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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1977)
Portland Observer POLICE ID E N T IF IC A T IO N T E C H N IC IA N T R A IN E E 84.28 per hour starting rats. Employee will learn to obtain, classify, and identify, fingerprints and perform photography work. Appli cants must be available for work on day, evening and night shifts, and on week ends and holidays. Appli cants must not have a record of criminal conviction which would prohibit their being granted access to sensitive police records and informa tion. Apply: Portland Civil Service Board, 810 S.W. Montgomery Street, Port land. OR 97201. Before May 9. 1977. An Equal Opportunity Employer U m F mi M JOB FINDER SECRET ABV POSITION A prestigious pontoon in our corporate headquarters (or company oriented person. Must have have excellent secretary skills, ability to compose own letters, be well organised and able to work with minimum of supervi- sfon. Salary dependent on ability and experience. E x cellent company benefits in cluding Dental. Call Person nel Department, 0414161. A 88K TA N T COORDINATOR Day Cars information and referral service. Min.: 2 yrs. college and experience in community service and know lodge of community re sources. Must enjoy phone work A problem solving. Salary: 8600-660 per month. Submit resumes: 4-C. 1110 S.E. Alder, Portland 07214. Closing Date: 5-1S-77. K IN D E R G A R T E N PRO GRAM D EV E LO P ER Experience in Day Care pro gram and training in early childhood education or re lated field. Salary: 8600 per month. Must be C ETA V I eligible and resident of City of Portland. Submit resumes to 4-C. 1110 S.E. Alder, Portland 97214. Closing Date: MO-77. An Equal Opportunity P A T IE N T A ID E S Full time and part time positions available on all shifts. Minimum six months recent general hospital ex perience. Must have formal training from a general hos pital. community college or military service program. Competitive salaries and ex cellent fringe benefits. Ap ply in person between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Employee Rela tions Department, Good Sam aritan H ospital and Medical Center. 2183 N .W . Northrup. An Equal Opportunity M A IN T E N A N C E ELECTRICIAN Opening for person with lim ited Journeyman Elec tricians License or equal. Work on locomotive and overhead cranes, A.C. and D.C. motors, and at general shop maintenance. Apply at personnel office. Z ID E L L Explorations, Inc. 2121 S.W. Moody A ve. Portland. Ore. 97201 LOAN ASSISTAN T Entry level position with exesflent opportunity (or ad vaneement in loan dosing. Will learn to prepare docu ments A correspondence necessary (or processing new loans. Also performs research as requested by loan officers A loan closers relating to loan documents. Requires 6040 wpm typing. 10-Key and calculator skills helpful. Promotion from withiin and expansion baa created an immediate need for experi enced tellers or toller train ees. Openings at: Oregon City 912 Main Street Program 9870 S.W. Greenburg Lloyd Center Lake Oswego 800 A Avenue Hawthorne 3757 8.E . Hawthorne Bird. Requires good communica tive skills, math aptitude, 10-key and minimal typing ■hills. Salary based on ex perience. Excellent employee bene fits. Please apply in person or in Home Office Personnel Department 9:00 aan. to 1:00 p.m. Benjamin Franklin Federal Savings and Loan One S.W. Columbia St. Aal ACCOUNTING CLERK Entry level; training and/or experience in the basics of accounting, 10-ksy by touch, typing skills desired. 8end resume to Stevens. Thompson A Runyan, Inc. 0808 8.E . Milwaukie Ave.. Portland. OR 97202, A tta: Audrey. Salary: 86004660 SUPERVISOR GAF Corp., a leading m anufacturer of photo graphic equipment and pic torial products, has an im mediate need for an experi enced plastic injection mold ing supervisor. Position requires sbility to supervise up to 60 machine operators and 3 years ex perience in plast ic molding or related plastic field. This career opportunity offers an excellent benefit program and salary commen surate to background. For additional information call Ben Langston, 644-1181 or send resume to: G A F Corp. Photo and Repro Group P.O. Box 490 Portland. OR 97207 RAPE P R E V E N TIO N SPEC IA LIST 85.96 per hour starting salary. Organizes and con ducts meetings with wo men's groups to provide in formation of the prevention of rape and related sex crimes. Requires public speaking skill and sitili in dealing effectively w ith women, particularly when discussing sensitive personal issues such as those associa ted with rape and other sex crimes. APPLY: Portland Civil Service Board, 510 