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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1917)
IS THE ' MORNING OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13. 1917 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO. FITTING OF MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CORSETS SATURDAY IN OUR CORSET SHOP, THIRD FLOOR2 EYEGLASSES $5.00 Your eyes carefully examined " and glasses prescribed (only if needed) by our graduate optometrists. Deep curved toric lenses mounted in gold-filled frames to day $5. Lenses duplicated from pieces. Optical Shop. Balcony Sixth St. 60c-$ 1.35 Books 25c A quantity of "hurt" books soiled only by handling. The lot includes popular novels, leather gift books, novelties and children's books. For final cleanup Satur day these 60c to $1.35 books. 25c. BooK Shop, Basement Balcony. 50c Silver Polish 25c Half price today for this splendid "Silva Putz" silver polish. Cleans and polishes all kinds of silverware, brassware and cut glass. A limited quantity of this splendid silver polish today at 25c. Silverware Shop. Main Floor. two. The Quality' St6re- or Portland miv, .Sixl. l-larriaacy Alfer 9ta Today The White Sale and Annual Sale Remnants and Odds & Ends NOTIONS 830-835 SUITS CANDY SPECIALS 40c Assorted Butter- 30c Cocoanut Brittle, cups, lb. 29. lb. 230. 40c Chocolate Nut Roll, 25c Special French lb. 290. Mixed 150. 40c Chocolate Chewing 15c Plain Mixed, pound Caramels 250. - at 1O0. Main, Ninth Floors, Basement Balcony. All Our $1.50 Shirts $1.15 WHITE DRESS SHIRTS ALONE EXCEPTED Our entire regular fine stocks of staple Meier & Frank $1.50 shirts and a big new shipment go in this sale. Laundered and soft cuff styles in woven and corded madras, fancy oxford cloths, nov elty weaves, etc. Striped effects included in wide and narrow de signs. All sizes. MEN'S $2.00 UNION SUITS '$1.49 Medium heavy weight worsted union suits of fine quality. Warm, comfortable garments in long sleeves, ankle length, closed crotch style. Natural gray. All sizes. ' $1.75 COOPER RIB "WOOL GARMENTS $1.19 Good Winter weight ehirts and drawers knit on Cooper spring needle machines. Natural gray. Form fit ting. All sizes. BOYS' COTTON FLEECED UNION SUITS 650 Ribbed cotton. fleeced union suits in a desirable weight for cold weather wear. Silver ' gray and ecru. 6 to 14 years. SILK TIES $1.50 AND $2.00 TIES AT 98 Wide flowing-end silk ties in basket weaves, satins, ombres, crepes, etc.; stripes, dots, fig ures, brocades, all-over patterns and other smart effects. All have "slip-easy" bands. $2.50 AND $3.50 TIES $1.63 Finest imported and domestic silks in an un paralleled array of patterns and colors. Lus trous satins in cunningly blended shades and handsome figured designs, ombres, Persians, etc All made with slip-easy bands. New Spring Hats $3.00 Step inside our convenient Morrison-street entrance today and see what our Men's Hat Shop has ready for you in the way of new Spring headgear. New M. & F. special felt hats of finest quality and workmanship now ready in latest shades of greens, grays and browns. Knox soft and stiff hats $5. Stetson soft and stiff hats $4 and $5. Mossant's (imported) hats $5. M. & F. special hats $2. Main Floor. 35c Heavy Leather Shawl 1 F Straps, Saturday special. ... JLtIL 10c Charter Oak Mercerized Cro chet Cotton, white, unbleached, lin en and dark ecru colors, two ir.. balls lt Notion Shoo. Main Floor. -Just Inside Sixth and Alder Entrance $2-$2.50 Drape Veils, $1.49 Black, navy and brown drape veils in hexagon and novelty meshes. Many in pretty chenille dotted borders and others with hand-run effects. SHORT LENGTHS 33c TO 50c VEILING 23 Plain and figured veiling in i and 1-yard lengths. Good colors and patterns. , Best 35c to 50c val ues, each 25c. REMNANTS OF LACE AND EMBROIDERY 65c-85c VALUES, EACH 49 $1.00-$1.25 VALUES, EA. 69 Short lengths of laces, embroid eries, nets and chiffons. Main Floor. Fifth Street. arid OVERCOATS $24.85 Suits Taken from our regular stocks where lines are slightly broken and deeply reduced to make this a sensational selling event. Exactly 138 of these fine hand-tailored $30 and $35 gar ments, including such famous makes as Ilickey-Freeman, Rogers Peet, Adler-Roches-ter and Society Brand clothes. Box-back, semi-fitting and advanced English styles in cluded. AH are in good Winter weights, "em bracing such materials as worsteds and worsted cheviots. Some full silk lined, oth ers have silk sleeve lining. All sizes 34 to 46, but limited numbers in each size. Most of these are $35 suits ; on sale today at $24.83. Include Rogers Peet Overcoats fams "scotch w v vx vwti Mist," Louis Iloltz. Society Brand, Adler-Rochester, Hickey-Freeman and famous imported English Georgian Country Coats. 