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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1916)
16 BETTORS OFFERING ODDS OF!. QUAKERS Wagers Made Giving U.' of 0. 1 5 Points-Pennsylvania Grads Seem to Be Confident. MANY TO VISIT PASADENA Howard Berry and Henry Miller, Both on All-American, Make Up Most Dreaded Parts of t Bob Folwell'e Attack. Although Oregon football players and enthusiasts are not going to be defeated by Pennsylvania without a Herculean struggle, the bettors are making Penn a substantial favorite In the wagering, both in California and In the Northwest. This big inter-sectlonal affray of the year is set for New Year's day at Pasa dena. Although the game is still 12 days away, quite a number of Oregon backers are already preparing to go south. Russell Smith, Northwest golf champion, is one Portland fan who in tends to be a sideliner. Odds Given on Quakers. Yesterday, at a local betting stand, a Pennsylvania graduate laid 60 to 40 and gave Oregon 10 points. Another bet of even money, Penn to win by 15 points, was recorded a few days ago. Howard Berry. the Ail-American fullback, and Henry Miller, the Ail American right end of the Pennsy eleven, constitute the real menace that faces the Oregonians. Berry, for two t years the intercollegiate Pentathlon champion athlete or America, is saia w be unstoppable. He weighs about 175 pounds. Hugo Bezdeek Is not asleep, however, and it is safe to suggest that Berry may not find it so easy to circle the Oregon ends as some of the Quaker enthusiasts seem to imagine. . In connection with Berry and bis remarkable track and baseball per forming, it may be of interest to note that when he steps out next year, an other athlete Is enrolled at Penn to Btep Into his shoes lnstanter. Berry Has Able Successor. This new phenomenon ' Is Sherman Landers, who entered Penn this Fall from the Oregon, Illinois, High School. Almost single-handed. Landers won numerous meets for his school last year. He can do the high sticks in 15 3-5 seconds; the low timbers in 25; can broad-Jump 23 feet; can clear over 6 feet In the high Jump, throw the discus, leap like a champion in the hop, step and Jump, ' 1 . His most notable feat was his vic tory in the pole vault in the National senioc championships last year. Lan ders won the event with a leap of 12 feet 9 Inches. He tried for a world's record of 13 feet 3 lnchea, and, though he cleared the bar, his hand displaced It coming down, and ie lost additional fame. MITCHELL- TO VISIT CHICAGO Evers to Take New Pilot to Meet Cubs, but Johnny Won't Stay. CHICAGO, Dec. 19.--Johnny Evers, member of the famous Infield of the Chicago National League champions of several years ago, may come to Chi cago with the new manager of the Chicago -Nationals, Fred Mitchell, the first of January, it was asserted In baseball circles here today. The visit will be only for the sake of meeting old friends and introducing Mitchell, his close friend, it was a serted. Evers now Is with the Boston Nationals, and has not been mentioned In connection with the three deals for new players which the new manager . of the Chicago team is said to have in mind for strengthening the club. In this connection it is mentioned that Joseph Tinker, whom Mitchell succeeded as manager, another member of the famous infield with Evers, is negotiating with the Columbus Amer lean Association club, which he Is eager to buy and manage. HOLLADATS LOSS EXPLAINED Manager Says Tlio Dalles Eleven Was , 18 Pounds to Man Heavier. ' Manager Dixon, of the Holladay foot ball team, is somewhat angered at ac pounts sent out of The Dalles, Or., re garding the 20-to-9 victory secured by The Dalles athletes over the Holladay delegation Sunday. "We were outweighed about 18 pounds to the man, but this did not prevent us from playing them as we had promised," said Manager Dixon last night. "When we ifirst saw the team we knew, we would have a hard time keeping them from walloping us three or four touchdowns. The boys buckled down to work and surprised even the followers of The Dalles with the way they played. But for the weight against us there is no doubt in my mind that we could have defeated Coach Murray's delegation. "We have nokiok coming as to the treatment we received there, but they shouldn't hand it to us by giving out 'the wrong impression." OREGON CITY TO SEE BOUTS First :"Smoker to Bo Given by Falls City AUiietic Club Thursday. OREGON" CITY, Or., Dec. 19. (Spe cial.) The card for the first smoker of the Falls City Athletic Club, com prising 36 rounds of boxing and one wrestling Pout, has been announced. The affair is set for 8 o'clock Thurs day night at the Masonic Hall. Hugh Kellogg and Ben Bordsen and Shell McColl and Ed Murphy, of Montana, will furnish the feature bcruts. Other bouts are: Carl Martin and Bill Gold, both of Oregon City Bing Body and Freddie Lough, both of Portland; Martin fachultz, of San Fran cisco, and Battling Olsen, of Portland, and Fighting Bill Maddox and Battling Endrews. Young Ginther and Carl Hoffman will put on the wrestling match. Ellerd Bailey will referee with Ed Johnson and Ed Fortune timekeepers. CliATSKANIE 5 BEATS RAINIER Playing of Harry Van Big Feature , in 20-14 Contest. CLATSKANIE, Or., Dec. 19. (Spe cial.) In a closely contested gajne at Rainier Saturday, Clatskanie defeated Rainier by a score of 20 to 14.