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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1917)
S3 THE MOHXTXG OREGON! AN, FRIDAY JANUARY 2G, 1917. MEXICO GETS HINT Fl Proposed Provisions 6f New Constitution Are Not Ap v proved by Lansing. CONFISCATION IS FEARED Secretary Also Calls Attention to Article Permitting Executive to . . Expel Foreigners With . out Snowing Cause. MEXICO CITT, Jan. 25. Secretary' of State Lansing has sent to General Car ranza through Charles B. Parker, American charge d'affaires here, a com munication in regard to certain pro visions which it has been proposed to Include in the new Mexican constitu tion. The communication calls attention to the article vesting the executive power to appropriate "property without ju dicial recourse and also the article pro viding that civil commercial companies cannot own properties of a greater area than is necessary to accomplish the purpose for which they are formed and placing the power to determine what area is necessary in the hands of the executive. Provision Might Be Confiscatory. The communication says that if the latter provision were made retroactive it might be confiscatory, as no pro vision is made for compensation. Attention is called to the article pro viding that there be no exemption from taxation. If this had a retroactive ef feet, says the Lansing communication. It would impair contracts of many for eign corporations now operating under agreements providing periods of ex emption by the federal or state gov ernments. Regarding article 33, dealing with the expulsion of obnoxious foreigners objection is made because the proposed article permits the executive to expel anyone, without recourse to appeal, whose presence is deemed inadvisable by him. The letter says that this is not in accord with the usual practice of nations that cause be clearly shown. Objection Made to OH Provision. Mr. Parker also has sent to General Carranza a statement from Secretary Lansing protesting against the pro posed article in the new constitution which stipulates that special conces Eions must be obtained by exploiters of oil lands, and allows companies now owning such lands one year in which to secure new concessions in order to protect the rights they already have acquired. The statement says this article ap parently means virtual nationalization of Mexican oil lands and it might prove confiscatory of foreign owned property. FCTUEE RELATION'S AFFECTED Numerous Complaints Received From Americans in Mexico. WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. Future re lations of the Mexican de facto gov ernment with the United States may be materially affected by the manner in which the suggestion of Secretary Lansing regarding the proposed radi cal changes in the constitution are re- ceived by General Carranza and the members of the convention now in ses sion at Queretaro. Protest delivered to the Foreign Of' fice in Mexico City today against in corporation in the new constitution of provisions limiting property holdings of foreigners and providing for other restrictions of the rights of foreigners, was made after the receipt at the State Department of numerous complaints irom Americans now in Mexico. 'LEAK' HEARING MONDAY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY SAYS IN VESTIGATION WILL BE RESUMED. Bernard Baructa and J. P. Morgan May Be Called Early Wall-Street I . Brokers File Reports. NEW YORK, Jan. 25. The Inquiry into tne alleged 'leak" of advance in formation on President Wilson's peace note will be resumed here Monday, Jtepresentative Kobert J. Henry, chair man of the House rules committee, an nounced tonight. "We will have abundant data on hand," declared Mr. Henry, "to go aneaa without a break In the Inquiry.' Regarding Information sought con oerning transactions on the New York Stock Exchange within the period of the alleged ' leak, Mr. Henry said: "In my judgment we will have every thing we want in less than five days.' He added that the committee had met with no "refusals" from brokers. "We are encountering no hostility from them," said Mr. Henry. "A num ber of statements have be n received from them complying with the commit tee's request." Bernard Baruch, and possibly 3. P. Morgan, as well as others familiar with Wall-street affairs, may be among the first witnesses called, according to Mr. Henry. "Only those people mentioned In Mr. Lawson's testimony and Mr. Latrson himself will be called to the witness stand If it is shown they are links in the facts developed by the committee's inquiry, Mr. Henry concluded. LABOR OPPOSED TO PEACE British Conference Votes Down Pro posal Three to One. MANCHESTER, England. Jan. 25. The labor conference today rejected b a VAte of more than three to one resolution favoring the immediate or'fe of peace proposals. Immediate conscription of accumu lated wealth to lighten the financial burdens of the war was demanded