106 fine heavy Winter-weight garments, made up from broken lines of our regular stocks of $30 and $35 coats. Single and double-breasted gar ments, pinch-backs, English and semi-fitting coats, swagger ulsters and conservative cut. overcoats with stock and velvet collars. Splendid looking overcoats in 6izes 34 to 42 a superb assortment, today $24.85. 1 Men's Clothing Shop. Third Floor. TAKE ELEVATOR OR ESCALATOR $1.50 LOOSE-LEAF PHOTO ALBUMS, SPECIAL FOR $1119 Loose-leaf photograph albums, size 7x10 inches. Book of 50 leaves special Saturday $1.19. TAKE FLASHLIGHT PICTURES You can get good results even with a "Brownie" camera. Let us explain this method of photography to you. Flash light powders 35c to 65c. FREE BOOKLETS "At Home With the Kodak" and "By Flash light." Kodak Shop, Main Floor. Women's $1.50 Hall's Silk Vests and Knickers at 90c Splendid quality of silk vests and knickerbockers in pink and white. Broken sizes, ranging from 34 to 44. A special sale for Saturday only 90c. MISSES 50c COTTON UNION SUITS AT 23 Medium weight suits in high neck, long sleeves .and ankle length styles. Mainly large sizes in the lot. Special for Saturday only 25c. CHILDREN'S $1.25 SILK AND WOOL GARMENTS 50 Silk and wool vests and pants. Broken sizes in the lot but almost every size 4ncluded. About 100 garments, Saturday at 50c. Underwear Shop, Main Floor. Misses' $25 White Peter Thompson Dresses on Special Sale at $9.95 Fine all-wool serge dresses that are slightly soiled. Made with full skirts, double yokes and large collars. Prettily fin ished and trimmed with braid, usual values, at only $9.95. CHILDREN'S $3.00 RAIN COATS, Jgl.95 Slicker coats in leather and brown shades. Made with deep in side pockets and adjustable cuffs.. Sizes 8 to 12 years. With hat to match special at $1.05. FANCY DRESSES AT LESS THAN HALF! Sizes 6 to 12. Fancy lingerie dresses made of nets, chiffons crepe and batiste, in French styles daintily trimmed. Regularly $9.75 to $29.50. Special at $3.95 to $12.95. CHILDREN'S MUSLIN GOWNS REDUCED Sizes S to 14 years. Excellent qualities, of soft white nainsook gowns in Empire style, with round or high square necks. Regularly $1.98 to 2.50. Special $1.59 to $1.79. Sizes 14 and .16 years. Un- $12.95 TO .$15.00 WHITE COATS $8.93 White herringbone,' all wool coats, made with Byron collars and trimmed with black velvet, large buttons and deep pockets. Sizes 6 to 12 years, special at $3.95. CHILDREN'S $3.00 WHITE COATS $3.79 White washable corduroy coats, made with small collars, turn-back cuffs and belts. Very smart little models that close at one side. Sizes 6 months and l yearl 33c CORSET COVERS SPECIAL AT 290 White nainsook corset covers, trimmed, with lace and embroidery and run with ribbons. Sizes 10 to 14 years. Special at 29c. iris Shop. Second Floor. Wide Ribbons, Yd. 19c A good assortment of wide hairbow and sash ribbons in Dresden taffeta, plain and moire taffetas, etc. Both light and dark colors are included, in fancy designs, plain shades, stripes and plaids. Saturday special, yard 19c IIAIRBOWS TIED FREE BY AN EXPERT. NEW LOT READY-MADE IIAIRBOWS AT 25d Ribbon Shop. Main Floor. Fancy La Vallieres and BROOCHES Regularly $1.25 to $23 Special at G3 to $12.50 A large group of fancy bits of jewelry many imported and exclusive novelties in most cases just one of a kind! The designs are distinctive and very effective and the stones are of beautiful color and size. Set tings of smoked topaz, pearl, moonstones, jade, rhinestones, transparent cameo effects, cloisonne, onyx, amethyst and many others. elry Shop. Main Floor $10-113.50 Suitcases $7.35 Ladies' black leather suitcases with .single or double locks, beautiful silk linings. Handy cases in 18, 20, 22 and 24-inch sizes. Some slightly shelf-worn. $14.00-$16.00 TRAVELING BAGS $11.85 Ladies' black traveling bags in pebble, long, walrus and smooth grain leathers. Silk or leather lined. A wonderful bag at the price, $11.85. $18.00-$20.00 COWHIDE SUITCASES $14.98 Best grade cowhide suit cases in 24 and 26-inch sizes. Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor. $10 Women's Suits Another Big Special Sale One Style Sketched About 150 suits in this group. There are semi-belted and loose mod els in the very best styles. .Such ma terials as serge, poplin, (velvet and corduroy are used in these suits and colors are navy, brown, black - and green. In many instances only one or two of a kind but the variety of style is so great that every taste can be pleased. All sizes in this special group of suits, todays at $10. Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor Women's and Children's Hosiery WOMEN'S SILK INFANTS' SILK CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S HOSE, PR. $1.50 HOSE, PR. 25 WARM HOSE 50 STOCKINGS 2." Pure thread silk hose, Pure thread silk hose Children's fine quality The famous "B lack with . wide double flare in white and colors. Sizes warm cashmere hose; In Cat?' hose, of medium tops. Double sole and 4 to 62. "Seconds" of black only. Sizes 5 to weight cotton with triple toes, - with high spliced best 50c quality . 10. Pair at 50c. knees and double Boles heeL Sizes 8 to 10. WOMEN'S FULL - CHILDREN'S and toes. CHILDREN'S FASHION'D HOSE 250 COTTON HOSE 17 WOMEN'S FINE CADET" HOSE Heavy black lisle hose, Fine cotton hose in me- LISLE HOSE 400 Best wearing stocking with high-spliced heels, dium weight, made with Good quality lisle with for children! Reinforced double soles and toes. double heels and toes. In high-spliced heel, rein- at all points of wear. In Sizes 8 to 10. Pair at black and white. Thrc forced sole and toe. sizes 5 to 10, pair 30c; 25c. ' pairs 50c. Splendid values at 40c in heavy wetgnt, 35c. . Hosiery Shop. Main Floor. Seven Bars Ivory Soap 25c A limited quantity to be sold at this price. Only 7 bars to each customer. No deliveries unless purchased 'with other articles in the Drug Department. Gourard's Oriental Cream, medium Odorono priced at 250. size OO0. 25c Mum Deodorant 2O0. 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder 200. 15c Massatta Talcum, 2 for 250. 25c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder 20 0 25c Rubifoam Toothwash 180. Meier & Frank Castile Soap, two 50c Java Rice Face Powder 370. for 250. 50c Pozzoni Face Powder 390. 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 390. Toilet Goods Shop. Main Floor. HawaiianSlicedPineapple, Can 17c -Victor brand Hawaiian sliced pineapple, finest quality, thick slices put up - in good sugar' syrup. Large Jnn SI Q.0 3 fn-r Kflr. ran Butter, Blue Ribbon, finest quality, freshly churned, 2-lb. roll OOp at only OAK, Smoked Shoulders, medium tAft weights, nicely trimmed, lb. ---' Cottage Butts, small sizes, " 7 n lean butts, lb AIL, Boiled Ham, sliced to order, OPT n pound....... OeJL- Walnut Meats, shelled, new ATn crop, lb JL, Prunes, extra large size, "I "I p nn Italian. 15e CTade. lb. AAL, Lard, one of the best brands, strict ly pure, large size $2, me- fZfr dium $1.05. small... .OUL, Cheese, genuine Tillamook, there's none better, today only, the Oftp pound dt3 Wienerwursts or Fran kf urters, fresh . shipments daily, the " A Dound JLfxL. Figs, finest quality, Cali fornia layer, lb Matches, genuine imported OPCp safety matches, 4 boxes. .. ,tJL 15c Maple Syrup, Westmoreland brand, half-gallon cans 780, quart OQ :ans .07 1, Coffee, Superior blend, regular 35c grade, 2 lbs. 550, the lb. at Prunes, new Santa Clara; extra large size, 10-lb. box for SI .75, 5-lb. box Figs, California White Mission, the finest quality, new crop, the - - 89c pound. Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. FRESH MILK-FED SPRING CHICKENS AND HENS ON SALE IN DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT. CHOOSE A "SAMPECK" suit and secure at one and the same time the best boys' clothing value in fabric, style, looks and service qualities that money can buy. The woolens used in these gar ments are specially . selected and tested in the most thorough way. The models re flect every approved style dictate. The workmanship and finish are of the highest order. The prices $10 to $20 are no more than you pay elsewhere for clothing that has neither the reputation nor the merit of Sampeck. And remember every fancy Sam peck suit has two pairs of full-lined knick ers for emergencies. - Sizes 6 to 18 years. OVERCOATS from the House of Sampeck are quite as justly celebrated as the suits. Perfectly styled and tailored by master craftsmen from, finest materials and every detail of workmanship and finish of the best. Mannish looking, dressy little gar ments for boys 2 to 18 years $7.50 to $20. Boys' Clothing: Shop. Third Floor. ii 'fil I I "i A DR. WILSON IN PORTLAND -Prohibition Worker Has Series of ' Appointments in Nortnwest. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, general Secretary of the board of temperance, prohibition and public morals. - is in Portland. 'j, He preached on Sunday morning, De cember 31 at Fuyallup, Wash., and at -night for Dr. Delmer H. Trimble in the ,new First Methodist Church in Tacoiha. 'Monday morning: he addressed the tTacoma preachers" meeting- and at 'night delivered his new popular lecture, "Adventures of a Street Campaigner.1" He will deliver this lecture at Cen tenary Church. Portland, tonight under the auspices of the brotherhood. On January 7 he was at two of Tacoma's churches again, St. Paul In the morn ing and Trinity at night. He will pass Sunday and Monday, January 14 and 15, in Seattle, speaking in First Church and lecturing In the district convention on "Sights and Sounds From Stump Speeches." He is to be one of the speakers at the Metho dist convention in the First Church in Portland on January 16 to 18. . School Board Head Re-elected. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Jan. 12. (Spe cial.) C. M. Weatherwax. millman. was elected this week president of the Aberdeen Board of Education to serve his third term. J. C. 6mith was named vice-president and E. B. Crary was re-elected secretary. STOCKHOLDER BRINGS SUIT C. I Reld Objects to Management of Northwestern Trust Company. A conspiracy to obtain the control ling stock In the Northwestern Trust Company is alleged by Clifford F. Reid. who filed suit in the Circuit Court against I. J. Barber and O. M. Hickey yesterday. Mr. Reid asks for an ac counting and a decree against -L. J. Barber for injury and depreciation which, he says, his .stock in the com pany has undergone as a result of the conspiracy. He declares this deprecia tion amounts to at least (20.000. Mr. Reid declares that Mr. Barber, in order to get a majority of the stock issued so that he could get control' of the corporation, obtained a Judgment against Floyd Bilyeu and got posses sion of his stock. Since that time he is said to have been representing that he owned 51 per cent of the issued stock of the concern, and has been en deavoring to sell a controlling interest. Pendleton Man Pined for Gambling. PENDLETON'. Or.. Jan. 12. Spe cial.) Card playing for "hickies" re ceived a hard Jolt when Tony Masters, who was arrested for gambling for "hickies" at a local cigar store was fined $100 by Police Judge Thomas Fitzgerald. This is the lirst gambling case which has come up in the city for some time. The city administration is determined to stop the practice of gambling. Masters paid a $100 fine last week for boollegginir. - 1 UNSIGHTLY SIGNS OPPOSED Business Men Protest to Council About Some Electric Designs. Unsightly electric signs in the busi ness district was the subject of a pro test made yesterday before the City Council by a committee representing the Greater Portland Association. The Council agreed to look into the sub ject and. if possible, enact ordinances to correct tne difficulties. Commis sioner Dieck says he has & record of all signs, but has been unable to limit' the types except as to safety. The committee was headed by Leo Friede and E. J. Jaeger. It wya com rlairied that unsizhtly and poor signs are being erected, and they not only In jure the appearance of the- streets, but hide more attractive signs erected by other merchants." VIADUCT CONTRACT LIKELY Lawsuits Over Grade Crossing Elim ination Being; Settled. Trials of lawsuits now pending in volving the question of damages for changes of grade by the construction of viaducts along the line of the O.-W. R. & N. on the East Mae are progress ing at such a rate that city officials expect no delay in the award of con truct for the big project. February 23 has been et as the dato for award of contract. Bids opened some time ago are being held until that time. It 's said the contract cannot be awarded until the lawsuits a re disposed of. There have been a number of de lays in trials and it was (eared the contract could not be awarded oa schedule time. METAL POLISH vie as tnoro bnua licnt, vine s!m brM railing. oor uom a4 door Elftt th&n. all oihr polish oom i osxl. bnoaoM it in ttas Quiciift ani ft(et to uj. Sold ly all bioowjj Look for Pkoto on Can sr.