor. Typing: 30 wpm. W e »/ill train. Promotional oppor tunities available. Good sa lary and benefits. Located in Beaverton on busline No. 54. Call 297 4911 E x t. 229 for an interview. An Equal Opportunity Employer P o rtlan d C iv il Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 Unique job opportunities with the Portland Internal Revenue Service office. Du ties include providing tax assistance to the public. Training will be provided. Starts at $4.28 per hour. Limited irregular hours. 2 years college or appro priate public contact work experience necessary. I f in terested report to Room 315,1220 S.W. 3rd, on June 19th or 26th at 8:30 a.m. for a written test. IR S is an Equal Opportunity ployer. Em Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer ASSOCIATE CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR Career opportunity with a long established local orga nization. Position calls for extensive public contact and opportunity to work with community leader ship. College degree or equivalent, 3 years fund raising experience. Send resume to Box 3137 - A, 97208. .Cut it out This coupon saves you $100 on a young used car. 1977 CLOSEOUTS F ro m Our Rental Fleet ASPENS VOLARES MONICOS FURYS FORD LTD II CUTLASS CADILLACS GRANADAS MONTE CARLOS 12 Mo. or 12,000 Milas Limited Warranty O PEN C O N T IN U O U S O'fe> sxplres Sept 1. 1*7* Ona coupon par treneecllon An Equal Opportunity Employer F am ily Circus T h e a tre Rummage Sale. Costumes, props, etc., 10-5, June 24th A 26th. 221 S.E. 11th. AVIS Ibung used cars e ai a- *aro__a 6935 N.E. 82nd Portland, Ore _ Telephone 256-9122