in resolution adopted unanimously. Th resolution calls for taxation of not less than 15 shillings on the pound on un earned incomes, direct taxation of lan and nationalization of the banking system. . FOREIGN LOANS INDORSED Banker Says Nations Have Borrowed Only Fraction of Wealth. PITTSBURG. Jan. 25. The enormou loans made to the warring countries o Europe are good Investments, accord ing to Festus J. Wade, a banker of St. Ijouis. speaking before the National Foreign Trade Council, which convene ROM WASHINGTON ere today. He asserted that -to de elop foreign trade American business men must develop credit among for- ign natioOi. There is misconception In the minds of the public concerning: loans made to the warring: nations of Europe, for beyond the peradventure of a doubt these loans will be paid at maturity nd they will prove prime investments for the public." said Mr. Wade. "The warring: nations, you must remember. ave at this time only borrowed three- fourths of 1 per cent of their national wealth. To develop foreign trade you must develop foreign credit and you must not fear for the faithfulness and fidel ity of the warring nations. They are absolutely sound." APER MEN MEET TODAY FEDERAL COMMISSIONERS TO AT TEND CHICAGO CONFERENCE. American Publishers and Manufacture era to Talk Over Shortage Sit . nation With Canadians. WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. Three mem bers of the Federal Trade Commission Commisioners Parry, Harris and Davles left for Chicago today to attend a onference tomorrow between Ameri can newspaper publishers and Canadian nd American paper manufacturers. who announced they wished to co-operate with publishers in overcoming an apparent news print shortage. The Trade Commission has delayed its news rint investigation report until after the meeting. Intimations from Canada that no em bargo will be put on paper exports and that any price-fixing measures that may be passed will not go into imme diate force have relieved Trade Com mission officials of a fear that the Canadian situation might again upset the American news print market. The report that Canada would limit exports had made them apprehensive that a more severe shortage than yet pro- uced would be felt in the United States. It is believed here that Canada's re ported embargo move was in the nature f a threat to Canadian paper producers to force them to agree ".o a price-fix ing measure. The order, as it is said to have been contemplated, would have restricted exports to 80 per cent of the Canadian production. This, it is said, would have kept within the Do minion much more paper than Canadian publishers needed and would have brought prices in Canada tumbling. Its effect would have been directly oppo site within the United States. FOREIGNER SINGS WAY IN Vocal Performance Satisfies Boston Immigration, Inspectors. BOSTON; Jan. 25. Domino Paclficlo. 30 years of age, sang his way Into the country today. He had been detained because of his imperfect physical con dition. "Give me a chance," said Paclficlo, 1 am an opera singer." "Sing, then," challenged an immigra tion inspector. Before a board of special Inquiry Pa clficlo sang an aria from "La Tosca." At its conclusion applause echoed through Commonwealth Pier, and the board of inquiry unanimously voted It was not likely Paclficlo would become a public charge. VILLA INVITES FOREIGNERS Circulars Distributed in EI Paso Guarantee Protection. EL PASO, Jan. 25 Circulars printed n English were being circulated here today Inviting all owners of foreign properties to return to that part of Northern Mexico now held by Villa and offering guarantees to all who re turn, as well as protection for their properties. The circular was signed by an American agent of Villa and. -was headed: "Villa is the strong man of Mexico." JOKER INTRODUCES BILL Representative Brownell Repudiates Authorship in Displeasure. STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) Someone put over a cruel joke on Representative Brownell this afternoon and the member from Clack. amas doesn't like It. The joker intro duced a bill bearing Brownell's name to repeal the law regulating chiroprac tics in the state. Brownell insists that he had no in tention of proposing such a law, and will ask to have the bill withdrawn the first thing tomorrow morning. PRICE OF FURS INCREASES Purchases for Use Abroad Exceed All Previous Records. NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Total sales of raw furs at the four-day auction which closed here today, amounted to nearly $1,500,000. Purchases for ship ment abroad were said to have been heavier than at any previous auction of this character. Comparison of prices with those of September, 1916, showed that leopard skins had gone up 40 per cent; Si berian squirrel, 50 per cent: raccoon (Northern), 15 per cent, and raccoon (Southern). 