- - . Captain Harry Van, of Clatskanie. was easily the star, making eight of his team's points. Mclntire and Lewis, of the locals, and Furer and Selva for Rainier showed up well. 'The lineup: Clatskanie. ' Rainier. Van (Capt.) ..F ...Clark, Jaraei Mclntlro. Conyers. ..F Gallagher Austin C. ............. . Furer SicGilvary Q. .............. . Sllva Lewis Q. Rice Keleraa comers. , FAMOUS TRACK ATHLETE AND WHO IS PENNSYLVANIA'S SUPERMAN IN THE OREGON GAME NEW YEAR'S DAY. " HOWARD BERRY, INTERCOLLEGIATE PENTATHLON" CHAMPION. Berry plays fullback on the football team and shortstop' on the baseball team, of which he is captain. His services in baseball have been sought by Hughle Jennings, of Detroit, and Connie Mack, of Philadelphia. He punts TO yards and has not missed a drop kick from the field all season. Berry Is the superman of the Penn eleven and is used JEFFS . NAME - LEADER Gordon Thompson Is Elected 1917 Football Captain. TITLE PLAY YET UNDECIDED Washington High Captain ' Fears Game Cannot Be Played for Lack of Notice, but Jami son's Boys Are Hopeful. Jefferson High School elected Gor don Thompson as 1917 football captain yesterday. Thompson proved to be a real find this year when he went into the backfield for Coach Jamison and played the position like a veteran. Captain Gorden Giebisch, of. the 1916 eleven, is still hot on the trail of the Washington High athletes for a poBt- eeason game to decide the official 1916 championship of the Portland. Inter scholastic League.- - Let it be understood that there are no hard feelings connected with our challenge," said Captain Giebisch' last night. "It would be -better for all con cerned if we could settle the title right fully. For several years the cham pionship has resulted in a two or three-cornered tie, which is most un satisfactory to every one. 'While we won five games and lost none and Washington High won four without de feat, the percentage of each squad is the same. The Jeff erson-Waehington game resulted in a no-score tie. "The game would, be a big drawing card financially and otherwise, and the winner then could rightfully 'have the title. I have been talking with many of the Washington High players and they seem to be perfectly willing to tackle the proposition. However, the board of directors of the league will have to sanction it. and now that they know how both teams feel about the matter, there is no doubt but what they will grant it. Should this happen New Tear's day would be a good date, the same date the East is battling the West at Pasadena, Cal." The Jefferson High monogram play ers, will go out for practice this after noon on Jefferson Field under the di rection of Coach 'Jamison. Signal work will be the main form practice, the playere going out with the Idea that they want to keep in condition should the "Washington High representatives consent to the post-season affair. But 15 athletes will get the official football "J" this year, the smallest number during any one season in the history of the school. . Coach Jamison was fortunate to have a team which held together and it was not necessary for . him .to make many changes. Speeches will be heard Friday morning at the general assembly.,- at which time the letters will be awarded. Captain George Borman, of the Washington High football team, has been asking his athletes for opinions about a game against Jefferson High. "I hardly think that it would be nos sible for the game to be staged, even though the directors would sanction it." commented Captain Borman last night, "for we diebanded immediately after the Columbia University match and it was only last week that there was any talk of any post-season game. Several of the fellows have positions which they cannot afford to give up, and, be sides, there ie but a little more than I month left of this semester." CRAVATH OFFERED FOR $3000 Phillies Willing to Let Slugger Go to Vernon Club. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Dec 19. (SDe cial.) Cravath. one of the most famous of modern-day sluggers, is on the block for J3000. Maler, former owner of the Vernon club, received letter today from Moran, manager of the Phillies, in which Moran offered Cravath to the Vernon club for J3Q0O. Maier said he would turn the letter over to Darmody. Cravath wants to play with a club in the Coast League. Utah to Stay in Mountain Division. 