S.W. Montgomery Street, Portland, OR 97201. Before May 6, 1977. An Equal Opportunity T R A IN IN G COORDINATOR City of Salem 8996-81258. Coordinates d e liv e ry of training services to City em ployees. Constructs training plan from analysis of perfor mance appraisal documents and other data. Coordinates with outside educational re sources and does some in- class work. Combination of education or experience which provides the follow ing: Knowledge of training methods, sbility to identify training needs and to match needs with available re sources, ability to communi- caete effectively through written reports, ability to make public presentations, ability to coordinate training program. Closing date: May 13. 1977. Apply: City of Salem, Personnel Depart ment, 566 Liberty S.E.: Salem. OR 97301 Au Equal Opportunity C E TA EM P LO Y EE TOUR G U ID E /P A R T T IM E Guide tours of interested groups through the Port of Portland marine terminals Sear around and assist in the Port's educational program for local primary grade stu- dents. Work an average of 20 to 30 hours per week. One nust have a business like appearance, excellent com munication skills and be cap able of meeting and working with all types of people and situations. Wages 83.60 per hour - no benefits. If Inter ested. contact Esther W il son. 233-8331, Ext. 306 Au Equal Opportunity COOT ACC O U NTAN T The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Cost Accountant. Requires experience in cost control techniques and innovation of cost control procedures and im provem ents. Also re quires written and verbal communications skills, and a bachelor's degree in ac counting or equivalent work experience. If qualified aend resume to Port of Portland, P.O. Box 3629. Portland, Oregon 97208 Au Equal Opportunity Assistant Director position available May 2nd. Respon sibilities include leadership, fundraising, public relations, programming and adminis tration. Contact The World Without W ar Council, 1888 S.W. Jefferson, 97201; phone 228-8838. Application dead line is Friday. May 9th. POLICY TYP ISTS Full time days. KEY ENTRY OPERATOR 3:46 - 12 midnight full time. 60 wpm. Neat, Must have transportation. Full benefit package with profit sharing. Farmers Insurance Group 639-8661 An Equal Opportunity W A N T TO LOSE W EIG HT? No exercise, no hunger pains Call anytim e-289-7737 Attention Elderly er r i n M i it Porssns Housing assistance available Beginning May 2, the Hous ing Authority of Portland will accept applications for the Section 8 Housing Assis tance Payment Program for low income elderly (62 plus), disabled and handicapped renters who live or wish to live in efficiency or one bed room apartments. Under the program we pay a portion of your rent based on your income. If you are currently on H.A.P.'s conventional waiting list, you must make another application specifi cally for this program. How ever you won’t lose your place on the conventional list if you apply for this pro gram. To find out how to apply, call 249 6634/5537. We are pledged to the letter and the spirit of U.S. Policy for the achievement of equal h o u s in g o p p o r t u n it y throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and piarketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion or national origin. Equal Housing Opportunity y W fyes treated over lOOO persons wid) M e offer jpb devel ' problems. pjvnenr, vocotú n aí retyabi l i t a t t a , psychiatric, and, 'medical attention,, 'ncrearional frtflram t, and confi' denti al, professional counseling pro, *ddt v a rie ty op prv&fenvs. 229'Si5i, Cjire 44í a call, or sec 445 a t 50p s.u). fburefy Avei CHILD CARE WORKER Pos. Exper in working w children or coursework in areas of child devel., PE or educ. Mon-Fri, 25-30 hrs per wk. Sal 82.50-83 hr. Send applications thru May 15, YMCA. 2831 SW Barbur Blvd, Portland 97201 Attn: Pam Stephens. An Equal Opportunity Employer Allen Jooes An Evening of Nostalgia Au Evening of Nostalgia The Big Band of W alter Bridges and the Swinging Cavaliers May 22nd at JewHa’s Lounge 2128 N. Vs 186.00 “2 Free Drinks” Door Prims, Trophies FISCAL M A NA G ER D IR E C T H E A L T H SERVICES DIV'. 815,117 annually. Resp. for fiscal admin, of Mult. Co. Direct Hlth. Serv. Div. Budget prep., development & implement fiscal control sys., analysis of fiscal data, educ. of mgrs. & supr. in fiscal control procedures, liaison with fiscal offrs. from other agencies. M IN . QUALS: 4 yrs. academic trng. from accredited college or univ. with major course- work in acctg., finance, business or public admin, or rel. field, plus min. 1 yr. exper. in position req. per formance of tech, acctg. fis cal or budget analysis wk. APPLY: By May 10, 1977. Multnomah County Person nel Office. 