20 per cent. PROGRAMME CAUSES SPLIT Democratic Senators Refer Subject Back to Steering Committee. WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. Democrats of the Senate, after-a three-hour debate in caucus tonight over a legislative pro gramme for the remainder of the ses sion, found themselves in disagree ment over measures that should take precedence. The whole subject was referred back to the steering committee with instruc tions to report to the caucus at a later date. LEWIS YET HAS LIBERTY Clatskanie Youth Gives Slip to Sheriff and Ills Posse. CLATSKANIE, Or., Jan. 25. (Spe cial.) Raymond Lewis. 17 years old who is being sought in connection with the alleged attack on 9-year-old Mar- gareta Hill, is still at large. Sheriff Stanwood and his -posse had a "wild-goose chase today to West- port, 12 miles from here, on a clew that young Lewis might be making for the steam schooner Honipu, loading timber there for New Zealand. Lewi was not found. The boat left last .night for Astoria. CHARITY HEADS SUED Consignment of Unleavened Bread Eaten by Rats. - PLAINTIFF IS RULED OUT Officials of Three Organizations. Made Defendants, Declare Chi cago House Had Agreed to Take Back Unsold Portion. - Payment for 2Q00 pounds of unleav ened bread, .which has been the "piece de resistance" at numerous rat ban quets, was sought from officers of the South Portland Benevolent Association and the Portland Free Hebrew School in a suit at .issue before Circuit Judge Davis yesterday. The bread was that PUGET SOUND VESSEL BECOMES WHO WILL INSTALL ENGINES i ( VX8- -'- "Hi I I STEAMER KCSKOKWIM RIVER. left over from sales for the benefit of needy Hebrews. Judge Davis held that the officers were not personally liable for the debts of the charitable organizations and dis missed the case. The organizations have not been sued because they have no sinking funds out of which a Judg ment could be paid, said Attorney Mor ris Goldstein, who represented the de fendants. The ruling of Judge Davis reversed the decision of District Judge Dayton that the officers were responsible for the payment of the balance of a prom- ssory note for S404.7O, on which izuu had been paid. Suit was brought by H. C. Smith on the claim assigned to him by the Wit tenberg Matzohs Company, of Chicago, against N. Director, president of the benevolent association, M. Abrams, head of the Hebrew school, A. Rosen feld and J. Asher. The "matzohs," or unleavened bread. was sent to Portland at the instance. t was asserted, of P. Wittenberg, or Portland, a relative of the head of the Chicago house. There were 4800 pounds sent to be sold at a charity sale during Easter week. The defense contended that the contract was arranged at a ow Drice. chiefly because of tne ad vertisement for the particular brand of matzohs. and that all not sold was to have been taken back. The bread was not taken hack, and rats got into it, spoiling it for human consumption. There was a babel of tongues auring the hearing before Judge Davis, and Roscoe Hunt, court reporter, found the reporting of rapid-fire Anglo-Hebrew nuzzling task. Judge uavis iook a hand In straightening out the stories and Attorney Goldstein acted as coun sel and interpreter. The records of the organizations were In Hebrew but were translated as read by tne attorney. without objection. GRAIN ELEVATOR URGED PROFESSOR HfRn, OF O. A. C AD DRESSES DOCK COMMISSION. Central Oregon Looks to Portland to Provide Bulk Handling; Facilities. Election Is in June. Most encouraging news is being drawn from the Inland Empire relative to steps by Individual growers and cer tain communities toward providing ad ditional grain elevator facilities for handling the. crop in bulk, and Profes sor G. L. Hurd, engaged in extension work on marketing and other produce features at the Oregon Agricultural College, told members of the Commis sion of Public Docks yesterday of sev eral cases of such new projects. Due to the absence of some mem bers there was not a quorum present yesterday, so the Commission postponed its session until Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Professor Hurd said that he had Just returned from a trip Into the Central Oregon country, and found everywhere confidence in the plans of the Port- landers for the erection of an adequate grain elevator here. He said that at Dufur an elevator for holding 150.00C bushels was to start and two more are being arranged for in Wasco County, where there are five at present. G. A. Gorth, of The Dalles, and five others interested in the Shuttler's Flats coun try, six miles south of Arlington, are working on one of 150,000 bushels ca pacity. There are five elevators planned In Morrow County. Tre Dock Commission is being urge4 to continue its efforts for such a plant and not less than 1.000,000 bushels is talked of as the probable capacity, wrile some favor greater storage space. The voters are to pass on the necessary bond issue in June. Marine Xotes. Westher forecasted for tne