'SALT LAKE CITY. Utah, Dec 19. THE MORNING OliEGOXIAN, WEHXESD AT, ALL - AMERICAN FOOTBALL STAR by Coach Folwell as a "pinch player." All indications point to Utah's remain ing in the Rocky Mountain conference. At today's meeting the athletic council of the University of Utah voted to recommend the admittance of the Mon tana State College to the conference and also announced the acceptance of a game with the University of Col orado for November 11. 1917. ANGEL OUTFIELDERS RAP BEES In 3 Years Ellis, Maggert and Wol- ter Fatten on Two Clubs. Whatever argument the fans may raise about the batting slump In the last three years of Ellis. Maggert and Wolter, the veteran outfield trio of the 1916 Los Angeles Coast League cham pions, the fact remains that Salt Lake and San Francisco have not contribut ed anything towards the slump and that the Venice and Vernon clubs have done the-most to hold this champion outfield trio down to low batting aver ages. Counting in the records of 1914. 1315 and 1916 for each of the three outfield ers, there have been only two occasions out of the nine when the highest bat ting average has not been against Salt Lake clubs, or in 1914, its predecessor. tne Sacramento ciut. . And In both of these cases the barter has made his highest average against San Francisco. Venice and Vernon have been the Jinx to Rube Ellis in each of the last three years, holding him to a lower batting average than any other club. And in 1915 Vernon was also the Jinx ciud to Alaggert and Wolter, holding them to lower averages than any other CIUD. In the last three years Rube Ellis has never batted .300 against the Ven ice or Vernon clubs. Maggert batted .329 against the Tigers In 1914. but has fallen below .300 In each of the two years since. Wolter nosed in with .301 against the Tigers in 1914 and has bat ted only .286 in 1915 and .287 in 1916 against Venice. Second to Vernon and "Venice. Los Angeles outfielders jvlll go to bat next season with the knowledge that Oak land is their next,' worst Jinx. This is especially true or Ellis and Macrert neither of whom have batted as high as .300 against the Oaks in the last three years. Wolter Is the exception as far Oakland is concerned, he having on. lieu ueicer man .jou against the Oaks in ail or the last three years. LETTER MEX TO BE GUESTS Washington High Athletes to Enter tain Alumni "W" Wearers. The annual, complimentary dance and regular good time given to the alumni monogram athletes of the Washington mgn ocnooi Dy tne present lerter men wilX be held in the school gymnasium nerT Friday night. The committee in cnarge is made up or Frank Norman ain, captain ueorge Borman. of the 1916 football team, Robert Vial and t.ari Johnson. Because of the large number of ath letes who nave won' the official "W in the many branches of competition since the school was established, it is Impossible forvthe committee to get in touch with each one by sending out invitations. The dance is complimen tary to alumni letter men and dancing win. atari at o:ou o ciock Friday even ing. CORONER'S INQUEST AWAITED f r No Arrests Made Following Death of "Young Joe Rivers'.',. After Bout. DENVER, Dec. 19. No arrests were made today pending the verdict of th Coroner's inquest, it was said, into the cause of death of Toung Joe Rivers (Joseph Romero), of Albuquerque. N. M-, who died last night two hours after a boxing contest with Jack uratton. or Ban Francisco. Rivers was decisively beaten in the sixth round of a proposed, eight-round Dour ana retired from the ring. He died in the dressing room. Rivers, who was 20 years old and a bantamweight, recently entered the boxing game as a professional. Game at OregonCity Canceled. OREGON CITV. Or., Dee. 19. (Spe cial.) Manager Harry G. Smith, of the Oregon City Athletic Association, re reived a telegram from the Astoria town team Monday canceling the game set for Christmas day here. Man ager Smith has opened negotiations with the United States Army team at Vancouver for- two games. If present plans mature. Oregon City .will play in Vancouver on Christmas day, and the Army eleven here on New Year's Gillette is that such a simple, inexpensive gift could mean so much to him-both in comfort and the' saving every day of small expenses. Ch ristrhas Gillettes now iii, the stores $5 to $50 About the nicest 'little gift!! for the Gillette User " is a packet of Blades 50c. or $1 NO STROPPING KNOWN 5 GILLETTE S AFETYl AZOR COMPANY, BOSTON JACK WHITE LOSES Knowlton Has Easy Time With Chicagoah's Brother. BLACK QUITS IN ONE ROUND Fans 'Voice Displeasure at Way- ... . Decisions Are