426 S.W. Stark, 7th Fir. Portland, OR 97204. 1 - 2 - 3rd Place Trophies will be awarded to: Beat Dressed Nostalgia Couples Contest Judges Include: Judge Dina, Henry Scott, D r. Earnest Hertaog John Blow, Jim Brooks, Verla Woods, Geri W ard-S ign up at Jewefia’s ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and SUdmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend ThomaaL. Strayhand. Minister ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 300'N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor An Equal Opportunity Employer Richard Tydsman Purchasing Director 1^ ijmc fyvVt a drug problem, or knew someone utho does, our jrfwwe num ber ss C L IN IC A L D IE T IC IA N Multnomah County is hereby notifying all current and potential bidders tbet sll bids submitted to the county shaU be in strict accordance with the Multnomah County Public C ontract R eview Board Administrative Rules, the | n —hstiTTg hwo si the State of Oregon, and all conditions set forth on page 3 of the proposal project specification books under the title of “hstructioos to Bid- J _____ s o OBIe a Deviations from the rules and procedures set forth in the above documents shall ho considered cause for the comity rejecting any or all bids. The project specifica tion hoods are to be submit ted in their original form with all bid sheets completed and sub-contractors listed. I thro are no subcontractors, the bidders must so state. C 'O fb .A ., A 'ñ r tía n d 'tnetjnor foU ifauv ¿raj -tnwcwenc 248-5035. M U L TN O M A H COUNTY Paga 7 _ L A W CLERK C IT Y OF PO R TLA ND Starting salary is 8882 per month. Assistant to staff attorneys in City Attorney's office. Conduct legal re search; draft legal docu ments, letters, opinions, in vestigates and process unin sured claims against City. Applicants must have know ledge of law, legal termino logy, legal procedures, equi valent to two semesters in a recognized law school, plus knowledge of legal research methods, skill in preparing legal briefs and other doc uments, skill in written and oral communications and in working effectively with others. APPLY: Portland Civil Service Board. 510 S.W. Montgomery Street, Portland, OR 97201. Before May 9. 1977, Au Equal Opportunity Employer Bess Kaiser Hospital Part-time, must be regis tered Dietician. Hospital ex perience preferred. Apply: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday - Friday, Personnel Dept., 5055 North Greeley Avenue, 285-9321 An Equal Opportunity Employ gr Thursday, May 5, 1977 281-4429 Masses: 5:00 p.m. Vigil - Saturday IbOO a.m. Choir - Sunday 12:00 p.m. Folk - Sunday ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL The Oregon State Highway Division Project, Columbia River Bridge [North Channel substructure) and Govern ment Hand section grading construction, East Portland Freeway, advertised in the Observer was in error. This is not a Multnomah County bid. Prospective bid ders should contact the Ore gon State Highway Depart ment for information. 491« N.E. 9th Ave. Norite Kelly, Principal Phone: 284-1620 Grades 1 through 8 New Hope Missionary Baptist Church TH E CHURCH D ES IG N E D TO M E E T YOUR N EE D Church Phone: 281*0163 9:30 aan. M p . m. Sunday School ;K .G J k J L U 5 0 A M 11:00 aan. 7:30 p -x . 5.-00 pan. Evening Service 2nd - 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday W s d .-F a m ily Prayer Mooting and Bible Study . 7:30 pan. Fri. - Brotherhood Prayer and Pastor 7:30 p-m. 281-6476 Rev. Devero ^3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227 PreRnant? And you need a friend? call V * BiHhRUHT 221-0398 Free Emergency prennancy counseling Northwest Minority Contractors Association CONTRACTORS • SUBCONTRACTORS 10 N. E. Graham 281*0015 Yon are Welcome to Worship at T H E A R K OF SA FE TY CHURCH OF GOD PEN TEC O STAL, INC. Stretch NO Points or Commissions. Homemakers Div. of G.E. C re d it C orp. Household loans A Home Equity loans to 828,000. call Larry Evans. 221-8210 CuB Vickie 236-1970 .spirit sf fsUswship always" a, D.D . “T h s f‘ “ SUB-BIDS RBQUISTED Urban Renewal "Eliot II N. Williams and N. E. Russel St. 80 Unit Housing far the Elderly Portland, Oregon BID DAK: Moy 11,1977 C H R IS TIN U N . MACDONALD. INC. (503) 215)*R321 (206) 696-03R1 Supday: Sunday School 9:00am Morning Worship 10:45 am "Showers of Bleminga Broacagf" ; K G AB 1550 11:00 am-12:30 pm YPBC 0:30pm EvaageHatie W srsWp 8:00 pm Bible Band/Jr. Church Thursday: Chair Rehearsal Friday: “The Pastor Speaks" Tuesday - Friday N oaT Day Prayer SiNEKRUagsworth 281-0409 ".Pastor 6:30 pm 6:30 pm