North Pacifle Coast today is partly cloudy with moderate westerly winds. Reports from North Head at 5 o'clock yesterday were that the sea was smooth and the wind from the north west, eight miles an hour being registered. After having occupied a dock st the foot of Eighth street, Oregon City, for years. the Yellow Stack line shifts Its berth the new Busch dock on Cross street there today. Her Inward cargo from San Francisco being discharged, the steamer Daisy Free man left last night for Aberdeen, where she loads lumber for the California trade. The steamer i.a Pnmera came In from the Goldea CiU with SM barrels of also empty wooden and iron barrels and oil cases, and loads box snooks for the re turn. Captain A. W. Graham, of the Yellow Stack fleet. Is on a tour of the Upper Wil lamette In the Interests of the service. Work of barging railroad ties from mills here, to be stored at Kalama until a vessel Is sent by the British Admiralty to load them for England, has been started. One bares is loading at the St. Johns mill and another took soma tlea there and was shitt ed to the Portland mill, from where she goes to Inman-Pouleen's and when through there will be towed. In company with the first barge, to Kalama. It has been decided to have the steam er Tahoma. of the People's line, resume service to The Dalles Monday. Ice has about left the Middle Columbia and river men do not expect another freezup this season. Major Amos A. Fries. Corps of Engineers. TJ. S. A., is now In full otficlal charge of the projects In the First Portland District, the formal transfer from Major Jewett hav ing been accomplished yesterday. Major Jewett now will devote all time to the Sec ond Portland District. Part of her lumber cargo having been worked at Westport. the steamer North land shifted last night to St. Helens. Walter Stirling, a well-known marine div er, who has returned from the Coast coun try, says some residents of the Alsea Bay district are suffering from lack of supplies from Portland, duo to vessels of the mos quito fleet being unable to make the port regularly In rough weather. With about 2.S0O.O0O feet of lumber aboard the new Norwegian steamer dtp to. Captain E. Klleasen. reached the Clark A Wilson mill at Ltnnton at 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon. She took 2.000.000 feet at Westport. and S00.U00 feet st Wauna. and PROPERTY OF PORTLAND ERS, OF TORPEDO-BOAT FOX. i ft will load 800.000 feet at Linnton. clearing then for Bombay on her maiden voyage with cargo. The Capto la of 4623 tons cross and 3073 tons net register. Marconi Wireless Keports. (All positions reported st 8 P. M., Janu ary zo, unless otherwise aesignaiea. SENATOR, San Francisco for Seattle. 20 miles east of Flattery. QUEEN. San Francisco for Seattle, seven miles south of Tatoosh. WILLAMETTE. Urays Harbor for San Francisco. 70 miles south of Grays Harbor. WAPAMA. St. Helens for San Francisco, miles south of the Columbia River. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Flavel for San Francisco, lift miles south of the Columbia River. YOSEMITE, San Francisco for Puget Sound potts, six miles south of Grays Harbor. COLUMBIA, San Francisco for Champerlco. 1657 miles south of San Francisco at 8 P. M-. January 1M. SAN JUAN, San Francisco for Balboa. 19 miles west of Salina Cruz at 8 P. M., Janu ary 114. PERU, Balboa for San Francisco, at Cham perlco. NEWPORT. Balboa for San Francisco, will arrive at MazaClan at 6 A. &L. January 2V CELILO. San Pedro for Sasi Francisco, 15 miles west of San Pedro. . KLAMATH, San Pedro for San Francisco, 15 miles east of Point Concepcion. GREAT NORTHERN. San Pedro for Hono lulu. &tH miles from San Pedro. GOVERNOR. San Pedro for Sap Francisco, 15 miles we?t of Hueneme. EL SEGUNDO. Richmond for San Diego, 154 miles north of San Diego. IAQUA. San Pedro for San Francisco, off Point Vincent. ASTRAL, San Francisco for the Orient, miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M. January 24. EUCADOR. Orient for San Francisco, 1975 miles rrom San Francisco at 8 P, M.. Jan uary 24. WILHELMINA, Honolulu for San Fran cisco. 1055 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., January 24. STANDARD ARROW. 6an Francisco for the Orient, 1627 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., January 24. ATLAS. Honolulu for Richmond. 789 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M.. Jan uary 24. MATSONIA. San Francisco for Honolulu, 90 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M.. January 24. ADELINE SMITH. San Francisco for Coos Bay. 167 miles north of San Francisco. Beaver. Portland for San Francisco, 130 miles north of San Francisco. ROSE CITY, San Francisco for Portland. 