Given and Ex press Disappointment BI5 Crowd Attends Smoker, .s BT HARRY M. GTfATSOX. ; Jack Anchowltp must have; felt like sending out an S. O. S. for brother Charley while boxing Walter Knowlton in what served as the main' event of the Rose City : Athletic Club's boxing bill last night. Anchowltz, who is Jack White in the- fistic world.' looked like a selling plater stacked up against the Portland fireman who beat him In every obe of the six two-minute rounds, earning an easy decision. . White is a brother of Charley White. The show was a big disappointment to about 1000 fans who attended. It was abbreviated to five bouts when Eddie Palmer Injured his left wrist working out yesterday, forcing the cancellation of his scheduled-tilt with Valley Trambitas. The bill was made even shorter when .John Palmer, 200 pound negro, quit In the first round to Terry Keller. Other results follow: 130 pounds, Frankie Huelat vs. Leo Houck. of Se attle, draw; 14S pounds. Jack Allen vs. VMirggsy" Schoels. of Cheyenne, Wyo.. Allen wins decision; 130 pounds, Jimmy Moscow vs. Carl Martin, of . Oregon City, Martin .wins decision. Frank McCassidy, of Ban Francisco, refereed the first four bouts." Fans voiced their disapproval. Leo Houck had a poor decision Jn his battle with Huelat, which was the best 'on the programme. The Seattle boxer won all the way. . Huelat made a desperate effort to even things up in the closing canto, and did land a couple of punches, but Leo had an even break in that round and his lead was plain. McCassidy called it a draw. The Moscow-Martin curtain-raiser was substituted for the Shel McCool Wlllie Evans affair. No reason was given for the calling oft of the latter setto. "Muggsy" Schoels, who lost to Jack Allen, proved to be a grizzled vet eran with an excellent left hand, with which he can hit from any angle. Tommy Burns refereed the main event, although Fred Rennick was ad vertised to serve in that . capacity. Tommy's job was easy, considering the small task Knowlton had, in. thinning. Jack Fahie kept time and Leo ."Frisco" Edwards told the boys what was go lng on. FRANKXIX SOCCER MEX OCT 4".,. ,-' First Practice Takes Entire Squad of Last Season to Football Field. The Franklin High School soccer football team was out for the Initial workout of the 1916-17 season yester day In the new Franklin platter. Prac tically the entire squad of last year was out with Captain Beyers for an hour's practice. George Dewey is watching over the team m much as he .. DECEMBER 20. 1916. HE wonderful thing . aoout giving, a NO HONING THE World ove : can when not caring for the Quaker basket tossars. The' first soccer game ,of the Port land Interscholastlc League will not be played until the middle of January but the elevens are fast 'getting down to serious practices. Several practice games may be played between the In stitutions before the real battles are staged. SEATTLE HOCKEY TEAM WEVS Spokane TJnable to Get Shots Past Holmes in 3-to-1 Contest. - SPOKANE. Wash, Dec 19. (Spe cial.) If every well-meant Spokane shot that hit some portion of Harry Holmes' amply padded and forbidding proportions, or his dexterous club, had counted, Spokane would have been vic torious over Seattle in tonight's en counter. Only one got past Holmes and into the net. however, and Se attle won, S to 1. The Seattle victory was earned through the superior speed of her for wards and the invincible physical bar ricade in the Derson of Holmes. Fowler ran Holmes a close second, and in fact the outstanding feature of the game was the work of the two men in front of the net. For two periods Fowler was almost equally invincible, although possibly not fending off so many and so vicious shots. In the last period, however, Seattle broke through twice and the game was over. In two full sessions of 60 mjnutes each, the best Spokane has been able to do with Holmes Is one measly goal. That was scored by Slbby Nichols to night and followed immediately after one attempt had railed ana Holmes naa hardly recovered himself In time to block Nichols snort poKe. idi una ance was about 1100. J. R. MCTIOE BEATS G. MERK Handicap Three-Cushion Billiard Match Results 25 to 17. J. R. Munroe added apother victory to his list last night by defeating G. L. Merk. 25. to 17. in the third division of their annual handicap three ciwhion billiard tournament. Munroe made a high run of three, while the best his opponent could 00 in one in nlng was two. C. M. Swinney lost to George Hart. 27 to 18. in the other con test staged last night. M. w Metcalf went a notch higher for the title in the fourth section by defeating T. F. Price. 