14 miles north of Point Reyes. CUKACAO, Nanaimo for San Francisco. seven miles south of Point Arena. ADMIRAL GOODRICH. San Francisco for Vancouver, 250 miles north of San Francisco. XT. S. Xaval Radio Reports. ALAMEDA, Cordova for Seattle, nassed Tatoosh. PUEBLO, arrived at San Francisco. NERO, arrived at San Francisco from Corinto. SATURN, arrived at San Francisco from Mare Island. SAN DIEGO departed from Eureka for Tiburton. ADMIRAL FARRAGUT, San Francisco for Seattle. i0 miles north of San Francisco. Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Jan. 25. Condition of the bar at 6 P. M. Sea smooth, wind northwest. 8 miles. WOMEN OUT FOR OFFICE Canyonville Nominates Eight of Fair Sex and Man MarshaL ROSEBUEQ, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) For the city election to be held at Canyonville on February 6 the follow ing officers were placed in nomination today: Council. Mrs. Clara Shaw. Mrs. Bar bara Hopkins, Mrs. Clara Willis, Mrs. Minnie Cornutt, Mre. D. Lablanc and Mrs. W. R. Stock; Recorder. Miss Myra McGilvary; Treasurer, David Hughes Marshal, F. M. Hopkine. Mrs. Hop kins, who seeks a seat on the Council. was 'at one time Mayor of Canyonville. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. Name. From rat F. A. Kllburn......San Francisco. ... In port Rose City.... .Los Angeles n. Northern Pacific. . San Francisco. . . Jan. 28 Breakwater. ...... San Francisco. .. -Ju. Beaver... Los Angeles. .....Feb. 2 DCE TO DEPART. Nama. for Date. Yale S.F. for L.A S.D. Jan. 28 F. A. Kilburn. .... .Pan Francisco. . . . Jan. 26 Harvard S.F. for LA S.D. -Jan. 27 Hose City. ......... I -OS Anveles....- - Jan, 2H Klamath San Diego Jaa. Northern Pacific. ,ia ranclsco. . . .Jaa. 80 Breakwater. ...... ban Francisco. . . -a. a Wapama. ......... San Diego. ..... .Feb. 2 Beaver. ... M. u.Los Angeles....., Feb. 4 VESSEL IS SOLD Alaska Fisheries Interests Buy Kuskokwim River. ENGINES TO BE REPLACED Bollers and Machinery of Old Tor-pedo-Boat Fox Will Be Installed. Same Concern Builds Motorsblp Oregon. Charles A. Burckhardt and associates of Portland yesterday became the own ers of the steamer Kuskokwim River, the vessel being purchased at Seattle. The terms were not given out. neither was the plan for her future operation. but it is assumed she will ply in the Alaskan trade. A feature of the transaction Is the purchase of two boilers and the en gines taken from the United States tor pedo-boat Fox. a vessel well known in the service In her day. and recently on duty with the Grays Harbor Di vision of the Washington Naval Militia. but later ordered sold by the Navy De partment. The Kuskowlm River Is at present equipped with two Metx Si Weiss oll- Durning engines of 150-horsepower each, and they will be replaced with the machinery taken from the Fox. though as each of the Navy's engines is of 800-horsepower, they are to be changed to develop about 400-horse- power, and It is estimated that will give about 200 revolutions and a speed of 12 knots. The vessel Is 150 feet long, with a beam of 36 feet and depth of hold of 11 feet, and her present draft loaded is 13 feet. Mr. Burckhardt ie president of the Alaska Pacific Fisheries, which con trols extensive business In Alaska, ana the firm is Interested in the Alaska Pacific Navigation Company, which is building a twin-screw motorship at Seattle, named the Oregon, which will be launched February 17. She will go Into the Alaska trade and, being a combined passenger and freight vessel. is counted on to play an important part In that business. She will have two oll-burnlng engines, each of 600 horsepower, and Is 240 feet long, 42 feet beam and 23 feet depth of hold. carrying 2700 tons deadweight, or 1, 500.000 feet of lumber. . Another vessel of the same type, but 265 feet long, 45 feet beam and 25 feet deep, is planned, but will not be laid down until later in the season. The Oregon will be documented here. PORT AMENDMENTS DRAFTED Commission Meets Today to Recom mend Changes to Legislature. To consider proposed amendments to the Port of Portland charter that will authorize the Commission to proceed with dredging in North Portland har bor, as well as erect and maintain coal bunkers for supplying fuel to vessels If It so selects, a special session of that body Is to be convened at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Judge Carey, represent ing North Portland harbor Industries, and C. C. Colt, head of the Union Meat Company, will explain the amendments the former "has drafted. The Supreme Court recently decided that an attempt made In the 1912 election to amend the charter to Include the same provision failed because only the Legislature or the voters of the entire. state have that power. The Commission likewise will take up the matter of recommending work on the Hayden Island dyke that extends across the upper entrance of North Portland Harbor. Major Jewett. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A., had requested the Commission to make recommenda tions as to the work, and the members will act today. The Peninsula Indus trial Company also will be heard In that connection. "PURE CUSSEDXESS" SAYS CAP Mix-TJp Between Telegraph and Dis patch Takes Inspectors South. "Now. gentlemen. I do not call this wholly an accident, but pure cussedness on the part of Allan Panter, master of the steamer Telegraph." wrote Captain Thomas D. White, of the steamer Dis patch, In an official report to United States Steamboat Inspectors Edwards and Wynn, relative to a collision be tween the vessels at 3:40 o'clock Mon day at Prosper, on the south bank of the Coquille River. The inspectors will hold an Investigation at Bandon Feb ruary 9. Captain Panter also filed a report, and both agree that the steamers were at Prosper; that the Telegraph was backing from the wharf and, when the Dispatch left her berth, both came to gether, the Dispatch suffering loss of about 20 feet of her house on the after port quarter, wherein Is located her engine-room. IilGRTVESSEIj " TO BE SHIFTED Bureau Requests Skippers to Com ment on Change in Moorings. To moor the Columbia River light- vessel on a line with the main channel range, and at the same time shift her further seaward with the expectation of having better mooring ground, the Bureau of Lighthouses proposes to haul the vessel one and one-eighth miles 180 degrees from her present position. The regular vessel Is here undergoing an overhauling, and relief lighthouse vessel No. 92 Is on station, to be with drawn February "15, when the former Is in commission. Meanwhile masters of vessels plying to the Columbia River are asked to communicate with the office of Inspector Warrack. express ing their views as to the comtemplated change. j AXXIE COMINGS GOES OX ROCK Steamer Sinks In Camas Slough With Cargo Taken On Here. After striking a rock in Camas Slough at 3 o'clock yesterday atternon. on her arrival at the paper mill from Portland with 250 tons of pulp, the steamer Annie Comings, of the Western Trans portation & Towing Company's line, sank. It was reported last night that most of the house over her wheel was under water. Unusually low water pre vails on the Middle Columbia, and that contributed toward the accident- Immediately on word of the plight of the Comings being made known here officials of the company arranged to dispatch the steamer Georgia Burton to the scene with two barges and chains. The latter will be slung be neath the vessel and she will be raised between two barges. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 23. (Special.) The lumber-laden schooner Honotpu was brought down from Westport today and is expected to sail tomorrow for New Zealand. The coast guard cutter Manning Is to sail tomorrow for San Francisco ea route vim the Panama Canal for Baltimore. After discharging fuel oil at Astoria and Portland, tha tank steamer Washtenaw sailed for California. She was delayed for several hours by the fog when coming down the river. Cringing freight and passengers for As- torla and Portland, burn arrived from reka and Coos Bay. th steamer F. San Francisco Kil-Eu- Loaded to capacity with general freight and carrying about 2. XI passengers, the steanter Northern Pacific sailed for San Francisco. The steam schooner Westerner has finished loading lumber at Knappton and la expected to sail tonight for San Fran cisco. Carrying a cargo of lumber from 8t. Helens, the steam schooner Wapama sailed for San Francisco. The steam schooner Dais? Matthews Is due from San Francisco to load lumber at Rainier and si Helens. GRAYS HARBOR. Jan. 23. (Special.) The steamers Charles Chrlstenson. Willam ette and O. C. Llndauer cleared for South ern California. The Chrlstennon loaded at Aberdeen Lumber A Shingle Mill: the Wil lamette at the National and the G. C. Lln dauer at A. J. West mllL The schooner Resolute Is at the Endresen yards to have a spar replaced, when she will shift to the E. K. Wood mill to load for Australia. Five steamers sre due from California by Sunday night, these being the Doris, Helen. San Jacinto, Carlos and Qulnault. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 23. (Special.) The motorship George Washington, first veasel of the Norway-Pacific line to reach Seattle, arrived st 10 o'clock this morning from Copenhagen via Norfolk and Sin Fran cisco. The Vtaael, which has cargo on board taken on at ' San Francisco, will complete here with flour and lumber and sail direct for Chrtstlanla. probably Sunday. The steamer Alameda, which was due st Seattle this sfternoon. transferred her BO passengers to the Jefferson down-sound and proceeded direct to Tacoms to unload 1200 tons of ore. The Jetferson arrived at 5:30 P. M. Suzuki Co.. Japanese Importers and ex porters, opened Pacific Coast headquarters here today. PAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2.V (Special.) After a short stay at Eureka at the scone of the wreck of the Milwaukee, the cruiser Pueblo returned to port this morning. Taking out a full cargo of barley, the French bark General De Negrler got away today for Queenstown. The American schooners Camlno. ni tons; Luzon. 512 tons, and Okanogan. 600 tons, have been chartered by Balfour. Guthrie & Co. to carry lumber from Puget stiund to the West Coat on private terms for Feb ruary or March loading. Among departures for Northern ports to day were the barge Monterey In tow of the tug Navigator for Portland; steamer Rose City, for Portland; steamer Adeline Smlt.t, for Coos Bay; steamer Meteor, for Astoria, and steamer Hoqulam. for Wlllapa. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Jan. 2.t c,..-.. F. A. Kilburn. from San Francisco via Eu reka and Coos Bay. Sailed Steamers Daisy freeman, lor Grays Harbor: Washtenaw, for Port San Luis. ASTORIA. Jan. Ml. Arrived at 10.50 A. M. and left up at 12:50 P. M.. steamer F.-A. Kllbum. from San Francisco via Eureka and Coos Bay. Sailed at 8 A. M.. steamer Wapama. for San Diego via way ports; at 2 P. M., steamer Washtenaw, for Port San Luis; at 2:20 P. M.. steamer Northern Pa cific, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 2:30 P. M., schooner Honolpu. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. Sailed at 9 A. M.. tug Navigator, towing schooner Mon terey, for Portland. January 24. Arrived at 3 P. M.. steamer Rose City, from San Pedro for Portland. Sailed at 5 P. M.. steamer Santlam, from San Pedro for Co lumbia River. . EUREKA, Jan. 25. Arrived at 9 A, M-. steamer Breakwater, from Portland and Coos Bay for San Francisco. COOS BAT, Jan. 24. Sailed at 5 P. M.. steamer F. A. Kilburn. from San Francisco and Eureka for Portland. SAN PEDRO. Jan. 24. Sailed Steamer J. a. tnantlor. for Portland. Arrived Steamers Necanicum and Solano, from the -oiumoia ttiver. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 25. Arrived Steamer Umatilla, from Seattle. Sailed meamers Aaeune smith, for Coos Bay Oleum. Admiral Farragut. for Seattle: Ho quiam. ror lllapa; schooner Meteor, tor ioe v.oiumoia ttlver. TACOMA, Wash.. Jan. 23. Arrived oieamer amez. rrom San Francisco: steam ers Alameda. Latouche, from Southwestern Alaska; steamer Admiral Schley, from Van couver. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. S. Arrived rieamers ueorge Washington, from Copen hagen: Amur, from Anyox. B. C; Selkirk, from Na"nalmo. B. C. : Eastholm. Admiral ecn ley. irom Vancouver. B. C. Sailed Steamers Amur, for Nanaimo; Eastholm, Selkirk, for Vancouver. 1 Tides at Astoria Friday. High. Low. 3:10 A. M o.l feetU:27 A. M 1.3 feet 3:08 P. M .8.7 feetB:4t P. M 0.0 loot Vessels Entered Yesterday. American steamer Daisy Freeman, general cargo, from San Francisco. American steamer La Primers, general cargo, from San Francisco. Gasoline schooner Koamer, general cargo, from Wedderburn. Vessels Cleared Yesterday. American steamer Daisy Freeman, ballast, for Hoqulara. Gasoline schooner Roamer. general cargo, for Coos Say. RUBBER PLOT DISCLOSED SEIZURE IS MADE ON BELGIAN RE LIEF SHIP AT NEW YORK. Five Members of Crew Arrested by . Customs Officers CJerman Ies t i nation Is Learned. NEW YORK, -3&n. 25 Five men. members of the crew of the Belgian steamship Samland, in service of the Belgian Relief Commission, were ar rested here today and 300 pounds of manufactured rubber, alleged to ha ire been smuggled aboard the ship, was seized by officers of the United States customs neutrality squad. . , The men arrested and five others not yet In custody are charged with con spiracy to defraud the United States through evasion of customs' regula tions. It was learned that a plot to buy. manufactured rubber, such as gloves, dental appliances, etc. In this country, presumably for shipment to Germany, had been hatched In Rotterdam. 11 BAKER BOYS JOIN ARMY Among Number Is -Student of Med ical School at Portland. PENDLETON. Or.. Jan. 23. (Special.) Wellington P. Holland, a Baker boy who has been attending the University of Oregon medical school In Portland, has enlisted In the medical corps of the United States Army. Jack Morte son and Gerald Wilson, of Baker, also enlisted in the Infantry yesterday at the Pendleton recruiting station. Eleven Baker boys have enlisted In the Army at the Pendleton station dur ing the last two weeks. MAYOR ISSUES WARNING Soliciting for Magazine. Subscrip tions Is Declared fake. Beware the youngster who solicits subscriptions to magazines on the pre tence of seeking a scholarshipl It Is a fake, according to Mayor Albee. An investigation has been made of the system, and It has been found, accord ing to the Mayor, that the scholarships the youngsters are striving for are Imaginary scholarships. Solicitation has been going on In various parts of the city for some time, the Mayor says. While promises are made to the solicitors of a scholarship, the qualifications of the contest are n si nnrn aTinii k an urnifuiuri y AVERTED Philadelphia, Fa.