20 to 16, while L. E. Albright won from A. L. Lev lson. 22 to 13. It was Levison's first defeat of the 1916-17 league series. E. L. Koth will meet M. W. Metcalf today, starting at 2:15 o'clock, both playing for 20 points, while tonight Al Lund strum. (30) will meet Dan Delehanty (27). and Ed Trumbull will play T. F. Price. SEATS HELD FOR YALE GRADS Sons of EH to Be In Special Section at Pasadena Game. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Dec 19. (Spe cial.) Former Yale men of Southern California attending the Pennsylvania Oregon football game at Pasadena New Year's day will occupy a space set aside for them by the management. Tha allotment of tickets for the sons of Ell Is large enough to .accommodate all the old and young grads and for mer students of the New Haven Insti tution in this vicinity. The seats reserved for Tale men ad Join those of the Pennsylvania con tingent. Beaverton Loses at Tualatin. TUALATIN. Or.. Tualatin, tii.h, Deo. 19. (Speoial.) School basketball . . . No. 00 Standard Combination Set 2tid : lr Popular of iiltvtt LonbiMbofl Sat. ,XMr, BX( Nr MMM( Braih and' Stick V OOfeM Sbavin Sp In Tripl PUd Hold- V j m aod two Blad Eoi wtth 12 doublodsod . Gillette BUuUc 124 Sftmvtng Je). Seal Grata LeoUtor Cam. team defeated the Beaverton High quintet 25 to 16 here last nlpht. The cuniesi was last tnrougnout, Dut tne second half was more like a football game than basketball match. Sev eral fouls were called during the last few minutes of play because of rough work. Last night's victory was the fourth secured by Tualatin without a defeat so far during the 1916-17 season. Captain Walgrave of Tualatin, made all but 11 points o'f his team's score J. X. BENDLE TAKES 5 IX ROW Fred B. Xevrton Loses, 30 to 2 0, In .v. ' Three-Cushion Billiards. J. IT. Bendle won his fifth straight game last, night in the handicap three cushion billiard tourney at Bowie & Caldwell's. His victim this time was Fred B. 'Newton, and the score was 30 to 20. Bendle failed to make a point for the first 17 Innings, but as soon as he "broke the ice," he played his usual consistent game, at one time running four In one frame. In the second game J. H. O'Donnell lost to C. M. Peterson. 23 to 24. Plans have been made to make to morrow night "ladies' night" during the tournament. Tonight the games scheduled are: Chamberlain .(30) versus Davis (30). and Chamberlain (30) versus Peterson (2). The contests start at 8 o'clock P. M. TVOODMEX TO FLAY ST. HELEXS "Wows" Defeat Company C Quint at ' Armory, 38 to 6. Manager Abe Poplck and his George Washington Camp "Worn" will play the Sunset Club, of St. Helens, Or., to night at St. Helens. The locals will leave late this afternoon and return to Portland late tonight. The "Wows" trimmed the Company C basketball team. 3S to 6, in the Armory Monday night The line-ups follow: AVows (38). , Pbs. Company C (6). Kanter(4. Danlels(S).F Smith (4) Collins (22) F Peteraon OarllnitiS) :...C McDonald Wetle (Capt.) Q LUbell Palmer. Kiln (2) j (C.)Schnelderman(j Referee Abe Poplrfc. Vancouver Five to Play at Sara. VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec 19. (Spe cial.) Basketball is to be played at Sara Friday evening, when the newly organized team of the Vahcouver Athletic Club will meet the well-known Sara five. Vancouver will be repre sented by Hope Blevans. Charles Mc Carthy. William Lackaff. Red Norgren, Cecil Cady. George Maltman and Ray V an Atla. Billy Ml&ke Outfights Jack Dillon. ''NEW YORK. Dec. 19. Billy Miske, of St. Paul, outfought Jack Dillon, of Indianapolis, in a 10-round bout in Brooklyn tonight. Miske weighed 174 pounds and Dillon was one pound lighter. Miske had flv of the rounds to his credit: Dillon took three and two were even. White Sox Keappont Rowland. CHICAGO. Dec 19. Clarence Row land, who managed the Chicago club in the American League last season, today was , reappointed to pilot he same club for the season of 1917.' ac cording to President Comiskey, of the local club. Nebraska to Play Syracnse. ' LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec 19. The . Uni versity of Nebraska football team will play Syracuse University, New York. next Thanksgiving day at uncoin, ac cording to announcements of univer sity, authorities, today., . Th Notre Hu Triple Slim PUt4 6.50 Dame game, usually played on Thanks giving day, will be put ahead, prob ably to some date in October. Theater Closing Threatened. PARIS. Dec 19. The Association of Paris Theater Managers has notified the government that if the proposed new tax on theaters is imposed, all the theaters will be closed. 39 BOYS' WAGONS AT $3.98 OUR COST Like cut but without seat. A large size wood-wheeled wagon, built like a regular farm wagon. Selling elsewhere for $6 and XTBCETICjEAGtm ALL-STAR BOXING FRIDAY, DEC. 22 At Eleventh-Street Playhouse Tickets on Sale, Rich's, Schiller's and llth-St. Playhouse Admission, 50c, 75c, $1, $L50, $2 UP (