- "One year ago I was very sick and I suffered with pains 1H!! in my side and back until I nearly went crazy. I went to diff erentdoctors and they all said I had female trouble and would not get any relief until I would be operated on. I had suffered f or four years before this time.but I kept get- medicine I took. Every month since I svas a young girl I had suffered with rramps in my sides at periods and was never regular. I saw your advertise ment in the newspaper and the picture of & woman who had been saved from an operation and this picture was im pressed on my mind. The doctor bad driven me only two more days to make p my mind so I sent my husband to the rug store at once for & bottle of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and i lieve me. I soon noticed a change and .' hen I had finished the third bottle I was cured and never felt better. I gTantv you the privilege to publish my letter und am only too glad to let other women know of my cure." Mrs.THOS.McGON- 1 'GAL- 3432 Hartville Street, Fhila., Fa. such that the prize anticipated cannot be won. SALVAGE ROAD PLANNED NAVY ASKS BIDS OX TRESTLE TO WRECK OF MILWAUKEE. Temporary Elevated Railway to Be Built Oat Through Surf and Alongside Stranded Cruiser. EUREKA. Cal.. Jan. 25. The wrecked cruiser Milwaukee, before the sand swallows It up, will serve a brief stretch as the terminal of a temporary ele vated railroad built out through the surf, according to plans made public, here today when the Navy Department invited contractors to bid on the con struction of trestle and track. Bids for the construction of a trestle from "beach to wreck must be in by January 27, and by February 1 bids are wanted for the construction of a rail road from Samoa across the peninsula to the ocean beach. Bids for the re moval of the salvage via this surf rail road will be opened February 7. All bids will be opened. It was announced, at the Navy pay office, San Francisco. Lieutenant H. R. Bogusch and the crew of the wrecked submarine H-3 were transferred today to the cruiser Pueblo, on which they sailed for Mare Island, where a board of Inquiry will investigate the stranding of the sub marine. Fifty of the Milwaukee's crew also will go south as witnesses in the Milwaukee investigation. Burnett Auto Skids; Damaged. An automobile owned and driven by Coy Burnett was damaged last night on Division street, near Ladd avenue. I when, in skidding, it went to the curb ing with Impetus. Mr. Burnett, ac companied by Mrs. Burnett and other relatives, was hurrying, to the train. The street had just been sprinkled and when the brakes were applied the tlrea failed to stick. No one was injure!. Schwa o s Plans Unchanged. BALTIMORE. Jan. !3. Charles "M. Schwab, of the Bethlehem Steel Cor poration, inspected the steel plant and shipyards at Spairows Point olay. ar i said there would be no curtailment, as has been rumored, in his original plan of making the plant here the largest on the Atlantic seaboard at & cost of .40.000.000. Chamberlain Holds Training Vital. BALTIMORE, Jan. 25. Senator Cham berlain, of Oregon, chairman of the Senate committee on military affairs, declared In a speech tonight at the ban quet of the Merchants' and Manufac turers' Association here that compul sory universal military training was probably Uae most vital issue that con fronted Congress. During a recent thunder storm In Lansford. Pa, lightning struck a tele phone pole three times. KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young Is id feel young to do this you must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bil ious look in your facedull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in their action, yet always effective. They -bring about that exuberance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be en joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets by their olive color. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Nervous Period ical Headaches This trouble commonly called "slck headaohe," Is said to be due to the retention ot urea In tbe system. Often It is stated that a poor condition ot tbe blood is a cause ox tbeae headaches, or that lc Is a nervous con dition; and la certain cases, no doubt this li true. Where treatment la demanded. It Is mora for tbe pain than anything else, and rr. A F. ebellchmlat oi iouisviiie, nasiouna antl-kamnla tablets to give prompt and nd -lea en satisfactory relief. "Rest should be Insist, unon ." ha savs. "and tbe patient should to bed. darken the room, and all the atten dants and famll v should be as aulet as tos- ttble. An emetlo will sometimes shorten the attach. Tbe bowels should be kept open and a hob bath and a thoronsh rub-down with a coarse towel, often give grateful relief. Two antl-kamnla tablets when the first signs appear, will usually prevent the attack- During an attack, one tablet every hour or two will shorten tbe attack and relieve tbe nyual naunea and vomiting." These tablets may be obtained at all drug gists. Auk lor A-K Tablet. They are aio unexcelled fornervoui headaches, nsarsio and aU pains.